Ribombee [QC 2/3]

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QC: King UU/Amaroq/x
GP: x



* Ribombee has access to Quiver Dance, one of the most powerful setup moves in the game.
* 124 Speed is very good, meaning Ribombee can outspeed everything in UU bar Mega-Aerodactyl and Crobat.
* Ribombee takes half damage from Sucker Punch which can be very useful in some cases.
* Mediocre 95 Special Attack means Ribombee requires a Quiver Dance or a boosting item to hit hard.
* Its typing and movepool means it has to rely on Hidden Power to give it coverage.
* Ribombee is generally outclassed by other fairy types in the tier. Primarina is overall a better wallbreaker, Clefable has utility as well as functioning as a sweeper, and Togekiss can sweep more effectively in general. However, Ribombee is more threatening offensively than Clefable.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: U-Turn
move 4: Psychic/Hidden Power Ground/ Hidden Power Fire
item: Choice Specs
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Bug Buzz is Ribombee's Bug-Type STAB move of choice, providing good damage as well as being fairly spammable.
* Moonblast is Ribombee's Fairy-type STAB of choice and is also fairly spammable. It is extremely strong with Choice specs. It is also a very good coverage move.
* U-Turn allows Ribombee to switch out if things start out messy. It also has the ability to let Ribombee's team to grab momentum.
* Psychic is a great coverage move, which can hit Poison-types like Nidoking and Tentacruel, as well as hitting Crobat.
* Hidden Power Ground hits Poison types, Steel types and Fire types, as well as being able to deal with Empoleon and Magneton very well. However, it lacks the ability to hit Crobat, Ribombee's biggest weakness.
* Hidden Power Fire is another option to hit Steel types, however it isn't as useful as Hidden Power Ground. Although, it hits Scizor, one of the best Steel-types in UU, 4-times super effectively.

Set Details

* Choice Specs are used as they are very powerful and can provide the Special Attack that Ribombee needs without using a turn to set up Quiver Dance.
* As in the other set, 252 Special Attack and 252 Speed allow Ribombee to outspeed most things in the tier, as well as hit extremely hard with all its moves bar U-Turn.
* A Timid nature is used to give Ribombee more speed.
* Shield Dust gives Ribombee immunity to secondary effects of moves, meaning Ribombee is immune to Fake Out. This can be useful in situations.

Usage Tips

* This set can get dangerous if Steel and Poison types switch in on Ribombee, so they should be KO'ed before starting to sweep.
* Entry hazards aren't as much as a problem with this set, but deal 25% damage so are still annoying to come up against.
* This set cannot be used late game successfully, as usually they will have fainted some of your mons that can switch in to Ribombee's counters. Therefore, Ribombee should be used as an early game wallbreaker.
* Special Walls such as Blissey are extremely problematic as they can take a hit well and just recover from it soon afterwards. Ribombee can be turned into set up bait by them if she has to stay in on them.

Team Options

* Strong physical Ground-types are very useful to Ribombee again, as they can deal with most of Ribombee's checks.
* Hazard removal is essential to Ribombee, as it is so frail already. Tentacruel is a great example, learning Rapid Spin as well as being able to deal with Fire-types.
* Special wall breakers are appreciated so Ribombee can continue to sweep. A good example is Alakazam, as it has extremely high Special Attack and learns Focus Blast which is very useful for dealing with Blissey.
* Magneton has excellent synergy with Ribombee. It can function as a strong special wallbreaker, and can combat Ribombee's weaknesses to Flying as well as being completely immune to poison, the most prominent threat to Ribombee. It can also deal with Crobat extremely well, which is very useful.
*U-Turn and Volt Switch users help the team to grab momentum, as well as putting Ribombee back into the fight immediately.
*Physical wallbreakers also help Ribombee, as they can get rid of walls that Ribombee cant deal with.

name: Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Psychic/Hidden Power Ground/Hidden Power Fire
item: Focus Sash/Life Orb
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid/Modest
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Quiver Dance is needed to get Ribombee enough power to hit hard with base 95 Special Attack.
* Moonblast is Ribombee's strongest stab move, and can hit very hard at +2. It hits Dragon, Fighting and Dark types very well.
*Bug Buzz is another strong STAB move, hitting Grass and Psychic, as well as also hitting Dark.
* Psychic can cover Ribombee's weakness to Poison, hitting acrobat, Nidoking and Tentacruel.
* Hidden Power Ground hits Steel, Poison and Fire types really well, as well as being able to hit Empoleon and Magneton.
* Hidden Power Fire hits Steel-types, as well as hitting Scizor 4-times super effectively. However, this is the only things it can hit.

