DP Steelix vs. Steelicks

Steelix's 4th gen analysis

name: Physical wall
move 1: Earthquake / Gyro Ball
move 2: Stealth Rock
move 3: Toxic / Stone Edge / Roar
move 4: Explosion
item: Leftovers
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish / Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 120 Atk / 136 SpD
ivs: 0 Spd


<p>With Steelix's ability to wall many physical threats, it will often find itself causing switches. For this reason, abuse of Stealth Rocks is perfect for such a Pokemon, and will allow Steelix to potentially cause much more secondary damage than primary damage purely by attacking its opposition.</p>

<p>Steelix's Base Attack is only 85, meaning it will not be hurting the opposition outside of super-effective hits. That said, STAB Earthquake provides a means for Steelix to make Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Metagross think twice about switching in to meet it head on. Gyro Ball is also decent option if you are using toxic or roar in the 3rd slot. Otherwise, Flying types and pokemon with Levitate will be free to switch in and start setting up. </p>

<p>Stone Edge provides this set with coverage, but with Steelix's somewhat less than impressive attacking capabilities, Toxic can provide a good option to slowly but surely weaken the opposition. Furthermore, Steelix can hit many of Steel-types that aren't effected by Toxic with STAB Earthquake, which makes it a good option for this set. At the very least, it will cause more switching to occur, allowing you to abuse Stealth Rock more effectively. Roar is also a fine option for this slot as well. Steelix can make a fine pseudo-hazer forcing out Physical attackers who think they can hurt Steelix and the ones that actually can. </p>

<p>Explosion is Steelix's final option, allowing it to usually take out an opposing Pokemon when Steelix is close to fainting. As long as the Pokemon you explode on isn't resistant or immune to the move, Explosion will seriously hurt anything on the receiving end. </p>

<p>The ivs suggested only apply if you are using Gyro Ball as you’ll need the lowest speed you can be at for it to be effective. </p>

name: Sleep Talk Steelix
move 1: Earthquake / Gyro Ball
move 2: Toxic / Roar
move 3: Rest
move 4: Sleep Talk
item: Leftovers
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish / Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 120 Atk / 136 SpD
ivs: 0 Spd


<p>Steelix may have an impeccable Defense Stat, but he is set back severely by the lack of an instant recovery move. Rest and Sleep Talk together form a way around that problem.</p>

<p> The first moveslot comes down to user preference.Gyro Ball has a higher base power under some conditions, will allow Steelix to hit Flying-types and those with Levitate. Earthquake, on the other hand, hits for more consistent damage, and allows covers more types.

<p> The second slot is mostly to help Steelix force a switch, either indirectly or directly. Toxic can help you inflict more residual damage, while Roar will pseudo-haze away any Pokemon trying to set up on you.</p>

<p> Stealth Rock isn’t a great option on this set, as it severely limits Steelix while using Sleep Talk.</p>

name: Choice Bander
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Gyro Ball
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Explosion
item: Choice Band
ability: Sturdy
nature: Brave / Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
ivs: 0 Spd

<p>This premise behind putting a Choice Band on Steelix is to allow it to make up for its lackluster Attack stat while still possessing quite impressive physical sponging capabilities.</p>

<p>Earthquake is still a Steelix's premier attacking option, providing a solid 150 Base Power with STAB for Steelix to make use of. Gyro Ball is Steelix's secondary STAB move here, and can be used with great success against faster opponents. To maximize the potential of Gyro Ball, you should be using a -Spd nature such as Brave or Relaxed with a Speed IV of 0. Let's face it - Steelix wasn't really going to outspeeding any threats regardless, making lowering its Speed as much as possible preferable. </p>

<p>Stone Edge adds coverage to the set, allowing Steelix to hit incoming fliers such as Salamence and Gyarados harder than they may have bargained for taking into account the unlikelihood of switching into a Choice Banded super effective attack from Steelix. </p>

<p>Explosion is undoubtedly a threat regardless of Choice Band. Again, provided the opponent is not resistant or immune to the move, it can threaten to KO many Pokemon Steelix may otherwise have trouble against. </p>

