Multifaction/FFA Paper Mario TTYD Mafia - Night 11

To the glitz pit: i know you stole 8 of my items, including the sprites. I know you have 3 of the Garnet keys, since you took them all from me.
I have the last Garnet, and if i don't get the sprites back tonight, the key will be lost forever. No one will ever find said key again.
Amelia, I'm the last Glitz Pit alive.

We were throughly moled by Moody and acidphoenix. They purposedly and systematically gave us false targets and idled our kill.

That said, we did not receive any items via our steals. On the contrary all of our items were stolen. Obviously it was by either acidphoenix' or moody's faction, I suspect it was acidphoenix. You have been misinformed about who the stealer is, please ask those factions for your items.

I can help you with the stealing back though, I have my thied action usable tonight, just give me a target.

Also, 99% of everything Haruno has told anyone ever are lies.
flavorless update because im tired and annoyed that my flight was delayed almost 2 hours

Nobody died.

Hitmonleet cannot communicate to anyone via any means other than this thread. People may send his PMs but he is not allowed to respond.

Sage and Hoopster are still missing.

It is now Day 7. Day 7 ends 4/2 at 8 PM EDT.
Hi Pidge! Hi jerks! Hello good people of the world!

Also, for he who understands, things are positive. You should know what this means if you've talked to me.

Also, anyone up for the death of Lady? I don't exactly like them.
No Lynch was the most popular vote, so nobody was lynched.

Sage and Hoopster have returned.

(Hitmonleet still cannot talk to people)

It is now Night 7. Night 7 ends 4/4 at 8 PM EDT. All results are out.
Hey, please don't kill me.

Also, for my teammates, my idea:

seb ojkm fr seks gkjlnms webwhr seb jkrs svn cnqlbq hfjjr jkay kma f rsbkj cqnl djkwbnm trbq.

Keyword: The watchword that one person knows.

Sorry for being so fruity, thought I might just try and get this out.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't like bananas too much. I'll eat them of course, but I'd reccomend a more likeable fruit.
You all wander out into the square, wondering who has fallen during the night. The first body you spot is Espeon User, found dead outside of Professor Frankly's house.

Dear Espeon User,
You are Goombella.

You are one of Professor Frankly’s students, though he has trouble remembering you. You joined up with Mario when he saved you from a minor group of X-Nauts who were harassing you, in what proved to be the combat tutorial. After that, you helped Mario by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of his many enemies, and analyzing situation after situation.

You have an extensive knowledge of creatures. You may PM the hosts with “Night X - Tattle <alias>”. You will determine your target’s full role PM.

You also are a great support partner will Rally Wink. You may PM the hosts with “Day X - Rally Wink <alias>”. Your target will be able to use any personal abilities twice the following night. You may not use this ability on consecutive days. Additionally, when you use this ability, you may not send any actions the following night, including factional abilities, item passing, and anonymous messaging.

Beware! The Pianta Syndicate is on the lookout for you. You know that they need you dead in order to win, but may not need to kill other members of your faction.


Your team ability is, once every two nights, you may PM the hosts with “Night X - Look up <name of Crystal Star> Fortress Key #x”. To use this ability, you must be holding a key to the same fortress you are looking up. You will determine what alias is holding the key you looked up.

Your team steal is active once every two nights. Your team kill is active once every three nights.

You are holding Sapphire Star Fortress Key #4. Use this to retrieve the Sapphire Star.

You are allied with Mario’s Team. You win if you eliminate the Shadow Squad, the X-Nauts, the Glitz Pit, the Dragons, and Bowser’s Legion.

HotFuzzBall bites the dust. The next body you found was Myth Trainer, found dead on the east side of Rogueport.

Dear Myth Trainer,
You are Ishnail.

You run the Robbo Gang, and try to survive despite the power of the Pianta Syndicate. Curiously, you also know the passcode to get to see the Don, despite that code being reserved for his friends. Well, at least selling the code lets you get some good money, right?

