Breeding Variants

yeah that was a mistake. I was going to do Steelix and Aegislash, but I forgot Aegislash is Ubers. would have been really good, too!
inheriting from ubers shouldn't be banned, especially since you can average only 1 stat and may not get the thing that makes it broken. like inheriting blaziken w/o speed boost (hell other donors with speed boost aren't banned)
So, I propose a decent new rule:
-Ubers are allowed as long as they can breed.
With a grand total of 2, I guess it could work.

Pokemon Name: Rhyperior-Camo
Egg Group: Field
Stats: 115/140 /130/55/87/40 (Special Defense stats averaged)
Type: Rock/Normal
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Trick Room, Fake Out, Drain Punch, Thunder Wave
Abilities: Lightningrod/Solid Rock (Protean)
Dex Entry: This Rhyperior stalks Savannahs and Jungles, hiding often in plain sight.
Competitive Use: Well, lets face it, your not using the base typing now, are you? No, you're mostly here for Protean. Granted if you can outplay its Sucker Punch and Fake Out, you're dealing with a slow lummox. You could try trick room, but you might not have enough room for all the STABs you'll want alongside Sword Dance.

EDIT: Trick Room instead of Recover.


Pokemon Name: Electivire-4 Arms
Egg Group: Human-like
Stats: 75/123/73/95/85/95 (Defense stats averaged)
Type: Electric/Fight
New Moves: Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, Vacuum Wave, Poison Jab
Abilities: Motor Drive/No Guard (Vital Spirit)
Dex Entry: The wires on the back of Vire's back have adopted into an extra pair of arms. Their development is a mystery.
Competitive Use: Yes this is a No Guardian with DP/ZC, no that's not all it has to offer, and hopefully players try out other offensive sets like Fire Blast, Stone Edge and even Vacuum Wave.


Pokemon Name: Archeops-Cambrian
Egg Group: Water 3
Stats: 75/140/83/112/65/110 (Defense stats averaged)
Type: Rock/Bug
Abilities: Defeatist (Swift Swim)
New Moves: Sword Dance, Surf, X-Scissor, Aqua Jet, Superpower
Dex Entry: Fusing ancient Pokémon can sometimes go awry. This creature is a bit of an anomaly.
Competitive Use: I Mean we coulda mixed with Rock Head Aero or Magic Guard Sigilyph, but some semblance of balance here, because bug is a fairly awful type to acquire defensively (still SR weak and removes Fire and Flying resists) and offensively (lol 7 resistant types) but for Archeops… it might be fair, even with Swift Swim. Would probably need some playtesting though.


Pokemon Name: Gorebyss-BeaverTail
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 67/84/105/114/75/52 (HP Averaged)
Type: Water/Normal
Abilities: Swift Swim (Simple)
New Moves: Super Fang, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Stealth Rocks, Quick Attack
Dex Entry: Using a disguised Beaver tail, this Gorebyss lures in prey before feasting in its usual way.
Competitive Use: This might be too good? I mean it's a Simple Gorebyss, whose movepool isn't the greatest, and whose Fight weakness does it no favors when it slices its Defense in half vs. priority Fight moves. Still, it's gotta be strong, and if you say no dice, I'll understand completely. It's mostly to show what lengths you can do with such few limitations.
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Pokemon Name: Rhyperior-Camo
Egg Group: Field
Stats: 115/140 /130/55/87/40 (Special Defense stats averaged)
Type: Rock/Normal
New Moves: Sucker Punch, Recover, Fake Out, Drain Punch, Thunder Wave
Abilities: Lightningrod/Solid Rock (Protean)
Dex Entry: This Rhyperior stalks Savannahs and Jungles, hiding often in plain sight.
Competitive Use: Well, lets face it, your not using the base typing now, are you? No, you're mostly here for Protean. Granted if you can outplay its Sucker Punch and Fake Out, you're dealing with a slow lummox. Granted it can heal, but it still has the low speed that holds Rhyperior back. So a faster Fight move spells bad news.


Pokemon Name: Infernape-Bugout
Egg Group: Human-like (seriously)
Stats: 76/104/71/104/78/108 (Special Defense stats averaged)
Type: Fire/Bug
New Moves: Bug Buzz, Play Rough, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt, Giga Drain
Abilities: Blaze/Tinted Lens (Iron Fist)
Dex Entry: Fluttering about, this monkey takes to the trees and feasts like a bug. It can use its lenses to find precious tree dwelling bugs.
Competitive Use: Fire/Bug is a balancing act to keep it from being too easy to bring in. Still, Tinted Lens is the real hero here and is why Volbeat's Tail Glow isn't being considered instead since it doesn't get that ability and Prankster doesn't really help you do kill as well as Tinted Lens would.


