OMPL VI Discussion Thread

It has been a pleasure teaming with the Jolteons, Dbw and Ransei were excellent managers keeping the team in line while allowing freedom in building which I appreciate. Sorry that I underperformed a bit but thanks all for making it a cool experience, I hope that I am able to team with some of you next year. good luck to the teams remaining.
Since it's over for us I'll post shoutouts like last year.

drampa's grandpa and OM room. Thanks for picking me up, guys, sorry for not playing as much as you all probably wanted me to. We had a lit team and a lit chat and even though one of you embarrassed us sometimes with your posts I appreciated the friendly atmosphere we developed in our team chat.

Fardin Tbh you were right about me not having any proven tournament success, so hopefully this fixes it a bit. Aside from that you were really cool in the team chat, I'm glad I got to know this side of you. If other people saw it, you'd def be really popular since you're p supportive and friendly in chats. Was a nice experience

iLlama Didn't get a chance to talk to you much but you're much better than your record suggests and you were really chill in team chat. Best of luck to you in future tours and I know I'll prob see you in OMPL next year

shiloh When you signed up I knew I had to get you on my team, you're rly a goat and we've been together in every pl I've signed up for lmao. Pulled wins when we needed them and you played really well overall and were lit in the chat, looking forward to winning MPL w/ ya

Freddy Kyogre Solid in 1v1 though I had no idea what was going on but it looked good

motogp was nice having you on board and stuff

Adrian Marin thanks for being there vs mamp

tzop I'm not the best BH player :p Jokes aside I wasn't sure who you were or how good you are when you first got drafted, I just knew you played BH. You definitely pulled your weight though and deserved a better record than you have.

xavgb I had a bad OMPL last year too. You're great, tours just suck sometimes but you deserve a better record and you'll eventually get it.

Laxpras still undefeated in aaa and still the goaaat, sick game vs ham which i definitely wouldnt have won but the fact you managed to get that win is sick

fsk Still super helpful and amazing. You really pulled through for me this year and this is what last year should've been. You helped me a great amount with prep and stuff even when you were busy and I really appreciate it. Thank you

Quantum Tesseract Thanks for coming through when Adrian died and for helping me. You're more solid than people believe, I think this OMPL really proved that. Good job this OMPL

highlighter Way to scare the hell out of me, I was dizzy after our game lol. You should've gone undefeated and you're pretty sick, still top 2 imo. Thanks for helping w/ tests and stuff

MAMP I appreciate you helping me with prep too, you were probably the person I prepared for the most just because you're pretty difficult to prepare for. Thanks for a fun match

morogrim Challenging opponent to prep for and the actual game was tough as well, but it was a fun experience. Ty

motherlove You put your faith in someone like me and it somehow came through, I have no idea what the hell happened this OMPL but I'll take it. Thanks for coming back and I still think you're amazing at BH even after all the rust, I tried talking to my managers to get you but it didn't work out :[ Also ty for helping me

Chloe Thanks for your consistent encouragement even when I didn't land on the same team, I appreciate it.

Uselesscrab Same as Chloe probably, you seemed really confident in me even against your player so that means a bunch

The Immortal for dropping 31k on your BH core so I had something that I wanted to beat. Also for considering me predraft

ScarfWynaut for calling me goku

EV for giving me the chance last year, I hope that even though I'm not a koi by name anymore I was still able to please you

E4 Flint for hosting, helping me with tests, providing me w/ mental support and encouragement, giving feedback on my prep sometimes, giving me smth to look forward to w/ the offer of the bo3, and just overall being awesome as usual. you were a great host and the only thing i really questioned was the top 3 format, aside from that it was good. you really came through this ompl, i just wish this ompl could've had you as a player so be on the same team or play each other but im getting that anyway too. overall a really fun tour as usual even if it wouldve been more fun w/ you participating as a player, but always next year.

I figure it's clear but I want to point out that the one manager embarrassing the team was me

I don't want any shade thrown at drampa
What do I get for being right in predictions? A new DEG? The last one didn't work out for us....and yeah...shitty post. Just wanted to feel like I was still in OMPL :p
Let's all pay our respects.

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But really such a thrilling set between my amazing teammate aesf and the fearsome geerat. Go Hydreigons!!!!
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Posting this here so DEG HunterStorm can't back out

Hello Mr. HunterStorm, I am really sorry for your loss, looks like I won the bet.

I would like you to utilize this magnificent image as your Smogon profile picture for the next month. We, should spread catgirls love all around Smogon(dot)com and it seems like you will be our first customer. Let everyone know how much you love catgirls with this image.

