OM Interviews (#16: In The Hills)

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What’s your GPA?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
If you put one lasagna on top of another lasagna, is it two lasagnas or just one big one?
Is cereal soup?
Is a burrito a sandwich?
Do snakes have tails?
Since tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?
Is cheesecake actually cheese pie?
Should you wet your toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it?
Thoughts on brushing your teeth in the shower?
Do you like your toilet paper over or under?
Is it better to put on socks or pants first?
Is chess a sport?
Nature or nurture?
Cats or dogs?
Do you have free will?
Is your personality the same irl?
Because I don’t believe that you don’t listen to music, what kind of music you listen to?

Between stats based, type based, move based and ability based, which metagame concept seems the best? And why?

If you have the power to add one perma ladder, what meta would you add and why?

How do you motivate yourself to do tasks like homework or studying for tests?

Why do people love Stall? Explain.

Do you think your life is meaningful right now?

If not, what will you do to make your life meaningful?
What’s your GPA?
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
If you put one lasagna on top of another lasagna, is it two lasagnas or just one big one?
Is cereal soup?
Is a burrito a sandwich?
Do snakes have tails?
Since tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?
Is cheesecake actually cheese pie?
Should you wet your toothbrush before putting toothpaste on it?
Thoughts on brushing your teeth in the shower?
Do you like your toilet paper over or under?
Is it better to put on socks or pants first?
Is chess a sport?
Nature or nurture?
Cats or dogs?
Do you have free will?
Is your personality the same irl?

1. What does that stand for? Grape Potential Assessment? I just squeeze it a little bit to test for firmness and that's the only assessment I give.
2. I would argue that by law it is a sandwich, but if you call it a sandwich, you're being contrarian on purpose
3. I would say it's just one large lasagna. Garfield's dream!!
4. Absolutely not!!!! Soup is made from the broth up, cereal is made from the cereal down.
5. No, but it is a dumpling
6. Snakes ARE tails
7. Not a smoothie because it's not made in a blender or anything
8. Cheesecake is an abomination
9. I gotta say I'm kinda 50/50 on this one. But if you do, you still have to wet it AFTER you put it on your toothbrush
10. Over if possible, but I'm not gonna fight with someone if they want it under
11. Pants for sure. But I do really like being naked with just socks on tbh
12. Yes. It's a contact sport if you play it the way I do, too.
13. Is that an either/or???
14. I wouldn't wanna own either, but I like dogs more for cuddle potential
15. The puppetmaster controlling my movements says yes I do
16. I would like to think so :)

Because I don’t believe that you don’t listen to music, what kind of music you listen to?

Between stats based, type based, move based and ability based, which metagame concept seems the best? And why?

If you have the power to add one perma ladder, what meta would you add and why?

How do you motivate yourself to do tasks like homework or studying for tests?

Why do people love Stall? Explain.

Do you think your life is meaningful right now?

If not, what will you do to make your life meaningful?

1. I largely listen to classical, but outside of that I love disco stuff to jam, Indian pop/bangra, Jean-Jacques Perrey, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Adele, rock songs with good guitar solos, French musicals, etc.
2. Im a huge fan of all of the ones you listed except stat-based. I never found stat-based metas like 350 Cup or Averagemons to be all that interesting.
3. Sketchmons because there's still so much to be explored and I love the meta!
4. I just remind myself that if I don't do these things, I'm destined to fail
5. Stall is a way to win relatively easily against many matchups, so I think people's love for winning outweighs the love of having fun.
6. I do think so, yes! There's always more to do, but it does have meaning. Everyone's life has meaning.
Since all the other unimportant questions are out

How'd you come up with the name?

Do you smoke?

If you do, does it affect your work on the bassoon (which is AMAZING btw)

WaNa CoLlaB i pLeY gItAr aNd SiNg

Pizza or Fries?

Do you ever feel that your emotions come from a completely different organ? Like sometimes, you know the right thing to do (the smart thing to do) is something but you end up doing something completely different and stupid which you think your brain couldn't have possibly thought of. Because that's what your emotions made you do. Do you suddenly have a feeling of doom while feeling happiness, because you know it's not going to last, because your life has been moving so fast? Do you ever feel that you're making decisions just to feel happy, but when you achieve that goal, you might want something different, and that happiness will not last/would never be enough? Do you ever feel that this illusion of happiness is what controls our life and gives us a sense of purpose?