Pokemon Name: Gorebyss-BeaverTail
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 67/84/105/114/75/52 (HP Averaged)
Type: Water/Normal
Abilities: Swift Swim (Simple)
New Moves: Super Fang, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Stealth Rocks, Quick Attack
Dex Entry: Using a disguised Beaver tail, this Gorebyss lures in prey before feasting in its usual way.
Competitive Use: This might be too good? I mean it's a Simple Gorebyss, whose movepool isn't the greatest, and whose Fight weakness does it no favors when it slices its Defense in half vs. priority Fight moves. Still, it's gotta be strong, and if you say no dice, I'll understand completely. It's mostly to show what lengths you can do with such few limitations.
Yeah no, not playing around with Simple Shell Smash, change it. I'm also a bit concerned about your Rhyperior having recovery and Protean with those stats. I'm gonna ask you to remove Recover just to be safe.

Pokemon Name: Steelix-Armory (Steelix + Aegislash)
Egg Group: Mineral
Stats: 75 / 85 / 200 / 55 / [107 avg.] / 30
Type: Steel / Ghost
New Moves: Head Smash, Power Trick, King's Shield, Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword
Abilities: Rock Head, Sturdy, Sheer Force, Stance Change
Height: (can we make this the averaged stat?)
Weight: ( jk ik that would be pointless just for added moves, Type, and Ability; heavy by the way)
Dex Entry: An Onix being used as a speedy flail evolved into a hefty mace-on-chain wrecking ball.
Competitive Use: Combining Rock Head with Head Smash and Zoom Lens is irresistible, making this Steelix a formidable opponent even without stance change, thanks to Power Trick granting more defense AND attack than Aegislash! Alternatively, Aegislash's contributed Stance Change (without Power Trick) can be just as effective, but then there is the problem of HEAVY recoil. Both already learn Gyro Ball, which is epic.
Mega: 75 / 125 / 230 / 55 / [ok, dilemma here: 137 or 122? avg.] / 30 - Sand Force | Just means your rock-headed stance-changing days are over, and your Head Smash will cause recoil if it hits without your Zoom Lens. And just like most forme-changing Pokémon's stats, the Mega applies only to the base forme, not the alternate form. Thank you, Mix & Mega, for making the calculation of Meloetta-Pirouette's stats all the more complicated.

Pokemon Name: Rampardos-Alligator-Fern or Rampardos-Sawgrass (Rampardos + Sceptile)
Egg Group: Monster
Stats: 97 / 165 / 60 / 65 / 50 / [89 avg.]
Type: Rock, Grass
New Moves: Leech Seed, Quick Attack, Leaf Blade, Acrobatics, Drain Punch
Abilities: Mold Breaker, Sheer Force, Unburden
Dex Entry: This Cranidos was born and raised in the briar patch with Bre'r Rabbit, where he grew to be speedy and one with nature. When it curiously ate and killed Bre'r Rabbit, it evolved into this... thing.
Competitive Use: Unburden provides its still-pitiful speed stat the extra boost it needs to make a fast physical sweeper. With a new priority attack, even a Focus Sash would be considerably useful. Somewhat useful recovery like Leech Seed combined with Drain Punch grants a useful spread for use with a Focus Sash. However, it doesn't always get knocked down first try, so a Red Card would be a better bet. And why not have a move's power double while you're at it with unburden?
I assume Megas cannot be donated, but here's the stats just to prove how useless it would be:
97 / 180 (ok that's good) / 70 (still bad) / 105 (why?) / 50 (RIP) / [114 or 101 avg.] (... ok) - Lightning Rod (the crud?) +Dragon (LOL WEEEAAK!!)

Your Steelix is literally just a better Aegislash, who is already a broken mon, so he's not gonna cut it. Megas are allowed, but only if the base has one (your Rampardos wouldn't have a Mega since Rampardos as a base doesn't have a mega), and only if the vanilla form of said Mega is already RUBL or below as to prevent OP mega spam becoming the norm for subs. Also, you gotta replace one of the base's abilities with one of the donor's, not add it on. If you're still keeping your Glalie sub, you might wanna edit in to this post.
If you're still keeping your Glalie sub, you might wanna edit in to this post.
oops, misread... I put my stuff in the original post...

Sure, why not? Just don't get too crazy with the abilities and we should be good to go with this. Also don't use them as bases still
EDIT: Okay I think I get it now. So we need to tier Aegislash before approving it as a base, since its Ability is what made it Ubers and that no longer works if it is bred with something else because that Ability gets replaced.

