
May I suggest a slate that attempts to provide switch-ins to the many unwallable or nearly unwallable attackers we have in the tier?

Tyrantrum, Salazzle, Pheromosa, Rapidash, come to mind as really hard to switch into right now.
Change of plans! Our coder is not gonna be able to work on this for a few days due to exam scheduling confusion. As such, we're gonna try to cram in just one more slate, in particular trying to address the issue of switch-ins/revenge killing options for key offensive threats.


Bulky Fighting type phazer with Circle Throw
-Must remain at least partially Fighting type.


Water/Ground tank
-Must remain Water/Ground type.
-Must have 534 BST (same as Delphox)
-Not a restriction, but keep in mind Clean Slate already has their own Swampert. Don't make your sub too similar to theirs!


Extreme Speed sweeper/abuser
Must retain Extreme Speed and have its exploitation be its primary niche.
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Sorry to be so critical but I don't think Linoone is really going to help much with revenge killing like you say. Rapidash has Dazzling, Tyrantrum is Rock type, and Salazzle has good physical defense. There is also a fair amount of normal type priority with Smeargle, Swellow, and Rapidash already. Not that it couldn't stand out but it's not particularly well targeted to our attackers and is slightly redundant. If it keeps Belly Drum it's going to add another hard-to-deal-with attacker into the mix, which is the opposite of the intention of the slate.

Edit: The Linoones all look good so far so don't worry about it
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Pokemon Name: Throh
Stats: 100 / 95 / 80 / 35 / 80 / 50
Typing: Fighting / Ground
Abilities: Guts / Stamina / Scrappy
Movepool Changes(if any): +Drain Punch, +Gunk Shot, +Counter, +Slack Off
Other Modifications?: N/A
How does this fulfill the concept?: Throh can now check many prominent threats in the meta like Tyrantrum and Pheromosa due to its excellent bulk combined with Stamina to repeatedly take physical hits. It is now the best switch-in to Tyrantrum right now due to a 4x resistance to Head Smash, Stamina, and access to Circle Throw and Slack Off. Alternatively, it now has to Drain Punch for a reliable recovery move, Gunk Shot to nail Whimsicott, and Counter to be able to deal a ton of damage to physical attackers
Sample Set:
Phazer (Throh) @ Leftovers
Ability: Stamina
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Slack Off
- Circle Throw
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch / Gunk Shot / Counter


Pokemon Name: Swampert
Stats: 95 / 106 / 100 / 75 / 88 / 74
Typing: Water / Ground
Abilities: Torrent / Regenerator
Movepool Changes: +Liquidation, +Knock Off, +Haze, +Recover
Other Modifications: Torrent and clones: now activate at 50% HP
How does this fulfill the concept?: Swampert can now be the ultimate wall. It now has new tools in Knock Off to cripple bulky foes reliant on Leftovers for recovery, and Haze to stop setup from Tyrantrum and Salazzle, and Recover to keep itself healthy to wall threats like *surprise, surprise* Tyrantrum. In addition, Regenerator allows it to act as a fantastic defensive pivot and sponge powerful attacks from both sides with AV. However, it still is worn down quite easily and can be overwhelmed by certain foes, especially special attackers. Grass-types are still a huge thorn in its side, as it cannot threaten them except for Knock Off. Lastly, it has severe 4-moveslot syndrome, as it cannot fit all of its utility moves at once.
Sample Sets:
Defensive Pivot (Swampert) @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish / Relaxed Nature
- Recover
- Scald / Liquidation
- Earthquake
- Knock Off / Haze / Toxic / Curse

RegenVest (Swampert) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Counter / Mirror Coat


Pokemon Name: Linoone
Stats: 77 / 50 / 84 / 60 / 84 / 100
Typing: Normal / Dark
Abilities: Gluttony / Intimidate / Strong Jaw
Movepool Changes: +Knock Off, +Crunch, +Ice Fang, +Fire Fang, +Thunder Fang, +Pursuit, +Sucker Punch
Other Modifications: Sucker Punch: buffed back to 80 BP
How does this fulfill the concept?: Linoone now finally gets to be a threatening sweeper, as it now has a better offensive typing to abuse Belly Drum with. It also has three good abilities for its role. Gluttony helps Linoone recover its HP to full if there are no hazards on the field, Intimidate helps ease setup opportunities with its better bulk, and Strong Jaw allows Linoone to have a very powerful STAB in Crunch and powerful coverage attacks in the Fang moves. Despite this, its typing defensively is horrible, leaving it weak to U-turn, Fairy-types, and most notably Fighting-types. It is also heavily reliant on BD to sweep, as its attack is horrible otherwise.
Sample Set:
Belly Drum Sweeper (Linoone) @ Figy Berry / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Gluttony / Intimidate / Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (you can adjust this to give it more HP as well)
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Belly Drum
- Extreme Speed
- Knock Off / Crunch
- Stomping Tantrum / Fire Fang
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Name: Throh
Stats: 110 / 110 / 95 / 35 / 75 / 65 (490)
Typing: Fighting
Abilities: Unaware, Scrappy, Guts
Movepool Changes(if any): +Drain Punch, Swords Dance
How does this fulfill the concept?: It can switch into Head Smashes from Tyrantrum with ease and Circle Throw away dastardly sweepers and walls, including Bulk Up Banette and Bronzong if you're running Scrappy. It can also be a bulky cleaner with Bulk Up or Swords Dance, and Unaware is great for Quiver Dance Pheromosa and Swords Dance Tyrantrum.


Name: Swampert
Stats: 103 / 105 / 95 / 65 / 108 / 58 (534)
Typing: Water/Ground
Abilities: Torrent, Water Absorb
Movepool Changes(if any): -
How does this fulfill the concept?: Unlike Throh, Swampert is more of a special wall, in particular being just about the best check to Salazzle there is, although he still takes hits fine on the physical end. Other than that it does much the same things it has always done, set rocks, eat hits, you know the drill. The lack of reliable recovery is still a bummer for it though, and it does not want to face Whimsicott, Energy Ball Bronzong or even Salazzle with HP Grass.


Name: Linoone
Stats: 85 / 68 / 71 / 50 / 71 / 105 (450)
Typing: Normal
Abilities: Gluttony, Hustle, Quick Feet
Movepool Changes(if any): +Brick Break, Crunch
How does this fulfill the concept?: With increased bulk, it can Belly Drum a little more safely now. If you want a more reliable cleaner or revenge killer though, you can try Hustle for more immediate damage. And if you're feeling REALLY ballsy, you can even try Belly Drum Hustle, although it's super risky and probably not worth it.

