1v1 Analysis Megathread


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1v1 Analysis Megathread
approved by The Immortal

This is a part of the semi-official analysis project. This megathread is for 1v1 analyses specifically. Follow the main thread's rules, which are reiterated below, for reserving analyses, Quality Control, Copyediting, and uploading.

Working on the Analyses

  • There will be megathreads for each metagame. You reserve analyses for each respective metagame in said thread. When you reserve an analysis, you have three days (72 hours specifically) to get it out of WIP, or it will be reassigned. If there are IRL issues that are affecting your ability to finish an analysis within the time limit, tell either me or the QC leader of the respective metagame, and we will give you an extension. For example, if I want to reserve Tapu Fini's analysis in AAA, I would post in the AAA megathread with a post saying "reserving Tapu Fini".
  • Wait for a member of the respective QC team of the metagame that you're writing an analysis for to approve your reservation. There are different levels of importance for each Pokemon, so the QC members might want to make sure that a person they trust is getting a certain analysis to ensure the quality-level wanted.
  • When you reserve an analysis, please put "WIP" at the top of the same post to let everybody know that you're still working on the analysis. Try to finish your analysis as soon as possible to allow for more input.
    • Note to QC checkers and am-QC checkers: DO NOT give feedback on an analysis until it's officially marked as "Quality Control". Yes, an analysis might look bland while it's in WIP, but there's a reason why it is in its WIP stage still.
Quality Control
  • Once you feel like your analysis is ready to be checked, edit the "WIP" at the top of your post with "Quality Control". After doing this, make a new post in the respective megathread with a link to the post that your analysis is in (with a message saying "ready for QC" or something) so the QC teams can QC check it. Every analysis requires three QC checks. Write your analysis in bullet points, and after you get the first two QC checks, write it into paragraphs.
  • Even if you're not on the QC team, if you feel like you can contribute useful information to analyses that are missing it, feel free to speak up. If the QC team notices that your work is good and consistent, there's a good chance you'll be added to the QC team of that respective metagame.
  • The QC team is allowed to reject your analysis if they deem it too low of a standard to be fixed with three QC checks, or if it shows obvious lack of knowledge for a metagame. They may also reassign it if they feel that the Pokemon is not ultimately viable in the current metagame or is going to become unviable in the near future.
  • After you get two QC checks, edit the "Quality Control" at the top of your post with "Grammar Ready" and post in THIS THREAD with a link to the post that has your analysis in it. This tells the GP team that your post is ready to be edited to have the grammar / prose appropriated. Every analysis requires one GP check unless the GP checker deems it necessary of another one.
  • Once the analysis has been looked over by a GP member and you've implemented any changes they've made, change the "Grammar Ready" to "Done" and again, make a new post linking your post. This time, however, tag Kris to upload your analysis.
QC Team
Dream Eater Gengar (Leader)
Elo Bandit
lost heros

Do not take high priority analysis if you aren't familiar with the Pokemon.
Everything else!
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So that I don't spam this thread, me liking a post is akin to an approval unless I say otherwise.


Generalize what the Pokemon does in the metagame and as a whole and why you should or shouldn't consider using it on your teams.

Ability: [ABILITY]
<if necessary, insert happiness/shininess here too if required for the set to work>
<if necessary, insert IVs in here for anything like special attackers/Gyro Ball users, etc>
- [MOVE 1]
- [MOVE 2]
- [MOVE 3]
- [MOVE 4]

(if you couldn't tell, this is the PS! importable's format)

[B]Set Comments[/B]


Describe what the moves on the set do.

[B]Set Details[/B]

Describe the other aspects of the set such as what the EVs do and nature/item.

[B]Usage Tips[/B]

Describe how to use the Pokemon in question.

[B]Team Options[/B]

Describe some teammates that would be a good idea to pair with this Pokemon.

[B]Strategy Comments

Other Options[/B]

List some options for the Pokemon user that are plausible but not always recommended due to either being not consistent enough or too outclassed by other Pokemon in the metagame.

[B]Checks and Counters[/B]

[B][INSERT THREAT HERE][/B]: Describe why the Pokemon/playstyle/etc is a threat.
My comments in bold

Include Smeargle's base speed stat if you're talking specifically about speed. Otherwise good. The base speed stat will be visible at the top when the analysis is uploaded, so I decided against adding it to the overview

Set Comments


Set Details
"The EVs in this set are used to foremost maximize Smeargle's speed, which is vital for Smeargle to outspeed certain Pokemon with Spore. The rest of the EVs are dumped into HP, in an attempt to provide some bulk."

Maybe re-word to "The EVs in this set are primarily to provide speed and bulk. Smeargle's speed stat is maxed out and he's given a speed boosting nature in order to outspeed as many pokemon as possible. The rest of the EVs are dumped into HP to increase overall bulk as much as possible." Will do tonight.

"Because Moody is banned in 1v1 and Technician has no effect on any of the moves in this set, Own Tempo was left, which is a decent ability that stops Swagger from confusing Smeargle."

Swagger is banned in 1v1. Maybe just say it prevents confusion from any sources? Swagger was actually unbanned this gen (if you look at the intro, you can see the only move banned is PSong)

Usage Tips

Team Options

"Powerful attackers such as Porygon-Z or Crustle are great partners with Smeargle because Smeargle, if not selected, can play mindgames with the opponent against selecting their wall."

Instead, say something like "Powerful attackers weak to walls, like choice scarfed Porygon-Z or Crustle, are great partners for Smeargle because simply seeing Smeargle in team preview causes opponents to avoid choosing their wall." Will do.

"Walls such as FEAR or Porygon2 also support Smeargle nicely as they provide doubt from the opponent as to whether or not to bring in their powerful attackers"

Hm, I don't love putting FEAR and Smeargle together since they have a lot of the same checks (scarf tricks, Taunts, fast mons that carry status or indirect damage i.e. Zard (will-o) and Chomp (Rough Skin). I agree that both lose to Scarf and Taunt, but how exactly does Smeargle lose to WOW Zard or Garchomp?

Strategy Comments

Other Options

"Z-Lovely Kiss makes a compelling argument against Spore, but although it can beat Grass types and gives Smeargle a nifty +1 Speed, it loses to Taunt if mispredicted and has a 75% accuracy, compared to Spore's 100%"

Z-Lovely kiss cannot be Taunted. Lovely kiss is more of a 4th slot move to replace KS/Magic Coat/Taunt, so that Smeargle can function vs Grass types ie. Mega Venu. There's very little point to running Z-Lovely Kiss as the accuracy does not increase and you adopt your opponents stat changes upon transforming (you lose your boost). Lovely Kiss is a fine 4th slot, but should not be Z-Moved. Will fix later tonight when I get home

I'd also mention Lum Berry here, which is also a decently viable item for Smeargle, as it lets him beat Hypnosis Mega Gengar and other random status mons. Oh man I completely forgot about Lum. Will add later.

Checks and Counters

Make those changes and you've got my OK
My comments in bold
The base speed stat will be visible at the top when the analysis is uploaded, so I decided against adding it to the overview
Ok, that works.

