Other Metagames [Mix and Mega] UPDATED: Catalina Wine Mixer (50-0 ladder + New #1 Ladder Peak!)


One small yeet for man, one giant yeet for mankind

Big thanks to Akumeoy for yet another great banner!
Catalina Wine Mix and Mega

Check the comment section for the new version of the team!

(post-Dnite Ban)

I really just made this team to fool around with Pheromosa because that mon was absolutely terrorizing the AAA meta and I wanted to see if it could do the same to MnM…. and it can. I was just testing the team on ladder and only really made one change, and after a while I got the feeling I was doing fairly well, so I checked and I was around 30-0. I decided to shoot for 50-0 before I stopped, and I managed to get it. I haven't ladder since hitting 50-0, I'll probably eventually see how far I can go without losing and update this thread. I have lost a match or two via challenges, though, tbh. This is my best undefeated ladder record with a team, besting my “Ascension” RMT’s ladder beginning record of 36-0 (That team also never lost a competitive game but lol whatever). So let’s get to it.

Recommended music while reading:



I started with Pheromosa to see how broken it is in MnM (Hint: Very broken). I began with Absolite and a special set to outspeed everything, but then I realized that wasn’t necessary as it can outspeed everything without that much of a boost, so I opted for Lucarionite to hit as hard as possible.


The major threat to Pheromosa is priority spam, and Arceus-Rock is an excellent check to most of the priority in the current meta, as it is heavily centered on Pinsirite. Arc-Rock with Will-o-Wisp and Defog is just an excellent support mon in general.


I then figured, hell why not, and tried another new threat that is wreaking havoc in AAA, Kartana. Boasting a 181 attacking stat, once this thing gets a better speed tier and Tough Claws, it is tough to switch into.


I then added a really amazing balanced core Jordn introduced me to: Blue Orb Golisopod and Primal Groudon. Golisopod is an amazing check to all the PDons, Pdon is PDon, and the combination of dual perma weather is always great to have (PDON)


The team seemed pretty well put together as an offensively-oriented balanced team at this point, so I was stuck on what to add last. The first thing I tried was WoW Lunala, but that was unnecessary in combination with Arc-Rock. I ultimately settled with Xerneas, who’s Z-Geomancy is incredibly broken and beats most teams on matchup alone.

The Team


Syrah (Pheromosa)| Lucarionite | Beast Boost
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe | Hasty Nature
High Jump Kick | Bug Buzz | Ice Beam | U-turn

The key threat of the team relies on its blazing speed, devastating mixed power, and STAB momentum. It gets surprising OHKOs, and U-Turn deals a solid chunk of damage on any neutral, and even many resisted, hits as you switch out. It outspeeds most of the meta, barring opposing Phero’s with more stones such as Absolite. It’s a great lead due to U-Turn, great midgame due to its momentum, and great end game as a HJK sweeper. It’s a borderline broken mon that is why the team is as good as it is.


Cabernet (Arceus-Rock) | Stone Plate | Multitype
252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe | IVs: 0 Atk | Timid Nature
Will-O-Wisp | Judgment | Defog | Recover

Arceus-Rock’s main job is to check the priority spam that so threatens Pheromosa. Resisting Flying and Fire moves, Rockceus does a great job switching into most offensive threats and can proceed to immediately threaten them with Judgement, or cripple them with Will-o-Wisp. It does live a +1 Earthquake from Dragonite, but a +2 will OHKO with Pinsirite. Thus, it is pivotal that if the opponent has a Dragonite that you have rocks up to break Multiscale, and immediately switch into Rockceus if the opponent brings Dragonite in.


Chardonnay (Kartana) | Metagrossite | Beast Boost
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Jolly Nature
Smart Strike | Leaf Blade | Sacred Sword | Swords Dance

Another fast and powerful physical threat, Kartana provides solid synergy with Pheromosa as they can really hurt each other’s checks, especially due to Kartana’s access to Swords Dance. Kartana also has decent physical bulk, allowing it to take a hit from Dragonite’s Extreme Speed to return a damaging Smart Strike. If it outspeeds the rest of your opponent’s team, a +2 Kartana is often the only wincon that you need. Smart Strike and Lead Blade are simply STABs to hit as hard as possible, while Sacred Sword offers coverage, mainly for Steel type foes.


