Ubers Aegislash


Silksong when
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QC: Dominatio / Fireburn / Nayrz
GP: P Squared


* Aegislash's Steel / Ghost typing makes it an amazing Xerneas and Mega Lucario check, and it can also check other powerful attackers like Tapu Lele, Mega Gengar, Deoxys-A, and Mewtwo.
* Aegislash's advantage over most other Steel-type Xerneas checks is that it isn't 2HKOed by any of its coverage moves.
* Aegislash has access to King's Shield, which punishes physical attackers and allows Aegislash to play mind games with the opponent.
* It is also able to punish most of its switch-ins with Toxic, such as Primal Groudon, Yveltal, and Ho-Oh.
* However, many powerful physical attackers can overwhelm Aegislash, such as Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, and Arceus-Ghost.
* Also, Aegislash doesn't have access to reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, meaning it can be worn down over the course of the battle.
* Aegislash can be passive at some times, and it can become predictable with repeated use of King's Shield.
* Aegislash is threatened by Dark-type Pokemon like Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, and Darkrai.
* Aegislash also faces competition with other Steel-type Xerneas checks such as Mega Scizor, Ferrothorn, Magearna, and Solgaleo, with the former two having better recovery and the latter two having more damage output.

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: King's Shield
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Gyro Ball
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Leftovers
ability: Stance Change
nature: Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


* King's Shield enables Aegislash to go back into Shield forme, regaining its defensive stats as well as scouting for moves.
* King's Shield can lower the opposing Pokemon's Attack if they use a contact move, which weakens physical attackers.
* Toxic allows Aegislash to punish its switch-ins such as Arceus-Water and other support Arceus formes, Primal Groudon, and Yveltal.
* Gyro Ball is Aegislash's main damage source and allows it to threaten Xerneas, dealing decent damage to it and other offensive Pokemon.
* Shadow Ball is used in order to check Mega Lucario effectively, and it can also hit Primal Groudon and Psychic-types for decent damage as well as OHKOing a Choice-locked Lunala if Shadow Shield is down.

Set Details

* Maximum HP and Special Defense investment ensure that Aegislash can consistently check Xerneas.
* A Sassy nature and 0 Speed IVs are used so Gyro Ball does maximum damage.
* Leftovers gives Aegislash a reliable form of recovery and improves its longevity.
* An Iron Ball could be used over Leftovers, which allows Aegislash to 2HKO Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and offensive Yveltal with Gyro Ball. However, forgoing Leftovers means that Aegislash will no longer have any form of recovery.

Usage Tips

* It is best to switch Aegislash in on Pokemon it checks, such as Xerneas, Tapu Lele, and support Arceus formes that lack Will-O-Wisp, like Arceus-Water.
* However, try not to switch in aggressively and repeatedly against offensive Xerneas sets, as Aegislash will be quickly worn down and won't be able to check Xerneas anymore.
* Avoid taking hits in Blade forme, as its defenses are very low.
* Repeated and predictable use of King's Shield should be avoided; if the opponent reads it, then Aegislash is vulnerable and they receive a free turn.
* Note that King's Shield fails against Shadow Force, as it won't block the move nor drop the user's Attack.
* Try to avoid status effects, particularly burns, as they hinder Aegislash's ability to check Xerneas.
* Use Toxic liberally when punishing switch-ins like Primal Groudon and support Arceus formes, as its other moves don't do much damage.
* Shadow Ball can be used to chip Aegislash's switch-ins that are immune to Toxic or have already been poisoned by it.