Swagger was actually unbanned this gen (if you look at the intro, you can see the only move banned is PSong)
The code never went through. Try and make a team with a swagger mon, it won't let you. This is why Klefki isn't in the viability rankings.

how exactly does Smeargle lose to WOW Zard or Garchomp?
Outsped and KO'd with Outrage/EQ. I'm only saying that these mons that already beat Smeargle by outspeeding also carry the tools to take out FEAR.
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Mega Gyarados is one of the most dominating forces in the metagame. Mega Gyarados has access to two abilities in-battle that can be used to overwhelm the opponent. Intimidate lowers physical attackers' damage output from Kyurem-B and Mega Charizard X. Mold Breaker ignores defensive abilities like Dragonite's Multiscale or and Donphan's Sturdy. Intimidate as well as its high Defense and Special Defense allows lets it withstand powerful attacks from the majority of the tier, (AC) allowing it to set up crucial Dragon Dances. This high bulk allows it to prevent many OHKOs, which translates into increased [not sure i understand what you mean here] Speed and Attack to easily KO back. Mega Gyarados has two very beneficial typings: (colon) Water / Flying is weak to Electric and Rock, and Water / Dark is weak to Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass. This allows Mega Gyarados to potentially avoid super effective, Bug-, Fairy-, Fighting-, Grass-, and Rock-type moves [by choosing not to mega evolve? otherwise, how? clarify.]. Offensively, its great base 155 Attack stat of 155 is one of the highest in the whole game, (AC) and it has its access to many strong STAB moves STAB and coverage moves that could let it hit most every Pokemon for neutral and super effective damage. Switching coverage moves to interact with the current ladder allows Mega Gyarados to consistently defeat majority of the other team. Finally, the Prankster ability doesn't affect Dark-types, (AC) allowing Mega Gyarados to not be affected by Whimsicott's Leech Seed and Sableye's Will-O-wisp. However, Mega Gyarados desperately wants to run more than 4 four moves to include its coverage moves alongside its STAB moves, and with relatively low base 81 Speed, Mega Gyarados heavily relies on Dragon Dance to boost it to respectable levels.

Dragon Dance
Gyarados @ Gyaradosite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 80 Def / 88 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Waterfall
- Crunch / Taunt


Dragon Dance is required to boost Mega Gyarados's Speed to outpace faster Pokemon like Charizard [mega? what formes?] (RC) as well as and boost damage to break through walls like Deoxys-Defense. Waterfall hits Rock-, Ground-, and Fire-type Pokemon such as Donphan and Crustle. Outrage hits Dragon-types like Dragonite and Mega Charizard X. Crunch hits Psychic-types like Deoxys-D and Mega Slowbro. Taunt targets stall Pokemon like Deoxys-D, Slowbro, and Mega Venusaur. With so many options, Mega Gyarados can provide support to any team based on the counters they have to watch out for.

Set Details

252 Attack EVs and an Adamant nature maximizes maximize Mega Gyarados's damage output, allowing it to KO most everything Pokemon at +0 or +1. 88 Speed investment allows Mega Gyarados to outspeeds outspeed base 100s such as both Charizards Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, and Choice Band Victini after one 1 Dragon Dance. The bulk lets Mega Gyarados avoids avoid a 2HKO from a Naive Choice Scarf Kyurem-B's Fusion Bolt and a 2HKO from a Mega Charizard X's Outrage. This Regular Gyarados if it has not Mega Evolved can also survive two Solar Beams from a Timid Mega Charizard Y. (AP)

Usage Tips

Most of the time, Mega Gyarados should choose to Dragon Dance on turn one 1. This almost always give gives Mega Gyarados the power and speed to kill KO a target on the subsequent turn. A +1 Mega Gyarados can KO either Charizard [both formes?], Kyurem-B, and Dragonite with Outrage; (SC) KO an offensive Donphan and Crustle with Waterfall; (SC) as well as and 2HKO a Deoxys-D and Slowbro-Mega Mega Slowbro even after recovery with Crunch. However, it is often best not to Mega Evolve on turn 1 one to avoid potentially super effective Grass-, Fighting-, or Fairy-type attacks. This can come from Mega Charizard Y's Solar Beam, Sawk's Close Combat, or Mimikyu's Twinkle Tackle. When attempting to secure a KO, Gyarados should Mega Evolve to do the necessary damage to it's its opponent foe. Send in Mega Gyarados on a predicted Charizard [both formes?], Dragonite, Garchomp, or Choice Scarf Kyurem-B, (AC) as Outrage makes quick work of these Pokemon. With Waterfall, Mega Gyarados can also handle Golem, Nihilego, and other Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon. With just Taunt, Gyarados can stop Crustle's Shell Smash and respond with a Waterfall or Crunch. If Mega Gyarados is running Taunt and Crunch, you can send it out on stall Pokemon like Deoxys-D and Mega Slowbro Slowbro-Mega. Make sure to avoid Choice Specs Magearna and Electrium Z Tapu Koko, (AC) as they are very problematic for Mega Gyarados, (AC) being able to OHKO regular and Mega Gyarados regardless of whether or not Gyarados Mega Evolves.

Team Options

Choice Scarf Genesect can to break fast Pokemon (RC) or and Fairy- and Grass-type Pokemon like Tapu Lele and Mega Venusaur. Genesect appreciates Mega Gyarados's ability to threaten Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y both Charizards. Specially defensive Pokemon like Aegislash and Deoxys-D can help counter Magearna and Tapu Lele. They can also beat some strong Choiced Choice item Pokemon like Kyurem-B. A well-designed set can even win against Choice Scarf Porygon-Z and Greninja. Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y appreciate Mega Gyarados's ability to handle Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon. The Charizards They can similarly help beat Will-O-Wisp users, Grass-types, and Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Sableye Sableye-Mega, Kartana, Magearna, and Celesteela. Magearna can also be useful against Dark-types like Umbreon and Fairy-types like Tapu Koko and Tapu Lele. Landorus and other Ground-types can make up for a Mega Gyarados that lacks Earthquake and can easily counter Tapu Koko.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

Earthquake is a strong move to hit Steel-types, especially those who that rely on sturdy Sturdy, such as Magnezone and Aggron. Substitute blocks status and charm Charm and can be used instead of Taunt as a way to defeat stall Pokemon that depend on it. Stone Edge can be used to hurt Flying-type Pokemon like defensive Mega Charizard Y. Bounce can be used to hit Fighting- and Bug-type Pokemon, although it's less popular [is that a good reason]. A 104/196/100/0/8/100 Adamant spread spread of 104 HP / 196 Atk / 100 Def / 8 SpD / 100 Spe with an Adamant nature sacrifices some attacking power for more bulk and out-speeding the ability to outspeed Garchomp after a Dragon Dance. A spread of 252 Attack and 252 Speed EVs with an Adamant nature is makes Mega Gyarados a more dedicated fast attacker outspeeding that can outspeed base 126 Speed pokemon Pokemon after one Dragon Dance.

Checks and Counters

Attack-lowering Moves and Burns: Charm, its Z-variants, and burns are very problematic for Mega Gyarados. Umbreon and Sableye-Mega Mega Sableye use these moves to neuter physical attacks from Mega Gyarados and then heal off damage. Carrying Taunt can help remedy this check.

Stall Pokemon: If Mega Gyarados doesn't carry Taunt or is bypassed with by a Z-move, (AC) many stall Pokemon can whittle and recover Mega Gyarados. Mega Venusaur is great at whittling with Leech Seed and Toxapex can use Z-Toxic to raise defense.

Bulky Grass-types: Mega Venusaur and Ferrothorn easily resist Mega Gyarados's Waterfall and can take a neutral Crunch or Outrage, (AC) making it very difficult for Mega Gyarados to defeat them.

Powerful Electric-types and Strong Electric-type Coverage: Electrium Z (RH) Tapu Koko, Xurkitree, and Magnezone, as well as Pokemon that carry powerful Electric-type coverage can defeat Mega Gyarados. Carrying Earthquake can help beat Magnezone and Choice Scarf Xurkitree.

Physically Bulky Offensive Pokemon: Pokemon like Metagross-Mega Mega Metagross and Mega Pinsir can withstand Mega Gyarados's attack if they invest in bulk and don't afford grant Mega Gyarados the opportunity to set up (RH). Kartana can similarly overwhelm Mega Gyarados without investing in bulk.