Name: Throh
Stats: 120/100/85/50/85/40 (480 BST)
Typing: Fighting
Abilities: Persistence/Guts/Mold Breaker
Movepool Changes(if any):+Drain Punch
Other Modifications?: Persistence: Marvel Scale clone
How does this fulfill the concept?: Throh can utilize a RestTalk set to be incredibly physically bulky while phazing with Circle Throw and crippling with either Knock Off or Toxic. It can also use a wallbreaking set with Guts.
Sample Sets:
Throh (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Persistence
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Circle Throw
- Knock Off / Toxic / Bulk Up

Throh (M) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Poison Jab
- Bulk Up


Name: Swampert
Stats: 100/110/95/95/65/65 (535 BST)
Typing: Water/Ground
Abilities: Torrent/Unaware
Movepool Changes(if any): +Recover
How does this fulfill the concept?: Swampert is a good physical tank and setup check, especially against Dragon Dance Tyrantrum. It also handles Rapidash very well.
Sample Set:

Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Toxic / Curse


Name: Linoone
Stats: 85/95/70/70/70/110 (500 BST)
Typing: Normal/Electric
Abilities: Pickup/Gluttony/Tough Claws
Movepool Changes(if any): +Zing Zap, +U-Turn, +Drill Run, -Belly Drum
How does this fulfill the concept?: Linoone is a unique revenge killer in its strong Extreme Speeds and coverage moves boosted by Tough Claws.
Sample Set:

Linoone @ Choice Band
Ability: Tough Claws
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Zing Zap
- Drill Run / Shadow Claw
- U-turn

Type: Water / Ground
Ability: Water Absorb | Hydration ( HA )
Stats: 105 / 89 / 110 / 100 / 65 / 65 | BST: 534
Movepool: -Sludge Wave, -Sludge
Reasoning: Special attacking bias to deal with the lower SpD of Salazzle, Tyrantrum, Rapidash, and Aurorus. Enough defense to take Banded Outrage from Tyrantrum on a switch and get one hit in, or take Head Smash several times. Water Absorb to deal with Salazzle's Water/Fire/Poison coverage even despite the low SpD, and provide some opportunity for healing since it lacks a simple recovery move. Hydration is a possibility, too, but you become vulnerable to Salazzle. It's easily countered by Whimsicott, who can even disrupt any Hydration shenanigans with Encore. Overall though it has a great typing, physical bulk, and Scald, which will make it very useful.


Type: Fighting
Ability: Mold Breaker | Sturdy ( HA )
Stats: 120 / 110 / 85 / 50 / 110 / 40
Modifications: Circle Throw deals +50% damage if the opponent makes contact with Throh that turn
Reasoning: Blanket check to all sorts of attackers with huge defenses and decent Atk, but it lacks reliable recovery. The buff to Circle Throw ensures that it's a solid choice on physical defense and AV sets alike and also makes perfect sense for the Judo pokemon. 40 Speed ties with Swellow who probably ought to be a good check to this. Mold Breaker is nice for Avalugg, especially because while Rapid Spin neuters Circle Throw strategies, it also will activate the damage boost for Circle Throw, chip Avalugg, and force it out before it can Recover.


Type: Normal
Ability: Technician / Quick Feet | Gluttony ( HA )
Stats: 90 / 92 / 52 / 88 / 78 / 115
Movepool: +Fake Out, +Coil, +U-turn, +Bulldoze, +Nasty Plot, -Belly Drum
Reasoning: Priority lovers eat your heart out. It even outspeeds Rapidash and hits it with Bulldoze, though it will need it weakened a bit to OHKO. The buffed Shadow Claw is another coverage option that it ( all Linoone subs ) gets. Fake Out / Extremespeed / Bulldoze / U-turn @ Silk Scarf or Life Orb is probably the most likely set. However, it has quite a few coverage moves it could use, as well as a few gimmick options with its other abilities.
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Time to start voting!

Throh: Anaconja, Yung Dramps, Scoopapa
Swampert: Scoopapa, Yung Dramps, Demon Dragon
Linoone: Scoopapa, Demon Dragon, Yung Dramps
Throh: Anaconja, Yung Dramps, Demon Dragon
Swampert: Yung Dramps, Demon Dragon, Scoopapa
Linoone: Scoopapa, Demon Dragon, Yung Dramps
Throh: Demon Dragon, Anaconja, Yung Dramps
Swampert: Yung Dramps, Anaconja, Demon Dragon
Linoone: Demon Dragon, Scoopapa, Anaconja
Throh: Yung Dramps, Anaconja, Scoopapa
Swampert: Scoopapa, Yung Dramps, Anaconja
Linoone: Scoopapa, Anaconja, Demon Dragon

Name: Throh
Stats: 120/100/85/50/85/40 (480 BST)
Typing: Fighting
Abilities: Persistence/Guts/Mold Breaker
Movepool Changes(if any):+Drain Punch
Other Modifications?: Persistence: Marvel Scale clone
How does this fulfill the concept?: Throh can utilize a RestTalk set to be incredibly physically bulky while phazing with Circle Throw and crippling with either Knock Off or Toxic. It can also use a wallbreaking set with Guts.
Sample Sets:
Throh (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Persistence
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Circle Throw
- Knock Off / Toxic / Bulk Up


Name: Swampert
Stats: 103 / 105 / 95 / 65 / 108 / 58 (534)
Typing: Water/Ground
Abilities: Torrent, Water Absorb
Movepool Changes(if any): -
How does this fulfill the concept?: Unlike Throh, Swampert is more of a special wall, in particular being just about the best check to Salazzle there is, although he still takes hits fine on the physical end. Other than that it does much the same things it has always done, set rocks, eat hits, you know the drill. The lack of reliable recovery is still a bummer for it though, and it does not want to face Whimsicott, Energy Ball Bronzong or even Salazzle with HP Grass.


Type: Normal
Ability: Technician / Quick Feet | Gluttony ( HA )
Stats: 90 / 92 / 52 / 88 / 78 / 115
Movepool: +Fake Out, +Coil, +U-turn, +Bulldoze, +Nasty Plot, -Belly Drum
Reasoning: Priority lovers eat your heart out. It even outspeeds Rapidash and hits it with Bulldoze, though it will need it weakened a bit to OHKO. The buffed Shadow Claw is another coverage option that it ( all Linoone subs ) gets. Fake Out / Extremespeed / Bulldoze / U-turn @ Silk Scarf or Life Orb is probably the most likely set. However, it has quite a few coverage moves it could use, as well as a few gimmick options with its other abilities.

