Metagame Shared Power [Under Re-Construction!]

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Here's some Prankster ideas:
Gastro Acid: Use this to remove all the other mons abilities.
-Unusable against: Magic Bounce, Dark Types, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling, Queenly Majesty
Nature Power: A +1 Prio Special attacking move that can either be either Tri Attack, MoonBlast, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Psychic.
-Unusable against: Dark Types, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling, Queenly Majesty
Dive/Dig + Copy Cat: Use and underspeed with Dive, then use prankster copycat to copy dive. You now can dodge moves since copycat moves first,
and your slow mon will move last on the next turn. (Azumarill is a user of this strategy
-Unusable against: No Guard. Moves with Priority, since they will be used by copycat instead.
Destiny Bond: Used to take out pesky mons. It can work in a similar way as Dive + copycat. You can use negative priority moves to move after the opposing mons. Sample team: (Prob not optimized, but I feel it is better than the one I posted before)
-Has Trouble with: This strategy does not like it when the other mon uses status moves. It also does not like it when opposing mons have priority moves.
Tailwind: Use this to out speed your opponent for a number of turns. In a meta where you can OHKO many mons easily, this move is pretty useful. Im pretty sure this was used a lot in Ultimate Z.
Magic Room: Temporarily stop Berries, Focus Sash, Seeds, Eviolite, Assault Vest, Status Orbs, from working temporarily. You may be able to use Kyurem-B to fight against sturdy, but you can't do anything against focus sash.
Reflect/Light Screen/Aurora Veil: I feel it explains itself.

As mentioned earlier, you can use prankster + Sub to get your berry effects faster.

That Dive one seems really cool and I think I'll add it to the guide. Looks really fun!
Well, now that Shared Power is OMotM it's about time to post a guide I'd been working on. It's a bit outdated now, but I tried to list as many strategies as I could. I also began writing this a month ago.

Earlier, I made a list of damage altering abilities. Now I'd like to try to make a more comprehensive list of abilities, combinations, and mechanics that I have seen be used or suggested in Shared Power.

Hyper Offense

Hyper Offense strategies are often gimmicks using multiple abilities to modify damage output and sweep with a single or a couple Pokémon. They often rely on speed or priority to kill without being touched. The best part about these strategies is that they actually can work reliably, which is very different from normal gimmicks.

Examples include:

Skill Link Technician

These teams take advantage of the Skill Link Technician combo to use very powerful multi-hit attacks. These strategies are a good counter to Multiscale and can just ignore sashes and Sturdy. Most good multi-hit moves have a base power of 25 for each hit, so you effectively get a 187.5 power move that ignores Multiscale, Focus Sash, Sturdy, and Substitutes. The actually decent multi-hit moves are:

  • Bone Rush
  • Bullet Seed
  • Icicle Spear
  • Pin Missile
  • Rock Blast
  • Tail Slap
  • Water Shuriken
Now, Bone Rush is only on 5 pokemon: Cubone, Marowak, Marowak-Alola, Lucario, and Mandibuzz. Which means that it's extremely unreliable due to the lack of STAB users. Notable users of Bullet Seed include Heracross (which gets access to Rock Blast and Pin Missile as well as Skill Link when it mega evolves), Cincinno (which gets Rock Blast and Tail Slap as well as Technician and Skill Link), and Breloom (which gets Technician and STAB). Cloyster is the most common user of Icicle Spear due to the fact that it gets Rock Blast and Skill Link (and all the Pokémon are bad apart from Mamoswine), while Heracross and Mega Beedrill are the most common users of Pin Missile. Rock Blast is usually on Heracross, Cincinno, and Cloyster. Cincinno is the best user of Tail Slap due to the fact that it has more multi-hit moves than Ambipom and similar stats. And Water Shuriken isn't used much due to only being on Greninja (which cannot share its abilities) and Accelgor (which is bad). For Skill Link, teams usually use Heracross-Mega, Cloyster, or Cincinno, and usually use Cincinno, Breloom, or Scizor for Technician. So here are, in my opinion, the best core Pokémon for these teams:

  • Cloyster
  • Cincinno
  • Breloom
  • Heracross-Mega (if you're running TR, which could potentially be viable, as Stakataka is an option with Rock Blast and Marowak could still be an option with Bone Rush)
Now, Mega Beedrill is another great Pokémon with these teams. Due to the fact that they are Hyper Offense, Adaptability is a great boost to them, and Mega Beedrill gets Pin Missile and Fell Stinger, which are boosted by Technician. If you're going for TR, Stakataka gets Rock Blast and can give Beast Boost as well, which is a terrifying ability in this metagame. Regular Heracross can also be good due to the fact that it gets Moxie, so if you have another Skill Linker on your team it functions as a better mega (due to higher speed and access to an item, as well as another mega slot).

