Fusion Evolution V3 (Voting Phase)

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Why does DM and DW Necrozma need such technicallities regardung transformation? Shouldn't be if fused with Dusk it gets the stat changes Dysk gets auto? And same for Dawn.

Also so this isn't a rant

Stakataka + Lucario
Blacephon + Durant
Delibird + DM Necrozma
Electric Cat Thing + Ninjask
Pikachu + DW Necrozma
Naganadel + Crawdaunt
Blaziken + Komala
Salamence + Dragonite (Damn straight!)
are those reservations?
it's not clear.
I'm confused as to what you mean....
He means for you to get the stat changes either necrozma forms get depending on which you used to fuse. So if you fused with Mane you'd gain the stat adjustments Necrozma-dusk-mane gets when it goes ultra and if you used Wings, you use the stat changes Necrozma-dawn-wings use when it goes ultra

DNA donors: Blacephalon / Mr. Mime
Offspring name: Mihalon
New type:

New base stats:
46 HP / 86 Atk / 59 Def / 145 SpA / 99 SpD / 118 Spe (+20 SpA +20 Spe) (BST: 553)
New ability and desc: Tinkering (Beast Boost + Technician) - This Pokemon's highest stat is raised by 1 if it uses an attack with 60 base power or less.
Notable moves: Fire Blast, Mind Blown, Flamethrower, Overheat, Dazzling Gleam, Flame Charge, Thunderbolt, Fake Out, Hidden Power Fire, Icy Wind, Mud Slap, Nasty Plot, Will-O-Wisp, Healing Wish, Taunt, Trick
Role Identification: Mihalon is a fast special attacker with many different ways of raising its Special Attack, for example Flame Charge, Fake Out, Mud Slap or Nasty Plot. However it is quite frail, so it might be hard to boost up without getting killed.

Mihalon @ Life Orb / Focus Sash / Firium Z
Ability: Tinkering
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Dazzling Gleam
- Flame Charge
- Fake Out / Thunderbolt

Mihalon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Tinkering
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast / Hidden Power Fire
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt
- Healing Wish
Cool fusion, but there's already a winning fusion with an ability called Tinkering (Rebell)

Sandcastle meets Brick Castle
Parents: Stakataka | Palossand
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Stalossaka
New type: Steel / Ghost
New base stats: 83 | 113 | 160 | 76 | 108 | 24 (+20 Sp. Def | +10 HP | +10 Atk)
New ability and desc: Beast Boost + Water Compactation = Compact Boost: Upon knocking out a foe, boost Defense by two stages and highest non-Hp non-Defense stat by one stage
Notable moves: Really you need to remember just Shore Up and Gyro Ball
Role identification: Stakataka, but with better HP, Typing, Ability, and Sp. Def in exchange for a few Attack and reduced defense (Which still isn't bad)


This is kinda like the rooster that screams when the sun rises, but it screams pretty loud.
Parents: Blaziken | Exploud
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Exziklouden
New type: Normal / Fighting
New base stats: 102 | 115 | 76 | 110 | 81 | 84
New ability and desc: Scrappy + Blaze = Ghost Hunter: Normal and Fighting moves can hit Ghost-Types and will recieve a 1.5x boost when used against them
Notable moves: Boomburst, HJK, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Surf, Brave Bird, Stone Edge, Knock Off
Role identification: I dunno, has perfect stab coverage + Boomburst, some nice coverage moves and punishes ghost types.


Forme: Exziklouden
New type: Normal / Fighting
New base stats: 102 | 155 | 86 | 130 | 91 | 104
New ability and desc: Speed Boost
Notable moves: Above + Hammer Arm
Role identification: Stats say it already. Pretty good mixed sweeper. I'd say it has low speed, but ability fixes that. Also, you can freely spam Hammer Arm. Exploud's pretty good special movepool also gives this some surprise elements like Ice Beam and Surf.


Onix being used in a fusion? Now that's something you don't see every day, is it?
Parents: Necrozma (Dusk Mane) | Onix
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Necroni (Rocky Mane form)
New type: Ground / Steel
New base stats: 66 | 121 | 163 | 71 | 77 | 73 (+20 Atk | +20 Def)
New ability and desc: Rock Head + Prism Armor = Rock Suit: Doesn't take damage from Super-Effective moves. Nullifies recoil damage as well.
Notable moves: Earthquake, Sunsteel Strike, Stealth Rocks, Knock Off
Role identification: Mainly made to go Ultra, but this form still can shine a little. having a decent 66 / 163 Defensive bulk, and respectable 121 attack stat, Necroni can still do fine enough without the Ultra Burst.


Forme: Necroni - Crystal
New type: Ground / Dragon
New base stats: 66 | 131 | 133 | 131 | 133 | 125
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Probably everything you'd normamly run on Ultra Necrozma.
Role identification: Tanky attacker. You can use Morning Sun to heal your HP if you need and you have a pretty good typing.


Watch me make an invisible box using only the light reflected from this prism!
Parents: Mr. Mime | Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Mr. Prism (Dawn Clown form)
New type: Fairy / Ghost
New base stats: 70 | 79 | 87 | 148 | 141 | 83 (+20 Sp. Atk | +18 Sp. Def | +2 HP)
New ability and desc: Soundproof + Prism Armor = Deaf Rock: Immune to Sound-Based and Supper-Effective moves.
Notable moves: Knock Off, Morning Sun, Stealth Rock, Seismic Toss, Iron Defense (?)
Role identification: Pretty fine special tank, if you ask me. Shuts down Equake, Mega Gardevoir fusions, Boomburst spammers, and a lot of things can't do that much damage to it. Can heal with Morning Sun, has Seismic Toss for anything that could try to tank it, and Nasty Plot if you don't want it to be just taking hits.


