[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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Hello! This is super amazing and you are a cool person for offering this as a service.

Requested: Tapu Lele
Cutiefly: Female Lvl. 12 (Nest Ball)
IGN: Yona

Edit - Thank you very much!
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Sent to: sater10, Drew, xanperi, Elijah Torres, kuroashi, JessieMoon, Posigniat and yiy1156

Torqan : Unfortunately, I couldn't find your Cutiefly, was it sniped? If you had to manually enter the name, I noticed a spelling error in your request, so maybe the same happened in game (it should be Salamence)? Just mentioning in case that was the problem!

kuroashi : Unfortunately, Goodra is out of stock.

I can't thank you enough for this giveaway. I am really enjoying the battles and strategies I am trying with these Pokemon!

I'm very happy to hear that, I'm glad you're enjoying them! :)

  • Pokémon requested: Celesteela
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 10 male (Nest Ball)
  • IGN: Yona
Am I allowed to make a new request right after a request? Is this a faux pas?
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Sorry I didn't see that they were out of stock. I changed the request now:
  • Pokémon requested: A-Raichu
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 11 female (ultraball)
  • IGN: Sun
  • Pokémon requested: Oranguru
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 10 male (pokeball)
  • IGN: Ray
Thank as always!
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  • Pokémon requested: Trevenant
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Lv. 9female
  • Ball: Pokeball
  • IGN: God

thank you!!
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Sent to: Posigniat, kuroashi x2, yiy1156, Aleph0 and cksh95

Hi Eisenherz , I have not received the Drampa and I have just checked and my Cutiefly is still there. Could you try to send it again? Thank you in advance!

Sorry about that, I was sure I had sent it, I must have been very distracted! It's sent now!

Am I allowed to make a new request right after a request? Is this a faux pas?

Yes, no worries, you can request right away after it's been sent! :)
  • Pokémon requested: Mimikyu
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 9 female (Nest Ball)
  • IGN: Yona
Thank you!
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  • Pokémon requested: Salamence
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Female, 11
  • IGN: Torqan
Sorry about that I think I typed the name in wrong on GTS
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Pokemon Requested: Alolan Raichu
Cutefly: Female, Lvl 12
IGN: Senyuri

Thank you very much in advanced!
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Pokémon request: Tapu Koko hp grass
Cutie fly: level 12 male
IGN: Morval

Thanks and I hope it works!
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Hi, is it possible if I got another pokemon? If not please ignore.
Sorry for being greedy

  • Pokémon requested: Snorlax
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: male, level 8 pokeball
  • IGN: god

PS thanks for the trevenant!
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Pokémon requested: Tapu lele
Cutiefly: 11 male
ign: Morval

Thanks for that last one! These will really help my teams!
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  • Pokémon requested: Snorlax
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 12 male Nest Ball
  • IGN: Yona
Thank you very much, they are amazing and the work you put into them is stunning!
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I apologize this is difficult on phone when I’m hotspoting. I didn’t see anything about multiple requests multiple cartridges. Sorry for multiple posts on a phone.

Request: tapu bulu
Cutie fly: 11 male
Ign: Barack Obama
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