Hustle No Guard

This isn't so much a Hyper Offense strategy in itself, but instead a great damage multiplier. I feel like No Guard is an Ability that's just generally good for all players in Shared Power due to the fact that it means that no moves are going to be missed (unless you have mold breaker or something). No Guard Hustle effectively gives every Pokémon on your team a Choice band without being locked into moves, and means you don't have to worry about missing. While it can't take advantage of Hustle, Xurkitree can take advantage of No Guard with Hypnosis and Zap Cannon. Psychium Z gives you +1 speed when you use Hypnosis, allowing you to set up with Tail Glow and then likely outspeed your opponent. This also can work with Sticky Web, but that is slightly worse now that Magic Bounce is unbanned. Durant is probably the best Hustle user, but Mega Pidgeot, Machamp, Doublade, and Lycanroc-Midnight are all equally good No Guard users. Mega Pidgeot does force you to mega and cannot take advantage of Hustle, but it is still a terrifying threat. Machamp uses No Guard itself the best, but Doublade is good without really needing to use it. Lycanroc is one of the best fast users of No Guard. Teams using this strategy can either just use it as an extra damage multiplier, or focus around it using mons like Conkeldurr and Buzzwole, which hit like a truck with a boosted Dynamic Punch. Sleep moves are also very powerful with No Guard, and any Pokémon that can take advantage of Zap Cannon is a huge threat. Inferno also exists but has less users.

Adaptability and Tough Claws

These are 2 common damage multiplying abilities that work very well on Hyper Offense. Tough Claws is a free Life Orb for physical moves, and Adaptability is extremely powerful on anything. Greninja Adaptability is a potential combo, but since Protean does not carry it is less viable. Porygon-Z, Beedrill-Mega, and Crawdaunt are some of the best users of Adaptability, while Tough Claws is usually on Lycanroc-Dusk, Charizard-X, and Aerodactyl-Mega. Personally I prefer Lycanroc because it doesn't have to mega evolve, but these are all viable.


Steelworker is a very powerful ability, but you can only use it on specific Pokémon. Scizor and Dhelmise can combo quite nicely, with Scizor getting a 90 power STAB Bullet Punch. Stakataka TR teams also work very nicely due to the fact that Dhelmise is already a slow mon. Mega Mawile does quite well, and I suppose that the newly introduced Aegislash could be very good. Doublade + Durant + Dhelmise is another potential combo, giving 2 separate 1.5x boosts, one to the base power of moves and one to the attack stat.

Gale Wings

An ability that gives priority if you're at full health is bound to be used on HO. After all, the entire point of the strategy is to use fast attacks to kill without taking damage. Personally, I've found this to be very good when there isn't a Bruxish or Tapu Lele on my opponent's team. Banded Staraptor works very nice, getting 144 power STAB Banded Brave Birds off without any recoil due to Magic Guard. This benefits Talonflame itself due to it relying on Brave Bird and Flare Blitz. Add some Hustle No Guard in there and you're bound to pack a punch (it OHKOs Clefable and Dragonite through Multiscale).

The "Ate" Abilities

Pixilate, Aerilate, Galvanize, and Refrigerate are all great abilities and can be used with moves such as Extreme Speed and Boomburst to hit super hard. So guess what, this is another metagame where Noivern gets STAB Boomburst! Unfortunately, the users of Galvanize and Refrigerate are kind of bad. Golem-Alola is trash, and Glalie-Mega isn't anything special. And neither is Aurorus. So Pixilate and Aerilate are the only ones that are really used. Pinsir can work quite well with Dragonite, giving it STAB Extreme Speed. Pixilate could be harder to use. I could see physical Diancie-Mega with Sylveon, or Tapu Bulu with Gardevoir/Altaria Mega or Sylveon. And physical Tapu Koko could be good too, especially with Magic Guard. On the special side there's not much. I could only really see Primarina or Togekiss being used, and they wouldn't be very good. Now, if you use Normalize with an "Ate" ability then all moves will have the type of the "Ate" ability and have 1.44x power. However, only having one type of move doesn't really help your coverage. If you use more than one "Ate" ability it's a random chance for the type of your move. Which is fun to use but completely impractical. Now, I have run a Galvanize Pikachu (which sweeps with Extreme Speed before it runs into a ground type) and a Hustle Extreme Speed Pixilate Togekiss (which somehow did well but 50 base attack isn't much to brag about), but neither team was reliable and they were complete gimmicks. And of course Noivern + Mega Pinsir could work some magic. And unfortunately Aerilate and Gale Wings cannot work together due to how Aerilate works.