Fairy-types: A strong Fairy-type can OHKO Mega Gyarados and regular Gyarados if it doesn't Mega Evolve. Choice Specs Magearna can use Fleur Cannon to KO Gyarados. Tapu Fini and Primarina also can perform very well using Moonblast.

Powerful Special Pokemon: Pokemon with a strong special attack high Special Attack stat and special moves like Porygon-Z and Greninja can overcome Mega Gyarados's bulk to KO it.

GP 1/1
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GP 1/1

With a high Speed stat, a fantastic offensive Water typing in Water, and an incredible ability in Protean, Greninja is a powerful attacker with several options for taking out different Pokemon. Access to good coverage options such as Ice Beam, Grass Knot, and Gunk Shot allow allows Greninja to hit a large portion of the metagame for super effective (RH) damage, especially when factoring in STAB from Protean. Greninja also has access to Hydro Cannon, which allows Greninja it to hit incredibly hard especially with a Waterium Z or Choice Specs equipped. However, Greninja's underwhelming base 103 Special Attack stat doesn't match up to other Special special hard hitters in the metagame, such as Tapu Lele. This low Special Attack can also make Greninja fall short of some KOes KOs against Pokemon such as Mega Charizard Y. Greninja also has low defensive stats, leaving it very vulnerable to Pokemon which that outspeed it and Pokemon that can tank a hit and retaliate with hard-hitting (AH) moves of their own.

Choice Specs
Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Protean
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Cannon
- Dark Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

Set Comments

Hydro Cannon is Greninja's most powerful move; (SC) With with an incredible 150 Base Power and Choice Specs, it is capable of OHKOing almost every Pokemon that does not resist it and does not have Sturdy. Greninja also usually does not need to worry about the recharge turn due to 1v1's format, which makes the trade for more power and accuracy over Hydro Pump worth it. Dark Pulse is a coverage option Greninja can use to hit Pokemon such as Mega Metagross, Deoxys-Defense Deoxys-D, (AC) and Aegislash for super effective (RH) damage (RC) while also having a nifty 20% flinch chance that can help out Greninja in a matchup it would normally lose by getting free damage off. Ice Beam is another coverage move that hits Dragon- and Flying-type Pokemon such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, and Garchomp (RC) while also hitting Grass-type Pokemon such as Whimsicott that resist Hydro Cannon. Grass Knot is Greninja's best fourth option, as it hits Mega Gyarados, one of the best Pokemon in the current metagame, extremely hard.

Set Details

Maximum investment in Speed and Special Attack lets Greninja hit as hard as possible while outspeeding most threats. Protean is Greninja's best ability, as it grants STAB on all of its attacks and can also be used to play around an opponent by switching Greninja's type as to resist an attack. Choice Specs is the item of choice, as it allows Greninja to hit extremely hard with all of its attacks, increasing Greninja's damage output by a large amount. Either a Timid or Modest Nature nature can be used on this set, as Timid the former allows Greninja to outspeed certain threats such as max maximum speed Speed Mega Metagross, Kartana, and Modest Tapu Koko, while Modest the latter maximizes Greninja's damage output and lets it hit a lot harder.

Usage Tips

Use Greninja if your team is weak to Fire-type Pokemon such as Charizard (mega?), as it can scare them off and protect Pokemon weak to them such as Magearna. Prevent mindlessly clicking Hydro Cannon, as those that can survive it live an attack, such as Crustle or and Golem, or those running Substitute can easily take advantage of the recharge turn and knock Greninja out. Also, (AC) avoid using Hydro Cannon unless it has a very good chance to KO the foe. Refrain from sending Greninja in when threats such as Tapu Koko and Kyurem-Black Kyurem-B loom, as they can easily take it out. Greninja can also be brought in against more passive Pokemon such as Jumpluff and Mega Slowbro, as they can wall other members of your team. Greninja can also utilize its Protean ability to play around foes opponents, changing its type to resist a move the opponent they may go for.

Team Options

Pokemon such as Mimikyu can be used to threaten Greninja's checks, which include Tapu Koko and Choice Scarfers Scarf users such as Garchomp. Greninja also does well against common Steel-type Pokemon such as Mega Metagross, so Pokemon weak to them such as Crustle can be safely brought in. Other options include heavy hitters such as Kyurem-Black, as Greninja's lacking Special Attack baits in more defensive Pokemon such as Chansey. Strong physical attackers such as Mega Charizard X are also appreciated, as they can make an opponent think twice before bringing in a specially defensive wall. Other hard hitting special attackers such as Mega Charizard Y and Choice Scarf Porygon-Z can be utilized due to Greninja's role as a coverage specialist rather than a hard hitter, yet though it makes the team more susceptible to being walled by Chansey. However, Greninja's versatility as a coverage attacker can cover the weaknesses of many Pokemon such as Tapu Lele and Mega Pinsir, making it easier for them to be brought in. Tapu Lele in particular can also cover some of Greninja's checks such as Kyurem-Black and Tapu Koko.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

A Waterium Z turns Hydro Cannon into a powerful 200-Base Power base power move with no drawbacks such as recharge and accuracy, and it also gives Greninja the freedom to switch up its attacks. However, Greninja's other coverage attacks such as Ice Beam and Dark Pulse receive no boost, meaning Greninja is left without a way to hit Water-resistant Pokemon effectively. Another good item option is Life Orb, as it allows Greninja to switch its moves up while also giving a good power boost to special and physical moves as well as physical moves. It also allows Greninja to run Shadow Sneak, which can be used to avoid damage from opposing Normal-type attacks such as Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Other physical coverage moves such as Gunk Shot can be utilized on the Life Orb set, as it gives Greninja more power to better deal with Fairy-type Pokemon such as Tapu Lele. Water Shuriken is another option that can be used to bypass Sturdy Pokemon such as Crustle and Golem, yet but it can be unreliable due to its luck factor. Hydro Pump can also replace any of the coverage moves on the Choice Specs set (RC) so as to avoid the recharge turn from Hydro Cannon. However, it lacks power compared to Hydro Cannon and has a less reliable accuracy. Another powerful option is Hyper Beam, which hits just as hard as Hydro Cannon due to Protean and can hit Water-resistant Pokemon such as Kyurem-Black.

Checks and Counters

Faster Pokemon and Choice Scarf Users: Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Choice Scarf Kyurem-Black can easily outspeed Greninja and OHKO it due to its frail defenses.

Sturdy: Sturdy users such as Crustle and Donphan can take any one hit from Greninja and retaliate with powerful Z-moves.

Chansey: Chansey’s specially defensive capabilities allow it to easily wall all of Greninja's attacks as it breaks it down with a combination of Toxic and Seismic Toss.

Resistant Pokemon That Resist Its Coverage Moves: (unless it's just one type they resist, in which case the tag should be "<TYPE>-resistant Pokemon") Pokemon such as Tapu Fini and Kyurem-Black resist Greninja's most powerful attacks, namely Hydro Cannon, meaning it cannot OHKO them and takes a lot of damage in return.

Bulky Offensive Pokemon: Bulkier Pokemon such as Magearna and Mega Venusaur can also survive all of Greninja's attacks, OHKOing it in return.
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Tapu Lele is done so I'll take Deoxys-Defense.