Jk you and I share our interest in Hackmons cup haha wanna fiTte?
Since all the other unimportant questions are out

How'd you come up with the name?

Do you smoke?

If you do, does it affect your work on the bassoon (which is AMAZING btw)

WaNa CoLlaB i pLeY gItAr aNd SiNg

Pizza or Fries?

Do you ever feel that your emotions come from a completely different organ? Like sometimes, you know the right thing to do (the smart thing to do) is something but you end up doing something completely different and stupid which you think your brain couldn't have possibly thought of. Because that's what your emotions made you do. Do you suddenly have a feeling of doom while feeling happiness, because you know it's not going to last, because your life has been moving so fast? Do you ever feel that you're making decisions just to feel happy, but when you achieve that goal, you might want something different, and that happiness will not last/would never be enough? Do you ever feel that this illusion of happiness is what controls our life and gives us a sense of purpose?

Jk you and I share our interest in Hackmons cup haha wanna fiTte?

1. ayedan already asked this but I'll copy the answer: The name actually comes from a nonsense poem I wrote when I was in early elementary school that I found years later. One of the lines was "the coast is toast" instead of "the coast is clear" and I loved it enough to use this screen name for almost everything.
2. I don't smoke anything other than my opponents on Showdown
2.5 I'll gladly provide some bassoon backing tracks to your undoubtedly hit songs
3. I prefer pizza to fries, but I do love both as long as they're good
4. Happiness isn't an illusion. Happiness is a reality :D but I'll fight you anytime
hii! Fellow classical musician! I know we've only discussed it a few times back when I was more active in the OM discord, but you're extremely nice and fun to talk to.

1) Are you part of a serious orchestra right now? If so, what pieces are you playing at the moment?
2) Favorite piece of orchestral music?
3) Have you heard the Saint-saens sonata for bassoon + piano? bop definitely should try it out its a great piece

4) How's balancing mons with music been for you and do you have any trouble prioritizing in such a tedious profession (as much as you may love it)? I can say myself as an (aspiring?) professional musician that all the practicing and all the hours required aren't really that rewarding other than one's complete love for music

5) thoughts on the phrase "its the worst profession in the world but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else" in regards to music?
Cute af, have a really rockin new year o_-

Questions (Feel free to answe as seriously as you’d like):
1. Do you have any particularly memorable Hackmons Cup games/sets you’d like to share? E: Oh MAMP sniped
2. How did you come into the OMs community? Was there a particular thing that brought you in?
3. How did you get into playing the bassoon? Do you have any tips for people wanting to learn/do better at an instrument?
4. What are your plans for the future regarding your job?
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
7. What advice do you have for those wishing to study Elephantology?
8. Why won’t you admit Michael Buble did it better than Carey

Ok sniped on almost everything but I’m sure I’ll find more stuff to ask

Also 9. I’m in band right now as 3rd chair flute, my band director offered for me to switch to bassoon do I take the offer
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hii! Fellow classical musician! I know we've only discussed it a few times back when I was more active in the OM discord, but you're extremely nice and fun to talk to.

1) Are you part of a serious orchestra right now? If so, what pieces are you playing at the moment?
2) Favorite piece of orchestral music?
3) Have you heard the Saint-saens sonata for bassoon + piano? bop definitely should try it out its a great piece

4) How's balancing mons with music been for you and do you have any trouble prioritizing in such a tedious profession (as much as you may love it)? I can say myself as an (aspiring?) professional musician that all the practicing and all the hours required aren't really that rewarding other than one's complete love for music

5) thoughts on the phrase "its the worst profession in the world but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else" in regards to music?

