Alola Formes V2

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Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Grass
New abilities: Natural Cure/Friend Guard (Sweet Veil)
New stats: 50(+10)/30/45(+10)/50/40(-30)/65(+10)
New/removed moves: Removed: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Swords Dance (-3)
New: Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Aromatic Mist (+3)
Flavor/Design: Budew is now pink, and slightly resembles a cherry blossom that hasn't bloomed. It produces an almost sickeningly sweet smell as it photosynthesizes. Alolan Budew are even weaker than their counterparts in Sinnoh, Unova, Hoenn, and Kalos.
Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Grass/Fairy
New abilities: Natural Cure/Aroma Veil (Healer)
New stats: 80(+30)/60/65(+20)/80(-20)/80/35(-30)
New/removed moves: Removed: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes (-6)
New: Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Aromatic Mist, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Draining Kiss (+6)
Flavor/Design: Roselia's flowers are now pink, and resemble cherry blossom. They have greater control over their aroma now, and its aroma now has healing capabilities. They are extremely peaceful, and use their aroma to calm opponents.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Grass/Fairy
New abilities: Aroma Veil/Natural Cure (Technician)
New stats: 60/70/65/125/85(-20)/110(+20)
New/removed moves: Removed: Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Swords Dance (-7)
New: Fairy Wind, Aromatic Mist, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Nasty Plot (+7)
Flavor/Design: Roserade now appears to have cherry blossoms sprouting from it, and has a calm demeanor. It now appears to have a pink and green qipao consisting of cherry petals and leaves. However, despite their calm demeanor, they still put up a brutal fight if threatened, or if their beauty is insulted (notably, this is the only thing that actually angers it), and will even fight until the bitter end. They use a barrage of petals to fight their opponents, and these petals sell for a high bargain on the black market thanks to their powers for either healing or destruction.
Competitive Analysis: Fast Special sweeper, with access to Nasty Plot. It also has Technician Draining Kiss if you like bad gimmicks.

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Swift Swim/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 65/100(swap)/115/55(swap)/70(+30)/30(-30)
Added/Removed moves: Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb (+17)
Flavor: These Tangela are descended from ones that somehow survived being on a boat that capsized long ago. They are somehow able to attract Dhelmise to protect their territory on the ocean floor. A few rarely float up to the surface, and it is unknown how due to their immense weight as a result of their chains.
Design: Tangela resembles a mass of rusty chains from anchors with a sea urchin-like plant at its core. Its feet are covered, as the chains droop to the ground.
Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Volt Absorb/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 130(+30)/110(swap)/125/70(swap, -30)/70(+30)/20(-30)
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb, Anchor Shot, Slack Off, U-Turn (+18)
Tangrowth is basically a peacekeeper of the seas, using its anchor arms to destroy any threats to the sea. Its anchor arms allow it to easily remove any opposition from the world. Despite its menacing appearance, it is peaceful and hates fighting. The previously plant-like core has become incredibly rubbery, and allows it to absorb electricity with ease.
Design: Tangrowth looks incredibly similar to its pre-evolution, but bulkier and with anchors attached to two of its chains, forming "arms" of sorts.
Competitive Analysis: This is basically the ultimate wall in FE this. It's a lot like if Dhelmise was actually good, with some similarity to Ferrothorn thrown in there for good measure.

Reserving Dark/Dragon Crobat
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Reserving Grass/Fire Roserade and Pure Power Ground Luvdisc.

Pokemon: Alolan Luvdisc
New typing: Ground
New abilities: Pure Power (Sand Rush)
New stats: 43/55(+25)/62(+7)/30(-10)/50(-15)/90(-7)
New/removed moves:

Removed: Charm, Draining Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Captivate, Heal Pulse (5)
New: Earthquake, Giga Impact, Quick Attack, Slam, Accelerock (5)
Flavor/Design: Known as the "bottom-feeding bullets of Alola", these dark brown Luvdisc bolt across the seafloor at incredible speeds, propelled by their back fins. Their body is made up of completely muscle, allowing them to slam through anything in their way while they're on their seafloor quest.
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Alolan Tangela

1A - Plus
2A - Minus
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 35 [-30]
Atk - 65 [+10]
Def - 40 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 110 [+10]
SpD - 115 [switched with Def]
Spe - 70 [+10]
BST - 435

Evolution Method - level up knowing Discharge (learned by Tangela on level 38)

Alolan Tangrowth

1A - Plus
2A - Minun
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 110 [+10]
Atk - 110 [+10]
Def - 50 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 120 [+10]
SpD - 125 [switched with Def]
Spe - 20 [-30]
BST - 535

New Moves - Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Spark, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Recover [+12]
Removed Moves - Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Absorb, Poison Powder, Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Giga Drain, Ancient Power, Tickle, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, Rage Powder, Seed Bomb, Synhtesis, Bullet Seed [-20]

Design - Instead of being made out of vines, these pokémon are made out of balck electric wires with white markings. Their actual black body is now a vibrant yellow, but barely visible because of the wires.
Flavor - Alolan Tangela and Tangrowth started to be spotted on Aether Paradise, many people suspect that the Aether Corporation accidentally sent Tangelas and Tangrowths to the Ultra Space and that would explain their similarity to Xurkitree; other hypothesis is that Tangelas and Tangrowths residing on Aether Paradise actually started hiding in the electric wires and started using them as a part of their body.

Competitive Analysis - Alolan Tangrowth has a very scary SpA stat and it also can act as a Special Wall thanks to its tremendous 110/125 Special Bulk and access to reliable recovery on Recover. It is extremely slow though, meaning that most of the time, Tangrowth's opponent will most likely be moving first

Alolan Budew

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 20 [-20]
Atk - 30
Def - 20 [-15]
SpA - 80 [+20]
SpD - 70 [+10]
Spe - 60 [+5]
BST - 280

Evolution Method - Hapinness in a Hailstorm in the overworld

Alolan Roselia

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 35 [-15]
Atk - 60
Def - 35 [-10]
SpA - 100
SpD - 90 [+10]
Spe - 80 [+15]
BST - 400

Evolution Method - Ice Stone

Alolan Roserade

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 60
Atk - 70
Def - 60 [-25]
SpA - 125
SpD - 115 [+10]
Spe - 105 [+15]
BST - 515

New Moves - Aurora Beam, Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Hail, Haze, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind, Mist, Psychic, Psyshock, Dark Pulse [+16]
Removed Moves - Grassy Terrain, Mega Drain, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Grass Knot, Synthesis, Pin Missile, Cotton Spore, Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Grass Whistle, Bullet Seed, Absorb, Growth, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Petal Blizzard, Aromatherapy, Petal Dance, Worry Seed [-25]

Design - Light Blue and icy-ish Body with icy spikes and frozen roses.
Flavor - This line was moved to mount Lanakila and couldn't adapt to the cold winter, therefore their leaves and roses got frozen making them loose their Grass power and gain Grass ones.

Competitive Analysis - Fast and powerful Special attacker, but Alolan Roserade does have a crippling weakness to Steel-types
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Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Cute Charm (Hidden)
New stats: 40 / 55 (+10) / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (-10)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs
Design: Alolan Zubat's soft, fluffy fur, which resembles velvet, has a garish, excessively saturated, bright purple color, and its wing membranes are an equivalent shade of red. White markings are present around its mouth, which holds a pair of wickedly sharp, off-white fangs. Alolan Zubat's ears are larger than those of its Kantonian counterpart and have red insides. While still small, Alolan Zubat are slightly larger than Kantonian Zubat, measuring in at 0.83m and weighing 7.51kg.
Flavor: Alolan Zubat are peaceful Pokemon that act at a leisurely rate, occupying remote caves in the deserts of Alola. Despite their size and temperament, Alolan Zubat are safe from predation because of their luxurious coats; any creature that contacts an Alolan Zubat's silky fur loses all hostility and desires only to touch the Pokemon. Though docile Pokemon, a threatened Alolan Zubat will lash out with its deadly fangs, which can slice through wood as if it had the softness of butter.

Evolves at Level 22.

Pokemon: Golbat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 75 / 79 (-1) / 73 (+3) / 71 (+6) / 77 (+2) / 79 (-11)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Ancient Power
Design: Alolan Golbat is covered in soft, dull purple fur, with a bone-white pattern rimming its mouth and forming a "v" shape between its eyes. Alolan Golbat's wing membranes are a ruddy hue, and its ears show a similar color. This Pokemon is larger than its Kantonian counterpart by a minute amount, reaching 1.66m in length and 55.1kg in weight.
Flavor: Despite similar characteristics, Alolan Golbat lack the appeal of their pre-evolutions, relegating them to lives of solitude and distaste. The Pokemon lurk in Alolan deserts, emerging only at night, when most predators are asleep. Any perceived threat receives a vicious assault from Alolan Golbat's keen fangs; because the Pokemon are slow to trust others, they are unpopular allies. Regardless of their date of birth, all Alolan Golbat have a strong sense of nostalgia and pine for the trappings of a past decade, an age they believe to be superior to the modern day.

Evolves only at Levels 70-79 while Ancient Power is known (learned at Level 70).

Pokemon: Crobat
New typing: Dark / Flying
New abilities: Strong Jaw / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 77 (-8) / 120 (+30) / 77 (-3) / 77 (+7) / 77 (-3) / 107 (-23)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (6): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog, Cross Poison
New moves (4): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Throat Chop, Flash, Ancient Power, Thunder Fang
Design: The fur on Alolan Crobat's face and the frontside of its body is a pallid white, while the back of its body bears dark, metallic royal purple fur. Alolan Crobat's teeth are elongated and display prominent, matte off-white canine teeth whose appearance more closely resembles plastic than enamel. The darker fur on Alolan Crobat's head resembles a receding widow's peak and is exceedingly long, forming a braid that dangles six inches below its body. The Pokemon's great wings, measuring 3.3m in wingspan, resemble those of its pre-evolution in structure, and its wing membranes and the insides of its unusually large ears are a deep maroon color. Alolan Crobat is slightly larger than regular Crobat, at 1.88m in length and 78.05kg in weight.
Flavor: Alolan Crobat are created when an Alolan Golbat harnesses primal energy and metamorphoses; as a result of Alolan Golbat's incessant wishes to return to the past, it evolves into an atavistic form. Cloaking themselves with superior, natural camouflage, Alolan Crobat are apex predators of the nocturnal hours, silent in flight and able to crush a stop sign with a single snap of their jaws, which, mysteriously, cause no bleeding to occur; for this behavior, it has been nicknamed, "The Staunching Vampire," and those it attacks are said to have been "vamped." During slumber, an Alolan Crobat Bears its teeth, absorbing solar radiation through its canine teeth; while hunting, it opens its maw to disorient prey with flashes of blinding, green light, then clamps it mouth around its target's throat with a fierce hiss. In the process of adaptation to a nocturnal life, Alolan Crobat have sensitive eyes that prohibit them from engaging in diurnal activity without protection of some sort. Recently, an odd phenomenon regarding Alolan Crobat has been discovered: if the Pokemon sinks its fangs into a depleted battery, the object is somehow recharged; this discovery holds great potential and is currently undergoing further investigation.

All members of the Alolan Crobat line are based on Vampyrum spectrum, the spectral bat (a.k.a the false vampire bat), and Alolan Crobat itself incorporates elements of the extinct Necromantis genus of bats, which uniquely possessed jaws and skulls of unusual strength.

Pokemon: Woobat
New typing: Steel / Flying
New abilities: Iron Barbs / Unaware / Klutz (Hidden)
New stats: 69 (+4) / 69 (Swap / +14) / 65 (+22) / 55 (Swap) / 23 (-20) / 42 (-30)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (15): Heart Stamp, Imprison, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Magic Coat, Trick, Skill Swap, Telekinesis
New moves (13): Peck, Fury Attack, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Smart Strike, Spike Cannon, Spiky Shield, Ancient Power, Lick, Tail Whip, Poison Gas, Sketch (ONLY ONCE, REGARDLESS OF NEW MOVE TUTOR RULES)
Design: Instead of its Unovan counterpart's blue fur, Alolan Woobat is covered by metallic, chrome spikes. It has one circular nostril, which can contract to the size of a pinpoint or expand to 3 cm in radius. Alolan Woobat's wings are splattered with an odd, vibrantly colored liquid, which drips to the ground with each flap.
Flavor: Following its arrival in Alola, Woobat evolved a formidable set of spikes to evade predation. Alolan Woobat has a powerful digestive system in order to metabolize the poisonous berries that form the bulk of its diet, and it uses elements of this sustenance to produce a vibrantly colored fluid, strikingly similar to paint, that is secreted from glands on its wings and mucus membranes, and that decomposes rapidly upon exposure to air; however, said liquid, along with the Pokemon's droppings, is mildly toxic and simulates inebriation in those affected. Interestingly, though, Alolan Woobat are not immune to these effects, leading to a species characterized by clumsiness, impaired judgement, and general uselessness. It can force its fluids through its nose in a manner reminiscent of spray paint, but it must close its eyes when doing so, resulting in great inaccuracy.

Evolves while Ancient Power is known (learned at Level 35) while (Alolan) Crobat is in the party

Pokemon: Swoobat
New typing: Steel / Dark
New abilities: Iron Barbs / Unaware / Klutz (Hidden)
New stats: 77 (+10) / 105 (Swap / +28) / 79 (+24) / 55 (Swap / -2) / 25 (-30) / 84 (-30)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (15): Heart Stamp, Imprison, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Magic Coat, Trick, Skill Swap, Telekinesis
New moves (15): Peck, Fury Attack, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Smart Strike, Spike Cannon, Spiky Shield, Ancient Power, Lick, Tail Whip, Poison Gas, Sketch (ONLY ONCE, REGARDLESS OF NEW MOVE TUTOR RULES), Horn Leech, Parting Shot
Design: Alolan Swoobat is significantly larger than regular Swoobat, at 1.85m in stature and 119kg in weight. Its body bristles with pointed protrusions: its ruff of fur is replaced by an assortment of spikes identical to those of Alolan Woobat, it possesses a line of dorsal and cephalic spines (which add 3cm to its height), and a pair of large, bovine horns sprouts from its skull; every structure described shares the color and texture of Alolan Woobat's spikes. Alolan Woobat's nostril is retained by its evolution, and Alolan Swoobat's wings are a work of art, bearing splendorous and incredibly complicated murals beneath an odd shine, as if its skin were crafted from well-polished metal. Alolan Swoobat's forelimbs have adapted to terrestrial life, becoming much bulkier and developing a thick claw on each thumb to better propel Alolan Swoobat across the ground. Its long tail ends in a pair of metallic spines.
Flavor: When an Alolan Woobat is exposed to the influence of past eras when in the presence of an elder genus of bat, the younger Pokemon evolves in a manner similar to atavism, metamorphosing into a creature of prehistoric proportions. Alolan Swoobat have a complex system of communication based on subtle movements of the tongue and tail, assisted by occasional chirps. Alolan Swoobat possess a reflective, black nictitating membrane that protects their eyes from harmful particles; notably, this allows Alolan Swoobat to fire their now-permanent—although water soluble—colored fluids without fear of injury, leading to remarkable precision. Thanks to their size and natural weaponry, Alolan Swoobat are harassed infrequently, and by only the fiercest predators, which Alolan Swoobat thwart with a blast of liquid before escaping with an anachronistic dismissal; to avoid a potentially dangerous accumulation of fluid, Alolan Swoobat often use the excess to decorate their territories by creating dashing art on natural features.