QC 1/3


  • Massive 160 base Def and SpDef stats allow you to be extremely bulky with only investment into HP.
  • A respectable base 90 speed tier allows you to outspeed certain slower pokemon like Mega-Venusaur, Chansey, and Mega-Gyarados.
  • Its ability Pressure reduces the opponent's PP by 2 instead of 1, allowing you to reduce the opponent's PP to 0 twice as fast as normal, making causing the opponent to Struggle a viable strategy.
  • Its Psychic-typing gives it only 3 weaknesses, of which only Dark and Ghost are relevant in 1v1. This allows it to take on a wide variety of different pokemon.
Under Pressure
Deoxys-Defense @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt
- Iron Defense
- Amnesia
- Recover

Set Comments

  • Taunt prevents set-up, status, and opposing Taunts from slower pokemon. This prevents pokemon like Mega-Gyarados from Taunting you, stall pokemon like Chansey and Quagsire from using Toxic and set-up from pokemon like Mega-Gyarados and Crustle, which would be able to boost alongside Deoxys-D and eventually KO through Recover.
  • Iron Defense is used against physical pokemon, so that you take minimal damage from them and can PP stall them.
  • Amnesia is used against special pokemon to reduce the damage you take so that you can PP stall them.
  • Recover lets you heal off the weak hits you will be taking after you boost your defenses, to let you stall out your opponent's PP.
Set Details
  • 252 HP EVs are to maximize your bulk.
  • 252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature are to outspeed as many pokemon as possible so that you can Taunt set-up and status moves. It also allows you to get in an Iron Defense or Amnesia before a slower opponent attacks, which increases your survivability more than any EV spread.
  • 4 SpDef Evs causes Genesect to get an Atk boost instead of a SpA boost, allowing you to beat Genesct spreads other than Timid Specs spreads.
  • Leftovers provides the most health over time, preventing you from being whittled down, saving Recover PP and keeping you above the HP where a critical hit would KO you.
Usage Tips
  • The intention of this set is to reduce your opponent's attacking move PP to zero, causing them to use Struggle and KO themselves with the recoil.
  • Taunt set-up pokemon slower than you, like Gyarados-Mega and Crustle. Also Taunt Stall pokemon like Chansey and Quagsire to prevent them from using Toxic. If you can afford to, Taunt pokemon that you don't expect to carry a status move, as sometimes people run status moves on unusual pokemon, and against some pokemon there is no reason to take a risk.
  • Use Iron Defense or Amnesia against set-up pokemon faster than you, like Mega-Pinsir and Charizard-X, or against pokemon that will attack no matter what, like Genesect and Mega-Metagross.
  • Recover up to high HP frequently against pokemon that won't use up all Recover PP to play around critical hits.
Team Options
  • Deoxys-Defense pairs well with many pokemon as it acts as a sort of blanket check to either Physical or Special pokemon.
  • As long as your team counters Tapu Koko and Mega-Slowbro, Deoxys-Defense can fit it in with most pokemon.
  • Mega-Gyarados, Mimikyu, and Aegislash all make good partners for Deoxys-Defense as they can eliminate its counters and if EV'd for the mirror, counter themselves, so that Deoxys-Defense doesn't have to face them.
  • Groundium-Z Golem does well against the most common Trick pokemon Jirachi, Victini, and Porygon-Z which can all shut down Deo-D.
  • Choice Specs Magnezone is another pokemon that does well against the Trick pokemon while also beating Tapu Koko and Mega-Slowbro. Either Magnezone or Deoxys-Defense will be able to beat Gyarados, also, as very few Gyarados run both Crunch and Earthquake.
Strategy Comments

Other Options

  • Instead of using Amnesia and Iron Defense, Deoxys-Defense can instead use Counter and Mirror Coat to defeat Special and Physical attackers. A slower EV spread that lives specific attacks, such as a +1 Mega-Gyarados Crunch or a Modest Charizard Y Blast Burn should be used, in order to live and get a return kill with Counter or Mirror Coat. This slower EV spread puts you at risk of status moves from a wider range of pokemon, however.
  • Sitrus Berry can be used in order to live attacks from faster pokemon that can 2HKO through +2 defenses.
  • Z-Cosmic Power can be used to boost both Special Defense and Defense at the same time, albeit more slowly than either Iron Defense or Amnesia. Boosting both Special Defense and Physical Defense in one move opens up additional options, such as Protect and Mud Slap which can help reduce the chance of being Critical Hit, by causing your opponent to use PP without actually hitting Deo-D. Very strong physical attacks become more difficult to wall with Cosmic Power, as it only boosts Defense by +1 every use. An additional benefit to using a Z-Crystal is that Z-Crystals cannot be Tricked.

Checks and Counters:
  • Critical Hits: Although just about every pokemon has to fear being crit, Deoxys-Defense gets hit so many times, especially with the PP stall sets, that its chance of being crit is much higher than average. Because crits ignore stat changes, any pokemon that can OHKO Deoxy-Defense with a crit will always have the chance to KO, even if it is boosted to +6.
  • Dark and Ghost moves: Pokemon such as Mimikyu, Aegislash, and Greninja all have very strong attacks that can do heavy damage to Deoxys-D. Special Dark pokemon and physical Ghost pokemon have the added advantage of being immune to Mirror Coat and Counter respectively.
  • Fast Taunt, Status, and Trick: Any pokemon faster than Deo-D that can Taunt or Toxic it dominate Deoxys-D. Trick can lock Deoxys-Defense into one move, preventing it from using Recover.

Ready to be checked. It's written awkwardly but the information should be correct.
Tentatively reserves Kyurem-B.

QC 0/3

- Kyurem-B has the highest BST in the metagame, making it a monstrous force with many options for what it could use to overpower its opponents
- Terravolt is a useful ability to take out Sturdy and Multiscale users.
- Kyurem-B has many distinctive sets, making it hard for opponents to predict and counterpick Kyurem-B.
- Dragon- and Ice- typing is a good offensive typing, even though Kyurem-B does not always have physical ice STAB.

Choice Scarf
Kyurem-Black @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Naughty Nature
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power / Iron Head

Set Comments

- Outrage is Kyurem-B strongest STAB move and will be found on most Choice Scarf Kyurem-B sets. It's only drawback is the confusion chance should Kyurem-B fail to KO in 2-3 turns.
- Ice Beam is Kyurem-B's secondary STAB, but because it comes off of Kyurem-B's Special Attack, it is significantly weaker and should be reserved for for Super Effective Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-type targets.
- Fusion Bolt is a high Base Power physical attack that complements Ice Beam for perfect BoltBeam coverage.
- Earth Power is used as coverage for Steel-types like Heatran and Magnezone that resist Outrage.
- Iron Head is used against Fairy-type as they are immune to Outrage entirely.

Set Details
- This set uses Choice Scarf to allow Kyurem-B to outspeed and KO foes.
- Max Attack and max Speed is the most common spread as it bolsters Kyurem-B to an incredibly high speed tier.
- Naive gives a higher Speed that can outspeed every Scarf Porygon-Z and max Speed Pheromosa. Alternatively, Naughty can be used to maximize Attack, and still retains its ability to Outspeed +1 Gyarados-Mega and Scarf Togekiss.

Usage Tips

- Kyurem-B will tend to use Outrage on most foes unless its coverage moves are super effective or the foe is resistant to Dragon-type moves.
- Use Kyurem-B against slower Dragon-type Pokemon like Dragonite and Mega Charizard X.
- Kyurem-B also is very effective on certain Pokemon that rely on defensive abilities like Sturdy such as Mimikyu or FEAR Aron, but it cannot overcome Crustle and Donphan consistently.
- Kyurem-B also good against fast attackers that don't invest in bulk like Scarf Porygon-Z and Mega Charizard Y.

Team Options
- Kyurem-B appreciates pokemon that can overcome Steel-, Fighting-, and Fairy-type pokemon consistently. It also has trouble with Physically Defensive pokemon.
- Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y can handle some Steel-type pokemon like Magearna and Jirachi, and they appreciate Kyurem-B's ability to tackle fast Dragon-types.
- Aegislash and Magearna can handle Fairy-type pokemon like Tapu Lele and appreciate Kyurem-B checking Mega Charizard X
- Mega Gyarados can help beat Donphan and Crustle consistently, while Kyurem-B can beat Tapu Koko with Earth Power.
- Tapu Koko can beat Mega Gyarados, which could otherwise invest in enough bulk to beat Kyurem-B.

