Revving Up

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Approved by G-Luke

Revving Up
(Something resembling a logo coming soon)

Hey everyone! So this is my newest project, Revving Up. This pet mod is about me. Well, not really, but it somewhat is. This simply is a pet mod in the style of the now dead CFM. In fact, most of these changes to start with came from CFM! Don’t worry though, because that is simply to start us off. Another thing to note is that buffing is not the goal alone. It also is important to stick to the spirit of the Pokemon and not buff just to do so, even if the end result doesn’t result in a powerful Pokemon. That said.....

Yes, there is an OU, UU, RU, NU, and PU. Tiering won’t officially begin for a good while, as there are many changes to be made. Just keep in mind a specific tier or two when suggesting changes to a Pokemon.

Also, you are allowed to change move and ability characteristics as well. One such example that I came up with is Constrict. In Revving Up, it is a Poison-type Physical 80 power move that traps and has a 20% chance to lower speed. Another is Long Reach, which now also boosts non-contact moves 1.2x. However, there are two major ground rules I have.

No Custom Moves or Abilities.
This Pet Mod works only with stuff that can be officially found in the game. Moves are a bit more flexible as x-typed version of y move is allowed. Don’t try that with abilities, however.

No Z-move tampering.
It simply is too much of a hassle to code. Sorry.

Lastly, there is a Discord server here. Join the server for memes, discussions on changes to be made, and above all else, royalty!

Let’s rev up everyone!
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Here is the first batch of changes! I’m on mobile right now, so it is a bit cluttered. If you want me to, I can fix it tomorrow.

All non-Poison types (with some exceptions, like Gliscor and Umbreon) lose Toxic. (You may suggest to give a Pokemon Toxic back.)

Constrict is an 80 power physical Poison move that traps and has a 20% chance to lower speed.

Sleep Talk can no longer call Rest.

Early Bird now wakes up the user the turn after it falls asleep.

Unnerve now lowers the foe’s SpA by one stage on switch in.

Mew now has the ability combo of Pressure/Trace.

Spiky-Eared Pichu is now legal, with a spread of 57/90/49/100/76/112 and only access to Lightning Rod. It also is able to use Light Ball.

Tyranitar gains Guts, loses 10 Atk and gains 10 SpD.

Long Reach now also boosts Non-contact moves 1.2x.

Scrappy ignores all immunities, including ability-based ones.

Water Compaction now provides an immunity to Water.

Levitate no longer exists. Instead, all Pokémon whose models float (like Magnezone and Jirachi for example) with the exception of Carnivine and Gyarados. Drill Run, Mud Bomb, Mud Slap, and moves that are Ground type but are not naturally (Hidden Power, Judgement, etc) ignore levitation.

Water-types cannot be burnt.

Alolan Ninetales loses one Atk and 10 SpDef as well as gaining 11 Speed.

Alolan Muk loses 10 SpA and 20 Speed. Gains 20 HP and 10 Defense. Loses Power of Alchemy for Corrosion. Gains Drain Punch.

Emboar’s Special Attack and Speed stats have switched. Now has 100 Speed and 65 Special Attack.

Sylveon’s Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed have shifted, giving Sylveon 130 Special Attack, 60 Special Defense and 110 Speed.

You may now post!

EDIT: Forgot two other things.
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Alolan Muk is dead, losing power on Pursuit is bad for it, suggesting that you give those changes to normal muk instead and revert alolan muk to normal

Wasn't Tyranitar specially bulky enough?

aren't legendaries and mythicals only supposed to have one normal ability? i suggest cutting illusion since none of Mew's lore provides precedent for it

It also is important to stick to the spirit of the Pokemon and not buff just to do so, even if the end result doesn’t result in a powerful Pokemon.
Sylveon’s Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed have shifted, giving Sylveon 130 Special Attack, 65 Special Defense and 110 Speed.
pick one
Alolan Muk is dead, losing power on Pursuit is bad for it, suggesting that you give those changes to normal muk instead and revert alolan muk to normal

Wasn't Tyranitar specially bulky enough?

aren't legendaries and mythicals only supposed to have one normal ability? i suggest cutting illusion since none of Mew's lore provides precedent for it


pick one
Alolan Muk will gain 10 Atk back and lose 10 more Speed. Illusion I suppose can get the cut. Also, this is my Pet Mod, I think it sticks to what Sylveon is. Too bad.

Fixing Megas

Typing: Ghost/Fairy - It's a haunted doll, which sounds like a perfect fit for a Ghost/Fairy-type. Plus, we already have creepy Fairies in Mawile and Mimikyu
Old Stats: 64/165/75/93/83/75
New Stats: 64/155/95/83/103/55
New Moves: Bulk Up, Moonblast, Play Rough, Moonlight

Can we just make Mega Banette a little better, please?


New Ability: Regenerator

I know what Game Freak was going for in a good support VGC mon, but the problem is that Healer is a bad ability even in doubles and using your Mega slot on a support mon when you could use Kangaskhan, Salamence, Lucario, Mawile, Metagross, or anything else would be a waste. So, let's just make this good in singles.