Team Options

* Aegislash is a specialized utility Pokemon that fits the demands of your team, meaning it shouldn't be built around.
* It should be used on teams that require a check to Xerneas. Pokemon that appreciate a Xerneas check include Yveltal, Mega Salamence, Zygarde-C, and Darkrai.
* Pokemon like Extreme Killer Arceus, Dialga, and many Dark-types appreciate Aegislash's ability to check Fighting-types for them.
* Pokemon that are weak to special attacking Psychic-types, such as some support Arceus formes and Toxapex, also value Aegislash.
* A good Primal Groudon check is nigh-mandatory, as Aegislash's best means of dealing with it is Toxic. Lugia, Zygarde-C, Arceus-Ground, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Salamence can all deal with Primal Groudon.
* Aegislash appreciates Pokemon like Mega Salamence, Yveltal, Giratina-O, and Rayquaza for their ability to switch into and threaten Ground-types.
* Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Arceus-Rock, and Tyranitar are all able to threaten Fire-types like Ho-Oh, which trouble Aegislash.
* Arceus-Water is a great partner for Aegislash, as it not only checks Primal Groudon but can remove entry hazards and also check other Ground- and Fire-types that threaten Aegislash. In return, Aegislash is able to deal with Xerneas and powerful Psychic-type special attackers for Arceus-Water.
* A secondary Xerneas check, such as Primal Groudon or Toxapex, is useful in order to relieve pressure off of Aegislash.
* Aegislash values Pokemon that can check Dark-types, such as Xerneas, Mega Lucario, and Pheromosa.
* Dark-types like Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, Alolan Muk, and Darkrai can check the Ghost-types that threaten Aegislash, while it can check the Fighting-types for them in return.
* Aegislash appreciates cleric and Wish support from the likes of Blissey, Clefable, and Aromatherapy Xerneas, as it increases Aegislash's longevity and further helps it check Xerneas. In return, Aegislash is able to check threats like Mega Gengar and Mewtwo for them.
* Entry hazard removal from Pokemon such as support Arceus formes and Giratina-O allows Aegislash to switch in much more freely and more often.

Other Options

* Pursuit can be run to trap threats such as Mega Gengar, Mewtwo, Deoxys-A, Tapu Lele, and a Choice-locked Lunala.
* Shadow Sneak can also be used to give Aegislash priority and pick off weakened Psychic-types or Pokemon such as Lunala; however, Shadow Sneak is lacking in damage, and if Aegislash fails to KO the foe, it will be vulnerable due to it being in Blade forme.
* Aegislash can opt for an offensive special attacking set with Shadow Ball and Flash Cannon along with Choice Specs, as it has decent damage output. However, Aegislash is very slow, and there are better special attackers in the tier, like Xerneas, Yveltal, and Deoxys-A.
* Aegislash has access to coverage options like Sacred Sword, which smacks Ferrothorn and other Steel-types, and Head Smash, which OHKOes Ho-Oh and dents Primal Groudon.
* Hidden Power Ice can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Primal Groudon hates switching into Toxic, but it can tank Aegislash's other attacks easily and can threaten Aegislash with Precipice Blades or use it as setup bait. Ho-Oh also hates getting hit with Toxic, but it has Roost and Regenerator to mitigate the Toxic damage, and Ho-Oh can come in on Aegislash easily and OHKO it with Sacred Fire. Many Pokemon also carry Fire-type coverage moves that hit Aegislash super effectively, such as Fire Blast Mewtwo and V-create Rayquaza.

**Ground-types**: Ground-types like Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground threaten Aegislash with their super effective STAB moves; however, these Ground-types are crippled by Aegislash's Toxic. Aegislash also succumbs to super effective Ground-type coverage, such as Earthquake from Extreme Killer Arceus and Solgaleo.

**Zygarde-C**: Zygarde-C is able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily and can threaten Aegislash with Thousand Arrows or use it as fodder. Moreover, Zygarde-C doesn't care about Aegislash's Toxic, as it can use Rest to get rid of it. However, it must be wary if Aegislash is running Hidden Power Ice.