Ok, that should be it for now until playtesting round 1 is over.
Here's some code for the coders:
ampharos: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Ampharos",
    types: ["Electric", "Fairy"],
    baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 70, def: 95, spa: 110, spd: 95, spe: 50},
    abilities: {0: "Static", H: "Thick Fat"},
aurorus: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Aurorus",
    types: ["Ice", "Rock"],
    baseStats: {hp: 180, atk: 120, def: 95, spa: 65, spd: 55, spe: 65},
    abilities: {0: "Sap Sipper", 1: "Pressure", H: "Snow Warning"},
avalugg: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Avalugg",
    types: ["Ice"],
    baseStats: {hp: 103, atk: 112, def: 140, spa: 44, spd: 73, spe: 48},
    abilities: {0: "Sturdy", 1: "Heatproof", H: "Fortress"},
banette: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Banette",
    types: ["Ghost", "Dark"],
    baseStats: {hp: 88, atk: 120, def: 80, spa: 72, spd: 76, spe: 84},
    abilities: {0: "Insomnia", 1: "Intimidate", H: "Unnerve"},
bastiodon: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Bastiodon",
    types: ["Steel"],
    baseStats: {hp: 65, atk: 47, def: 148, spa: 47, spd: 148, spe: 45},
    abilities: {0: "Filter", H: "Sand Stream"},
bronzong: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Bronzong",
    types: ["Steel", "Ghost"],
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 70, def: 85, spa: 125, spd: 125, spe: 55},
    abilities: {0: "Heatproof", 1: "Heavy Metal", H: "Analytic"},
delphox: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Delphox",
    types: ["Fire", "Psychic"],
    baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 69, def: 72, spa: 114, spd: 100, spe: 104},
    abilities: {0: "Blaze", H: "Regenerator"},
electrode: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Electrode",
    types: ["Electric", "Dark"],
    baseStats: {hp: 50, atk: 90, def: 50, spa: 90, spd: 50, spe: 150},
    abilities: {0: "Soundproof", 1: "Aftermath", H: "Bulletproof"},
linoone: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Linoone",
    types: ["Normal"],
    baseStats: {hp: 90, atk: 92, def: 52, spa: 88, spd: 78, spe: 115},
    abilities: {0: "Technician", 1: "Quick Feet", H: "Gluttony"},
pheromosa: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Pheromosa",
    types: ["Bug", "Fighting"],
    baseStats: {hp: 71, atk: 122, def: 37, spa: 122, spd: 37, spe: 121},
    abilities: {0: "Wonder Skin", H: "Limber"},
rapidash: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Rapidash",
    types: ["Fire", "Ground"],
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 100, def: 70, spa: 80, spd: 60, spe: 110},
    abilities: {0: "Flame Body", 1: "Rattled", H: "Dazzling"},
salazzle: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Salazzle",
    types: ["Poison", "Water"],
    baseStats: {hp: 81, atk: 82, def: 101, spa: 109, spd: 63, spe: 109},
    abilities: {0: "Flash Fire", 1: "Corrosion", H: "Light Runner"},
smeargle: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Smeargle",
    types: ["Normal", "Fairy"],
    baseStats: {hp: 85, atk: 100, def: 85, spa: 100, spd: 85, spe: 100},
    abilities: {0: "Trace", 1: "Technician", H: "Protean"},
swampert: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Swampert",
    types: ["Water", "Ground"],
    baseStats: {hp: 103, atk: 105, def: 95, spa: 65, spd: 108, spe: 58},
    abilities: {0: "Torrent", H: "Water Absorb"},
swellow: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Swellow",
    types: ["Normal", "Flying"],
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 100, def: 90, spa: 80, spd: 90, spe: 40},
    abilities: {0: "Guts", H: "Scrappy"},
throh: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Throh",
    types: ["Fighting"],
    baseStats: {hp: 120, atk: 100, def: 85, spa: 50, spd: 85, spe: 40},
    abilities: {0: "Persistence", 1: "Guts", H: "Mold Breaker"},
tyrantrum: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Tyrantrum",
    types: ["Rock", "Dragon"],
    baseStats: {hp: 82, atk: 115, def: 89, spa: 69, spd: 61, spe: 104},
    abilities: {0: "Rock Head", 1: "Reckless", H: "No Guard"},
whimsicott: {
    inherit: true,
    species: "Whimsicott",
    types: ["Grass", "Fairy"],
    baseStats: {hp: 70, atk: 57, def: 115, spa: 77, spd: 95, spe: 116},
    abilities: {0: "Prankster", 1: "Infiltrator", H: "Chlorophyll"},
ampharos: {learnset: {
    afteryou: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    attract: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    bodyslam: ["3T"],
    brickbreak: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    brutalswing: ["7M"],
    bulldoze: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    captivate: ["4M"],
    charge: ["7L16", "6L16", "5L25", "4L25"],
    chargebeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    confuseray: ["7L29", "6L29", "5L29"],
    cottonguard: ["7L43", "6L43", "5L36"],
    cottonspore: ["7L11", "7V", "6L11", "5L20", "4L20", "3L27"],
    counter: ["3T"],
    curse: ["7V"],
    dazzlinggleam: ["7L1"],
    defensecurl: ["7V", "3T"],
    discharge: ["7L38", "6L38", "5L42", "4L31"],
    doubleedge: ["3T"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    dragonpulse: ["7T", "7L65", "7L1", "6T", "6L1"],
    dynamicpunch: ["7V", "3T"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    electroball: ["7L25", "6L25", "5L31"],
    electroweb: ["7T", "6T"],
    endure: ["7V", "4M", "3T"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    firepunch: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    flash: ["7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    fling: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    focusblast: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    focuspunch: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    frustration: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    growl: ["7L1", "7V", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    headbutt: ["7V", "4T"],
    healbell: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    iondeluge: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    irontail: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4M", "3M"],
    laserfocus: ["7T"],
    lightscreen: ["7M", "7L52", "7V", "6M", "6L52", "5M", "5L53", "4M", "4L42", "3M", "3L36"],
    magneticflux: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    magnetrise: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    megakick: ["3T"],
    megapunch: ["3T"],
    mimic: ["3T"],
    moonblast: ["7L1"],
    moonlight: ["7L1"],
    naturalgift: ["4M"],
    outrage: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    powergem: ["7L34", "6L34", "5L59", "4L47"],
    poweruppunch: ["6M"],
    protect: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    raindance: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rest: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    return: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rockclimb: ["4M"],
    rocksmash: ["7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    safeguard: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M", "4M", "3M"],
    seismictoss: ["3T"],
    shockwave: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    signalbeam: ["7T", "7L47", "6T", "6L47", "5T", "5L47", "4T", "4L36"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5T", "4M", "3T"],
    snore: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    strength: ["7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    swagger: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    swift: ["7V", "4T", "3T"],
    tackle: ["7L1", "7V", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    takedown: ["7L20", "6L20", "5L20"],
    thunder: ["7M", "7L56", "7V", "6M", "6L56", "5M", "5L65", "4M", "4L53", "3M", "3L45"],
    thunderbolt: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    thunderpunch: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    thundershock: ["7L8", "7L1", "7V", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    thunderwave: ["7M", "7L4", "7L1", "7V", "6M", "6L1", "5M", "5L14", "4M", "4L14", "3T", "3L18"],
    toxic: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    voltswitch: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    wildcharge: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    zapcannon: ["7V"],
aurorus: {learnset: {
    ancientpower: ["7L26", "6L26"],
    aquatail: ["7T", "6T"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M"],
    aurorabeam: ["7L20", "6L20"],
    avalanche: ["7L34", "6L34"],
    barrier: ["7E", "6E"],
