The Best Butterfly?

Which butterfly/moth is the best?

  • Butterfree

    Votes: 155 55.0%
  • Venomoth

    Votes: 109 38.7%
  • Beautifly

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Dustox

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Mothim

    Votes: 13 4.6%

  • Total voters
Okay people, I know there are a lot, but which is the best butterfly, both competitively and by looks. Give opinions and discuss.

EDIT: Who has the better ability, Butterfree with Coumpound Eyes or Venomoth with Tinted Lens?
I think Butterfree. Double Powder + Compound Eyes is pretty good and it has that above the others which gives it the advantage. And its the original one
I say Butterfree. I use one on a team of mine in order to help set up a Rampardos sweep. The original butterfly ftw. Compoundeyes just makes it so awesome.

EDIT: Beaten. Just too many people extolling 'Free's virtues.
It's a shame Scarfree is 1 speed point away from tieing with the base 130ers. Not that they have a place in UU.
Venemoth has received quite a few improvements this generation, a unique ability in Tinted Lens, special STAB moves like Bug Buzz and Sludge Bomb as wells as access to Choice Specs to boost that mediocre SpAtk stat.

Here's a little log, to show the power of Venemoth on unsuspecting foes (taken on Shoddy):

Light: I am going to get my butt kicked by UU, and I don't especially care to stop that.
TJ.: have you just been using your UU team for laddering?

Light switched in Ichigo Kurosaki (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Ichigo Kurosaki is exerting its pressure!
Venomoth used Bug Buzz.
It's not very effective...
Ichigo Kurosaki lost 60% of its health.
Ichigo Kurosaki's leftovers restored its health a little!
Ichigo Kurosaki restored 6% of its health.
Venomoth used Bug Buzz.
It's not very effective...
Ichigo Kurosaki lost 46% of its health.
Light's Ichigo Kurosaki fainted.
Venomoth ... it's simply more versatile than Butterfree capable of acting as a CSpecs sweeper, status platform, and Baton Passer.

Butterfree is sweet, but sadly it's a one trick pony ...
venomoth, dustox and mothrim are moths not butterflys come on i mean 2 of them have moth in their name.
so its between butterfree and beautifly urm... let me think
I'd have to go with venomoth on this one. Venomoth just has flowing wings and more of a true to life design than butterfree (I mean, come on, do butterflies have tiny arms?). Throw in a rare ability, cool moves like signal beam and morning sun along with the ability to toxic spike, and venomoth is my favorite.
I misvoted for Dustox. =\ Buterfree was my "compost Pokemons" in Yellow, and I still like it. Used it in FRLG, and I think it's the most practical of the butterflies, being able to support a team very well with Tail Wind, U-turn (...), Double Powder, and an immunity.
I'd have to go with venomoth on this one. Venomoth just has flowing wings and more of a true to life design than butterfree (I mean, come on, do butterflies have tiny arms?). Throw in a rare ability, cool moves like signal beam and morning sun along with the ability to toxic spike, and venomoth is my favorite.

I have to agree 100%. That is what sets it apart. I do not uderstand why people say,"Butterfree because of double powder." Venomoth gets that, too.
Butterfree may be the original butterfly. But Venomoth is the original moth. It was better back then and it's better today.
It's hard to argue with "97.5% accurate Sleep Powder + Stun Spore."

Even Breloom can't boast that because Breloom's stun spore is way less accurate. Butterfree ftw!!

now if Venomoth got Tailglow with its Baton Pass . . . that would be cool . . .
now if Venomoth got Tailglow with its Baton Pass . . . that would be cool . . .

Not to mention totally nonsensical, since Venomoth doesn't have a tail, let alone anything glowing on it.

As for the question of which butterfly/moth is the best, it depends on what criteria I'm judging by. Since you didn't really specify, I voted for Mothim because it's my favorite bug based off of the way it looks. However, if I were basing my vote on competitiveness, it is a toss-up between Butterfree and Venomoth. Butterfree's utility is undeniable, but Venomoth makes an excellent specs user since barely anything resists its moves with Tinted Lens. I would have chosen Venomoth.

Venomoth might have Double Powder as well, but Butterfree has Compound eyes. Venomoth might be able to do more, but that 97.5% accurate Sleep + Para is just too tempting for me.
see manaphy

At least Manaphy has long antennae with little orbs at the end, which look like they could glow. What on Venomoth looks like it could glow? Its eyes? While we're at it, let's give Seaking Hi Jump Kick and Skitty Explosion, since we're being so liberal.

EDIT: Actually, they should make it so that Skitty can learn Explosion as an egg move through HSOWA. That would be golden. XD
Not to mention totally nonsensical, since Venomoth doesn't have a tail, let alone anything glowing on it.

Yeah and Blissey can Seismic Toss and Slowbro can flamethrower so what's new? :P jk . . . but tail glow is a bug attack so I just feel like bugs should get it . . .
Yeah and Blissey can Seismic Toss and Slowbro can flamethrower so what's new? :P jk . . . but tail glow is a bug attack so I just feel like bugs should get it . . .

I understand that, but going by this same logic, Shuckle should learn Megahorn, because it's a bug type. =\
I understand that, but going by this same logic, Shuckle should learn Megahorn, because it's a bug type. =\

Why not? It already has accupuncture which makes no sense seeing it has nothing sharp on its whole body . . . I think . . .

getting off topic . . .