**Dark-types**: Yveltal threatens Aegislash with a super effective Dark Pulse, has Oblivion Wing to recover HP, and can Taunt Aegislash to prevent it from using King's Shield. Arceus-Dark can use Refresh to get rid of Aegislash's Toxic, use Aegislash as setup bait, and threaten Aegislash with Judgment or force Aegislash out. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash completely, as it's immune to Toxic, and it can threaten Aegislash with Knock Off. Mega Sableye can switch in on Aegislash easily, as Magic Bounce prevents Aegislash from using Toxic, and can threaten it with Foul Play and Will-O-Wisp. Darkrai 2HKOes Aegislash with Dark Pulse, but it is 2HKOed by Gyro Ball or Sacred Sword if Aegislash is carrying it. However, all of these Dark-types do not like switching into Toxic, with the exception of Alolan Muk and Mega Sableye. Mega Sableye is also hit neutrally by Shadow Ball.

**Steel- and Poison-types**: Steel- and Poison-types such as Dialga, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Alolan Muk, and Toxapex are immune to Toxic and are able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily. Ferrothorn and Celesteela can wear Aegislash down with Leech Seed, while Ferrothorn and Toxapex can use it as fodder to set up entry hazards. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash and can threaten it with Knock Off, and Dialga can come in easily and threatens Aegislash with Fire Blast.

**Offensive Ghost-types**: Most offensive Ghost-types, such as Giratina-O, Lunala, and Arceus-Ghost, threaten Aegislash. Giratina-O and Arceus-Ghost don't like taking a Toxic or a Shadow Ball, but both have access to Shadow Force, so Aegislash is unable to block it with King's Sheild. Lunala can come in on Aegislash and threaten it with a Moongeist Beam. However, all of these Ghost-types are crippled by Aegislash's Toxic and are dented by Aegislash's Shadow Ball on the switch.

**Primal Kyogre**: Offensive Primal Kyogre can switch into Aegislash rather easily, only fearing Toxic, and can 2HKO Aegislash with Origin Pulse or use it as setup fodder. Defensive Primal Kyogre doesn't care about Aegislash's Toxic, as most carry Rest to get rid of it, and it can dent Aegislash with Scald and potentially burn it.
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In the overview, I wouldn't say Ferrothorn has reliable recovery. Leech Seed isn't anywhere near as reliable as Roost/Recover/Softboiled. It doesn't heal nearly as much in one turn, it can miss, it can't go through Substitutes, it disappears when the opponent switches out and is rendered useless against opposing Grass types (although they're rare besides opposing Ferrothorn). It at least has SOMETHING for recovery, but it's far from reliable.
In the overview, I wouldn't say Ferrothorn has reliable recovery. Leech Seed isn't anywhere near as reliable as Roost/Recover/Softboiled. It doesn't heal nearly as much in one turn, it can miss, it can't go through Substitutes, it disappears when the opponent switches out and is rendered useless against opposing Grass types (although they're rare besides opposing Ferrothorn). It at least has SOMETHING for recovery, but it's far from reliable.
Slightly changed the wording to reflect this. Thanks for the input.
I think shadow ball should be slashed first in the fourth moveslot: pursuit on Aegislash is not great any more, given that the eon twins are dead and most targets carry a super effective move, be it STAB (on ghosts) or coverage (knock off on Deo A); and sneak is piss weak. Going first with Aegislash is a dumb idea anyway, as you're going to get fried in attack forme unless it kills the opponent, which it probably won't. Shadow ball is the only move that can do something meaningful to the obvious Pdon switchin, besides toxic. Maybe even list an alternate EV spread with 60<Spa Evs<80 so Don can only switch in on shadow ball twice with rocks up.
I think shadow ball should be slashed first in the fourth moveslot: pursuit on Aegislash is not great any more, given that the eon twins are dead and most targets carry a super effective move, be it STAB (on ghosts) or coverage (knock off on Deo A); and sneak is piss weak. Going first with Aegislash is a dumb idea anyway, as you're going to get fried in attack forme unless it kills the opponent, which it probably won't. Shadow ball is the only move that can do something meaningful to the obvious Pdon switchin, besides toxic. Maybe even list an alternate EV spread with 60<Spa Evs<80 so Don can only switch in on shadow ball twice with rocks up.
I'll wait for QC on this. I checked for higher ladder Aegislash, and more than 50% run Shadow Sneak, which is more than Shadow Ball (Pursuit has 26%, Shadow Ball 21%)
One more thing, you can't claim to be checking Mluc if you're not running shadow ball. What's pursuit going to do? Sneak is going to leave you open to attack. Are you going to switch? I hope you're capable of dealing with a rampant +2 Mluc. Excuse my double post.
Shadow Ball should be the only move in Slot 4. You need it for Aegislash to check Mega Lucario effectively. Aegislash is a rather poor Pursuit trapper compared to Muk due to Ghost weakness and Shadow Sneak doesn't really do enough damage to be worth it most of the time. Both of those moves can go to OO.