Merlot (Golisopod) | Blue Orb | Emergency Exit
240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe | Adamant Nature
Liquidation | Leech Life | Toxic | Aqua Jet

Jordn introduced the MnM world to this badboy, who is excellently anti-meta. With impressive physical bulk, Bug/Water typing, and Primordial Sea, Golisopod is a great check for Primal Groudon, as well as things like Weavile (especially since opponents fear a bluffed First Impression). Toxic is there to hit Primal Groudons if they end up switching into Golisopod, as PDons hate being poisoned. Liquidation hits ridiculously hard, which makes Golisopod the coveted physical attacker that can take down Blue Orb Skarmory. Liquidation also hits very hard and is extremely useful due to giving Golisopod more HP so it can switch back into a PDon’s EQ/PBlades if needed. Aqua Jet is simply a strong priority move to handle offensive teams better. The speed is to creep other water bugs.

Pinot Grigio (Groudon) | Red Orb | Drought
248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD | Sassy Nature
Stealth Rock | Precipice Blades | Lava Plume | Roar

Primal Groudon is so easy to throw onto any MnM team, as it is objectively the best mon allowed. Nothing tricky here, it’s just the typical support PDon as presented by Uber’s analysis from Gen 6, which you can read here. I will add, though, that PDon has incredible synergy with Golisopod, as dual weather can wall so much of the meta, and the Ground typing prevents any Volt Switch momentum or other Electric attacks that Golisopod fears.


Pinot Noir (Xerneas) | Fairium Z | Fairy Aura
240 HP / 28 Def / 240 SpA | Modest Nature
Geomancy | Moonblast | Aromatherapy / Thunder | Focus Blast

I eventually settled on Xerneas for my last team member, and I haven’t looked back. Fairium Z provides Xerneas with two great options; one, it can use Z-Geomancy to get a +1 in all stats in addition to Geomancy’s typical effect on the second turn, or two, unleash a powerful Twinkle Tackle on a foe you desperately need to take down. Search intently for opportunities to get a Z-Geomancy off, as if you can do this with Xerneas having around 50% health remaining, you will likely win right there. Changing Thunder or Focus Blast to Aromatherapy is an option, as Xerneas is incredibly bulky and some opponents will rely on Toxic or Thunder Wave to defeat it. I would personally recommend switching Thunder if you want Aromatherapy, as Steel types are omnipresent in MnM, and Ho Oh is fairly rare. On second thought, since this team has Rockceus and SR support, I would definitely change Thunder to Aromatherapy, but I didn’t until now so I’ll leave the team as is (hopefully you read this if you want to use the team to its best ability).


This team has fared well throughout the ladder, clearly, and in several challenges and OM Room tours. It should be played aggressively, as most teams will not have an answer for Pheromosa, and if they do, it will not last the consistent offensive pressure put on by Pheromosa, Kartana, and Golisopod. As always, I'm looking for your input and for you to test the team and let me know how it goes. Thanks for reading, and I hope you like the team, it should serve you well.

Syrah (Pheromosa) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Beast Boost
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Bug Buzz
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Cabernet (Arceus-Rock) @ Stone Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Will-O-Wisp
- Judgment
- Defog
- Recover

Chardonnay (Kartana) @ Metagrossite
Ability: Beast Boost
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Smart Strike
- Leaf Blade
- Sacred Sword
- Swords Dance

Merlot (Golisopod) @ Blue Orb
Ability: Emergency Exit
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Toxic
- Aqua Jet

Pinot Grigio (Groudon) @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Precipice Blades
- Lava Plume
- Roar

Pinot Noir (Xerneas) @ Fairium Z
Ability: Fairy Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 240 HP / 28 Def / 240 SpA
Modest Nature
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Thunder
- Focus Blast

MnM People: Jordn and Quantum Tesseract - You two are clearly the best at the meta right now, but it may just be time for me to try to end that :~) But really I definitely stole some teambuilding ideas from you two
OM Auth: The Immortal E4 Flint imas Uselesscrab Ransei Lcass4919 Chloe. Couldn't have fun playing OMs without the homies that run it.
Other people I thought of in the 2 seconds I took to make a shoutout section: Dr. Phd. BJ come back Kl4ng come back Eevee General come back dusk raimon come back Peef Rimgar come back motherlove go away Fardin go away
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First of all, this is a really, REALLY powerful team. It's able to hold its own against the big boys, and then some.

Also, I came to a similar conclusion with Pheromosa: pure brokenness. While you went for Bug Buzz, I went for Substitute. Both are incredibly devastating options at ruining teams in the hands of such an offensive powerhouse.

