Tournament RU World Cup - Week 5

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  • Matches should be played on PS Main server on smogtours
  • Schedule your matches please, reserve the right of calling an activity or dead game based on this
  • PLEASE POST REPLAYS, MANDATORY BTW (There is a replay thread now so...)

Week 5

Canada + US Central(3) vs (5)Europe

SM: Sage vs Cynara
SM: bebo7788 vs Pohjis
SM: CryoGyro vs TonyFlygon
SM: Sam vs Welli0u
ORAS: Kink vs Santu
ORAS: Jrdn vs Kushalos
BW: soulgazer vs Casparov
BW: Amaroq vs ZoroDark

US East(2) vs (5)France

SM: DurzaOffTopic vs Hurtadoo
SM: Nat vs RedEmption
SM: Finchinator vs Carmin06
SM: col49 vs yedla
ORAS: Star vs SiTuM
ORAS: obii vs Alkione
BW: -Tsunami- vs Dlanyer
BW: august vs Wabane

Asia + Rest of the World(4) vs (4)LA

SM: trace vs Gondra
SM: Leoshad vs Lycans
SM: yjh971203 vs Chrisloud1
SM: yoppie vs Mart
ORAS: TheWall vs Yvettee
ORAS: Arifeen vs rau
BW: Chill Shadow vs ZDen
BW: Aeroblacktyl vs trash

UK(3) vs (5)Brazil

SM: banks vs Giopato
SM: DKM vs ggggd
SM: Espeonage. vs GustavoYAY
SM: SilvioGuacamole vs Randomnick
ORAS: Alpha Rabbit vs HANTSUKI
ORAS: HJAD vs lighthouses
BW: The Leprechaun vs Pinboim3
BW: barton vs Eternal Spirit

Germany(5) vs (3)US West

SM: Necrozma vs Meru
SM: Heni-san vs dcae
SM: didi vs ima
SM: Erzengel vs rozes
ORAS: Melle2402 vs xastify
ORAS: soTsoT vs TSR
BW: neomon vs Analytic
BW: mind gaming vs Rakan

Deadline for this round will be on December 30th at 11:59 PM GMT -5. Round may be extended depending of activity, it is Christmas week after all so gotta be comprehensive. Captains can inform of their decision

Kushalos feel free to do all the subs needed or change the lineup but had to get something going

Cheers! Have fun everybody!
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