[Other Options]

<p>The elemental fangs Steelix has gained in Diamond and Pearl can be used quite effectively in many situations. Ice Fang allows Steelix to severely injure unsuspecting Dragon Pokemon such as Salamence, Garchomp and Dragonite. Thunder Fang can allow Steelix to pose an immediate threat to Gyarados. However, it only has a shot of 2HKOing the flying water beast with an investment of 232 Attack EVs, using up EVs that would otherwise be reserved for bulking up Steelix's defenses.</p>

<p>Crunch allows Steelix to hit Gengar, Drifblim, and Mismagius harder, and provides a slight boost in power if it is able to hit a Pokemon super-effective where Earthquake would only hit it neutral.</p>

<p>Rock Slide and Rock Blast provide alternatives to use over Stone Edge, but are generally inferior options. Rock Slide is far less powerful, and albeit being slightly more accurate, its added possibility of flinching provides no real use for a Pokemon as slow as Steelix. Rock Blast can break the Substitutes of several Pokemon, but you will often find that it is too inaccurate to warrant usage in the wake of Steelix's other comparable moves. </p>

<p>Block will allow Steelix to trap a foe that it is in an advantageous position on, but is fairly hard to use effectively due to its low Speed and the foe's ability to switch a disadvantaged Pokemon before the move is used. It can, however, bait a Pokemon to switch in and be forced to eat an Explosion, something which many Pokemon will fear. Beware of users of Protect if you try this method.</p>

<p>Psych Up allows Steelix to copy the stat boosts of a foe, but you won't find it to be very useful in most situations outside of Curse Snorlax or a random Bulk Up user. Don't feel tempted to use it against Pokemon using moves such as Dragon Dance - Steelix will be slower regardless of the copied boosts in most cases, and be forced to waste HP both using Psych Up and then trying to attack using its newly acquired boosts, putting it in a compromising situation that isn't likely to pay off.</p>


<p>When eving Steelix to take hits, always max out its HP first. You'll find that it helps more to maximize HP than EV Steelix's already plentiful Defense. Increasing Steelix's already colossal Defense will only marginally help it. Special Defense EVs allow the damage of Neutral Hidden Power to be lightened and aids Steelix in taking non-STAB Special moves to a degree. Do not focus on this however, as Steelix's Special Defense is by no means its focal point. With any leftover EVs, pump Steelix's Attack so it can pose a more immediate threat. </p>


<p>Steelix is undoubtedly a physical wall to be reckoned with. Its Defense is only rivaled by Regirock and Shuckle, the former of which he is tied with. Steelix's typing allows it to take advantage of many resistances and one immunity, a noticeable resistance being the quadruple resistance to Rock. Even with its impressive Defense stat, he is also given a few noticeable weaknesses to common moves such as Earthquake, Close Combat and Waterfall. With its somewhat lackluster Attack stat, Steelix won't be hurting many Pokemon outside of super-effective hits, residual damage, and Explosion. Despite these weaknesses, one should not underestimate a well-placed Steelix on a team, as it has the capability of annoying many Pokemon popular in the current metagame. </p>


<p>Obviously, when fighting Steelix, targeting its weaker Special Defense stat is preferable. Pokemon with strong Special Fire or Water attacks can bring Steelix down relatively quickly. Bulky Water Pokemon such as Milotic, Swampert, Suicune and Slowbro can counter Steelix effectively to this end.</p>

<p>Will-O-Wisp can cripple Steelix's already insignificant offensive capabilities as well as creating a source of consistent secondary damage, allowing Pokemon such as Weezing and Dusknoir to pose an immediate threat while Steelix does fairly little damage to them. Furthermore, Dusknoir cannot even be exploded on in a last ditch effort, making it a very effective counter. </p>

<p>If Steelix isn’t packing Stone Edge, Levitators and Special based Flying type pokemon can walk all over him. Flygon gets a particular mention as it takes minimum damage from the Stealth Rocks Steelix has set up, and effectively walls anymove through at him except for Toxic or Ice fang. Gengar, Mismagius, and Drifblim are immune to earthquake and explosion making them decent counters to Steelix’s void of Stone Edge or Gyro Ball. </p>

