Survivor Survivor Season 6: Fans vs Favorites vs Fumblers (And the winner is...ajhockeystar!)


It's a starstruck world
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Hey! This is a fun question, lets play out what would have happened if you couldn't pick up your idol. (This is based on speculation as we'll never know for sure!)
  1. Cleo gets voted out and is the 9th player eliminated, OM no longer has his idol.
  2. Mari is brought into my alliance with Whydon and Blue, this leaves us with 4 people and me and Whydon were both close to Shubaka so I believe we would have had them on our side as well.
  3. You are probably eliminated as player 8. Even with your extra vote, I believe AJ and Drookez continue to vote with me to eliminate you as you're the biggest threat in the game.
  4. At F7, AJ and Drookez might try and take a shot at me, but as AJ played the game very conservatively its likely he goes for Shubaka or Mari. Part of AJs strategy was to keep you in the game as you were a bigger threat, so in this role-play he keeps me for the same reason.
  5. At F6, it is likely AJ plays his idol here to save himself. I still win F6 immunity so I'm safe at this vote.
  6. At F5, me and AJ placed last in the immunity challenge. Someone else wins and I think Whydon and Blue keep me over AJ. Especially if Drookez goes at F6.
  7. At F4 I still win immunity.
In the situation where the idol isnt replayed, I make it to the end unless I get blindsided at F5. In this situation, I have serious control and vote out the players I want from the game, with a dominant alliance of me, mari, whydon, blue.
I'm pretty sure the cleo / blue vote was tied outside of mari and I was gonna lose idol anyways it expired after that round bc I couldn't do the recharge puzzle
tbh Energy blue and I planned to stab you either at F6 or F5, but based on the immunity wins you managed to get your timeline of events seems fairly accurate. I’m pretty confident that if the idol was used incorrectly, me, Blue, Mari, and shubaka would have made it to F6 at the very least, bar some random idol play. Although it does make sense that AJ would always use his idol in f6.
That means that F5 was going to be the only chance to take me out, and with me and AJ both still in the game, you had to pick which threat was worse.
I'm pretty sure the cleo / blue vote was tied outside of mari and I was gonna lose idol anyways it expired after that round bc I couldn't do the recharge puzzle
The Blue/Cleo vote went 4-4-1 ya. With 24 hours to revote, I believe I could have convinced AJ to vote out Cleo instead. Mari was a swing vote too, and she and Blue were friends. It's all hypothetical but its certainly an outcome to consider. That 1 move dictated the rest of the game for me if Blue made it through that vote.
Alright. I’m back. Time for some fun for another one of you. Drookez, you are up.

Drook, I’m going to be blunt with you. You looked like a sheep and played like a sheep. So why aren’t you one? What plays did you make yourself without AJ or anyone else you sheeped? Was all that “the sheeps will rise up and overthrow the shepards” stuff fake? If not, why did you choose to keep the person you sheeped most this game, AJ, when you and/or Laurel could have voted him out or at least caused a tiebreaker last tribal?

Just as a warning, don’t give me any of that “the other two are braggers” stuff. I’m here to look at the strategical play of you three and to make a choice accordingly. I’m not here to vote for someone just because they made the funniest joke at the FTC
InfernoDragon I do want to say that I asked for Drookez’s insight in the last vote. Had he decided to vote AJ instead, the finals would have Cleo over AJ.