This is an appropriate image that should not bother Smogon(dot)com moderators. Goodluck!
Hello Mr. HunterStorm, I am really sorry for your loss, looks like I won the bet.

I would like you to utilize this magnificent image as your Smogon profile picture for the next month. We, should spread catgirls love all around Smogon(dot)com and it seems like you will be our first customer. Let everyone know how much you love catgirls with this image.

This is an appropriate image that should not bother Smogon(dot)com moderators. Goodluck!
That doesn't look like Snoop Dogg to me
Hello Mr. HunterStorm, I am really sorry for your loss, looks like I won the bet.

I would like you to utilize this magnificent image as your Smogon profile picture for the next month. We, should spread catgirls love all around Smogon(dot)com and it seems like you will be our first customer. Let everyone know how much you love catgirls with this image.

This is an appropriate image that should not bother Smogon(dot)com moderators. Goodluck!

This is just cyber bullying now
This is just cyber bullying now
As far as I'm concerned you bamboozled everyone with the bet until you actually use Snoop Dogg.
Luckily I have one for you.

From the great song called Vato. edit: dunno if the video is safe for this site check out the animated on youtube
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This is an appropriate image that should not bother Smogon(dot)com moderators. Goodluck!
your cat girl choice looks extremely uncomfortable is this how you treat your cat girls for someone who loves to spread the love of cat girls across the website of smogon(dot)com you should really learn to love them yourself smh

Whoa guys, what a crazy, high-stakes bet! I can’t imagine the sheer degree of embarrassment for UC when the Bewears win! Or SW when the Bewears win! It will sure will be strange to see the loser with an avatar of, of all things, popular musical artist and cultural icon Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., better known as Snoop Dogg**! These guys better hope the Bewears win!

**or a random other thing that gets used instead for no reason

go team!
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Another year, another OMPL. This was my third year participating, but only second time managing. I had an extravagant draft plan going in to the season, but due to the timing of the auction and the lack of sleep I'd experienced beforehand, my draft plans went out the window. The draft went past and I was honestly kinda disappointed. Now don't get me wrong, I love my team and I'm actually glad I didn't get who I initially wanted but I was so tired and confused and felt as if I had wasted many opportunities within the auction that could have been beneficial. A clear example of this is that my main draft plan had eight players listed and I ended up drafting fourteen.

As I said I'm very content with my team and I'm glad to have gotten to know most of them a lot better through this tournament. They all put in so much effort and we got pretty far. I am not to thank for that however. They each put in a lot of work and thanks to their continued contributions we had a pretty successful run. I was so drained after my draft preparation and when the results of that preparation weren't exactly what I expected, I didn't get as involved as I would've liked in the end.

Anyway, this is going to be a shoutouts post, because I loved the Hydreigons, and I was extremely proud of how well we did.

WTF THHE STALLS you were so amazing aaaaaaaaaaaa. You had an outstanding record and you should be very proud of it. I can't thank you enough for carrying us through the weeks where we were struggling and I can't thank you enough for putting so much effort in. You're very good at this game, and I'm sure everyone can see it. Best AG player performance in the tour by far.

M'joe'ra joe :) can't believe i got you so cheap, 6k for who I would consider the best M&M player in the tournament, really a steal, even if you consider you and hills as a duo i really got lucky with you two. thank you for trying every time you played, super glad i drafted ya. Thanks for putting the effort in.

In The Hills thanks for filling in for joe in those two weeks and the constant help you gave joe, you both did amazingly and i'm very glad i drafted both of you. how hard you were working despite not playing most of the time shouldn't be understated, you really did so much and i'm very very grateful.

Kentari i still don't really feel like i know you that well but your consistent effort into this tour was great and I just really wanna thank you for trying every week. You did quite well, 3-3 in the main season is actually quite solid.

UnleashOurPassion ik you didnt get to play much and we didn't really get you involved until half way through the second week but i do appreciate your commitment and i'm sorry you didn't get as much playtime as i would've liked to have given you.

GarbodorIsHot while your record wasn't really indicative of how good you are, i do appreciate the effort you put in each week, thanks you. :)

GRNBLN hey. thank you for playing for us in this semi. you would've won too if cata wasn't so lucky but what can you do. really appreciated your presence in the team discord, thanks for being cool.

jasprose OMG JASP i wish i played you from week 1, so good, jaspgoat, thank you for stepping in for halliday in week 4 and for playing every round since. i'm sorry if it felt like too big of an ask, you really did well though and i'm proud of ya.