Now, I'm not saying this strategy is good, but it sure is fun. Despite the fact that Comatose is banned from sharing, Komala can still use a fun Sleep Talk Prankster Last Resort set to hit hard. Komala actually has a base 115 attack stat, so with a 140 power STAB move and a Choice Band it hits very hard. Add some Adaptability/Tough Claws/Hustle No Guard to it with Prankster, and you just use Sleep Talk to get some priority attacks. It's also good to add a Scrappy mon since you only have one move.

Beast Boost, Moxie, and Soul Heart

Another strategy utilized by HO and balance teams is Beast Boost, Soul Heart, and/or Moxie. This allows you to gain momentum as the battle goes on, and with more balanced teams it ensures that whenever you get a kill you get a boost. Which is very dangerous. Beast Boost is probably the best of these abilities because it gives a boost to your highest stat, allowing it to work on all mons, whether they be a physical or special attacker.

Swift Swim, Chlorophyll, Sand Rush, Slush Rush, and Surge Surfer

Despite the fact that these abilities are now banned from sharing, they can still be used effectively on a single mon. Not much more needs to be said. Rain teams get Dry Skin, Rain Dish, and Hydration, as well as 2 great Swift Swim users in Mega Swampert and Kingdra. They also get 100% accuracy Thunders and Hurricanes. They can easily use a Volt Absorb/Lightning Rod/Motor Drive mon to remove their weakness to electric. I would recommend Thundurus-Therian due to the fact that it gets a nice 100% Thunder and is already generally very good. Sun gets Solar Power (which works well with Magic Guard), Harvest, and Leaf Guard (which is just bad tbh), as well as Solar Beam with no recharge. Weather Ball probably works the best on these teams, although unfortunately Venusaur cannot have Chlorophyll and Weather Ball at the same time. Sand teams get Sand Force, but not much more. Hail teams get Ice Body and a 100% accurate Blizzard. So overall if you're going to use weather, use Rain or Sun.

Magic Guard Blacephalon

This combo was originally almost always used on sun teams, and while that's still an option it is potentially better on its own. Mind Blown is a 150 power move, and Magic Guard removes the recoil from it. If you're running sun, Solar Power will not have an HP loss and will act like specs. The damage multipliers are crazy: 150x1.5(sun)x1.5(Solar Power)x1.5(STAB)x1.5(If you're running specs)≃759 (some of these are changes to SpA while some are changes to the base power of the move) on Blacephalon, which has 151 base special attack. This is an extremely viable combo.


Triage is an extremely powerful ability. +3 priority on healing/draining moves is extremely good when there's no Bruxish/Lele in sight. Here are some Pokémon that can take advantage of this:

  • Buzzwole: Leech Life and Drain Punch
  • Trevenant: Drain Punch and Horn Leech (and Harvest is generally good)
  • Conkeldurr: Drain Punch
  • Heliolisk: Parabolic Charge is fun
There are far more, but these are some of the best for their respective moves.

Mega Launcher

Mega Launcher is a very cool ability. Unfortunately, only 3 Pokémon have it. Clawitzer and Clauncher suck, so all you really have is Mega Blastoise. But you can still take advantage of it. Technician and Mega Launcher stack on Water Pulse, which is very good. Greninja takes advantage of this a lot, using Dark Pulse, Water Pulse, and Water Shuriken. This could also be used in a rain team, as Kingdra works nicely with a Mega Launcher Dragon Pulse. Lucario also gets all of the boosted moves (apart from Origin Pulse of course).