One thing I said earlier was I thought firemaking was a jigsaw, so I didn’t actually have the power to eliminate AJ there as I thought he would just win fire. This changes a lot if Drookez also decided to vote him out.


point me to the nearest waffle house
is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Actually that’s a good point. If you knew your plan was to hide behind AJ, and either you two worked together on plays or AJ took credit for them all, why wouldn’t you have chosen to vote out AJ in the F4 tribal? One thing that keeps being brought up is “what didn’t you do with AJ”/sheep for AJ

Edit: Or even more food for thought, if you claim AJ was rude/braggy. What was the actual reason behind voting me over him? Unless you’re just shitposting. If so, again, make merch #WakeUpSheeple
Actually that’s a good point. If you knew your plan was to hide behind AJ, and either you two worked together on plays or AJ took credit for them all, why wouldn’t you have chosen to vote out AJ in the F4 tribal? One thing that keeps being brought up is “what didn’t you do with AJ”/sheep for AJ

Edit: Or even more food for thought, if you claim AJ was rude/braggy. What was the actual reason behind voting me over him? Unless you’re just shitposting. If so, again, make merch #WakeUpSheeple
I mean straight up, Drookez told me he was voting you out. That made my options really limited.
Alright. I’m back. Time for some fun for another one of you. Drookez, you are up.

Drook, I’m going to be blunt with you. You looked like a sheep and played like a sheep. So why aren’t you one? What plays did you make yourself without AJ or anyone else you sheeped? Was all that “the sheeps will rise up and overthrow the shepards” stuff fake? If not, why did you choose to keep the person you sheeped most this game, AJ, when you and/or Laurel could have voted him out or at least caused a tiebreaker last tribal?

Just as a warning, don’t give me any of that “the other two are braggers” stuff. I’m here to look at the strategical play of you three and to make a choice accordingly. I’m not here to vote for someone just because they made the funniest joke at the FTC
Here it is again with the sheep thing. I don't know how many times I have to explain this. Think of ANY vote AJ did during this game (well, maybe post merge). Now, let me tell you that, for the majority of those votes, I was an active participant in the discussion. I laid out the game plan, and then AJ/OM decided the best course of action. I don't know why you guys think AJ was the only one in control of the vote when actually OM and I directed the course of the votes too. This is the reason why Cleo stayed alive until F4, I defended Cleo all game. If I was a sheep, Cleo would have been gone by now. The Mari vote, the OM vote etc... was mainly my push. Sure, there were some situations where I followed AJ (ie bluedoom vote) because he had more information. However, to say that I made no decision all game is outrageous. You guys are just sheeping each other about the fact that I'm a sheep. What plays did AJ make independently of me? Yet you guys never question him this.

Also I chose AJ over Cleo because I know Cleo talked to a lot of people that I didn't talk with like MK and you, so that were some votes just gone. I also thought Cleo is nicer and more persuasive, meaning Cleo will likely get more votes.

Lastly, you don't understand what I mean with bragging. They brag and leave out critical information! Their posts are highly biased and never mentioned any contribution I made to their survival. They take all credits to themselves. This is what I meant by bragging, you cannot just look at their posts and think this guy is good at strategies. You need to see the whole picture, what they never talked about in their posts.
Just an example: I'm sorry to OM, but I will explain this. I always know that OM won't be making it to final 3. I actually planned to eliminate him instead of the Mari vote, much to Aj's protests. I talked with Cleo and Laurel quite a bit about this vote, with Cleo saying yes and Laurel being a bit iffy but still sorta yes. However, Cleo later informed me that Laurel had spoken to OM, and may have leaked information to OM with the aim of blaming Cleo. Knowing this, Cleo and I decided that lynching Mari was the safest play for both of us. This is just an example of a decision I made without sheeping AJ. Sure, it didn't matter much in the end, but the point is that if you only look at what the other 2 finalists say and the results of the game, you ignore what goes behind the scene. Please give me a chance to explain and clarify. Do not believe what the other two say if no one can confirm it.
Just an example: I'm sorry to OM, but I will explain this. I always know that OM won't be making it to final 3. I actually planned to eliminate him instead of the Mari vote, much to Aj's protests. I talked with Cleo and Laurel quite a bit about this vote, with Cleo saying yes and Laurel being a bit iffy but still sorta yes. However, Cleo later informed me that Laurel had spoken to OM, and may have leaked information to OM with the aim of blaming Cleo. Knowing this, Cleo and I decided that lynching Mari was the safest play for both of us. This is just an example of a decision I made without sheeping AJ. Sure, it didn't matter much in the end, but the point is that if you only look at what the other 2 finalists say and the results of the game, you ignore what goes behind the scene. Please give me a chance to explain and clarify. Do not believe what the other two say if no one can confirm it.
This is what actually happened. I presented an argument defending my friend PokeMariTatoe and proposed the vote on OM room and you said "ooof hmmm" then voted out Mari when I would have voted out anyone else over her.