Forme: Mr. Prism - Alien Mime form
New type: Fairy / Dragon
New base stats: 70 | 158 | 111 | 158 | 111 | 135
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Heat Wave, Power Gem, Photon Geyser, Psyshock
Role identification: Pretty nice offensive mon. 158 / 135 is nothing to mess around with, even is the speed is not the best ever. 158 attack could be used in conjunction with Fake Out for a bit of chip damage. 70 / 111 Special Bulk is okay as well.


Kecleon just really wanted some prisms to change it's color better
Parents: Kecleon | Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Kecrozmeon (Kek Wings form)
New type: Ghost / Normal
New base stats: 78 | 101 | 89 | 128 | 133 | 68 (+20 Sp. Atk | +10 Sp. Def | +10 Speed)
New ability and desc: Protean + Prism Armor = Camouflage: Combines both
Notable moves: Moongeist Beam, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Nasty Plot, Recover, Shadow Sneak, Thunderbolt, Hyper Voice, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Heat Wave, Photon Geyser, Power Gem
Role identification: Good protean user that can use it's type changes to resist the foe's moves. It has a fine special bulk, and Nasty Plot makes it pretty dangerous


Forme: Kecrozmeon - Revealed
New type: Ghost / Dragon
New base stats: 78 | 138 | 103| 138 | 103 | 120
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Base's moves (Emphasis on Fake Out, Nasty Plot and Shadow Sneak) + Shadow Claw, Aqua Tail, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Iron Head, Outrage, Stone Edge
Role identification: Has a pretty diverse pool and Neuroforce with fine bulk, Recover and a pretty fine type. It has both EdgeQuake and BoltBeam, with good offenses on both sides, so if you use this you really can take the element of surprise.


I dare you to say this thing's name five times fast
Parents: Pyukumuku | Stakataka
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Pyukutakumukataka
New type: Water / Steel
New base stats: 78 | 115 | 170 | 41 | 115 | 9 (+20 Atk | +20 HP)
New ability and desc: Unaware + Beast Boost = Slowgoing Monster: Ignore's foe's stat boosts. When knocking a mon out, raises highest stat by one stage. Upon being hit by a mon which has stats boost, copies those boosts to itself.
Notable moves: Recover, Gyro ball, Toxic, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Magic Coat, Taunt, Curse
Role identification: Screw up Set-Up Sweepers and just be a wall overall. Curse is also pretty dangerous on this thing, as it relevantly powers up Gyro Ball. And not much will be willing to take a Gyro Ball coming from a mon with 9 Speed and 115 Attack. It doesn't have a Water stab but it's not supposed to be offensive anyways.



How many times has this been re-submited?
Parents: Carracosta | Malamar
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Maramosla
New type: Psychic / Rock
New base stats: 90 | 110 | 120 | 85 | 80 | 62
New ability and desc: Contrary + Solid Rock = Sedimentary Rock: Super-Effective moves used against this pokémon are now Not Very Effective.
Notable moves: Shell Smash, Earthquake, Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, Waterfall
Role identification: Somewhat bulky sweeper. Does wonders under Trick Room, and it can have pretty easy safe switch-ins thanks to Sedimentary Rock. In fact, it resists a grand total of 12 types! Offensive wise, it's stabs are only resisted by Stell (So, hello Earthquake / Superpower). Shell Smash is a pretty good boosting move as well. Another efficient set would be AV, coupled with a Wish passer, to make it have it's good ammount of Special bulk. Overall, Maramosla takes advantage of it's ability in conjunction with it's otherwise frail typing to now be pretty resilient.


Deoxys just got a new form!
Parents: Deoxys-Defense | Deoxys-Attack
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Deoxys (Really Confused form)
New type: Psychic
New base stats: 70 | 125 | 100 | 125 | 100 | 120 (+20 HP | +10 Def | +10 Sp. Def)
New ability and desc: Pressure
Notable moves: Whatever you'd run on Attack, Speed or Regular forms
Role identification: A mon that stings like a Butterfree and flies like a Beedrill, Really Confused Deoxys is a decently bulky, mixed fast attacker. It's a pretty versatile threat, and you'd use it just as you'd use any of the other Deoxi.
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Sandcastle meets Brick Castle
Parents: Stakataka | Palossand
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Stalossaka
New type: Steel / Ghost
New base stats: 83 | 113 | 160 | 76 | 108 | 24 (+20 Sp. Def | +10 HP | +10 Atk)
New ability and desc: Beast Boost + Water Compactation = Compact Boost: Upon knocking out a foe, boost Defense by two stages and highest non-Hp non-Defense stat by one stage
Notable moves: Really you need to remember just Shore Up and Gyro Ball
Role identification: Stakataka, but with better HP, Typing, Ability, and Sp. Def in exchange for a few Attack and reduced defense (Which still isn't bad)


This is kinda like the rooster that screams when the sun rises, but it screams pretty loud.
Parents: Blaziken | Exploud
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Exziklouden
New type: Normal / Fighting
New base stats: 102 | 115 | 76 | 110 | 81 | 84
New ability and desc: Scrappy + Blaze = Ghost Hunter: Normal and Fighting moves can hit Ghost-Types and will recieve a 1.5x boost when used against them
Notable moves: Boomburst, HJK, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Surf, Brave Bird, Stone Edge, Knock Off
Role identification: I dunno, has perfect stab coverage + Boomburst, some nice coverage moves and punishes ghost types.