Come to think of it, we should reconsider all the RU and above Pokémon whose singular Ability is the reason they are higher-tier, and re-tier them for the pet mod. Probably something to come back to later, after we complete a few slates. Also a time-consuming and focus-dedicated task, it would take a while.

Yung Dramps, it's time to add to your signature.
Pokemon Name: (Araquanid + Toxapex)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 68 / 70 / [122 avg.] / 50 / 132 / 42 = 484 BST
Type: Water / Poison
New Moves: Baneful Bunker, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Venoshock, Frost Breath
Abilities: Water Bubble, Water Absorb, Merciless
Dex Entry: Help.
Competitive Use: Because why not?

Pokemon Name: (Araquanid + Dragalge)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 68 / 70 / 92 / 73 / 132 / 42 = 477 BST
Type: Water / Dragon
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail, Acid Armor, Camouflage
Abilities: Water Bubble, Water Absorb, Adaptability
Dex Entry: Help, again.
Competitive Use: Araquanid has close stats to Dragalge, except in SpA. This makes it a little better. Adaptability for if you choose to go the Dragon power route.

Pokemon Name: (Dragalge + Pyukumuku)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 65 / 75 / [110 avg.] / 97 / 123 / 44 = 514 BST
Type: Poison / Water
New Moves: Purify, Gastro Acid, Curse, Bestow (Toxic Orb), Soak
Abilities: Poison Point, Poison Touch, Adaptability, Innards Out
Dex Entry: I'll take care of this next slate.
Competitive Use: Okay, so not better by much. But at least it's not as much of a pacifist. I thought about passing on Pain Split, but that's more useful if the opponent is slower, which in Pyuku's case, it's not. Although this is faster, it's not worth it. Curse does a better job for it, since it still needs the Defense boost from the Ground weakness (unless you're doing Innards Out).
It's a real shame I can't do Tentacruel (UU) as a base, averaging Cloyster's (RU) Defense and donating Skill Link and multi-hit moves.
Or restore the former glory of Scyther by doing Scizor (UU) as a base, averaging Scyther's Speed and donating Steadfast over Light Metal. No new moves to gain, of course.
Volcarona is OU.
Pokemon Name: Volcarona-Samurai (Volcarona + Golisopod)
Egg Group: Bug
Stats: 85 / 60 / [102 avg.] / 135 / 105 / 100 = 587 BST
Type: Bug / Fire
New Moves: tbd
Abilities: Flame Body,
Swarm, Emergency Exit
Dex Entry:
Competitive Use: More bulk. Doubly weak to Rock, which is primarily Physical. Alternatively I could swap their positions and overwrite Emergency Exit with Flame Body, and just give Golisopod a SpA or Spe boost. But I'd rather do something like that with Araquanid.

This is useless:
Pokemon Name: Larvesta-Wimpy (Larvesta + Wimpod)
Egg Group: Bug
Stats: 55 / 85 / 55 / 50 / 55 / [70 avg.] = 370 BST
Type: Bug / Fire
New Moves: tbd
Abilities: Flame Body, Swarm, Wimp Out
Dex Entry:
Competitive Use: Wimpod loses speed when it evolves into Golisopod, and Larvesta loses attack when it evolves into Volcarona. I'm playing around here.

This is good, though:
Pokemon Name: Golisopod-Bubbly (Golisopod + Araquanid)
Egg Group: Bug, Water 1
Stats: 75 / 125 / 140 / 60 / [111 avg.] / 40 = 551 BST
Type: Bug / Water
New Moves: Sticky Web, Crunch, Lunge, Wonder Room, Mirror Coat
Abilities: Emergency Exit, Water Bubble
Dex Entry: A Wimpod trapped in a water-spider's web learned the way of the Samurai and inherited a special boost from the webbing in which it was wrapped.
Competitive Use: A specially bulkier, more threatening Giant Water Bug. Still slow, but now its attacking stat doubles when using Water-type moves. They both know a plethora of water-type attacks, so... I didn't add any.
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Hazard setter / Shell Smasher featuring my favorite Pokémon.

Pokemon Name: Galvantula-Feldspar
Stats: 70/91/60/97/60/108 | 486 BST
Type: Electric/Rock
New Moves: Rock Blast, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Shell Smash
Abilities: Compound Eyes, Sturdy, Swarm
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 107.1kg (100 BP)
Dex Entry: Having been left in the mountains, it incorporates rocks into every aspect of its life. Namely, the electricity in its body is honed enough to pierce through any semblance of rock.