    blizzard: ["7M", "7L65", "6M", "6L65"],
    bulldoze: ["7M", "6M"],
    calmmind: ["7M", "6M"],
    chargebeam: ["7M", "6M"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    darkpulse: ["7M", "6M"],
    discharge: ["7E", "6E"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M"],
    dragontail: ["7M", "6M"],
    dreameater: ["7M", "6M"],
    earthpower: ["7T", "6T"],
    earthquake: ["7M", "6M"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M"],
    encore: ["7L44", "6L44"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M"],
    flash: ["6M"],
    flashcannon: ["7M", "6M"],
    freezedry: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    frostbreath: ["7M", "6M"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M"],
    growl: ["7L1", "6L1", "6S0"],
    hail: ["7M", "7L38", "6M", "6L38"],
    haze: ["7E", "6E"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "7L57", "6M", "6L57"],
    hypervoice: ["7T", "6T"],
    icebeam: ["7M", "7L50", "6M", "6L50"],
    icywind: ["7T", "7L13", "6T", "6L13"],
    irondefense: ["7T", "6T"],
    ironhead: ["7T", "6T"],
    irontail: ["7T", "6T"],
    lightscreen: ["7M", "7L47", "6M", "6L47"],
    magnetrise: ["7T", "7E", "6T", "6E"],
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avalugg: {learnset: {
    afteryou: ["7T", "6T"],
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    icebeam: ["7M", "6M"],
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banette: {learnset: {
    allyswitch: ["7T"],
    astonish: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
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    thunderwave: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
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    trickroom: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    willowisp: ["7M", "7L16", "6M", "6L13", "5M", "5L23", "4M", "4L23", "3L32", "3S0"],
bastiodon: {learnset: {
    ancientpower: ["7L28", "6L28", "5L28", "4T", "4L28"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    heavyslam: ["7L46", "6L46", "5L46"],
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    magnetrise: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
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    metalsound: ["7L10", "6L10", "5L10", "5S0", "4L10"],
    mudslap: ["4T"],
    naturalgift: ["4M"],
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    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    rockslide: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    rocksmash: ["6M", "5M", "4M"],
    rocktomb: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
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    smackdown: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
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    stompingtantrum: ["7T"],
    stoneedge: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    strength: ["6M", "5M", "4M"],
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bronzong: {learnset: {
    allyswitch: ["7T"],
    ancientpower: ["4T"],
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    feintattack: ["7L21", "6L21", "5L21", "4L41"],
    flash: ["6M", "5M", "4M"],
    flashcannon: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    gravity: ["7T", "6T", "5D", "5T", "4T"],
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    psychup: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    rest: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    rocksmash: ["6M", "5M", "4M"],
    rocktomb: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    rollout: ["4T"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
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delphox: {learnset: {
    allyswitch: ["7T"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M"],
    blastburn: ["7T", "6T"],
    calmmind: ["7M", "6M"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
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    recycle: ["7T", "6T"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M"],
    roleplay: ["7T", "7L1", "6T", "6L1"],
    round: ["7M", "6M"],
    safeguard: ["7M", "6M"],
    scratch: ["7L1", "6L1"],
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    signalbeam: ["7T", "6T"],
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    snore: ["7T", "6T"],
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    substitute: ["7M", "6M"],
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    switcheroo: ["7L1", "6L1"],
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    wonderroom: ["7T", "6T"],
    workup: ["7M"],
    zenheadbutt: ["7T", "6T"],
electrode: {learnset: {
    bide: ["7V"],
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    chargebeam: ["7M", "7L16", "6M", "6L16", "5M", "5L22", "4M", "4L26"],
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    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    flash: ["7V", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
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    mimic: ["7V", "3T"],
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    rest: ["7M", "7V", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
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    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
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    spark: ["7L9", "6L9", "5L12", "4L12", "3L21", "3S0"],
    substitute: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
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    wildcharge: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    zapcannon: ["7V"],
    zingzap: ["7L1"],
linoone: {learnset: {
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    babydolleyes: ["7L12", "6L11"],
    bestow: ["7L25", "6L25", "5L33"],
    blizzard: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    bodyslam: ["3T"],
    bulldoze: ["7L1"],
    captivate: ["4M"],
    chargebeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    charm: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    coil: ["7L1"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    covet: ["7T", "7L23", "6T", "6L23", "5T", "5L29", "4L29", "3L29"],
    cut: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    defensecurl: ["3T"],
    dig: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    doubleedge: ["3T"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    endure: ["4M", "3T"],
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    fakeout: ["7L1"],
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    fling: ["7M", "7L41", "6M", "6L41", "5M", "5L49", "4M", "4L45"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
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    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
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    headbutt: ["7L11", "6L9", "5L9", "4T", "4L9", "3L9"],
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    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    honeclaws: ["6M", "5M"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hypervoice: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    icebeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    icywind: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    irontail: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4M", "3M"],
    lastresort: ["7T", "6T", "5D", "5T", "4T"],
    mimic: ["3T"],
    mudslap: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4T", "4E", "3T"],
    mudsport: ["7L17", "6L17", "5L21", "4L21", "3L21"],
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    naturalgift: ["4M"],
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    playrough: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    protect: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    pursuit: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    raindance: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rest: ["7M", "7L35", "6M", "6L35", "5M", "5L41", "4M", "4L37", "3M", "3L37"],
    retaliate: ["6M", "5M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    roar: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rockclimb: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    rocksmash: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rollout: ["4T", "3T"],
    rototiller: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
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    shadowclaw: ["7L1"],
    shockwave: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    simplebeam: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    slash: ["7L32", "6L32", "5L47", "4L41", "3L41"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "7E", "6M", "6E", "5T", "5E", "4M", "3T"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    stompingtantrum: ["7T"],