As a result of prolonged exposure to toxic material, Alolan Swoobat are continually impaired in cognitive function, holding intelligences on par with a nine-year-old human, and hold a flippant attitude towards life; however, their unmatched talent with pigment sprays makes Alolan Swoobat popular companions amongst artists. Although generally good-natured, Alolan Swoobat hold a natural rivalry with Smeargle, as each species believes the other's artistic ability to be shoddy. Alolan Swoobat instinctively seek out Crobat and frequently serve as mimics and underlings to the latter Pokemon; philosophers theorize this behavior to be an expression of gratitude for enabling Alolan Swoobat's evolution, but Alolan natives know the truth: Alolan Swoobat are simply too lazy and incompetent to sustain themselves, requiring the aid of a patron to survive.

Alolan Woobat is a literal interpretation of the names of Eptesicus floweri, the horn-skinned bat, and Kerivoula picta, the painted bat, while Alolan Swoobat is based on Mystacina tuberculata, a prehistoric species of bat that spent considerable time walking across the forest floor.
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Gonna finish this later on.

New typing:
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats: HP: 60 (+20)
Atk: 50 (Sp. Atk Swap)
Def: 55 (Speed Swap)
Sp. Atk: 10 (Atk swap -20)
Sp. Def: 70
Speed: 35 (Def Swap)

Flavor: Once moved to Alola, most Budew found themselves found of Akala and UlaUla. At first, both budew evolved diferently, one becoming more adapted to Mount Lanakila and the other to Wela Volcano. Eventually, the two species were put to breed, and now this is the dominant Alolan Budew.
Design: Half of it resembles a volcano, and half of it resembles a snowy mountain. The only thing that is not split is it's face: It becomes a Gray collor. Alolan Budew have heterectomia (Irises have diferent collor), one is a intense Red resembling lava and the other is a soft blue, resembling Ice.

New typing: Fire/Ice
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats:
HP: 60 (+10)
Atk: 100 (Swap with Sp. Atk)
Def: 65 (Swap with Speed)
Sp. Atk: 50 (Swap with Attack - 10)
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 45

Flavor/Design: Once grown, Roselia's temperature split is more controlled. While it's right arm is still lava, that resembles a red magma hand, and the left is ice that resembles an ice hand, it's body is ice and the "hair" and "Clothing" is now magma. it still has heterectomia, tho

New typing:
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats: HP: 70 (+10)
Atk: 125 (Swap with Sp. Attack)
Def: 90 (Swap with Speed)
Sp. Atk: 40 (Swap with attack -30)
Sp. Def: 105
Speed: 85 (+20)
Flavor/Design: Keeps mostly the same changes as Roselia, with the Magma Cape and Mask, Ice Body, having heterectomia (Right eye is blue and left is red) and now what used to be a flower on it's head, is a top of a volcano, made of ice, with swirling magma inside. It is said that they guard Mount Lanakila and only let the most skilled players pass by. It once had an Ice-Type trial there, but abandoned it and the Icium-Z behind for unknown reasons

Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Absorb, Aromatherapy, Bullet Seed, Cotton Spore, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Worry Seed, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Dazzling Gleam, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball (-33)

Added: Eruption, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Lava Plume, Blaze Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Hail, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Ice Hammer, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Avalanche, Knock Off, Pursuit, Nasty Plot, Thunder Punch, U-Turn, Earth Power, Earthquake, Shore Up, Waterfall, Surf, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Defog, Play Rough

Competitive Analysis: Alolan Roserade can pull off various diferent sets. It can be a hard-hitting attacker with Adaptability (For the record, Porygon-Z has 135 Sp. Atk so I think it's fine? Mabe I'll remove Blitz to keep it balanced), to a good Fire-Type Hail Sweeper, or just ignore the Stealth Rocks on the switch-in. Having a good enough pool, boosting and recovery with decent bulk, and an offensive type that isn't that bad (Although thunder Punch cannot do much to water. Don't stay in on Water), it can fill either roles of a Choiced (Scarf Adaptability or Band Rush) or Set-Up Sweeper.

New typing: Electric/Dark
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 73 (Swap with Speed +1(Because perfeccionism on the other stats))
Atk: 50 (+5)
Def: 50 (+7)
Sp. Atk: 50 (-5)
Sp. Def: 50 (+7)
Speed: 50 (Swap with HP -15)

Flavor: Alolan Woobat live on Vast Poni Cannyon, a place with eletromagnetism going around. It's fluffy fur was actually a good thing to conduce electricity. It now lives on the deepest areas of the cave, barely ever going out. There are, however, relats of it visiting Cemiteries at night time. The lost of wings made it a bit slower then the ones from Unova.

Design: Has lost it's wings. The blue tuff is now a ball of electricity (Still is a tuff, but resembles more an electric ball and is, of course, yellow) that levitates a few inches off the ground by magnetism. Has developped fangs and it's heart nose is a dark gray, almost black, while the heart is a lighter gray.

New typing:
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 144 (Swap with Speed +30)
Atk: 77 (Swap with Sp Atk)
Def: 70 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 27 (Swap with attack -30)
Sp. Def: 70 (+15)
Speed: 37 (Swap with hp -30)

(Actually I first calced wrong and thought it was gonna be 90 attack. rip)
Flavor: Alolan Swoobat are as smart as their Unovan counterparts, but use this smartness in a strategic way. They can use their Fluffy electrified furr to shock opponents and hide back onto the cave it came from. Some dub it as "The Light At The End Of The Tunnel", as it can use the electricity on it's body to create light. It is known for messing with electric systems in Alola
Design: Wings are not gone ths time, but can't really fly, the ears are separeted, the same fur thing and nose thing that happens with Woobat, and the body is a deep solid black. Fangs are sharper too
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Confusion, Calm Mind, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hear Stamp, Imprison, Magic Coat, Psychic, Psycho Shift, Psyshock, Reflect, Skill Swap, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Telekinesis, Zen Headbutt, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Fly, Air Slash, Gust, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Energy Ball, Giga Drain (-28)

Added: Charge, Electric Terrain, Electrify, Magnet Rise, Spark, Thunder Fang, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Wild Charge, Nuzzle, Power Trip, Crunch, Bite, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Hone Claws, Memento, Topsy Turvy, Nasty Plot, Recover, Conversion, Refresh, Wish, Heal Bell, Bulk Up, Cosmic Power, Agility, Aromatherapy (+28)

Competitive Analysis: Alolan Swoobat has fantastic HP. This can work both for a Recoil Attacker or for a Stally mon. Swoobat has the habilities and movesets to do both: While Speed Boost will add 20 BP to Power Trip every turn (With Bulk Up, +60), you can also use Simple to just boost away as much as you want. This has the physical variation of Calm Mind Stored Power (Bulk Up Power Trip), better bulk, and and odd typing. While still slow even if it's able to get a +6 in Speed, your bulk will guarantee you some hits taken before going down. Can also change it's typing and try to pull a PZ with Z-Conversion

Stall wise, it has a safe way of boosting it's defenses, two safe ways to spread para, STAB Foul Play, (Z)Parting Shot to support, Memento to support as well when you're going down, Topsy Turvy to annoy and reliable recovery.

Why is everyone making Zubat dark? Smh Zubat and Crobat are cute.

New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 40
Atk: 10 (Swap with Sp. Atk -20)
Def: 35
Sp. Atk: 75 (Swap with Sp Atk +30)
Sp. Def: 40
Speed: 45 (-10)

New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 75
Atk: 40 (Def Swap -30)
Def: 80 (Atk Swap)
Sp. Atk: 95 (+30)
Sp. Def: 90 (Speed Swap)
Speed: 75 (Sp. Def Swap)

New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 85
Atk: 40 (Swap with Sp. Atk -30)
Def: 80
Sp. Atk: 120 (Swap with Attack +30)
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 130

Flavor: Upon arriving in Alola, Zubats obviously gone into the caves. However, lots of caves in Alola have a spot on them with Water that leads to the Ocean, and Zubat eventually was able to swim there rather then flying on the cave. As they now are able to leave the cave without Sunlight hurting them, they became less angry and stopped attacking people, being much more peaceful now. They live by the shores, while Alolan Crobat live in open ocean and can be often seen in Poni Island.

Design: Transforming Bats into Rays sounded weird but it was fun. I've done some research, there is a kind of Ray called Bat Ray, or Eagle Ray, which the Spotted can be found in Hawaiian waters, so I gone with that. They become black seen from above, with vibrant pink spots on their body, and a light pink from below. They now have a sting (Duh), and the wings are, well, ray-like. Golbat no longer has the body-long fang. They've also lost their ears as they are diferent on Rays.

Added/Removed Moves:

Removed: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Fly, Gust, Pluck, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Cross Poison, Poison Fang, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Leech Life, U-turn, X-Scissor, Quick Attack, Zen Headbutt, Thief

Added: Hydro Pump, Scald, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Spout, Aqua Jet, Moonblast, Draining Kiss Boomburst, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Parting Shot, Poson Sting, Poison Tail

Competitive Analysis: Small reminder that Crobat gets Nasty Plot. This thing becomes a really strong wallbreaker, and has tons of coverage. Regular Crobat itself has good special coverage, now you could run PixieBurst with Heat Wave, Ice Beam/Sludge Bomb and Hydro Pump. Could also run Liquid Voice as a surprise factor. Golbat can also use Eviolite. See following sets:

Fast Specs

Crobat-Alola @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Hydro Pump
- Heat Wave
- Psyshock

Scald Calm Mind

Crobat-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 4 SpA / 108 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst/Hyper Voice (Cause PP)
- Scald
- Roost (Mantine can do it, so it keeps roost)
- Calm Mind

Nasty Plot Sweeper

Crobat-Alola @ Life Orb
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Hydro Pump
- Nasty Plot
- Heat Wave

New typing:
New abilities: Prankster (Oblivious)
New stats:
HP: 73 (+30)
Atk: 10 (-20)
Def: 75 (+20)
Sp. Atk: 10 (-30)
Sp. Def: 75 (+10)
Speed: 87 (-10)
Added/Removed moves: Added: Shell Smash, Baton Pass, Memento, Torment, Taunt, Destiny Bond, Spite, Confuse Ray, Shore Up, Clamp (+10)

Flavor: Alolan Luvdisc are much more defensive creatures, as now they developed shells around their body to protect themselves from predators and now have learned how to go to the shore as well. They are, however, pretty weak attackers.

Design: It's a Heart-Shaped multicolored shell. It's as simple as that.

Competitive Analysis: Um... Idk, it has Shell Pass. There wasn't much I could do with a Luvdisc, and other people already made Huge Power. I tried to do a Flinching Serene Grace but it sucks at that too. Let it then be a Pyukumuku/Whimsicott fusion, with support prankster (Or Oblivious to avoid taunt. No one cares about attract.). It also has Destiny Bond Prankster to kill itself and the foe too. Just don't let it be your last mon otherwise you're screwed.

There are so many good Tangela submissions I have no idea what to do tbh.
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New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Solar Power / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 30 (-10) / 20 (-10) / 35 / 80 (+30) / 40 (-30) / 75 (+20)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis TOTAL: 19) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Attack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge TOTAL: 19)
Flavor: The baby of Roselia, Budew has not yet mastered controling fire yet and spends all its time practicing it before evolution. Budew feels warm to the touch and can help people stay warm through winter. Its color scheme is a red one.

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Solar Power / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 50 / 45 (-15) / 60 (+15) / 100 / 60 (-20) / 85 (+20)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Poison Sting, Magical Leaf, Ingrain, Toxic Spikes, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance TOTAL: 25) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Atack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Moonblast, Spike Cannon TOTAL: 25)
Flavor: Due to extreme exposure to sunlight, Roselia lost its grass typing and eventualy lost its poison typing too. It instead is now a fire controler, using flames to threaten predators, with its hands being covered in them. It also protects fellow pokemon who need help. Its appearance is a red color scheme with some orange and the rose hands being entirely in flames.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Sheer Force / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 60 / 60 (-10) / 65 / 125 / 85 (-20) / 120 (+30)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Poison Sting, Magical Leaf, Ingrain, Toxic Spikes, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Grassy Terrain TOTAL: 26) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Attack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Moonblast, Spike Cannon, Misty Terrain TOTAL: 26)
Flavor: Seen as a goddess of fire, Roserade can completely choose when fire burns. If disrupted, it burns an enemy completely in just seconds. People can also look to Roserade to give warmth to the people in cold regions. The color scheme is a red one again, with the two roses at its hands and its head completely on fire.

Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 30 (-10) / 65 (+20) / 25 (-10) / 15 (-15) / 30 (-10) / 80 (+25)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind Total: 23) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play TOTAL: 23)
Flavor: Alolan Zubat have attempted various ways to communicate. The best way involed telekinetic and electric signals that tell fellow Zubat messages. In order to do this however, it has to rid its old typing. The color scheme is the blue now being a magenta and the purple becoming a dark yellow.

