Eternal Pokémon (Wooper, Marshtomp, Barboach, Palpitoad)

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And here are your winners:

Name: Diglett-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
32 (+22)
Atk: 99 (+44)
Def: 48 (+23)
SpA: 58 (+23)
SpD: 68 (+23)
Spe: 119 (+24)
BST: 424 (+159)
Signature Move: Hole Dig |
| 135 BP | 10 PP | 100% Acc | Traps foe | Z Move - 200 BP Tectonic Rage
Design/Flavor: Has a miner's hat on its head
Competitive Analysis: Very powerful signature move but that's about it.

Name: Wynaut-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
49 (-46)
Atk: 23
Def: 143 (+95)
SpA: 23
SpD: 143 (+95)
Spe: 23
BST: 404 (+144)
Signature Move: Bounce Shield |
| 10 PP | Similar to protect but also deals exactly the damage it would take to the opponent attacking it | Z Move - Fully Heals the user
Design/Flavor: The little black thing on its back grows a lot bigger.
Competitive Analysis: Can definitely tank some hits and fire back Bounce Shields, Counters and Mirror Coats but due to its low HP, it won't be dealing that much damage and it is still very passive.

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Gothorita-Eternal
New Type:

New Stat distribution:

HP: 80 (+20)
24 (-21)
85 (+15)
Sp. Atk:
130 (+55)
Sp. Def:
70 (+19)
100 (+45)

Signature Move: Divine Luster |
| 15 PP | 90 BP | 100 Acc | If the attack is used on an foe, the attack will make damage and it'll make 1,5 times more damage, then it removes any negative status. If it targets user or an ally, it's heal 50% of max Health Points and will remove all negative stats
Twinkle Tackle |
| 175 BP

Design/Flavor: -

Competitive Analysis: Gothorita-Eternal aims two things: Defog punishing in offensive teams with competitive and a dedicated stallbreaker against fatter teams. It can come against Defog, increase its special attack and open holes in opposing teams (in case they're more offensive oriented) or use Divine Luster to punish any attempt to cripple it via status, and heal itself, both things in the same moveslot. Do you want to increase its stallbreaking abilities even more? You can use Heal Block to avoid targets can heal themselves, and with a Z-Move, it can increase its special attack by two levels to act in a similar way to Palkia in Ubers -opening holes and avoiding they can heal in early-game, and then using Z-Heal Block to increase its special attack to break the unable to heal opposing team-

  • Chazm - 6
  • Rose_Warrior - 4
  • Mygavolt - 3
  • Exploudit - 7
  • Earlio - 3

  • Victor S. Court - 1
  • Chazm - 8
  • Rose_Warrior - 1
  • Mygavolt - 4
  • Exploudit - 10

  • Victor S. Court - 8
  • Chazm - 6
  • Rose_Warrior
  • Mygavolt - 8
  • Exploudit - 7
Discussion phase up, I'm planning early route birds but maybe you can change my mind?
Slate Idea: Huge/Pure Power trio Meditite, Marill/Azurill, Bunnelby
Slate Idea: Speed Boost(not incluindg yanma cause it was already done) Combusken/torchic, Carvana, Whirlipede/venipede
Slate Idea: Oh god they are everywhere, tentacool, pidgey, zubat/gulbat
Slate Idea: Calm before the storm(pokemon that don't summon weather till final evo) Boldore,Vanilish,Wingull
Slate Idea: Fake Dragons (ddancers that never turn into dragons) Scraggy, Corphish, Barboach, Croconaw
Slate Idea: Elemental Trio(except one got left behind) Margmar, Electabuzz, Smoochum
Slate Idea: all other starters not covered 2-6
Slate Idea: Food, Bouncsweet, swilirx, vanilish, cherubi
How about no improvement

nincada(when it goes to shedninja)
Scyther(same stats)
vigoroth(ability makes it much much worse)
As hilarious as making vigoroth with legendary stats OU balanced would be, that sounds like a bad idea. For nincada, Sheddy has some stall uses and Scyther is directly worse than scizor die to typing. Like, not a single silvally form is above Type Null on the PU viability rankings
The Normal Slate looks good actually it looks very fun to make I can imagine all kinds of things but making them anything other then normal kinda takes away there charm its sad but making slates for deerling and puff and friends would be awesome also...

edit: secondary typing

"I wanna be alive, I am alive, alive I tell you" cause its "normal"
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The Normal Slate looks good actually it looks very fun to make I can imagine all kinds of things but making them anything other then normal kinda takes away there charm its sad but making slates for deerling and puff and friends would be awesome also...