1. I'm in a real orchestra, yeah. Our concert next week is Mozart's 9th piano concerto and requiem!
2. That's an incredibly difficult question, but a good one. I think one of the pieces that always gets me goin is Ravel's "La Valse" because the colors and orchestration are so fucking good and it's just an awesome and fun piece to play and to listen to. Ravel in general is great (Rapsodie Espagnole, Daphnis et Chloe, etc.) but other orchestral faves include cute ones like Milhaud's Boeuf sur le Toit, Strauss' Don Quixote and other tone poems, Stravinsky almost anything but things like Agon/Symphony in 3 movements/Pulcinella/Jeu de Cartes/Chant du Rossignol, Shostakovich symphonies (check out 6 and 9 if you haven't!!), and lots more
3. here's me doing the very end! played this piece lots
4. I don't feel like mons and the music conflict much, but I personally hate practicing. I do it because i have to and that's basically it. I love performing, and rehearsing with other people, but individual practice ... I've never enjoyed doing it
5. It's the truth!!! If I had any other really strong interest you know I'd do that instead lol

Cute af, have a really rockin new year o_-

Questions (Feel free to answe as seriously as you’d like):
1. Do you have any particularly memorable Hackmons Cup games/sets you’d like to share? E: Oh MAMP sniped
2. How did you come into the OMs community? Was there a particular thing that brought you in?
3. How did you get into playing the bassoon? Do you have any tips for people wanting to learn/do better at an instrument?
4. What are your plans for the future regarding your job?
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
6. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
7. What advice do you have for those wishing to study Elephantology?
8. Why won’t you admit Michael Buble did it better than Carey

Ok sniped on almost everything but I’m sure I’ll find more stuff to ask

Also 9. I’m in band right now as 3rd chair flute, my band director offered for me to switch to bassoon do I take the offer

1. I'm always happy to share more! is one against Anaconja where I use his own hax against him, this one really just because of the last turn, cleaning with a neat haunter set, turned this one around barely with a standard cloyster, a truly broken mareanie. There's one replay where I won because of berry juice but i can't find it yet...
2. AAA brought me in because I thought the creativity involved was really cool! I started chatting in the OM room on PS because I wanted to be cool like drampa's grandpa (who was only voice back then)
3. I kinda explained earlier, but more specifically I heard certain pieces and YouTube videos of the bassoon and I was like... damn that instrument looks pretty cool! My tips are just practice, practice, practice, listen to good players, get lessons, practice more.
4. My plans in the future are hopefully to keep auditioning for better and better orchestras until I end up a superstar of bassoon.
5. I see myself living in an abandoned Pizza Hut selling knock-off Girl Scout cookies to people in a rural area of Wyoming. Or maybe being successful in music if I'm lucky?
6. If I could change something physically, and would probably be to have slightly bigger eyes, especially when I smile. In general though, I'd change to have much greater willpower, especially when it comes to donuts.
7. Hear the elephant, see the elephant, BECOME the elephant.
8. That's... just not right?
Come up with any AAASketch fire recently?

I am only just realizing now I never responded to this LOL

A lot of the threats in AAASketch when it was LCotM have been neutralized by bans in both metas: from Sketch we've said bye to Espeed and Quiver Dance, as well as Porygon-Z, and from AAA we've bid adieu to Weavile and Zygarde. Things like Nasty Plot Triage Oblivion Wing Thundy-T are still potent as ever, I suppose. I really liked Dazzling Minior with Dragon Ascent over Acrobatics in case you don't get dropped down to sash :O Also things like Tinted Psystrike Latios, Technician DD Garchomp with Dual Chop/Bulldoze/Rock Tomb, and of course, Primordial Sea + Thunder Manaphy.

This meta would be really fun to play again! I think it would make a great LCotM given the relative balance of both metas now. No more Mold Breaker Belly Drum Snorlax with Extreme Speed hehe
What is up gamers it's waveman here with another water-weak interview ft. the man himself...







OKAY. Tell me as much of your life story as you're comfortable sharing. Or a least a bit about yourself!

Ok. Hi I'm regirock, and at this current stage of my life I'm not comfy sharing too much about my personal life, but I'm studying environmental science in college and I've been playing pokemon since pearl. I made my first showdown alt almost exactly 6 years ago and messed around on VGC and OU (no stealth rock) ladders before discovering the hackmons ladder. I kinda messed around on alts a bunch, and I was a bad user in om chat for a couple of years.

You? A bad user? I highly doubt it.

Yes, it was bad.


I quit pokemon for a couple years because I lost interest in the game and wanted to focus on my schoolwork. I came back to PS around November / December of last year, and I started talking in OM chat around January. I somehow tricked the OM mod team into thinking I was a good user and I got promoted the 2nd fastest out of any user in OM (from voice to mod, 4 days slower than chloe iirc), so here I am now!