New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 65 (-10) / 105 (+25) / 60 (-10) / 45 (-20) / 65 (-10) / 115 (+25)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind Total: 23) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play TOTAL: 23)
Alolan Golbat, while having the same characteristics as Zubat, have strong biting capabilities. Golbat can suck more blood from foes than it could originaly allowing it to heal itself more from it (think leech life). Golbat can also seriously leave a dent when hiting something. Its color scheme is the blue becoming a magenta and the purple becoming a dark yellow.

New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 75 (-10) / 120 (+30) / 70 (-10) / 55 (-15) / 70 (-10) / 145 (+15)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Sky Attack Total: 26) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play, Psychic Terain, Speed Swap, Electric Terain TOTAL: 26)
Alolan Crobat are some of the fastest creatures in all of pokemon. They use this to their advantage, as they fly as fast as sound and can catch prey easialy. Crobat though, due to its structure, canot sit, meaning they have to continously fly. The color scheme is the purple becoming magenta and the blue becoming dark yellow.

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Ice / Bug
New abilities: Snow Cloak / Shield Dust / Skill Link (hidden)
New stats: 65 / 100 (swap with SpAttack) / 60 (swap with Speed) / 55 (swap with Attack) / 40 / 115 (swap with Defense)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Growth, Natural Gift, Grassy Terain, Power Whip, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Rage Powder, Shock Wave, Synthesis, Wory Seed TOTAL: 24) (ADDED: Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Pin Missile, Lunge, Twineedle, Rock Blast, Hail, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, U-Turn, Signal Beam, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Smart Strike, Icy Wind, Bug Bite, Spikes TOTAL: 24)
Alolan Tangela are one of the many Pokemon adapting to the icy conditions. Such has made Tangela's vines lighter, making it easier to move around. Out of all possible types though, Tangela also became a bug type. Researchers still do not know why such type was chosen. Its appearance looks like the vines are all white and have small icicles at the end of them. The red feet are now colored like the vine's old colors.

New typing: Ice / Bug
New abilities: Snow Cloak / Shield Dust / Skill Link (hidden)
New stats: 75 (-25) / 125 (+25) / 60 (swap with Speed, +10) / 80 (-30) / 70 (+10) / 135 (swap with Defense, +10)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Growth, Natural Gift, Grassy Terain, Power Whip, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Rage Powder, Shock Wave, Synthesis, Wory Seed TOTAL: 24) (ADDED: Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Pin Missile, Lunge, Twineedle, Rock Blast, Hail, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, U-Turn, Signal Beam, X-Scissor, Smart Strike, Icy Wind, Bug Bite, Spikes, Superpower, Slash, Night Slash, Ice Punch TOTAL: 24)
Instead on being bulgy, Alolan Tangrowth are swift. Icicles on all of its vines allow it to shoot at enemies far away. Said icicles also serve as claws to scratch things. Like Tangela, Alolan Tangrowth are also significantly lighter. Its appearance is all the vines becoming white, said vines becoming covered with icicles (think brambles here) and the red tips becoming the vine's old color
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Pokemon: Luvdisc
New typing: Water/Dark
New abilities: Rough Skin/Huge Power (HA)
New stats: 43/70/50/40/30/97
Added/Removed moves:
Added: Crunch, Destiny Bond, Ice Fang, Poison Jab, Liquidation, Aqua Jet
Removed: Draining Kiss, Charm, Heart Stamp, Sweet Kiss, Lucky Chant, Captivate
Flavor: The phrase "love hurts." Piranha-esque influences.
Design: Blackened Luvdisc with white cheek. Has gained rigid spikes around its body, and even grew a tail. Lip area now has sharp teeth Luvdisc now uses to bite things with.
Competitive: High risk, high reward. Great STAB combo with decent coverage options, but very frail. (Pair with Tapu Lele to ease that, you're also immune to Psychic-type moves as well, and other than Tapu Lele you hit all of the viable Psychic-types well (Lele also can deal with Mega Venusaur decently well)) A Choice Scarf set with Destiny Bond can be a useful option too.

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Gluttony/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 65/100/115/55/60/40
Added/Removed moves:
Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion
Flavor: A spaghetti monster. In-game would be found in a haunted kitchen of sorts.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines with gooey sauce (actually lava) splattered throughout its front face. Its bigger than before. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....

Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Levitate/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 100/110/125/55/70/25
Added/Removed moves:
Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp, Synthesis
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion, Block
Flavor: A flying spaghetti monster, a "god" used to mock religion.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines, with gooey sauce (actually lava) by its tips and hands. Its bigger than before, now to the point where its legs are barely visible. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....
Competitive: Tangrowth's already pretty good in OU, but I gave it more special bulk and a typing that makes it lose the Ice, Fire, and Bug weaknesses (allowing it to pressure U-Turn users better, especially when combined with its hidden ability). Still retains Regenerator, and also gets Synthesis as low-rent recovery for non-Regen sets. It does gain a SR weakness though and its ludicrously slow. Could be nice on Doubles Trick Room teams, with strong Flare Blitz and Power Whip alongside pretty solid coverage overall.

Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Dark/Flying
New abilities: Intimidate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Crunch, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Fire Fang
Removed: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Air Slash, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Zubat has now gone black. It has developed facial painting in order to intimidate its potential predators.

Pokemon: Golbat
New typing: Dark/Flying
New abilities: Intimidate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Crunch, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Fire Fang
Removed: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Air Slash, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse, Double-Edge
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Golbat has now gone black. It has developed facial painting in order to intimidate its potential predators. Now has a tongue.

Pokemon: Crobat
New typing: Dark/Poison
New abilities: Levitate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Poison Fang, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Fire Fang, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Venoshock
Removed: Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse, Double-Edge, Quick Attack
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Face painting looks less intimidating, though now has bigger fangs with noticeable purple embedding near the top of them to signify poison. Still black in coloring.
Competitive: A fast Defogger that can spam Knock Off and U-Turn. Has very good defensive typing too. Can go offensively with a Stakeout set, though it'd probably only work in lower tiers.

Pokemon: Woobat
New typing: Ground/Fairy
New abilities: Long Shot/Unaware/Hustle (HA)
New stats: 65/72/43/55/43/45 (Speed and Attack have swapped)
Added/Removed moves:
Earthquake, Dazzling Gleam, Accelerock, Play Rough, Thousand Waves, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Spirit Shackle, Thousand Arrows, Swords Dance
Removed: Confusion, Heart Stamp, Imprison, Future Sight, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Fly, Psych Up, Endeavor
Flavor: Somewhat gargoyle based. Has archer-like aspects.
Design: Woobat has brownish fur where the blue fur once was. It also gains tiny feet. Its wings now have finger tips, allowing it to shoot arrows now stored within its wings. (Unfortunately, since it still can't see, it can't aim very well) Has a rock ontop of its head to represent a "cap" or sorts. It prefers to walk on the ground, but still retains some aspects of flight.

Pokemon: Swoobat
New typing: Ground/Fairy
New abilities: Long Shot/Fluffy/Hustle (HA)
New stats: 67/114/55/77/55/72 (Speed and Attack have swapped)
Added/Removed moves:
Earthquake, Superpower, Accelerock, Play Rough, Thousand Waves, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Spirit Shackle, Thousand Arrows, Swords Dance
Removed: Confusion, Heart Stamp, Imprison, Future Sight, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Fly, Psych Up, Calm Mind, Endeavor
Flavor: Somewhat gargoyle based. Also has aspects of an archer, particularly Robin Hood. A somewhat elderly Robin Hood.
Design: Swoobat now has dark brown fur where its dark blue fur was, and its light blue fur is the light brownish fur seen in Woobat. It now gets taller and has a rocky "hat" of sorts on its head. Eyes are slightly more shut than regular Swoobat. Gains a miniature beard made out of sand. Its wings now have finger tips, allowing it to shoot arrows now stored within its wings. It prefers to walk on the ground, but still retains some aspects of flight. Swoobat's first sight when arriving in Alola was a Decidueye fighting a Zygarde, and as such as successfully trained itself and its offspring to utilize their shooting techniques.
Competitive: A strong wallbreaker with a great typing both offensively an defensively. Gaining access to Thousand Arrows benefits it greatly, allowing it to hit most things in OU at least neutrally. Especially with Hustle and a Swords Dance boost, this thing can straight up sweep teams. Fortunately for players facing the bat, its speed tier is very mediocre for an offensive mon, and is very frail. Hustle also comes at the cost of accuracy lost, which is troublesome especially for some of the bat's less than perfectly accurate moves. Fluffy sets do offset this somewhat though, especially as Swoobat can handle most Fire-types it gets as a cost of better bulk with ease thanks to Thousand Arrows, but being frail still hurts it on the special side.

Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 40/30/55/50/70/35
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Swords Dance
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Budew's outer shell is now gray, with a white face. The insides of its coverings are pink and purple. In its animation, it shivers a lot.

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 60/50/65/100/80/45
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Roselia's coloring is a dark gray where its dark green was, and a lighter gray for its lighter green. The yellow section is white. The roses are now colored purple and pink. In its animation, it droops down, with a slightly hunched back and flowers near the ground.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 70/60/90/125/105/65
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Roselia's coloring is a dark gray where its dark green was, and a lighter gray for its lighter green. The collar section is white. The roses are now colored purple and pink (which are now also its eye colors). In its animation, it droops down, with a slightly hunched back and flowers near the ground, but not as low as with Roselia. The cape is slightly longer.
Competitive: A bulky attacker. Ghost/Fairy combined with Focus Blast gains perfect coverage, and it can easily run Synthesis, Will-o-Wisp, or Calm Mind in the last slot. As for ability, Natural Cure is great since it now gets affected by Poison now. Sap Sipper helps it take on Amoonguss, Tangrowth, and Mega Venusaur better.
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Pokemon: Luvdisc
New typing: Water/Dark
New abilities: Rough Skin/Huge Power (HA)
New stats: 43/70/50/40/30/97
Added/Removed moves:
Added: Crunch, Destiny Bond, Ice Fang, Poison Jab, Liquidation, Iron Head
Removed: Draining Kiss, Charm, Heart Stamp, Sweet Kiss, Lucky Chant, Captivate
Flavor: The phrase "love hurts." Piranha-esque influences.
Design: Blackened Luvdisc with white cheek. Has gained rigid spikes around its body, and even grew a tail.
Competitive: High risk, high reward. Great STAB combo with decent coverage options, but very frail. (Pair with Tapu Lele to ease that, you're also immune to Psychic-type moves as well, and other than Tapu Lele you hit all of the viable Psychic-types well (Lele also can deal with Mega Venusaur decently well)) A Choice Scarf set with Destiny Bond can be a useful option too.

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Gluttony/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 65/100/115/55/60/40
Added/Removed moves:
Added: Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion
A spaghetti monster. In-game would be found in a haunted kitchen of sorts.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines with gooey sauce (actually lava) splattered throughout its front face. Its bigger than before. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....

Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Levitate/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 100/110/125/55/70/25
Added/Removed moves:
Added: Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp, Synthesis
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion, Block
A flying spaghetti monster, a "god" used to mock religion.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines, with gooey sauce (actually lava) by its tips and hands. Its bigger than before, now to the point where its legs are barely visible. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....
Competitive: Tangrowth's already pretty good in OU, but I gave it more special bulk and a typing that makes it lose the Ice and Bug weaknesses (allowing it to pressure U-Turn users better, especially when combined with its hidden ability). Still retains Regenerator, and also gets Synthesis as low-rent recovery for non-Regen sets. It does gain a SR weakness though and its ludicrously slow. Could be nice on Doubles Trick Room teams, with strong Flare Blitz and Power Whip alongside pretty solid coverage overall.

On a side note, can I edit this post to include the other three as long I get those 3 in before the deadline?
Why did I know there was going to be a Spaghetti Tangela

As long as submission phase is still open, you can edit your other mons there.
Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 50 (+20) / 55 ([Swap] / +5) / 50 (+15) / 30 ([Swap]) / 50 (-20) / 40 (-20) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, + Dragon Claw, + Draco Meteor

Alolan Budew are stout variations of their Sinnoh counterparts. Their flesh is a charcoal color, and the facial area and legs are green. The vines it possesses end in vaguely crescent-shaped leaves, and when the vines are separated their vibrant pink buds are made visible. Alolan Budew's bib reaches lower to the ground, hanging between its legs.

Alolan Budew are born during the winter cycle of life on Ula'Ula Island into closely-knit colonies led by Alolan Roselia. They begin rigorous training after a week of development, and fight using close range strikes and grabbing with their vines. Each Budew finds a sparring partner with which they train until evolution.


Alolan Budew are based on Antirrhinum major, commonly referred to as the dragon flower. They also draws influence from martial arts, specifically the Dragon-style of Kung Fu.

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 65 (+15) / 100 ([Swap]) / 60 (+15) / 45 ([Swap]) / 60 (-20) / 50 (-10) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, - Nightmare, + Dragon Claw, , + Draco Meteor + Meditate, + Brick Break

Alolan Roselia are larger and stronger than Sinnoh Roselia, possessing a build noticeably more muscular than the Sinnoh variants. The green leaves which compose its body are black, and grow in a way that resembles a cloak or gi. Alolan Roselia have a single thorn near the back of their pate, which grows at a 45-degree angle from its head. Alolan Roselia's arms end in large flowers which resemble a dragon's maw, which it can manipulate to some degree so that it may grasp objects, and that it uses to shoot spines at enemies from a distance.

After their evolution, Alolan Roselia prioritize attaining leadership in their social settings. Each new generation wage conflicts with one another, and the strongest assumes control over the group it was born into, while the weakest one is exiled from their colony. Alolan Roselia are merciless hunters, and are adept in using many techniques to overpower their prey. They methodically organize strikes on neighboring Pokemon colonies, with the goal of obtaining the territory to enlarge their empire. Alolan Roselia favor flowers petals, particularly those with primary hues, and will target areas close to their territory that contain high amounts of these petals before moving on to other areas.


