Serious (redacted)

Taking it out on her isn't productive. She's probably as pissed at her parents and the situationas you are.

Normally I'd say have fun and sneak around but it seems like they're fucking crazy so idk maybe you want to look out for yourself.

Speaking of looking out for yourself I want to emphasize that I know what you're going through is hard but you can and will move on in time if you decide that's best.

But yeah if you want her you have to take action. Just wait until you have a cool head to do it.
Well... if you have been arguing so soon and so much over a short period of time, I just can't be optimistic with your relationship in the first place.
Plus, she has already tried to lie to you?

I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years and we never really argued anything at all.
Last year or the year before, I tried dumping him because his mother doesn't like me, and he appeared to be on his mother's side.
But then he wanted me and decided to cut contacts with his mum.
He hasn't been contacting his mum for ages.
The thing is... the first 6 months of a relationship should really be the honeymoon period where almost nothing causes issues and you're crazy in love and not really seeing any faults in the other person. If you're already fighting about minor shit 3 weeks in... that's usually a sign that things aren't going to work out long term. Also, don't date people who lie a lot, even if they're bad at it. It's bad news, and you really don't have enough invested in this relationship to justify trying to work things out. It's going to be hard, but I would really recommend that you leave all of this alone. Try building something with girls your own age.
Not trying to rain on your parade, but I think it would be in your best interests to wait until you are older to date. You have your whole life to find a serious companion. You are only a kid once, only a teenager once. When you hit a certain age your opportunities to just hang out will be severely limited. Trying to force a relationship at an age where you don't really need one is silly.

You won't have the time or opportunity to just hang out with your friends like you do now, once you get older. In fact-you won't have the time to do much of anything besides work and sleep. Take it easy and go with the flow. I know it is easier said than done, but stressing over a relationship is pretty masochistic. Plenty of people in the world, no shortage whatsoever.

Everything isn't going to work out and it's okay to part ways. It's not the end of the world and you shouldn't be super concerned. Focus on enjoying the freedom that comes with being your age, a freedom that so many take for granted; then look back with remorse after they wasted some of the best years of their life trying to be grown-only to realize grown is over rated.
Yeah, that's my plan, but how do I approach that?
Lots of patience and a fair bit of optimism. Keep your head up and bide your time. You will have surely have more chances to do the whole bf/gf thing in the future so don't sweat it. As far as the relationship where the parents have gotten involved, abandon ship. They don't approve and that should be respected, any attempt to undermine there authority over their child will most likely not end well.
Things started to also get hairy after a huge argument broke out on our Discord when I said I'd go around trashing her
OK, so before I can make any recommendations I'm gonna have to ask what this was about. Out of context it sounds like a huge red flag, because if she did something bad enough to deserve getting trash-talked around the school it's probably not the best idea for you to pursue this relationship, and if she didn't then that's something you should definitely NOT do and I could not recommend anything that would lead to her getting back with you.
OK no, that's not cause to go shit-talking her. Getting a crush on a teacher is stupid but as long as she didn't act on it I don't see why you consider it committing an offense against you, and if she did it would be the teacher's responsibility as an adult to reject her and shut that shit down anyway. Not your place to punish her for dumb feelings by telling other people about it, which will get her mocked mercilessly and if the wrong person hears it and jumps to conclusions it could also get the teacher in trouble despite them not having done anything at all. That would be very irresponsible behavior on your part, and I'd call it immoral too. Keep this whole situation between the two of you. And finally, based on this and everything else I've read in this thread I'm also gonna recommend you two go your separate ways and that you wait a while before you start dating again.

EDIT: I meant start dating in a general sense, not start dating her again. I don't think there's a positive future in this, and I recommend you just move on
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I can't really say anything that Old_Gregg and elcheeso haven't already covered but by like three sentences into the op I knew this whole thing needed to end. Arguments with your significant other, at least the way you explain yours, should be about deeper stuff, and respectful, not volatile. It sounds like neither of you are ready for anything serious, or anything at all. Take this from someone twice your age, just end it. I know it sounds harsh and not what you want to hear, but it's for your own good, and her's too. If you just want someone to fool around with (which I REALLY don't condone for anyone) then keep the interpersonal conflicts out of it. Or just run away and focus on school, something that can benefit you in the long run. A volatile relationship like yours only serves to teach you a lesson, and a harsh one; take away from this what you can, and you'll look back on this whole drama in like 4 years and realize how ridiculous it all was.