Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Other than Luxury Ball, any other ball suggestions for Necrozma?

Also is Bold still the preferred nature for it?
Bold is usually preferred, but you could also go for a more offensive set with Timid.

As for balls,
is okay, but
is marginally better, though I personally prefer
beacuse of how it matches the hand crystals in how they bleed with the white/black.
if anyone has anything in the garchomp line with rough skin i would greatly appreciate if they lent me theirs quickly just so i can breed for my own. i will throw in a bottle cap for the effort. i spent like 2 hours trying to chain for a HA gabite but just constantly got trolled with sand veil assholes despite my chain reaching the point where it was probably more likely to find a shiny sandile.
if anyone has anything in the garchomp line with rough skin i would greatly appreciate if they lent me theirs quickly just so i can breed for my own. i will throw in a bottle cap for the effort. i spent like 2 hours trying to chain for a HA gabite but just constantly got trolled with sand veil assholes despite my chain reaching the point where it was probably more likely to find a shiny sandile.
deposit something on the gts and ill send you my vgc garchomp for free

edit: ask for a level 51-60 garchomp
Looking for a Naive Bagon (if possible in a cool ball). I can trade quite a few things so we can work something out. Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone - looking for a Duskull or Dusclops with the Hidden Ability "Frisk" - preferably in a cool ball, but I'm not too picky. I have plenty of breedables in nice balls and decent items to trade. IVs, gender, etc don't matter, I just need one with the Frisk ability. Thanks!
Hi everyone - looking for a Duskull or Dusclops with the Hidden Ability "Frisk" - preferably in a cool ball, but I'm not too picky. I have plenty of breedables in nice balls and decent items to trade. IVs, gender, etc don't matter, I just need one with the Frisk ability. Thanks!
Let me check in a few, I think I have one in a duskball
Hello, it's been a while. Currently resetting for Darkrai in OmegaRuby, can someone quickly confirm for me if you can sync natures on mystery gifts, as I can't remember
Hi everyone - looking for a Duskull or Dusclops with the Hidden Ability "Frisk" - preferably in a cool ball, but I'm not too picky. I have plenty of breedables in nice balls and decent items to trade. IVs, gender, etc don't matter, I just need one with the Frisk ability. Thanks!
Never mind I don't
Cheers dude, thought it was the case. Have so far had some very good ones come out, but with god awful natures :(
Yeah, I got lucky with mine, only had to SR Darkrai for ~3 hours, and I got a Timid HP Ice one with 3Ivs in Atk. Of course, I've spent 2 days SRing Keldeo with no luck, so I guess it balances out.
Yeah, I got lucky with mine, only had to SR Darkrai for ~3 hours, and I got a Timid HP Ice one with 3Ivs in Atk. Of course, I've spent 2 days SRing Keldeo with no luck, so I guess it balances out.
I'm now on to my third day of resetting Darkrai, where as the Arceus (31/18/30/31/31/31 Timid, I think) I reset I got in 3 tries.
Can I speak to an admin about taking down a trade post if Mine? The gengar wasn't a hack. I soft-reseted for it. Also, does this site just ASSUME that mons are hacks or use evidence?
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Does anyone have the following mons for trade?
- Timid/Modest Solar Power Charmander in a Dream Ball with Dragon Pulse
- Timid regular Drought Vulpix (I don't have gen 6 games anymore)
- Dream Ball Iron Fist Chimchar
- Adamant Makuhita with Fake Out and Bullet Punch
- Bold HA Regular Exeggutor with Leech Seed, Sleep Powder, Giga Drain

Hi everyone - looking for a Duskull or Dusclops with the Hidden Ability "Frisk" - preferably in a cool ball, but I'm not too picky. I have plenty of breedables in nice balls and decent items to trade. IVs, gender, etc don't matter, I just need one with the Frisk ability. Thanks!
I can help you with this, I have frisk duskulls in premier balls
Can I speak to an admin about taking down a trade post if Mine? The gengar wasn't a hack. I soft-reseted for it. Also, does this site just ASSUME that mons are hacks or use evidence?
You could try PM'ing a Moderator of the Wi-Fi forum (List of moderators can be found Here just scroll down to Wi-Fi and you'll find the relevant people) asking in this or any other thread doesn't really get you anywhere (at least not in regards of getting your post back up or being allowed to offer what you was told to stop offering).

But to answer your last question: it depends on the Pokemon, if it's just something breedable like a non-shiny Teddiursa, only evidence is used, like if it's in a Sport ball, it'd be counted as a hack because it's got a Ball combination that's impossible to obtain legally. But if it's something that's got incredibly low odds of being obtained legitimately, like a Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 Sludge Wave Gengar that "was obtained by Soft Resetting", the staff would judge whether you're allowed to offer it here, based on the odds of getting that Gengar (which in this case is 1/26 Billion, If you're that lucky, what are you doing playing Pokemon? Go win some lotteries!), the trustworthiness of the person who's offering it and the proof the person provided of its legitimacy.

General rule of thumb: The staff don't need evidence of your Pokemon being hacked to tell you to stop offering something, because of how easy it is to hack stuff without leaving traces of it being hacked. If you continue to offer something after being told to stop offering, you're not being punished for offering it, you're being punished for ignoring staff warnings.
If anyone has a nicknamed modest HA Poliwag (IVs don't matter) to trade
I've a bold shiny HA Mareanie with haze, an adamant HA Murkrow in a Dream Ball or HA timid alolan Vulpix with freeze dry and moonblast (their IVs aren't anything special either, sorry :/ )

(nicknamed anything that's not offensive or a meme please)
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