Doubles Pheromosa


Pheromosa can be a threatening attacker in the right conditions, usually on hyper offensive teams, with powerful attacking stats, colorful coverage, and a deadly All-Out Pummeling that helps with weakening Steel-types for its allies as well as dealing a huge blow or even threatening an OHKO against many Trick Room setters such as Diancie, Bronzong, and Porygon2. Its ability to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame naturally is also very positive, and this holds especially true when Pheromosa is backed up with Tailwind support. U-turn is also a very helpful tool, letting it pivot out of rough matchups while still doing notable amounts of damage. However, non-existent bulk makes Pheromosa susceptible to drop to nearly any hit it takes; U-turn and Protect help mitigate this issue, but it's still not enough to make up for it. This is especially glaring when the opponent manages to successfully use up their method of speed control, be it Tailwind, Icy Wind, or Trick Room, as an outsped Pheromosa is a fainted Pheromosa most of the time.

name: All-out Attacker (not entirely sure about how doubles works but aoa = 4 attacks)
move 1: Focus Blast
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Protect
item: Fightinium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Focus Blast can be powered up into a devastatingly strong All-Out Pummeling that achieves impressive feats such as OHKOing Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Volcanion after Stealth Rock. It also helps tear apart Steel-types, as the type of team Pheromosa commonly finds itself on, Psychic-type spam, really appreciates Steel-types being taken care of. Ice Beam is important for Flying-types that resist Pheromosa's STAB combination, such as Landorus-T, Zapdos, and Mega Salamence. U-turn lets Pheromosa pivot out of rough matchups and pressure the likes of Cresselia and Mega Latias. Protect is mandatory, as Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk would make it very easy to deal with otherwise; for example, Fake Out, other priority moves, and double targeting makes it not hard to beat it. It's also great for stalling out the opponent's field conditions should they go up, such as Trick Room, rain, or opposing Tailwind.

Set Details

Full investment in Speed makes Pheromosa capable of outspeeding several other Pokemon that could OHKO it otherwise, with a Naive nature being preferred to outspeed Naive Deoxys-A and Mega Manectric as well as reduce damage taken from Fake Out and tank a hit from Kartana when compared to a Hasty nature. The investment in Special Attack guarantees more damage on Steel-types with Focus Blast and Flying-types with Ice Beam. A Rash nature can be run, however, for even more power in that department, especially if your own Deoxys-A is an ally to Pheromosa, giving it a notable damage boost that allows it to guarantee OHKOs on the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor without prior chip damage and providing very useful Special Attack boosts thanks to Beast Boost. Beast Boost grants Speed boosts with a Naive nature, giving Pheromosa a way to circumvent Choice Scarf users and some middling-Speed Pokemon when opposing Tailwind is set.

Usage Tips

Pheromosa is a great choice for a lead more often than not, matching up well against common leads like Incineroar and Landorus-T and being able to pivot out if necessary. To use Pheromosa effectively, it's important to make good use of Protect and redirection to keep it safe from attacks. You can also use U-turn to switch out of rough matchups, but be careful to not be stopped by a Protect, as that will stop Pheromosa from switching out. Use your Z-Move on Steel-types to open up room for teammates such as Tapu Lele and Deoxys-A to clean up, but be careful of Protect from the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor, as they can reduce the damage of Pheromosa's Z-Move. Also, be wary of priority if Psychic Terrain isn't up and Choice Scarf users, as they can outspeed and knock out Pheromosa.

Team Options

Pheromosa requires very specific team support in order to work to its fullest potential. Tapu Lele is a notable teammate, not only shielding Pheromosa from occasional priority moves, but also denying Trick Room via Taunt. Deoxys-A works rather well with the core of Pheromosa and Tapu Lele, as it appreciates Pheromosa's ability to threaten Steel-types and prey on each other's checks, but keep in mind both are rather frail. Tailwind users are very helpful in order to help Pheromosa and its team against opposing Tailwind teams, with notable setters including Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Suicune. Zapdos is a very reliable setter, Mega Charizard Y helps pressure Steel-types for the Psychic-type spam core, and Suicune helps to prevent Trick Room with Roar. Trick Room prevention is very important with Pheromosa. Zapdos and Suicune can use Roar to help prevent Trick Room, with the latter being even better at doing so thanks to Inner Focus blocking Fake Out. Taunt users like Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and the aforementioned Tapu Lele and Fake Out users like Incineroar help as well. Redirection is also very useful for supporting Pheromosa courtesy of its frailty. Amoonguss doubles up as a Trick Room check with a very slow Spore, whereas Togekiss and Volcarona also provide Tailwind.