Alolan Roselia are based on Antirrhinum major, commonly referred to as the dragon flower. They also draws influence from martial arts, specifically the Dragon-style of Kung Fu and Kyudo, and maintain a slight inspiration taken from roses.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 80 (+20) / 125 ([Swap]) / 90 (+25) / 70 ([Swap]) / 90 (-15) / 60 (-30) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, - Nightmare, - Venom Drecnh, + Dragon Claw, , + Draco Meteor + Meditate, + Brick Break, + Dragon Rush, + Horn Leech, + Solar Blade

Alolan Roserade are large and lithe, measuring roughly 1.35 meters tall. They are strong for their size, and are capable of propelling thorns from their hands great distances. Alolan Roserade have silver flesh and ashen leaves, which grow into a cloak around it but leave its primary arm unencumbered. Alolan Roserade's head and arms end in similar fashions to that of Alolan Roselia's, although the flower comprising its head grows at the same angle as Alolan Roselia's thorn. Alolan Roserade's eyes and arms contain special chloroplasts that are capable of producing light when Alolan Roserade expends great amounts of collected solar energy. Alolan Roserade can produce spines roughly 1/6 meter in length from its hands, which it uses to strike or slash at foes or as projectiles to dispatch threats from afar.

Alolan Roserade act greatly different than their pre-evolved forms. Having matured, they realize the senselessness of their past actions and leave their clans in disgust and shame, wandering the four islands until the end of their natural lifespans. Alolan Roserade return to the site of their birth once per year to pay respect to their fallen comrades, appearing and disappearing in the night to avoid being spotted. Alolan Roserade no longer hunt for sport, and they avoid conflict altogether unless threatened, spending many hours each day meditating in the sunlight to gain sustenance and power. When they encounter a situation that may only be resolved by violent measures, Alolan Roserade channels primal energy into its hand-flowers and strikes with strong blows which bite its target by manipulating the false jaws of its hand.


Alolan Roserade are based on Antirrhinum major, commonly referred to as the dragon flower. They also draw influence from all styles of martial arts, and maintain a slight inspiration taken from roses.

Competitive Conceot:

Alolan Roserade is designed to be an end-all utility counter to Grass-, Water-, and Electric-type Pokemon. It sports a typing that grants it 4x resists to these types, and has a relatively high bulk to complement this. Its ability, Flower Veil, allows it to switch with impunity into the Pokemon it is designed to counter, as it no longer fears burns from Scald or being crippled from paralysis/poison. It also matches up well against Ground-type Pokemon, and can be used to break stall teams with some degree of efficiency.
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The submission phase is now closed. You may now commence voting in the usual format (X, Y, Z; X receives three points, Y receives two points, and Z receives one point. You may not place a vote for your own concept in slot X). Below is a compilation of submissions from which to choose.

Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Grass
New abilities: Natural Cure/Friend Guard (Sweet Veil)
New stats: 50(+10)/30/45(+10)/50/40(-30)/65(+10)
New/removed moves: Removed: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Swords Dance (-3)
New: Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Aromatic Mist (+3)
Flavor/Design: Budew is now pink, and slightly resembles a cherry blossom that hasn't bloomed. It produces an almost sickeningly sweet smell as it photosynthesizes. Alolan Budew are even weaker than their counterparts in Sinnoh, Unova, Hoenn, and Kalos.
Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Grass/Fairy
New abilities: Natural Cure/Aroma Veil (Healer)
New stats: 80(+30)/60/65(+20)/80(-20)/80/35(-30)
New/removed moves: Removed: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes (-6)
New: Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Aromatic Mist, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Draining Kiss (+6)
Flavor/Design: Roselia's flowers are now pink, and resemble cherry blossom. They have greater control over their aroma now, and its aroma now has healing capabilities. They are extremely peaceful, and use their aroma to calm opponents.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Grass/Fairy
New abilities: Aroma Veil/Natural Cure (Technician)
New stats: 60/70/65/125/85(-20)/110(+20)
New/removed moves: Removed: Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Swords Dance (-7)
New: Fairy Wind, Aromatic Mist, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Nasty Plot (+7)
Flavor/Design: Roserade now appears to have cherry blossoms sprouting from it, and has a calm demeanor. It now appears to have a pink and green qipao consisting of cherry petals and leaves. However, despite their calm demeanor, they still put up a brutal fight if threatened, or if their beauty is insulted (notably, this is the only thing that actually angers it), and will even fight until the bitter end. They use a barrage of petals to fight their opponents, and these petals sell for a high bargain on the black market thanks to their powers for either healing or destruction.
Competitive Analysis: Fast Special sweeper, with access to Nasty Plot. It also has Technician Draining Kiss if you like bad gimmicks.
Alolan Budew

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 20 [-20]
Atk - 30
Def - 20 [-15]
SpA - 80 [+20]
SpD - 70 [+10]
Spe - 60 [+5]
BST - 280

Evolution Method - Hapinness in a Hailstorm in the overworld

Alolan Roselia

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 35 [-15]
Atk - 60
Def - 35 [-10]
SpA - 100
SpD - 90 [+10]
Spe - 80 [+15]
BST - 400

Evolution Method - Ice Stone

Alolan Roserade

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 60
Atk - 70
Def - 60 [-25]
SpA - 125
SpD - 115 [+10]
Spe - 105 [+15]
BST - 515

New Moves - Aurora Beam, Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Hail, Haze, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind, Mist, Psychic, Psyshock, Dark Pulse [+16]
Removed Moves - Grassy Terrain, Mega Drain, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Grass Knot, Synthesis, Pin Missile, Cotton Spore, Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Grass Whistle, Bullet Seed, Absorb, Growth, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Petal Blizzard, Aromatherapy, Petal Dance, Worry Seed [-25]

Design - Light Blue and icy-ish Body with icy spikes and frozen roses.
Flavor - This line was moved to mount Lanakila and couldn't adapt to the cold winter, therefore their leaves and roses got frozen making them loose their Grass power and gain Grass ones.

Competitive Analysis - Fast and powerful Special attacker, but Alolan Roserade does have a crippling weakness to Steel-types
View attachment 77900
New typing:
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats: HP: 60 (+20)
Atk: 50 (Sp. Atk Swap)
Def: 55 (Speed Swap)
Sp. Atk: 10 (Atk swap -20)
Sp. Def: 70
Speed: 35 (Def Swap)

Flavor: Once moved to Alola, most Budew found themselves found of Akala and UlaUla. At first, both budew evolved diferently, one becoming more adapted to Mount Lanakila and the other to Wela Volcano. Eventually, the two species were put to breed, and now this is the dominant Alolan Budew.
Design: Half of it resembles a volcano, and half of it resembles a snowy mountain. The only thing that is not split is it's face: It becomes a Gray collor. Alolan Budew have heterectomia (Irises have diferent collor), one is a intense Red resembling lava and the other is a soft blue, resembling Ice.

View attachment 77901
New typing: Fire/Ice
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats:
HP: 60 (+10)
Atk: 100 (Swap with Sp. Atk)
Def: 65 (Swap with Speed)
Sp. Atk: 50 (Swap with Attack - 10)
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 45

Flavor/Design: Once grown, Roselia's temperature split is more controlled. While it's right arm is still lava, that resembles a red magma hand, and the left is ice that resembles an ice hand, it's body is ice and the "hair" and "Clothing" is now magma. it still has heterectomia, tho

View attachment 77902
New typing:
New abilities: Adaptability/Slush Rush (Magic Guard)
New stats: HP: 70 (+10)
Atk: 125 (Swap with Sp. Attack)
Def: 90 (Swap with Speed)
Sp. Atk: 40 (Swap with attack -30)
Sp. Def: 105
Speed: 85 (+20)
Flavor/Design: Keeps mostly the same changes as Roselia, with the Magma Cape and Mask, Ice Body, having heterectomia (Right eye is blue and left is red) and now what used to be a flower on it's head, is a top of a volcano, made of ice, with swirling magma inside. It is said that they guard Mount Lanakila and only let the most skilled players pass by. It once had an Ice-Type trial there, but abandoned it and the Icium-Z behind for unknown reasons

Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Absorb, Aromatherapy, Bullet Seed, Cotton Spore, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Grass Whistle, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Worry Seed, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Dazzling Gleam, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball (-33)

Added: Eruption, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Lava Plume, Blaze Kick, Will-O-Wisp, Hail, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Ice Hammer, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Avalanche, Knock Off, Pursuit, Nasty Plot, Thunder Punch, U-Turn, Earth Power, Earthquake, Shore Up, Waterfall, Surf, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Defog, Play Rough

Competitive Analysis: Alolan Roserade can pull off various diferent sets. It can be a hard-hitting attacker with Adaptability (For the record, Porygon-Z has 135 Sp. Atk so I think it's fine? Mabe I'll remove Blitz to keep it balanced), to a good Fire-Type Hail Sweeper, or just ignore the Stealth Rocks on the switch-in. Having a good enough pool, boosting and recovery with decent bulk, and an offensive type that isn't that bad (Although thunder Punch cannot do much to water. Don't stay in on Water), it can fill either roles of a Choiced (Scarf Adaptability or Band Rush) or Set-Up Sweeper.

New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Solar Power / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 30 (-10) / 20 (-10) / 35 / 80 (+30) / 40 (-30) / 75 (+20)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Grass Knot, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis TOTAL: 19) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Attack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge TOTAL: 19)
Flavor: The baby of Roselia, Budew has not yet mastered controling fire yet and spends all its time practicing it before evolution. Budew feels warm to the touch and can help people stay warm through winter. Its color scheme is a red one.

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Solar Power / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 50 / 45 (-15) / 60 (+15) / 100 / 60 (-20) / 85 (+20)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Poison Sting, Magical Leaf, Ingrain, Toxic Spikes, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance TOTAL: 25) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Atack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Moonblast, Spike Cannon TOTAL: 25)
Flavor: Due to extreme exposure to sunlight, Roselia lost its grass typing and eventualy lost its poison typing too. It instead is now a fire controler, using flames to threaten predators, with its hands being covered in them. It also protects fellow pokemon who need help. Its appearance is a red color scheme with some orange and the rose hands being entirely in flames.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Fire / Fairy
New abilities: Flame Body / Sheer Force / Pixilate (hidden)
New stats: 60 / 60 (-10) / 65 / 125 / 85 (-20) / 120 (+30)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Wory Seed, Venoshock, Rain Dance, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Cotton Spore, Bullet Seed, Grass Whistle, Leaf Storm, Pin Missile, Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Synthesis, Poison Sting, Magical Leaf, Ingrain, Toxic Spikes, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Grassy Terrain TOTAL: 26) (ADDED: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Quick Attack, Disarming Voice, Psychic, Smokescreen, Fire Spin, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Heat Wave, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Incinerate, Draining Kiss, Flame Charge, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Moonblast, Spike Cannon, Misty Terrain TOTAL: 26)
Flavor: Seen as a goddess of fire, Roserade can completely choose when fire burns. If disrupted, it burns an enemy completely in just seconds. People can also look to Roserade to give warmth to the people in cold regions. The color scheme is a red one again, with the two roses at its hands and its head completely on fire.
Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 40/30/55/50/70/35
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Swords Dance
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Budew's outer shell is now gray, with a white face. The insides of its coverings are pink and purple. In its animation, it shivers a lot.

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 60/50/65/100/80/45
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Roselia's coloring is a dark gray where its dark green was, and a lighter gray for its lighter green. The yellow section is white. The roses are now colored purple and pink. In its animation, it droops down, with a slightly hunched back and flowers near the ground.

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Ghost/Fairy
New abilities: Cursed Body/Natural Cure/Sap Sipper (HA)
New stats: 70/60/90/125/105/65
Added/Removed moves:
Moonblast, Memento, Destiny Bond, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Psychic, Focus Blast
Removed: Pin Missile, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Water Sport, Stun Spore, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Toxic Spikes
Flavor: A "weeping willow"
Design: Roselia's coloring is a dark gray where its dark green was, and a lighter gray for its lighter green. The collar section is white. The roses are now colored purple and pink (which are now also its eye colors). In its animation, it droops down, with a slightly hunched back and flowers near the ground, but not as low as with Roselia. The cape is slightly longer.
Competitive: A bulky attacker. Ghost/Fairy combined with Focus Blast gains perfect coverage, and it can easily run Synthesis, Will-o-Wisp, or Calm Mind in the last slot. As for ability, Natural Cure is great since it now gets affected by Poison now. Sap Sipper helps it take on Amoonguss, Tangrowth, and Mega Venusaur better.
Pokemon: Budew
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 50 (+20) / 55 ([Swap] / +5) / 50 (+15) / 30 ([Swap]) / 50 (-20) / 40 (-20) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, + Dragon Claw, + Draco Meteor
Flavor/Design: WIP

Pokemon: Roselia
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 65 (+15) / 100 ([Swap]) / 60 (+15) / 45 ([Swap]) / 60 (-20) / 50 (-10) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, - Nightmare, + Dragon Claw, , + Draco Meteor + Meditate, + Brick Break
Flavor/Design: WIP

Pokemon: Roserade
New typing: Grass / Dragon
New abilities: Flower Veil / Inner Focus / Long Reach (HA)
New stats: 80 (+20) / 125 ([Swap]) / 90 (+25) / 70 ([Swap]) / 90 (-15) / 60 (-30) (Net Change: +0)
New/removed moves: - Venoshock, - Sludge Bomb, - Dazzling Gleam, - Cotton Spore, - Extrasensory, - Nightmare, - Venom Drecnh, + Dragon Claw, , + Draco Meteor + Meditate, + Brick Break, + Dragon Rush, + Horn Leech, + Solar Blade
Flavor/Design: WIP

Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Cute Charm (Hidden)
New stats: 40 / 55 (+10) / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (-10)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs
Design: Alolan Zubat's soft, fluffy fur, which resembles velvet, has a garish, excessively saturated, bright purple color, and its wing membranes are an equivalent shade of red. White markings are present around its mouth, which holds a pair of wickedly sharp, off-white fangs. Alolan Zubat's ears are larger than those of its Kantonian counterpart and have red insides. While still small, Alolan Zubat are slightly larger than Kantonian Zubat, measuring in at 0.83m and weighing 7.51kg.
Flavor: Alolan Zubat are peaceful Pokemon that act at a leisurely rate, occupying remote caves in the deserts of Alola. Despite their size and temperament, Alolan Zubat are safe from predation because of their luxurious coats; any creature that contacts an Alolan Zubat's silky fur loses all hostility and desires only to touch the Pokemon. Though docile Pokemon, a threatened Alolan Zubat will lash out with its deadly fangs, which can slice through wood as if it had the softness of butter.

Evolves at Level 22.