Icium Z
Kyurem-Black @ Icium Z
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Freeze Shock
- Fusion Bolt
- Outrage
- Iron Head

Set Comments


- Freeze Shock with Icium Z produces a powerful 200 BP Subzero Slammer that acts as Kyurem-B's main STAB option.
- Fusion Bolt is a strong BP option and provides Boltbeam coverage.
- Outrage is Kyurem-B's secondary STAB option.
- Iron Head provides coverage against Fairy-types.

Set Details
- This Kyurem-B goes for a speedy set although a bulky set is also possible.
- 252 Attack EVs and 252 Speed EVs keeps Kyurem-B outspeeding as many threats as possible and also maximizes damage.
- A jolly nature can maximize speed at 317, while an Adamant nature maximizes damage for lower speed.

Usage Tips
- This set makes Kyurem-B effective at KOing many foes. Those especially weak to Ice- and Dragon-type moves.
- This set can KO a bulky Donphan, Crustle, and Golem, which Choice Scarf can't consistently do, although it can no longer beat Mega Charizard Y and Mega Charizard X.
- Kyurem-B has a relatively low speed tier, making its best match up against slower attackers.

Team Options
- Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y can cover Steel-types that resist Subzero Slammer, and can help lure in bulky Crustle, Donphan, and Golem.
- Tapu Koko and Porygon-Z can beat Mega Gyarados, and similarly appreciate Kyurem-Bs ability to beat Sturdy Pokémon.
- Mega Metagross can beat problematic Fighting-types like Sawk and Hitmonlee and appreciates Kyurem-B's effectiveness on Ground-types.
- Rock-types like Crustle that beat Mega Charizard Y and Mega Charizard X are helpful, as both of them outspeed Kyurem-B.

Choice Specs

Kyurem-Black @ Choice Specs
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power / Focus Blast
- Flash Cannon

Set Comments


- Ice Beam is Kyurem-B's main Ice-type STAB option which hits for a good amount of damage. Blizzard is stronger but is held back by significantly lower accuracy.
- Draco Meteor is Kyurem-B's strong Dragon-type STAB, but drops Kyurem-B Special Attack, making it more difficult to 2HKO
- Earth Power and Focus Blast target Steel-types mostly. Earth Power is weaker and more accurate. Focus Blast however is more powerful, but is less likely to hit.
- Flash Cannon provides coverage against Fairy-types.

Set Details
- This Kyurem-B has 252 EVs in Special Attack to ensure it does as much damage as possible.
- 252 EVs in Speed and a Timid nature, gives Kyurem-B the highest speed to outspeed as many threats as possible.
- A Modest nature would similarly maximizes its Special Attack while sacrificing Speed.

Usage Tips
- Kyurem-B will tend to use Draco Meteor against Pokemon that have a low Special Defense.
- Ice Beam should be used against Pokemon that would not be knocked out by a Draco Meteor.
- Earth Power, Focus Blast, and Flash Cannon should be used if those moves are super effective against a foe, or Ice Beam and Draco Meteor are not very effective against the foe.
- Choice Specs Kyurem-B doesn't perform as well as Choice Scarf and Icium Z Kyurem-B against fast offense, but acts as a great lure for physical walls, like Buzzwole and Rhyperior.

Team Options
- Physical Offensive Pokémon like Mega Charizard X can help lure in Physical Walls like Mega Slowbro, who might otherwise expect Physical Kyurem-B
- Rock-types and Sturdy Pokemon like Crustle and Donphan can deal with Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y who can defeat Kyurem-B.
- Tapu Koko can deal with Mega Gyarados effectively, while Choice Specs Kyurem-B is very effective at beating Ground-types.
- Pokemon that beat Fighting- and Steel-types like Mega Charizard Y and Mega Metagross also provide good coverage against Pokemon that can beat Kyurem-B.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

- Many other effective Kyurem-B sets and spreads can lure in Checks and Counters such as Haban Berry and Weakness Policy
- Haban Berry sets lure in Pokemon that use Dragon-type moves, like Mega Gyarados with Outrage
- Weakness Policy can lure in Dragon-, Steel-, and Fairy-type Pokemon.
- In non-choice sets, Kyurem-B can also run Substitute and Roost for longevity and protection against Sucker Punch.

Checks and Counters :
Steel-types: Steel-types like Genesect, Mega Metagross, and Ferrothorn can easily survive Kyurem-B's Outrage, Subzero Slammer, and coverage options and respond with super effective attacks.

Mixed Defensive Pokemon: Mixed Defensive pokemon like Deoxys-D and Umbreon can take advantage of Kyurem-B being unable to set up and can easily wall Kyurem-B.

Fighting-types: Fighting-type pokemon like Sawk and Hitmonlee can quickly KO Kyurem-B with super effective attacks.
This is ready for QC
am qc check, implement what you agree with

Tentatively reserves Kyurem-B.

QC 0/3

- Kyurem-B has the highest BST in the metagame, making it a monstrous force with many options for what it could use to overpower its opponents
- Terravolt is a useful ability to take out Sturdy and Multiscale users. such as
- Kyurem-B has many distinctive sets, making it hard for opponents to predict and counterpick Kyurem-B.
- Dragon- and Ice- typing is a good offensive typing, even though Kyurem-B does not always have physical ice STAB.
- extremely high attack
- middling physical movepool which forces it to use special moves
- pretty good bulk for a hard hitter

Choice Scarf
Kyurem-Black @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Naughty Nature
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power / Iron Head

Set Comments

- Outrage is Kyurem-B strongest STAB move and will be found on most Choice Scarf Kyurem-B sets. It's only drawback is the confusion chance should Kyurem-B fail to KO in 2-3 turns. mention how the confusion almost never matters because its 1v1
- Ice Beam is Kyurem-B's secondary STAB, but because it comes off of Kyurem-B's Special Attack, it is significantly weaker and should be reserved for for Super Effective Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-type targets. such as
- Fusion Bolt is a high Base Power physical attack that complements Ice Beam for perfect BoltBeam coverage. what is fusion bolt useful against?
- Earth Power is used as coverage for Steel-types like Heatran and Magnezone that resist Outrage.
- Iron Head is used against Fairy-type pokemon such as as they are immune to Outrage entirely.

Set Details
- This set uses Choice Scarf to allow Kyurem-B to outspeed and KO foes.
- Max Attack and max Speed is the most common spread as it bolsters Kyurem-B to an incredibly high speed tier.
- Naive gives a higher Speed that can outspeed every Scarf Porygon-Z and max Speed Pheromosa. Alternatively, Naughty can be used to maximize Attack, and still retains its ability to Outspeed +1 Gyarados-Mega and Scarf Togekiss. What KOes does naughty achieve that naive can't

Usage Tips

- Kyurem-B will tend to use Outrage on most foes unless its coverage moves are super effective or the foe is resistant to Dragon-type moves.
- Use Kyurem-B against slower Dragon-type Pokemon like Dragonite and Mega Charizard X. how do you know its charx and not chary? max hp char y beats kyu-b
- Kyurem-B also is very effective on certain Pokemon that rely on defensive abilities like Sturdy such as Mimikyu or FEAR Aron, but it cannot overcome Crustle and Donphan consistently. scarf kyub always loses to crustle unless crit
- Kyurem-B also good against fast attackers that don't invest in bulk like Scarf Porygon-Z and Mega Charizard Y. char y sometimes invests in bulk (max hp), though its not common i guess

Team Options
- Kyurem-B appreciates pokemon that can overcome Steel-, Fighting-, and Fairy-type pokemon consistently. It also has trouble with Physically Defensive pokemon. name pokemon that can overcome these steel fighting and fairy pokemon
- physically defensive pokemon answers should be a separate bullet unless its the same pokemon that beats the above bullet

- Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y can handle some Steel-type pokemon like Magearna and Jirachi, and they appreciate Kyurem-B's ability to tackle fast Dragon-types.
- Aegislash and Magearna can handle Fairy-type pokemon like Tapu Lele and appreciate Kyurem-B checking Mega Charizard X
- Mega Gyarados can help beat Donphan and Crustle consistently, while Kyurem-B can beat Tapu Koko with Earth Power.
- Tapu Koko can beat Mega Gyarados, which could otherwise invest in enough bulk to beat Kyurem-B.