Tanky web setter / Agility sweeper also featuring my favorite Pokémon.

Pokemon Name: Vikavolt-Migale
Stats: 70/77/90/145/75/75 | 532 BST
Type: Bug/Electric
New Moves: Sticky Web, Giga Drain, Gastro Acid, Sucker Punch, Disable
Abilities: Levitate, Compound Eyes
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 29.6kg (60 BP)
Dex Entry: Its body is a wellspring of electricity and webbing. For some specimina, the webbing is abundant enough to weigh it down, leading it to prefer crawling around and training its eyes.

A fun idea: Brawn meets brain in a special No Guard user.

Pokemon Name: Jynx-Chakra
Stats: 65/50/57/115/95/95 | 477 BST
Type: Ice/Fighting
New Moves: Fire Blast, Vacuum Wave, Knock Off, Encore, Foresight
Abilities: Oblivious, No Guard, Dry Skin
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 85.3 kg (80 BP)
Dex Entry: Its feminine appearance belies stalwart muscles that it uses for self-defense. It trains its mind and body daily through means of song, dance, and exercise.
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Pokemon Name: Crustle-Shell (Crustle + Shuckle)
Egg Group: Bug
Stats: 70/105/125/65/152/45
Type: Bug/Rock
New Moves: Infestation, Sticky Web, Gyro Ball
Abilities: Shell Armor, Sturdy, Contrary
Dex Entry: This subspecies of Crustle covers its entire body in its shell, combining earth and dirt with juices of various berries to make harder forms.
Competitive Use: Basically a Shuckle that can hit things. StoneEdge coverage, great defenses, and Contrary Shell Smash to boost those defenses higher.
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Mawile-Slam (Mawile + Slaking)
Stats: 100/85/85/55/55/50 (Averaged HP)
Type: Normal/Fairy
New Moves: Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Fire Punch, Hammer Arm, Slack Off
Abilities: Truant, Intimidate, Sheer Force
Dex Entry: N/A
Overview: Really a bulkier Mawile, with even more coverage and recovery, but a worser type combination. Fortunate that Truant isn't the only ability.
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Mawile-Slam (Mawile + Slaking)
Stats: 100/85/85/55/55/50 (Averaged HP)
Mega Stats: 100/105/125/55/95/50
Type: Normal/Fairy
New Moves: Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Fire Punch, Hammer Arm, Slack Off
Abilities: Truant, Intimidate, Sheer Force (Mega: Huge Power
Dex Entry: N/A
Overview: Really a bulkier of Mega Mawile, with even more coverage and recovery, but a worser type combination. Fortunate that Truant isn't the only ability.
New forms can't have megas if the vanilla form of said megas are already UU or above.
I edited my first post to include my submissions, so I will link them here so Yung Dramps will verify them if any of them could be potentially too strong.

The submissions I put in there are Armored Tsareena (base Tsareena, donor Ferrothorn), Flame Goodra (base Goodra, donor Charizard) and Thorn Escavalier (base Escavalier, donor Scolipede).
I edited my first post to include my submissions, so I will link them here so Yung Dramps will verify them if any of them could be potentially too strong.

The submissions I put in there are Armored Tsareena (base Tsareena, donor Ferrothorn), Flame Goodra (base Goodra, donor Charizard) and Thorn Escavalier (base Escavalier, donor Scolipede).

I saw those! They look fine, only one I'm kinda iffy on is Armored Tsareena, but I suppose it's different enough from Ferrothorn to not outclass it and it's worth a play test should it win before making any judgments on it.
Armored Tsareena (base Tsareena, donor Ferrothorn)
So wait... you gave it Gyro Ball and Steel Typing... AT 72 SPEED?!?! So... I *was* considering doing something like this (a bulky pivot that was just too fast) and averaging out its speed stat with something like Sudowoodo. But you hit it all: Gyro Ball, Steel type, new Ability and other moves... but the speed is why I'm not voting for that.