New Moves: Focus Blast

This is purely for viability


Gallade: 68/165/95/65/115/110
Gardevoir (new): 68/65/95/165/115/110

Gallade (new): Stamina - A Swordsman needs a lot of Stamina in order to keep fighting (have you played Skyward Sword? You should know)
Gardevoir: Pixilate

Gallade: Play Rough, Sacred Sword
Gardevoir: ---

Gallade is my favorite Mega, but it has a useless ability (unless you face a Mega Lopunny that just forgets that you have Inner Focus). Stamina should make it at least a little better. And Gardevoir would appreciate better stats that actually "mirror" Gallade's.


New Ability:: Initimidate

Houndoom is my least favorite Pokemon, but it didn't deserve such a bad Mega
Might as well dump some suggestions, CFM was one of my favorite Pet Mods, so I pour one out for it. RIP

Shell Armor --> Regenerator
Part of the main reason Mega-Slowbro isn't the greatest is because upon mega-evolving, it loses it's important passive healing via Regenerator. With retaining Regenerator when mega-evolving, it helps Mega-Slowbro to not to majority outclassed by the vast sea of bulky Water-types. While it'll most likely still be outclassed by some, it's a good start.

108/170/115/120/95/92 --> 108/170/115/110/95/102
This change patches up Mega-Garchomp's weakness of losing Speed. By trading 10 Special Attack for Speed, I feel like he can be as viable in OU as he regular form.

Now separate Pokemon
Standard Mode: Zen Mode --> Flash Fire
Zen Mode: Zen Mode --> Infiltrator
Making Darmanitan's very forgettable Zen Mode a separate form from it's standard form rather a mode activated by receiving damage is an attempt to shine some light at it, with Infiltrator giving it somewhat of a niche.
Okay so since Mega Garchomp is my favorite Mega and it’s being fixed I might as well leave my input:

108 / 192 / 108 / 88 / 108 / 96
New Ability: Tough Claws

So I didn’t want to give it anything Speed-related because I feel like Mega Garchomp’s very own goal is to trade speed for power. 192 Atk is just enough to OHKO Celesteela with Fire Fang after a Swords Dance and its newfound power also lets it do the same with Tapu Bulu and take Clefable down with double powered Stomping Tantrum.


79 / 73 / 120 / 175 / 105 / 78

While both of its starter brothers are mediocre OU picks, Mega Blastoise is just down all the way to RU. An increase in SpA should suffice to help it out.


New Move: Tail Glow

Very simple way to make Mega Ampharos viable I guess. Big fan of this Pokémon!


New Ability: No Guard

You may think this ability means I hate Leaf Storm missing and you’d be right, but what No Guard allows Mega Sceptile to do is put the typical Steel-types that wall it to a deep sleep with Grass Whistle. It’s just trying to catch up with it’s Hoennian cousins I guess.
Okay so since Mega Garchomp is my favorite Mega and it’s being fixed I might as well leave my input:

108 / 192 / 108 / 88 / 108 / 96
New Ability: Tough Claws

So I didn’t want to give it anything Speed-related because I feel like Mega Garchomp’s very own goal is to trade speed for power. 192 Atk is just enough to OHKO Celesteela with Fire Fang after a Swords Dance and its newfound power also lets it do the same with Tapu Bulu and take Clefable down with double powered Stomping Tantrum.


79 / 73 / 120 / 175 / 105 / 78

While both of its starter brothers are mediocre OU picks, Mega Blastoise is just down all the way to RU. An increase in SpA should suffice to help it out.


New Move: Tail Glow

Very simple way to make Mega Ampharos viable I guess. Big fan of this Pokémon!


New Ability: No Guard

You may think this ability means I hate Leaf Storm missing and you’d be right, but what No Guard allows Mega Sceptile to do is put the typical Steel-types that wall it to a deep sleep with Grass Whistle. It’s just trying to catch up with it’s Hoennian cousins I guess.
Yeah, i’m gonna tell you right now that 100 percent sleep move that isn’t spore or sleep powder on such a fast pokemon is a horrible and grossly oppressive idea. For example, in cfm, delibird had 110 speed with no guard sing. It had to be nerfed to the ground losing spikes and focus blast. and even then it was something you had to have an answer to or just lose to it outright. Mega sceptile can still have no guard, just going to say that that with grass whistle is not a healthy design choice at all.
Bullet Proof/Mega Launcher - Blocks/boosts the power of blast, beam, ball pulse, Pump, and bullet moves.

The list is decent. Besides everything that was currently effected by these 2 abilities, we can add: Bullet Punch, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Moon Blast, Signal Beam, Solar Beam, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast, Gunk Blast, Boom Burst, Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon, Pin Missile, Fusion Bolt, Charge Beam, Flame Burst, Mind Blown and others I’m probably forgetting.

It’s a lot of stuff, but the 2 mons with Bullet Proof and the ones with Mega Launcher are not OU by any stretch. Is it too much?

Excludes Self Destruct and Explosion so Damp doesn’t stay useless, Unless...

