[Breedject Giveaway] HA Popplio/Rowlet + more! [CLOSED]

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Okay, let's try again..
Requesting: Mudbray, Lvl. 1, Female
Deposited: Delibird, Lvl. 12, Male
IGN: ExTopaz7
Message: This is a Pokemon i just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
Third time's the charm, hopefully >_>
Requesting: Mudbray, Lvl. 1, Female
Deposited: Ekans, Lvl. 19, Female
IGN: ExTopaz7
Message: This is a Pokemon i just hatched. Please raise it carefully.

Thanks again for the mon! it was worth the wait :D
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Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Male
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 7 Male Wingull
IGN: Riannon
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

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Hey there again!

Pokemon requested: Male Rockruff (5IV is fine)
Pokemon deposited: Lv 6 female Ekans
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg.

Thanks in advance!
Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Male
Pokemon Deposited: Level 29 female Ledian
IGN: Xin
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

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Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Male
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 13 Male Machop
IGN: Rhys Anthony
Message: Pls trade pokemon with me.

Hi Josh, hope you did well on exams!
Pokemon Wanted: Larvesta Female with 0 attack
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 12 male cutiefly quickball
IGN: Jaime
BTW do you still have rockruffs with vital spirit? I wanted to request one, but you had a break and then they disappeared after update.
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Ah well, guess I'll give it another shot if that's ok?

Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Male (5IV is cool)
Pokemon Deposited: Lv 16 female Fomantis in Great Ball
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg.
Requesting: Oranguru, Male "Telepathy; one is 4IV w/ 0 Speed & 0 Attack"
Deposited: Vulpix, level 1, female (Moon Ball)
IGN: SamJo
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg.

Requesting: Crabrawler, Male "Iron Fist; 4IV w/ 0 Speed & missing Sp. Attack."
Deposited: Crabrawler, level 10, male (Poke Ball)
IGN: SamJo
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg.
(Sniped again ;-;7 redeposited)

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Let's try again

Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Female(6iv, 5iv is fine too)
Pokemon Deposited: pikipek lv 14 ultra ball
IGN: Ski
Message: Please trade pokemon with me.
Thanks in advance
Let's try again

Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Female(6iv, 5iv is fine too)
Pokemon Deposited: pikipek lv 14 ultra ball
IGN: Ski
Message: Please trade pokemon with me.
Thanks in advance
I see your Pikipek but you've set the parameters to 91 or higher!
Haha, tough luck for me; I'll try one more time today

Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff Male
Pokemon Deposited: Level 12 male Magikarp in Great Ball
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg.

Thanks Josh, you're the man!
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Also, if it's not too much of a bother,

Pokemon Wanted: Chansey (5IV)
Pokemon Deposited: Lv female Zubat in Great Ball
Message: I want to trade for a treasured Pokémon that has been raised from an egg

Thanks again! :)
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Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff, Male, 6IV(If none are left 5IV is fine!)
Pokemon Deposited: Magikarp, Male, lvl. 14 in a Quick Ball
IGN: Alyx
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
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Pokemon Wanted: Rockruff (any gender is okay, 6iv, 5iv is fine too)
Pokemon Deposited: Spinarak lv 3 normal ball
IGN: Annine
Message: I want to fill Pokédex
Thanks in advance
Pokemon Wanted: larvesta male(6iv, 5iv is fine too)
Pokemon Deposited: buneary lv 2 ultra ball male
IGN: Alex
Message: Please trade pokemon with me.
Thanks in advance
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