Forme: Exziklouden
New type: Normal / Fighting
New base stats: 102 | 155 | 86 | 130 | 91 | 104
New ability and desc: Speed Boost
Notable moves: Above + Hammer Arm
Role identification: Stats say it already. Pretty good mixed sweeper. I'd say it has low speed, but ability fixes that. Also, you can freely spam Hammer Arm. Exploud's pretty good special movepool also gives this some surprise elements like Ice Beam and Surf.


Onix being used in a fusion? Now that's something you don't see every day, is it?
Parents: Necrozma (Dusk Mane) | Onix
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Necroni (Rocky Mane form)
New type: Steel / Ground
New base stats: 66 | 121 | 163 | 71 | 77 | 73 (+20 Atk | +20 Def)
New ability and desc: Rock Head + Prism Armor = Rock Suit: Doesn't take damage from Super-Effective moves. Nullifies recoil damage as well.
Notable moves: Earthquake, Sunsteel Strike, Stealth Rocks, Knock Off
Role identification: Mainly made to go Ultra


Forme: Necroni - Crystal
New type: Steel / Dragon
New base stats: 66 | 131 | 133 | 131 | 133 | 125
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Probably everything you'd normamly run on Ultra Necrozma.
Role identification: Tanky attacker. You can use Morning Sun to heal your HP if you need and you have a pretty good typing.


Lemme trim your mane
Parents: Necrozma (Dusk Mane) | Doublade
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Necroblade (Sharp Crystal form)
New type: Steel / Ghost
New base stats: 78 | 153 | 158 | 79 | 79 | 56 (+20 attack | +20 Def)
New ability and desc: Prism Armor + No Guard = Super-Effective moves used against this mon always miss, while this mon's moves always hit
Notable moves: Dusk Mane's set + SD and Shadow Sneak
Role identification: Not much here


Forme: Necromade - Shattered
New type: Steel / Dragon
New base stats: 78 | 163 | 128 | 163 | 128 | 108
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Ultra Necrozma's + Sd and Shadow Sneak
Role identification: Be a mon that is hard to take down and has a pretty good defensive spread while also having great offenses


Kecleon just really wanted some prisms to change it's color better
Parents: Kecleon | Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Kecrozmeon (Kek Wings form)
New type: Ghost / Normal
New base stats: 78 | 101 | 89 | 128 | 133 | 68 (+20 Sp. Atk | +10 Sp. Def | +10 Speed)
New ability and desc: Protean + Prism Armor = Camouflage: Combines both
Notable moves: Moongeist Beam, some of Kecleon's civerage
Role identification: Good protean user that can use it's type changes to resist the foe's moves


Forme: Kecrozmeon
New type: Ghost | Dragon
New base stats: 78 | 138 | 103 | 138 | 103 | 120
New ability and desc: Neuroforce
Notable moves: Kecleon's pool, Fake Out
Role identification: Have a pretty diverse pool and Neuroforce with fine bulk, Recover and a pretty fine type


I dare you to say this thing's name five times fast
Parents: Pyukumuku | Stakataka
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Pyukutakumukataka
New type: Water / Steel
New base stats: 78 | 115 | 170 | 41 | 115 | 9 (+20 Atk | +20 HP)
New ability and desc: Unaware + Beast Boost = Slowgoing Monster: Ignore's foe's stat boosts. When knocking a mon out, raises highest stat by one stage. Upon being hit by a mon which has stats boost, copies those boosts to itself.
Notable moves: Recover, Gyro ball
Role identification: Screw up Set-Up Sweepers and just be a wall overall.



How many times has this been re-submited?
Shared egg group:
Offspring name:
New type:
New base stats:
New ability and desc:
Notable moves:
Role identification:


Deoxys just got a new form!
Shared egg group:
Offspring name: Deoxys (Really Confused form)
New type:
New base stats:
New ability and desc:
Notable moves:
Role identification:
You forgot the Onixpected joke! Why is it not here? It's the Mane thing I would have loved to see!

And so I see the new Deoxys form is, just Deoxys! Wow that's something you don't see every day!

But seriously, these are good.
You forgot the Onixpected joke! Why is it not here? It's the Mane thing I would have loved to see!

And so I see the new Deoxys form is, just Deoxys! Wow that's something you don't see every day!

But seriously, these are good.
Missed joke opportunity rip

Also how dare you not mention the true God, Pyukutakumukataka
Missed joke opportunity rip

Also how dare you not mention the true God, Pyukutakumukataka
Oh yeah speaking of that, how did you get the stat copying on that mon?
quote="Reviloja753, post: 7593880, member: 390935

*ghostly anime gasp*
DNA Donors: Lunala / Hitmonchan
Offspring name: Luna-Chan
New Type: Ghost / Fighting
Base Stats: 93 / 109 / 104 / 106 / 108 / 86 (+20 Def, +20 SpA)
New ability and desc: Magical Girl (Shadow Shield + Iron Fist) - Attacks against this Pokemon are halved, unless they are punching moves or Sucker Punch. Said moves do double the damage against this Pokémon.
Notable Moves: Psychic, Focus Blast, High Jump Kick, Moongeist Beam, Shadow Claw, Calm Mind, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Blizzard, Thunder, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psyshock, Air Slash, Close Combat, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Drain Punch, Cosmic Power, (Z-)Hypnosis, Light Screen, Roost, Z-SPLASH, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Trick Room, Will-O-Wisp, Agility, Bulk Up
Role Identification: Luna-Chan is deceptively bulky thanks to its ability. This gives it a whole lot of options from being a status spreader to setting up with various coverage options. It also has the legendary Z-Splash, letting it get to +3 in the blink of an eye! The only major downside is the somewhat poor defensive typing and offensive sets being very weak to Sucker Punch.
Where did you get Sucker Punch from?
quote="Ticktock, post: 7594823, member: 270687"

