Tournament 1v1PL II - Week 1

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다들 뻔해 또 거짓말
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
co-hosting with Uselesscrab
Art by MamOwOswine



Each manager will have 80k to spend on players during the auction, a manager can buy himself and his assman for 9k each (18k both) at the beginning of the draft.
After the draft each manager gets one Free pick from the list of people that signed up but didn't get drafted.

League Stages:
Following the Draft, the 1v1PL will commence. The League Stages will consist of a Round Robin format between each team. Each stage will last for 1 week (Monday-Sunday). We are playing 6 matches each round, so there there is the possibility for ties.

Contacting: Make sure to contact each other over Smogon's wall message so it can be seen by the hosts in case of an activity call.

The two teams with the most points will advance to finals where they will play for the final week. Points are rewarded in this way:
A Win will award you two (2) points.
A Draw will award you one (1) point.
A Loss will award you no (0) points.

In the event of a tie for a playoff we will be looking at the number of Wins, that will encourage teams to play games until the end. In case of ties in both Points and Wins, we will have a Tie-Breaker week.

1. Substitutes – At any point in time during the week, a team may make a substitution for an inactive player. In order to do this a manager must PM a host saying which player is substituting out, and which player is substituting in. A player that has substituted out for a week cannot be substituted back in. In addition, in order to catch any attempts at garnering favorable matchups, all substitutions are subject to veto by the host if the substitution is suspected to be attempting to “game” the system.

2. Pre-Week Battling – Because there is a set schedule generated at the beginning of the season, it is possible to accurately guess what players you will be facing in any given week. However, because the next week’s rosters are not set in stone until the day before the next week, there is no telling what a manager will do with regards to who they slot in one spot… especially if they have more than one player in any given tier. Asking to battle early for future weeks is essentially asking the opposing manager to short themselves options and forces them to make their roster early, perhaps without all of the knowledge they might have gleaned over the course of the week. Due to this, battling early for future weeks is not allowed. Do not ask to battle early for a future week. You will be denied. No exceptions. This is what you have substitutes for.

3. Trades – Trades can take place before Week 3. Both managers must come to an agreement and PM the tournament host(s) about which players they are going to trade.

4. There will be no trades allowed following the conclusion of Week 2. Trades become finalized with host approval.

5. Activity decisions – There are inevitably times where two players simply fail to complete a match; however, the nature of the tournament system sometimes makes it advantageous to purposely fail to play (such as when a team is up 3-2 in a week). Because of this, it is necessary to make activity decisions on matches. Hosts are required to make thorough investigations regarding each and every potential failed match during a week. If both parties are deemed to be equally apathetic or enthusiastic about getting the match done, but just have not had the opportunity to make it happen, the match will result in a no contest. However, if it is deemed that one party made significantly more effort than the other in attempting to get the match done, then a win will be awarded to that player. Things that will make it very likely that you will lose via activity include: failing to VM your opponent immediately upon the week’s start, scheduling a match and being documented as missing the match time, failing to provide any concrete times for which you can be reached, failing to respond to an opponent’s VM at all. Note that this is a tournament that requires a very high level of activity and diligence, if you don’t think you can get your matches done, quite simply don’t sign up.

6. Rule Breaking – There is no excuse for breaking any of the predetermined rules. If you are caught breaking a rule, you will lose your match. There is no lenience with regards to this. Break a rule, you lose. Period.

7. Reversing Rulings - No ruling will be retroactively overturned once the week following the week that the ruling has been made has ended. This includes: activity rulings / rulings based on rule breaking / anything else under the sun. We're not going back in time to reevaluate every single decision made throughout the tournament on Week 5 because you think you were gypped 1-2 wins along the way and now they're the difference between you and a playoff spot. Any appeals to a ruling must be made during the week that the ruling is made; beyond that, all rulings are final once the week ends.

On Deadline & Match Completion
All players must complete their matches by Sunday 8th of April 23:59 PM EST. Any incomplete matches by that time will be subject to activity decision (MAKE SURE YOU POST ON YOUR OPPONENT'S VM WALL); otherwise, they will be decided via !pick publicly in the 1v1 Room and nobody wants to lose a week due to !pick. NO Extensions will be

On Substitutions & Lineups
Managers, if you wish to make any substitutions, you must post here tagging both the player you're subbing out, the player you're subbing in, the manager and assistant manager of the opposing team, the substitute's opponent, and myself. This is to assure that everyone is in-the-loop and that the OP is updated accordingly to reflect the new match-up.

Managers, when you send in lineups, please send it in with the tier and Smogon username of each player fully written out for ease of transcription.