<p>Bulky Rapid Spinners such as Donphan, Forretress and to a lesser extent Cloyster can remove Steelix's Stealth Rock while Steelix does little damage to them outside of a well-placed Toxic.</p>

<p>Heracross can abuse Steelix's tendency to carry Toxic with guts, and lay down a serious hurting on Steelix with STAB Close Combat. Furthermore, it possesses a handy resistance to Steelix's main form of attacking in Earthquake. </p>

<p> Pokemon that resist or take very little damage from Earthquake can come in on Steelix, and begin to set up entry hazards or various other supporting techniques. Skarmory, Bronzong, Forretress, Jirachi, Hippowdon, Gliscor, Celebi, and Tangrowth come to mind. </p>
[edit] I screwed up on the title, sorry >_>

Hi. First and foremost, please forgive any typos and point them out. Second of all, This is my attempting at changing the Steelix analysis for the best.


One of the main complaints I have with the Steelix analysis is the inside joke running throughout the entire page. It is funny and it is witty, but it will more then likely confuse people new to competitive battling. I think that most of it should be relocated to the other options section

First of all, the first set.

There's one thing that Steelix has that isn't mentioned on this set, but mentioned in other options. Roar. Roar I suppose would best be left in the 3rd slot were toxic and stone edge go, as the slot is mainly other supporting options. If using roar though, Gyro Ball might be considered were Earthquake, as Gengar can usually come in imperviously and threaten Steelix with HP Fire. maybe it could be something along the lines of

~ Earthquake / Gyro Ball
~ Stealth Rock
~ Toxic / Stone edge / Roar
~ Explosion

Could this paragraph maybe be sent to opinions? It does introduce several of Steelix flaws, and it is humorous, but it really does nothing to with the set beyond Steelix's inability to take special assaults.

Same as above except that it does tell the reader that steelix is no rhyperior and can't stand attacks and dish them out. possibly revamping the next paragraph to something along th lines of "Steelix's' attack is rather poor for what seems so frightening and gigantic, only scrounging up the stat of 85. Earthquake is though, effective at hurting the rather comman opponents such as Tyranitar, Metagross, and Rampardos that Steelix switches into with impunity. Seeing Steelix though, most will switch out so that is your opportunity to lay down Stealth rocks.

the only problem I see with this possibly fitting in Roar somewhere.
just highlighted what seemed kind of unnecessary

The second set (Choice band Steelix) I don't have much of a problem with except for these sentence
generally prediction is implied for any choice bander isn't it?

With steelicks lacking instant recovery, is a Rest Talking set an option? the main gripe I can see with it is the inability to use stealth rocks effectively as you can only set up on layer. maybe...

~sleep talk
~Roar / Toxic

for other options...
I've already griped about roar. there's also another one of the small Steelick puns in the mention of Rock Slide.

In the counter section, Manaphy should be removed as he's no longer a threat.

Sorry if this was an awful attempt at revamping the lick of iron.

Got ya covered on typos and capitalizations =D

Bolded and corrected most of them, didn't bold all the ones I corrected though.
I have a lot of trouble conceiving any Steelix set without Ice Fang, considering I use it on every team I make due to its sexy Outrage resist. I've been using with great success:

Steelix @ Leftovers
Impish - Sturdy
244 Hp, 68 Attack, 198 Defense

~Ice Fang
~Stealth Rock

Ice Fang does a min 53% to Garchomp with those EVs while 2HKOing Metagross / T-Tar w/ earthquake, though max HP T-Tar can survive 2 EQs. For a definite 2HKO it's something like 170 attack EVs which I thought was a bit too much. Stealth Rock and Roar are excellent options due to Steelix's Sturdyness.

