Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have the following flawless mons for trade?
- Timid HA Girafarig in a Ultra Ball
- Naive Basculin in a fitting ball

- Timid Clamperl in a Dream/Heal Ball
- Jolly/Naive Clamperl in a Dive Ball
- Bold Ha Eevee in a Dream/Heal Ball with Wish
- Adamant Eevee in a Repeat/Dream Ball
- Jolly Ha Dwebble with Spikes
- Timid Ha Minun in a Dive Ball with Wish
- Timid Surskit in Dive Ball with Hydro Pump
- Hasty Elekid in a Ultra/Fast Ball with HP Grass spread and Ice Punch
- Impish Overcoat Burmy in a Dream Ball
- Bold Munna in a Dream/Heal Ball with Baton Pass, Healing Wish
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Impish Druddigon in a Great Ball with Sucker Punch (preferable with Stealth Rock and Fire Punch)
- Jolly Maractus with Spikes, Bullet Seed (preferable with Endevor when breed in Gen 6)
- Modest/Calm/Timid Spoink in a Dream Ball with Whirlwind
- Careful Throh in a Timer Ball
- Jolly/adamant Relicanth in a Heavy Ball with Zen Headbutt
- Jolly Ha Hoppip with Encore
- Modest Remoraid in a Repeat/Fast Ball
- Quiet Gulpin
- Jolly Meditite in a Dream/Heal Ball with Bullet Punch, Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch

And the following Pokemon that don't need good ivs:
- Lonely/Hasty Stantler with Sucker Punch
- adamant/brave Ha Spinda with Superpower
- Impish Skarmory with Defog, Stealth Rock/Spikes
- Relaxed non-HA Torkoal in a Repeat/Dream/Premier Ball with Stealth Rock (0 Iv on Spe)
- Timid/Modest/Naive HA Landorus
- Hasty/Naive/Jolly/Adamant HA Tauros with Bodyslam [RBY]
- Adamant/Timid Arceus
- Timid Heatran in a Repeat Ball
- Impish Salamence with Defog
- Jolly HA regular Raichu with Volttackle
- Bold HA Lugia
- Bold Defog Pelipper
- Ha female Plusle

Other things:
- Pal Marshadow Code
- Pal shiny Sylvally Code
- Smogon Giveaway Scolepede