This conversation also highlights part of my strategy, as I said, I constantly told the others I couldn't win and that helped keep my safety in the game.

Laurel Last Wednesday at 8:08 PM
if u could have anyone
as the 3rd person

DrookezLast Wednesday at 8:09 PM
Ideally Mari? to maximize my chances

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:09 PM

DrookezLast Wednesday at 8:09 PM
sorry to say that ;-;

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:09 PM
so we cant vote her out
tonight we pick between aj
and OM

DrookezLast Wednesday at 8:10 PM

between those 3
I say OM

[the next few parts of the conversation are filler]

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:15 PM
rly tho lol
ive told this to other ppl in the game
i do really mean well
i see ur argument with mari the same for me
"laurel is the safe vote"
theres no way i ever win
i wouldn't even have blue's vote prob
thats why i realistically shouldnt be on the bottom
lets do OM
i ran the numbers
he has the most votes on the jury by far
you down?

Drookez Last Wednesday at 8:24 PM


point me to the nearest waffle house
is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Also I chose AJ over Cleo because I know Cleo talked to a lot of people that I didn't talk with like MK and you, so that were some votes just gone. I also thought Cleo is nicer and more persuasive, meaning Cleo will likely get more votes.
Bold, I respect that. I mean this is more reasonable than what you said in tribal council. “Only one friend will make it”
And I didn't leak anything to OM room . I spoke to OM with the intention of saving my friend PokeMariTatoe and taking out another threat. It would be an easy vote if I got OM on our side.

I'm tired of the language that I was leaking votes, I never leaked the plans that I made with Mari. My intention was to protect my friend. Its pretty simple. In this log you see me distance myself from Mari to protect each other, and propose two other people to vote.

LaurelLast Wednesday at 7:41 PM
i don't rly have anyone to talk to anymore
who should i vote

OMLast Wednesday at 7:43 PM
I dunno

LaurelLast Wednesday at 7:47 PM
yes u do
u have the game wrapped around ur finger

OMLast Wednesday at 8:30 PM
you assume I've decided who to go for yet

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:35 PM
o ok
what r u listening to

OMLast Wednesday at 8:35 PM
new 5sos song
I enjoy it

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:35 PM
5 seconds of summer
that was like a riddle
i figured it out n.n

OMLast Wednesday at 8:36 PM

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:36 PM
i bet the next challenge is like a bunch of riddles again

OMLast Wednesday at 8:36 PM
I'm hoping it's something
like the puzzle hunt
that was fun

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
i had no time for the puzzle hunt

OMLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
same :frowning:
no sound either

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
i also
only had a phone

OMLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
oof 100

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
i also
still had friends in this game
at that point O.O
im a lonewolf now

OMLast Wednesday at 8:37 PM
you still have mari!!

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
u rly have 2 choices today

OMLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
wdym mari

OMLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
the same dude who tried to get me out

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
she has tried to vote me
like 4x

OMLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
The lesser of 2 evils?

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:38 PM
more like
yah nvm fair enough
u rly have 2 choices tonight
cleo or aj
who is more likely to win
happy to hear what u think

OMLast Wednesday at 8:39 PM
I see
I'll think about it

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:39 PM
pls get back to me because
i dont really know myself

OMLast Wednesday at 8:40 PM

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM
i dont rly have anyone to sort of chat with
this game has become lonely

OMLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM
have u played before?