I wanna tell you that Armored Tsareena is able to learn Curse (Ferrothorn can learn it, but it's Attack isn't high enough to worth using all the time), which slows it down and boost its Attack and Defense and therefore potentially boosting Gyro Ball further. Though Gyro Ball it's not the main gimmick I aim for (I want it to be a set-up wallbreaker with Swords Dance or a bulky sweeper with Curse), so if you want your own Gyro Ball focused submission, it's your power.
72 + 0.5 = 36.0
ok. that works better. But just keep in mind, there are plenty of fire-type attacks out there, physical and special. I find that Leech Seed Gryro Ball Ferrothorn works quite well, but I'm glad you put some thought into that. Great work :swole:
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So wait... you gave it Gyro Ball and Steel Typing... AT 72 SPEED?!?! So... I *was* considering doing something like this (a bulky pivot that was just too fast) and averaging out its speed stat with something like Sudowoodo. But you hit it all: Gyro Ball, Steel type, new Ability and other moves... but the speed is why I'm not voting for that.
I wanna tell you that Armored Tsareena is able to learn Curse (Ferrothorn can learn it, but it's Attack isn't high enough to worth using all the time), which slows it down and boost its Attack and Defense and therefore potentially boosting Gyro Ball further. Though Gyro Ball it's not the main gimmick I aim for (I want it to be a set-up wallbreaker with Swords Dance or a bulky sweeper with Curse), so if you want your own Gyro Ball focused submission, it's your power.

Pokemon Name: Typhlosion-Cinder
Egg Group: Field
Stats: 78 / 84 / 98 / 109 / 85 / 100 | BST: 554 ( Def averaged )
Type: Fire / Ground
New Moves: Earth Power / Stealth Rock / Slack Off / Yawn / Stone Edge
Abilities: Blaze / Flash Fire | Sand Stream (HA)
Dex Entry: When angered, it spews a cloud of hot ash from the vents around its neck.
Competitive Use: Typhlosion gains a great secondary STAB, making it no longer a one-note attacker. Neutrality to Stealth Rock and access to Slack Off aids it in making use of Eruption. With its typing and decent bulk it can beat a lot of OU's defense staples ( Toxapex, Heatran, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Magearna ) and switch in on pokemon like Tapu Koko, Zapdos, and Scizor. However, it's walled by Rotom-W, Latios, Gyarados, Chansey and Tapu Fini, and easily revenge killed by Greninja, Azumarill, Garchomp, and Scarf Landorus. It also has a very poor matchup vs. Rain teams.


Pokemon Name: Aromatisse-Bliss
Egg Group: Fairy
Stats: 101 / 72 / 72 / 99 / 112 / 29 | BST: 485 ( SpD averaged )
Type: Fairy / Normal
New Moves: Softboiled / Stealth Rock / Ice Beam / Flamethrower / Healing Wish
Abilities: Healer / Aroma Veil | Natural Cure (HA)
Dex Entry: It's believed that a certain percentage of the time, people wearing this pokemon's fragrance will always succeed in attracting a mate.
Competitive Use: A good option for Trick Room teams that can handle Ghost, Dark, and Bug for allied Psychic-type Trick Room setters. It also provides Stealth Rock and Healing Wish support, both of which those teams find useful. Outside of that, it might make a worthwhile Stealth Rock tank or Wish passer thanks to its good bulk, typing, and Natural Cure.


Pokemon Name: Magcargo-Bomb
Egg Group: Amorphous
Stats: 60 / 65 / 120 / 90 / 80 / 30 | BST: 445 ( Atk averaged )
Type: Fire / Flying
New Moves: Air Slash / Acrobatics / Thunderbolt / Destiny Bond / Memento
Abilities: Magma Armor / Unburden | Weak Armor (HA)
Dex Entry: It was long believed that the flight of these Magcargo was due to high pressure gasses from deep within the earth. We now know it's because their mother mated with a baloon.
Competitive Use: Magcargo gains a typing that despite its drawbacks, is arguably much better than before. More importantly, it gains the satanic combination of Shell Smash + Unburden, allowing it to quadruple its speed with one use of a White Herb and Shell Smash. However, with only 90 base Atk and a fairly exploitable typing, it shouldn't be impossible to wall or pressure.
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Mawile-Slam (Mawile + Slaking)
Stats: 100/85/85/55/55/50 (Averaged HP)
Mega Stats: 100/105/125/55/95/50
Type: Normal/Fairy
New Moves: Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Fire Punch, Hammer Arm, Slack Off
Abilities: Truant, Intimidate, Sheer Force (Mega: Huge Power
Dex Entry: N/A
Overview: Really a bulkier of Mega Mawile, with even more coverage and recovery, but a worser type combination. Fortunate that Truant isn't the only ability.
also if the mega happened, it'd just be a mawile-mega with more hp, which is automatically better than normal mawile-mega
So that's a "no" on the Steelix? How about if we ban the Stance Change Ability? That has worked for some other metas. And perhaps Aegislash should be OK'd as a base, too, since it would have its Ability removed and replaced?
Also, I've added more to the original post. Would you mind being a little clearer about the ranking ban? I'm sorta lost with what's viable and what's not, except that Ubers and genderless and undiscovereds can't breed unless they're Baby Pokémon.
Speaking of, how would Stance Change work?
Would it be -100 Atk/Spa and +100 Def/SpD (vice vrsa), would it change the average stat to be based on which stance your in?
It'd be best just to have Stance Change not work.
[97 avg.] / 68: Physical attacker. Would gain physical attacks and thus have advantage.
65 / [74 avg.]: Physical bulk donation. Ability would compensate for the fact that it's still rather weak.