There's just one thing, though. Even if you do have an -ate check in Arceus-Rock, the team is still slightly weak to -ate spam, particularly from Pinsirite Zygarde, who can do some significant work against this team either from an incompetent player, or when the team's been weakened enough in the lategame.

With that in mind, you might want to have another Blue Orb mon at your side. I was thinking about Primal Kyogre, but the team already has a rough time with Primal Groudon (outside of Golsiopod, who does exactly what it needs to cripple Primal Groudon). What Primal Kyogre does bring to the table is a nice core with Primal Groudon, the ability to smash through most -ate mons while also taking attacks from them (with investment), and some more versatility. Cress also becomes more of an issue, but Katarna seems like a good enough check to them, even if Moonblast does hurt a bit.

Of course, since you did amass 50 straight wins with this monsterous team, you are the expert here. Feel free to do with this advice what you wish.

Oh, and Katarna doesn't get Will-o-Wisp access. We don't need to create a bigger monster than we already have right now.
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Big thanks to Akumeoy for yet another great banner!
Catalina Wine Mix and Mega

I really just made this team to fool around with Pheromosa because that mon was absolutely terrorizing the AAA meta and I wanted to see if it could do the same to MnM…. and it can. I was just testing the team on ladder and only really made one change, and after a while I got the feeling I was doing fairly well, so I checked and I was around 30-0. I decided to shoot for 50-0 before I stopped, and I managed to get it. I haven't ladder since hitting 50-0, I'll probably eventually see how far I can go without losing and update this thread. I have lost a match or two via challenges, though, tbh. This is my best undefeated ladder record with a team, besting my “Ascension” RMT’s ladder beginning record of 36-0 (That team also never lost a competitive game but lol whatever). So let’s get to it.
Recommended music while reading:



I started with Pheromosa to see how broken it is in MnM (Hint: Very broken). I began with Absolite and a special set to outspeed everything, but then I realized that wasn’t necessary as it can outspeed everything without that much of a boost, so I opted for Lucarionite to hit as hard as possible.


The major threat to Pheromosa is priority spam, and Arceus-Rock is an excellent check to most of the priority in the current meta, as it is heavily centered on Pinsirite. Arc-Rock with Will-o-Wisp and Defog is just an excellent support mon in general.


I then figured, hell why not, and tried another new threat that is wreaking havoc in AAA, Kartana. Boasting a 181 attacking stat, once this thing gets a better speed tier and Tough Claws, it is tough to switch into.


I then added a really amazing balanced core Jordn introduced me to: Blue Orb Golisopod and Primal Groudon. Golisopod is an amazing check to all the PDons, Pdon is PDon, and the combination of dual perma weather is always great to have (PDON)


The team seemed pretty well put together as an offensively-oriented balanced team at this point, so I was stuck on what to add last. The first thing I tried was WoW Lunala, but that was unnecessary in combination with Arc-Rock. I ultimately settled with Xerneas, who’s Z-Geomancy is incredibly broken and beats most teams on matchup alone.

The Team


Syrah (Pheromosa)| Lucarionite | Beast Boost
252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe | Hasty Nature
High Jump Kick | Bug Buzz | Ice Beam | U-turn

The key threat of the team relies on its blazing speed, devastating mixed power, and STAB momentum. It gets surprising OHKOs, and U-Turn deals a solid chunk of damage on any neutral, and even many resisted, hits as you switch out. It outspeeds most of the meta, barring opposing Phero’s with more stones such as Absolite. It’s a great lead due to U-Turn, great midgame due to its momentum, and great end game as a HJK sweeper. It’s a borderline broken mon that is why the team is as good as it is.


Cabernet (Arceus-Rock) | Stone Plate | Multitype
252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe | IVs: 0 Atk | Timid Nature
Will-O-Wisp | Judgment | Defog | Recover

Arceus-Rock’s main job is to check the priority spam that so threatens Pheromosa. Resisting Flying and Fire moves, Rockceus does a great job switching into most offensive threats and can proceed to immediately threaten them with Judgement, or cripple them with Will-o-Wisp. It does live a +1 Earthquake from Dragonite, but a +2 will OHKO with Pinsirite. Thus, it is pivotal that if the opponent has a Dragonite that you have rocks up to break Multiscale, and immediately switch into Rockceus if the opponent brings Dragonite in.