Other Options

Focus Sash mitigates Pheromosa's frailty, but a decent chunk of Pheromosa's niche comes from Fightinium Z, so you often want to keep the Z-Move slot for it. Rapid Spin is a plausible option for Mega Charizard Y or Volcarona teams, but missing out on an attacking move with Pheromosa is a bit undesirable. Poison Jab can be run to target Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and Tapu Lele, but missing out on any of the four above moves have massive drawbacks and implications for Pheromosa's viability. High Jump Kick with Fightinium Z can be used for a stronger hit on Chansey, but High Jump Kick is extremely unreliable, and the Z-Move is extremely prone to Intimidate.

Checks and Counters

**Most Attacking Moves**: Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk and terrible defensive typing means it's very vulnerable to nearly any attack, meaning it should often be pivoting with U-turn or using Protect.

**Speed Control**: Sticky Web, opposing Tailwind, Trick Room, Icy Wind, and Electroweb are all massive issues for Pheromosa, as it is likely getting KOed if it is outsped.

**Faster Pokemon**: Choice Scarf users like Landorus-T and Genesect can be a big issue to Pheromosa, as they outspeed it without any need for speed control. Priority users like Mega Scizor and Zygarde can also be a notable issue provided that Psychic Terrain isn't up. Lastly, Mega Swampert, Kingdra, Ludicolo, and Excadrill can also outspeed Pheromosa under their respective weather and threaten to KO it.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types resisting Pheromosa's dual STAB combo and not minding Ice Beam make them a big annoyance. Tapu Fini is the most notable one, stomaching hits with ease and threatening to OHKO back, but Electroweb Tapu Koko and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele can also diminish Pheromosa's Speed. Additionally, Mega Gardevoir, with spread Hyper Voice, avoiding redirection, and Trick Room in its arsenal, can be deadly as well.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[talkingtree, 232101], [MajorBowman, 188164]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Estronic, 240732], [martha, 384270]]
Last edited:
  • [Overview] Porygon2 is a much more relevant setter than Hoopa-U right now, so make that switch
  • [Moves] Mention Mega Latias instead of Tapu Lele, you should never leave Pheromosa in on a Lele
  • [Moves] When you talk about Protect, I think it's important to highlight its ability to stall out field conditions (TR/TW/rain) that hinder its ability to move first
  • [Set Details] I think you can group your points here in a more effective way; the green parts are new points:
    • max Speed for outrunning Deo-A / Mega Mane, with Naive > Hasty to take a hit from Kartana and lower damage taken from Fake Out
    • max SpA for damage output
    • Rash can be used with a Deo-A of your own, makes Beast Boost grant SpA boosts instead of Spe boosts
    • Beast Boost typically grants Speed boosts, giving Pheromosa a way to circumvent Choice Scarf users and some middling-speed Pokemon when opposing Tailwind is set
    • No need to mention Fightinium or Beast Boost in general; both are obvious and addressed in other places
  • [Usage Tips] Pheromosa makes a great lead; matching up well against common leads like Incineroar and Landorus-T and pivoting out quickly to maintain good field position
  • [Team Options] I think you're overselling Tapu Lele as a Pheromosa teammate. It's a great partner, but priority attacks aren't common and aside from being able to beat Steel- and Dark-types, there isn't a ton of synergy between the two. Lele just ends up on most Pheromosa teams because it's the Island Guardian that works best on Hyper Offense teams
  • [Team Options] TR checks are a huge necessity - check out the Roles Compendium if you need ideas for some to suggest
  • [Other Options] Quiver Dance sounds really bad to me and I haven't seen it at all, so leave that out
  • [Other Options] Running Focus Sash can be another viable option if you need a Z-move elsewhere
  • [Checks and Counters] Add a tag for **Fairy-types**, they resist most if not all of Pheromosa's moves and hit it super effectively. Mostly thinking about Fini here, but Koko w/ Electroweb, Lele w/ Scarf, and MGarde with TR and spread Hyper Voice to circumvent redirection are all deadly. I'm not sure you need to mention all of these, just provide as many examples as you think you need to get the point across
Do the above for QC 1/2 and go ahead and write this up!
  • [Overview] Why does Pheromosa fit on psyspam teams? It seems like it just compounds the frailty issues a lot of psyspam teams experience (more on this in the Deoxys note below)
  • [Overview] "Takes down TR setters with damage from its ally" this can be said about basically anything; I'd rework this sentence to express that Pheromosa itself is capable of either OHKOing or doing a huge chunk to all common TR setters
  • [Overview] Mentioning rain as a method of speed control is a bit inaccurate, I'd probably leave that out of the intro and maybe mention rain + swift swim as a decent way to outspeed and ko pheromosa later on
  • [Team Options] Why is Deoxys a good teammate? Both are super frail glass cannons and I don't really like the idea of running them together. They both want to be using Z moves pretty badly and both are very prone to trading at best
  • [Team Options] If you are running Deoxys, why would that mean you can run Rash Pheromosa? I would never run anything but +Speed on Pheromosa because failing to outspeed Manectric or Deoxys is a death sentence and ruins the point of using Pheromosa
  • [Team Options] Could mention a check to ghost types since Pheromosa has a hard time dealing with them
  • [Other Options] Mention Tapu Koko in the sentence on Poison Jab, outspeeding and smacking Tapu Koko is something that not a lot of Pokemon can do and should not be undersold
Implement these for 2/2!

