Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for the Swampert from the Smogon GA. I can offer TSV hatched flawless shinies in return.
Looking for someone to clone my poipole and hp fire tapu lele (Original+2). You can keep copies as a reward.
I am looking for a timid, untrained Blacephalon to keep as well. Please pm me and thanks in advance.
Is it worth to SR Poipole for Hidden Power Ground? I'm guessing Fire Blast is just too powerful not to be the third slot, so I guess I'm also asking if Choice Naganadanaganadel is viable.
Is it worth to SR Poipole for Hidden Power Ground? I'm guessing Fire Blast is just too powerful not to be the third slot, so I guess I'm also asking if Choice Naganadanaganadel is viable.
Hidden Power Ground isn't necessary to get a good Naganadel, however there's not really any better types for it. So I'd say it's good if you get HP ground on one that you'd like to trade, but not something you need to worry about if you just wanna use one on battle spot or such.
In order to nickname my Pokémons from my Moon save to my Ultra Moon save, do I need to have matching GEN7 ID from my Moon save? Or do I need to match my hidden TID/SID?
Best nature for the new Necrozma forms? Also does anyone have a spare flawless mild + timid ditto? Language doesn't matter. I'm just missing those 2 from my set for some reason.
Best nature for the new Necrozma forms? Also does anyone have a spare flawless mild + timid ditto? Language doesn't matter. I'm just missing those 2 from my set for some reason.

If you haven’t been helped by now you can check out my Trade thread where I am offering free Dittos RNGd in Gen5 with a German Language Tag.
My mild ditto is 6*31 and my two Timid dittos have either HP Grass it HP Flying
I'm looking for a Moon Ball Treecko, Fast Ball Torchic and Moon Ball Froakie.

For trade: Beast Ball Squirtle, Love Ball Mudkip, Friend Ball Bulbasaur, Moon Ball Fennekin and Moon Ball Charmander.
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Best nature for the new Necrozma forms? Also does anyone have a spare flawless mild + timid ditto? Language doesn't matter. I'm just missing those 2 from my set for some reason.
I would imagine Jolly and Adamant assuming the fusion is the same as the Kyurem formes i.e. DW and DM take the nature of Necrozma rather than Lunala/Solgaleo.

Edit: inb4 DW Necrozma is poo.
I ended up wasting my only 2 lure balls on a shiny blacephalon that broke out of both. I ended up catching it in a fast ball but now i wasted my two lure balls. Would anyone be willing to spare their 2 in exchange for anything on my shop?

I'd only want them if they weren't hacked or cloned. I know thats a lot to ask for given you can only get 2 per game, but i want them enough that i am willing to trade multiple pokemon for them. thanks in advance if someone actually decides to help me with this!
I ended up wasting my only 2 lure balls on a shiny blacephalon that broke out of both. I ended up catching it in a fast ball but now i wasted my two lure balls. Would anyone be willing to spare their 2 in exchange for anything on my shop?

I'd only want them if they weren't hacked or cloned. I know thats a lot to ask for given you can only get 2 per game, but i want them enough that i am willing to trade multiple pokemon for them. thanks in advance if someone actually decides to help me with this!
I can trade you the one I got in the Global Mission a few months ago. PM me.
LF: Any Male Torchic, Combusken, or Blaziken in a Fast Ball. Everything else can be crap, but the gender and ball are what I need! Thanks =)
Looking for someone to help transfer Nine Pokemon from my Mundane Moon to my Ultra Moon.

Thanks Max. Optimizer :D
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