Deluxe Dustox (MaceMaster / LinkCode) vs (Osra / The Dark Alakazam) Vivacious Virizions

(3) - (3)

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam
UU: pqs vs Osra

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Since I realised that the Marshadow ban was a farce, I quit PL. I'm not playing PL, and unlike you all, I'm not joking. I'm disappointed at this extreme idiocy which recently occurred, but this forum is not the place to talk about it, so I won't. Let Dreadful Dusknoirs hate me for it, but IDGAF. Replace me for someone else for my match against toadandhishaxx

tl;dr: Attidude is the usual trust-betrayer, and he displays it this time by quitting PL for being tricked.

I'm sorry, Gross Sweep. Didn't mean to be a d***, but I can't help it. Can't change some things about me.
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Since I realised that the Marshadow ban was a farce, I quit PL. I'm not playing PL, and unlike you all, I'm not joking. I'm disappointed at this extreme idiocy which recently occurred, but this forum is not the place to talk about it, so I won't. Let Dreadful Dusknoirs hate me for it, but IDGAF. Replace me for someone else for my match against toadandhishaxx

tl;dr: Attidude is the usual trust-betrayer, and he displays it this time by quitting PL for being tricked.

I'm sorry, Gross Sweep. Didn't mean to be a d***, but I can't help it. Can't change some things about me.
so fucking extra just for some attention
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Dancing Diancies Vs Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7:
UnleashOurPassion Vs Iron Crusher rly close one idk why i picked ic
SM Bo5:
Vs dogknees dogknees doesnt play much 1v1
SM Bo5:

Fertile Crescent Vs Tzums if he EVs mega medicham for pidgeot he got this
Vs Elo Bandit not impressed by elo bandit last PL

BaleBlaze Vs Quantum Tesseract qt is really underrated
Vs Level56 kentari is good

Deluxe Dustox Vs Vivacious Virizions
SM Bo7:
Vs Freddy Kyogre mace will sweep with vigoroth
SM Bo5:
Not Francy
Vs LucarioAidan francy is good not as good as people say but really good nevertheless
SM Bo5:
Vs Chloe wmc is incredibly underrated

Drud Vs ryyjyywyy ryy's sets are fire+I dont think drud played oras

CloudyNatu Vs The Dark Alakazam that's an easy tda

pqs Vs Osra osra should have played oras but she will probably win anyway
Deluxe Dustox vs Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan , Francy went 7-0 in last pl and aidan is new to 1v1. So im sure francy will win
SM : WhalemanCheng vs Chloe , Cheng has the experience and has better predicts. Chloe rarely plays 1v1.
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy I haven't seen drud play and ryy is the goat
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazazm Cloudy was on my team last year, also I don't know how good anyone is in oras
UU: pqs vs Osra Pqs is trained to use bad mons

Dancing Diancies Vs Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher lol roomauth playing 1v1
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees dogknees doesn't really play 1v1
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums GIRL NORMAL POWER!!
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit Battle of youtubers!!!
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract Haven't seen qt play 1v1
UU: Kentari vs Level 56 Kentari is good
Predictions too!

Deluxe Dustox vs Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: Macemaster vs Freddy Kyogre
I don’t think Freddy Kyogre will lose 4-0, but I don’t see how he wins in a best of 7 without hax and a misplay from Mace.
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan
NotFrancy is better.
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe
Won’t be close either way. WhalemanCheng plays 1v1. Even with Glyx’s counter-teams Chloe loses most of the time here.
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy
I’ll go out on a limb and predict the upset. I think Drud will play straight up and win with an anti-stall measure.
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam
I honestly think CloudyNatu will be fortunate to win a game.
UU: pqs vs Osra
This’ll be closer than you think, as long as pqs brings some off-the-wall stuff. You can’t bet against Glyx, though.

Dustox in the upset 4-2

Atrocious Arcanines vs Dreadul Dusknoirs

SM Bo7: Scraftionite vs Landon
Landon has underperformed in tours and Scraftionite has overperformed. I think Landon brings good teams and wins easily, though. He’s one of the best.
SM: toadandhishaxx vs GeneralGunderson
Went from an easy win to an easy loss for the Dusknoirs.
SM: Blazikin vs Joker 1v1
Joker has gotten better and better and won the 1v1 Classic. I don’t think Blazikin is a well-rounded enough player to handle the heat. If Blazikin picks up a game with Scarf Tapu Lele or something just a touch unusual, he’s got a very good chance. Can’t run straight up teams, though, he’ll lose.
ORAS: PenguinKnees vs Hijasu
If I remember right, Hijasu’s one team is already gen 6. If Hijasu has another team for the inevitable counter-team, I think Hijasu has it. PenguinKnees has a higher ceiling, and if he prepares he’ll win.
ORAS: ggopw vs Gross Sweep
This will look dumb when Gross Sweep chokes away an easy win.
UU: Imni 1v1 vs blondesasukeuchiha
A toss-up. Probably comes down to a 50/50 or Imni not making new teams.