if anything im the one being a bother. i will try to implement it by sunday afternoon. im travelling and ill only arrive by then. sorry about messing up with this analysis again.
add remove (comments)

Pheromosa can be a threatening attacker in the right conditions, usually on hyper offensive teams, with powerful attacking stats, (AC) and colorful coverage, (AC) and a deadly All-Out Pumelling Pummeling that helps with weakening Steel-types for its allies as well as dealing a huge blow or even threatening an OHKO to against many Trick Room setters such as Diancie, Bronzong, and Porygon2. It's ability to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame naturally is also very positive, and this holds especially true when Pheromosa is backed up with Tailwind support. U-turn is also a very helpful tool, letting it pivot out of rough matchups while still doing notable amounts of damage. However, non-existent bulk makes Pheromosa succeptible susceptible to drop to nearly any hit it takes, (RC); (AS)U-turn and Protect help mitigate this issue, but it's still not enough to make up for it. This is especially glaring when the opponent manages to successfully use up their method of speed control, be it Tailwind, Icy Wind, or Trick Room, as an outsped Pheromosa is a fainted Pheromosa most of the time.

name: All-out Attacker
move 1: Focus Blast
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Protect
item: Fightinium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Focus Blast can be powered up into a devastatingly strong All-Out Pumelling Pummeling that achieves impressive feats such as OHKOing Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Volcanion after Stealth Rock. It also helps tearing apart Steel-types, (AC) as the type of team Pheromosa commonly finds itself on, PsySpam, really appreciates Steel-types being taken care of. Ice Beam is important for Flying-types that would resist Pheromosa's STAB combination otherwise, such as Landorus-T, Zapdos, and Mega Salamence. U-turn lets Pheromosa pivot out of rough matchups and pressure the likes of Cresselia and Mega Latias. Protect is mandatory, (AC) as Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk would make it very easy to deal with otherwise, (RC) between; (AS) for example, (AC) Fake Out, other priority moves, and double targeting makes it's not hard to beat it. It's also great for stalling out the opponent's field conditions should they go up, such as Trick Room, rain, or opposing Tailwind.