This is less Hyper Offense, but still kind of relies on all out attack. Shuckle is often used due to the fact that Sticky Web is a no risk move since if it gets bounced you get +1 speed. Shuckle also balances the team more. If you don't want to use Shuckle, Serperior is your next best option. To take advantage of contrary you need moves that drop your stats. Which means:

  • Overheat
  • Psycho Boost
  • Leaf Storm
  • Draco Meteor
  • V-Create
  • Dragon Ascent
  • Hyperspace Fury (Magician is bad and defense boosts aren't great)
  • Close Combat
  • Superpower
  • Hammer Arm
  • Ice Hammer (Crabominable is bad)
  • Fleur Cannon (Only Magearna gets it, and you'll be dealing with Contrary Soul Hearts)
Psycho Boost is only on Deoxys-Defense, which means that it is often used on Contrary teams. However, I prefer Victini due to Stored Power. Victini is the only Pokémon with V-Create, and also gets access to Overheat and Stored Power. This allows you to boost your speed and defenses with V-Create, boost your special attack with Overheat, and then do massive damage with Stored Power, even against Unaware teams. Latios is also often used due to its ability to provide support for Victini with Levitate and to use Draco Meteor to raise its stats and then use Stored Power. There are far more Pokémon that can work well with Contrary, but these are the primary components. Simple is often run as well for extra Contrary Boosts.


Unburden is comparable to the weather abilities, but with the key difference that it requires an item and does not work if you switch. However, it is still extremely powerful when coupled with an anti priority ability. Tapu Lele is the best Pokémon for this due to the fact that it protects you from priority while allowing you to use a Psychic Seed, but any of the Tapus can be used. For Unburden you typically want Hawlucha, but you can use Hitmonlee, Sceptile, or Accelgor among others. Hitmonlee is just fun to use, Sceptile takes advantage of Grassy Terrain and can actually use Acrobatics, and Accelgor allows you to outspeed almost anything. Kyurem-Black works well on these teams due to its slower speed and the fact that it’s good almost anywhere. However, if you can be forced to switch then you lose the speed boost. Also, there is often no room for Magic Guard on these teams, allowing you to potentially break any Sturdies or Multiscales, which are commonly used.

Other Gimmicks

These are less Hyper Offense but more gimmicky teams that can actually work quite well.

Harvest Cheek Pouch

This strategy relies on using Harvest + Cheek Pouch + Gluttony + Starf Berry + Prankster, often with Simple and Stored Power/Power Trip, making Swoobat extremely useful. If you don't know, Starf Berry raises a random stat other than evasion or accuracy when the holder reaches 1/4 or less health. Because of Gluttony, it will be eaten at 1/2 or less health. Cheek Pouch restores 1/3 health after eating a berry, allowing the user to continue to use Substitute with Prankster to lower their health, then eat a Starf Berry and recover health. Harvest will recycle the berry, and Protect can also be run to make sure that the berry is recycled. Using a Pokémon with Drought is less useful because the sun will wear off. This strategy does lose to multihit moves, sound moves, and Infiltrator, but is surprisingly reliable and can beat Unaware with Stored Power/Power Trip.

Defiant/Competitive Weak Armor

Another surprisingly decent gimmick, this strategy allows the user to effectively get a free Shell Smash every time they are hit by a physical move. Add Stamina and you're never going to get a defense drop, or add Simple to make it even crazier. However, this strategy obviously suffers against non physical moves, but it's still surprisingly decent and fun to use.