"I wanna be alive, I am alive, alive I tell you" cause its "normal"
what did anyone say about removing their Normal typing?
How about a split evolution line slate? Examples include Nincada, Kirlia, Snorunt and Slowpoke.
Another idea could be trading evolutions - two specific examples I'm looking into are Karrablast and Shelmet
Hard to evolve Slate: tyrogue, chancey/hapini(mainly in oras), poliwhirl(mostly to politoad as you have to trade with a item),porygon(you have to trade it twice)

edit: could do cosmog cause you have to wait so long with no attacking moves but xp share is a thing
Current Slate

Route 1 Birds

Pidgeotto - Spearow - Hoothoot

Pidgeotto will have a BST of 478, Spearow a BST of 441 and Hoothoot a BST of 451.

Best of luck to y'all, and have fun :3​

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto
New Type: Fighting / Flying
New Stat distribution:
63 / 50 (-10) / 60 (+5) / 120 (+70) / 60 (+10) / 125 (+54)
Signature Move: Protective Blast (Special | Fighting | 95 BP | 10 PP | 90% Accuracy | 20% chance to raise the user's Special Attack by one stage | Z-effect: 175 BP All-Out Pummeling)
Design/Flavor: A guy from ancient times who was very protective of it's trainer, and anything that showed interest in him would get blasted by a Protective Blast. Other than that, there wasn't much recorded on this special variation.
Competitive Analysis:


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow
New Type: Ground / Flying
New Stat distribution:
60 (+20) / 120 (+60) / 50 (+20) / 31 / 50 (+19) / 130 (+60)
Signature Move: Critical Peck (Physical | Flying | 80 BP | 10 PP | 95% Accuracy | Has a high critical hit ratio | Z-effect: 160 BP Supersonic Skystrike)
Design/Flavor: So uhh, thus guy digs. No idea why this special one does that, but it's believed to be related with it randomly learning Drill Run. It's not like it lost all capability to fly though, it still got that.
Competitive Analysis: This guy is basically asking for crit abuse. It has two STABS with a high-crit ratio, Focus Energy, and Sniper! Also has U-Turn if you're interested. Though this guy has a complete lack of coverage, but at least Ground/Flying coveres quite a bit.


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Hoothoot
New Type: Fairy / Flying
New Stat distribution:
100 (+40) / 30 / 80 (+50) / 86 (+50) / 105 (+49) / 50
Signature Move: Mythical Power (Status | Fairy | 10 PP | Resets the user's lowered stats and then boosts Special Attack by two stages)
Design/Flavor: This long lost Hoothoot has Mythical powers capable of keeping one alive for all eternity. It has been only rumored, as nobody actually saw it at all, infact, there's people still looking for it.
Competitive Analysis: This guy is actually a bully offensive threat. Thanks to the amazing ability called Tinted Lenses, and this new and jucy move to raise Special Attack along with decently powered dual STABs and recovery, Hoothoot can become a strong threat, but keep in mind the various ways to stop it. These include Stealth Rock, exploiting it's five weaknesses, and others as well.
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Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Stat distribution: HP: 63 (+0)
Attack: 115 (+45)
Defense: 70 (+15)
Special Attack: 50 (+0)
Special Defense: 50 (+0)
Speed: 140 (+69)
Signature Move: Hyper Thrash - Physical, Normal typing, 10 PP, - BP, 100% Acc: The user madly thrashes itself toward the opponent, attacking it with immense speed. Hits 10 times, BP increases by 2 for every hit this move makes. Initial BP is 5. (140 BP total) Makes contact. Z-move: Breakneck Blitz, 200 BP
Design/Flavor: This Pidgeotto is incredibly hyper, and is unable to stop flapping its wings erratically. As such, its fighting style has changed, making it madly dash at the opponent until it faints. It moves so quickly that it is physically incapable of telling if the Pidgeotto is part of a flock. Aesthetically, the flare on its head increases in size greatly, and its tail feathers grow bushy, alike to Ho-oh's tail.
Competitive Analysis: A frail anti-lead, with incredible offensive prowess. Whilst its coverage movepool might be tiny, Hyper Thrash is all it needs to warrant a spot on a team, due to its effect of hitting consecutive times, allowing it to beat most Hyper Offense leads, bar Excadrill. However, it suffers from a few problems, in the fact that if it chooses to use Hyper Thrash, any Rocky Helmet user can proceed to OHKO it with recoil, assuming that it does not get OHKO'd back after 6 hits.