Boom goes Boom
Parents: Silvally + Blacephalon
Shared egg group: DNA (Legendary)
Offspring name: Silvhalon
New type: Normal/Ghost
New base stats: 74/131/74/123/87/121 (614) (+20 Attack, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Beast System (RKS System + Beast Boost): When the user is holding a Memory, it's Normal type is replaced with the type of that memory it's holding. It also boosts it's highest non-HP stat up by 1 if switches in with a Memory on it or if it defeats an opponent. If it holds a Ghost Memory, the user becomes pure Ghost and gets a +2 to it's highest stat on switch in.
Notable moves: Multi-Attack, Double-Edge, Explosion, Shadow Claw, Hyper Voice, Shadow Claw, Fire Blast, Mind Blown, Knock Off, Outrage, Draco Meteor, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Psychic, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Parting Shot, Swords Dance, U-Turn, Surf, Z-Heal Block, Defog, Trick, Pain Split
Role identification: A powerful attacker, mostly with access to an amazing typing and impressive movepool, like Explosion. It's main role is mostly suicide sweeper, sweeping up a team and finishing them off with a boom. Its ability lets it able to become any type to go with the diverse movepool and having a reliable way to boost in both regards (Z-Heal Block for special movepools), and Beast System, if pure Ghost, will give a sharp boost instead. However, while it has some Z-moves and Pain Split, it can still die rather quickly with horrible bulk and it being weared down by hazards, fixed damage, status, among others.
Where did you get Ghost Memory from?

Parents: Stoutland & Excadrill
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Land Drill
New type: Normal/Steel
New base stats: 107/132/85/57/87/94
New ability and desc: Sand Enforcer (Sand Rush + Sand Force) Both Combined
Notable moves: Return, Elemental Fangs, Crunch, Retaliate, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Wild Charge, Rapid Spin, Hone Claws, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Sword Dance, Sandstorm, Smart Strike, Iron Head, Poison Jab
Role identification: An excellent Sand Sweeper. Once it is in sand, not a lot of things want to get in front of it. It gain speed and boost to some of its moves. On the defensive side, it have 10 resisted, 3 weakness, and 2 immunities. So it is a pretty well rounded pokemon.


Parents: Wishiwashi + Qwilfish
Shared egg group: Water 2
Offspring name: Iswashi
New type: Water
New base stats: 65/127/117/107/105/67 (Expand Form)
65/18/19/21/21/77 (Deflated Form)
New ability and desc: Balloon Bully (Schooling + Intimidate) When this enter the field or change forms, the target have their attack lowed by a stage. When under 25% health, it change into its deflated form.
Notable moves: Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Scald, U-Turn, Destiny Bond, Fell Stinger, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Acid Spray, Taunt, Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb, Explosion
Role identification: Iswashi is a bit dangerous since it can have multiple opportunity to lower the target attack stat. Iswashi can set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes and Explode afterwards or can use Destiny Bond to take you down with it. Iswashi also have good mixed bulk and offense.


Parents: Deoxys-Attack + Wishiwashi
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Washoxys
New type: Water/Psychic
New base stats: 67(+20)/160/77(+2)/160/77/107(+18) (Rage Form)
67/22/12/32/15/117 (Calm Form)
New ability and desc: Anger Management (Schooling + Pressure) Both Combined
Notable moves: Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Scald, U-Turn Taunt, Psychic, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Boost, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Energy Ball, Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse
Role identification: A great pokemon to have on your team. Washoxys is a very powerful powerful pokemon. Rocking a base 160 in both attacks and a base 107 speed, it will put a dent in most teams. They can run a Banded, Specs, or a mixed Scarf Set.


Parents: Froslass + Steelix
Shared egg group: Mineral
Offspring name: Steellass
New type: Ghost/Steel
New base stats: 82/92/145/77/77/80
New ability and desc: Cursed Steel (Cursed Body + Sturdy) Both combined
Notable moves: Destiny Bond, Ice Shard, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Avalanche, Disable, Spikes, Switcheroo, Ice Beam, Light Screen, Elemental Fangs, Curse, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Explosion, Dragon Tail, Iron Head,
Role identification: Lacking any good physical ghost type STAB, Steellass is kinda force to run Shadow Ball if they want a ghost type move. Other than that Steellass can be a good pokemon. With a lot of support moves, good typing, and pretty good defense stats.


Parents: Froslass + Steelix-Mega
Offspring Name: Steellass-Mega
New Type: Ghost/Steel
New Base Stats: 82/132/175/77/107/80
New Ability and desc: Sand Force
Notable Moves: Same moves minus most special moves
Role Identification: Put it in sand and watch it do damage with it steel type moves or let it eat up hits.


Parents: Kingdra + Genesect
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Kingsect
New type: Dragon/Bug
New base stats: 73/127(+20)/95/127(+20)/95/92
New ability and desc: Swift Download (Download + Swift Swim) Both Combined
Notable moves: Hydro Pump, Focus Energy, Agility, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Z-Splash, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Scald, Flash Cannon, Waterfall, Fell Stinger, Techno Blast, Flame Charge, Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, U-Turn, Dark Pulse
Role identification: Don’t you love a swift download. If so, Kingsect is the pokemon for you. Get a boost to any attack on switch in and will get doubled speed in rain. What not to love about this pokemon. Kingsect have pretty good stats and a pretty good versatile pokemon.


