NOC Nomination Mafia Game Thread

Why wait?
Alright what are your reads then, please no "so and so said this earlier"
Did you read the rest of the post? I even said why I'd want to wait.

I could see the scum team being:

King's interactions with Leet D1 seemed like he was trying to defend him, and for this day he was voted immediately, had a little wagon form on him, and then subsequently SR'd the two guys who were on him (did not SR 3p1k because he's universally TR'd and that would be suicide). I really did not see a real reason on your SR of me outside of low activity (this entire game is generally low activity) and the fact that I voted you. Have I done anything outright scummy as of yet? I claimed town in my first post lol
TBZ seems like he's bussing King, and while King did SR him, I could see this as being a way to town clear one of them (doesn't really matter which). I've already put down some reasons for why TBZ seems scummy in my post D1 about his game-mechanic centered posting style so I don't really feel a need to rehash that.
Did you read the rest of the post? I even said why I'd want to wait.

I could see the scum team being:

King's interactions with Leet D1 seemed like he was trying to defend him, and for this day he was voted immediately, had a little wagon form on him, and then subsequently SR'd the two guys who were on him (did not SR 3p1k because he's universally TR'd and that would be suicide). I really did not see a real reason on your SR of me outside of low activity (this entire game is generally low activity) and the fact that I voted you. Have I done anything outright scummy as of yet? I claimed town in my first post lol
TBZ seems like he's bussing King, and while King did SR him, I could see this as being a way to town clear one of them (doesn't really matter which). I've already put down some reasons for why TBZ seems scummy in my post D1 about his game-mechanic centered posting style so I don't really feel a need to rehash that.
Clarifying my question is that why can't you look into haruno while doing other things. He's posted a few, read those and give me your read.
Also when I meant your reads I meant on everyone not just the people you want to point out. Who said I townread 3p1k? Who are these 2 guys I subsequently scum read after they voted me? pretty much everyone has voted me at one point or another
Am I really that hard to read? Look, I'm sorry for not havin' much in the way of original ideas at this point, but I'm trying to give you what little support I can give. I'm going to follow the lead of whoever's leading discussion both in the present and in the past, because I need to be on the same page as my town. I'm not going to follow your lead if I think you're wrong, just like I didn't follow Hawkie onto Asek, and I didn't follow you all onto the Hawkie lynch. But I think you're right about King, and you and 3p1k have better and more thorough evidence than he has on the contrary. So I'm going to support that, in the hope's on learning the trade myself.
I'm on your side.
Ok..what are your reads on tballz/3p1k/sonic/earlio?
3p1k and Earlio are pretty much the same in my eyes. They've both done great research and have good points, even accidentally backing each other up without leadig discussion at the same time. Town.
I keep flipping on Sonic. Atm, I think he's town, and was just frustrated at Hawkie's pressure wagon. I understand how maddening that could be. Town.
Tballz's early posts are weak, and you two seem to support each other much like Hawkie and I did, except Hawkie flipped town. I'm neutral on Tballz atm, as I still believe Haruno is scummier.
3p1k and Earlio are pretty much the same in my eyes. They've both done great research and have good points, even accidentally backing each other up without leadig discussion at the same time. Town.
I keep flipping on Sonic. Atm, I think he's town, and was just frustrated at Hawkie's pressure wagon. I understand how maddening that could be. Town.
Tballz's early posts are weak, and you two seem to support each other much like Hawkie and I did, except Hawkie flipped town. I'm neutral on Tballz atm, as I still believe Haruno is scummier.
Can you show me the evidence that earlio does the same "research" as 3p1k?
A lot has happened since sonic vs hawkie and that's the reason you're giving?
I must be forgetful I don't remember myself and tballz supporting each other, mind finding the posts for me?