Chardonnay (Kartana) | Metagrossite | Beast Boost
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | Jolly Nature
Smart Strike | Leaf Blade | Sacred Sword | Swords Dance

Another fast and powerful physical threat, Kartana provides solid synergy with Pheromosa as they can really hurt each other’s checks, especially due to Kartana’s access to Will-o-Wisp. Kartana also has decent physical bulk, allowing it to take a hit from Dragonite’s Extreme Speed to return a damaging Smart Strike. If it outspeeds the rest of your opponent’s team, a +2 Kartana is often the only wincon that you need. Smart Strike and Lead Blade are simply STABs to hit as hard as possible, while Sacred Sword offers coverage, mainly for Steel type foes.


Merlot (Golisopod) | Blue Orb | Emergency Exit
240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe | Adamant Nature
Liquidation | Leech Life | Toxic | Aqua Jet

Jordn introduced the MnM world to this badboy, who is excellently anti-meta. With impressive physical bulk, Bug/Water typing, and Primordial Sea, Golisopod is a great check for Primal Groudon, as well as things like Weavile (especially since opponents fear a bluffed First Impression). Toxic is there to hit Primal Groudons if they end up switching into Golisopod, as PDons hate being poisoned. Liquidation hits ridiculously hard, which makes Golisopod the coveted physical attacker that can take down Blue Orb Skarmory. Liquidation also hits very hard and is extremely useful due to giving Golisopod more HP so it can switch back into a PDon’s EQ/PBlades if needed. Aqua Jet is simply a strong priority move to handle offensive teams better. The speed is to creep other water bugs.

Pinot Grigio (Groudon) | Red Orb | Drought
248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD | Sassy Nature
Stealth Rock | Precipice Blades | Lava Plume | Roar

Primal Groudon is so easy to throw onto any MnM team, as it is objectively the best mon allowed. Nothing tricky here, it’s just the typical support PDon as presented by Uber’s analysis from Gen 6, which you can read here. I will add, though, that PDon has incredible synergy with Golisopod, as dual weather can wall so much of the meta, and the Ground typing prevents any Volt Switch momentum or other Electric attacks that Golisopod fears.


Pinot Noir (Xerneas) | Fairium Z | Fairy Aura
240 HP / 28 Def / 240 SpA | Modest Nature
Geomancy | Moonblast | Aromatherapy / Thunder | Focus Blast

I eventually settled on Xerneas for my last team member, and I haven’t looked back. Fairium Z provides Xerneas with two great options; one, it can use Z-Geomancy to get a +1 in all stats in addition to Geomancy’s typical effect on the second turn, or two, unleash a powerful Twinkle Tackle on a foe you desperately need to take down. Look desperately for opportunities to get a Z-Geomancy off, as if you can do this with Xerneas having around 50% health remaining, you will likely win right there. Changing Thunder or Focus Blast to Aromatherapy is an option, as Xerneas is incredibly bulky and some opponents will rely on Toxic or Thunder Wave to defeat it. I would personally recommend switching Thunder if you want Aromatherapy, as Steel types are omnipresent in MnM, and Ho Oh is fairly rare. On second thought, since this team has Rockceus and SR support, I would definitely change Thunder to Aromatherapy, but I didn’t until now so I’ll leave the team as is (hopefully you read this if you want to use the team to its best ability).


This team has fared well throughout the ladder, clearly, and in several challenges and OM Room tours. It should be played aggressively, as most teams will not have an answer for Pheromosa, and if they do, it will not last the consistent offensive pressure put on by Pheromosa, Kartana, and Golisopod. As always, I'm looking for your input and for you to test the team and let me know how it goes. Thanks for reading, and I hope you like the team, it should serve you well.
Then again, from the MnM leader himself, what do I know:

[14:55:44]Grains of Salt:Shows how much you know about MnM LaxLapras

Syrah (Pheromosa) @ Lucarionite

Ability: Beast Boost

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Hasty Nature

- High Jump Kick

- Bug Buzz

- Ice Beam

- U-turn

Cabernet (Arceus-Rock) @ Stone Plate

Ability: Multitype

EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Will-O-Wisp

- Judgment

- Defog

- Recover

Chardonnay (Kartana) @ Metagrossite

Ability: Beast Boost

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Jolly Nature

- Smart Strike

- Leaf Blade

- Sacred Sword

- Swords Dance

Merlot (Golisopod) @ Blue Orb

Ability: Emergency Exit

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe

Adamant Nature

- Liquidation

- Leech Life

- Toxic

- Aqua Jet

Pinot Grigio (Groudon) @ Red Orb

Ability: Drought

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD

Sassy Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Precipice Blades

- Lava Plume

- Roar

Pinot Noir (Xerneas) @ Fairium Z

Ability: Fairy Aura

Shiny: Yes

EVs: 240 HP / 28 Def / 240 SpA

Modest Nature

- Geomancy

- Moonblast

- Thunder

- Focus Blast

MnM People: Jordn and Quantum Tesseract - You two are clearly the best at the meta right now, but it may just be time for me to try to end that :~) But really I definitely stole some teambuilding ideas from you two
OM Auth: The Immortal E4 Flint imas Uselesscrab Ransei Lcass4919 Chloe. Couldn't have fun playing OMs without the homies that run it.
Other people I thought of in the 2 seconds I took to make a shoutout section: Dr. Phd. BJ come back Kl4ng come back Eevee General come back dusk raimon come back Peef Rimgar come back motherlove go away Fardin go away
Hey, nice team :). Not looking forward to facing that, especially with my iceceus team. Quick note: your importable is super spaced out, so nobody can actually import it. Now, on to the rate.

Minor fixes:
Naive>hasty. Living weak special hits might seem useful, but I can guarentee it will never come up, while being able to live a weavile feint after an extra round of rocks damage will.
Go 248 HP on arceus. This ensure that you can take 1 extra switchin on rocks, and generally minimizes passive damage.
Put the remaining 8 in defense to ensure that Genesect gets a special attack boost. It may seem like you want to boost their attack because special Genesect is threatening, but Arceus rock outspeeds and OHKOes pinsirite sets anyway. Thus, a special attack boost minimizes damage taken from extreme speed. Should they be the rare glalilite or Metagrossite, you have just avoided boosting iron head.
Return>Smart Strike. 102 BP is barely weaker than 105, and the ability to hit flying types like Zapdos for actual damage is huge.
Remove the speed on golisogod. While creep is always good, you end up forfeiting that advantage yourself whenever you battle your team if you publically raise it, until all of a sudden people are running max speed and suffering for it.

Big suggestions: not many. This team solid, and I have to say I don't have much to add. Some things I would suggest trying, though, are these:
1: Judgement+ice beam groundceus. Sacrifice the flying resistance for a defogger that beats PDon, a lack of ground/fighting weaknesses, and a better MU vs Regigigas (it's main attack against you doesn't heal it). I've swapped them before on my MnM teams, and some of them benefitted, some didn't. It's lots of fun to use, though.
2: Genesect. Yes, it isn't as fast or as strong of a pivot as Phero (esp with that rocks weakness) but an extra nuke is always neat and you're team could really use a priority RKing tool. it pars better with Groundceus that Rockceus, though, so be warned.
3: Offensive Groudon. SD+Edge really shits on a bunch of would be switching, like Zappy and Golisogod, while Red Orb Raikou and Keldeo are uncommon enough that the SpD doesn't hurt there. It does hurt VS manaphy, but your team has Golisogod, Phero, and Kartana so I'm not that worried.
First of all, this is a really, REALLY powerful team. It's able to hold its own against the big boys, and then some.

Also, I came to a similar conclusion with Pheromosa: pure brokenness. While you went for Bug Buzz, I went for Substitute. Both are incredibly devastating options at running teams in the hands of such an offensive powerhouse.

There's just one thing, though. Even if you do have an -ate check in Arceus-Rock, the team is still slightly weak to -ate spam, particularly from Pinsirite Zygarde, who can do some significant work against this team either from an incompetent player, or when the team's been weakened enough in the lategame.

With that in mind, you might want to have another Blue Orb mon at your side. I was thinking about Primal Kyogre, but the team already has a rough time with Primal Groudon (outside of Golsiopod, who does exactly what it needs to cripple Primal Groudon). What Primal Kyogre does bring to the table is a nice core with Primal Groudon, the ability to smash through most -ate mons while also taking attacks from them (with investment), and some more versatility. Cress also becomes more of an issue, but Katarna seems like a good enough check to them, even if Moonblast does hurt a bit.

Of course, since you did amass 50 straight wins with this monsterous team, you are the expert here. Feel free to do with this advice what you wish.

Oh, and Katarna doesn't get Will-o-Wisp access. We don't need to create a bigger monster than we already have right now.