OO can be limited to Pursuit/Sneak/Head Smash/Choice Specs/RestTalk. Autotomize and SD will never sweep.

It looks like you'll need to change some things because of this so I'll look at it again when you're done.
"Aegislash can opt for an offensive Swords Dance set with Shadow Sneak, but Aegislash is slow, and it has a hard time setting up."
Not really, Aegislash is really tanky and can soak a few hits in its defensive form (Since swords Dance doesn't trigger Stance Change) and can even potentially become a sweeper for teams. And speed doesn't matter if it's running Shadow sneak.
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Shadow Ball should be the only move in Slot 4. You need it for Aegislash to check Mega Lucario effectively. Aegislash is a rather poor Pursuit trapper compared to Muk due to Ghost weakness and Shadow Sneak doesn't really do enough damage to be worth it most of the time. Both of those moves can go to OO.

OO can be limited to Pursuit/Sneak/Head Smash/Choice Specs/RestTalk. Autotomize and SD will never sweep.

It looks like you'll need to change some things because of this so I'll look at it again when you're done.
I think I got everything.

I'm wondering if I should isolate the fact that Aegislash checks Mega Lucario in the overview. It seems like the new meta changed Aegislash's last move from Pursuit/Sneak to Shadow Ball in order to check Mega Lucario. Aegislash is one of if not the best Mega Lucario check in Ubers since due to typing + King's Shield. (Only other notable Pokemon that resists both of Mega Lucario's STAB moves are Ho-oh and Toxapex).
Overview needs to be more concise. Discuss the benefits of a Steel/Ghost typing and that this is what allows it to check the threats listed. Give examples of common targets for Toxic as well as physical attackers that threaten Aegislash. There is no mention of Dark-types, which are some of the best offensive answers to Aegislash, so include a bullet for those. It's important to note that an advantage Aegislash posseses over most other Steel-types is it isn't 2HKOed by any of Xerneas's coverage moves.

Mention in Usage Tips that Shadow Ball can be used to chip switchins that are immune to Toxic or have already been poisoned.

I'd remove Solgaleo from team options, running it together with Aegislash creates redundancy due to the similarity of their roles. It also doesn't provide much synergy while compounding weaknesses to common threats.

* Other Fire-type checks, such as Primal Kyogre, Arceus-Rock, and Tyranitar, can threaten Primal Groudon and Ho-oh for Aegislash.
Primal Groudon isn't really threatened by Arceus-Rock or Tyranitar so reword this bullet.

* A good Primal Groudon check is nigh mandatory, as Aegislash's best means of dealing with it is Toxic. Arceus-Water, Lugia, and Mega Salamence can all deal with Primal Groudon.
* Arceus-Water is a great partner for Aegislash, as it not only checks Primal Groudon, but can remove entry hazard and can also check other Ground- and Fire-types that threaten Aegislash. In return, Aegislash is able to deal with Xerneas and powerful Psychic-type special attackers for Arceus-Water.
* Aegislash appreciates Pokemon like Mega Salamence, Arceus-Water, Rayquaza, and for their ability to switch into and threaten Ground-types.
There's a lot of redundancy in these statements so try and tidy them up a bit so you aren't repeating yourself so much. For instance you could just have one section for Ground-type checks and another for Fire-type answers.