For a Sleep Talk set the support moves would be replaced imo, and maybe some more Attack evs due to recovery.
I have a lot of trouble conceiving any Steelix set without Ice Fang, considering I use it on every team I make due to its sexy Outrage resist. I've been using with great success:

Steelix @ Leftovers
Impish - Sturdy
244 Hp, 68 Defense, 198 Defense

~Ice Fang
~Stealth Rock

Ice Fang does a min 53% to Garchomp with those EVs while 2HKOing Metagross / T-Tar w/ earthquake, though max HP T-Tar can survive 2 EQs. For a definite 2HKO it's something like 170 attack EVs which I thought was a bit too much. Stealth Rock and Roar are excellent options due to Steelix's Sturdyness.

For a Sleep Talk set the support moves would be replaced imo, and maybe some more Attack evs due to recovery.
About Ice Fang... I'll agree that steelix does have that handy resistance to Dragon, but for your garchomp example, Steelix will take 61%minimum from a Choice banded jolly garchomp Earthquake if you mispredict (although, if his outrage had already begun, then yes, steelix would come out on top.) you also put defense twice so I did the calculation doing Hp 252/ Def 252, Impish.
whoops, meant 68 Attack. It can take a hit if you're outpredicted, if it's doing that much you can take it out for a flyer. It's still got more than enough health to live multiple outrages.
well yes, a SD jolly garchomp can rarely 3KO steelix with outrage, but he can't reaaly switch in with THAT much impunity to garchomp to dish out icefang, but it defanantly is a decent attack for other options at the very least.
I just thought I'd do a quick writeup to try and do Steelix the justice it deserves.

I don't have any of the in-jokes included, so if someone does want one or two in there, that's fine, but that's not really what I was concerned with.

EDIT: Oh, looks like I missed the other thread too. Also, is it worthwhile for me to add a possible Sleep Talking set? I'd like some opinions on this if possible.


name: Defensive Wall
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Toxic / Stone Edge
move 4: Explosion
item: Leftovers
ability: Sturdy
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 120 Atk / 136 SpDef


<p>With Steelix's ability to wall many physical threats, it will often find itself causing switches. For this reason, abuse of Stealth Rocks is perfect for such a Pokemon, and will allow Steelix to potentially cause much more secondary damage than primary damage purely by attacking its opposition.</p>

<p>Steelix's Base Attack is only 85, meaning it will not be hurting the opposition outside of super-effective hits. That said, STAB Earthquake provides a means for Steelix to make Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Metagross think twice about switching in to meet it head on.</p>

<p>Stone Edge provides this set with coverage, but with Steelix's somewhat less than impressive attacking capabilities, Toxic can provide a good option to slowly but surely weaken the opposition. Furthermore, Steelix can hit many of Steel-types that aren't effected by Toxic with STAB Earthquake, which makes it a good option for this set. At the very least, it will cause more switching to occur, allowing you to abuse Stealth Rock more effectively. Gyro Ball is another option to use here; it provides STAB and allows Steelix to hit fast foes such as Azelf, Gengar and Choice Scarf Heracross harder than it would be able to otherwise.</p>

<p>Explosion is Steelix's final option, allowing it to possibly take out an opposing Pokemon when close to fainting, or merely just to remove a threat that you'd otherwise have trouble taking on. As long as the Pokemon you use it on isn't resistant or immune to the move, Explosion will seriously hurt anything on the receiving end of its 200 Base Power regardless of Steelix's Base 85 Attack stat.</p>

<p>This set caters to Steelix's obvious defensive capabilities, notably on the physical side. Without any EV investment and an Impish nature, Steelix has an impressive 479 Defense. The recommended EVs bolster Steelix's HP to allow it to take hits effectively, while somewhat improving its less impressive Attack and Special Defense.</p>

name: Choice Bander
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Gyro Ball
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Explosion
item: Choice Band
ability: Sturdy
nature: Brave / Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
ivs: 0 Spd


<p>This premise behind putting a Choice Band on Steelix is to allow it to make up for its lacklustre Attack stat while still possessing quite impressive physical sponging capabilities.</p>