Type: Fairy, Grass
New Moves: (when I make a decision about the stats and Ability, I will fill this in.)
Abilities: Flower Veil, Symbiosis, Poison Heal / Effect Spore (I can't decide. See below.)

Poison Heal: Fairy and Grass are both weak to Poison. There is a chance that if this got hit with a Poison-type move, it would either faint (if physical) or be poisoned (if weak power or against wicked-high SpD).
Effect Spore: There's also a chance that, if the Defense is not what is averaged, opponents will target this Pokémon's weaker defense (physical). This Ability would be a way to discourage that from happening, as many (but not all) Physical moves make contact.
Breloom itself is weak to Poison and still has Poison Heal. Everything with Poison Heal will get poisoned anyway, as they carry the Toxic Orb. However, Poison Heal is generally preferred over Flower Veil's status/debuff immunity, as things don't debuff often. If you want to abuse Flower Veil, use Effect Spore.
You're only gaining 10 points in Def if you average, so compared to facing a 154 SpD stat, everyone's going to use physical attacks anyway. With a higher SpA, Florges will also go special even if it gains attack.
Overall: Effect Spore, average defense
edit: sorry for double post

Pokemon Name: Gastrodon-Wisped (Gastrodon + Chandelure)
Egg Group: Amorphous
Stats: 111 / 83 / 68 / 118 (Special Attack average) / 82 / 39
Type: Fire / Ground
New Moves:
Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Trick Room
Abilities: Sticky Hold / Storm Drain / Flame Body
Height: 1 m
Weight: 32.1 kg
Dex Entry: A form of Gastrodon that had been dried out and cursed by wisps of fire surrounding it. They tend to stay away from other species of Pokemon out of fear of the wisps attacking them also.
Competitive Use: Fire / Ground with Storm Drain means it only has one weakness. It offers modest defense and a nice 118 Special Attack. It offers coverage in Ice Beam, Sludge Wave, Scald, and Energy Ball alongside boosting in Calm Mind, and recover in Recover. While low speed helps with Trick Room, it also makes it go last usually, and only having modest defense makes it prone to betting worn down.


Pokemon Name: Tyrantrum-Forest (Tyrantrum + Torterra)
Egg Group: Monster
Stats: 82 / 121 / 119 / 69 / 72 (Special Defense average) / 71
Type: Rock / Grass
New Moves:
Wood Hammer, Seed Bomb, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Swords Dance
Abilities: Strong Jaw / Overgrow / Rock Head
Height: 2.5 m
Weight: 290 kg
Dex Entry: A form of Tyrantrum that features an entire forest on its back. It suffers from being bigger than normal in order to carry the forest, which also results in it being slower.
Competitive Use: Rock Head is nice in being able to remove recoil from Head Smash and Wood Hammer. It sports a 121 Attack to make use of these moves and also offers decent bulk on top of it. It features nice support moves and reliable recovery in Synthesis to support that bulk. Unfortunately its main STABs are resisted by Steels, meaning it usualy only have one extra moveslot available due to needing to run either Earthquake or Superpower. It is also slow, meaning it often has to take a hit first.


Pokemon Name: Clawitzer-Mirage (Clawitzer + Dragonite)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 81 (HP average) / 73 / 88 / 120 / 89 / 59
Type: Water / Dragon
New Moves:
Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Roost, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower
Abilities: Mega Launcher / Multiscale
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 122.6 kg
Dex Entry: A form of Clawitzer that is so rare compared to normal Clawitzer, people consider it a mirage. It is said to be faster and more inteligent than a regular Clawitzer.
Competitive Use: Water/Dragon is a strong typing, and it comes with high Special Attack in 120 and modest bulk. Multiscale helps it take hits and get it's moves off, while Mega Launcher lets it run things like Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere instead of Draco Meteor and Focus Blast respectively. Unfortunately only modest bulk makes it take a lot of damage in return, and despite Roost, it is prone to being worn down over the match.
Last edited: would Stance Change work?
Would it be -100 Atk/Spa and +100 Def/SpD (vice vrsa), would it change the average stat to be based on which stance your in?
It'd be best just to have Stance Change not work.
EDIT: It wouldn't, since it is a species-specific Ability!
Thus, I would like to re-iterate the possibility that it should be OK'd to serve as a base and a donor. It's essentially just a bulky pivot that isn't even as good as Registeel (except for some moves and added Ghost Type, and its Ability is what makes it Ubers, but it won't occur if it is replaced or useless because it no longer matches its species, making it competitively useless and something of a nerf Ability that replaces another Ability).