The first line in team options says Aegislash a special utility Pokemon, but I see almost no mentions of teammates that benefit from Aegislash checking threatening Psychic and Fairy types and support Arceus formes. Those partners need to be focused on first.

Remove resttalk from OO since it isn't viable. Add Hidden Power Ice, which can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.

Add Primal Kyogre to C&C. Zygarde-C should be given its own section. Mega Sableye can be mentioned somewhere as well.

**Steel- and Poison-types**: Steel- and Poison-types such as Dialga, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Alolan Muk, and Toxapex are immune to Toxic and are able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash and can threaten it with Knock Off, and Dialga can come in easily and threatens Aegislash with Fire Blast. However, aside from Alolan Muk and Dialga, most Steel- and Poison-types can't really do anything back to Aegislash, as it is immune to Toxic as well.
Remove this part, both Celesteela and Ferrothorn can wear Aegislash down with Leech Seed while Ferrothorn and Toxapex can use it as fodder to set entry hazards.

Fix up and I'll stamp
Overview needs to be more concise. Discuss the benefits of a Steel/Ghost typing and that this is what allows it to check the threats listed. Give examples of common targets for Toxic as well as physical attackers that threaten Aegislash. There is no mention of Dark-types, which are some of the best offensive answers to Aegislash, so include a bullet for those. It's important to note that an advantage Aegislash posseses over most other Steel-types is it isn't 2HKOed by any of Xerneas's coverage moves.

Mention in Usage Tips that Shadow Ball can be used to chip switchins that are immune to Toxic or have already been poisoned.

I'd remove Solgaleo from team options, running it together with Aegislash creates redundancy due to the similarity of their roles. It also doesn't provide much synergy while compounding weaknesses to common threats.

* Other Fire-type checks, such as Primal Kyogre, Arceus-Rock, and Tyranitar, can threaten Primal Groudon and Ho-oh for Aegislash.
Primal Groudon isn't really threatened by Arceus-Rock or Tyranitar so reword this bullet.

* A good Primal Groudon check is nigh mandatory, as Aegislash's best means of dealing with it is Toxic. Arceus-Water, Lugia, and Mega Salamence can all deal with Primal Groudon.
* Arceus-Water is a great partner for Aegislash, as it not only checks Primal Groudon, but can remove entry hazard and can also check other Ground- and Fire-types that threaten Aegislash. In return, Aegislash is able to deal with Xerneas and powerful Psychic-type special attackers for Arceus-Water.
* Aegislash appreciates Pokemon like Mega Salamence, Arceus-Water, Rayquaza, and for their ability to switch into and threaten Ground-types.
There's a lot of redundancy in these statements so try and tidy them up a bit so you aren't repeating yourself so much. For instance you could just have one section for Ground-type checks and another for Fire-type answers.

The first line in team options says Aegislash a special utility Pokemon, but I see almost no mentions of teammates that benefit from Aegislash checking threatening Psychic and Fairy types and support Arceus formes. Those partners need to be focused on first.

Remove resttalk from OO since it isn't viable. Add Hidden Power Ice, which can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.

Add Primal Kyogre to C&C. Zygarde-C should be given its own section. Mega Sableye can be mentioned somewhere as well.

**Steel- and Poison-types**: Steel- and Poison-types such as Dialga, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Alolan Muk, and Toxapex are immune to Toxic and are able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash and can threaten it with Knock Off, and Dialga can come in easily and threatens Aegislash with Fire Blast. However, aside from Alolan Muk and Dialga, most Steel- and Poison-types can't really do anything back to Aegislash, as it is immune to Toxic as well.
Remove this part, both Celesteela and Ferrothorn can wear Aegislash down with Leech Seed while Ferrothorn and Toxapex can use it as fodder to set entry hazards.

Fix up and I'll stamp
I've fixed these up. I added how Ferrothorn, Celesteela, and Toxapex can take advantage of Aegislash in C&C.
Zygarde-C doesn't really care about Toxic so remove it from the overview. Support Arceus formes also usually aren't switchins in Aegislash. Ho-Oh and Yveltal are better targets.