Set Details

* 252 Special Attack Ev's get Ribombee's offensive capabilities to the maximum.
* 252 Speed gives it enough speed to outspeed all choice scarf users, as well as uninvested Crobat and Mega-Aerodactyl.
* Focus Sash is useful, as it can survive a hit on one HP, meaning it can set up Quiver Dance freely and then sweep next turn. Entry Hazards destroy this, as the sash is broken.
* A Life Orb further increases Ribombee's abilities as a sweeper, but can be a real cost if entry hazards are present.
* A Timid nature is preferred as it adds to Ribombee's great speed, but Modest can also be used to further boost its Special attack.

Usage Tips

* Getting rid of entry hazards is very important for the Sash set, as Ribombee takes quite a portion of damage from them and it breaks the Sash meaning it can't get a free Quiver Dabce.
* Ribombee can't do much to Steel, Poison and Fire types apart from with Hidden Power, so it is best to get rid of these before you switch into Ribombee.
* You should always try to set up a Quiver Dance before attacking, as most Pokemon aren't OHKO'ed by any of its moves, and Ribombee doesn't have the defensive capabilities to take much damage.
* If you don't get an opportunity to set up Quiver Dance, Ribombee will be knocke out very quickly.
* Bullet Punch is super effective against Ribombee, so don't stay in on a Pokemon that commonly uses this move, such as Scizor.

Team Options

* Physically strong ground types are very useful, as they can kill most of Ribombee's checks and can reliably switch in on them. Notable examples are Golem and Krookodile, as they can hit very hard. Golem can also be supported by Ribombee's Fairy typing.
* Hazard removal is the single most important thing to this set, as hazards break Ribombee's sash. Tentacruel is the best example, as it learns Rapid spin and can deal with Fire types and Poison-types.
* Hazard setters are also appreciated, as they can wear down other mons enough that Ribombee can kill them at +1. Tentacruel can do this well also, as it can learn Toxic Spikes, possibly preventing switches. Poison and Steel Types can switch in on this though, meaning a Ground-type is a necessity.
* Magneton supports Ribombee very well, resisting flying and being completely immune to Poison, meaning it destroys Crobat, Ribombee's biggest counter.
* U-Turn and Volt Switch users allow Ribombee to grab momentum.
Other Options

* A bulky set could function OK, but Ribombee doesn't have enough natural bulk to make it viable instead of more common Special Walls, such as Sylveon and Blissey.
* Toxic is an option, but its not very good.
* Roost is an option, but Ribombee is too frail to gain much use from it.

Checks and Counters

**Steel Types**: Steel-types resist both Ribombee's stabs, meaning it has to rely on Hiddden Power to get rid of them well. The most notable example is Scizor, as it resists Bug 4x, and can OHKO Ribombee with a Bullet Punch.

**Poison Types**: Poison-types also resist both of Ribombee's stabs, and can easily OHKO it with any stab move. Crobat is the most dangerous, as if it is invested it can easily outspeed Ribombee.

**Fire Types**: Ribombee struggles with Fire types, as they are only hit well by Hidden Power Ground, which cannot be fully relied on, and they can hit back with a very strong stab, which can normally OHKO Ribombee. Arcanine is notable, as it has good Physical Attack and can learn Extreme Speed, which is a very strong priority move.

**Strong Priority**: Ribombee's biggest selling point is its speed, but priority can counter this. Also, a lot of priority is physical, and Ribombee has terrible Defence. Bullet Punch is the biggest threat, as it can one shot Ribombee without the need to set up.

**Special Walls**: Special Walls destroy Ribombee, as it doesn't have anything to deal with them. Blissey is notable as it has insanely high Special Defence, and Ribombee doesn't have any Physical attacks to deal with it. Sylveon is almost dangerous, as it has pretty good Special Defence but resists Bug, which can be problematic at late stages of the game.
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saw that a certain peanut was worried his skeleton was bad, came to save the day.

Sash set, Bug Buzz and Moonblast should definitely be the main coverage options. After that, the options, in order, should be Psychic, HP Fire, HP Ground. Each one of those hits a specific type that Rhombee is weak to, but it also can't necessarily give up its main coverage as it hits different types for S/E damage (bar Dark). It also can't afford to run Modest, so take that out.

Same thing in the Specs set, make HP Fire and HP Ground slashes on Psychic, same reasoning; what applies to a +1 Quiver Dance also applies to Specs.

In special walls, get specific, aka Blissey. If you can think of another nasty one, name it. Don't be worried about being specific. Also, don't use "she", use "it". All Pokemon are gender neutral on analyses.

Furthermore, add Fire-Types (Ape, Chandy, Arcanine, Entei, etc) to checks and counters, Rhombee really struggles against them.