Icium Z
Kyurem-Black @ Icium Z
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Freeze Shock
- Fusion Bolt
- Outrage
- Iron Head

Set Comments


- Freeze Shock with Icium Z produces a powerful 200 BP Subzero Slammer that acts as Kyurem-B's main STAB option.
- Fusion Bolt is a strong BP option and provides Boltbeam coverage.
- Outrage is Kyurem-B's secondary STAB option.
- Iron Head provides coverage against Fairy-types such as?

Set Details
- This Kyurem-B goes for a speedy set although a bulky set is also possible. what's the EV spread for the bulky set?
- 252 Attack EVs and 252 Speed EVs keeps Kyurem-B outspeeding as many threats as possible and also maximizes damage. name a threat or two that max speed helps kyu-b outspeed
- A jolly nature can maximize speed at 317, while an Adamant nature maximizes damage for lower speed. why use one over the other (give examples of pokemon that jolly/ada beats on their own)
- mention icium z as the item

Usage Tips
- This set makes Kyurem-B effective at KOing many foes. Those especially weak to Ice- and Dragon-type moves. what pokemon exactly is this set effective against
- This set can KO a bulky Donphan, Crustle, and Golem, which Choice Scarf can't consistently do, although it can no longer beat Mega Charizard Y and Mega Charizard X. generally, dont mention other sets
- Kyurem-B has a relatively low speed tier, making its best match up against slower attackers. such as

Team Options
- Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y can cover Steel-types that resist Subzero Slammer, and can help lure in bulky Crustle, Donphan, and Golem.
- Tapu Koko and Porygon-Z can beat Mega Gyarados, and similarly appreciate Kyurem-Bs ability to beat Sturdy Pokémon. that should just be Pokemon, without the é (just a nitpick)
- Mega Metagross can beat problematic Fighting-types like Sawk and Hitmonlee and appreciates Kyurem-B's effectiveness on Ground-types such as
- Rock-types like Crustle that beat Mega Charizard Y and Mega Charizard X are helpful, as both of them outspeed Kyurem-B.

Choice Specs

Kyurem-Black @ Choice Specs
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid / Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power / Focus Blast
- Flash Cannon

Set Comments


- Ice Beam is Kyurem-B's main Ice-type STAB option which hits for a good amount of damage. Blizzard is stronger but is held back by significantly lower accuracy.
- Draco Meteor is Kyurem-B's strong Dragon-type STAB, but drops Kyurem-B Special Attack, making it more difficult to 2HKO
- Earth Power and Focus Blast target Steel-types such as mostly. Earth Power is weaker and more accurate. Focus Blast however is more powerful, but is less likely to hit. what KOes does focus blast net that earth power doesn't?
- Flash Cannon provides coverage against Fairy-types.

Set Details
- This Kyurem-B has 252 EVs in Special Attack to ensure it does as much damage as possible.
- 252 EVs in Speed and a Timid nature, gives Kyurem-B the highest speed to outspeed as many threats as possible.
- A Modest nature would similarly maximizes its Special Attack while sacrificing Speed. again, what threats do modest/timid beat separately
- mention choice specs

Usage Tips
- Kyurem-B will tend to use Draco Meteor against Pokemon that have a low Special Defense. such as?
- Ice Beam should be used against Pokemon that would not be knocked out by a Draco Meteor. such as?
- Earth Power, Focus Blast, and Flash Cannon should be used if those moves are super effective against a foe, or Ice Beam and Draco Meteor are not very effective against the foe.
- Choice Specs Kyurem-B doesn't perform as well as Choice Scarf and Icium Z Kyurem-B against fast offense, but acts as a great lure for physical walls, like Buzzwole and Rhyperior. again, dont mention other sets

Team Options
- Physical Offensive Pokémon like Mega Charizard X can help lure in Physical Walls like Mega Slowbro, who might otherwise expect Physical Kyurem-B
- Rock-types and Sturdy Pokemon like Crustle and Donphan can deal with Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y who can defeat Kyurem-B.
- Tapu Koko can deal with Mega Gyarados effectively, while Choice Specs Kyurem-B is very effective at beating Ground-types.
- Pokemon that beat Fighting- and Steel-types like Mega Charizard Y and Mega Metagross also provide good coverage against Pokemon that can beat Kyurem-B. name specifically steel and fighting types because kyu-b beats some like magnezone

Strategy Comments

Other Options

- Many other effective Kyurem-B sets and spreads can lure in Checks and Counters such as Haban Berry and Weakness Policy
- Haban Berry sets lure in Pokemon that use Dragon-type moves, like Mega Gyarados with Outrage
- Weakness Policy can lure in Dragon-, Steel-, and Fairy-type Pokemon. like?
- In non-choice sets, Kyurem-B can also run Substitute and Roost for longevity and protection against Sucker Punch.

Checks and Counters :
Steel-types: Steel-types like Genesect, Mega Metagross, and Ferrothorn can easily survive Kyurem-B's Outrage, Subzero Slammer, and coverage options and respond with super effective attacks.

Mixed Defensive Pokemon: Mixed Defensive pokemon like Deoxys-D and Umbreon can take advantage of Kyurem-B being unable to set up and can easily wall Kyurem-B.

Fighting-types: Fighting-type pokemon like Sawk and Hitmonlee can quickly KO Kyurem-B with super effective attacks.

An excellent ability in Drought powers up Fire-type attacks and turns Mega Charizard Y into a powerful attacker while allowing it to take on many Water-type Pokemon and, (AC) alongside a sky-high Special Attack stat, (AC) allows it to deal with many common walls as well as OHKO almost all offensive threats. A decent Fire / Flying typing grants it resistances to common types such as Fairy and Steel, while whereas an excellent co mega-evolution co-Mega Evolution in Mega Charizard X makes it highly unpredictable&mdash;particularly at Team Preview&mdash;as Rock-type Pokemon are the only reliable answers to both. Its solid movepool, which includes high-powered attacks that take advantage of its ability Drought such as Blast Burn, Flamethrower, and Solar Beam, allows allow Mega Charizard Y to hit most Pokemon for heavy damage. However, its only decent Speed stat allows many fast threats and all Choice Scarf users to outspeed it, while and a low Defense stat stops it from reliably getting off hits versus faster Pokemon. Its weaknesses to Electric and Rock allow Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Crustle to take it out, further decreasing its ease of use.