Hey thanks for the comment!

Pinsirite Zygarde is a lot less of a problem than it sounds like. Thousand Arrows without the STAB is pretty weak actually, even at +1. Rockceus comes in pretty easily to burn it/KO with Judgement, if it isn't too weak already. That though, is the problem, if the opponent has an -ate user, it is crucial to keep Rockceus healthy, even if it means sacking another mon.

Oh yeah I meant Swords Dance on Katarna, I actually fixed that pretty quickly, but you must have caught that mistake even quicker.
Hey, nice team :). Not looking forward to facing that, especially with my iceceus team. Quick note: your importable is super spaced out, so nobody can actually import it. Now, on to the rate.

Minor fixes:
Naive>hasty. Living weak special hits might seem useful, but I can guarentee it will never come up, while being able to live a weavile feint after an extra round of rocks damage will.
Go 248 HP on arceus. This ensure that you can take 1 extra switchin on rocks, and generally minimizes passive damage.
Put the remaining 8 in defense to ensure that Genesect gets a special attack boost. It may seem like you want to boost their attack because special Genesect is threatening, but Arceus rock outspeeds and OHKOes pinsirite sets anyway. Thus, a special attack boost minimizes damage taken from extreme speed. Should they be the rare glalilite or Metagrossite, you have just avoided boosting iron head.
Return>Smart Strike. 102 BP is barely weaker than 105, and the ability to hit flying types like Zapdos for actual damage is huge.
Remove the speed on golisogod. While creep is always good, you end up forfeiting that advantage yourself whenever you battle your team if you publically raise it, until all of a sudden people are running max speed and suffering for it.

Big suggestions: not many. This team solid, and I have to say I don't have much to add. Some things I would suggest trying, though, are these:
1: Judgement+ice beam groundceus. Sacrifice the flying resistance for a defogger that beats PDon, a lack of ground/fighting weaknesses, and a better MU vs Regigigas (it's main attack against you doesn't heal it). I've swapped them before on my MnM teams, and some of them benefitted, some didn't. It's lots of fun to use, though.
2: Genesect. Yes, it isn't as fast or as strong of a pivot as Phero (esp with that rocks weakness) but an extra nuke is always neat and you're team could really use a priority RKing tool. it pars better with Groundceus that Rockceus, though, so be warned.
3: Offensive Groudon. SD+Edge really shits on a bunch of would be switching, like Zappy and Golisogod, while Red Orb Raikou and Keldeo are uncommon enough that the SpD doesn't hurt there. It does hurt VS manaphy, but your team has Golisogod, Phero, and Kartana so I'm not that worried.

Hey fren, thanks for the help
Minor things: Check, check, check, yeah you're right on pretty much all of these and they are small things that can make a big difference (especially the Return thing), however...
Speed creep on Golisopod is great, it's there to help people that use this team the as much as I can. That said, I actually use more creep than that (I use more creep than what I write in all my RMTs since I so commonly run into people using my own teams against me, but don't tell anyone!)

Big things:
1. I don't see any realistic way to remove Rockceus from the team, I would have an incredibly hard time defeating any competent opponent with -ate. Thankfully I don't have a ton of problems with Pdon due to Golisopod, and Xern/Rockeus being able to come in and Judgement/Twinkle Tackle if needed.
2. If I did the groundceus thing, Gene would make sense. Again, though, I don't think I can make that change. One possibility could be to make both of these changes, and change Xerneas to something to check -ates.
3. This is something I was thinking about trying. Offensive PDon can surprise many opponents and sweep, or at least clear the way for a teammate to sweep. I'll surely try a version of this team with Offensive Pdon.
Not going to go into a full rate, since I think A) The team is pretty fantastic as it is, and your record speaks for itself ;) and B) QT covered a lot of what I wanted to say.

Some threats to keep in mind:

Groudon once it switches on Goli becomes a huge problem, hitting toxic is huge. If there is a wish passer/heal beller accompanying groudon, there could be problems.

I also feel like Arceus-Rock has a ton of pressure to cover a wide variety of threats, and losing it early can be a huge problem. Something like flying spam (Dnite+Ray perhaps) can overpower it if played correctly, and could lead to some tough turns.