<p>Earthquake is still a Steelix's premier attacking option, providing a solid 150 Base Power with STAB for Steelix to make use of. Gyro Ball is Steelix's secondary STAB move here, and can be used with great success against faster opponents. To maximize the potential of Gyro Ball, you should be using a -Spe nature such as Brave or Relaxed with a Speed IV of 0. Let's face it - Steelix wasn't really going to outspeeding any threats regardless, making lowering its Speed as much as possible preferable.</p>

<p>Stone Edge adds coverage to the set, allowing Steelix to hit incoming fliers such as Salamence and Gyarados harder than they may have bargained for taking into account the unlikelihood of switching into a Choice Banded super effective attack from Steelix. Furthermore, a well-timed critical hit can bring down the likes of even the very defensive Cloyster using Skill Link over Shell Armor.</p>

<p>Explosion is undoubtedly a threat regardless of Choice Band, but one cannot deny that a Choice Banded Explosion is most definitely a sight to behold. Again, provided the opponent is not resistant or immune to the move, it can threaten to KO many Pokemon Steelix may otherwise have trouble against.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Steelix has the capability of using Roar against opponents, representing a viable option to remove Baton Passers from the field and abuse Spikes, Stealth Rocks and Poison Spikes if they are in play. With Steelix's defenses, it can often use this option with a great degree of success, but remember that Roar cannot be used indefinitely with Steelix's distinct lack of a reliable recovery move outside of Rest.</p>

<p>The elemental fangs Steelix has gained in Diamond and Pearl can be used quite effectively in many situations. Ice Fang allows Steelix to severely injure unsuspecting Dragon Pokemon such as Salamence, Garchomp and Dragonite. Thunder Fang can allow Steelix to pose an immediate threat to Gyarados. However, it only has a shot of 2HKOing the flying water beast with an investment of 232 Attack EVs, using up EVs that would otherwise be reserved for bulking up Steelix's defenses.</p>

<p>Crunch allows Steelix to hit Gengar, Driftblim and Mismagius harder, and provides a slight boost in power if it is able to hit a Pokemon super-effective where Earthquake would only hit it neutral.</p>

<p>Rock Slide and Rock Blast provide alternatives to use over Stone Edge, but are generally inferior options. Rock Slide is far less powerful, and albeit being slightly more accurate, its added possibility of flinching provides no real use for a Pokemon as slow as Steelix. Rock Blast can break the Substitutes of several Pokemon, but you will often find that it is too inaccurate to warrant usage in the wake of Steelix's other comparable moves.</p>

<p>Block will allow Steelix to trap a foe that it is in an advantageous position on, but is fairly hard to use effectively due to its low Speed and the foe's ability to switch a disadvantaged Pokemon before the move is used. It can, however, bait a Pokemon to switch in and be forced to eat an Explosion, something which many Pokemon will fear. Beware of users of Protect if you try this method.</p>

<p>Rest, as mentioned, is Steelix's only option of recovery, but this really makes Steelix more of a burden than anything without the addition of Sleep Talk. This, however, removes Steelix's ability to attack to a large degree, and seriously limits its versatility. Protect can operate as a methods of getting free Leftovers recovery and scouting, but generally Steelix has better things to be doing regardless.</p>

<p>Psych Up allows Steelix to copy the stat boosts of a foe, but you won't find it to be very useful in most situations outside of Curse Snorlax. Don't feel tempted to use it against Pokemon using moves such as Dragon Dance - Steelix will be slower regardless of the copied boosts in most cases, and be forced to waste HP both using Psych Up and then trying to attack using its newly acquired boosts, putting it in a compromising situation that isn't likely to pay off.</p>


<p>When EVing Steelix to take hits, always max out its HP first. You'll find that it helps more to maximize HP than EV Steelix's already plentiful Defense. Increasing Steelix's already colossal Defense will only marginally help it. Special Defense EVs allow the damage of Hidden Power to be lightened and aids Steelix in taking non-STAB Special moves to a degree. Do not focus on this, however, as Steelix's Special Defense is by no means its focal point. With any leftover EVs, pump Steelix's Attack so it can pose a more immediate threat.</p>