Dusknoirs 4-2 Lot of toss-ups, though.

Dancing Diancies vs Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher
The only time I’d pick against UOP in a best of 7 in 1v1 would be if he was playing a supercomputer designed by aliens to destroy the human race at 1v1. Even then he’d flinch Iron Head 3 times with Durant and win. How I got outbid on Attidude and not on UOP I’ll never know.
SM: Charizard8888 vs dogknees
dogknees is gonna have to hope for a crit.
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums
If I can convince FC not to get 3-0ed by Pheromosa, he’ll win.
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit
If Elo Bandit prepares I’d pick him just so I wasn’t picking my team to sweep, but he hasn’t in any tour so far.
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract
QT will get one team preview 50/50 right and lose 3-1.
UU: Kentari vs Level 56
I’ll just say I’m gonna lose.

Diancies 5-1
You: Won’t this look dumb when your team gets outplayed and loses this week?
Me: Yes
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Deluxe Dustox (MaceMaster / LinkCode) vs (Osra / The Dark Alakazam) Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam
UU: pqs vs Osra

Wow! A landslide victory! Who would've guessed it?

Atrocious Arcanines (motogp / Tallydaorangez) vs (Gross Sweep / UBERLandon21) Dreadful Dusknoirs

SM Bo7: Scarftionite vs UBERLandon21
SM: toadandhishaxx vs GeneralGunderson
SM: Blazikin vs Joker 1v1
ORAS: PenguinKnees vs Hijasu
ORAS: ggopw vs Gross Sweep
UU: lmni 1v1 vs blondesasukeuchiha

toad likes throwing out some dank memes that beat meta threats, and I've never seen Gunderson use much other than meta threats.
PenguinKnees played ORAS, somewhat of an advantage.
Gross Sweep was pretty consistent gen 6, while I don't remember much of anything substantial from ggopw gen 6, if he was even there for it.
BSU best Blazikens UU GOAT.
Everything else, I can't make what I would believe to be an accurate call.

Dancing Diancies (Kentari / Akashi) vs (Quantum Tesseract / corrupt tier leader #2) Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract
UU: Kentari vs Level 56

Hella interesting matchups here-
dom definitely knows the wonders of 252/84 Charizard-Y.
Baleblaze has the gen 6 homefield advantage.
Since I realised that the Marshadow ban was a farce, I quit PL. I'm not playing PL, and unlike you all, I'm not joking. I'm disappointed at this extreme idiocy which recently occurred, but this forum is not the place to talk about it, so I won't. Let Dreadful Dusknoirs hate me for it, but IDGAF. Replace me for someone else for my match against toadandhishaxx

tl;dr: Attidude is the usual trust-betrayer, and he displays it this time by quitting PL for being tricked.

I'm sorry, Gross Sweep. Didn't mean to be a d***, but I can't help it. Can't change some things about me.
<3 wish you would have beat toad then quit buddy lol
Deluxe Dustox

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre
Freddy is definitely a strong player but i'm confident in Mace having this.
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan
Aidan is an underrated player and I'm pretty sure he can take this one.
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe
wmc plays 1v1 compared to chloe who doesn't. Not much to say here.
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy
ryy was a good oras player and I haven't seen much of drud.
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam
Literally the same thing as chloe vs wmc.
UU: pqs vs Osra
I think this going to be an upset as I can see pqs brining some things Orsa won't be prepared for.


Dancing Diancies

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher
as good as IC is, I think there's little chance of him beating uop.
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees
dogknees just doesn't play nearly as much as zard.
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums
I can see this going either way but I have a bit more faith in tzums.
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit
Probably the goat of gen 6 1v1, I see little chance of partys losing any matchup this pl.
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract
Blaze is easly one of the top 5 oras players and while he might be a bit washed, if he preps well he can beat qt pretty easily.
UU: Kentari vs Level 56
Honestly this isn't even a question.

