SM OU My Trick Room Team [OU]

Hello Guys,
I'm here with my 2nd team. I wanted to build a team around Mega-Sableye and a Trick Room-team was the result. So, here it is:

As you can see, my team is: Mega-Sableye, Heatran, Tapu Bulu, Malamar, Hoopa-U and Porygon2

The Teambuilding Process:
At 1st, I had my Mega-Sableye. I play it physical defensvive, because with Will-O-Wisp I have then the perfect answer for physical attackers.

But it has it problems with Fire-Types (can't burn them) and Fairy Moves (Weakness). So, what's the perfect partner in the OU-Tier for it? Correctly, it's Heatran. And I play it defensive, because I want it to handle a lot of Pokemon, I play it special defensive, because I already have something against physical attackers and now I have a cool Core.

Heatran is a nice Swith-In in a lot of Moves, so I want it to live long. But EQ and other Ground-Moves are a big problem with it. So I need something to deal with. Tapu-Bulu is perfect for this role. I play it Bulky Offensive, becasue on this point I saw, I have no Speed, why not playing Bulky Offensive.

At this place, I had Mimikyu at 1st, but this doesn't have much Speed as well and after some playing with the entire team I recognized I want some Speed. So I came on the idea of playing Trick Room. I wanted 2 Setters and Mimikyu can learn it, but it's not a good Setter. So I took Malamar. I know, it's only NU, but why don't try it out. Invested it SpDef and Attack with Superpower-Boost it can Sweep in the Trick Room and that's what my team needs.

I still need special offensive Power and I saw a Pokemon I never played but I always wanted to try. Its also a nice Z-Move-User and the opponent could even think, it's physical offenive. I'm talking of Hoopa-U. I know, I have 2 4xBug-Weaknesses, but I have Heatran and apart from U-Turn, Bug isn't a often used type. Heatran has to check the 3 Fairy-Weaknesses as well, but I trust him, to handle this. At 1st I had Trick Room on him as well, but he isn't a good Setter, so I gave it my last Mon.

My last Pokemon was Rotom-Was at 1st, but I wanted a good Trick Room-Setter, why not using Porygon2. It gives me a lot of defensive Power, so I can offer up a Mon with a Fairy or Bug-Weaknesses (My little problems), can go in Porygon2, trough the Eviolite I should tank a Move, go on Trick Room, can damage the opponent before I die and go in Hoopa-U to revenge kill. Hoopa-U is in most cases my Win-Con as well. And I like Trace, its always cool. I can stall a little bit with Toxic and Recover as well, but it's not that bad.

That's my team and now the Sets:

Item: Sablenite
Ability: Prankster -> Magic Bounce
EV's: 248HP, 252Def, 8SpDef
Nature: Relaxed (+Def -Spe)
-Knock Off
-Fake Out

It's the Pokemon, I wanna build around, because I like the normal Zobiris and the so I wanted to try out the Mega. It can cripple and check physical attackers very well, knocks items off and can revenge kill Pokemon with 1HP (Sash) with Fake Out. The other big thing it does is my Hazard controll. It's my only removal but I can switch very well into somethink like Ferrothorn.


Item: Iapapa Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EV's: 248HP, 8SpAtt, 252SpDef
Nature: Sassy (+SpDef -Spe)
-Stealth Rocks
-Earth Power
-Lava Plume

My Switch-In in Fairy and Bug-Moves and a very good special wall. If the opponents manages it to get it low, my Berry will activate and I recover 50%, for Heatran very nice. It's my Switch-In in dangerous Pokemon for my Sableye and both are very nice together and make my Core. I want Stealth Rocks and Taunt is another option to prevent hazard on my side. It's also cool against Boosters and disables Recovery. Earth Power maintainly for other Heatran and Lava Plume is a strong STAB which can burn.


Item: Leftovers
Ability: Grassy Surge
EV's: 248HP, 252Att, 8SpDef
Nature: Brave (+Att -Spe)
-Bulk Up
-Horn Leech
-Leech Seed

I wanna play it defensive to check Ground types but I still do a lot of damage and I can boost very well with Bulk Up, so I negate the Superpower drops. Leftovers, Grassy Terrain, Leech Seed and Horn Leech are my pretty reliable recovery. Horn Leech and Superpower are strong Moves. I can perfectly Switch-In in EQs and get by the Switch-Out of my opponent a free Bulk Up or Leech Seed. There are a lot of Pokemon I can boost against, thats what I like.


Item: Aguav Berry
Ability: Contrary
EV's: 252Att, 4Def, 252SpDef
Nature: Brave (+Att -Spe)
-Trick Room
-Knock Off
-Psycho Cut

Yeah, another 50% Berry, but my Malamar needs it. It's my 1st Trick Room-Setter and can boost with Superpower while still doing a lot of damage! SpDef investet, because I boost my physical defensive. Full Attack for the damage, I need damage now. Knock Off is always nice to have to get rid of annoying Items from my opponents and it's a strong STAB. Psycho Cut as another stong STAB hopefully critting. Superpower boosts me and does insame damage. Malamar can Sweep and that's what my team needed.