Pokemon: Golbat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 75 / 79 (-1) / 73 (+3) / 71 (+6) / 77 (+2) / 79 (-11)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Ancient Power
Design: Alolan Golbat is covered in soft, dull purple fur, with a bone-white pattern rimming its mouth and forming a "v" shape between its eyes. Alolan Golbat's wing membranes are a ruddy hue, and its ears show a similar color. This Pokemon is larger than its Kantonian counterpart by a minute amount, reaching 1.66m in length and 55.1kg in weight.
Flavor: Despite similar characteristics, Alolan Golbat lack the appeal of their pre-evolutions, relegating them to lives of solitude and distaste. The Pokemon lurk in Alolan deserts, emerging only at night, when most predators are asleep. Any perceived threat receives a vicious assault from Alolan Golbat's keen fangs; because the Pokemon are slow to trust others, they are unpopular allies. Regardless of their date of birth, all Alolan Golbat have a strong sense of nostalgia and pine for the trappings of a past decade, an age they believe to be superior to the modern day.

Evolves only at Levels 70-79 while Ancient Power is known (learned at Level 70).

Pokemon: Crobat
New typing: Dark / Flying
New abilities: Strong Jaw / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 77 (-8) / 120 (+30) / 77 (-3) / 77 (+7) / 77 (-3) / 107 (-23)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (6): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog, Cross Poison
New moves (4): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Throat Chop, Flash, Ancient Power, Thunder Fang
Design: The fur on Alolan Crobat's face and the frontside of its body is a pallid white, while the back of its body bears dark, metallic royal purple fur. Alolan Crobat's teeth are elongated and display prominent, matte off-white canine teeth whose appearance more closely resembles plastic than enamel. The darker fur on Alolan Crobat's head resembles a receding widow's peak and is exceedingly long, forming a braid that dangles six inches below its body. The Pokemon's great wings, measuring 3.3m in wingspan, resemble those of its pre-evolution in structure, and its wing membranes and the insides of its unusually large ears are a deep maroon color. Alolan Crobat is slightly larger than regular Crobat, at 1.88m in length and 78.05kg in weight.
Flavor: Alolan Crobat are created when an Alolan Golbat harnesses primal energy and metamorphoses; as a result of Alolan Golbat's incessant wishes to return to the past, it evolves into an atavistic form. Cloaking themselves with superior, natural camouflage, Alolan Crobat are apex predators of the nocturnal hours, silent in flight and able to crush a stop sign with a single snap of their jaws, which, mysteriously, cause no bleeding to occur; for this behavior, it has been nicknamed, "The Staunching Vampire," and those it attacks are said to have been "vamped." During slumber, an Alolan Crobat Bears its teeth, absorbing solar radiation through its canine teeth; while hunting, it opens its maw to disorient prey with flashes of blinding, green light, then clamps it mouth around its target's throat with a fierce hiss. In the process of adaptation to a nocturnal life, Alolan Crobat have sensitive eyes that prohibit them from engaging in diurnal activity without protection of some sort. Recently, an odd phenomenon regarding Alolan Crobat has been discovered: if the Pokemon sinks its fangs into a depleted battery, the object is somehow recharged; this discovery holds great potential and is currently undergoing further investigation.

All members of the Alolan Crobat line are based on Vampyrum spectrum, the spectral bat (a.k.a the false vampire bat), and Alolan Crobat itself incorporates elements of the extinct Necromantis genus of bats, which uniquely possessed jaws and skulls of unusual strength.
View attachment 78068
New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 40
Atk: 10 (Swap with Sp. Atk -20)
Def: 35
Sp. Atk: 75 (Swap with Sp Atk +30)
Sp. Def: 40
Speed: 45 (-10)

View attachment 78094
New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 75
Atk: 40 (Def Swap -30)
Def: 80 (Atk Swap)
Sp. Atk: 95 (+30)
Sp. Def: 90 (Speed Swap)
Speed: 75 (Sp. Def Swap)

View attachment 78093
New typing: Fairy/Water
New abilities: Liquid Voice (Pixilate)
New stats:
HP: 85
Atk: 40 (Swap with Sp. Atk -30)
Def: 80
Sp. Atk: 120 (Swap with Attack +30)
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 130

Flavor: Upon arriving in Alola, Zubats obviously gone into the caves. However, lots of caves in Alola have a spot on them with Water that leads to the Ocean, and Zubat eventually was able to swim there rather then flying on the cave. As they now are able to leave the cave without Sunlight hurting them, they became less angry and stopped attacking people, being much more peaceful now. They live by the shores, while Alolan Crobat live in open ocean and can be often seen in Poni Island.

Design: Transforming Bats into Rays sounded weird but it was fun. I've done some research, there is a kind of Ray called Bat Ray, or Eagle Ray, which the Spotted can be found in Hawaiian waters, so I gone with that. They become black seen from above, with vibrant pink spots on their body, and a light pink from below. They now have a sting (Duh), and the wings are, well, ray-like. Golbat no longer has the body-long fang. They've also lost their ears as they are diferent on Rays.

Added/Removed Moves:

Removed: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Fly, Gust, Pluck, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Cross Poison, Poison Fang, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Leech Life, U-turn, X-Scissor, Quick Attack, Zen Headbutt, Thief

Added: Hydro Pump, Scald, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Spout, Aqua Jet, Moonblast, Draining Kiss Boomburst, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, Freeze-Dry Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Parting Shot, Poson Sting, Poison Tail

Competitive Analysis: Small reminder that Crobat gets Nasty Plot. This thing becomes a really strong wallbreaker, and has tons of coverage. Regular Crobat itself has good special coverage, now you could run PixieBurst with Heat Wave, Ice Beam/Sludge Bomb and Hydro Pump. Could also run Liquid Voice as a surprise factor. Golbat can also use Eviolite. See following sets:

Fast Specs

Crobat-Alola @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Hydro Pump
- Heat Wave
- Psyshock

Scald Calm Mind

Crobat-Alola @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 4 SpA / 108 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst/Hyper Voice (Cause PP)
- Scald
- Roost (Mantine can do it, so it keeps roost)
- Calm Mind

Nasty Plot Sweeper

Crobat-Alola @ Life Orb
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Hydro Pump
- Nasty Plot
- Heat Wave

Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 30 (-10) / 65 (+20) / 25 (-10) / 15 (-15) / 30 (-10) / 80 (+25)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind Total: 23) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play TOTAL: 23)
Flavor: Alolan Zubat have attempted various ways to communicate. The best way involed telekinetic and electric signals that tell fellow Zubat messages. In order to do this however, it has to rid its old typing. The color scheme is the blue now being a magenta and the purple becoming a dark yellow.

New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 65 (-10) / 105 (+25) / 60 (-10) / 45 (-20) / 65 (-10) / 115 (+25)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind Total: 23) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play TOTAL: 23)
Alolan Golbat, while having the same characteristics as Zubat, have strong biting capabilities. Golbat can suck more blood from foes than it could originaly allowing it to heal itself more from it (think leech life). Golbat can also seriously leave a dent when hiting something. Its color scheme is the blue becoming a magenta and the purple becoming a dark yellow.

New typing: Psychic / Electric
New abilities: Levitate / Strong Jaw (hidden)
New stats: 75 (-10) / 120 (+30) / 70 (-10) / 55 (-15) / 70 (-10) / 145 (+15)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Giga Drain, Wing Attack, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Haze, Air Slash, Quick Guard, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Payback, Fly, Brave Bird, Curse, Defog, Feint Attack, Gust, Nasty Plot, Venom Drench, Heat Wave, Tailwind, Cross Poison, X-Scissor, Sky Attack Total: 26) (ADDED: Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Psyshock, Psychic, Confusion, Dream Eater, Charge Beam, Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Swords Dance, Electroweb, Trick, Skill Swap, Signal Beam, Role Play, Psychic Terain, Speed Swap, Electric Terain TOTAL: 26)
Alolan Crobat are some of the fastest creatures in all of pokemon. They use this to their advantage, as they fly as fast as sound and can catch prey easialy. Crobat though, due to its structure, canot sit, meaning they have to continously fly. The color scheme is the purple becoming magenta and the blue becoming dark yellow.
Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Dark/Flying
New abilities: Intimidate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Crunch, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Fire Fang
Removed: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Air Slash, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Zubat has now gone black. It has developed facial painting in order to intimidate its potential predators.

Pokemon: Golbat
New typing: Dark/Flying
New abilities: Intimidate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Crunch, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Fire Fang
Removed: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Air Slash, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse, Double-Edge
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Golbat has now gone black. It has developed facial painting in order to intimidate its potential predators. Now has a tongue.

Pokemon: Crobat
New typing: Dark/Poison
New abilities: Levitate/Stakeout (HA)
New stats: Unchanged
Added/Removed moves:
Poison Fang, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Fire Fang, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Venoshock
Removed: Gust, Twister, Ominious Wind, Pluck, Curse, Double-Edge, Quick Attack
Flavor: A typical bat. Facial painting looks like a standard depiction of Dracula.
Design: Face painting looks less intimidating, though now has bigger fangs with noticeable purple embedding near the top of them to signify poison. Still black in coloring.
Competitive: A fast Defogger that can spam Knock Off and U-Turn. Has very good defensive typing too. Can go offensively with a Stakeout set, though it'd probably only work in lower tiers.

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Swift Swim/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 65/100(swap)/115/55(swap)/70(+30)/30(-30)
Added/Removed moves: Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb (+17)
Flavor: These Tangela are descended from ones that somehow survived being on a boat that capsized long ago. They are somehow able to attract Dhelmise to protect their territory on the ocean floor. A few rarely float up to the surface, and it is unknown how due to their immense weight as a result of their chains.
Design: Tangela resembles a mass of rusty chains from anchors with a sea urchin-like plant at its core. Its feet are covered, as the chains droop to the ground.
Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Volt Absorb/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 130(+30)/110(swap)/125/70(swap, -30)/70(+30)/20(-30)
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb, Anchor Shot, Slack Off, U-Turn (+18)
Tangrowth is basically a peacekeeper of the seas, using its anchor arms to destroy any threats to the sea. Its anchor arms allow it to easily remove any opposition from the world. Despite its menacing appearance, it is peaceful and hates fighting. The previously plant-like core has become incredibly rubbery, and allows it to absorb electricity with ease.
Design: Tangrowth looks incredibly similar to its pre-evolution, but bulkier and with anchors attached to two of its chains, forming "arms" of sorts.
Competitive Analysis: This is basically the ultimate wall in FE this. It's a lot like if Dhelmise was actually good, with some similarity to Ferrothorn thrown in there for good measure.
Alolan Tangela

1A - Plus
2A - Minus
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 35 [-30]
Atk - 65 [+10]
Def - 40 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 110 [+10]
SpD - 115 [switched with Def]
Spe - 70 [+10]
BST - 435

Evolution Method - level up knowing Discharge (learned by Tangela on level 38)

Alolan Tangrowth

1A - Plus
2A - Minun
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 110 [+10]
Atk - 110 [+10]
Def - 50 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 120 [+10]
SpD - 125 [switched with Def]
Spe - 20 [-30]
BST - 535

New Moves - Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Spark, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Recover [+12]
Removed Moves - Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Absorb, Poison Powder, Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Giga Drain, Ancient Power, Tickle, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, Rage Powder, Seed Bomb, Synhtesis, Bullet Seed [-20]

Design - Instead of being made out of vines, these pokémon are made out of balck electric wires with white markings. Their actual black body is now a vibrant yellow, but barely visible because of the wires.
Flavor - Alolan Tangela and Tangrowth started to be spotted on Aether Paradise, many people suspect that the Aether Corporation accidentally sent Tangelas and Tangrowths to the Ultra Space and that would explain their similarity to Xurkitree; other hypothesis is that Tangelas and Tangrowths residing on Aether Paradise actually started hiding in the electric wires and started using them as a part of their body.

Competitive Analysis - Alolan Tangrowth has a very scary SpA stat and it also can act as a Special Wall thanks to its tremendous 110/125 Special Bulk and access to reliable recovery on Recover. It is extremely slow though, meaning that most of the time, Tangrowth's opponent will most likely be moving first

Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Ice / Bug
New abilities: Snow Cloak / Shield Dust / Skill Link (hidden)
New stats: 65 / 100 (swap with SpAttack) / 60 (swap with Speed) / 55 (swap with Attack) / 40 / 115 (swap with Defense)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Growth, Natural Gift, Grassy Terain, Power Whip, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Rage Powder, Shock Wave, Synthesis, Wory Seed TOTAL: 24) (ADDED: Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Pin Missile, Lunge, Twineedle, Rock Blast, Hail, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, U-Turn, Signal Beam, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Smart Strike, Icy Wind, Bug Bite, Spikes TOTAL: 24)
Alolan Tangela are one of the many Pokemon adapting to the icy conditions. Such has made Tangela's vines lighter, making it easier to move around. Out of all possible types though, Tangela also became a bug type. Researchers still do not know why such type was chosen. Its appearance looks like the vines are all white and have small icicles at the end of them. The red feet are now colored like the vine's old colors.

New typing: Ice / Bug
New abilities: Snow Cloak / Shield Dust / Skill Link (hidden)
New stats: 75 (-25) / 125 (+25) / 60 (swap with Speed, +10) / 80 (-30) / 70 (+10) / 135 (swap with Defense, +10)
Added/Removed moves: (REMOVED: Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Ingrain, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Growth, Natural Gift, Grassy Terain, Power Whip, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Sludge Bomb, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Nature Power, Rage Powder, Shock Wave, Synthesis, Wory Seed TOTAL: 24) (ADDED: Powder Snow, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Pin Missile, Lunge, Twineedle, Rock Blast, Hail, Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Frost Breath, U-Turn, Signal Beam, X-Scissor, Smart Strike, Icy Wind, Bug Bite, Spikes, Superpower, Slash, Night Slash, Ice Punch TOTAL: 24)
Instead on being bulgy, Alolan Tangrowth are swift. Icicles on all of its vines allow it to shoot at enemies far away. Said icicles also serve as claws to scratch things. Like Tangela, Alolan Tangrowth are also significantly lighter. Its appearance is all the vines becoming white, said vines becoming covered with icicles (think brambles here) and the red tips becoming the vine's old color
Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Gluttony/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 65/100/115/55/60/40
Added/Removed moves:
Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion
Flavor: A spaghetti monster. In-game would be found in a haunted kitchen of sorts.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines with gooey sauce (actually lava) splattered throughout its front face. Its bigger than before. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....

Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Grass/Fire
New abilities: Levitate/Regenerator/Flame Body (HA)
New stats: 100/110/125/55/70/25
Added/Removed moves:
Fire Lash, Flare Blitz, Will-O-Wisp, Synthesis
Removed: Tickle, Flail, Confusion, Block
Flavor: A flying spaghetti monster, a "god" used to mock religion.
Design: It now has pasta-like vines, with gooey sauce (actually lava) by its tips and hands. Its bigger than before, now to the point where its legs are barely visible. They tend to confuse chefs, the chefs thinking that its just regular spaghetti, but alas....
Competitive: Tangrowth's already pretty good in OU, but I gave it more special bulk and a typing that makes it lose the Ice, Fire, and Bug weaknesses (allowing it to pressure U-Turn users better, especially when combined with its hidden ability). Still retains Regenerator, and also gets Synthesis as low-rent recovery for non-Regen sets. It does gain a SR weakness though and its ludicrously slow. Could be nice on Doubles Trick Room teams, with strong Flare Blitz and Power Whip alongside pretty solid coverage overall.

Due to character restraints, the slate will continue in the next post.
Pokemon: Woobat
New typing: Steel / Flying
New abilities: Iron Barbs / Unaware / Klutz (Hidden)
New stats: 69 (+4) / 69 (Swap / +14) / 65 (+22) / 55 (Swap) / 23 (-20) / 42 (-30)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (15): Heart Stamp, Imprison, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Magic Coat, Trick, Skill Swap, Telekinesis
New moves (13): Peck, Fury Attack, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Smart Strike, Spike Cannon, Spiky Shield, Ancient Power, Lick, Tail Whip, Poison Gas, Sketch (ONLY ONCE, REGARDLESS OF NEW MOVE TUTOR RULES)
Design: Instead of its Unovan counterpart's blue fur, Alolan Woobat is covered by metallic, chrome spikes. It has one circular nostril, which can contract to the size of a pinpoint or expand to 3 cm in radius. Alolan Woobat's wings are splattered with an odd, vibrantly colored liquid, which drips to the ground with each flap.
Flavor: Following its arrival in Alola, Woobat evolved a formidable set of spikes to evade predation. Alolan Woobat has a powerful digestive system in order to metabolize the poisonous berries that form the bulk of its diet, and it uses elements of this sustenance to produce a vibrantly colored fluid, strikingly similar to paint, that is secreted from glands on its wings and mucus membranes, and that decomposes rapidly upon exposure to air; however, said liquid, along with the Pokemon's droppings, is mildly toxic and simulates inebriation in those affected. Interestingly, though, Alolan Woobat are not immune to these effects, leading to a species characterized by clumsiness, impaired judgement, and general uselessness. It can force its fluids through its nose in a manner reminiscent of spray paint, but it must close its eyes when doing so, resulting in great inaccuracy.

Evolves while Ancient Power is known (learned at Level 35) while (Alolan) Crobat is in the party

Pokemon: Swoobat
New typing: Steel / Dark
New abilities: Iron Barbs / Unaware / Klutz (Hidden)
New stats: 77 (+10) / 105 (Swap / +28) / 79 (+24) / 55 (Swap / -2) / 25 (-30) / 84 (-30)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (15): Heart Stamp, Imprison, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Stored Power, Psycho Shift, Magic Coat, Trick, Skill Swap, Telekinesis
New moves (15): Peck, Fury Attack, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Smart Strike, Spike Cannon, Spiky Shield, Ancient Power, Lick, Tail Whip, Poison Gas, Sketch (ONLY ONCE, REGARDLESS OF NEW MOVE TUTOR RULES), Horn Leech, Parting Shot
Design: Alolan Swoobat is significantly larger than regular Swoobat, at 1.85m in stature and 119kg in weight. Its body bristles with pointed protrusions: its ruff of fur is replaced by an assortment of spikes identical to those of Alolan Woobat, it possesses a line of dorsal and cephalic spines (which add 3cm to its height), and a pair of large, bovine horns sprouts from its skull; every structure described shares the color and texture of Alolan Woobat's spikes. Alolan Woobat's nostril is retained by its evolution, and Alolan Swoobat's wings are a work of art, bearing splendorous and incredibly complicated murals beneath an odd shine, as if its skin were crafted from well-polished metal. Alolan Swoobat's forelimbs have adapted to terrestrial life, becoming much bulkier and developing a thick claw on each thumb to better propel Alolan Swoobat across the ground. Its long tail ends in a pair of metallic spines.
Flavor: When an Alolan Woobat is exposed to the influence of past eras when in the presence of an elder genus of bat, the younger Pokemon evolves in a manner similar to atavism, metamorphosing into a creature of prehistoric proportions. Alolan Swoobat have a complex system of communication based on subtle movements of the tongue and tail, assisted by occasional chirps. Alolan Swoobat possess a reflective, black nictitating membrane that protects their eyes from harmful particles; notably, this allows Alolan Swoobat to fire their now-permanent—although water soluble—colored fluids without fear of injury, leading to remarkable precision. Thanks to their size and natural weaponry, Alolan Swoobat are harassed infrequently, and by only the fiercest predators, which Alolan Swoobat thwart with a blast of liquid before escaping with an anachronistic dismissal; to avoid a potentially dangerous accumulation of fluid, Alolan Swoobat often use the excess to decorate their territories by creating dashing art on natural features.

As a result of prolonged exposure to toxic material, Alolan Swoobat are continually impaired in cognitive function, holding intelligences on par with a nine-year-old human, and hold a flippant attitude towards life; however, their unmatched talent with pigment sprays makes Alolan Swoobat popular companions amongst artists. Although generally good-natured, Alolan Swoobat hold a natural rivalry with Smeargle, as each species believes the other's artistic ability to be shoddy. Alolan Swoobat instinctively seek out Crobat and frequently serve as mimics and underlings to the latter Pokemon; philosophers theorize this behavior to be an expression of gratitude for enabling Alolan Swoobat's evolution, but Alolan natives know the truth: Alolan Swoobat are simply too lazy and incompetent to sustain themselves, requiring the aid of a patron to survive.

Alolan Woobat is a literal interpretation of the names of Eptesicus floweri, the horn-skinned bat, and Kerivoula picta, the painted bat, while Alolan Swoobat is based on Mystacina tuberculata, a prehistoric species of bat that spent considerable time walking across the forest floor.
View attachment 77953
New typing: Electric/Dark
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 73 (Swap with Speed +1(Because perfeccionism on the other stats))
Atk: 50 (+5)
Def: 50 (+7)
Sp. Atk: 50 (-5)
Sp. Def: 50 (+7)
Speed: 50 (Swap with HP -15)

Flavor: Alolan Woobat live on Vast Poni Cannyon, a place with eletromagnetism going around. It's fluffy fur was actually a good thing to conduce electricity. It now lives on the deepest areas of the cave, barely ever going out. There are, however, relats of it visiting Cemiteries at night time. The lost of wings made it a bit slower then the ones from Unova.

Design: Has lost it's wings. The blue tuff is now a ball of electricity (Still is a tuff, but resembles more an electric ball and is, of course, yellow) that levitates a few inches off the ground by magnetism. Has developped fangs and it's heart nose is a dark gray, almost black, while the heart is a lighter gray.
View attachment 77954

New typing:
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 144 (Swap with Speed +30)
Atk: 77 (Swap with Sp Atk)
Def: 70 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 27 (Swap with attack -30)
Sp. Def: 70 (+15)
Speed: 37 (Swap with hp -30)

(Actually I first calced wrong and thought it was gonna be 90 attack. rip)
Flavor: Alolan Swoobat are as smart as their Unovan counterparts, but use this smartness in a strategic way. They can use their Fluffy electrified furr to shock opponents and hide back onto the cave it came from. Some dub it as "The Light At The End Of The Tunnel", as it can use the electricity on it's body to create light. It is known for messing with electric systems in Alola
Design: Wings are not gone ths time, but can't really fly, the ears are separeted, the same fur thing and nose thing that happens with Woobat, and the body is a deep solid black. Fangs are sharper too
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Confusion, Calm Mind, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hear Stamp, Imprison, Magic Coat, Psychic, Psycho Shift, Psyshock, Reflect, Skill Swap, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Telekinesis, Zen Headbutt, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Fly, Air Slash, Gust, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Energy Ball, Giga Drain (-28)

Added: Charge, Electric Terrain, Electrify, Magnet Rise, Spark, Thunder Fang, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Wild Charge, Nuzzle, Power Trip, Crunch, Bite, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Hone Claws, Memento, Topsy Turvy, Nasty Plot, Recover, Conversion, Refresh, Wish, Heal Bell, Bulk Up, Cosmic Power, Agility, Aromatherapy (+28)

Competitive Analysis: Alolan Swoobat has fantastic HP. This can work both for a Recoil Attacker or for a Stally mon. Swoobat has the habilities and movesets to do both: While Speed Boost will add 20 BP to Power Trip every turn (With Bulk Up, +60), you can also use Simple to just boost away as much as you want. This has the physical variation of Calm Mind Stored Power (Bulk Up Power Trip), better bulk, and and odd typing. While still slow even if it's able to get a +6 in Speed, your bulk will guarantee you some hits taken before going down. Can also change it's typing and try to pull a PZ with Z-Conversion

Stall wise, it has a safe way of boosting it's defenses, two safe ways to spread para, STAB Foul Play, (Z)Parting Shot to support, Memento to support as well when you're going down, Topsy Turvy to annoy and reliable recovery.
Pokemon: Woobat
New typing: Ground/Fairy
New abilities: Long Shot/Unaware/Hustle (HA)
New stats: 65/72/43/55/43/45 (Speed and Attack have swapped)
Added/Removed moves:
Earthquake, Dazzling Gleam, Accelerock, Play Rough, Thousand Waves, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Spirit Shackle, Thousand Arrows, Swords Dance
Removed: Confusion, Heart Stamp, Imprison, Future Sight, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Fly, Psych Up, Endeavor
Flavor: Somewhat gargoyle based. Has archer-like aspects.
Design: Woobat has brownish fur where the blue fur once was. It also gains tiny feet. Its wings now have finger tips, allowing it to shoot arrows now stored within its wings. (Unfortunately, since it still can't see, it can't aim very well) Has a rock ontop of its head to represent a "cap" or sorts. It prefers to walk on the ground, but still retains some aspects of flight.

Pokemon: Swoobat
New typing: Ground/Fairy
New abilities: Long Shot/Fluffy/Hustle (HA)
New stats: 67/114/55/77/55/72 (Speed and Attack have swapped)
Added/Removed moves:
Earthquake, Superpower, Accelerock, Play Rough, Thousand Waves, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Spirit Shackle, Thousand Arrows, Swords Dance
Removed: Confusion, Heart Stamp, Imprison, Future Sight, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Dream Eater, Trick Room, Fly, Psych Up, Calm Mind, Endeavor
Flavor: Somewhat gargoyle based. Also has aspects of an archer, particularly Robin Hood. A somewhat elderly Robin Hood.
Design: Swoobat now has dark brown fur where its dark blue fur was, and its light blue fur is the light brownish fur seen in Woobat. It now gets taller and has a rocky "hat" of sorts on its head. Eyes are slightly more shut than regular Swoobat. Gains a miniature beard made out of sand. Its wings now have finger tips, allowing it to shoot arrows now stored within its wings. It prefers to walk on the ground, but still retains some aspects of flight. Swoobat's first sight when arriving in Alola was a Decidueye fighting a Zygarde, and as such as successfully trained itself and its offspring to utilize their shooting techniques.
Competitive: A strong wallbreaker with a great typing both offensively an defensively. Gaining access to Thousand Arrows benefits it greatly, allowing it to hit most things in OU at least neutrally. Especially with Hustle and a Swords Dance boost, this thing can straight up sweep teams. Fortunately for players facing the bat, its speed tier is very mediocre for an offensive mon, and is very frail. Hustle also comes at the cost of accuracy lost, which is troublesome especially for some of the bat's less than perfectly accurate moves. Fluffy sets do offset this somewhat though, especially as Swoobat can handle most Fire-types it gets as a cost of better bulk with ease thanks to Thousand Arrows, but being frail still hurts it on the special side.

Pokemon: Alolan Luvdisc
New typing: Ground
New abilities: Pure Power (Sand Rush)
New stats: 43/55(+25)/62(+7)/30(-10)/50(-15)/90(-7)
New/removed moves:
Removed: Charm, Draining Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Captivate, Heal Pulse (5)
New: Earthquake, Giga Impact, Quick Attack, Slam, Accelerock (5)
Flavor/Design: Known as the "bottom-feeding bullets of Alola", these dark brown Luvdisc bolt across the seafloor at incredible speeds, propelled by their back fins. Their body is made up of completely muscle, allowing them to slam through anything in their way while they're on their seafloor quest.
View attachment 78102
New typing:
New abilities: Prankster (Oblivious)
New stats:
HP: 73 (+30)
Atk: 10 (-20)
Def: 75 (+20)
Sp. Atk: 10 (-30)
Sp. Def: 75 (+10)
Speed: 87 (-10)
Added/Removed moves: Added: Shell Smash, Baton Pass, Memento, Torment, Taunt, Destiny Bond, Spite, Confuse Ray, Shore Up, Clamp (+10)

Flavor: Alolan Luvdisc are much more defensive creatures, as now they developed shells around their body to protect themselves from predators and now have learned how to go to the shore as well. They are, however, pretty weak attackers.

Design: It's a Heart-Shaped multicolored shell. It's as simple as that.