Deluxe Dustox (MaceMaster / LinkCode) vs (Osra / The Dark Alakazam) Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre : Mace cus he was on my team last year and got haxed
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan : lucario because frnacy was the one that haxed mace
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe : chloe because im vs chloe in ssnl
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy : pqs will win here ;)
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam : i like clouds
UU: pqs vs Osra : pqs wins because orsa didnt predict me

winner: deluxe


Atrocious Arcanines (motogp / Tallydaorangez) vs (Gross Sweep / UBERLandon21) Dreadful Dusknoirs

SM Bo7: Scarftionite vs UBERLandon21 : landon because he is an uber
SM: toadandhishaxx vs GeneralGunderson : gen because wants to win. and you cant lose when you want something ;)
SM: Blazikin vs Joker 1v1 : this joker kid is shit....blazkin all the way
ORAS: PenguinKnees vs Hijasu : duck boi vs i like being boi why not
ORAS: ggopw vs Gross Sweep : its in his name. clean sweep.
UU: lmni 1v1 vs blondesasukeuchiha : bsu beat her last season.

winner: dusknoir


Dancing Diancies (Kentari / Akashi) vs (Quantum Tesseract / corrupt tier leader #2) Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher : uop because he's my buddy :)
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees : zard was on my team last year, zard.
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums : futile croissant roll
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit: once great youtube star
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract: what a qt
UU: Kentari vs Level 56: kentari is a washed up has been who is only good because he stalls and gets luck with hax. this guy has little to no skill. and cant play pokemon for shit, kentari to win <3 ya bb kentari

winner dianies
Let's do some predicts cause it seems interesting


Deluxe Dustox (MaceMaster / LinkCode) vs (Osra / The Dark Alakazam) Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam
UU: pqs vs Osra

Complete destruction, Virizions win, of course


Atrocious Arcanines (motogp / Tallydaorangez) vs (Gross Sweep / UBERLandon21) Dreadful Dusknoirs

SM Bo7: Scarftionite vs UBERLandon21 Oof I'm sorry scraftionite. Good luck
SM: toadandhishaxx vs Wrath of Alakazam GeneralGunderson This is smiletoad, yes?
SM: Blazikin vs Joker 1v1 Blazikin don't be dumb
ORAS: PenguinKnees vs Hijasu Good player, make a new team fren
ORAS: ggopw vs Gross Sweep Pretty much a toin coss for ORAS, imo. Don't sleep on ggopw
UU: lmni 1v1 vs blondesasukeuchiha Good luck Imni

So, 2-3, slight favor for Dusknoirs, potential for tie


Dancing Diancies (Kentari / Akashi) vs (Quantum Tesseract / corrupt tier leader #2) Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher Two great players, but UOP has more gen 7 experience
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees mm ok yeah
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums Maybe I've just fought Tzums alts but I barely see him on ladder. Pretty even but experience will tell
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit Good luck Elo
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract Both good players, but again I think Baleblaze edges QT
UU: Kentari vs Level 56 Idk why yall are going crazy over L56, Kentari will destroy him

This is a potential 6-0, kinda like how the Verizions are going to win :)

Deluxe Dustox (MaceMaster / LinkCode) vs (Osra / The Dark Alakazam) Vivacious Virizions

SM Bo7: MaceMaster vs Freddy Kyogre : Mace cus he was on my team last year and got haxed
SM: NotFrancy vs LucarioAidan : lucario because frnacy was the one that haxed mace
SM: WhalemanCheng vs Chloe : chloe because im vs chloe in ssnl
ORAS: Drud vs ryyjyywyy : pqs will win here ;)
ORAS: CloudyNatu vs The Dark Alakazam : i like clouds
UU: pqs vs Osra : pqs wins because orsa didnt predict me

winner: deluxe


Atrocious Arcanines (motogp / Tallydaorangez) vs (Gross Sweep / UBERLandon21) Dreadful Dusknoirs

SM Bo7: Scarftionite vs UBERLandon21 : landon because he is an uber
SM: toadandhishaxx vs GeneralGunderson : gen because wants to win. and you cant lose when you want something ;)
SM: Blazikin vs Joker 1v1 : this joker kid is shit....blazkin all the way
ORAS: PenguinKnees vs Hijasu : duck boi vs i like being boi why not
ORAS: ggopw vs Gross Sweep : its in his name. clean sweep.
UU: lmni 1v1 vs blondesasukeuchiha : bsu beat her last season.

winner: dusknoir


Dancing Diancies (Kentari / Akashi) vs (Quantum Tesseract / corrupt tier leader #2) Mono-Mon Monfernos

SM Bo7: UnleashOurPassion vs Iron Crusher : uop because he's my buddy :)
SM: charizard8888 vs dogknees : zard was on my team last year, zard.
SM: Fertile Crescent vs Tzums : futile croissant roll
ORAS: dom vs Elo Bandit: once great youtube star
ORAS: Baleblaze vs Quantum Tesseract: what a qt
UU: Kentari vs Level 56: kentari is a washed up has been who is only good because he stalls and gets luck with hax. this guy has little to no skill. and cant play pokemon for shit, kentari to win <3 ya bb kentari

winner dianies
when you make a giant wall of text but dont make a single prediction...
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