Item: Darkinium Z
Ability: Magician
EV's: 252Def, 252SpAtt, 4SpDef
Nature: Quiet (+SpAtt -Spe)
-Nasty Plot
-Dark Pulse

My Sweeper in the Trick Room. Does insane damage on the special side and is my big Win-Con. Definitely what my team needed. Nasty Plot to boost, with my Bulk I get very often a boost. Then I'm deadly dangerous. Z-Dark Pulse does insane damage, Psyshock against special defensive Pokemon an another strong STAB. Thunderbolt only for coverage against something like Magearna or Hydreigon. I play it full Def to tank a little bit more there, because I'm special defensive very strong and the physical defensive is my Weakness, so I need this investment.


Item: Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EV's: 248HP, 8Def, 252SpDef
Nature: Sassy (+SpDef -Spe)
-Trick Room
-Tri Attack

I needed a 2nd very reliable Trick Room-Setter. I have good physical defenive (Will-O-Wisp, Mega-Sableye, Bulk Up, Superpower) and my mainly special defensiv Pokemon has to handle with a lot of Stuff, so I want to take the pressure off it. Why not play a special defensive Porygon2. Gets the Trick Room safe and checks throgh Eviolite and Investment almost everything on the special side and even soemthing on the physical side. This Pokemon need recover and Toxic is always nice to have. At last Tri Attack for the Hax and a nice STAB, every chip helps my Late-Game-Sweepers.

Sableye-Mega (F) @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Knock Off
- Fake Out

Heatran (F) @ Iapapa Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Earth Power
- Lava Plume

Tapu Bulu @ Leftovers
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
- Bulk Up
- Horn Leech
- Superpower
- Leech Seed

Malamar @ Aguav Berry
Ability: Contrary
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Brave Nature
- Trick Room
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Psycho Cut

Hoopa-Unbound @ Darkinium Z
Ability: Magician
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Trick Room
- Recover
- Toxic
- Tri Attack

So guys, I hope you like my Team and if you think you can improve it, just comment. And I'm sorry for my bad english, I hope you can understand it anyway.
Have a nice day :)
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  • This team, as a Trick Room build, fails to function well as a TR build due to below satisfactory abusers and Trick Room setters. There's no room to change the Pokemon or movesets, as that would completely change the team. Too many Pokemon on this team are unsuitable on Trick Room for this team to flow well (even with Pokemon changes).
  • Mega Sableye offers too little to Trick Room. Heatran is outclassed by Camerupt-Mega as an abuser in this case, and Malamar is not a great Pokemon in the OU tier due to its linear moveset and middling bulk. There's no reliable Trick Room setter, and the only potent breaker on the team is Hoopa-Unbound. Tapu Bulu prefers Swords Dance or Choice Band sets on Trick Room.
  • Rather than altering the team, this rate will provide a small guide on how to build trick room and an example team for you to get an idea of how a solid build looks.
These are solid examples of a solid trick room team by Kebab mlml and imsosorrylol respectively, though it is rather old: &

A Small Guide on Building Trick Room
Primary Trick Room Setter
  • Uxie and Cresselia are the primary Trick Room setters on most Trick Room teams. They're bulky and provide a lot of utility. The former is generally the better choice, as it provides Memento and Stealth Rock support to act better as a lead.
Secondary Trick Room Setter
  • Secondary Trick Room Setters will generally be abusing their own Trick Room, though they can use it for their teammates. It's best to have two of these Pokemon maximum to accompany your Primary Trick Room Setter.
Trick Room Abuser
  • Crawdaunt and Marowak are nearly necessary on Trick Room due to their fantastic wallbreaking abilities that is naturally held back by their middling speed stats. After a Swords Dance, these beasts have very little counterplay. Many other Trick Room Abusers are also strong wallbreakers such as Azumarill.
A Pokemon such as Mega Sableye simply isn't reliable on Trick Room, as TR acts primarily as an offensive archetype, which Sableye is a sitting duck on. A lot of your Pokemon selections, such as Heatran or Malamar, are unsatisfactory either as a Pokemon or as a mon on Trick Room. Follow this miniature guide and look at the example team above to get an idea on how to build a viable TR build. If you re-build this squad with this guide and above team in mind, the results should be a lot better and the team should flow a lot better as a Trick Room variant. Good luck!