<p>Steelix is undoubtedly a physical wall to be reckoned with. Its Defense can easily reach 500, and Steelix's typing allows it to take advantage of many resistances, as well as immunity to Poison. Furthermore, he possesses a rare quintuple resistance to Stealth Rock. Even with its impressive Defense stat, weakness common moves such as Earthquake, Close Combat and Waterfall reduce Steelix's effectiveness in the current metagame, With its somewhat lacklustre Attack stat, Steelix won't be hurting many Pokemon outside of super-effective hits and Explosion. Despite these weaknesses, one should not underestimate a well-placed Steelix on a team, as it has the capability of annoying many Pokemon popular in the current metagame.</p>


<p>Obviously, when fighting Steelix, targetting its weaker Special Defense stat is preferable. Pokemon with strong Special Fire anda Water attacks can bring Steelix down relatively quickly. Bulky Water Pokemon such as Milotic, Swampert, Suicune and Slowbro can counter Steelix effectively to this end.</p>

<p>Will-O-Wisp can cripple Steelix's offensive capabilities as well as creating a source of consistent secondary damage, allowing Pokemon such as Weezing and Dusknoir to pose an immediate threat while Steelix does fairly little damage to them. Furthermore, Dusknoir cannot even be exploded on in a last ditch effort, making it a very effective counter.</p>

<p>Bulky Rapid Spinners such as Donphan, Forretress and to a lesser extent Cloyster can remove Steelix's Stealth Rock while Steelix does little damage to them outside of a well-placed Toxic.</p>

<p>Heracross can abuse Steelix's tendency to carry Toxic with guts, and lay down a serious hurting on Steelix with STAB Close Combat. Furthermore, it possesses a handy resistance to Steelix's main form of attacking in Earthquake.</p>
OK, I didn't see this thread, so I merged the threads and deleted my post. I'll look over what we have already to see where we are.
Defensive Wall: Move talk of the EVs to the end of the set comments. I would mention Gyro Ball as an option over Toxic or Stone Edge. Don't put it in the moveset, just mention it in the section about the third slot. It hurts stuff like Gengar and Azelf more than Stone Edge does. Makes a nice dent in Hera too, especially Scarfed ones.

You're also missing an EV section, but otherwise it looks fine to me.
Okay, I'll put that in now.

As for the EV section, I wasn't sure if that was required or not if the EVs for each set were already explained.

EDIT: All fixed up!
It seems that both blue kirby and I both were mainly touchy with the barrage of steelicks jokes, as we really only made somewhat controversial edits. Upon retrospect, I really guess I didn't go that indepth with revamping it, just suggesting new moves.

I still firmly believe though, that roar shouldn't be left in other options. Steelix is great at the job and racks up the one major kind of damage it can inflict, entry hazord. It seems extremely valuble in the third slot as it is mostly filler.

I'll also try my hand at a resttalking set since resttalking is kind of default for walls without instant recovery.
The only problem of me seeing Rest on Steelix a lot is that there are better PHazers out there that have a recovery move. Sadly, Steelix lacks that, so I don't think he can do it so efficiently, but nevertheless is decent enough for other options. Perhaps on the SleepTalker set Roar could fit there. Rest / Sleep Talk / Roar / Earthquake (or Gyro Ball) would work decently.

Too bad Steelix doesn't have more attack, otherwise I'd mention Fire Fang in the third moveslot for the Choice Bander, since he's easily walled by Bronzong.

Speaking of Bronzong, he isn't listed in counters, and I think he should. Bronzong can fire off Earthquakes while Bronzong isn't suffering anything. I don't even see how Cloyster is an "extreme" counter to a Steelix. It is faster, but it has to be weary of Stealth Rock itself as well as a random Stone Edge. Also, Gengar makes a nice counter if Steelix lacks Gyro Ball or Stone Edge.

EDIT: Drifblim, not Driftblim.
2nd EDIT: Steelix has a quadruple resistance to Stealth Rock, not a quintuple (quintuple is 5).
The only problem of me seeing Rest on Steelix a lot is that there are better PHazers out there that have a recovery move. Sadly, Steelix lacks that, so I don't think he can do it so efficiently, but nevertheless is decent enough for other options. Perhaps on the SleepTalker set Roar could fit there. Rest / Sleep Talk / Roar / Earthquake (or Gyro Ball) would work decently.

