Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have a Sheer Force Bagon they'd be willing to trade me. I'm new to Smogon and comp. in general, so I really don't have much to offer. I have a couple of good 5 IV mons with random natures that I've bred but it's nothing special. I also have a couple of past gen mons I've transferred that are pretty high level if you're interested. I could get specific mons from past gens as well if you don't have pkmn bank.

Thanks :)

Edit: Some pokemon i have as of right now that you may be interested in: Original Ninetails w/ drought, Beartic lvl 74 (bad IVs but could be bred for max), original Sandslash w/ 2 perfect IVs, shiny Fearow, lvl 100 Emboar, any of the 3 Alolan starters, 5 IV Honedge, and more.

Bagon recieved. Thanks to all that helped. :) Have a nice week.
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Does anyone have a Sheer Force Bagon they'd be willing to trade me. I'm new to Smogon and comp. in general, so I really don't have much to offer. I have a couple of good 5 IV mons with random natures that I've bred but it's nothing special. I also have a couple of past gen mons I've transferred that are pretty high level if you're interested. I could get specific mons from past gens as well if you don't have pkmn bank.

Thanks :)

Edit: Some pokemon i have as of right now that you may be interested in: Original Ninetails w/ drought, Beartic lvl 74 (bad IVs but could be bred for max), original Sandslash w/ 2 perfect IVs, shiny Fearow, lvl 100 Emboar, any of the 3 Alolan starters, 5 IV Honedge, and more.
Is this on Gen 6?
I would've sent it anyways but I guess it's too late lol

How do you farm Heart Scales in Gen 6?
Thief + Fishing for Luvdiscs. I can send you a few if you want when we trade tonight.
The waterfall right before the Victory road is the best fishing spot, IIRC. Also, I think with a fainted Compoundeyes mon in front they're guaranteed to carry them. A Banette with Frisk is the easiest-to-get mon to farm them.

Then again, I guess if the Compoundeyes raises the odds of a Scale to 100%, you don't need frisk.
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Does anyone have the following flawless mons for trade?
- Timid Ha Chatot with Boom Burst, Nasty Plot
- Mild Portean Kecleon in a Nest Ball
- Careful/Jolly Skorupi in a Dream Ball with Whirlwind, Pursuit
- Jolly Ponyta in a Repeat Ball with Morning Sun, Low Kick
- Jolly Sawk in a Dive Ball
- Jolly Sturdy Relicanth in a Luxury/Heavy Ball with Zen-Heatbutt
- Jolly non-alola Geodude
- Timid Swarm Larvesta in a Repeat Ball
- Timid HA Girafarig in a Ultra Ball
- Naive Basculin in a fitting ball

- Jolly/Naive Clamperl in a Dive Ball
- Calm Eevee in a Luxury Ball with Wish
- Jolly Ha Dwebble with Spikes
- Timid Ha Minun in a Dive Ball with Wish
- Timid Surskit in Dive Ball with Hydro Pump
- Hasty Elekid in a Ultra/Fast Ball with HP Grass spread and Ice Punch
- Impish Overcoat Burmy in a Dream Ball
- Bold Munna in a Dream/Heal Ball with Baton Pass, Healing Wish
- Modest/Rash/Mild HA Magby in a Dream/Repeat Ball
- Impish Druddigon in a Great Ball with Sucker Punch (preferable with Stealth Rock and Fire Punch)
- Jolly Maractus with Spikes, Bullet Seed (preferable with Endevor when breed in Gen 6)
- Modest/Calm/Timid Spoink in a Dream Ball with Whirlwind
- Careful Throh in a Timer Ball
- Modest Remoraid in a Repeat/Fast Ball
- Quiet Gulpin
- Jolly Meditite in a Dream/Heal Ball with Bullet Punch, Fake Out, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch

And the following Pokemon that don't need good ivs:
- Modest Unown in a Luxury Ball with HP Psychic
- Lonely/Hasty Stantler with Sucker Punch
- adamant/brave Ha Spinda with Superpower
- Impish Skarmory with Defog, Stealth Rock/Spikes
- Relaxed non-HA Torkoal in a Repeat/Dream/Premier Ball with Stealth Rock (0 Iv on Spe)
- Timid/Modest/Naive HA Landorus
- Hasty/Naive/Jolly/Adamant HA Tauros with Bodyslam [RBY]
- Adamant/Timid Arceus
- Timid Heatran in a Repeat Ball
- Impish/Careful/adamant Regirock
- Modest Regice
- Jolly HA regular Raichu with Volttackle
- Bold Defog Pelipper
- Ha female Plusle
- Double Edge Jolly/adamant Glalie
- Bold Defog Luminion
- Calm Defog + Stealth Rock Empoleon
- Hasty/Naive Shiftry with Sucker Punch, Defog, Knock Off

Other things:
- Pal Marshadow Code
- Pal shiny Sylvally Code
- Smogon Giveaway Scolepede