Throughout your analysis, make more specific examples. For instance, in the team options of the specs set, you only mention Tentacruel as a spinning option when it pairs well with many defog/spinners. Get specific. Crobat, Empoleon, Tentacruel, Latias, Mega Blast, they all love the typing synergy of Rhombee.

So yeah, make these changes, spruce up the writing a bit to make it more on par with analysis work (it'll save you a ton of time during GP), and I'll give you a 1/3 after I see you've made sufficient changes.

also, sucker punch is only 1/2 resisted.
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saw that a certain peanut was worried his skeleton was bad, came to save the day.

Sash set, Bug Buzz and Moonblast should definitely be the main coverage options. After that, the options, in order, should be Psychic, HP Fire, HP Ground. Each one of those hits a specific type that Rhombee is weak to, but it also can't necessarily give up its main coverage as it hits different types for S/E damage (bar Dark). It also can't afford to run Modest, so take that out.

Same thing in the Specs set, make HP Fire and HP Ground slashes on Psychic, same reasoning; what applies to a +1 Quiver Dance also applies to Specs.

In special walls, get specific, aka Blissey. If you can think of another nasty one, name it. Don't be worried about being specific. Also, don't use "she", use "it". All Pokemon are gender neutral on analyses.

Furthermore, add Fire-Types (Ape, Chandy, Arcanine, Entei, etc) to checks and counters, Rhombee really struggles against them.

Throughout your analysis, make more specific examples. For instance, in the team options of the specs set, you only mention Tentacruel as a spinning option when it pairs well with many defog/spinners. Get specific. Crobat, Empoleon, Tentacruel, Latias, Mega Blast, they all love the typing synergy of Rhombee.

So yeah, make these changes, spruce up the writing a bit to make it more on par with analysis work (it'll save you a ton of time during GP), and I'll give you a 1/3 after I see you've made sufficient changes.

also, sucker punch is only 1/2 resisted.
I have implemented all changes you asked for, but I don't know what you mean by sprucing up the writing. Could you please explain this to me? It is my first time writing an analysis.
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I have implemented all changes you asked for, but I don't know what you mean by sprucing up the writing. Could you please explain this to me? It is my first time writing an analysis.
Pretty sure he's referring to stuff covered here http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/spelling-and-grammar-standards.3490681/. Technically speaking, the GP team will correct these errors but it saves both parties a ton of time if you're familiar with the standards, because right now there's a bunch of easily avoidable errors. Spelling, grammar, and capitalization are probably the most applicable sections for you.

Just some examples:

"ground types" should be written as 'Ground-types"

Never use the term "kill" in this context, use "knock out" or even "KO" as a verb is acceptable.

Rapid Spinners is not an accepted term. Use "spinners" or "Rapid Spin users".

Hope this helps and good luck with your writing n_n
I have implemented all changes you asked for, but I don't know what you mean by sprucing up the writing. Could you please explain this to me? It is my first time writing an analysis.
Pretty sure he's referring to stuff covered here http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/spelling-and-grammar-standards.3490681/. Technically speaking, the GP team will correct these errors but it saves both parties a ton of time if you're familiar with the standards, because right now there's a bunch of easily avoidable errors. Spelling, grammar, and capitalization are probably the most applicable sections for you.

Just some examples:

"ground types" should be written as 'Ground-types"

Never use the term "kill" in this context, use "knock out" or even "KO" as a verb is acceptable.

Rapid Spinners is not an accepted term. Use "spinners" or "Rapid Spin users".

Hope this helps and good luck with your writing n_n
That is 100% what I mean, fucking love Eyan.
Pretty sure he's referring to stuff covered here http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/spelling-and-grammar-standards.3490681/. Technically speaking, the GP team will correct these errors but it saves both parties a ton of time if you're familiar with the standards, because right now there's a bunch of easily avoidable errors. Spelling, grammar, and capitalization are probably the most applicable sections for you.

Just some examples:

"ground types" should be written as 'Ground-types"

Never use the term "kill" in this context, use "knock out" or even "KO" as a verb is acceptable.

Rapid Spinners is not an accepted term. Use "spinners" or "Rapid Spin users".

Hope this helps and good luck with your writing n_n
Thanks Eyan really helped
Make Choice Specs the first set.


Rephrase the final bullet point. Ribombee is generally outclassed by other Fairy-type Pokemon in UU, but the way this information is presented is misleading. The overview should mention that Primarina outclasses Ribombee as a wallbreaker and that Ribombee lacks the utility options of Clefable, Klefki, and Ninetales-Alola. Clefable and Togekiss are the more common and effective Fairy-type setup sweepers, but they don't directly outclass Ribombee because they fulfill a different niche (Clefable and Togekiss are bulky boosters that put in work against defensive teams, whereas Ribombee is fast, frail, and more threatening to offense).