Parents: Mantine + Swampert
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swamptine
New type: Ground/Flying
New base stats: 102/85/90/92/125/75
New ability and desc: Water Drainer (Torrent + Water Absorb) When hit by a water type move or when under a third its health, the user water type moves get boosted by 50%. Both Stacked. Water moves recover ¼ of its maximum HP. Immune to water type moves.
Notable moves: Roost, Bullet Seed, Air Slash, Bounce, Hydro Pump, Agility, Mirror Coat, Defog, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Liquidation, Seed Bomb, Tailwind, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rain Dance, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Surf, Hammer Arm, Curse, Earth Power, Ice Punch, Stealth Rock, Sludge Wave, Stone Edge, Wing Attack
Role identification: Swamptine can bait pokemon pretty well. They can bait pokemon to use water type moves against it but it will boost Swamptine and it will recover it health for you. You if decide to mega, the lost to Water Drainer can be big because you will lose a key immunity to water.


Parents: Mantine + Swampert-Mega
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swamptine-Mega
New type: Ground/Flying
New base stats: 102/125/110/102/145/85
New ability and desc: Swift Swim
Notable moves: Same as base minus most Special Attacks.
Role identification: Swamptine-Mega may be on the same level as it base. Swamptine-Mega may have better stats and access to swift swim but the base will have an immunity to water moves.



Parents: Alolan Exeggutor & Torterra
Shared egg group: Grass
Offspring name: Alolan Eggterra
New type: Dragon/Ground
New base stats: 105/117/105/110/90/60
New ability and desc: Plant Power (Overgrown + Harvest) Both Combined
Notable moves: Dragon Hammer, Seed Bomb, Hypnosis, Psyshock, Wood Hammer, Leaf Hammer, Curse, Giga Drain, Moonlight, Power Swap, Skill Swap, Synthesis, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Explosion, Sword Dance, Dragon Tail, Trick Room, Crunch, Leech Seed, Superpower, Frenzy Plant, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earth Power
Role identification: Alolan Eggterra is a pokemon that can potently can have three STAB moves. When under 33% health, grass type moves become STAB moves for it, thanks to its ability. Set with a wide movepool and stats to back it up with, Alolan Eggterra can run many roles on a team.


Parents: Dialga & Lumineon
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Diamond
New type: Steel/Water
New base stats: 84/94/108(+10)/129(+20)/103(+10)/90 (608)
New ability and desc: Ocean Pressure (Swift Swim + Pressure) Both Combined
Notable moves: Aura Sphere, Earth Power/Earthquake, Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Bulk Up, Ice Beam/Blizzard, Rain Dance, Thunderbolt/Thunder, Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat, Dragon Tail, Aqua Ring, U-Turn, Agility, Z-Splash, Scald, Surf, Waterfall
Role identification: Diamond is a cool pokemon. With a Steel/Water typing and with moves to cover its weakness (minus fighting unless running bounce), many pokemon may have a hard time switching in to Diamond. Diamond can fit well on rain teams due to its ability boosting its speed.
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Parents: Stoutland & Excadrill
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Land Drill
New type: Normal/Steel
New base stats: 107/132/85/57/87/94
New ability and desc: Sand Enforcer (Sand Rush + Sand Force) Both Combined
Notable moves: Return, Elemental Fangs, Crunch, Retaliate, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Wild Charge, Rapid Spin, Hone Claws, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Sword Dance, Sandstorm, Smart Strike, Iron Head, Poison Jab
Role identification: An excellent Sand Sweeper. Once it is in sand, not a lot of things want to get in front of it. It gain speed and boost to some of its moves. On the defensive side, it have 10 resisted, 3 weakness, and 2 immunities. So it is a pretty well rounded pokemon.


Parents: Wishiwashi + Qwilfish
Shared egg group: Water 2
Offspring name: Iswashi
New type: Water
New base stats: 65/127/117/107/105/67 (Expand Form)
65/18/19/21/21/77 (Deflated Form)
New ability and desc: Balloon Bully (Schooling + Intimidate) When this enter the field or change forms, the target have their attack lowed by a stage. When under 25% health, it change into its deflated form.
Notable moves: Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Scald, U-Turn, Destiny Bond, Fell Stinger, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Acid Spray, Taunt, Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave Sludge Bomb, Explosion
Role identification: Iswashi is a bit dangerous since it can have multiple opportunity to lower the target attack stat. Iswashi can set up Spikes and Toxic Spikes and Explode afterwards or can use Destiny Bond to take you down with it. Iswashi also have good mixed bulk and offense.


Parents: Deoxys-Attack + Wishiwashi
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Washoxys
New type: Water/Psychic
New base stats: 67(+20)/160/77(+2)/160/77/107(+18) (Rage Form)
67/22/12/32/15/117 (Calm Form)
New ability and desc: Peer Pressure (Schooling + Pressure) Both Combined
Notable moves: Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Scald, U-Turn Taunt, Psychic, Superpower, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Boost, Calm Mind, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Energy Ball, Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse
Role identification: A great pokemon to have on your team. Washoxys is a very powerful powerful pokemon. Rocking a base 160 in both attacks and a base 107 speed, it will put a dent in most teams. They can run a Banded, Specs, or a mixed Scarf Set.


Parents: Froslass + Steelix
Shared egg group: Mineral
Offspring name: Steellass
New type: Ghost/Steel
New base stats: 82/92/145/77/77/80
New ability and desc: Cursed Steel (Cursed Body + Sturdy) Both combined
Notable moves: Destiny Bond, Ice Shard, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Avalanche, Disable, Spikes, Switcheroo, Ice Beam, Light Screen, Elemental Fangs, Curse, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Explosion, Dragon Tail, Iron Head,
Role identification: Lacking any good physical ghost type STAB, Steellass is kinda force to run Shadow Ball if they want a ghost type move. Other than that Steellass can be a good pokemon. With a lot of support moves, good typing, and pretty good defense stats.