I can offer the following 5 Iv mons:
- Timid Magnemite in a Heavy Ball with HP Fire
- Timid Ha Treeko in a Luxury Ball with (HP Fire), Leaf Storm, Gigadrain, Leech Seed
- Bold/Relaxed Pink Shellos in a Dream Ball with Fissure, Counter, Yawn, Mirror Coat
- Relaxed/Bold Ha Illumise/Volbeat
- Jolly Ha aerodactyl in a Dream Ball with Pursuit, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Wide Guard,
- Adamant Krabby in a Fast Ball with Agility, Knock Off, Amnesia, Ally Switch
- Bold Lunatone in a Dusk Ball
- Adamant Solrock
- Timid/Jolly Ha Purrloin with Encore, Foul Play
- Timid Sigilyph in a Dream Ball with Future Sight, ancient Power, Stored Power, Psycho Shift
- Impish HA Spiritomb in a Premier/Dream Ball with Foul Play
- Adamant Koamala in a Moon ball with Sing, Charm, Wish, Play Rough
- Timid Houndour in a Moon Ball with Fire Spin, Grudge, Nasty Plot, Destiny Bond
- Bold HA Lileep in a Heal Ball with Mirror Coat, Barrier, Stealth Rock, Recover
- Timid HA Caterpie in a Dream Ball
- Jolly HA Weedle in a Ultra Ball
- Impish HA Trubbish in a Friend Ball with Spikes, Rock Blast, Selfdestruc, Rollout
- Adamant Lillipup in a Level Ball with Pursuit, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Psychic Fang
- Jolly Tirtouga in a Dream Ball with Liquidation, Knock Off, Iron Defense
- Impish/Jolly Onix in a Heavy Ball with Heavy Slam, Stealth Rock
- Timid Cutiefly in a Timer Ball with Moon Blast, Baton Pass
- Timid HA Abra in a Level Ball with Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Encore, Knock Off
- Adamant Sudowoodo in a Level Ball with Selfdestruct, Stealth Rock, Rock Out, Defense Curl
- Jolly/Impish Tyrogue with High Jump Kick, Rapid Spin, Mach Punch
- Adamant HA Swinub in a Heavy Ball with Freeze Dry, Stealth Rock, Icycle Crash
- Adamant Tarpinch in a Friend Ball with Bug Bite, Quick Attack, Endure, Focus Energy
- Adamant Axew in a Beast Ball
- Calm Chimecho in a Friend Ball with Wish, Stored Power
- Timid Ha Cyndaquil (HP Grass) with Extrasensory
- Timid Ha Roselia in a Safari Ball (HP Fire) with Sleep Powder, Gigadrain, Spikes, Synthesis
- Adamant HA Turtwig in a Dream Ball with Superpower, Earth Power, Grassy Terrain, Seed Bomb
- Adamant HA Tepig with Sucker Punch, Curse, Superpower, Endeavor
- Adamant HA Torchic in a Dream Ball with Baton Pass, Counter, Feint, Feather Dance
- Bold Koffing in a Heavy Ball with Psywave, Toxic Spikes, Pain Split, Grudge
- Jolly HA Tyrunt with Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
- Adamant Marill in a Love Ball with Superpower, Bodyslam, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
- Bold/Modest HA Slowpoke in a Love Ball with Belly Drum, Zen-Headbutt, Sleep Talk
- Modest/Timid Tortunator in a Repeat Ball with Head Smash, Fire Spin
- Timid Ha Woobat in a Luxury Ball with Stored Power, Knock Off, Venom Drench
- Adamant Barboach in a Dive Ball with Dragon Dance
- Jolly Bagon in a Moon Ball with Thrash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump
- Adamant Larvitar in a Safari Ball with Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Dragon Dance, Pursuit
- Modest (either abilities) Piplup in a Dream Ball with Hydro Pump, Yawn, Icy Wind
- Jolly HA Totodile in a lure Ball with Dragon Dance, Ice Punch, Crunch
- Adamant/Jolly/Careful any ability Drillbur in a Dream Ball
- Timid Ralts in a Dream Ball with Disable, Shadow Sneak, Ally Switch, Grudge
- Jolly HA Buneary in a Dream Ball with Encore, Fake Out, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
- Timid Litwik in Love Ball with Heat Wave, Haze, Clear Smog
- Timid Salazzle in a Beast Ball with Fake Out
- Modest HA Skrelp in a Luxure Ball with Toxic Spikes, Play Rough, Haze
- Adamant HA Goldeen in a Love Ball with Body Slam, Hydropump, Aqua Tail
- Modest HA Psyduck in a Dive Ball with Encore, Yawn, Hypnosis, Cross Chop
- Timid Zoroa in a Luxury Ball with Sucker Punch, Detect, Extrassensory
- Modest Chinchou in a Beast Ball with Amnesia, Agility, Mist
- Modest Goomy in a Heal Ball with Iron Tail, Curse, Counter, Acid Armor
- Adamant Stufful in a Heal ball with Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Mega Kick
- Modest Deino in a Beast Ball with Earth Power, Dark Pulse
- Modest Numel in a Luxury Ball with Heat Wave, Iron Head, ancient Power
- Jolly Any Ability Kabuto in a Dream Ball with Knock Off, Icy Wind, Giga Drain, Mud Shot
- Timid Misdreavus in a Dream Ball with Nasty Plot, Memento, Curse, Destiny Bond
- Adamant/Jolly both ability Magikarp in a Beast/Moon/Dream/Love Ball
I'm willing to trade my Modest Regice for a speed boost ha torchic (preferably in gen 6 because I want to teach it superpower, but I'll take gen7 you don't have gen6)

And can anyone help me evolve a porygon into a porygon2?

mod edit: Don't double post.
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