    strength: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "4E", "3T", "3E"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    superfang: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    surf: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    swift: ["4T", "3T"],
    switcheroo: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1"],
    tackle: ["7L1", "6L1", "5D", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1", "3S1", "3S0"],
    tailwhip: ["7L5", "6L5", "5L5", "4L5", "3L5", "3S1", "3S0"],
    takedown: ["7L31", "6L31"],
    thief: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    throatchop: ["7T"],
    thunder: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    thunderbolt: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    thunderwave: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    tickle: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    trick: ["7T", "7E", "6T", "6E", "5D", "5T", "5E", "4T", "4E", "3E"],
    uturn: ["7L1"],
    waterpulse: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    whirlpool: ["4M"],
    workup: ["7M", "5M"],
pheromosa: {learnset: {
    agility: ["7L37"],
    blizzard: ["7M"],
    block: ["7T"],
    bounce: ["7T", "7L29"],
    brickbreak: ["7M"],
    bugbite: ["7T"],
    bugbuzz: ["7L53", "7S0", "7S1"],
    confide: ["7M"],
    doublekick: ["7L1"],
    doubleteam: ["7M"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M"],
    electroweb: ["7T"],
    facade: ["7M"],
    falseswipe: ["7M"],
    feint: ["7L19"],
    fling: ["7M"],
    focusblast: ["7M"],
    foulplay: ["7T"],
    frustration: ["7M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M"],
    highjumpkick: ["7L67"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M"],
    icywind: ["7T"],
    jumpkick: ["7L31"],
    laserfocus: ["7T"],
    leer: ["7L1"],
    lowkick: ["7T", "7L1"],
    lowsweep: ["7M"],
    lunge: ["7L47", "7S0", "7S1"],
    mefirst: ["7L59", "7S0", "7S1"],
    outrage: ["7T"],
    poisonjab: ["7M"],
    protect: ["7M"],
    quickguard: ["7L1"],
    quiverdance: ["7L1"],
    rapidspin: ["7L1"],
    rest: ["7M"],
    return: ["7M"],
    roost: ["7M"],
    round: ["7M"],
    shockwave: ["7T"],
    signalbeam: ["7T"],
    silverwind: ["7L23"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M"],
    snatch: ["7T"],
    snore: ["7T"],
    speedswap: ["7L73"],
    stomp: ["7L13"],
    substitute: ["7M"],
    swagger: ["7M"],
    swift: ["7L7"],
    taunt: ["7M"],
    throatchop: ["7T"],
    torment: ["7M"],
    toxic: ["7M"],
    triplekick: ["7L43", "7S0", "7S1"],
    uturn: ["7M"],
rapidash: {learnset: {
    agility: ["7L37", "7V", "6L37", "5L37", "4L33", "3L38"],
    allyswitch: ["7T", "7E", "6E"],
    attract: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    batonpass: ["3S0"],
    bide: ["7V"],
    bodyslam: ["7V", "3T"],
    bounce: ["7T", "7L45", "6T", "6L45", "5T", "5L45", "4T", "4L42", "3L45"],
    captivate: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4M"],
    charm: ["7E", "7V", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    curse: ["7V"],
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    doublekick: ["7E", "7V", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    drillrun: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    earthpower: ["7L1"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    ember: ["7L9", "7V", "6L9", "5L9", "4L10", "3L14"],
    endure: ["7V", "4M", "3T"],
    extremespeed: ["7L1"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
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    firespin: ["7L25", "7V", "6L25", "5L25", "4L24", "3L25"],
    flamecharge: ["7M", "7L21", "6M", "6L21", "5M", "5L21"],
    flamethrower: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    flamewheel: ["7L13", "7E", "7V", "6L13", "6E", "5L13", "5E", "4L15", "4E", "3E"],
    flareblitz: ["7L49", "6L49", "5L49", "4L46"],
    frustration: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    furyattack: ["7L1", "7V", "6L40", "5L40", "4L40", "3L40"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    growl: ["7L1", "7V", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L5"],
    headbutt: ["7V", "4T"],
    heatwave: ["7T", "6T", "5D", "5T", "4T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    highhorsepower: ["7E"],
    horndrill: ["7E", "7V", "6E", "5E", "4E"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hypnosis: ["7E", "7V", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    incinerate: ["6M", "5M"],
    inferno: ["7L33", "6L33", "5L33"],
    irontail: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4M", "3M"],
    lowkick: ["7T", "7E", "6T", "6E", "5T", "5E"],
    megahorn: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1"],
    mimic: ["7V", "3T"],
    morningsun: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E"],
    naturalgift: ["4M"],
    overheat: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    poisonjab: ["7M", "7L1", "6M", "6L1", "5M", "5L1", "4M", "4L1"],
    protect: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    quickattack: ["7V", "3L1"],
    rage: ["7V"],
    reflect: ["7V"],
    rest: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    return: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M", "4M", "3M"],
    skullbash: ["7V"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5T", "4M", "3T"],
    smartstrike: ["7M"],
    snore: ["7T", "7V", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    solarbeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    stomp: ["7L17", "7V", "6L17", "5L17", "4L19", "3L19"],
    strength: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    swagger: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    swift: ["7V", "4T", "3T"],
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    takedown: ["7L29", "7V", "6L29", "5L29", "4L28", "3L31"],
    thrash: ["7E", "7V", "6E", "5D", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    throatchop: ["7T"],
    toxic: ["7M", "7V", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    uturn: ["7L1"],
    wildcharge: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    willowisp: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
salazzle: {learnset: {
    acrobatics: ["7M"],
    attract: ["7M"],
    belch: ["7E"],
    captivate: ["7L1"],
    confide: ["7M"],
    covet: ["7T"],
    disable: ["7L1"],
    doubleslap: ["7L21"],
    doubleteam: ["7M"],
    dragonclaw: ["7M"],
    dragonpulse: ["7T", "7L48"],
    dragonrage: ["7L13"],
    dragontail: ["7M"],
    ember: ["7L5"],
    encore: ["7L1"],
    facade: ["7M"],
    fakeout: ["7E"],
    fireblast: ["7M"],
    flameburst: ["7L24"],
    flamethrower: ["7M", "7L40"],
    fling: ["7M"],
    foulplay: ["7T"],
    frustration: ["7M"],
    gunkshot: ["7T"],
    heatwave: ["7T"],
    helpinghand: ["7T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M"],
    hydropump: ["7L1"],
    irontail: ["7T"],
    knockoff: ["7T", "7E"],
    laserfocus: ["7T"],
    leechlife: ["7M"],
    nastyplot: ["7L32"],
    payback: ["7M"],
    poisongas: ["7L1"],
    poisonjab: ["7M"],
    pound: ["7L1"],
    protect: ["7M"],
    rest: ["7M"],
    return: ["7M"],
    round: ["7M"],
    sandattack: ["7E"],
    scald: ["7L1"],
    scratch: ["7L1"],
    shadowclaw: ["7M"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M"],
    sludgebomb: ["7M"],
    sludgewave: ["7M"],
    smog: ["7L16"],
    snatch: ["7T", "7E"],
    snore: ["7T"],
    substitute: ["7M"],
    surf: ["7L1"],
    swagger: ["7M"],
    sweetscent: ["7L8"],
    taunt: ["7M"],
    thief: ["7M"],
    torment: ["7M"],
    toxic: ["7M", "7L29"],
    venomdrench: ["7L45"],
    venoshock: ["7M", "7L37"],
smeargle: {learnset: {
    aurasphere: ["7L1"],
    brickbreak: ["7L1"],
    captivate: ["5D"],
    doubleedge: ["7L1"],
    falseswipe: ["5S1"],
    flamethrower: ["6S2"],
    furyswipes: ["6S2"],
    healingwish: ["7L1"],
    hypervoice: ["7L1"],
    meanlook: ["5S1"],
    moonblast: ["7L1"],
    odorsleuth: ["5S1"],
    playrough: ["7L1"],
    psychic: ["7L1"],
    quickattack: ["7L1"],
    seismictoss: ["6S2"],
    shadowclaw: ["7L1"],
    sketch: ["7L1"],
    sleeptalk: ["5D"],
    spore: ["5S1"],
    stealthrock: ["7L1"],
    swordsdance: ["7L1"],
    taunt: ["7L1"],
    throatchop: ["7L1"],
    uturn: ["7L1"],
    vacuumwave: ["7L1"],
swampert: {learnset: {
    ancientpower: ["4T"],
    aquatail: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    avalanche: ["4M"],