Halliday can't blame you for being busy, thanks for getting a crucial win early on and solidifying our place near the top of the table even just due to that one win.

aesf you're amazing, i can't believe i got you for 4.5k. if there's retains next year and im managing im 100% retaining you, really amazing well done, thanks for coming in after two other aaa players played, thanks for helping us get through the last weeks of the season, you really were a fundamental part of this team and i'm really happy with the idea to bid on you.

TheCoastsOfToast ily toast <3 such an amazing presence in the chat, so good, i'm really happy that i drafted you. unlucky loss but helped aesf heaps during the season and helped keep the season fresh with your memes and jokes and shtuff, idk you're really cool.

Funbot28 ty for trying ;w; ik ompl didn't go so well for you this year but i'm still glad i drafted you. you tried your hardest and that's really all i could ask for. still a steal regardless of your record tbh.

lotiasite IM SORRY FOR NOT PLAYING YOU I DRAFTED 4 AG PLAYERS but you're cool I PROMISE i just suck at planning and wish i could've done better by both you and vhayle but reeeeeee and sorry again

Vhayle désolée :(, c'est la même chose mais j'espère que tu avais amusement. chais pas ;w; je voulais te donner un jeux alors que tu pourrais jouer un peu mais il y avait aucune opportunité; cependant, je suis encore content que je t'ai choisi. je suis très fatiguée en ce moment;
j'espère que ça a du sens lol

GL Volkner Chazm thanks for the help in that week, much appreciated. :3

What made this OMPL bearable for me was the players I drafted. As I've said multiple times, i couldn't have asked for a better team. Love them. As for what I'll do next year. If this year's taught me anything, it's that I don't enjoy managing. I'm probably going to try to play next year but I'll see what I feel like closer to the date.

As for why Hydrophobic Hydreigons. TI wouldn't let me choose the Escargots, despite it being the best team name ever, so I decided to go for a dumb name instead. I didn't really do my research prior to picking it, so apparently Hydrophobia is caused by rabies or something and isn't actually a synonym for aquaphobia. Oh well.

Well played Honchkrows. I'll be cheering on the Bewears in the finals but good luck to both teams, I'm sure we're in for a fun week.
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After reading this book many times I understood the true meaning of the word "kacaw"... an ancient word which is formed by "ka" used to addres the phrase at the future, "ca" is the sound Crows make when they finally reach the finals of a competition, while "aw" is the sound they'll make when they will lose to Bewears next week.
We can so understand the word "kacaw" can be interpreted as "Us honchkrows will lose to bewears after finally reaching finals".
Thanks to all Honchkrows for your support! We won't let you down!!

After reading this book many times I understood the true meaning of the word "kacaw"... an ancient word which is formed by "ka" used to addres the phrase at the future, "ca" is the sound Crows make when they finally reach the finals of a competition, while "aw" is the sound they'll make when they will lose to Bewears next week.
crows don't make the "ca" sound at all in practice by itself, nor do they make the "aw" sound in a similar manner, i've read this book since my conception and have lived with crows all of my life, so i know this a bit better than you do
as a result, i believe you misinterpreted the "ca" in this case, as you failed to remember there's a word that starts with "ca" and even sounds similar to "caw" in "cause." or you were just using the other crow language and interpreted it using a variant of the ∫ consonant, to which i say that you should really fact-check your information, but a clever ploy on your part to ca-use (ha get it) a misconception on our ends.
therefore, it can be inferred that "ca" and "aw" mean "causing aw," which can then cause the sentence to be re-interpreted as the Honchkrows causing their opponents, whether the bewears or otherwise, to say "aw" in the near future
it is essentially a phrase that prophecizes great victory in the future for the Krows, and not one that foretells our losing towards any particular team, otherwise it would never be used as said team wouldn't have existed at the time and the ancient crows of times before had egos bigger than their dicks. they really were jerks tbh especially when a 10% chance to happen in their favor happened, they sure loved games of chance

well, it was a very good run but we are now unfortunately out of OMPL. This was my first OMPL, and it’s been a very good experience and I’m very glad I played. I would firstly like to thank Chloe for being such an excellent manager, even without a co-manager to help her out she still did very well and helped us out a lot. Thanks for helping me test from time to time and giving the team freedom as to who to put in and what teams to use. I would also just like to say thank you to TheCoastsOfToast as well for helping out a bunch and supporting the team so much, you were really a great presence. This OMPL gave me an opportunity to get to know more of the OMPL community and I think it’s a really great community overall. I loved all my teammates, you were all fantastic and we had such a great team spirit that it was unfortunate for us to lose. Good luck to the bewears and the honchkrows, make it a final to be remembered.