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow-Eternal
New type: Dark/Flying
New Stat distribution: HP: 60 (+20)
Attack: 100 (+40)
Defense: 60 (+30)
Special Attack: 56 (+25)
Special Defense: 50 (+19)
Speed: 115 (+45)
Signature Move: Highwayman's Strike - Physical, Dark typing, 10 PP, 60 BP, 90% Acc: The user charges toward a weak spot in the Pokemon's defenses, and strikes. Always crits. Makes contact. Z-move: Black Hole Eclipse, 150 BP
Design/Flavor: Legends say there is a thieving mastermind in a flock of Spearow. It is unknown whenever it will strike, but if it does, it is after something valuable... Aesthetically, this Pokemon's feathers turn dark, alike the colour on its back.
Competitive Analysis: An extremely strong Dark-type attacker, with the equivalent of a base 135 BP Dark move. However, beyond a low power Flying stab, that's all Spearow has for itself. Despite access to U-turn to somewhat circumvent its very small movepool, its very middling bulk and lacking coverage definitely show out.

(This submission needed some serious balancing, the concept of 135 BP Dark-type STAB is already stupendously good.)

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Hoothoot-Eternal
New type: Psychic/Flying
New Stat distribution: HP: 120 (+60)
Attack: 40 (+10)
Defense: 80 (+50)
Special Attack: 60 (+24)
Special Defense: 121 (+65)
Speed: 30 (-20)
Signature Move: Eye of the Gods - Other, Psychic typing, 5 PP: The user reads the minds of every opponent on the field and gives details on their moves. Z-effect: Restores a Pokemon's HP to full, and switches out.
Design/Flavor: This Hoothoot has incredibly powerful eyes, and has learned to see even the ethereal. Whilst it may appear very smart, often times it does not make the right move, even after knowing an opponent's move. As such, it has adopted a leader's role in a group of Noctowl. Aesthetically, Hoothoot grows much more oblong, like its Noctowl evolution counterparts, but has two, glaring pink eyes, like its Hoothoot counterpart. Its entire body glows pink like its eyes.
Competitive Analysis: What might look like a mediocre wall is actually one of the strongest scouting options in the game. In Doubles metas, this Pokemon is even stronger at its role, being able to identify potential lures on a team. However, its lacking movepool and tiny offenses lead it to be overshadowed by more useful Psychic-types as a specially defensive wall. Make sure to utilize its ability well - this isn't something you can just stick on a team and call it a day.
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Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Stat distribution: HP: 63 (+0)
Attack: 115 (+45)
Defense: 70 (+15)
Special Attack: 50 (+0)
Special Defense: 50 (+0)
Speed: 140 (+69)
Signature Move: Hyper Thrash - Physical, Normal typing, 10 PP, - BP, 100% Acc: The user madly thrashes itself toward the opponent, attacking it with immense speed. Hits 10 times, BP increases by 2 for every hit this move makes. Initial BP is 5. Makes contact. Z-move: Breakneck Blitz, 200 BP
Design/Flavor: This Pidgeotto is incredibly hyper, and is unable to stop flapping its wings erratically. As such, its fighting style has changed, making it madly dash at the opponent until it faints. It moves so quickly that it is physically incapable of telling if the Pidgeotto is part of a flock.
Competitive Analysis: A frail anti-lead, with incredible offensive prowess. Whilst its coverage movepool might be tiny, Hyper Thrash is all it needs to warrant a spot on a team, due to its effect of hitting consecutive times, allowing it to beat most Hyper Offense leads, bar Excadrill. However, it suffers from a few problems, in the fact that if it chooses to use Hyper Thrash, any Rocky Helmet user can proceed to OHKO it with recoil, assuming that it does not get OHKO'd back after 6 hits.