You are on the lookout for members of the Pianta Syndicate. You may PM the hosts with “Night X - Check <alias>”. You will determine whether your target is a member of the Pianta Syndicate.

Your Robbo Gang is currently in a battle with the Pianta Syndicate for influence in Rogueport. If the Pianta Syndicate is eliminated, you will gain a new ability.

You are currently in hiding to protect yourself from the Pianta Syndicate. The first information role other than your team ability, and the first kill of any kind attempted on you will fail.

You know that someone is looking to recruit someone from the Rogueport Regulars away from your cause. Be on the lookout for people whose motivations seem to change.

Your team ability is, once per night, you may PM the hosts with “Night X - Meeting with <alias1>, <alias2>, <alias3>, and <alias4>”. You will determine if a majority of the meeting is made up of members of the Rogueport Regulars, including yourself.

Your team steal is active once every two nights. Your team kill is active once every two nights. Your team kill functions differently than most other teams. To send in a kill, you must also send in a number of Smogon usernames and/or aliases that are alive and are allied with the Rogueport Regulars. The current number required is 8, but you know that this may decrease under certain conditions. If at least 2 of the usernames or aliases submitted are not allied with the Rogueport Regulars, the kill will fail. You will not know if a kill fails for this reason or for other reasons.

You are holding Garnet Star Fortress Key #4. Use this to retrieve the Garnet Star.

You are allied with the Rogueport Regulars. You win if you eliminate the Shadow Squad, the X-Nauts, the Dragons, and the Pianta Syndicate

Jalmont has perished. The last body you find is that of Cipher, although it actually seems to be three bodies.

Dear Cipher,
You are the Shadow Sirens.

Beldam, the ice siren, Marilyn the thunder siren, and Vivian the fire siren. It was you who gave Princess Peach the Map to the Crystal Stars sealed within a box which only the pure of heart could open. From this started Mario’s hunt for the Crystal Stars which you hoped would cause the Shadow Queen to be reborn.

You utilize sneakiness and manipulation to achieve your goals. You may PM the hosts with “Night X - Swap <alias1> and <alias2>”. If one of your targets is an NPC, your targets will swap aliases. Note that any items held will also be swapped. You know that this ability has the lowest priority in the game, even below item passing.

You have another way to use your sneakiness. You may PM the hosts with “Night X - Ambush <alias>”. You will sneak up on your target and take any items they are holding.

Additionally, while you are alive, any anonymous message sent by the Shadow Squad will not reveal the alias of the sender, unless you want it to.



Your team ability is, once per night, you may PM the hosts with “Night X - Sense <alias1>,<alias2>, and <alias3>”. You will receive one Smogon username, one win condition, and one ability summary, but will not know which piece of information corresponds to which alias. You may not target anyone on your team with this ability.

Your team steal is active once every two nights. Your team kill is active once every three nights.

Your safe claim is Princess Peach, allied with Mario’s Team. Mario’s Team’s win condition and team ability are:

-You are allied with Mario’s Team. You win if you eliminate The Shadow Squad, The X-Nauts, the Glitz Pit, the Dragons, and Bowser’s Legion.
-Your team ability is, once every two nights, you may PM the hosts with “Night X - Look up <name of Crystal Star> Fortress Key #x”. To use this ability, you must be holding a key to the same fortress you are looking up. You will determine what alias is holding the key you looked up.
-Your team steal is active once every two nights. Your team kill is active once every three nights.

You are holding Crystal Star Fortress Key #5. Use this to retrieve the Crystal Star.

You are allied with the Shadow Squad. You win if you eliminate Mario’s Team, The X-Nauts, the Glitz Pit, the Rogueport Regulars, and Bowser’s Legion.

Blue_Tornado has passed.

Finally, you receive a message.

Hitmonleet can talk again.

After all that has gone on, you decide to start planning for the lynch, as the game winds down.

It is now Day 8. Day 8 ends 4/6 at 10 PM EST. All results are out.