Choice Specs

In Moves, explain that Moonblast and Bug Buzz are Ribombee's STAB moves of choice. Explain that Moonblast has excellent coverage. Give Hidden Power Ground and Hidden Power Fire their own bullet points and elaborate more on why you'd choose them. Mention U-turn's ability to grab momentum. Put U-turn in the third moveslot instead of the first.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Psychic / Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fire
item: Choice Specs
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Explain what Shield Dust does in Set Details.

In Usage Tips, correct the third bullet point to say that Ribombee should function as an early-game wallbreaker rather than an early-game sweeper.

Expand Team Options to include bullet points for the following: Magneton, U-turn/Volt Switch users, entry hazard support, and physical wallbreakers. Give examples. Change the Rapid Spin bullet point to talk about hazard removal as a whole.

Quiver Dance

Rename the set to Quiver Dance.

Include a bullet point for Bug Buzz in Moves. Give Hidden Power Ground and Hidden Power Fire their own bullet points and explain what Pokemon they hit.

In Team Options, edit the first bullet point to provide better examples of offensive Ground-types (Hippowdon isn't necessary the best partner because Sand Stream breaks Ribombee's Focus Sash). Change the Rapid Spin bullet point to talk about hazard removal as a whole. Include bullet points for Magneton and physical wallbreakers.

Other Options

Include bullet points for Toxic and Roost. They're not good, but Ribombee doesn't really have much else to work with.

Checks and Counters

Make Fire-types the third bullet point instead of the last one.

Let me know when you implement this and I'll look over it again.
Make Choice Specs the first set.


Rephrase the final bullet point. Ribombee is generally outclassed by other Fairy-type Pokemon in UU, but the way this information is presented is misleading. The overview should mention that Primarina outclasses Ribombee as a wallbreaker and that Ribombee lacks the utility options of Clefable, Klefki, and Ninetales-Alola. Clefable and Togekiss are the more common and effective Fairy-type setup sweepers, but they don't directly outclass Ribombee because they fulfill a different niche (Clefable and Togekiss are bulky boosters that put in work against defensive teams, whereas Ribombee is fast, frail, and more threatening to offense).

Choice Specs

In Moves, explain that Moonblast and Bug Buzz are Ribombee's STAB moves of choice. Explain that Moonblast has excellent coverage. Give Hidden Power Ground and Hidden Power Fire their own bullet points and elaborate more on why you'd choose them. Mention U-turn's ability to grab momentum. Put U-turn in the third moveslot instead of the first.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Bug Buzz
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Psychic / Hidden Power Ground / Hidden Power Fire
item: Choice Specs
ability: Shield Dust
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Explain what Shield Dust does in Set Details.

In Usage Tips, correct the third bullet point to say that Ribombee should function as an early-game wallbreaker rather than an early-game sweeper.

Expand Team Options to include bullet points for the following: Magneton, U-turn/Volt Switch users, entry hazard support, and physical wallbreakers. Give examples. Change the Rapid Spin bullet point to talk about hazard removal as a whole.

Quiver Dance

Rename the set to Quiver Dance.

Include a bullet point for Bug Buzz in Moves. Give Hidden Power Ground and Hidden Power Fire their own bullet points and explain what Pokemon they hit.

In Team Options, edit the first bullet point to provide better examples of offensive Ground-types (Hippowdon isn't necessary the best partner because Sand Stream breaks Ribombee's Focus Sash). Change the Rapid Spin bullet point to talk about hazard removal as a whole. Include bullet points for Magneton and physical wallbreakers.

Other Options

Include bullet points for Toxic and Roost. They're not good, but Ribombee doesn't really have much else to work with.

Checks and Counters

Make Fire-types the third bullet point instead of the last one.

Let me know when you implement this and I'll look over it again.
I have added these changes
QC 2/3

Try to be more specific in your bullet points. For example, instead of saying that Psychic "can hit a lot of things", explain that it provides coverage to hit Poison-types like Crobat, Tentacruel, and Nidoking. When talking about the advantages of Hidden Power Fire over Hidden Power Ground (or vice versa), specify that Hidden Power Fire hits Scizor super effectively, while Hidden Power Ground covers Empoleon and Magneton more effectively.
QC 2/3

Try to be more specific in your bullet points. For example, instead of saying that Psychic "can hit a lot of things", explain that it provides coverage to hit Poison-types like Crobat, Tentacruel, and Nidoking. When talking about the advantages of Hidden Power Fire over Hidden Power Ground (or vice versa), specify that Hidden Power Fire hits Scizor super effectively, while Hidden Power Ground covers Empoleon and Magneton more effectively.
Cool. Thanks for the qc!
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