(more to come!)
in case any1 was wondering, hyper thrash's bp adds up to 140

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Hoothoot-Eternal
New Type (optional): Normal/Psychic
New Stat distribution: 90 (+30) / 30 / 50 (+30) / 104 (+68) / 76 (+20) / 101 (+51) = 451 BST
Signature Move: Mind Game | Psychic | 80 BP | 100% Acc | 10 PP | Special | Non-Contact | Effect: This Pokemon tricks the opponent into thinking that it will protect itself, causing them to run in, before quickly attacking with a Psychic blast. This takes the opponent by surprise so much that their Special Defense is lowered by 1 stage 100% of the time (Z-Move: 160 BP Shattered Psyche)
Design/Flavor (optional): This Hoothoot was born long ago with an interesting "disability." Instead of being able to fly, this Hoothoot has exceptional brain power. This brain power has allowed it to survive for many, many, many years where other flightless Hoothoot's wouldn't, almost as if the extra brain power allows it to live forever at this point.
Design-wise, it's a Hoothoot that a darker Gold than the shiny and has a slightly bigger head with slightly smaller wings
Competitive Analysis (optional): Hoothoot-Eternal is what happens when you take Tinted Lens Yanmega, remove the crippling weakness, give it a better speed tier, and make it a bit weaker. This makes Hoothoot-Eternal a big threat, breaking through most things with it's good Normal/Psychic/Fairy or Fire coverage backed up by Tinted Lens. Not to mention, Mind Game helps it break down walls with constant SpD drops, making sweeping a bit easier.

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Type:

New Stat distribution:

HP: 80 (+17)
130 (+70)
60 (+5)
Sp. Atk:
38 (-12)
Sp. Def:
60 (+10)
110 (+39)

Signature Move: Doldrum |
| 5 PP | - | The users summons Deltra Stream in first turn, the next turn will increase attack by one level, and defense and special defense by two levels
Reset user's lowered stats

Design/Flavor: -

Competitive Analysis: Unortodox tank with no weakness under Delta Stream, who can recover, remove status (Refresh as an Pokemon XD Move), and boosts its stats to huge levels... Except it'll have to rely to Wing Attack because it's not compatible with Refresh, can be phazed with mons like Skarmory or Toxapex, Doldrum has few PP and has a low initial bulk.


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow-Eternal
New Type:

New Stat distribution:

HP: 66 (+26)
130 (+70)
65 (+35)
Sp. Atk:
20 (-11)
Sp. Def:
65 (+34)
95 (+25)

Signature Move: Sylph Strike |
| 80 BP | 10 PP | 100 Acc | The user sets Tailwind if it doesn't KO target after using this move. If it gets a KO, its critical hit ratio will increase
Twinkle Tackle |
| 160 BP

Design/Flavor: -

Competitive Analysis: Flying, Fairy and Ground (Drill Run) gives it a pretty competent coverage, but those moves have low Base Power... We can use Sniper to solve that, but you need to land a critical hit and this is why Sylph Strike comes in play to increase this chance. Get a KO and increase a lot your offensive presence or hit an enemy Pokemon you have forced a switch with Sylph Strike and support your team with Tailwind (It can use U-turn so it can be used as a Tailwind offensive setter)


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Hoothoot-Eternal
New Type:

New Stat distribution:

HP: 71 (+11)
25 (-5)
60 (+30)
Sp. Atk:
120 (+84)
Sp. Def:
60 (+4)
115 (+65)