I can offer the following 5 Iv mons:
- Relaxed/Bold Ha Illumise/Volbeat
- Jolly Ha aerodactyl in a Dream Ball with Pursuit, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Wide Guard,
- Adamant Krabby in a Fast Ball with Agility, Knock Off, Amnesia, Ally Switch
- Bold Lunatone in a Dusk Ball
- Adamant Solrock
- Timid/Jolly Ha Purrloin with Encore
- Timid Sigilyph in a Dream Ball with Future Sight, ancient Power, Stored Power, Psycho Shift
- Impish HA Spiritomb in a Premier/Dream Ball with Foul Play
- Adamant Koamala in a Moon ball with Sing, Charm, Wish, Play Rough
- Timid Houndour in a Moon Ball with Fire Spin, Grudge, Nasty Plot, Destiny Bond
- Bold HA Lileep in a Heal Ball with Mirror Coat, Barrier, Stealth Rock, Recover
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Ultra Ball
- Impish HA Trubbish in a Friend Ball with Spikes, Rock Blast, Selfdestruc, Rollout
- Adamant Lillipup in a Level Ball with Pursuit, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Psychic Fang
- Jolly Tirtouga in a Dream Ball with Liquidation, Knock Off, Iron Defense
- Impish/Jolly Onix in a Heavy Ball with Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
- Timid Cutiefly in a Timer Ball with Moon Blast, Baton Pass
- Timid HA Abra in a Level Ball with Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Encore, Knock Off
- Adamant Sudowoodo in a Level Ball with Selfdestruct, Stealth Rock, Rock Out, Defense Curl
- Jolly/Impish Tyrogue with High Jump Kick, Rapid Spin, Mach Punch
- Adamant HA Swinub in a Heavy Ball with Freeze Dry, Stealth Rock, Icycle Crash
- Adamant Tarpinch in a Friend Ball with Bug Bite, Quick Attack, Endure, Focus Energy
- Adamant Axew in a Beast Ball
- Calm Chimecho in a Friend Ball with Wish, Stored Power
- Timid Ha Cyndaquil (HP Grass) with Extrasensory
- Timid Ha Roselia in a Safari Ball (HP Fire) with Sleep Powder, Gigadrain, Spikes, Synthesis
- Adamant HA Turtwig in a Dream Ball with Superpower, Earth Power, Grassy Terrain, Seed Bomb
- Adamant HA Tepig with Sucker Punch, Curse, Superpower, Endeavor
- Adamant HA Torchic in a Dream Ball with Baton Pass, Counter, Feint, Feather Dance
- Bold Koffing in a Heavy Ball with Psywave, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Grudge
- Jolly HA Tyrunt with Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
- Adamant Marill in a Love Ball with Superpower, Bodyslam, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
- Bold/Modest HA Slowpoke in a Love Ball with Belly Drum, Zen-Headbutt, Sleep Talk
- Modest/Timid Tortunator in a Repeat Ball with Head Smash, Fire Spin
- Timid Ha Woobat in a Luxury Ball with Stored Power, Knock Off, Venom Drench
- Adamant Barboach in a Dive Ball with Dragon Dance
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Modest (either abilities) Piplup in a Dream Ball with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Icy Wind
- Jolly HA Totodile in a lure Ball with Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Crunch
- Adamant/Jolly/Careful any ability Drillbur in a Dream Ball
- Timid Ralts in a Dream Ball with Disable, Shadow Sneak, Ally Switch, Grudge
- Jolly HA Buneary in a Dream Ball with Encore, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
- Timid Litwik in Love Ball with Heat Wave, Haze, Clear Smog
- Timid Salazzle in a Beast Ball with Fake Out
- Modest HA Skrelp in a Luxure Ball with Toxic Spikes, Play Rough, Haze
- Adamant HA Goldeen in a Love Ball with Body Slam, Hydropump, Aqua Tail
- Modest HA Psyduck in a Dive Ball with Encore, Yawn, Hypnosis, Cross Chop
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Goomy in a Heal Ball with Iron Tail, Curse, Counter, Acid Armor
- Adamant Stufful in a Heal ball with Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Mega Kick
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Modest Numel in a Luxury Ball with Heat Wave, Iron Head, ancient Power
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball

I can breed you an Adamant Eevee in a Dream Ball and a Bold HA Eevee in a Dream Ball with Wish.
woops, I forgot to remove the bold eevee. I only need an adamant one. What do you want for it?

The Timid HA Roselia in a Safari Ball with HP Fire would be nice.

Also, you mentioned in your post that you're also looking for a Bold HA Lugia. Just thought I'd let you know that the Smogon FB Giveaway Lugia is Bold with HA if you don't already have one.

Edit: I can breed you a Timid Dream Ball Clamperl as well.
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From what I know the difference is that Roost is more likely to be imprisoned but essentially is a very rare scenario so both are optimal overall.
Outside the competitive part Softboiled can be used out of battle something that Roost and Recover cant do.
That feature was retired in G7 :(

It's still a stupidly rare scenario, skimming through the list of mons that learn both Imprison and Roost I could only spot the Woobat line and Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem.
Have EU Marshadow code. PM me for more info.

What causes the hide tags to break, and how do you fix it? I delete the random tags that it adds when I hit submit, but it still adds 1-2 in there for some reason.

Also LF: Safari Ball Shroomish HA + Egg Moves optional.

You wouldn't happen to have a 'mon in safari ball compatible to shroomish?

Moderator edit: Don't double post.
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The Timid HA Roselia in a Safari Ball with HP Fire would be nice.

Also, you mentioned in your post that you're also looking for a Bold HA Lugia. Just thought I'd let you know that the Smogon FB Giveaway Lugia is Bold with HA if you don't already have one.

Edit: I can breed you a Timid Dream Ball Clamperl as well.

I will start breeding the Roselia now. What do you want for the Clamperl?

BTW, I forgot I got the Smogon Giveaway Lugia myself. I removed it now.
Hey guys, anyone have a extra code for the NA Shiny Silvally?? there are no gamestops where I live... :(
I offer a celebi code from purchasing pokemon gold and silver on the virtual console
If anyone hasn't helped you with this, I plan to make a trip to GameStop for it tomorrow and I can likely get you one then
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