Guts Toxic Boost etc

These teams rely on Poison Heal + Toxic Boost + Guts + Quick Feet and sometimes Marvel Scale to get all kind of crazy boosts from being poisoned. While Toxic Boost does change the power of moves as opposed to the attack stat, it's fair to say that all Pokémon get x2.25 attack and x1.5 speed as well as double Leftovers and potentially 1.5x defense, as well as a 140 power Facade. These teams actually hit extremely hard, and can utilize Bruxish to allow them to outspeed with Quick Feet and not worry about Priority.
something you forgot to mention is that skill link teams have a somewhat-broken-on-paper combo of stench/kings rock+serene grace which provides a 20% chance to flinch per hit equaling almost 80% chance. its quite uncompetative to face, and forces stall/balance to practically cave in to it. and one user of stench actually can abuse multihit(garbador)
Here's some Prankster ideas:
Gastro Acid: Use this to remove all the other mons abilities.
-Unusable against: Magic Bounce, Dark Types, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling, Queenly Majesty
Nature Power: A +1 Prio Special attacking move that can either be either Tri Attack, MoonBlast, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Psychic.
-Unusable against: Dark Types, Psychic Terrain, Dazzling, Queenly Majesty
Dive/Dig + Copy Cat: Use and underspeed with Dive, then use prankster copycat to copy dive. You now can dodge moves since copycat moves first,
and your slow mon will move last on the next turn. (Azumarill is a user of this strategy
-Unusable against: No Guard. Moves with Priority, since they will be used by copycat instead.
Destiny Bond: Used to take out pesky mons. It can work in a similar way as Dive + copycat. You can use negative priority moves to move after the opposing mons. Sample team: (Prob not optimized, but I feel it is better than the one I posted before)
-Has Trouble with: This strategy does not like it when the other mon uses status moves. It also does not like it when opposing mons have priority moves.
Tailwind: Use this to out speed your opponent for a number of turns. In a meta where you can OHKO many mons easily, this move is pretty useful. Im pretty sure this was used a lot in Ultimate Z.
Magic Room: Temporarily stop Berries, Focus Sash, Seeds, Eviolite, Assault Vest, Status Orbs, from working temporarily. You may be able to use Kyurem-B to fight against sturdy, but you can't do anything against focus sash.
Reflect/Light Screen/Aurora Veil: I feel it explains itself.

As mentioned earlier, you can use prankster + Sub to get your berry effects faster.

Gastro Acid is fantastic, but bad with Prankster in my experience since it gets negated by Psychic Terrain, Dazzling, and Dark types, making it's best users (Toxapex in Pyukumuku from what I've tried) sitting ducks against some of the meta's most common mons (Lele and Crawdaunt primarily). That said, Block + Gastro Acid is able to absolutely crush a lot of team archetypes, particularly MGuard based bulky teams and Guts teams. The rest of these are pretty alright though. I wouldn't build an entire team around DBond since it gets predictable fast but it's really useful for sacking problem mons or preventing a clean sweep from boosting mons or something like KyuB.

something you forgot to mention is that skill link teams have a somewhat-broken-on-paper combo of stench/kings rock+serene grace which provides a 20% chance to flinch per hit equaling almost 80% chance. its quite uncompetative to face, and forces stall/balance to practically cave in to it. and one user of stench actually can abuse multihit(garbador)

Beat Up Weavile hits 6 times for a higher flinch chance and you don't have to run Skill Link. Just Serene Grace + King's Rock and go to town, or against faster teams, Stench + Unburden + Normal Gem Fake Out is an option. I don't recommend Terrain's just because Beat Up doesn't hit *that* hard without stacking offensive abilities, and you want as many as you can get.
something you forgot to mention is that skill link teams have a somewhat-broken-on-paper combo of stench/kings rock+serene grace which provides a 20% chance to flinch per hit equaling almost 80% chance. its quite uncompetative to face, and forces stall/balance to practically cave in to it. and one user of stench actually can abuse multihit(garbador)
fun fact: the chance to flinch p(at least 1 hit causing a flinch) is 1-p(none) is 1-(.8)^5, or about 67%
Honestly I don't see flinch spam being really good. With skill link HO teams you already beat stall pretty well, and relying on flinch just makes it unreliable. If you're getting outsped, flinch will never help you, and if you're outspeeding the opponent then you almost always beat HO. Extra damage modifiers are better than flinch.
One more thing I think can be added to Triage is Tapu Bulu. Grassy Surge helps against opposing Psychic Terrains, aids Breloom with one of it's stabs, and Bulu has Horn Leech too. If you're running Heliolisk, you will also have Grassy Terrain's nerf to Earthquake being helpful.

I personally like running Technician with Breloom to boost stuff like Draining Kiss (Since you're forced onto using Comfey anyways) and some coverage moves, as well as having a strong Bullet Seed for whatever team is immune to priority (Shame Parabolic Charge just misses on being boosted tho). Tough Claws is another great option, as Horn Leech, Drain Punch and Draining Kiss all make contact.
I just heard of this format but how is simple not restriced D: the offensive set up of simple,skill link,and technican sounds godly.

But i guess it depends on how often unaware apears on teams.

Edit: i guess the skill link technican combo dosnt even need simple. (Just being grèedy cause i want quiver dance + simple).
I just heard of this format but how is simple not restriced D: the offensive set up of simple,skill link,and technican sounds godly.

But i guess it depends on how often unaware apears on teams.