Signature Move: Chakra Storm |
| 100 BP | 10 PP | 100 Acc | The user releases a powerful energy wave. 20% of chance to paralyze the target.
All-Out Pummeling |
| 180 BP

Design/Flavor: -

Competitive Analysis: Tinted Lens is one of the most poorly distributed offensive skills in a Pokemon, but now Hoothoot-Eternal has a powerful STAB combination in tandem with a good special moveppol to take advantage of. It can even use Z-Hypnosis to increase its already great speed to another level. It's actually frail and its special attack it's not that impressive, but Tinted Lens is a scary ability to not understimate
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no jiggs but i can deal

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Type (optional): Normal/Flying
New Stat distribution: 68(+5)/85(+15)/60(+5)/115(+65)/60(+10)/100(+29)
Signature Move: Sky Shredder - Flying, Special, 110 BP, 10 PP, 100 Acc, no additional effect
Design/Flavor (optional): A wild Pidgeotto bore witness to a trainer's Mega Pidgeot, and wanted to be like it. Years of attempting to replicate the No Guard Hurricane it saw boosted its Special power and its Speed, and allowed it to develop Sky Shredder. Its appearance reflects this, looking like Mega Pidgeot as applied to a Pidgeotto.
Competitive Analysis (optional): A substitute for Mega Pidgeot on teams that already have a Mega. While it's almost as strong and can hold an actual item, it's significantly easier to outspeed and rather frail.

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow-Eternal
New Type (optional): Dark/Flying
New Stat distribution: 40/254(+194)/30/31/31/55(-15)
Signature Move: Death Drill - Dark, Physical, 255 BP, 5 PP, 100 Acc. User faints after use, always crits.
Competitive Analysis (optional): Death Drill is basically guaranteed to KO whatever it hits... but it's a one-trick pony since anything remotely fast (and even with Scarf and a Speed-positive nature anything that can hit 344) or with priority can easily revenge kill it, and Death Drill KOs it after use anyway. Probably broken in Doubles given Trick Room and all. (this is honestly a joke sub carried way too far so if you want i can change)

no idea for hoothoot yet but i'll get one eventually

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: (e.g. Floette-Eternal)
New Type (optional): (e.g. Fairy)
New Stat distribution: (e.g. 74 (+20) / 65 (+20) / 67 (+20) / 125 (+50) / 128 (+30) / 92 (+40))
Signature Move: (e.g. Light of Ruin - Fairy, Special, 140 BP, 5 PP, 90 Acc, User takes 50% recoil)
Design/Flavor (optional): (e.g. Holds a Red and Black flower and the green turns into blue on Floette's body. It is AZ's Pokémon and Floette helped him during the Kalos war.)
Competitive Analysis (optional): (e.g. Specs Light of Ruin = GG)

Name: Pidgeotto-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
72 (+9)
Atk: 75 (+15)
Def: 75 (+20)
SpA: 60 (+10)
SpD: 75 (+25)
Spe: 121 (+50)
BST: 478 (+129)
Signature Move: Wind Wake |
| 10 PP | Sets up Tailwind, and switches out, if the teammate switching in is a Flying-type it also gains +1 to its Attack and Special Attack stats | Z Move - Fully heals the teammate teammate switching in
Design/Flavor: Has a more aerodynamic feel to it and the red 'hair' grows a lot longer as well as its wings.
Competitive Analysis: Can help hyper offense as an alternative to Sticky Web, with a bigger Speed boost in exchange to a limited amount of turns.

Name: Spearow-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
50 (+10)
Atk: 130 (+70)
Def: 50 (+20)
SpA: 31
SpD: 51 (+20)
Spe: 129 (+59)
BST: 424 (+179)
Signature Move: Fearful Strike |
| 75 BP | 10 PP | 100% Acc | If Spearow doesn't KO its foe after attacking it switches out, if it does it gain +3 to its Attack stat | Z Move - 175 BP Black Hole Eclipse
Design/Flavor: Spearow now has black feathers and a much bigger beak.
Competitive Analysis: Cool offensive pivot with a really busted signature move, though, it can't really take any hits.