Sun Attacker
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam
- Ancient Power / Will-O-Wisp
- Air Slash / Flamethrower

Set Comments

(add blank line)
Blast Burn is Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's most powerful Fire-type attack, allowing it to take out most Pokemon in a single move, but it stops Charizard prevents Mega Charizard Y from moving, (AC) should it fail to KO. Solar Beam, meanwhile however, is a powerful coverage attack that hits the Rock- and Water-types such as Mega Gyarados that resist Fire-type attacks. Ancient Power hits opposing Fire-type Pokemon, particularly other Mega Charizards Charizard, for solid damage, and it allows Mega Charizard Y to potentially take them on. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers and does damage every turn, allowing Mega Charizard Y to break Sturdy and avoid low KO chances. Air Slash allows Charizard Mega Charizard Y to fish for flinches in the hopes of beating Pokemon such as Crustle and Golem, while whereas Flamethrower is a secondary Fire-type attack that lets Mega Charizard Y wear down bulky foes such as Umbreon into Blast Burn KO range and to reliably break Substitutes.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's Speed and allow it to outspeed top Pokemon such as Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Mimikyu, while and 252 Special Attack EVs increase Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's damage output, (AC) allowing and allow it to hit as hard as possible. A Modest nature is another option to increase Mega Charizard's Charizard Y's power, but making the most of its Speed tier is generally more advantageous. Drought summons harsh sunshine the sun, which boosts Mega Charizard Y's Fire-type attacks and weakens Water-type attacks from Pokemon such as Greninja.

Usage Tips

Pick Mega Charizard Y when you predict that your opponent to send out slower offensive Pokemon such as Tapu Lele or Magearna. Unless the coverage also hits super effectively, Fire-type attacks are generally more powerful even versus resistances such as Gyarados, (AC) so ensure that you have a good reason to use those moves on Mega Charizard Y. Avoid clicking Blast Burn freely, as Substitute users such as Whimsicott or and Pokemon with surprise bulk investment can take advantage of the free turn provided.

Team Options

Pokemon that can take on Chansey, such as Swords Dance Kartana and Psyshock Tapu Lele, are handy to take that on and because they prevent it from being safely chosen to wall Mega Charizard Y. As Mega Charizard Y has a mediocre Speed tier, fast Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Garchomp and Mega Metagross are handy to take on threats like Mega Pinsir and Choice Scarf Kyurem-B. Mega Gyarados is a good partner, (AC) as it takes on Pokemon such as Kyurem-B, Golem, and Crustle; in return, Charizard handles the likes of Mega Venusaur and Mega Sableye. Electric answers such as Donphan, Golem, and Garchomp are useful to take on Pokemon such as Magnezone and Tapu Koko, (AC) which that will otherwise OHKO Charizard.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

Bulkier spreads can be used to live specific attacks such as Kyurem-B's Outrage but come at the cost of power or outspeeding the ability to outspeed top picks such as Tapu Lele. Such spreads may also run Counter to take out the faster attackers that it now survives hits from, but faster Pokemon usually lack the bulk to survive Mega Charizard's Charizard Y's attacks anyway. Roost allows Mega Charizard Y to recover off of weaker attacks, particularly alongside Will-O-Wisp. Focus Blast is a secondary option to allow Mega Charizard Y to hit Heatran, (RC) but is otherwise inferior to the above options. Overheat is another option that has similar power to Blast Burn but lacks the immobile turn; however, the decrease in Special Attack Base Power means that Mega Charizard Y often still will not be able to KO Pokemon that survive. Dragon Pulse hits Dragon-type Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X and Garchomp hard and prevents them from walling Mega Charizard Y. (add space) Substitute may be used to avoid status moves such as Toxic and Leech Seed, but Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's already mediocre bulk is greatly harmed should they be able to break it.

Checks and Counters

Rock-type Pokemon: Rock-type (AH) attacks hit Mega Charizard Y 4x super effectively, allowing even weaker users to take it out. To make matters worse, users can often live a hit to KO in return like Golem or and Crustle. Nihilego, in particular, is annoying, as it easily outspeeds and OHKOes both Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y and thus doesn't risk a 50-50 50/50 at team preview.

Faster Pokemon: Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's Speed tier is merely decent, allowing many fast Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Mega Pinsir, as well as nearly every scarfer Choice Scarf user, to outspeed it; this can allow them to get off a hit and potentially KO Mega Charizard Y without needing to take a powerful sun-boosted Fire-type attack.

Super Effective Attackers: Pokemon with Rock-type attacks can take out Mega Charizard Y, as it's its 4x weakness means that the attack doesn't even need to be STAB. Electric-type moves need to be slightly stronger, but Mega Charizard Y isn't particularly able to survive them either. Pokemon that can survive to get off an attack such as Magenzone don't even have to outspeed Mega Charizard Y in order to KO it.

Fire-resistant Pokemon: Pokemon that can take Mega Charizard Y's main STAB move, such as Dragonite, Mega Charizard X, and Heatran, greatly decrease its effectiveness, as Mega Charizard's coverage options are significantly weaker and easier to wall.

Chansey: Thanks to its excellent special bulk, Chansey fears none of Mega Charizard Y's attacks and easily walls it while wearing it down with Toxic and Seismic Toss.
GP 1/1 Quantum Tesseract


An excellent ability in Drought powers up Fire-type attacks and turns Mega Charizard Y into a powerful attacker while allowing it to take on many Water-type Pokemon and, (AC) alongside a sky-high Special Attack stat, (AC) allows it to deal with many common walls as well as OHKO almost all offensive threats. A decent Fire / Flying typing grants it resistances to common types such as Fairy and Steel, while whereas an excellent co mega-evolution co-Mega Evolution in Mega Charizard X makes it highly unpredictable&mdash;particularly at Team Preview&mdash;as Rock-type Pokemon are the only reliable answers to both. Its solid movepool, which includes high-powered attacks that take advantage of its ability Drought such as Blast Burn, Flamethrower, and Solar Beam, allows allow Mega Charizard Y to hit most Pokemon for heavy damage. However, its only decent Speed stat allows many fast threats and all Choice Scarf users to outspeed it, while and a low Defense stat stops it from reliably getting off hits versus faster Pokemon. Its weaknesses to Electric and Rock allow Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Crustle to take it out, further decreasing its ease of use.

Sun Attacker
Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam
- Ancient Power / Will-O-Wisp
- Air Slash / Flamethrower

Set Comments

(add blank line)
Blast Burn is Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's most powerful Fire-type attack, allowing it to take out most Pokemon in a single move, but it stops Charizard prevents Mega Charizard Y from moving, (AC) should it fail to KO. Solar Beam, meanwhile however, is a powerful coverage attack that hits the Rock- and Water-types such as Mega Gyarados that resist Fire-type attacks. Ancient Power hits opposing Fire-type Pokemon, particularly other Mega Charizards Charizard, for solid damage, and it allows Mega Charizard Y to potentially take them on. Will-O-Wisp cripples physical attackers and does damage every turn, allowing Mega Charizard Y to break Sturdy and avoid low KO chances. Air Slash allows Charizard Mega Charizard Y to fish for flinches in the hopes of beating Pokemon such as Crustle and Golem, while whereas Flamethrower is a secondary Fire-type attack that lets Mega Charizard Y wear down bulky foes such as Umbreon into Blast Burn KO range and to reliably break Substitutes.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's Speed and allow it to outspeed top Pokemon such as Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Mimikyu, while and 252 Special Attack EVs increase Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's damage output, (AC) allowing and allow it to hit as hard as possible. A Modest nature is another option to increase Mega Charizard's Charizard Y's power, but making the most of its Speed tier is generally more advantageous. Drought summons harsh sunshine the sun, which boosts Mega Charizard Y's Fire-type attacks and weakens Water-type attacks from Pokemon such as Greninja.

Usage Tips

Pick Mega Charizard Y when you predict that your opponent to send out slower offensive Pokemon such as Tapu Lele or Magearna. Unless the coverage also hits super effectively, Fire-type attacks are generally more powerful even versus resistances such as Gyarados, (AC) so ensure that you have a good reason to use those moves on Mega Charizard Y. Avoid clicking Blast Burn freely, as Substitute users such as Whimsicott or and Pokemon with surprise bulk investment can take advantage of the free turn provided.