OMLast Wednesday at 8:41 PM
no one wanted to talk to me my first game
and then voted me out

LaurelLast Wednesday at 8:42 PM
u know
the only one who successfuly has voted u out
is urself


point me to the nearest waffle house
is a Battle Simulator Staff Alumnus
Here it is again with the sheep thing. I don't know how many times I have to explain this. Think of ANY vote AJ did during this game (well, maybe post merge). Now, let me tell you that, for the majority of those votes, I was an active participant in the discussion. I laid out the game plan, and then AJ/OM decided the best course of action. I don't know why you guys think AJ was the only one in control of the vote when actually OM and I directed the course of the votes too. This is the reason why Cleo stayed alive until F4, I defended Cleo all game. If I was a sheep, Cleo would have been gone by now. The Mari vote, the OM vote etc... was mainly my push. Sure, there were some situations where I followed AJ (ie bluedoom vote) because he had more information. However, to say that I made no decision all game is outrageous. You guys are just sheeping each other about the fact that I'm a sheep. What plays did AJ make independently of me? Yet you guys never question him this.
AJ wasn’t the “only one in control”, but he had the most control. When I would bring up his name, you and OM never budged to vote him out and he made it this far. Through the “Superlatives Challenge”, there was a majority who thought AJ would win.

And yes, while you were one of the reasons I stayed in the game so long, it’s a little discrediting to say that’s the only reason. I had friends on the other side of the votes. Blue (for 1-2 votes), Mari, OM, Drookez, and, by extension since I was close to drookez/om, AJ. The F4 vote is indicative of this
AJ wasn’t the “only one in control”, but he had the most control. When I would bring up his name, you and OM never budged to vote him out and he made it this far. Through the “Superlatives Challenge”, there was a majority who thought AJ would win.

And yes, while you were one of the reasons I stayed in the game so long, it’s a little discrediting to say that’s the only reason. I had friends on the other side of the votes. Blue (for 1-2 votes), Mari, OM, Drookez, and, by extension since I was close to drookez/om, AJ. The F4 vote is indicative of this
I was one of the people who voted for AJ in the superlatives challenge and I think he voted for himself!

I will say your relationship with Blue was part of the reasons you weren't voted out at F10. You did a great job playing in the back seat behind Inferno at the beginning because people thought he was the bigger threat. You played well and made moves at the right time.

I think if we were able to settle our differences we could both be here now, as if I felt comfortable talking to you we could've maybe gotten AJ at F7 or F6.


is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Leader Alumnus
I was one of the people who voted for AJ in the superlatives challenge and I think he voted for himself!

I will say your relationship with Blue was part of the reasons you weren't voted out at F10. You did a great job playing in the back seat behind Inferno at the beginning because people thought he was the bigger threat. You played well and made moves at the right time.

I think if we were able to settle our differences we could both be here now, as if I felt comfortable talking to you we could've maybe gotten AJ at F7 or F6.
I did not vote myself for that. I answered the same for my answers and my most common answers, and although I put myself as most attractive, I did not want a target on my back from the answers to that challenge, so that question I did not answer myself for.
I did not vote myself for that. I answered the same for my answers and my most common answers, and although I put myself as most attractive, I did not want a target on my back from the answers to that challenge, so that question I did not answer myself for.
Fair but small point. You only need 3 votes to gain majority and I was 1 of the 3. Wouldn't be surprised if Whydon said you as well.
The Mari vote, the OM vote etc... was mainly my push. Sure, there were some situations where I followed AJ (ie bluedoom vote) because he had more information. However, to say that I made no decision all game is outrageous. What plays did AJ make independently of me? Yet you guys never question him this.
ajhockeystar, would you say Drookez’s portrayal is correct? I’m sure I’m not the only jury member who needs to know this: Who made the push for the moves you made throughout the game? You or Drook?
InfernoDragon One thing I want to say is that, the moves I tried to make down the stretch were all my own. Yea, this was cause my allies were out, but the difference between my allies and what AJ had with Drookez, is that Blue and Whydon wanted to blindside me. Drookez never had any intention of bringing anyone but AJ to the end or he would've voted him out at F4.
MK007 are you still around? you said that me and aj both played good games, but who deserves to win more?