Too bad Steelix doesn't have more attack, otherwise I'd mention Fire Fang in the third moveslot for the Choice Bander, since he's easily walled by Bronzong.

Speaking of Bronzong, he isn't listed in counters, and I think he should. Bronzong can fire off Earthquakes while Bronzong isn't suffering anything. I don't even see how Cloyster is an "extreme" counter to a Steelix. It is faster, but it has to be weary of Stealth Rock itself as well as a random Stone Edge. Also, Gengar makes a nice counter if Steelix lacks Gyro Ball or Stone Edge.
One of my main reasons for suggesting roar was it allows steelix to support the team more than just laying down stealth rocks, steelix is obviously something made to switch in and support a little. Has a lack of recovery ever hurt donphan?

but then again it isn't the most reliable choice with no instant recovery, maybe list it as a 3rd option?

And to think about it, Skarmory and celebi should probably get a mention in the counters section. Celebi can come in on any attack (barring explosion) and threaten steelix with grass knot or setting up a SD or CM pass. Skarmory on the other hand can come in on basically anything steelix can through at it, set up its own Entry hazords, and whirlwind him when skarms done.
Actually it could work in the second slot as well if you have someone else using Stealth Rock. Steelix is kind of versatile in what he can do.

Adding more, Rhyperior with only 4 HP EVs suffers 47.31% - 55.65%. The "tankish" variants take 30.65% - 36.18%. Interestingly enough, Steelix can survive even a Choice Band Earthquake (but defenitely not a Swords Danced). Not implying that Steelix or Rhyperior should switch into each other though.

Other than that, you can safely say that all Steels in general wall Steelix IF he carries Gyro Ball.
Okay. Blue kirby and I have worked in colaberation with each other and have fused together our two analysis'. Please suggest and comment on them!
Wait, I thought I said to post your set individually for comments first?

The reasoning behind that is that I'm not sure if Rest / Sleep Talk is useful enough to warrant a set.

Never mind, you can just see what people have to say about it now.
Wait, I thought I said to post your set individually for comments first?

The reasoning behind that is that I'm not sure if Rest / Sleep Talk is useful enough to warrant a set.

Never mind, you can just see what people have to say about it now.
the thing was though that you put several of the most helpful and gramatically correct comments in the sets. If the rest talking idea is frowned upon, we can simpley remove it.

<p>Steelix is undoubtedly a physical wall to be reckoned with. Its Defense can easily reach 500, and Steelix's typing allows it to take advantage of many resistances, as well as immunity to Poison. Furthermore, he possesses a rare quadruple resistance to Stealth Rock. Even with its impressive Defense stat, (took out weakness) common moves such as Earthquake, Close Combat and Waterfall reduce Steelix's effectiveness in the current metagame. With its somewhat lackluster Attack stat, Steelix won't be hurting many Pokemon outside of super-effective hits and Explosion. Despite these weaknesses, one should not underestimate a well-placed Steelix on a team, as it has the capability of annoying many Pokemon popular in the current metagame.</p>
Some minor errors.

- Quintuple is 5, and quadruple is four. Steelix has a x4 resistance to rock, not x5.
- Took out weakness in the sentence: "Even with its impressive Defense stat, weakness common moves such as Earthquake, Close Combat and Waterfall reduce Steelix's effectiveness in the current metagame.

There's probably a couple of more minor errors, but it's just mostly minor spelling errors, and as you said in your signature, your keyboard isn't in the best of shape.
Actually, that's my bad.
I don't know how I overlooked those before.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Also, weakness should be in the sentence, I just missed the word 'to' after it when typing it; it should read "Even with its impressive Defense stat, weakness to common moves such as ..."
okay, even though those weren't on the colaberation that blue kirby and I made (reworded before hand) I corrected those mistakes in my post.
this post is for jrrrrrrr's and aldaron's purposes...

thread should be deleted, however a topic should be made making the current steelix analysis more geared towards uu