View attachment 118481View attachment 118482View attachment 118483View attachment 118484View attachment 118485View attachment 118486
  • This team, as a Trick Room build, fails to function well as a TR build due to below satisfactory abusers and Trick Room setters. There's no room to change the Pokemon or movesets, as that would completely change the team. Too many Pokemon on this team are unsuitable on Trick Room for this team to flow well (even with Pokemon changes).
  • Mega Sableye offers too little to Trick Room. Heatran is outclassed by Camerupt-Mega as an abuser in this case, and Malamar is not a great Pokemon in the OU tier due to its linear moveset and middling bulk. There's no reliable Trick Room setter, and the only potent breaker on the team is Hoopa-Unbound. Tapu Bulu prefers Swords Dance or Choice Band sets on Trick Room.
  • Rather than altering the team, this rate will provide a small guide on how to build trick room and an example team for you to get an idea of how a solid build looks.
These are solid examples of a solid trick room team by Kebab mlml and imsosorrylol respectively, though it is rather old: &

A Small Guide on Building Trick Room
Primary Trick Room Setter

  • Uxie and Cresselia are the primary Trick Room setters on most Trick Room teams. They're bulky and provide a lot of utility. The former is generally the better choice, as it provides Memento and Stealth Rock support to act better as a lead.
Secondary Trick Room Setter

  • Secondary Trick Room Setters will generally be abusing their own Trick Room, though they can use it for their teammates. It's best to have two of these Pokemon maximum to accompany your Primary Trick Room Setter.
Trick Room Abuser

  • Crawdaunt and Marowak are nearly necessary on Trick Room due to their fantastic wallbreaking abilities that is naturally held back by their middling speed stats. After a Swords Dance, these beasts have very little counterplay. Many other Trick Room Abusers are also strong wallbreakers such as Azumarill.
A Pokemon such as Mega Sableye simply isn't reliable on Trick Room, as TR acts primarily as an offensive archetype, which Sableye is a sitting duck on. A lot of your Pokemon selections, such as Heatran or Malamar, are unsatisfactory either as a Pokemon or as a mon on Trick Room. Follow this miniature guide and look at the example team above to get an idea on how to build a viable TR build. If you re-build this squad with this guide and above team in mind, the results should be a lot better and the team should flow a lot better as a Trick Room variant. Good luck!
I would like to elaborate on some of the points mentioned in the guide, if that's okay.

  • The primary Trick Room setters have the specialty that they are mostly both being run on Trick Room teams since running one of them might not be enough. The second link that was shared is a metagame defining RMT and, as one can see, there are both primary setters on the team. Obviously, that isn't the norm and Trick Room teams with only one primary setter (Cresselia) do exist, but they're not as reliable as Trick Room teams with two of those primary setters a lot of the times.
  • The secondary Trick Room setters you mostly only see one of, occasionally you see two so you end up having 3 Pokémon that can have Trick Room in total.
  • I think having either one of Crawdaunt or Marowak is necessary (reasons were already given by -Latios-), on Marowak you can opt to go for either Rock Head or Lightning Rod if you want to check Tapu Koko more reliably.
The main purpose of this response was to give you Baumfall a better picture of the Trick Room style as a whole. Please note that the second team that was shared from -Latios-, the "Shadow Boning Patlop's Mom" one (God, I hate sorry for that name) is the more metagame defining one.
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To be honest, the more I play with my Team the more I like it. I can understand that it is far away from a normal TR-Team but when it works...

At the beginning I never thought of a TR-Team. After seeing I don't have a lot of Speed, I wanted to play Bulky Offense. After some Games I recognized my Sweepers need to outspeed something and I came on the fun idea of playing TR. I did a lot of changes and got this Team. I never played TR before, but it was kinda cool and after playing some battles I liked the team pretty much. Just try it out guys :)
This team is far too focused on TR for a team with mediocre setters. Having -Spe natures on all your mons while looking at a fairly standard balance core + 1 breaker is definitely not the way to go.

The standard trick room idea has been pretty well described by Latios above, but if you want to build Balance with TR threats then there's several good ways to do that.

1. Malamar is bad. Really, really bad. Stakataka and Magearna are the best setters for this kind of team as they function as threats rather than just setters. Malamar just gets eaten by the whole tier while not really threatening anything.
2. Porygon2, while a decent setter on a normal TR team, is too passive here. You need your offensive core to be offensive, that or your setters need to be able to pivot into your breakers well.
3. I actually quite like Hoopa as an alternative Crawdaunt here, due to its ability to revenge certain special threats out of TR. However you'd do much better with a physical set in my opinion, as he's too frail to reliably get up Nasty Plots, and Hyperspace Fury is just such a good move. Band is probably what I'd run with.
4. On a team like this, Bulu's key job is to keep terrain up, for recovery and to weaken Earthquakes, which will threaten this team as a whole. As such, I'd recommend Assault Vest for extra longevity.

The Sableye-Heatran-Bulu core works well for a team like this, as Bulu and Tran can both take advantage of the tail end of a trick room. Toxapex, Chansey and Celesteela can work as part of a balance core but they're a little more passive in this respect. Something like Sableye-Heatran-Bulu-Magearna-Stakataka-Hoopa could work. Or if you want a little less physical focus, you could replace one with MegaCamel, MegaGardevoir, or even something nutty like Drampa or Vikavolt. You've got a lot of choices on a team like this, although I think Hoopa's probably better than any of them.