Name: Hoothoot-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
129 (+69)
Atk: 30
Def: 50 (+20)
SpA: 136 (+100)
SpD: 76 (+20)
Spe: 30 (-20)
BST: 424 (+189)
Signature Move: Mindful Strike |
| 75 BP | 10 PP | 100% Acc | If Hoothoot doesn't KO its foe after attacking it switches out, if it does it gain +3 to its Special Attack stat | Z Move - 175 BP Shattered Psyche
Design/Flavor: Hoothoot has two spirals on its eyes and they change colors from red, to pink to purlpe.
Competitive Analysis: Very bulky and powerful wallbreaker that can tank hits very well and dish out loads of damage.

Now let me give some feedback on other posts :)
Working on Fighting/Flying Pidgeotto, Ground/Flying Spearow, and Ghost/Flying Hoothoot
Reminder to finish these ;)

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Type:

New Stat distribution:

HP: 80 (+17)
130 (+70)
60 (+5)
Sp. Atk:
38 (-12)
Sp. Def:
60 (+10)
110 (+39)

Signature Move: Doldrum |
| 5 PP | - | The users summons Deltra Stream in first turn, the next turn will increase attack by one level, and defense and special defense by two levels
Reset user's lowered stats

Design/Flavor: -

Competitive Analysis: Unortodox tank with no weakness under Delta Stream, who can recover, remove status (Refresh as an Pokemon XD Move), and boosts its stats to huge levels... Except it'll have to rely to Wing Attack because it's not compatible with Refresh, can be phazed with mons like Skarmory or Toxapex, Doldrum has few PP and has a slow initial bulk.
Yeah, this looks balanced, its a different concept so I can definitely see why you asked for feedback but it does indeed look balanced.
no jiggs but i can deal
It's coming soon, don't worry :) probably after all the burd slates
Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow-Eternal
New Type (optional): Dark/Flying
New Stat distribution: 40/254(+194)/30/31/31/55(-15)
Signature Move: Death Drill - Dark, Physical, 255 BP, 5 PP, 100 Acc. User faints after use, always crits.
Competitive Analysis (optional): Death Drill is basically guaranteed to KO whatever it hits... but it's a one-trick pony since anything remotely fast (and even with Scarf and a Speed-positive nature anything that can hit 344) or with priority can easily revenge kill it, and Death Drill KOs it after use anyway. Probably broken in Doubles given Trick Room and all. (this is honestly a joke sub carried way too far so if you want i can change)
Yeah, no joke submissions please, this thing is actually a monster under Trick Room

252+ Atk Life Orb Spearow Drill Peck vs. 252 HP / 144 Def Mew: 274-324 (67.8 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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Name: Pidgeotto-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
72 (+9)
Atk: 75 (+15)
Def: 75 (+20)
SpA: 60 (+10)
SpD: 75 (+25)
Spe: 121 (+50)
BST: 478 (+129)
Signature Move: Wind Wake |
| 10 PP | Sets up Tailwind, and switches out, if the teammate switching in is a Flying-type it also gains +1 to its Attack and Special Attack stats | Z Move - Fully heals the teammate teammate switching in
Design/Flavor: Has a more aerodynamic feel to it and the red 'hair' grows a lot longer as well as its wings.
Competitive Analysis: Can help hyper offense as an alternative to Sticky Web, with a bigger Speed boost in exchange to a limited amount of turns.

Name: Spearow-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
50 (+10)
Atk: 130 (+70)
Def: 50 (+20)
SpA: 31
SpD: 51 (+20)
Spe: 129 (+59)
BST: 424 (+179)
Signature Move: Fearful Strike |
| 75 BP | 10 PP | 100% Acc | If Spearow doesn't KO its foe after attacking it switches out, if it does it gain +3 to its Attack stat | Z Move - 175 BP Black Hole Eclipse
Design/Flavor: Spearow now has black feathers and a much bigger beak.
Competitive Analysis: Cool offensive pivot with a really busted signature move, though, it can't really take any hits.