Trivia: Meloetta is the only forme-changing mon that does not require an item or specific Ability in order to change forme, but rather the move Relic Song; However, this move is also Species-specific, but will not fail if used. Another downside is that this is a genderless (how? Cresselia is female, why not Meloetta?) and undiscovered mon. Other species-specific moves include Hyperspace Fury and Dark Void, which fail upon use by species other than their native users (not even standard Hoopa can use Hyperspace Fury).

There are two mons that have 1 forme-changing Ability AND 1 basic Ability. Namely, Zygarde (also Zygarde-10%) and Darmanitan. However, only Darmanitan is viable in this mod, and can only change forme if it is the base (not the donor) and Sheer Force is the replaced Ability, which would allow it to keep Zen Mode. That leaves us with 1 possible form-changing Ability discrepancy to sort out.
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Looks fun, a lot of people have made the comparison with this and Fusion Evolution and while they're not wrong, I think what sets this apart is that it's much more tame, which in my eyes is a huge positive.

Pokemon Name: Pikachu-Blue (Pikachu + Azumarill)
Egg Group: Fairy
Stats: 67/55/40/50/50/90 (HP is averaged, BST is 352)
Type: Electric/Fairy
New Moves: Play Rough, Ice Punch, Belly Drum, Superpower, Waterfall
Abilities: Static / Thick Fat / Lightningrod
Dex Entry: This form of Pikachu was only discovered recently. Before this, various myths about its existance spread widely.
Competitive Use: Pikablu! Belly Drum + Light Ball seems threatening on paper but it'd likely be impossible to set up, so I'd imagine Eviolite or Z-Belly Drum or something might be a bit little better. I'm gonna probably change this a bit more later, but it also is worth noting that this gets ExtremeSpeed.

Pokemon Name: Jumpluff-Mushroom (Jumpluff + Breloom)
Egg Group: Grass AND Fairy
Stats: 75/92/70/55/95/110 (Attack is averaged, BST is 497)
Type: Grass/Fighting
New Moves: Mach Punch, Force Palm, Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Thunder Punch
Abilities: Chlorophyll / Leaf Guard / Technician
Dex Entry: In place of its cotton puffs, Jumpluff-Mushroom has big mushrooms on the sides and top of its body. It cannot fly, but instead uses the mushrooms to throw powerful punches.
Competitive Use: Jumpluff normally tries (and fails) to be an effective Swords Dance user thanks to its somewhat high speed and access to a strong STAB move in Acrobatics, but it has no Attack and lacks the bulk to make up for it. Jumpluff-Mushroom gives it decent attacking power with Technician Bullet Seed + Force Palm or Mach Punch on top of what it normally does, with options like Aerial Ace, Rock Tomb, and Thunder Punch for possible coverage, or something like Sleep Powder instead if Grass/Fighting coverage is good enough.

Pokemon Name: Arbok-Reawakened (Arbok + Salamence)
Egg Group: Dragon
Stats: 60 / 115 / 69 / 65 / 79 / 80 (Attack is averaged, BST is 468)
Type: Poison/Dragon
New Moves: Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Roost, Stone Edge
Abilities: Intimidate / Shed Skin / Moxie
Dex Entry: This is widely believed to be Arbok's true form. When something makes it angry, it will take it out on the nearest city, often requiring a skilled trainer to defeat it.
Competitive Use: Although this version of Arbok doesn't have the best stats, does have Dragon Dance and Coil for setup, three great abilities for the job that can each be run on different sets, and a pretty good movepool that when all combined, gives it a lot of flexibility. Its offensive typing is really nice for its job too, although most of that is self-explanatory.
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Pokemon Name: Kingdra-Camo (Kingdra + Greninja)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 75/95/95/99/95/85 (559 BST)
Type: Water/Dark
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Spikes, Gunk Shot, Low Kick, U-Turn
Abilities: Protean/Sniper/Damp
Dex Entry: it, like, blends in with the coral
Competitive Use: Kingdra-Camo is a fast mixed wallbreaker that has many options at its disposal. It's like Greninja but trades speed and special offensive presence for bulk.