    bide: ["7L18", "6L15", "5L15", "4L15", "3L15"],
    blizzard: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    bodyslam: ["3T"],
    brickbreak: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    bulldoze: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    captivate: ["4M"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    counter: ["3T"],
    defensecurl: ["3T"],
    dig: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    dive: ["6M", "5M", "4T", "3M"],
    doubleedge: ["3T"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    dynamicpunch: ["3T"],
    earthpower: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    earthquake: ["7M", "7L48", "6M", "6L46", "5M", "5L46", "4M", "4L46", "3M", "3L46"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    endeavor: ["7T", "7L52", "6T", "6L52", "5T", "5L53", "4T", "4L53", "3L53"],
    endure: ["4M", "3T"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    fling: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    focusblast: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    focuspunch: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    foresight: ["7L12", "6L12", "5L20", "4L20", "3L20"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    growl: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    hail: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hammerarm: ["7L63", "7L1", "6L1", "5L69", "5S0", "4L69"],
    headbutt: ["4T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hydrocannon: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    hydropump: ["5S0"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    icebeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    icepunch: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    icywind: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    irontail: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4M", "3M"],
    lowkick: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    megakick: ["3T"],
    megapunch: ["3T"],
    mimic: ["3T"],
    mudbomb: ["7L22", "6L22", "5L25", "4L25"],
    muddywater: ["7L38", "6L37", "5L37", "4L37", "3L37"],
    mudshot: ["7L1", "6L16", "5L16", "4L16", "3L16"],
    mudslap: ["7L9", "7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4T", "4L1", "3T", "3L1"],
    mudsport: ["3L25"],
    naturalgift: ["4M"],
    outrage: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    poweruppunch: ["6M"],
    protect: ["7M", "7L32", "6M", "6L32", "5M", "5L42", "4M", "4L42", "3M", "3L42"],
    raindance: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    roar: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rockclimb: ["4M"],
    rockslide: ["7M", "7L28", "6M", "6L28", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    rocksmash: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rocktomb: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    rollout: ["4T", "3T"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    scald: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M", "4M", "3M"],
    seismictoss: ["3T"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "6M", "5T", "4M", "3T"],
    sludgewave: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    stealthrock: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4M"],
    stompingtantrum: ["7T"],
    stoneedge: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    strength: ["6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    superpower: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    surf: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    tackle: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    takedown: ["7L42", "6L31", "5L31", "4L31", "3L31"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    uproar: ["7T", "6T"],
    waterfall: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    watergun: ["7L4", "7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1"],
    waterpledge: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    waterpulse: ["7T", "6T", "4M", "3M"],
    whirlpool: ["4M"],
    workup: ["7M"],
swellow: {learnset: {
    aerialace: ["7M", "7L21", "6M", "6L21", "5M", "5L34", "4M", "4L34", "3M", "3L34"],
    agility: ["7L29", "6L29", "5L43", "4L43", "3L43"],
    aircutter: ["4T"],
    airslash: ["7L33", "6L33", "5L53", "4L53"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    batonpass: ["3S0"],
    bravebird: ["7L41", "7E", "6L41", "6E", "5D", "5E", "4E"],
    bulkup: ["7L1"],
    captivate: ["4M"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    counter: ["3T"],
    defog: ["7T", "7E", "6E", "5E", "4M"],
    doubleedge: ["3T"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "7L17", "6M", "6L17", "5M", "5L19", "4M", "4L19", "3M", "3L19"],
    echoedvoice: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    endeavor: ["7T", "7L37", "6T", "6L26", "5T", "5L26", "4T", "4L26", "3L26"],
    endure: ["5D", "4M", "3T"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    featherdance: ["3S0"],
    fly: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    focusenergy: ["7L5", "6L4", "5L4", "4L4", "3L4", "3S0"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    growl: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1", "3S0"],
    heatwave: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    hurricane: ["7E"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    laserfocus: ["7T"],
    mimic: ["3T"],
    mirrormove: ["7E", "6E", "5D", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    mudslap: ["4T", "3T"],
    naturalgift: ["4M"],
    ominouswind: ["4T"],
    peck: ["7L1", "6L1", "5D", "5L1", "4L1", "3L1", "3S0"],
    pluck: ["5M", "4M"],
    protect: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    pursuit: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    quickattack: ["7L9", "6L7", "5L8", "4L8", "3L8"],
    quickguard: ["7L25", "6L25"],
    rage: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    raindance: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    refresh: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    reversal: ["7L45"],
    roost: ["7M", "7E", "6M", "6E", "5T", "5E", "4M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M", "4M", "3M"],
    skyattack: ["7T", "7E", "6T", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3T", "3E"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "6M", "5T", "4M", "3T"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T", "5T", "4T", "3T"],
    steelwing: ["7M", "7E", "6M", "6E", "5E", "4M", "3M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    supersonic: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E", "3E"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3T"],
    swift: ["4T", "3T"],
    tailwind: ["7T", "6T", "5D", "5T", "4T"],
    thief: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M", "3M"],
    twister: ["4T"],
    uturn: ["7M", "6M", "5M", "4M"],
    whirlwind: ["7E", "6E", "5E", "4E"],
    wingattack: ["7L13", "6L13", "5L13", "4L13", "3L13"],
    workup: ["7M", "5M"],
throh: {learnset: {
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    bide: ["7L1", "6L5", "5L5"],
    bind: ["7T", "7L1", "6T", "6L1", "5D", "5T", "5L1"],
    block: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    bodyslam: ["7L21", "6L29", "5L29"],
    brickbreak: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    bulkup: ["7M", "7L25", "6M", "6L33", "5M", "5L33"],
    bulldoze: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    circlethrow: ["7L29", "6L37", "5L37"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    dig: ["6M", "5M"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    drainpunch: ["7L1"],
    earthquake: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    endure: ["7L33", "6L41", "5L41"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    firepunch: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    fling: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    focusblast: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    focusenergy: ["7L1", "6L9", "5L9"],
    focuspunch: ["7T", "6T"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    grassknot: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    helpinghand: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    icepunch: ["7T", "6T", "5D", "5T"],
    knockoff: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    laserfocus: ["7T"],
    leer: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1"],
    lowkick: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    lowsweep: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    matblock: ["7L1"],