Parents: Froslass + Steelix-Mega
Offspring Name: Steellass-Mega
New Type: Ghost/Steel
New Base Stats: 82/132/175/77/107/80
New Ability and desc: Sand Force
Notable Moves: Same moves minus most special moves
Role Identification: Put it in sand and watch it do damage with it steel type moves or let it eat up hits.


Parents: Kingdra + Genesect
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Kingsect
New type: Dragon/Bug
New base stats: 73/127(+20)/95/127(+20)/95/92
New ability and desc: Swift Download (Download + Swift Swim) Both Combined
Notable moves: Hydro Pump, Focus Energy, Agility, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Z-Splash, Signal Beam, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Scald, Flash Cannon, Waterfall, Fell Stinger, Techno Blast, Flame Charge, Bug Buzz, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, U-Turn, Dark Pulse
Role identification: Don’t you love a swift download. If so, Kingsect is the pokemon for you. Get a boost to any attack on switch in and will get doubled speed in rain. What not to love about this pokemon. Kingsect have pretty good stats and a pretty good versatile pokemon.


Parents: Mantine + Swampert
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swamptine
New type: Ground/Flying
New base stats: 102/85/90/92/125/75
New ability and desc: Water Drainer (Torrent + Water Absorb) When hit by a water type move or when under a third its health, the user water type moves get boosted by 50%. Both Stacked. Water moves recover ¼ of its maximum HP. Immune to water type moves.
Notable moves: Roost, Bullet Seed, Air Slash, Bounce, Hydro Pump, Agility, Mirror Coat, Defog, Gunk Shot, Iron Head, Liquidation, Seed Bomb, Tailwind, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rain Dance, Aerial Ace, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, Waterfall, Surf, Hammer Arm, Curse, Earth Power, Ice Punch, Stealth Rock, Sludge Wave, Stone Edge, Wing Attack
Role identification: Swamptine can bait pokemon pretty well. They can bait pokemon to use water type moves against it but it will boost Swamptine and it will recover it health for you. You if decide to mega, the lost to Water Drainer can be big because you will lose a key immunity to water.


Parents: Mantine + Swampert-Mega
Shared egg group: Water 1
Offspring name: Swamptine-Mega
New type: Ground/Flying
New base stats: 102/125/110/102/145/85
New ability and desc: Swift Swim
Notable moves: Same as base minus most Special Attacks.
Role identification: Swamptine-Mega may be on the same level as it base. Swamptine-Mega may have better stats and access to swift swim but the base will have an immunity to water moves.



Parents: Alolan Exeggutor & Torterra
Shared egg group: Grass
Offspring name: Alolan Eggterra
New type: Dragon/Ground
New base stats: 105/117/105/110/90/60
New ability and desc: Plant Power (Overgrown + Harvest) Both Combined
Notable moves: Dragon Hammer, Seed Bomb, Hypnosis, Psyshock, Wood Hammer, Leaf Hammer, Curse, Giga Drain, Moonlight, Power Swap, Skill Swap, Synthesis, Draco Meteor, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Explosion, Sword Dance, Dragon Tail, Trick Room, Crunch, Leech Seed, Superpower, Frenzy Plant, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earth Power
Role identification: Alolan Eggterra is a pokemon that can potently can have three STAB moves. When under 33% health, grass type moves become STAB moves for it, thanks to its ability. Set with a wide movepool and stats to back it up with, Alolan Eggterra can run many roles on a team.


Parents: Dialga & Lumineon
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Diamond
New type: Steel/Water
New base stats: 84/94/108(+10)/129(+20)/103(+10)/90 (608)
New ability and desc: Ocean Pressure (Swift Swim + Pressure) Both Combined
Notable moves: Aura Sphere, Earth Power/Earthquake, Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Bulk Up, Ice Beam/Blizzard, Rain Dance, Thunderbolt/Thunder, Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Overheat, Dragon Tail, Aqua Ring, U-Turn, Agility, Z-Splash, Scald, Surf, Waterfall
Role identification: Diamond is a cool pokemon. With a Steel/Water typing and with moves to cover its weakness (minus fighting unless running bounce), many pokemon may have a hard time switching in to Diamond. Diamond can fit well on rain teams due to its ability boosting its speed.
I'm pretty sure the name Peer Pressure has already been used in a winning ability

Parents: Vanilluxe + Cofagrigus
Shared egg group: Mineral
Offspring name: Vanillagrigus
New type: Ice/Ghost
New base stats: 74/82/125/112/110/64
New ability and desc: Snow Warning + Mummy = Crypt Dusting (Sets up Plague Weather for 5 turns. Plague damages Pokemon not of the Ghost and Ice types for 1/16 of their HP at the end of the turn. Turns Weather Ball into a Ghost-type move w/ double power. Blizzard has 100% accuracy in this Weather)
Notable moves: Shadow Ball/Hex/Weather Ball, Ice Beam/Freeze-Dry/Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Psychic, Knock Off, Iron Defense, Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, Nasty Plot, Autotomize, Light Screen, Role Play/Skill Swap, Heal Block, Trick Room.
Role identification: Set up Plague weather and go nuts. Nasty Plot + Blizzard = DEATH. Weather Ball in Plague hits hard, and Flash Cannon helps with Rock types, while Signal Beam helps alleviate Dark-type troubles. Or you can play support with moves like Light Screen, Toxic Spikes, Knock Off, Heal Block, Trick Room, and Will-o-Wisp. Unfortunately, Pain Split's your only means of recovery, and outside of Trick Room or using Autotomize, you're so sloooooooow. Plus you don't have a lot of HP to aid your bulk, but that does make Pain Split more effective.