Well, I dominated the pre merge aspect of the game and everything until F9, and would have dominated after F9 if OM couldn't replay his idol for Cleo. Given the situation I was in, I clawed with my back against the wall, made allies out of people who hadn't worked with me before, and made it to the very end, as a massive massive underdog.

I had to make adjustments all game to put me in this position and win immunity after immunity to be here.

I think this is a pretty good summary for everyone.

Who do you want to win this game?

The underdog or the favorite.
InfernoDragon last thing for now, thanks for reading the thread, whenever I check I keep seeing your name. As I've said, I put a lot into this game so I appreciate you taking the time to read everything and make your decision.

The same goes to you Cleo
Haven't read everything but I've read most at this point.

Honestly the fireworks with laurel were pretty fun, and it was good to see some emotion introduced to the game.

Laurel and AJ both played very good games.

-Played the middle amazingly well
-Was the main source of information for a lot of people
-Only received two votes total
-Never got targeted despite being a favorite to win
-Always played safe, never went for a big play
-Deathly afraid of rocks the entire game
-Got Drookez to sheep him all game

-Played one sided and dishonest
-Created a lot of enemies
-Made final 3 despite all of this with an impressive immunity run

Laurel played a very good game, and would be a "favorite" if the fans/favorites/fumblers theme is ever run again.
AJ's though... even without my friendship bias, was on another level.

2 votes.
All game.

He also was on the right side of nearly every vote.

He had the perfect social game.

However... Laurel was quietly an immunity challenge threat, and that counts for something...

I think it would have been better for Laurels game if they hadn't thrown challenges to NOT appear as a threat, because they needed a truly dominant challenge run, not just the small one at the end, to compete with AJ's social game.

Laurel also created some extremely loyal followers which is hard to do
I think everyone on the jury is really tired of hearing whydon list why laurel should win 999 times, and I've honestly been tempted to not ready anything and vote AJ due to whydon's incessant pestering.

That wouldn't be right though, so I've read most of the posts and all the statements.

I'm a bit torn, but I feel like I have to give into my bias a little, people with great social games that make it to the end usually win a lot because they made friends instead of enemies on the island.

You can do all the right things in survivor... and still lose... and laurel made a lot of mistakes... while AJs game was... perfect.

Look at the Brains/Beauty/Brawn season (the Kaoh Rong one).

Aubry was the best player in the final 3...
She played an amazing game...
When it came time to vote though... the jury chose Michelle because her social game was better.

However in this game in the AJ vs Laurel debate... AJ played a perfect game while Laurels had flaws... and unlike Michelle in KR Laurel does NOT have the better social game, in fact, Laurel did pretty badly with the social game. I don't mind the smack talk, I thought it was fun, but that alienates normal voters, and I'm pretty sure it alienated Cleo as well. You can't do that, and win. Especially not against someone who played a perfect game.

Change my mind. I'm open to discussion, but it's going to be difficult too. AJ played really well, and played all of us.
Honestly... Laurel's biggest mistake of the game... was rolling with whydon, the guy on the bottom of fumblers, instead of seeking to work with the fumblers majority.

Whydon was battery acid.
He lied to everyone about everything.
Everyone knew it.

He refused to work with people he lied to, and instead tried to call them the liars, and really stirred up the resentment that started the fireworks.
Whydon didn't care about making plays, just taking out the people he felt wronged by... the people he lied to.

Choosing that ally... at that moment... without even trying to speak to the other fumblers... that was a mistake longterm I think.

The game could've been very different at a lot of different places

But the place where Laurel killed their social game... was when they started working with Whydon.

He was at the bottom of fumblers for a reason.

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