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  • Just wondering, why did you list your friend code on my giveaway thread as the same one the user Shikdum22 has?
    Edit: I assumed it was a mistake since the friend code you have in your sig is different.
    Finally back from overseas. I've got your HA Sableye ready. Upon closer inspection of my PC boxes, I found out that I had access to HA Espurr as well. I went ahead and bred one for you in case you still want it. I should have much more free time on my hands now so just let me know when it's convenient for you to trade.
    I saw your post and I have an HA Pinsir 5-6 IV Jolly or adamant

    I would like the carvahna
    I got your Carvahna, tell me when we can meet
    My IGN is Kumin
    As for Venezuela and other developing countries, man I don't even know who to blame, I mean remember when Argentina went broke a decade ago and where in pretty much the same position? And they where capitalist

    Man look I-m not saying I'm right, the possibility of me been dead wrong is kinda integral to my position, but people clearly and loudly advocating violence towards other people has been show to lead to violence repeatedly, so yeah Nazis and the KKK should be persecuted

    note that I say "Nazis and the KKK" and not, say, proponents of eugenics as a whole since as horrid as I find the idea (it's literally bananas) not all proponents of eugenics advocate violence or agree with how Hitler implemented their beliefs so I don't advocate for their ideas been censored, and while it's a pretty thin line to draw I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't draw it
    You bring up north korea, a country that locks up people if they speak out against the government. If the USA were to jail people for their beliefs (that whites are destined to rule the earth as a master race), what is the difference between them and north korea? No matter how wrong those beliefs are, it's still criminalizing thought.
    Is criminalizing thought that been proven to lead to violent action
    the proven part and the action part are the important parts
    I got home sooner then expected. Do you have time for the trade now?
    I'm online right now if you wanna trade
    thanks for the Durant :D
    Thanks for you time man, appreciate it :-)
    To be fair, I meant all the games that came before Sun and Moon not just XY.
    That being said, yes XY blow SM out of the water for me.
    No contest.
    *shock and horror*
    unless you meant online cause most people hate Festival Plaza
    *personal shock and horror cause rapti likes Festival Plaza*
    Nelson Tangela
    Nelson Tangela
    Oh yes, PSS was the best online / multiplayer system this franchise had to date. The Gen VII bottom screen is a retarded step back.
    No Reset Bags is bullshit too. I don't really miss Super Training but no way to see the exact EVs in the game is another retarded step back for this franchise.
    I hated the characters in SM, but I also hated the characters in XY. The difference is, the XY morons weren't around nearly as much. Hau and Lillie are constantly in your face from start to finish. The SM story is also utterly retarded.
    I hate the way that GF has handled the whole Ultra Beast thing. I hate the fact that Zygarde is an obvious afterthought that was supposed to be in Z, which probably got cancelled for reasons.
    I hate the fact that Lusamine's Clefable has more facial expressions than the player character.
    I hate the excessive unskippable cutscenes and forced dialogues that kill any replay value.
    I hate that the first of the 4 island is one long tutorial with nothing but handholding and the fourth of the 4 islands is basically just one route connected to a cave connected another route (not counting post game).
    I hate the retarded SOS system and I miss ORAS DexNav.
    I could go on and on...
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