Parents: Meganium + Slowbro
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Megabro
New type: Grass/Water
New base stats: 97/88/115/101/100/65
New ability and desc: Overgrow + Own Tempo = Nature's Course (Both abilities combined)
Notable moves: Giga Drain, Scald/Surf, Psychic/Psyshock/Future Sight, Energy Ball/Leaf Storm, Ancient Power, Tri Attack, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Signal Beam, Thunder Wave, Slack Off, Iron Defense, Calm Mind, Worry Seed, Safeguard, Reflect, Light Screen, Leech Seed, Toxic, Yawn, Substitute, Trick Room, Magic Coat, Dragon Tail.
Role identification: With impressive bulk and a decent Sp. Atk stat, Megabro is a tank, especially with Calm Mind, Giga Drain, and Slack Off in its repertoire. It has surprising coverage in Flamethrower, and can hit hard with its Grass attacks if it's beaten down. Thanks to Trick Room, its middling Speed isn't always an issue. It really shines as a supporter, though, thanks to moves like Thunder Wave, Yawn, and Leech Seed. Worry Seed takes away abilities, one of the greatest assets these FE Pokemon have, and can deflect entry hazards and status moves with Magic Coat. Dragon Tail is a good way to take advantage of this, as it subjects your opponent to the very hazards they threw at you. But Megabro's ability is pretty lame, and it isn't nearly as powerful as a lot of other fusions.


Parents: Meganium + Mega Slowbro
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Mega Megabro
New type: Grass/Water
New base stats: 97/88/185/131/100/65
New ability and desc: Shell Armor
Notable moves: See above.
Role identification: Now we're talking! Better physical bulk and Sp. Atk make Mega Megabro a force to be feared. After a few Calm Minds, this thing is the epitome of FAT. But it still doesn't have a great ability...welp. Can't win 'em all.
It's the Easter Bun-bot!

Parents: Azumarill + Registeel
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Regiazu
New type: Water/Steel
New base stats: 90/82(+20)/125(+10)/67/125(+10)/50
New ability and desc: Huge Power + Clear Body = Plexiglass (Both abilities combined)
Notable moves: Aqua Jet, Waterfall/Aqua Tail, Play Rough, Body Slam/Return, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Superpower/Brick Break/Hammer Arm, Earthquake/Bulldoze, Explosion, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Iron Head/Tail, Thunder Punch, Curse/Hone Claws, Rock Polish, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, Safeguard, Belly Drum, Charm/Tickle, Encore, Block, Perish Song, Light Screen, Z-Splash, Whirlpool.
Role identification: The Pokemon with the highest Attack stat, Mega Mewtwo X, has a base Atk of 190, which amounts to a maximum stat of 526 with Nature, EVs, and IVs. Regiazu hits 578. AND IT GETS BELLY DRUM + AQUA JET. That's just scary, man. But if you wanna go from "Monster" to "Jerk", use Block/Whirlpool + Perish Song. And you can Encore them into a move that can't hurt you, so their death is pretty much guaranteed. Also, EXPLOSION. With a movepool like this, a crazy Attack stat, and great 90/125/125 bulk, you'd think Regiazu would be unstoppable...except it doesn't have recovery outside of Rest or Aqua Ring, and it's stupid slow. It doesn't even get Gyro Ball to take advantage of that! Well, there ARE two Trick Room setters above it, nudge nudge wink wink.
Welp. Might as well add something USUM related.

Parents: Lycanroc-Dusk + Scrafty
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Lycraftusk
New type: Rock/Fighting
New base stats: 75/108/95/55/95/89
New ability and desc: Tough Claws + Moxie = Brass Knuckles (Both abilities combined, but if Lycraftusk knocks out a Pokemon w/ a move boosted by Tough Claws, Attack is raised by 2)
Notable moves: Accelerock, Crunch/Foul Play, Stealth Rock, Roar, Rock Slide/Stone Edge, Bulk Up/Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Return, Rock Polish, Fire/Thunder Fangs, Sucker Punch, Drill Run, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Outrage, High Jump Kick, Dragon Claw, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Drain Punch, Fire/Ice/Thunder Punches, Fake Out.
Role identification: Mediocre stats, but a great movepool! Plus, since almost all of Lycraftusk's attacks are contact moves, they get the Brass Knuckle boost, and guarantee a +2 attack boost if they knock something out. 3 options for boosting give you 3 different ways to plan a set, and Poison Jab/Iron Head deal with Fairy types nicely. Too bad Lycraftusk's kinda meh statwise, and has too few moveslots.

Parents: Serperior + Darmanitan
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Serpentan
New type: Grass/Fire
New base stats: 100/117/85/62/85/114
New ability and desc: Contrary + Sheer Force = Make-Do (Attacks without additional effects are boosted by 30%, and stat changes inflicted on this Pokemon by the opponent are reversed)
Notable moves: Aqua Tail, Return, Dragon Tail, Leaf Blade, Outrage, Fire Punch/Fang, Earthquake, Brick Break, Knock Off, Rock Slide/Stone Edge, U-Turn, Zen Headbutt, Belly Drum/Coil/Swords Dance, Gastro Acid, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Toxic, Taunt, Torment, Yawn, Will-o-Wisp, Encore.
Role identification: Lemme define the difference between an additional effect and a move's properties real quick: Additional effects are things like chances to burn, flinch, boost your stats, or lower your opponent's stats. Even though moves like Flame Charge are guaranteed to raise a stat, their effects are negated by Sheer Force. A property, on the other hand, is something like a high critical hit ratio or Knock Off's innate item removal.