Give more examples of Pokemon that appreciate the support Aegislash provides in team options. For instance you could include teammates weak to Fighting or that despise being poisoned. Mega Sableye doesn't carry Knock Off—Aegislash should watch out for Foul Play or Will-O-Wisp though. Reword this sentence in OO.

* Hidden Power Ice can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.


QC 1/3
Zygarde-C doesn't really care about Toxic so remove it from the overview. Support Arceus formes also usually aren't switchins in Aegislash. Ho-Oh and Yveltal are better targets.

Give more examples of Pokemon that appreciate the support Aegislash provides in team options. For instance you could include teammates weak to Fighting or that despise being poisoned. Mega Sableye doesn't carry Knock Off—Aegislash should watch out for Foul Play or Will-O-Wisp though. Reword this sentence in OO.

* Hidden Power Ice can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.


QC 1/3
Iron Ball (-50% speed) is an item I used in ORAS for much stronger Gyro Ball hits on everything (the list of mons actually hit for 150 BP is non existant, even +3 Z-Geomancy Xerneas is only hit at 130 BP) at the cost of recovery. Can probably see an OO or Set Details mention. Here's some notable differences in damage:

0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (83 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 109-129 (28.6 - 33.8%)
0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Arceus: 196-232 (51.4 - 60.8%)

0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (113 BP) vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Xerneas: 362-428 (79.9 - 94.4%)
0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (150 BP) vs. 240 HP / 0 Def Xerneas: 480-566 (105.9 - 124.9%)

0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (66 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Yveltal: 106-126 (26.9 - 32%)
0 Atk Aegislash-Blade Gyro Ball (132 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Yveltal: 211-249 (53.6 - 63.3%)

The list is huge, but my point should be clear. This is good otherwise.

QC 3/3
GP 1/1

* Aegislash's Steel / Ghost typing makes it an amazing Xerneas and Mega Lucario check, and it can also check other powerful attackers like Tapu Lele, Mega Gengar, Deoxys-A, and Mewtwo.
* Aegislash's advantage over most other Steel-type Xerneas checks is that it isn't 2HKOed by any of its coverage moves.
* Aegislash has access to King's Shield, which punishes physical attackers and allows Aegislash to play mind games with the opponent.
* It is also able to punish most of its switch-ins with Toxic, such as Primal Groudon, Yveltal, and Ho-Oh.
* However, many powerful physical attackers can overwhelm Aegislash, such as Primal Groudon, Ho-Oh, and Arceus-Ghost.
* Also, Aegislash doesn't have access to reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, meaning it can be worn down over the course of the battle.
* Aegislash can be passive at some times, and it can become predictable with repeated use of King's Shield.
* Aegislash is threatened by Dark-type Pokemon like Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, and Darkrai.
* Aegislash also faces competition with other Steel-type Xerneas checks such as Mega Scizor, Ferrothorn, Magearna, and Solgaleo, with the former two having better recovery, while and the latter two having more damage output.

name: Specially Defensive
move 1: King's Shield
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Gyro Ball
move 4: Shadow Ball
item: Leftovers
ability: Stance Change
nature: Sassy
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


* King's Shield enables Aegislash to go back into Shield forme, regaining its defensive stats as well as scouting for moves.
* King's Shield can lower the opposing Pokemon's Attack if they use a contact move, which weakens physical attackers.
* Toxic allows Aegislash to punish its switch-ins such as Arceus-Water and other support Arceus formes, Primal Groudon, and Yveltal.
* Gyro Ball is Aegislash's main damage source and allows it to threaten Xerneas, dealing decent damage to it and other offensive Pokemon.
* Shadow Ball is used in order to check Mega Lucario effectively, and it can also hit Primal Groudon and Psychic-types for decent damage as well as OHKOing a Choice-locked Lunala if Shadow Shield is down.

