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  • I took two straight flinches (Marowak took a Waterfall) so I lost out on two turns. That was horrible as I could not find any momentum from there. That's all. It kinda didn't matter later on though as I really couldn't do anything after. The crit on Dragagle was surprising for sure
    GG. I'm a little upset about that battle. Things didn't go my way with getting flinched. Not to mention I have no U-Turn or Volt Switch user on that team. So switching too much can backfire which it did later on. I got scared to use Alolan-Marowak later on too. I realized there wasn't much else I could do. Damn.
    Darn I was waiting for you to be done then was in a battle. I got time to wait for you one more time. If not, I got other things I need to do today.
    Ugh, tough call man. I read so many articles on Kingdra whether or not to have Surf or Hydro Pump. Agree with you. I want a rematch when I can figure something out. Lol. Good team!
    Yeah missing a Hydro Pump is killer. That's why I hate using it but it's recommended for sweeps. Ugh. Thanks for helping me trade evolve after btw!
    GG man. I had no answers for your strategy. Wait, I had a Rapid Spinner but once you got rid of it I was done. I need to regroup and ask for a rematch whenever I figure that out. Awesome team and strategy though.
    cool I'm still online right now so whenever you're ready let me know and I have all OU mons but its my first sun and moon battle so it'll be interesting
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