Set Details

Full investment in speed Speed makes Pheromosa capable of outspeeding several other Pokémon Pokemon that could OHKO it otherwise, with a Naive nature being preferred to outspeed Naive Deoxys-A and Mega Manectric, (RC) as well as to reduce damage taken from Fake Out and tank a hit from Kartana when compared to a Hasty nature. The investment in special attack Special Attack guarantees more damage on Steel-types with Focus Blast and Flying-types with Ice Beam, which is very important. A Rash nature can be run, (AC) however, (AC) for even more power in that department, especially if your own Deoxys-A of your own is an ally to Pheromosa, giving it a notable damage boost that allows it to guarantee OHKOs on the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor without prior chip damage and providing very useful SpA Special Attack boosts thanks to Beast Boosts. Meanwhile, Beast Boost grants Speed boosts with a Naive nature, giving Pheromosa a way to circumvent Choice Scarf users and some middling-Speed speed Pokemon when opposing Tailwind is set.

Usage Tips

Pheromosa is a great choice for a lead more often than not; (RS), (AC) matching up well against common leads like Incineroar and Landorus-T and being able to pivot out if necessary. To use Pheromosa effectively, it's important to make good use of Protect and redirection to keep it safe from attacks, (RC) you You can also U-turn out of rough matchups, but be careful to not be stopped by a Protect, (AC) as that will stop Pheromosa from switching out. Use your Z-Move move on Steel-types to open up room for teammates such as Tapu Lele and Deoxys-A to clean up, but be careful of Protect from the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor, as they can burn up reduce the damage of Pheromosa's Z-Move move. Also, (AC) be wary of priority if Psychic Terrain isn't up (in case Psychic Terrain isn't up) and Choice Scarf users, as those they can outspeed and knock out Pheromosa.

Team Options

Pheromosa requires very specific team support in order to work to its fullest potential. Tapu Lele is a notable teammate, not only shielding Pheromosa from occasional priority moves, but also helps denying Trick Room via Taunt. Deoxys-A works rather well with the core of Pheromosa and Tapu Lele, as it appreciates Pheromosa's ability to threaten Steel-types and prey on each other's checks, but keep in mind they do stack several weaknesses, most notably the absurd frailty. Tailwind users are very helpful in order to help Pheromosa and it's its team against opposing Tailwind teams, with notable setters include including Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Suicune. Zapdos is a very reliable setter, Mega Charizard Y helps pressure Steel-types for PsySpam, and Suicune helps with Roar to prevent Trick Room with Roar. Trick Room prevention is very important with Pheromosa. The aforementioned Tailwind setters Zapdos and Suicune can use Roar to help prevent Trick Room, (AC) with the former latter being even better at doing so thanks to Inner Focus blocking Fake Out. Taunt users like the Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and the aforementioned Tapu Lele help and so do and Fake Out users like Incineroar help as well. Redirection is also very useful for supporting Pheromosa courtesy of its frailness. Amoonguss doubles up as a Trick Room check with a very slow Spore, (AC) whereas Togekiss and Volcarona also provide Tailwind.

Other Options

Focus Sash is a good item, but a decent chunk of Pheromosa's niche comes from Fightinium Z, (AC) so you often want to keep the Z-Move move slot for it. Rapid Spin is a plausible option for Mega Charizard Y or Volcarona teams, but missing out on an attacking move with Pheromosa is a bit undesirable. Poison Jab can be run to target Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and Tapu Lele, but missing out on either of the four above moves have massive drawbacks and implications for Pheromosa's viability. Z-High Jump Kick with Fightinium Z can be used for a stronger hit on Chansey, but High Jump Kick is extremely unreliable, (AC) and the Z-Move move is extremely prone to Intimidate.

Checks and Counters

**Most Attacking Moves**: Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk and terrible defensive typing means it's very vulnreable vulnerable to nearly any attack, meaning it should often be pivoting with U-turning out or using Protecting.

**Speed Control**: Sticky Web, opposing Tailwind, Trick Room, Icy Wind, and Electroweb are all massive issues for Pheromosa, as if it is outspeed, it is likely getting KOed if it is outsped.