Edit: i guess the skill link technican combo dosnt even need simple. (Just being grèedy cause i want quiver dance + simple).
Simple is actually restricted ò_ò
Gonna have to say it from my initial observations, that Unburden seems more of the problem here; already there are many teams abusing this Download-Contrary-White Herb strategy, and there's bound to be many more. Not sure if I'd agree with the seed clause when the problem seems to be in the ability itself.
Has anyone mentioned ditto + Blissey + some other broken stuff? I mean not only does it become a 400+ hp sweeper with boosts, but it gets its team mates abilities too.

Also quick question, does Impostor copy the copied pokemons partnered abilities too?
Has anyone mentioned ditto + Blissey + some other broken stuff? I mean not only does it become a 400+ hp sweeper with boosts, but it gets its team mates abilities too.

Also quick question, does Impostor copy the copied pokemons partnered abilities too?
Imposter is banned from sharing.

E: and no, only your own abilities and your opponent's native ability.
Gonna have to say it from my initial observations, that Unburden seems more of the problem here; already there are many teams abusing this Download-Contrary-White Herb strategy, and there's bound to be many more. Not sure if I'd agree with the seed clause when the problem seems to be in the ability itself.
Surprised someone devised something like this so quickly lmao.
On an unrelated note:
Had a good laugh at the unexpected synergy; totally forgot Quick Feet works with paralysis as well! I applaud the opponent for a good effort against Poison abuse though.
was thinking about ways to stall in this meta and discussed in the om room to get a prototype 6 mon core of:

harvest - stickyhold - gluttony - unaware - regenerator -multiscale
possible moves: sunny day, night shade/seismic toss, protect

The goal of this team would be to switchstall out the opponent. I haven't looked at which mons would be used though, since I was theorymonning purely based on abilities. Other ideas included defiant-stamina-weak armor-competitive with simple swoobat potentially etc.
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Just sticking my head in again now that I can confidently say that Stall is far better than people give it credit for.

I know it's early days so not the most impressive feat but peaking the ladder certainly proves that it is a viable strategy.
Screen Shot 2018-02-02 at 7.10.23 PM.png

Also my win rate is actually far more impressive than my account would prove as I tested multiple other teams 2-3 times each before I decided to grind on Stall to prove a point.

Anyway, seeing as I've ticked that off the list and have so many other teams I'd like to try throughout this busy month, may as well throw it all out there for others to use/prepare for. Haaku. feel free to add this to the Sample Teams.

Stamina + Poison Heal + Marvel Scale + Prism Armor + Unaware + Prankster/Magic Bounce
Mudsdale @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Stamina
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Protect
- Stealth Rock
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spe
Impish Nature
- Protect
- Toxic
- Earthquake
- Roost

Milotic @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Protect
- Dragon Tail
- Scald
- Recover

Necrozma @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Photon Geyser
- Moonlight
- Signal Beam

Clefable @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonlight
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Moonblast

Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Recover
- Knock Off
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
Concept is reasonably straight forward. First three pokemon form the Defence boosting core, with Toxic Orb + Marvel Scale giving and initial defence boost for the physical walls to survive the initial hit before proceeding to rake in Stamina boosts between Recovery and Protect with Poison Heal. The two win cons both run Calm Mind alongside this Def boosting core to boost both defences while healing with PH to the unbreakable point which cannot be surpasses due to Unaware. Stored Power on Clefable scales up to absurd power levels with Stamina and Calm Mind where as Photon Geyser on Necrozma is used to swiftly defeat opposing teams ignoring the likes of Multiscale, Sturdy, Unaware and more. Prism Armor is also really nice under the radar and makes the set up far harder to stop. Lastly I've thrown in Mega Sableye for Magic Bounce to prevent Taunt, while also having nice typing to shut down the Facade teams I'm sure you're all too familiar with. Prankster pre mega also allows for a free Calm Mind against teams where I can set up a first turn sweep. Sableye's slot is fairly flexible though, with Dragonite being likely the best replacement due to the absurd power of Multiscale, though I initially was using Weavile to Pressure Stall and trap opposing Swoobats and other threats.

Have a lovely month people!
After my first teams being smashed (well, Gale Wings is trash) I came up with a team which worked surprisingly well (currently at 1353, which put me into top 10) :


Skill link + Technician + Queenly Majesty + Sturdy + MagicGuard + Beast Boost

I didn't play that much and there is probably a lot of problems I could encounter, but until now, the only matchs I lost were against the same guy, using unburden+skill link Cincinno with Endure + +Atk berry.