Competitive Analysis: Um... Idk, it has Shell Pass. There wasn't much I could do with a Luvdisc, and other people already made Huge Power. I tried to do a Flinching Serene Grace but it sucks at that too. Let it then be a Pyukumuku/Whimsicott fusion, with support prankster (Or Oblivious to avoid taunt. No one cares about attract.). It also has Destiny Bond Prankster to kill itself and the foe too. Just don't let it be your last mon otherwise you're screwed.
Pokemon: Luvdisc
New typing: Water/Dark
New abilities: Rough Skin/Huge Power (HA)
New stats: 43/70/50/40/30/97
Added/Removed moves:
Added: Crunch, Destiny Bond, Ice Fang, Poison Jab, Liquidation, Iron Head
Removed: Draining Kiss, Charm, Heart Stamp, Sweet Kiss, Lucky Chant, Captivate
Flavor: The phrase "love hurts." Piranha-esque influences.
Design: Blackened Luvdisc with white cheek. Has gained rigid spikes around its body, and even grew a tail. Lip area now has sharp teeth Luvdisc now uses to bite things with.
Competitive: High risk, high reward. Great STAB combo with decent coverage options, but very frail. (Pair with Tapu Lele to ease that, you're also immune to Psychic-type moves as well, and other than Tapu Lele you hit all of the viable Psychic-types well (Lele also can deal with Mega Venusaur decently well)) A Choice Scarf set with Destiny Bond can be a useful option too.

Special Announcement:

In the last slate, two submissions for the Karrablast/Escavalier line tied for first place; to resolve this issue, voting on the conflicting line will be reopened to decide the true victor. You may choose from the following submissions:

Alolan Karrablast

1A - Defiant
2A - Batte Armor
HA - No Guard

HP - 80 [+30]
Atk - 75
Def - 45
SpA - 40
SpD - 45
Spe - 60 [-30]
BST - 315

Alolan Escavalier

1A - Defiant
2A - Rock Head
HA - Steelworker

HP - 100 [+30]
Atk - 135
Def - 105
SpA - 60
SpD - 75 [-30]
Spe - 20
BST - 495

New Moves - Revenge, Sacred Sword, Superpower, Accelerock, Head Smash, Rock Blast, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge [+13]
Removed Moves - Fell Stinger, Peck, Twineedle, Bug Buzz, Rain Dance, Energy Ball, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, Bug Bite, Scary Face, Struggle Bug, Giga Drain, Signal Beam [-13]

Flavor - Alolan Escavalier are noble alolan cavaliers and serve to protect the Kahunas and the Tapus. Since in alola its harder to find Steel for Escavalier to make its armor, it started using Rocks instead. Karrablasts on the other hand, are being trained to turn into powerful Escavaliers, and meanwhile, they keep searching for Alolan Shelmets to help it evolve, Karrablasts also started learning Electric techniques, but the evolution process is so demanding that all Karrablasts eventually give up their Electric power to get to evolve into Escavalier.
Design - Both evolutions look more noble and prideful, Escavalier is covered in a Rock armor instead of a Steel one, that's about it...

Competitive Analysis - Few Pokémon can resist Alolan Escavalier's STABs, and the few that can, get destroyed by Knock Off, also, Priority in Accelerock allows Escavalier to threaten faster opponents, and base 135 Atk is very respectable as well, it also has three amazing abilities, Defiant allows it to pose a threat do Defog and Intimidate users, while Rock Head nuffilies Rock Smash's recoil, finally, Steelworker gives it a third STAB which compliments its two STABs very well, and being only resisted by the Aegislash line, and hitting 478 Pokémon Super-Effectively, with at least one of its STABs. 100/105/75 bulk gives it some ability to take neutral/resisted hits with ease and fire back. Rock/Fighting is a terrible defensive typing in the other hand tho, meaning that most Pokémon can hit it Super-Effectively with at least one of their moves, not to mention that even though it has an almost unresisted STAB combo, it is still walled by Pokémon such as Hipowdon and Slowbro, finally, base 20 means that the only two Pokemon you're naturally outspeeding without Trick Room are Shuckle and Pikyumuku :P
Pokemon: Karrablast
New typing: Bug / Dragon
New abilities: Rivalry / Inner Focus / Swarm (Hidden)
New stats: 30 (-20) / 103 (+28) / 20 (-25) / 42 (+2) / 30 (-15) / 90 (+30)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (7): Take Down, Double-Edge, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Infestation, Screech, Signal Beam
New moves (6): Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor
Design: Alolan Karrablast is a hardy Pokemon with sweeping horns that resemble the antlers of a stag. Its limbs are protected by armor resembling greaves and an archer's bracers. The blue parts of Alolan Karrablast's body are yellow, and the regularly yellow parts are black.
Flavor: Alolan Karrablast are a species that thrives on order and structure, forming complicated social structures and unquestioningly fulfilling the duties they are given. Due to their heavy focus on law, Alolan Karrablast have become popular mascots for Alolan police forces, encroaching upon the spot held by Snubbull. Although they attack in a relentless manner, Alolan Karrablast despise lethal force, utilizing less harmful techniques whenever possible; however, an Alolan Karrablast is unable to control itself around Alolan Shelmet, violating its usual code of conduct and fighting mercilessly.

Pokemon: Escavalier
New typing: Ghost / Dragon
New abilities: Long Reach / Cursed Body / Oblivious (Hidden)
New stats: 100 (+30) / 110 (-25) / 80 (-25) / 70 (+10) / 120 (+15) / 15 (-5)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (7): Take Down, Double-Edge, Bug Buzz, Energy Ball, Infestation, Screech, Signal Beam
New moves (14): Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Shadow Ball, Spirit Shackle, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Healing Wish
Design: Alolan Escavalier is frailer than its Unovan counterpart, barely filling its shell. Rather than the traditional armor of a knight, Alolan Escavalier's body is protected by an ornate, gold and black helm resembling a dragon's head, dō-maru armor of identical coloring, and numerous lengths of a white, cloth-like substance that flow from the gaps near its abdomen and one shoulder. Pale wisps occasionally flit in and out of Escavalier's somewhat-oversized armature. Alolan Escavalier's arms are asymmetrical; one limb, protected by a single pauldron built to resemble a gold, avian wing, ends in a structure that resembles a longbow, and the other is unarmed, appearing identical to one of Karrablast's arms, albeit proportionately larger and with joints that allow for movement in the fashion of a human elbow, wrist, and fingers. The armor usually present below Alolan Escavalier's thorax looks like the tail of a mighty snake, and the once vivid colors of Alolan Escavalier's body are now a dull, tawny/ashen scheme.
Flavor: Alolan Escavalier is haunted by the repercussions of the behavior that triggered its evolution, causing it to waste away as it ignores its own physiological needs. Because Alolan Karrablast are transported to foreign Pokéballs before they are able to view the aftermath of their assaults, the Pokemon assume that the targeted Shelmet was slain by their own hand, which is a relentless source of grief; as penance for this behavior, Alolan Escavalier ceaselessly roam their habitats, collecting any spirits bound to the mortal world by unfinished business and helping to release them. The bleak Dragon-types are taciturn and generally unemotional, focusing entirely on any task with which they are presented.

The deep remorse in which they are mired leaves Alolan Escavalier with a drained will to fight; however, if they must defend themselves, the Pokemon strike quickly and without hesitation. Although they possess no apparent ammunition, if an Alolan Escavalier clears its mind and mimes the process of firing a bow, it can fire shards of eldritch energy; its most powerful attack is unleashed when it remembers the Shelmet it first victimized, causing it to conjure numerous phantom arrows that streak through the air in unpredictable patterns before converging and summoning a spectral rendition of said Shelmet. No known substance can successfully defend against this technique, but Escavalier is reluctant to utilize it; the Pokemon is often seen in a state of lachrymosity after defeating a foe in such a fashion.

Karrablast, the Clamping Pokemon

Sun: A fearsome species, Alolan Karrablast can repel enemies with a single display of its powerful horns. Although it maintains a serious façade, Alolan Karrablast is actually quite sensitive; for this reason, it was popular amongst royalty now long deceased.

Moon: Despite its bravado, Alolan Karrablast loathes inflicting pain, preferring to intimidate potential threats. However, it instinctively savages Alolan Shelmet on sight, a behavior made more peculiar by the species' separation.
Escavalier, the Cavalry Pokemon

Sun: An odd habit is shared amongst all Escavalier: if released, they congregate at the fields of Poni Meadow. Philosophers posit that the Pokemon are searching for someone or something they deem important.

Moon: Escavalier shares a close bond with the spirits lodging in its vacuous armor. The specters are said to change appearance to reflect Alolan Escavalier's current thoughts and emotions.

Alolan Karrablast is modeled after Dicranocephalus wallensii, colloquially known as the "Samoan dragon beetle", while Alolan Escavalier's design expands to include kyūdo, the Japanese martial art of archery, and the haunted house cliché of a possessed suit of armor.

Thanks to its high special bulk, respectable base 115 Attack, and wonderful defensive typing, Alolan Escavalier is a strong pivot, tank, and trapper, able to take on a variety of threats with relative ease; while best suited to blocking special attackers, Alolan Escavalier can shore up its weaker Defense stat with Will-O-Wisp, allowing it serve as a mixed wall. However, Alolan Escavalier's offensive abilities are limited by its lack of powerful coverage options, and the lack of reliable recovery hurts such a defensively oriented Pokemon.

I might have missed a few inaccuracies, but this round's submissions appear to be flawless. Exceptions are below; if you see your name mentioned, fix the problem described and tag me so that I can modify the slate.

S0L1D G0LD, while not a true error, I notice that your Roserade submission lacks flavor; tag me if you correct this absence, and I will edit the slate (PSA: this offer also applies to all future entrants who find themselves in similar situations).
Budew/Roselia/Roserade: Exploudit, CoolMan6001, AquaticPanic
Zubat/Golbat/Crobat: AquaticPanic, CoolMan6001, Melons-N-Soda
Tangela/Tangrowth: Hourai, CoolMan6001, Exploudit
Luvdisc: Melons-N-Soda, Vanillish Wafer

I'm abstaining from voting for Woobat/Swoobat

Tiebreaker vote:
Alolan Tangela

1A - Plus
2A - Minus
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 35 [-30]
Atk - 65 [+10]
Def - 40 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 110 [+10]
SpD - 115 [switched with Def]
Spe - 70 [+10]
BST - 435

Evolution Method - level up knowing Discharge (learned by Tangela on level 38)

Alolan Tangrowth

1A - Plus
2A - Minun
HA - Volt Absorb

HP - 110 [+10]
Atk - 110 [+10]
Def - 50 [switched with SpD]
SpA - 120 [+10]
SpD - 125 [switched with Def]
Spe - 20 [-30]
BST - 535

New Moves - Charge, Charge Beam, Discharge, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Spark, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Recover [+12]
Removed Moves - Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Absorb, Poison Powder, Growth, Mega Drain, Stun Spore, Giga Drain, Ancient Power, Tickle, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Leech Seed, Leaf Storm, Rage Powder, Seed Bomb, Synhtesis, Bullet Seed [-20]

Design - Instead of being made out of vines, these pokémon are made out of balck electric wires with white markings. Their actual black body is now a vibrant yellow, but barely visible because of the wires.
Flavor - Alolan Tangela and Tangrowth started to be spotted on Aether Paradise, many people suspect that the Aether Corporation accidentally sent Tangelas and Tangrowths to the Ultra Space and that would explain their similarity to Xurkitree; other hypothesis is that Tangelas and Tangrowths residing on Aether Paradise actually started hiding in the electric wires and started using them as a part of their body.

Competitive Analysis - Alolan Tangrowth has a very scary SpA stat and it also can act as a Special Wall thanks to its tremendous 110/125 Special Bulk and access to reliable recovery on Recover. It is extremely slow though, meaning that most of the time, Tangrowth's opponent will most likely be moving first

Alolan Budew

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 20 [-20]
Atk - 30
Def - 20 [-15]
SpA - 80 [+20]
SpD - 70 [+10]
Spe - 60 [+5]
BST - 280

Evolution Method - Hapinness in a Hailstorm in the overworld

Alolan Roselia

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 35 [-15]
Atk - 60
Def - 35 [-10]
SpA - 100
SpD - 90 [+10]
Spe - 80 [+15]
BST - 400

Evolution Method - Ice Stone

Alolan Roserade

1A - Poison Touch
2A - Ice Body
HA - Technician

HP - 60
Atk - 70
Def - 60 [-25]
SpA - 125
SpD - 115 [+10]
Spe - 105 [+15]
BST - 515

New Moves - Aurora Beam, Aurora Veil, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Hail, Haze, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind, Mist, Psychic, Psyshock, Dark Pulse [+16]
Removed Moves - Grassy Terrain, Mega Drain, Magical Leaf, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Grass Knot, Synthesis, Pin Missile, Cotton Spore, Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Grass Whistle, Bullet Seed, Absorb, Growth, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Petal Blizzard, Aromatherapy, Petal Dance, Worry Seed [-25]

Design - Light Blue and icy-ish Body with icy spikes and frozen roses.
Flavor - This line was moved to mount Lanakila and couldn't adapt to the cold winter, therefore their leaves and roses got frozen making them loose their Grass power and gain Grass ones.

Competitive Analysis - Fast and powerful Special attacker, but Alolan Roserade does have a crippling weakness to Steel-types
Hey there! I'm not submitting anything, I just wanted to say I really like your Electric-type Alolan-Tangrowth and it made my immagination go, so I've drawn a fanart:
It's not finished yet, his fingers will glow of electricity.
Zubat Line - Coolman6001, P2X7
Tangela Line - Coolman6001, Hourai, Exploudit
Swoobat Line - Aquatic Panic, Melons-N-Soda

Can I vote for myself on the tiebreaker vote?

Tiebreaker - ME (aka Exploudit)
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Budew line: AquaticPanic, Melons-N-Soda, CoolMan6001
Zubat line: AquaticPanic, P2X7, CoolMan6001
Tangela line: Exploudit, Melons-N-Soda, Hourai
Woobat line: AquaticPanic, P2X7, Melons-N-Soda
Luvdisc line: Vanillish Wafer, Melons-N-Soda, AquaticPanic

Tiebreaker vote: Exploudit
Tangela: Hourai , Exploudit, CoolMan6001
Luvsic: Vanillish Wafer, Melons-N-Soda
Zubat: P2X7, AquaticPanic

Tiebreaker: P2X7
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Budew line: Coolman6001, Exploudit, S0L1D G0LD,
Zubat line: CoolMan6001, P2X7, Melons-N-Soda
Tangela line: Hourai, Exploudit, Melon-N-Soda
Woobat line: AquaticPanic, Melons-N-Soda, P2X7
Luvdisc line: Vanillish Wafer, Melons-N-Soda, AquaticPanic

Tiebreaker vote: Exploudit
Posting to point out that I've finally added my flavor to my submissions. Although incredibly late, I highly encourage giving it a read to understand why I built the line how I did, even if you've already voted (and I'm aware that no more votes will likely be posted).