Team Options

Pokemon that can take on Chansey, such as Swords Dance Kartana and Psyshock Tapu Lele, are handy to take that on and because they prevent it from being safely chosen to wall Mega Charizard Y. As Mega Charizard Y has a mediocre Speed tier, fast Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Garchomp and Mega Metagross are handy to take on threats like Mega Pinsir and Choice Scarf Kyurem-B. Mega Gyarados is a good partner, (AC) as it takes on Pokemon such as Kyurem-B, Golem, and Crustle; in return, Charizard handles the likes of Mega Venusaur and Mega Sableye. Electric answers such as Donphan, Golem, and Garchomp are useful to take on Pokemon such as Magnezone and Tapu Koko, (AC) which that will otherwise OHKO Charizard.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

Bulkier spreads can be used to live specific attacks such as Kyurem-B's Outrage but come at the cost of power or outspeeding the ability to outspeed top picks such as Tapu Lele. Such spreads may also run Counter to take out the faster attackers that it now survives hits from, but faster Pokemon usually lack the bulk to survive Mega Charizard's Charizard Y's attacks anyway. Roost allows Mega Charizard Y to recover off of weaker attacks, particularly alongside Will-O-Wisp. Focus Blast is a secondary option to allow Mega Charizard Y to hit Heatran, (RC) but is otherwise inferior to the above options. Overheat is another option that has similar power to Blast Burn but lacks the immobile turn; however, the decrease in Special Attack Base Power means that Mega Charizard Y often still will not be able to KO Pokemon that survive. Dragon Pulse hits Dragon-type Pokemon such as Mega Charizard X and Garchomp hard and prevents them from walling Mega Charizard Y. (add space) Substitute may be used to avoid status moves such as Toxic and Leech Seed, but Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's already mediocre bulk is greatly harmed should they be able to break it.

Checks and Counters

Rock-type Pokemon: Rock-type (AH) attacks hit Mega Charizard Y 4x super effectively, allowing even weaker users to take it out. To make matters worse, users can often live a hit to KO in return like Golem or and Crustle. Nihilego, in particular, is annoying, as it easily outspeeds and OHKOes both Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y and thus doesn't risk a 50-50 50/50 at team preview.

Faster Pokemon: Charizard's Mega Charizard Y's Speed tier is merely decent, allowing many fast Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Mega Pinsir, as well as nearly every scarfer Choice Scarf user, to outspeed it; this can allow them to get off a hit and potentially KO Mega Charizard Y without needing to take a powerful sun-boosted Fire-type attack.

Super Effective Attackers: Pokemon with Rock-type attacks can take out Mega Charizard Y, as it's its 4x weakness means that the attack doesn't even need to be STAB. Electric-type moves need to be slightly stronger, but Mega Charizard Y isn't particularly able to survive them either. Pokemon that can survive to get off an attack such as Magenzone don't even have to outspeed Mega Charizard Y in order to KO it.

Fire-resistant Pokemon: Pokemon that can take Mega Charizard Y's main STAB move, such as Dragonite, Mega Charizard X, and Heatran, greatly decrease its effectiveness, as Mega Charizard's coverage options are significantly weaker and easier to wall.

Chansey: Thanks to its excellent special bulk, Chansey fears none of Mega Charizard Y's attacks and easily walls it while wearing it down with Toxic and Seismic Toss.
GP 1/1 Quantum Tesseract

Implemented, with one exception: "Overheat is another option that has similar power to Blast Burn but lacks the immobile turn; however, the decrease in Special Attack Base Power means that Mega Charizard Y often still will not be able to KO Pokemon that survive. " I did in fact mean special attack, as Overheat decreases that upon use and pokemon that recover off overheat T1 can usually live it t2; unless I'm missing somethign, there doesn't seem to be much reason for this change.
Implemented, with one exception: "Overheat is another option that has similar power to Blast Burn but lacks the immobile turn; however, the decrease in Special Attack Base Power means that Mega Charizard Y often still will not be able to KO Pokemon that survive. " I did in fact mean special attack, as Overheat decreases that upon use and pokemon that recover off overheat T1 can usually live it t2; unless I'm missing somethign, there doesn't seem to be much reason for this change.
That's fine, I thought it said Fire Blast for some reason
Then , i'll take Magnezone .



Thanks to sturdy alongside with a nice base 130 special attack + a pretty good typing , Magnezone is probably the best sturdy mon at the special side in the current 1v1 metagame .
[Choice specs]
Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Mirror Coat / Hyper Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice] / [Fire]
Set Comments

* Mirror coat allow you to 0HKO most of special attackers with the help of sturdy , and hyper beam can 0HKO frail mons like Tapu Koko .
* Flash cannon is a useful stab , allowing magnzone to beat fairy and rock types .
* Thunderbolt is Magnezone's best stab , being resisted only by grass and ground types pokémon .
* Hidden power Ice is the HP , allowing you to hit ground types , and HP fire can be useful against specific mons like Scizor or Ferrothorn .
Set Details

Usage Tips
Team Options


Strategy Comments

Other Options

-Signal Beam
Checks and Counters [INSERT THREAT HERE]:
-Mold Breaker
-Leech Seed users
Reassigned to RNGIsCancer

QC 1/3



* Has access to almost every move in the game, allowing for almost unlimited unique sets

* Has pitiful bulk, meaning that most moves will OHKO it

* Relatively slow - reaches a max speed of only 273


Smeargle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Spore
- Imprison
- Transform
- King's Shield / Magic Coat / Taunt

Set Comments


* Spore is used to send the opposing Pokemon to sleep, allowing for Smeargle to use Imprison and Transform without worrying on whether it can take another hit or not.

* Imprison and Transform are used together to force the opponent to Struggle. Smeargle uses Imprison, followed by Transform, which means Smeargle adopts all the moves of its opponent, but the opponent cannot use any of its moves due to the Imprison.

* The final moveslot is open to a variety of moves: KS can be used to increase Smeargle's chance of tanking a hit, while Taunt and Magic Coat prevent status moves from hitting Smeargle, some of which will render Smeargle useless.

Set Details

* The EVs in this set are used to maximize Smeargle's speed and bulk. Its speed EVs are maxed out and Smeargle is given a speed-boosting nature in order to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible. The rest of the EVs are placed into HP in order to increase Smeargle's overall bulk.

* Because Moody is banned in 1v1 and Technician has no effect on any of the moves in this set, Own Tempo was left, which is a decent ability that stops possible confusion.

* The Mental Herb gives Smeargle a counter against Taunt users, as the Mental Herb will "block" the Taunt, allowing for Smeargle to use Spore

Usage Tips

*Do not select Smeargle if the opponent does not have a slow wall or you expect them to run a stronger, faster Pokemon.

*Turn 1 you should almost always select Spore, unless if you are running King's Shield and predict that they will use a physical move or running Magic Coat and predict Taunt/another status move

*After setting the opponent to sleep, you should select Imprison, followed by Transform in that order, as it will block all of the opponent's moves, forcing them to Struggle.

Team Options

*Powerful attackers such as scarfed Porygon-Z or Crustle can pair nicely with Smeargle as seeing Smeargle in the team preview causes opponents to think twice before sending out their walls.

Strategy Comments

Other Options

*Lovely Kiss can be used instead of Spore or as a 4th move in order to beat Grass types, but it suffers from a 75% accuracy instead of Spore's 100%.

*Lum Berry can also be used instead of Mental Herb on Smeargle as it prevents Smeargle from going to sleep itself or paralyzed, both of which can wreck Smeargle's usefulness.

Checks and Counters

Grass Types: Spore doesn't work on Grass types due to it being a powder move, meaning that Smeargle will have to rely on its own bulk to survive 1 or 2 hits, which it most likely cannot.

Fast Pokemon / Priority: Smeargle has terrible bulk and is unlikely to survive a hit before it can get a Spore off, giving an easy win to the opponent.
Implement second check or im reassigning