Set Details

* Maximum HP and Special Defense investment ensure that Aegislash can consistently check Xerneas.
* A Sassy nature and 0 Speed IVs are used so Gyro Ball does maximum damage.
* Leftovers gives Aegislash a reliable form of recovery and improves its longevity.
* An Iron Ball could be used over Leftovers, which allows Aegislash to 2HKO Extreme Killer Arceus, Geomancy Xerneas, and offensive Yveltal with Gyro Ball. However, forgoing Leftovers means that Aegislash will no longer have any form of recovery.

Usage Tips

* It is best to switch Aegislash in on Pokemon it checks, such as Xerneas, Tapu Lele, and support Arceus formes that lack Will-O-Wisp, like Arceus-Water.
* However, try not to switch in aggressively and repeatedly against offensive Xerneas sets, as Aegislash will be quickly worn down and won't be able to check Xerneas anymore.
* Avoid taking hits in Blade forme, as its defenses are very low.
* Repeated and predictable use of King's Shield should be avoided; if the opponent reads it, then Aegislash is vulnerable and they receive a free turn.
* Note that King's Shield fails against Shadow Force, as it won't block the move nor drop the user's Attack.
* Try to avoid status effects, particularly burns, as they hinder Aegislash's ability to check Xerneas.
* Use Toxic liberally when punishing switch-ins like Primal Groudon and support Arceus formes, as its other moves don't do much damage.
* Shadow Ball can be used to chip Aegislash's switch-ins that are immune to Toxic or have already been poisoned by it.

Team Options

* Aegislash is a specialized utility Pokemon that fits the demands of your team, meaning it shouldn't be built around.
* It should be used on teams that require a check to Xerneas. Pokemon that appreciate a Xerneas check include Yveltal, Mega Salamence Salemence, Zygarde-C, and Darkrai.
* Pokemon like Extreme Killer Arceus, Dialga, and many Dark-types appreciate Aegislash's ability to check Fighting-types for them.
* Pokemon that are weak to special attacking Psychic-types, such as some support Arceus formes and Toxapex, also value Aegislash.
* A good Primal Groudon check is nigh-mandatory, as Aegislash's best means of dealing with it is Toxic. Lugia, Zygarde-C, Arceus-Ground, Primal Kyogre, and Mega Salamence can all deal with Primal Groudon.
* Aegislash appreciates Pokemon like Mega Salamence, Yveltal, Giratina-O, and Rayquaza for their ability to switch into and threaten Ground-types.
* Pokemon like Primal Groudon, Arceus-Rock, and Tyranitar are all able to threaten Fire-types like Ho-Oh, which trouble Aegislash.
* Arceus-Water is a great partner for Aegislash, as it not only checks Primal Groudon, (RC) but it can remove entry hazards and also check other Ground- and Fire-types that threaten Aegislash. In return, Aegislash is able to deal with Xerneas and powerful Psychic-type special attackers for Arceus-Water.
* A secondary Xerneas check, such as Primal Groudon or Toxapex, is useful in order to relieve pressure off of Aegislash.
* Aegislash values Pokemon that can check Dark-types, such as Xerneas, Mega Lucario, and Pheromosa.
* Dark-types like Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, Alolan Muk, and Darkrai can check the Ghost-types that threaten Aegislash, while it can check the Fighting-types for them in return.
* Aegislash appreciates cleric and Wish support from the likes of Blissey, Clefable, and Aromatherapy Xerneas, as it increases Aegislash's longevity and further helps it check Xerneas. In return, Aegislash is able to check threats like Mega Gengar and Mewtwo for them.
* Entry hazard removal from Pokemon such as support Arceus formes and Giratina-O allows Aegislash to switch in much more freely and more often.