    painsplit: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    payback: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    poisonjab: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    poweruppunch: ["6M"],
    protect: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    raindance: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    retaliate: ["6M", "5M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    revenge: ["7L13", "6L21", "5L21"],
    reversal: ["7L45", "6L50", "5L53"],
    rockslide: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    rocksmash: ["6M", "5M"],
    rocktomb: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M"],
    seismictoss: ["7L5", "6L13", "5L13"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "6M", "5T"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    stompingtantrum: ["7T"],
    stoneedge: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    stormthrow: ["7L17", "6L25", "5L25"],
    strength: ["6M", "5M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    superpower: ["7T", "7L41", "6T", "6L48", "5D", "5T", "5L49"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    taunt: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    thunderpunch: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    vitalthrow: ["7L9", "6L17", "5L17"],
    wideguard: ["7L37", "6L45", "5L45"],
    workup: ["7M", "5M"],
    zenheadbutt: ["7T", "6T"],
tyrantrum: {learnset: {
    aerialace: ["7M", "6M"],
    ancientpower: ["7L26", "6L26"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M"],
    bide: ["7L12", "6L12"],
    bite: ["7L17", "6L17"],
    block: ["7T", "6T"],
    brickbreak: ["7M", "6M"],
    brutalswing: ["7M"],
    bulldoze: ["7M", "6M"],
    charm: ["7L20", "6L20"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    crunch: ["7L34", "6L34"],
    curse: ["7E", "6E"],
    darkpulse: ["7M", "6M"],
    dig: ["6M"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M"],
    dracometeor: ["7T", "6T"],
    dragonclaw: ["7M", "7L37", "6M", "6L37"],
    dragondance: ["7E", "6E"],
    dragonpulse: ["7T", "6T"],
    dragonrush: ["7L1"],
    dragontail: ["7M", "7L30", "6M", "6L30"],
    earthpower: ["7T", "6T"],
    earthquake: ["7M", "7L44", "6M", "6L44"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M"],
    firefang: ["7E", "6E"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "7L68", "6M", "6L75"],
    headsmash: ["7L58", "7L1", "6L1"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M"],
    honeclaws: ["6M"],
    horndrill: ["7L49", "6L49"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "6M"],
    hypervoice: ["7T", "6T"],
    icefang: ["7E", "6E"],
    irondefense: ["7T", "6T"],
    ironhead: ["7T", "6T"],
    irontail: ["7T", "6T"],
    outrage: ["7T", "6T"],
    poisonfang: ["7E", "6E"],
    protect: ["7M", "6M"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M"],
    roar: ["7M", "7L6", "6M", "6L6", "6S0"],
    rockpolish: ["7M", "7E", "6M", "6E"],
    rockslide: ["7M", "6M"],
    rocksmash: ["6M"],
    rocktomb: ["7M", "6M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M"],
    sandstorm: ["7M", "6M"],
    secretpower: ["6M"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "6M"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T"],
    stealthrock: ["7T", "7L15", "6T", "6L15"],
    stomp: ["7L10", "6L10", "6S0"],
    stompingtantrum: ["7T"],
    stoneedge: ["7M", "6M"],
    strength: ["6M"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "6M"],
    superpower: ["7T", "6T"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M"],
    swordsdance: ["7L1"],
    tackle: ["7L1", "6L1", "6S0"],
    tailwhip: ["7L1", "6L1", "6S0"],
    thrash: ["7L40", "6L40"],
    thunderfang: ["7E", "6E"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M"],
    wildcharge: ["7L1"],
    zenheadbutt: ["7T", "6T"],
whimsicott: {learnset: {
    absorb: ["7L1", "6L1", "5L1"],
    attract: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    beatup: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    captivate: ["7E", "6E"],
    charm: ["7L28", "6L28", "5L28"],
    confide: ["7M", "6M"],
    cottonguard: ["7L37", "6L37", "5L37"],
    cottonspore: ["7L17", "6L17", "5L17"],
    covet: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    dazzlinggleam: ["7M", "6M"],
    defog: ["7T"],
    doubleteam: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    dreameater: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    encore: ["7E", "6E", "5D", "5E"],
    endeavor: ["7T", "7L44", "6T", "6L44", "5T", "5L44"],
    energyball: ["7M", "7L35", "6M", "6L35", "5M", "5L35"],
    facade: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    fairywind: ["7L1", "6L1"],
    faketears: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    flash: ["6M", "5M"],
    fling: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    frustration: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    gigadrain: ["7T", "7L26", "6T", "6L26", "5T", "5L26"],
    gigaimpact: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    grassknot: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    grasswhistle: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    growth: ["7L4", "6L4", "5L4"],
    gust: ["7L10", "6L10", "5L10"],
    helpinghand: ["7T", "7L31", "6T", "6L31", "5T", "5L31"],
    hiddenpower: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    hurricane: ["7L46", "6L46", "5L46"],
    hyperbeam: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    knockoff: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    leechseed: ["7L8", "6L8", "5D", "5L8"],
    lightscreen: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    megadrain: ["7L13", "6L13", "5L13"],
    memento: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    mistyterrain: ["7E"],
    moonblast: ["7L50", "6L50"],
    naturalgift: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    naturepower: ["7M", "6M"],
    poisonpowder: ["7L22", "6L22", "5L22"],
    protect: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    psychic: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    razorleaf: ["7L19", "6L19", "5L19"],
    rest: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    return: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    round: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    safeguard: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    secretpower: ["6M"],
    seedbomb: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    shadowball: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    sleeptalk: ["7M", "6M", "5T"],
    snore: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    solarbeam: ["7M", "7L46", "6M", "6L46", "5M", "5L46"],
    stunspore: ["7L10", "6L10", "5L10"],
    substitute: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    sunnyday: ["7M", "7L40", "6M", "6L40", "5M", "5L40"],
    swagger: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    switcheroo: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    synthesis: ["7L1"],
    tailwind: ["7T", "6T", "5T"],
    taunt: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    thief: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    tickle: ["7E", "6E", "5E"],
    toxic: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    trickroom: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    uturn: ["7M", "6M", "5M"],
    worryseed: ["7T", "7E", "6T", "6E", "5D", "5T", "5E"],
    ampharos: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    aurorus: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    avalugg: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    banette: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    bastiodon: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    bronzong: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    delphox: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    electrode: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    linoone: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    pheromosa: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    rapidash: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    salazzle: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    smeargle: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    swampert: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    swellow: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    throh: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    tyrantrum: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",
    whimsicott: {
        tier: "OU",
        doublesTier: "DOU",