Name: Hoothoot-Eternal

New Stat distribution:
129 (+69)
Atk: 30
Def: 50 (+20)
SpA: 136 (+100)
SpD: 76 (+20)
Spe: 30 (-20)
BST: 424 (+189)
Signature Move: Fearful Strike |
| 75 BP | 10 PP | 100% Acc | If Hoothoot doesn't KO its foe after attacking it switches out, if it does it gain +3 to its Special Attack stat | Z Move - 175 BP Shattered Psyche
Design/Flavor: Hoothoot has two spirals on its eyes and they change colors from red, to pink to purlpe.
Competitive Analysis: Very bulky and powerful wallbreaker that can tank hits very well and dish out loads of damage.

Now let me give some feedback on other posts :)

Reminder to finish these ;)

Yeah, this looks balanced, its a different concept so I can definitely see why you asked for feedback but it does indeed look balanced.

It's coming soon, don't worry :) probably after all the burd slates

Yeah, no joke submissions please, this thing is actually a monster under Trick Room

252+ Atk Life Orb Spearow Drill Peck vs. 252 HP / 144 Def Mew: 274-324 (67.8 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
surely hoothoot's signature move should be special and named differently?

Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Pidgeotto-Eternal
New Type: Fire/Flying
New Stat distribution: 73 (+10) / 100 (+40) / 65 (+10) / 95 (+25) / 70 (+20) / 75 (+4)
Signature Move: Feather Friction - Fire, Physical, 50 BP, 10 PP, 100% Acc | Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by 1 stage. | Z-Move: 100 BP Inferno Overdrive
Design/Flavor: Straight out of Mt. Ember, this Pidgeotto with yellow body feathers and red outer feathers has a higher-than-average body temperature and a fiery spirit.
Competitive Analysis: Might not seem all that menacing at a glance, but when left unhindered, it can snowball and wreak havoc.


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Spearow-Eternal
New Type: Electric/Flying
New Stat distribution: 60 (+20) / 63 (+3) / 70 (+40) / 101 (+70) / 71 (+40) / 76 (+6)
Signature Move: Thunder Beak - Electric, Special, 60 BP, 20 PP, 100% Acc | High critical hit ratio; once per switch-in, increases the user's critical hit ratio à la Focus Energy | Z-Move: 120 BP Gigavolt Havoc
Design/Flavor: Having wandered off to the Kanto Power Plant, this yellow-and-black-feathered Spearow is capable of attracting lightning bolts with its beak. It uses the sharp and stinging nature of lightning to add a little edge to its attacks.
Competitive Analysis: Crit abuser. Doesn't have much for coverage, but after a Thunder Beak, it will always land critical hits with its dual STAB (regardless of item), making them effectively base 135 power. Can keep itself healthy with Roost and its decent defensive typing (granted 60/70/71 bulk isn't much). Needs Agility or Tailwind to offset its meager Speed, though.


Name of the Eternal Pokémon: Hoothoot-Eternal
New Type: Ice/Flying
New Stat distribution: 63 (+3) / 130 (+100) / 50 (+20) / 43 (+7) / 66 (+10) / 99 (+49)
Signature Move: Arctic Beak - Ice, Physical, 100 BP, 10 PP, 95% Acc | Deals Ice- and Flying-type damage (efficacy details below) | Z-Move: 170 BP Subzero Slammer
Design/Flavor: From the depths of Seafoam Islands comes an oddly nomadic Hoothoot with fluffy white feathers, a blue beak, and a low body temperature. Using its beak, it can dole out strong attacks backed with arctic force.
Competitive Analysis: Arctic Beak is powerful STAB, especially off base 130 Attack, and—thanks to Tinted Lens—gets near-perfect coverage in tandem with Zen Headbutt (only resisted by Dark/Steel and Psychic/Steel). This Hoothoot-Eternal may be frail with poor defensive typing and an average Speed tier, but it can wreak havoc with Choice Scarf or Agility if given the opportunity. Supersonic Skystrike from Sky Attack is also a strong option.
4*: Grass
2*: Bug, Dragon, Fighting, Flying, Ground
0.5*: Electric, Fire, Ice, Rock, Water
0.25*: Steel
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