Now that that's over with, I'm sure you can understand what makes Serpentan so effective. STAB Leaf Blade with a Make-Do boost hits hard, especially if you use Coil, Swords Dance, or, God forbid, Belly Drum. Since you're the one inflicting these stat changes on yourself, they aren't reversed, so have fun with that. Return becomes a BP 132 blow, hitting most that don't resist it hard. And Serpentan's high speed certainly helps it get off strong attacks. Only real problem is, it doesn't get Fire-type attacks that can be boosted by Make-Do.
I'll be honest; when I saw people using Zeraora in fusions, I thought CAP were being used in this slate. Didn't know it existed.

Parents: Zeraora + Electivire
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Zeractiv
New type: Electric
New base stats: 85(+4)/135(+18)/75(+4)/103(+5)/85(+3)/125(+6)
New ability and desc: Volt Absorb + Motor Drive = Energy Guzzler (Both abilities combined)
Notable moves: Plasma Fists, Fake Out, Close Combat/Drain Punch, Acrobatics, Fire/Ice Punch, Knock Off, Throat Chop, Body Slam/Return, Bulldoze/Earthquake, Quick Attack, Rock Slide, Volt Switch, Thunderbolt/Discharge/Electro Ball, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Flamethrower, Psychic, Signal Beam, Bulk Up/Hone Claws/Calm Mind, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Ion Deluge.
Role identification: Zeractive has decent mixed capabilities and only 1 weakness, plus an ability that ruins opposing Electric-types' days. Or Normal types, if you use Plasma Fists or Ion Deluge. It has a variety of moves to cover a lot of bases, such as Ice Punch for Ground and Dragon types, Fire Punch for Grass types, and Earthquake to defeat opposing Electric types. That's only covering the physical spectrum, though; Zeractive has Special moves of several types, such as Flamethrower and Psychic. It's pretty frail, though, and unless you run a Special set, you're gonna run into Ground types with impressive physical bulk.
And now, my first re-sub!


Parents: Giratina + Zweilous
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Giralous
New type: Ghost/Dark
New base stats: 115(+4)/110(+18)/96(+1)/82/96(+1)/90(+16)
New ability and desc: Pressure + Hustle = Stressed Out (Physical moves do 50% more damage, but use 2 PP)
Notable moves: Aqua Tail, Crunch, Body Slam/Return, Defog, Destiny Bond, Toxic, Dragon Claw/Tail/Rush, Earthquake, Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang, Head Smash/Stone Edge, Heal Block, Hone Claws, Iron Head/Tail, Pain Split, Shadow Sneak/Force/Claw, Superpower, Taunt, Torment, Zen Headbutt, Tailwind, Will-O-Wisp.
Role identification: Do I really need to say anything other than "tank"? Giralous has a ton of damage-dealing and, to a lesser extent, support options. Powerful moves such as Stone Edge/Head Smash and Crunch demolish anything in its way, and after a Hone Claws, you're pretty much unstoppable. Well, not really. Your only recovery move is Pain Split, and Fairy types can do a lot of damage to you. Not to mention Giralous eats up Power Points like they're cinnamon rolls at Cici's Pizza (#notsponsored). Still, it's a beast to behold.
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Welp. Lez do this.

Parents: Vanilluxe + Cofagrigus
Shared egg group: Mineral
Offspring name: Vanillagrigus
New type: Ice/Ghost
New base stats: 74/82/125/112/110/64
New ability and desc: Snow Warning + Mummy = Crypt Dusting (Sets up Plague Weather for 5 turns. Plague increases the power of Ghost and Bug type attacks by 50%. Damages Pokemon not of those types for 1/16 of their HP at the end of the turn. Ghost types on the field lose their weakness to Ghost for the duration of the weather. Turns Weather Ball into a Bug-type move w/ double power)
Notable moves: Shadow Ball/Hex, Ice Beam/Freeze-Dry, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Weather Ball/Signal Beam, Energy Ball, Knock Off, Iron Defense, Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, Nasty Plot, Autotomize, Light Screen, Role Play/Skill Swap.
Role identification: Will update soon!
I really liked this fusion, but, why its ability also boosts Bug-type moves?
Oh yeah speaking of that, how did you get the stat copying on that mon?

Unaware: Ignores foe's stats boosts when being hit by or attacking it
Beast Boost: Upon scoring a KO, boosts user's highest stat by one

Upon being hit by foe, boost user's stats by foe's stats boosts
Problem is I have no idea where you're getting boosting of any moves at all from anyways. Or things losing their weakness to Ghost. Or, as mentioned, the bug type.
Weather typically boost moves, like Sunny Day and Rain Dance, the Bug type has to do with Plague, and the weakness to Ghost is so Ghost types aren't OHKOing each other. I added that last one as more of a necessity than anything else, but if people want it gone, I'll remove it.
Weather typically boost moves, like Sunny Day and Rain Dance, the Bug type has to do with Plague, and the weakness to Ghost is so Ghost types aren't OHKOing each other. I added that last one as more of a necessity than anything else, but if people want it gone, I'll remove it.
But that's not how a fusion ability works, afaik. The weather's effects have to be to do with Hail and not sun or rain, and since neither of the abilities have anything to do with Bugs you can't do stuff to the bug types either. Neither of the abilities have anything to do with the Ghost type either (no, not even mummy). You take your effects from the abilities, not real world logic.
But that's not how a fusion ability works, afaik. The weather's effects have to be to do with Hail and not sun or rain, and since neither of the abilities have anything to do with Bugs you can't do stuff to the bug types either. Neither of the abilities have anything to do with the Ghost type either (no, not even mummy). You take your effects from the abilities, not real world logic.
All right. I'll remove the Bug thing, the power increase, and the Ghost immunity, but I still think that Mummy can be applied to Ghost types.
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