Used my app to generate this all from the spreadsheet. In the future, it's easier if "movepool additions" and "movepool removals" have their own columns without any + or - signs; I had to change that in order to copy into the app. Didn't take very long, but would be nice for future reference. The app dowload/tutorial is in my sig.
Alright! I've finally done what I've been putting off and updated the OP. Now in the meantime, lets talk theorymonning before we properly playtest.

Ive said this before, but the speed tiers are all kinds of weird right now. Pokemon are either VERY slow or VERY fast, with really only Banette being inbetween the two. As that stands, Bronzong and Trick Room teams are something that I think people are really underestimating, especially since it can easily do stuff like
252+ SpA Bronzong Flash Cannon vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Tyrantrum: 416-492 (135.9 - 160.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

And theres stuff thats even slower and more powerful than Bronzong! Like Swellow! Too bad Swellow's STABs seem to be mediocre at best atm, really only improving its matchup vs Throh and Whimsicott.

Avalugg and Bastiodon seem to be our defensive stallwarts, and to be honest they seem painfully good at their job. Swellows +1 Facade doesnt even 2HKO Physically Defensive Avalugg, who easily kills it in return and, hilariously, outspeeds it to begin with. The fact that they have recovery is just icing on the very fat cake.

As many have already said, I think Tyrantrum is going to be a defining force in this metagame. Head Smash is an absurdly good STAB, and although Bastiodon stops it clean, pairing it with Rapidash makes for a very potent core imo, as Tyrantrum can theoretically run through an entire team once the steel types are taken out. However, due to this being a metagame of extreme speeds, Tyrantrums 104 speed is actually pretty mediocre in this metagame, as it really only outspeeds Smeargle, who has Vaccum Wave to render that meaningless in any case. However, Tyrantrum DOES have both Dragon Dance and Rock Polish to help it, although on the whole I actually dont think this meta is any kinder to it speed tier wise lmao. It does get some new phenomenal moves in Wild Charge and Dragon Rush, and if you just wanna break stuff you can Reckless yourself to death while also killing everything in your path. Not as good as people are making it out to be, but its dangerous.

Im excited for Regenvest Delphox which will probably suck , think we missed the mark on Linoone, annd am very curious to see how Salazzle turns out in this metagame. All in all, this is a very cool pool of pokemon to begin with, and Im excited to start playtesting as soon as this is coded.

EDIT: Bronzong has the highest attacking stat in the entire metagame. I love that. Bronzong is my fave.
All this should be taken with a grain of salt since we only have 18 pokemon. There's a pattern here of attackers with movepools that are unresisted by any bulky pokemon, and it's mostly for this reason.

I don't have too much to add about Tyrantrum other than it also gets Swords Dance, so between its three setup moves, good STAB and coverage, and probable ability to be good with either Choice item, there are no safe switches until you know its set. I don't even want to think about Reckless, at least it kills itself in the process. This is the only hard to wall pokemon that is hard to wall because of sheer numbers and not because of type advantages in an 18 pokemon tier, imo.

Salazzle looks very good IMO. Nasty Plot / Hydro Pump / Sludge Wave / HP Grass doesn't really have any safe switch-ins either, it has a good speed tier, and is not that easy to revenge kill. At least Swampert impedes its STABs and forces it to run HP Grass ( probably even lives it unboosted ). It won't be killing Salazzle in one hit, though. This is partly because it has good Def and a type advantage over the other special attackers, and partly because we only have one special wall in the tier, one that is targetable by Hidden Power. Its stats and good typing will probably always make it decent, but we need more pokemon that counter it better.

Delphox is also actually very hard to wall, as again it can hit the one special wall with Grass Knot but also has Psyshock to hit physically frail pokemon. Delphox has the stats of a great RegenVester but right now it probably wants to run Specs to open holes for other attackers. Much of what was said about Salazzle is true here, only it has SpD over Def and Regenerator.

Rapidash is looking like an offense staple ( balanced with so many physical walls now ) due to its ability to revenge kill with a Choice Band and still threaten some important defensive pokemon. The fact that its STAB is unresisted is still a little silly, but its 100 base attack isn't doing that much to our Head Smash sponges, and it needs prediction.

Trick Room looks like a mixed bag. In the current meta with one Special wall, many hard to wall fast attackers, and Bronzong hitting that one wall on its 4x weakness with a coverage move, it's probably extremely good. The amount that Room Extender will help cannot be understated, either. However, some of those ridiculous wallbreakers will probably make setting up Trick Room difficult, and the walls that deal with them could make sweeping based on a timed field condition very difficult as well.
Funny enough, I think that Salazzle will be good as far as the meta is concerned, in that it will probably be relevant and prevalent, but as far as fulfilling the concept goes, I think we missed the mark a bit, it doesnt even reliably 4HKO Specially Defensive Basti (although Physically defensive variants are 3HKOd) and Bronzong can set up a Trick Room and wipe it with Energy Ball. What do you people think we should do in such cases, where they are balanced but do not fulfill what we set out to do?