Pokemon Name: Sceptile-Grounded (Sceptile + Torterra)
Egg Group: Monster
Stats: 70/97/65/105/85/120 (542 BST)
Type: Grass/Ground
New Moves: Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earth Power, Superpower, Stealth Rock
Abilities: Overgrow/Shell Armor/Unburden
Dex Entry: it, like, has a tree on its head or something
Competitive Use: Sceptile-Grounded is a alternative to Hawlucha due to its unique typing combination. While it hits bulky Water types, it has more trouble against Flying-types like Celesteela.

Pokemon Name: Quagsire-Shell (Quagsire + Slowbro)
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 95/85/98/65/65/35 (443 BST)
Type: Water/Psychic
New Moves: Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Magic Coat
Abilities: Damp/Regenerator/Unaware
Dex Entry: it, like, has slowbro's shell thingy eating its tail
Competitive Use: Quagsire-Shell is a solid Unaware user because of its resistances to Fighting, Fire, and Steel, as well as its lack of weaknesses to commonly physical attacking types. However, unlike regular Quagsire, it is notably weak to Knock Off/Crunch, U-Turn, and Volt Switch, neutralizing its ability to wall boosted attacks from the likes of Tyranitar, Scizor-Mega, and Victini.
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Pokemon Name: Kingdra-Camo
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 75/95/95/99/95/85 (559 BST)
Type: Water/Dark
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Spikes, Gunk Shot, Low Kick, U-Turn
Abilities: Protean/Sniper/Damp
Dex Entry: it, like, blends in with the coral
Competitive Use: Kingdra-Camo is a fast mixed wallbreaker that has many options at its disposal. It's like Greninja but trades speed and special offensive presence for bulk.

Pokemon Name: Sceptile-Grounded
Egg Group: Monster
Stats: 70/97/65/105/85/120 (542 BST)
Type: Grass/Ground
New Moves: Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Earth Power, Superpower, Stealth Rock
Abilities: Overgrow/Shell Armor/Unburden
Dex Entry: it, like, has a tree on its head or something
Competitive Use: Sceptile-Grounded is a alternative to Hawlucha due to its unique typing combination. While it hits bulky Water types, it has more trouble against Flying-types like Celesteela.

Pokemon Name: Quagsire-Shell
Egg Group: Water 1
Stats: 95/85/98/65/65/35 (443 BST)
Type: Water/Psychic
New Moves: Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Magic Coat
Abilities: Damp/Regenerator/Unaware
Dex Entry: it, like, has slowbro's shell thingy eating its tail
Competitive Use: Quagsire-Shell is a solid Unaware user because of its resistances to Fighting, Fire, and Steel, as well as its lack of weaknesses to commonly physical attacking types. However, unlike regular Quagsire, it is notably weak to Knock Off/Crunch, U-Turn, and Volt Switch, neutralizing its ability to wall boosted attacks from the likes of Tyranitar, Scizor-Mega, and Victini.
could you, like, list the donors so that we don't have to do filtered searches or calculations and crap?
Dex Entry: it, like, has slowbro's shell thingy eating its tail
it, like, is a shellder, you dumb fug

EDIT: kk
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could you, like, list the donors so that we don't have to do filtered searches or calculations and crap?
my b, fixed

it, like, is a shellder, you dumbpoké

Combining Rock Head with Head Smash and Zoom Lens is irresistible, making this Steelix a formidable opponent even without stance change, thanks to Power Trick granting more defense AND attack than Aegislash, at the cost of 1 turn spent setting up!
252+ Atk Steelix Head Smash vs. 240 HP / 52 Def Mew: 128-151 (31.9 - 37.6%) -- 0.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
wow this is just some truly amazing damage

power trick sounds useless because youre so slow you either get ohkod before you power trick or kod after the power trick

if you say shadow sneak it doesnt do enough
252+ Atk Steelix Shadow Sneak vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 153-180 (42.2 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Apparently, a lot of people ship Florges x Breloom
that looks like one person

Adaptability for if you choose to go the Dragon power route.
ah yes the power route with 73 spa, less than the original dragalge

Curse does a better job for it, since it still needs the Defense boost from the Ground weakness
252 Atk Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dragalge: 228-270 (68.2 - 80.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Excadrill Earthquake vs. +1 252 HP / 252+ Def Dragalge: 152-182 (45.5 - 54.4%) -- 53.5% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dragalge: 222-264 (66.4 - 79%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. +1 252 HP / 252+ Def Dragalge: 150-176 (44.9 - 52.6%) -- 21.9% chance to 2HKO

half of the eq users have attack-boosting moves too so theres like 0 reason to use curse

Bestow (Toxic Orb)
what does this do over toxic