Speaking of votes, I didn't have time to read through much of the thread, but what I did read I will vote on:

Budew: Abstain
Zubat: P2X7
Tangela: Hourai
Woobat: P2X7
Luvdisc: Abstain
Alright, votes are now closed. I'll be counting the votes and announce the winners soon.

P2X7 - 12
AquaticPanic - 8
Coolman6001 - 7

Melons-N-Soda - 5


AquaticPanic - 10
P2X7|Melons-N-Soda - 8

Vanillish Wafer - 11
Melons-N-Soda - 9

AquaticPanic - 2

AquaticPanic|Coolman6001 - 6Exploudit - 5
S0L1D G0LD - 4
Melons-N-Soda - 3
Hourai - 0


Hourai - 18
Exploudit - 12
CoolMan6001 - 6
Melons-N-Soda - 3

Exploudit -3
P2X7 - 2
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The winners are:

Zubat: P2X7
Pokemon: Zubat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Cute Charm (Hidden)
New stats: 40 / 55 (+10) / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (-10)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs
Design: Alolan Zubat's soft, fluffy fur, which resembles velvet, has a garish, excessively saturated, bright purple color, and its wing membranes are an equivalent shade of red. White markings are present around its mouth, which holds a pair of wickedly sharp, off-white fangs. Alolan Zubat's ears are larger than those of its Kantonian counterpart and have red insides. While still small, Alolan Zubat are slightly larger than Kantonian Zubat, measuring in at 0.83m and weighing 7.51kg.
Flavor: Alolan Zubat are peaceful Pokemon that act at a leisurely rate, occupying remote caves in the deserts of Alola. Despite their size and temperament, Alolan Zubat are safe from predation because of their luxurious coats; any creature that contacts an Alolan Zubat's silky fur loses all hostility and desires only to touch the Pokemon. Though docile Pokemon, a threatened Alolan Zubat will lash out with its deadly fangs, which can slice through wood as if it had the softness of butter.

Evolves at Level 22.

Pokemon: Golbat
New typing: Normal / Flying
New abilities: Fluffy / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 75 / 79 (-1) / 73 (+3) / 71 (+6) / 77 (+2) / 79 (-11)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (5): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog
New moves (2): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Ancient Power
Design: Alolan Golbat is covered in soft, dull purple fur, with a bone-white pattern rimming its mouth and forming a "v" shape between its eyes. Alolan Golbat's wing membranes are a ruddy hue, and its ears show a similar color. This Pokemon is larger than its Kantonian counterpart by a minute amount, reaching 1.66m in length and 55.1kg in weight.
Flavor: Despite similar characteristics, Alolan Golbat lack the appeal of their pre-evolutions, relegating them to lives of solitude and distaste. The Pokemon lurk in Alolan deserts, emerging only at night, when most predators are asleep. Any perceived threat receives a vicious assault from Alolan Golbat's keen fangs; because the Pokemon are slow to trust others, they are unpopular allies. Regardless of their date of birth, all Alolan Golbat have a strong sense of nostalgia and pine for the trappings of a past decade, an age they believe to be superior to the modern day.

Evolves only at Levels 70-79 while Ancient Power is known (learned at Level 70).

Pokemon: Crobat
New typing: Dark / Flying
New abilities: Strong Jaw / Unaware (Hidden)
New stats: 77 (-8) / 120 (+30) / 77 (-3) / 77 (+7) / 77 (-3) / 107 (-23)
New/removed moves:
Removed moves (6): Swift, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Venom Drench, Defog, Cross Poison
New moves (4): Crunch, Psychic Fangs, Throat Chop, Flash, Ancient Power, Thunder Fang
Design: The fur on Alolan Crobat's face and the frontside of its body is a pallid white, while the back of its body bears dark, metallic royal purple fur. Alolan Crobat's teeth are elongated and display prominent, matte off-white canine teeth whose appearance more closely resembles plastic than enamel. The darker fur on Alolan Crobat's head resembles a receding widow's peak and is exceedingly long, forming a braid that dangles six inches below its body. The Pokemon's great wings, measuring 3.3m in wingspan, resemble those of its pre-evolution in structure, and its wing membranes and the insides of its unusually large ears are a deep maroon color. Alolan Crobat is slightly larger than regular Crobat, at 1.88m in length and 78.05kg in weight.
Flavor: Alolan Crobat are created when an Alolan Golbat harnesses primal energy and metamorphoses; as a result of Alolan Golbat's incessant wishes to return to the past, it evolves into an atavistic form. Cloaking themselves with superior, natural camouflage, Alolan Crobat are apex predators of the nocturnal hours, silent in flight and able to crush a stop sign with a single snap of their jaws, which, mysteriously, cause no bleeding to occur; for this behavior, it has been nicknamed, "The Staunching Vampire," and those it attacks are said to have been "vamped." During slumber, an Alolan Crobat Bears its teeth, absorbing solar radiation through its canine teeth; while hunting, it opens its maw to disorient prey with flashes of blinding, green light, then clamps it mouth around its target's throat with a fierce hiss. In the process of adaptation to a nocturnal life, Alolan Crobat have sensitive eyes that prohibit them from engaging in diurnal activity without protection of some sort. Recently, an odd phenomenon regarding Alolan Crobat has been discovered: if the Pokemon sinks its fangs into a depleted battery, the object is somehow recharged; this discovery holds great potential and is currently undergoing further investigation.

Tangela: Hourai
Pokemon: Tangela
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Swift Swim/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 65/100(swap)/115/55(swap)/70(+30)/30(-30)
Added/Removed moves: Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb (+17)
Flavor: These Tangela are descended from ones that somehow survived being on a boat that capsized long ago. They are somehow able to attract Dhelmise to protect their territory on the ocean floor. A few rarely float up to the surface, and it is unknown how due to their immense weight as a result of their chains.
Design: Tangela resembles a mass of rusty chains from anchors with a sea urchin-like plant at its core. Its feet are covered, as the chains droop to the ground.
Pokemon: Tangrowth
New typing: Water/Steel
New abilities: Volt Absorb/Water Absorb (Filter)
New stats: 130(+30)/110(swap)/125/70(swap, -30)/70(+30)/20(-30)
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Absorb, Bullet Seed, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Mega Drain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Vine Whip, Worry Seed (-15)
New: Bubble, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Liquidate, Aqua Ring, Rapid Spin, Brine, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Surf, Water Gun, Automotize, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Magnet Bomb, Anchor Shot, Slack Off, U-Turn (+18)
Tangrowth is basically a peacekeeper of the seas, using its anchor arms to destroy any threats to the sea. Its anchor arms allow it to easily remove any opposition from the world. Despite its menacing appearance, it is peaceful and hates fighting. The previously plant-like core has become incredibly rubbery, and allows it to absorb electricity with ease.
Design: Tangrowth looks incredibly similar to its pre-evolution, but bulkier and with anchors attached to two of its chains, forming "arms" of sorts.
Competitive Analysis: This is basically the ultimate wall in FE this. It's a lot like if Dhelmise was actually good, with some similarity to Ferrothorn thrown in there for good measure.

Woobat: AquaticPanic
New typing: Electric/Dark
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 73 (Swap with Speed +1(Because perfeccionism on the other stats))
Atk: 50 (+5)
Def: 50 (+7)
Sp. Atk: 50 (-5)
Sp. Def: 50 (+7)
Speed: 50 (Swap with HP -15)

Flavor: Alolan Woobat live on Vast Poni Cannyon, a place with eletromagnetism going around. It's fluffy fur was actually a good thing to conduce electricity. It now lives on the deepest areas of the cave, barely ever going out. There are, however, relats of it visiting Cemiteries at night time. The lost of wings made it a bit slower then the ones from Unova.

Design: Has lost it's wings. The blue tuff is now a ball of electricity (Still is a tuff, but resembles more an electric ball and is, of course, yellow) that levitates a few inches off the ground by magnetism. Has developped fangs and it's heart nose is a dark gray, almost black, while the heart is a lighter gray.
View attachment 77954

New typing:
New abilities: Speed Boost/Simple (Magic Bounce)
New stats: HP: 144 (Swap with Speed +30)
Atk: 77 (Swap with Sp Atk)
Def: 70 (+15)
Sp. Atk: 27 (Swap with attack -30)
Sp. Def: 70 (+15)
Speed: 37 (Swap with hp -30)

(Actually I first calced wrong and thought it was gonna be 90 attack. rip)
Flavor: Alolan Swoobat are as smart as their Unovan counterparts, but use this smartness in a strategic way. They can use their Fluffy electrified furr to shock opponents and hide back onto the cave it came from. Some dub it as "The Light At The End Of The Tunnel", as it can use the electricity on it's body to create light. It is known for messing with electric systems in Alola
Design: Wings are not gone ths time, but can't really fly, the ears are separeted, the same fur thing and nose thing that happens with Woobat, and the body is a deep solid black. Fangs are sharper too
Added/Removed moves:
Removed: Confusion, Calm Mind, Dream Eater, Future Sight, Hear Stamp, Imprison, Magic Coat, Psychic, Psycho Shift, Psyshock, Reflect, Skill Swap, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Telekinesis, Zen Headbutt, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Fly, Air Slash, Gust, Pluck, Roost, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Energy Ball, Giga Drain (-28)

Added: Charge, Electric Terrain, Electrify, Magnet Rise, Spark, Thunder Fang, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Wild Charge, Nuzzle, Power Trip, Crunch, Bite, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Hone Claws, Memento, Topsy Turvy, Nasty Plot, Recover, Conversion, Refresh, Wish, Heal Bell, Bulk Up, Cosmic Power, Agility, Aromatherapy (+28)

Competitive Analysis: Alolan Swoobat has fantastic HP. This can work both for a Recoil Attacker or for a Stally mon. Swoobat has the habilities and movesets to do both: While Speed Boost will add 20 BP to Power Trip every turn (With Bulk Up, +60), you can also use Simple to just boost away as much as you want. This has the physical variation of Calm Mind Stored Power (Bulk Up Power Trip), better bulk, and and odd typing. While still slow even if it's able to get a +6 in Speed, your bulk will guarantee you some hits taken before going down. Can also change it's typing and try to pull a PZ with Z-Conversion

Stall wise, it has a safe way of boosting it's defenses, two safe ways to spread para, STAB Foul Play, (Z)Parting Shot to support, Memento to support as well when you're going down, Topsy Turvy to annoy and reliable recovery.

Luvdisc: Vanillish Wafer

Pokemon: Alolan Luvdisc
New typing: Ground
New abilities: Pure Power (Sand Rush)
New stats: 43/55(+25)/62(+7)/30(-10)/50(-15)/90(-7)
New/removed moves:
Removed: Charm, Draining Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Captivate, Heal Pulse (5)
New: Earthquake, Giga Impact, Quick Attack, Slam, Accelerock (5)
Flavor/Design: Known as the "bottom-feeding bullets of Alola", these dark brown Luvdisc bolt across the seafloor at incredible speeds, propelled by their back fins. Their body is made up of completely muscle, allowing them to slam through anything in their way while they're on their seafloor quest.

Escavalier: Exploudit
Alolan Karrablast
1A - Defiant
2A - Batte Armor
HA - No Guard

HP - 80 [+30]
Atk - 75
Def - 45
SpA - 40
SpD - 45
Spe - 60 [-30]
BST - 315

Alolan Escavalier
1A - Defiant
2A - Rock Head
HA - Steelworker

HP - 100 [+30]
Atk - 135
Def - 105
SpA - 60
SpD - 75 [-30]
Spe - 20
BST - 495

New Moves - Revenge, Sacred Sword, Superpower, Accelerock, Head Smash, Rock Blast, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge [+13]
Removed Moves - Fell Stinger, Peck, Twineedle, Bug Buzz, Rain Dance, Energy Ball, X-Scissor, Poison Jab, Bug Bite, Scary Face, Struggle Bug, Giga Drain, Signal Beam [-13]

Flavor - Alolan Escavalier are noble alolan cavaliers and serve to protect the Kahunas and the Tapus. Since in alola its harder to find Steel for Escavalier to make its armor, it started using Rocks instead. Karrablasts on the other hand, are being trained to turn into powerful Escavaliers, and meanwhile, they keep searching for Alolan Shelmets to help it evolve, Karrablasts also started learning Electric techniques, but the evolution process is so demanding that all Karrablasts eventually give up their Electric power to get to evolve into Escavalier.
Design - Both evolutions look more noble and prideful, Escavalier is covered in a Rock armor instead of a Steel one, that's about it...

Competitive Analysis - Few Pokémon can resist Alolan Escavalier's STABs, and the few that can, get destroyed by Knock Off, also, Priority in Accelerock allows Escavalier to threaten faster opponents, and base 135 Atk is very respectable as well, it also has three amazing abilities, Defiant allows it to pose a threat do Defog and Intimidate users, while Rock Head nuffilies Rock Smash's recoil, finally, Steelworker gives it a third STAB which compliments its two STABs very well, and being only resisted by the Aegislash line, and hitting 478 Pokémon Super-Effectively, with at least one of its STABs. 100/105/75 bulk gives it some ability to take neutral/resisted hits with ease and fire back. Rock/Fighting is a terrible defensive typing in the other hand tho, meaning that most Pokémon can hit it Super-Effectively with at least one of their moves, not to mention that even though it has an almost unresisted STAB combo, it is still walled by Pokémon such as Hipowdon and Slowbro, finally, base 20 means that the only two Pokemon you're naturally outspeeding without Trick Room are Shuckle and Pikyumuku :P

Budew is a tie between Coolman6001 and AquaticPanic, will be solved just like Escavalier

Next slate is comming very soon
The Submission phase is now open.


Pidgey Line:


Special Announcement:

Because Pidgeot is capable of Mega Evolution, the council has created a set of rules that enable participants to design Alolan Mega Evolutions.
Mega Rules:
-The sum of the stat modifications brought on by Mega Evolution must equal +100.
-You may add no more than 100-(Base Stat Total/10 (rounded up)) to a single stat.
-A Mega Evolution need not share a type with the entirety of its line, but it must share one with its base form.

Starly Line:


Noibat Line:


Gligar Line:


Hoothoot Line:


Good luck to all.
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