**Faster Pokémon Pokemon**: Choice Scarf users like Landorus-T and Genesect can be a big issue to Pheromosa, (AC) as they outspeed it without any need for Speed speed control. Priority users like Mega Scizor and Zygarde can also be a notable issue provided that Psychic Terrain isn't up. Lastly, Mega Swampert, Kingdra, Ludicolo, and Excadrill can also outspeed Pheromosa under their respective weather and threaten it with a to KO it.

**Fairy-types**: Resisting Fairy-types resisting Pheromosa's dual STAB combo and not minding Ice Beam makes Fairy-types them a big annoyance. Tapu Fini is the most notable one, stomaching hits with ease and threatening a to OHKO back, but Electroweb Tapu Koko and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele can also diminish Pheromosa's massive Speed tier. And Additionally, (AC) Mega Gardevoir, with spread Hyper Voice, avoiding redirection, and Trick Room in it's its arsenal, (AC) can be deadly as well.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]] (do these)
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
1/2 :blobthumbsup:
GP 2/2 lyd do the other ones too :blobglare:

Pheromosa can be a threatening attacker in the right conditions, usually on hyper offensive teams, with powerful attacking stats, colorful coverage, and a deadly All-Out Pummeling that helps with weakening Steel-types for its allies as well as dealing a huge blow or even threatening an OHKO against many Trick Room setters such as Diancie, Bronzong, and Porygon2. It's Its ability to outspeed the entire unboosted metagame naturally is also very positive, and this holds especially true when Pheromosa is backed up with Tailwind support. U-turn is also a very helpful tool, letting it pivot out of rough matchups while still doing notable amounts of damage. However, non-existent bulk makes Pheromosa susceptible to drop to nearly any hit it takes; U-turn and Protect help mitigate this issue, but it's still not enough to make up for it. This is especially glaring when the opponent manages to successfully use up their method of speed control, be it Tailwind, Icy Wind, or Trick Room, as an outsped Pheromosa is a fainted Pheromosa most of the time. (this overview seems really positive with only 1 real drawback for such a low ranked mon)

name: All-out Attacker (not entirely sure about how doubles works but aoa = 4 attacks)
move 1: Focus Blast
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Protect
item: Fightinium Z
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


Focus Blast can be powered up into a devastatingly strong All-Out Pummeling that achieves impressive feats such as OHKOing Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Volcanion after Stealth Rock. It also helps tear apart Steel-types, as the type of team Pheromosa commonly finds itself on, Psychic-type spam, really appreciates Steel-types being taken care of. Ice Beam is important for Flying-types that would resist Pheromosa's STAB combination otherwise, (they still do resist both stabs) such as Landorus-T, Zapdos, and Mega Salamence. U-turn lets Pheromosa pivot out of rough matchups and pressure the likes of Cresselia and Mega Latias. Protect is mandatory, as Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk would make it very easy to deal with otherwise; for example, Fake Out, other priority moves, and double targeting makes it not hard to beat it. It's also great for stalling out the opponent's field conditions should they go up, such as Trick Room, rain, or opposing Tailwind.

Set Details

Full investment in Speed makes Pheromosa capable of outspeeding several other Pokemon that could OHKO it otherwise, with a Naive nature being preferred to outspeed Naive Deoxys-A and Mega Manectric as well as to reduce damage taken from Fake Out and tank a hit from Kartana when compared to a Hasty nature. The investment in Special Attack guarantees more damage on Steel-types with Focus Blast and Flying-types with Ice Beam, which is very important. (reads like filler because damage = important) A Rash nature can be run, however, for even more power in that department, especially if your own Deoxys-A is an ally to Pheromosa, giving it a notable damage boost that allows it to guarantee OHKOs on the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor without prior chip damage and providing very useful Special Attack boosts thanks to Beast Boost. Meanwhile, Beast Boost grants Speed boosts with a Naive nature, giving Pheromosa a way to circumvent Choice Scarf users and some middling-Speed Pokemon when opposing Tailwind is set.