Haruno give your reads damn it
Clarifying my question is that why can't you look into haruno while doing other things. He's posted a few, read those and give me your read.
Also when I meant your reads I meant on everyone not just the people you want to point out. Who said I townread 3p1k? Who are these 2 guys I subsequently scum read after they voted me? pretty much everyone has voted me at one point or another
Excuse me, I thought you meant that you wanted a Haruno lynch.
Well uh here's my reads
Asek+Zorbees: Town as they were cleared by what was almost definitely a 3 town ballot
3p1k: If only off of Jalmont's performance, town. No scum will be that blatantly lazy. 3p1k has been very active and has basically become town leader at this point, so I'm sticking with the town read
Granny: Granny's clarification quote seemed very genuine and does point towards a good starting play style, so I think I TR them a bit more afterwards as they aren't just bandwagoning (given they aren't giving much original insight)
Metal Sonic: Obnoxious town, their general nonchalance towards their wagon points towards confident townie
Haruno: Oh boy, really don't know what to say on this one. Spent day 1 memeing and has just kind of sat on their ass the rest of the time. Pretty null if only for lack of content, but anyone who votes for Haruno kind of gives off the vibe of Mafia looking for someone that's really easy to lynch+justify. Would be appreciated if they got off their ass

Also Granny in no way am I trying as hard as 3p1k lol
idgaf about these random wallposts with "research" or whatever stupid ass lingo you want to put it.

3p1k is guilty for trying to get the majority of the game subbed out through an "accidental" hammer. Who tf even believes something like that.
Granny pie is scum for that last post.
who the hell is thunderballs lol
idgaf about these random wallposts with "research" or whatever stupid ass lingo you want to put it.

3p1k is guilty for trying to get the majority of the game subbed out through an "accidental" hammer. Who tf even believes something like that.
Granny pie is scum for that last post.
who the hell is thunderballs lol
I could not fathom any scum actually typing a post like this
Haruno: Town???????????
i have to reread the hitmonleet/king stuff again (i initially thought king_ came off towny from this but idk) but king_ is coming off really bad today, for example trying to invalidate a town metal sonic read based on d1 when d1 is still relevant, atm i feel like hes not really scumhunting and just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks as a possible alternative to him being lynched
i have to reread the hitmonleet/king stuff again (i initially thought king_ came off towny from this but idk) but king_ is coming off really bad today, for example trying to invalidate a town metal sonic read based on d1 when d1 is still relevant, atm i feel like hes not really scumhunting and just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks as a possible alternative to him being lynched
I invalidated that reasoning about metal sonic because sonic has said way more than just that
How do I scumhunt when no one is willing to talk in the first place
idgaf about these random wallposts with "research" or whatever stupid ass lingo you want to put it.

3p1k is guilty for trying to get the majority of the game subbed out through an "accidental" hammer. Who tf even believes something like that.
Granny pie is scum for that last post.
who the hell is thunderballs lol
We have never met haruno. So i understand what your saying. (Tballz can back me up on this probably) But i would MUCH MUCH MUCH prefer a high quality game to a game with 80 thousand subs. It legit ruins games.
You couldn't get a read on Haruno before but then he posts this and he's already a townread? Why are you so sure everyone in the noms are town
Unvote , vote earlio
Too lazy to grab quotes but i seem to remember you SRing tballz and haruno, with earlio only being a scumlean. This is looking like an opportunistic push based on me questioning/pressuring earlio a bit. If its not you being opportunistic then what about earlio made you increase your SR on him. Between then and now.
Yeah tballz and haruno were my scum reads , earlio has made it Into my scum reads with the lack of evidence and reasonings in his reads. Something he said that pinged me a little more than the rest Is that I seem to remember him saying the 3 noms were definite town
You couldn't get a read on Haruno before but then he posts this and he's already a townread? Why are you so sure everyone in the noms are town
Unvote , vote earlio
For Haruno's post, there was just so much wrong with it to ever come from a mafia member. For the noms, almost everyone came to the conclusion of 3 town (Hawkie flipped, Asek was playing very well, Zorbees started the Leet wagon)