The team is damn solid though, and I had to strain a bit to find threats. Gz on 50-0, crazy accomplishment
ill come back to school ur ass in gen 7 aaa omgs imotbh

this team is obviously very solid and thanks for shoutout as well. Golisopod is becoming much more popular on a lot of teams and this teams success combined with the team made by Quantum Tesseract and Jordn success will see it rise in usage more widely, i think. This team is really cool and uses some underrated threats which is why i think its good, such as z-geo xern.

needs more poison heal manaphy tho
Major Team Update - New Ladder Peak!
With Dragonite banned and the meta adjusting, I decided to try to have this team adapt a little bit, and everything has meshed really well. With the new changes I jumped on the ladder and went from around 1480 to the 1639 peak without losing, in addition to beating famed MnMTL Chloe. in a challenge. So let's get to the changes!

Minor Change:

Bug Buzz --> Protect
Bug Buzz doesn't do a whole lot other than provide Bug STAB without forcing a switch, but Protect does a lot more. Most importantly, Protect allows Phero to beat Weavile 1v1 as you block its Fake Out and Feint will not OHKO. Protect is also good for general scouting, as well as forcing opposing Phero's into crashing on their HJK. There is no reason not to run Protect, but I imagine that people will begin to counterplay with Weavile via SD if more people start running Protect.

Major Changes:

Arceus Rock --> Arceus Ghost

Cabernet (Arceus-Ghost) | Spooky Plate | Multitype
252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Spe | Bold Nature | 0 Atk
Calm Mind | Will-O-Wisp | Judgment | Recover

With Dragonite gone, Stoneceus was less necessary so I focused more on checking Phero, and Ghostceus does it the best. To keep the offensive nature of the team, I decided on a funky CM set with WoW. This can clean surprisingly well late game, or work as an excellent support mon at any time in the game due to great bulk and typing. It also does well to switch into things like Goli/PDon when you have the wrong weather matchup. The EVs maximize physical bulk while outspeeding all but Jolly PDons.

Kartana --> Yveltal

Chardonnay (Yveltal) | Life Orb | Dark Aura | Shiny
40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe | Rash Nature
Dark Pulse | Oblivion Wing | Sucker Punch | Taunt

While I did enjoy the dual physical threat that Kartana + Phero provided, I wanted to change it up just a little bit as well as have some priority, and Yveltal was the perfect fit as it also provided a Ground and Psychic immunity, as well as a Hoopa check. The EVs are from Smogon Analysis, I don't know enough about Ubers to explain it well, so look over there. What I do know is that its Dark Pulse hits extremely hard and people will leave in things like Zapdos not expecting it to do so much.

Xerneas --> Magearna

Sauvignon (Magearna) @ Sablenite | Soul-Heart
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD | Modest Nature | 0 Atk
Fleur Cannon | Heart Swap | Pain Split | Volt Switch

After I got done telling everyone to stop running Magearna as it's a completely overrated mon, I decided to use it, and it's really good (so sorry for being an idiot). It checks Yveltal, but more importantly gives the team a Magic Bounce pivot which is needed as I lack hazard removal (also stop complaining about that people it's really not that important you literally pressure every hazard setter ever with phero). It also checks Ingrain Z-Geo Xerneas, which PDon cannot do, and this saved me in a battle (replays). Pain Split gives it longevity, Heart Swap beats Xerneas and allows you to spam Fleur Cannon, and Volt Switch is your pivot. Max SpA because MnM is about that offense man.

New Conclusion:
This team excellently adjusts to the post-Dnite Meta as it can handle prominent meta threats like Genesect, Weavile, Pheromosa, and PDon, while still providing excellent offensive firepower. I peaked rather easily with this, so I hope you guys enjoy this new version of the team!
p.s. it's really funny when I ladder with a Catalina based team as pretty much every match starts with my opp stating something along the lines of "god damnit..."

Syrah (Pheromosa) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Protect
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Cabernet (Arceus-Ghost) @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Will-O-Wisp
- Judgment
- Recover

Chardonnay (Yveltal) @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
Rash Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt

Merlot (Golisopod) @ Blue Orb
Ability: Emergency Exit
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Toxic
- Aqua Jet

Pinot Noir (Groudon) @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Precipice Blades
- Lava Plume
- Roar

Sauvignon (Magearna) @ Sablenite
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fleur Cannon
- Heart Swap
- Pain Split
- Volt Switch
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Major Team Update - New Ladder Peak!
With Dragonite banned and the meta adjusting, I decided to try to have this team adapt a little bit, and everything has meshed really well. With the new changes I jumped on the ladder and went from around 1480 to the 1639 peak without losing, in addition to beating famed MnMTL Chloe. in a challenge. So let's get to the changes!