Usage Tips

Pheromosa is a great choice for a lead more often than not, matching up well against common leads like Incineroar and Landorus-T and being able to pivot out if necessary. To use Pheromosa effectively, it's important to make good use of Protect and redirection to keep it safe from attacks. You can also use U-turn to switch out of rough matchups, but be careful to not be stopped by a Protect, as that will stop Pheromosa from switching out. Use your Z-Move on Steel-types to open up room for teammates such as Tapu Lele and Deoxys-A to clean up, but be careful of Protect from the likes of Mega Metagross and Mega Scizor, as they can reduce the damage of Pheromosa's Z-Move. Also, be wary of priority if Psychic Terrain isn't up and Choice Scarf users, as they can outspeed and knock out Pheromosa.

Team Options

Pheromosa requires very specific team support in order to work to its fullest potential. Tapu Lele is a notable teammate, not only shielding Pheromosa from occasional priority moves, but also denying Trick Room via Taunt. Deoxys-A works rather well with the core of Pheromosa and Tapu Lele, as it appreciates Pheromosa's ability to threaten Steel-types and prey on each other's checks, but keep in mind they do stack several weaknesses, most notably the absurd frailty. (not really a type weakness it's stacking) Tailwind users are very helpful in order to help Pheromosa and its team against opposing Tailwind teams, with notable setters including Zapdos, Mega Charizard Y, and Suicune. Zapdos is a very reliable setter, Mega Charizard Y helps pressure Steel-types for the Psychic-type spam core, and Suicune helps to prevent Trick Room with Roar. Trick Room prevention is very important with Pheromosa. Zapdos and Suicune can use Roar to help prevent Trick Room, with the latter being even better at doing so thanks to Inner Focus blocking Fake Out. Taunt users like the Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and the aforementioned Tapu Lele and Fake Out users like Incineroar help as well. Redirection is also very useful for supporting Pheromosa courtesy of its frailness frailty. Amoonguss doubles up as a Trick Room check with a very slow Spore, (AC) whereas Togekiss and Volcarona also provide Tailwind.

Other Options

Focus Sash is a good item (maybe explain more than "a good item"), but a decent chunk of Pheromosa's niche comes from Fightinium Z, so you often want to keep the Z-Move slot for it. Rapid Spin is a plausible option for Mega Charizard Y or Volcarona teams, but missing out on an attacking move with Pheromosa is a bit undesirable. Poison Jab can be run to target Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, and Tapu Lele, but missing out on either any of the four above moves have massive drawbacks and implications for Pheromosa's viability. High Jump Kick with Fightinium Z can be used for a stronger hit on Chansey, but High Jump Kick is extremely unreliable, and the Z-Move is extremely prone to Intimidate.

Checks and Counters

**Most Attacking Moves**: Pheromosa's complete lack of bulk and terrible defensive typing means it's very vulnerable to nearly any attack, meaning it should often be pivoting with U-turn or using Protect.

**Speed Control**: Sticky Web, opposing Tailwind, Trick Room, Icy Wind, and Electroweb are all massive issues for Pheromosa, as it is likely getting KOed if it is outsped.

**Faster Pokemon**: Choice Scarf users like Landorus-T and Genesect can be a big issue to Pheromosa, as they outspeed it without any need for speed control. Priority users like Mega Scizor and Zygarde can also be a notable issue provided that Psychic Terrain isn't up. Lastly, Mega Swampert, Kingdra, Ludicolo, and Excadrill can also outspeed Pheromosa under their respective weather and threaten to KO it.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types resisting Pheromosa's dual STAB combo and not minding Ice Beam make them a big annoyance. Tapu Fini is the most notable one, stomaching hits with ease and threatening to OHKO back, but Electroweb Tapu Koko and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele can also diminish Pheromosa's Speed. Additionally, Mega Gardevoir, with spread Hyper Voice, avoiding redirection, and Trick Room in its arsenal, can be deadly as well.

- Written by: [[lyd, 303291]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]] (do this :fukyu:)