Other Options

* Pursuit can be run to trap threats such as Mega Gengar, Mewtwo, Deoxys-A, Tapu Lele, and a Choice-locked Lunala.
* Shadow Sneak can also be used to give Aegislash priority and pick off weakened Psychic-types or Pokemon such as Lunala; however, Shadow Sneak is lacking in damage, and if Aegislash fails to KO the foe, it will be vulnerable due to it being in Blade forme.
* Aegislash can opt for an offensive special attacking set with Shadow Ball and Flash Cannon along with Choice Specs, as it has decent damage output. However, Aegislash is very slow, and there are better special attackers in the tier, like Xerneas, Yveltal, and Deoxys-A.
* Aegislash has access to coverage options like Sacred Sword, which smacks Ferrothorn and other Steel-types, and Head Smash, which OHKOes Ho-Oh and dents Primal Groudon.
* Hidden Power Ice can be used to surprise Zygarde-C and Mega Salamence.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Primal Groudon hates switching into Toxic, but it can tank Aegislash's other attacks easily and can threaten Aegislash with Precipice Blades or use it as setup bait. Ho-Oh also hates getting hit with Toxic, but it has Roost and Regenerator to mitigate the Toxic damage, and Ho-Oh can come in on Aegislash easily and OHKO it with Sacred Fire. Many Pokemon also carry Fire-type coverage moves that hit Aegislash super effectively, such as Fire Blast Mewtwo and V-create Rayquaza.

**Ground-types**: Ground-types like Primal Groudon and Arceus-Ground threaten Aegislash with their super effective STAB moves; however, these Ground-types are crippled by Aegislash's Toxic. Aegislash also succumbs to super effective Ground-type coverage, such as Earthquake from Extreme Killer Arceus and Solgaleo.

**Zygarde-C**: Zygarde-C is able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily and can threaten Aegislash with Thousand Arrows or use it as fodder. Moreover, Zygarde-C doesn't care about Aegislash's Toxic, as it can use Rest to get rid of it. However, it must be wary if Aegislash is running Hidden Power Ice.

**Dark-types**: Yveltal threatens Aegislash with a super effective Dark Pulse, has Oblivion Wing to recover HP, and can Taunt Aegislash to prevent it from using King's Shield. Arceus-Dark can use Refresh to get rid of Aegislash's Toxic, use Aegislash as setup bait, and threaten Aegislash with Judgment or force Aegislash out. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash completely, as it's immune to Toxic, and it can threaten Aegislash with Knock Off. Mega Sableye can switch in on Aegislash easily, as Magic Bounce prevents Aegislash from using Toxic, and can threaten it with Foul Play and Will-O-Wisp. Darkrai 2HKOes Aegislash with Dark Pulse, but it is 2HKOed by Gyro Ball or Sacred Sword if Aegislash is carrying it. However, all of these Dark-types do not like switching into Toxic, with the exception of Alolan Muk and Mege Mega Sableye. Mega Sableye is also hit neutrally by Shadow Ball.

**Steel- and Poison-types**: Steel- and Poison-types such as Dialga, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Alolan Muk, and Toxapex are immune to Toxic and are able to switch into Aegislash extremely easily. Ferrothorn and Celesteela can wear Aegislash down with Leech Seed, while Ferrothorn and Toxapex can use it as fodder to set up entry hazards. Alolan Muk walls Aegislash and can threaten it with Knock Off, and Dialga can come in easily and threatens Aegislash with Fire Blast.

**Offensive Ghost-types**: Most offensive Ghost-types, such as Giratina-O, Lunala, and Arceus-Ghost, threaten Aegislash. Giratina-O and Arceus-Ghost don't like taking a Toxic or a Shadow Ball, but both have access to Shadow Force, so Aegislash is unable to block it with King's Sheild. Lunala can come in on Aegislash and threaten it with a Moongiest Moongeist Beam. However, all of these Ghost-types are crippled by Aegislash's Toxic and are dented by Aegislash's Shadow Ball on the switch.

**Primal Kyogre**: Offensive Primal Kyogre can switch into Aegislash rather easily, only fearing Toxic, and can 2HKO Aegislash with Origin Pulse or use it as setup fodder. Defensive Primal Kyogre doesn't care about Aegislash's Toxic, as most carry Rest to get rid of it, and it can dent Aegislash with Scald and potentially burn it.