Edit : I started playing again with this team yesterday, on a another account. I am now #10 on the ladder. I changed a few things, for instance running scarf on ambipom for outspeeding M-Beedrill before the ban was active.

Cloyster @ Life orb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Brine / Hydro Pump / Water pulse / Liquidation

I don't know how bad Brine is (would be a great option if it was 60 BP and not 65, however, haha), but I always wanted to use that move. It's very rare I click the two last moves, anyway.

Ambipom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out / Knock off
- Tail Slap
- Beat Up
- Low Kick

Other option : scarf + adamant nature, 244 EV Spe to get the +Atk with Beast boost.

Tsareena @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Queenly Majesty
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- High Jump Kick
- Power Whip
- Play Rough /Endeavor

Golem-Alola @ Life orb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Def
Adamant Nature
- Rock Blast
- Explosion
- Earthquake
- Wild Charge

Stakataka @ Air Balloon
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Lonely Nature
IVs: 15 Def / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Rock Blast
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake

I'm not sure about the item. Air balloon, lum berry (sleep and hurricane confusions could be annoying), life orb / weakness policy (but rock blast already its like a truck), focus sash (for mold breakers), mental herb...

Alakazam @ Focus sash / Life orb / Petaya Berry
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dazzling gleam
- Psychic
- Counter
- Charge Beam
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Regenerator and/or magic guard shouldn't be allowed as shared abilities
Simply ridiculous
Well, it looks like you took a regular OU team and tried to use it here, which is probably why you can’t come close to breaking your opponent’s team. It’s like bringing a PU team to OU and then saying everything is too strong and should be banned - you’re not taking full advantage of the tools available in the meta, so of course you’re going to struggle. Shared Power is all about stacking abilities that syngerize well together, generally to massively to boost either your offensive or defensive capabilities. Your team members’ abilities don’t really do anything for each other.
Just sticking my head in again now that I can confidently say that Stall is far better than people give it credit for.

Anyway, seeing as I've ticked that off the list and have so many other teams I'd like to try throughout this busy month, may as well throw it all out there for others to use/prepare for. Haaku. feel free to add this to the Sample Teams.

Stamina + Poison Heal + Marvel Scale + Prism Armor + Unaware + Prankster/Magic Bounce
... yeah, I just faced a similar team (Tangrowth, probably not Assault Vest since I OHKO'd with Bug Buzz, rather than Necrozma) and as soon as I killed said Tangrowth, Clefable began to boost and there was nothing I could do, since Marvel Scale+Prankster CM meant by the time it's my turn to attack it's already too boosted for me to kill without a critical hit. It feels like I'm forced to run Kyu-B or something that also has Unaware to deal with the CM boosting.
Because of this, since Haaku mentioned bringing KyuB to suspect test, I'm 100% against banning it until this is dealt with. You could say Excadrill, but Marvel Scale Mudsdale+Gliscor will just laugh at me.
Yeah, if your team doesn't have a way around Magic Guard/Unaware/Regenerator in this meta than you're not going to go very far. It's a little centralizing but the consensus seems to be that the meta would be worse off without it and I think I agree. The problem is that because of the nature of this meta, things that seem kind of broken (and honestly might be) like KyuB or even Magic Guard itself end up being necessary evils. If we ban them we create more problems in the future, if we ban those future problems then that creates more problems etc., once we get to a point where we've achieved complete 'balance' our banlist would be a mile long and the meta would no longer be interesting. I honestly think we're pretty good where we're at other than maybe Unburden needing the boot.

was thinking about ways to stall in this meta and discussed in the om room to get a prototype 6 mon core of:

harvest - stickyhold - gluttony - unaware - regenerator -multiscale
possible moves: sunny day, night shade/seismic toss, protect

The goal of this team would be to switchstall out the opponent. I haven't looked at which mons would be used though, since I was theorymonning purely based on abilities. Other ideas included defiant-stamina-weak armor-competitive with simple swoobat potentially etc.

I prefer Harvest + Cheek Pouch over Harvest + Gluttony but yeah, harvest stalling is one of the few effective methods of defensive play I've been able to find here but boy does it work.
Has anyone said anything about how core enforcer works? I was considering a thousand waves-core enforcer zygarde set to break through poison heal mons.
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