Damp - Sunny Inverse of Dry Skin, providing Fire immunity and rain poisoning and slight water weakness but heals during sun.

Damp’s best abuser would likely be Parasect, although Sun Kingdra and Polis sounds hilarious even if a bit weird.
Idk why people consider Bullet Punch a Bomb and Ball move. Thats like assuming Sucker Punch is a punch based move. I never really like how Sylvemons handled Bulletproof / Mega Launcher, and I think what currently constitutes as Ball and Bomb moves are more than enough.
Some suggestions:
Flame Body now also functions as a Fire-type Water Absorb.

Heatproof now provides an immunity to Fire-type moves and burning.

Rivalry now raises Attack and Special Attack by 25% when the Pokemon's type matches the opponent’s.

Pressure now also has Unnerve’s old effect of preventing opponents’ berry use (since Unnerve no longer does that).

Pickpocket and Magician can now also knock off the target’s item if the user is already holding an item (Pickpocket still requires contact).
Idk why people consider Bullet Punch a Bomb and Ball move. Thats like assuming Sucker Punch is a punch based move. I never really like how Sylvemons handled Bulletproof / Mega Launcher, and I think what currently constitutes as Ball and Bomb moves are more than enough.

Suckerpunch is called Ambush in Japanese. In Japanese, Bullet Punch and proof are... Bulletpunch and Proof respectively.

Also increasing the number of moves makes it more enticing to use these Pokémon that tend not to see lots of use.

Both Bulletproof users get a lot of new switch in opportunities and resist Boltbeam and a dragon/fight type with Moonblast immunity is a legit thing.
Suckerpunch is called Ambush in Japanese. In Japanese, Bullet Punch and proof are... Bulletpunch and Proof respectively.

Also increasing the number of moves makes it more enticing to use these Pokémon that tend not to see lots of use.

Both Bulletproof users get a lot of new switch in opportunities and resist Boltbeam and a dragon/fight type with Moonblast immunity is a legit thing.

So what? Isn't this Pet Mod about not buffing for the sake of buffing. And really, Bullet Punch is named Bullet Punch because bullets are made of metal and are very fast, and its a Steel type priority move, and has nothing to do with being ballistic.
I fly this mod isn’t about buffs, why the hell are People giving buffs. I refuse to be singled out here for doing the same as everyone else and giving some buffage.

I mean really, it Certainly not as extreme as tail glow ampharos or No Guard mega Sceptile.
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I fly this mod isn’t about buffs, why the hell are People giving buffs. I refuse to be singled out here for doing the same as everyone else and giving some buffage.

I mean really, it Certainly not as extreme as tail glow ampharos or No Guard mega Sceptile.
Sure it's mostly buffing, but it's not like we're buffing the Pokemon so much that it completely overshadows the original's spirit.

Mega Ampharos if I recall correctly doesn't have a good set-up move, but with Tail Glow it'll help it reach a high Special Attack, which may in turn make him a viable wallbreaker considering his decent bulk.

Mega Sceptile with No Guard is a bit silly considering he can pull off a Grass Whistle fairly safely with its certainty and speed, but we could take it out of its movepool to compromise for it. Plus, Lightning Rod on a Pokemon that x.25 resists it is dumb. I'm pretty sure CFM did nerf Pokemon as well as trade-offs, so I'm fairly certain we can do the same here.
I fly this mod isn’t about buffs, why the hell are People giving buffs. I refuse to be singled out here for doing the same as everyone else and giving some buffage.
Bulletproof already protected from a lot of main STABs and important coverage moves like Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, and Focus Blast. You're suggesting it should also provide protection from a ton of other important moves like Ice Beam, Moonblast, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, etc., which will lead to Chesnaught and Kommo-o becoming unnecessarily unbreakable walls for many attackers. It's like making them into pseudo-Shedinjas that aren't afraid of hazards, it would become extremely annoying to play against teams with one of them (or worse, both of them). And this is assuming that no other Pokemon will be given access to Bulletproof.

The buffs are just unnecessarily restrictive of team building and move selection for your opponent.
Sigh. Hmmm, In that case... fine disregard.

I got some other ideas.

Abilities: Sticky Hold/Gooey (Intimidate)
New Moves: Drain Punch, Recover

Maybe a bit too generous, but Kanto-Muk could use a lot of help. If I only gave it a dark type, (which is a canon decision) it would be stronger, but this is in the spirit of trying to make sure Alolan Muk doesn't completely overshadow his original counterpart.


New Moves: Shell Smash, Aqua Jet
Abilities: Defiant/Shell Armor (Sheer Force)

Kingler struggles with needing both Agility and Sword Dance, also that shell looks like it could thematically use a Cracking.

Shell Armor: Defiant but for Defenses. Some Pokemon will really enjoy tanking up in the face of Sticky Webs or an intimidate. For those worried about the loss od Crit Hax prevention, we still have Battle Armor. Or you could swap it around and make Battle Armor the one that boosts defense defiantly. I don't care, I just don't find clone abilities very intriguing.
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