Minor Change:

Bug Buzz --> Protect
Bug Buzz doesn't do a whole lot other than provide Bug STAB without forcing a switch, but Protect does a lot more. Most importantly, Protect allows Phero to beat Weavile 1v1 as you block its Fake Out and Feint will not OHKO. Protect is also good for general scouting, as well as forcing opposing Phero's into crashing on their HJK. There is no reason not to run Protect, but I imagine that people will begin to counterplay with Weavile via SD if more people start running Protect.

Major Changes:

Arceus Rock --> Arceus Ghost

Cabernet (Arceus-Ghost) | Spooky Plate | Multitype
252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Spe | Bold Nature | 0 Atk
Calm Mind | Will-O-Wisp | Judgment | Recover

With Dragonite gone, Stoneceus was less necessary so I focused more on checking Phero, and Ghostceus does it the best. To keep the offensive nature of the team, I decided on a funky CM set with WoW. This can clean surprisingly well late game, or work as an excellent support mon at any time in the game due to great bulk and typing. It also does well to switch into things like Goli/PDon when you have the wrong weather matchup. The EVs maximize physical bulk while outspeeding all but Jolly PDons.

Kartana --> Yveltal

Chardonnay (Yveltal) | Life Orb | Dark Aura | Shiny
40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe | Rash Nature
Dark Pulse | Oblivion Wing | Sucker Punch | Taunt

While I did enjoy the dual physical threat that Kartana + Phero provided, I wanted to change it up just a little bit as well as have some priority, and Yveltal was the perfect fit as it also provided a Ground and Psychic immunity, as well as a Hoopa check. The EVs are from Smogon Analysis, I don't know enough about Ubers to explain it well, so look over there. What I do know is that its Dark Pulse hits extremely hard and people will leave in things like Zapdos not expecting it to do so much.

Xerneas --> Magearna

Sauvignon (Magearna) @ Sablenite | Soul-Heart
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD | Modest Nature | 0 Atk
Fleur Cannon | Heart Swap | Pain Split | Volt Switch

After I got done telling everyone to stop running Magearna as it's a completely overrated mon, I decided to use it, and it's really good (so sorry for being an idiot). It checks Yveltal, but more importantly gives the team a Magic Bounce pivot which is needed as I lack hazard removal (also stop complaining about that people it's really not that important you literally pressure every hazard setter ever with phero). It also checks Ingrain Z-Geo Xerneas, which PDon cannot do, and this saved me in a battle (replays). Pain Split gives it longevity, Heart Swap beats Xerneas and allows you to spam Fleur Cannon, and Volt Switch is your pivot. Max SpA because MnM is about that offense man.

New Conclusion:
This team excellently adjusts to the post-Dnite Meta as it can handle prominent meta threats like Genesect, Weavile, Pheromosa, and PDon, while still providing excellent offensive firepower. I peaked rather easily with this, so I hope you guys enjoy this new version of the team!
p.s. it's really funny when I ladder with a Catalina based team as pretty much every match starts with my opp stating something along the lines of "god damnit..."

Syrah (Pheromosa) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- High Jump Kick
- Protect
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Cabernet (Arceus-Ghost) @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Will-O-Wisp
- Judgment
- Recover

Chardonnay (Yveltal) @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe
Rash Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Oblivion Wing
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt

Merlot (Golisopod) @ Blue Orb
Ability: Emergency Exit
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Leech Life
- Toxic
- Aqua Jet

Pinot Noir (Groudon) @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Precipice Blades
- Lava Plume
- Roar

Sauvignon (Magearna) @ Sablenite
Ability: Soul-Heart
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fleur Cannon
- Heart Swap
- Pain Split
- Volt Switch
Neat upgrade. It's good to see people running mac SPA on Magearna, it's just so much better than the standard specdef sets (why do people run that). One thing I'd suggest is 0 spe on Magearna; a slower pivot is worth not hitting first if they are at low hp, almost always. Similarly, I feel like defog would be better than calm mind on Ghostceus, as you can power through offense anyway and stall will wall with Mandi/blissey; defog, however, saves you versus webs offense. Additionally, don't run 24 speed on golisopod; there's just no good reason except creeping other golis, which is irrelevant most of the time and shouldn't be in an RMT for obvious reasons.

Anyway, congratz on the peak! Nice to see that it still works well with just minor tweaks on your part.