Environmental science? Are you going to singlehandledly stop global warming?
Or at least help?

I sure hope so LOL

The world is fucked

we're going to die

Sounds fun! Anyways, what metagame or metagames do you favour?

At the beginning of my comeback, I almost exclusively played Balanced Hackmons. I watched a lot of partners in crime and got pretty into that for a bit, but unfortunately, it isn't too popular. I played a LOT of OU around February / March, and I ended up getting pretty decent (but still bad). Most recently, I've enjoyed Mix and Mega and AAA a ton, just I wish I was better at teambuilding. I still enjoy BH, but I don't ladder much anymore. Right now, I just play a lot of random battles and I've been really enjoying DPP OU.

Interesting. You were an OMPL and OM Snake manager as well, how was your experience with that? Did you help prep with any of your players on the aforementioned metagames?

Unfortunately, our snake team didn't do the best (probably due to my lack of metagame knowledge in included tiers other than PiC). It was a fun experience though, and I got to collaborate with some users that I never thought I'd collab with, plus a lot of my friends (like you!!!!! OM Room!!!) and drampa and volkner were on that team as well (as well as managing alongside SL42)! As for ompl, funbot asked me to be her assistant manager and I accepted because Snake was really unfortunate and I didn't want to just stop managing on a bad loss.

And you had one of the best drafts in OMPL!!

Our OMPL draft was crazy good, and we absolutely tore through the first couple weeks. Unfortunately, we started slipping a bit and we ended up 1 point off making playoffs. But still, I got to work with a ton of talented and creative OM / UM minds and meet new friends and up and coming players.

Any you want to shout out?

I did a big shoutout post already but our BH core (pdt, skylake, test rex) was pretty crazy and we pulled in some impressive wins, plus like, in basically all of the weeks, half of our team was brainstorming bh so even though we bought like 3 3-4k players, we had people like stresh, funbot, gman, and I all testing out BH cores and sets. But yeah. OMPL was a way better experience than Snake. Unfortunate that we couldn't keep up our momentum, but like it is what it is. for two basically brand new managers, we did pretty great in my eyes.

Now what OMPL and OM Snake are over, do you have any plans for OMs moving forward? What are you looking forward to?

As far as I know, I'll just be hanging around. I might host a couple like OM side projects depending on what TI gives me, but I don't think I'll be managing any team tours in the upcoming future. As for wcoom or omwc or whatever y'all call it, I don't think I'll be managing or playing, but I'll be rooting for US Northeast! (if that's even a region lol) But yeah, I hope to become more involved in OMs, especially exploring the forum side of things more. I got badged for RoA stuff, so that might give me some more opportunities.

Very important question coming up now...


What are your thoughts on the randbats update and it's relation to regirock?

Uh, it still doesn't get earthquake but TI said something about regirock almost never getting double rock stab anymore, so like hopefully I don't get pinged in the randbats room as much (on that note, getting highlighted on "regi" and "rr" is a really bad idea because i get notifs whenever people are talking about round robin tours or when some kid wants to use regigigas in ou)

Unfortunate. Well, Regirock you're clearly a dog lover


And probably other animals too but like...

I love dogs

What are your favorite instances / moments with dogs!

Uh, I can't really think of specific moments

Well, hmm.

My favorite breed is currently the greyhound


Because they're long and funny looking. idk there's some charm to them. Some people say they look like goblins or aliens or something, but idk i just love them. But i love dogs of all kinds, especially shibas, samoyeds, and shelties. (if you ever get the chance, just check the OM staffintro ;) )

How have you liked the OM community so far?

I think it's been pretty good to me. I've made a lot of new friends, and i've been able to play with some really impressive players. I've had a ton of fun over the last couple months, so hopefully i can continue enjoying the game for a bit.

Drampa asks a few things: What's ur favorite kids tv show and [22:40:13] +drampa's grandpa: bank account number and pin [22:41:04] +drampa's grandpa: and the three numbers on the back ig

Kids tv show, hm.

idek i haven't watched a kids tv show in a long time

oh no. Favorite tv show then.

I really like it's always sunny but I haven't watched it in a while, drake and josh and icarly are always classics. Off the record: I started watching naruto last week and it's really good LOL I'm not even into anime but it's really entertaining.

Oh wait.

Credit Card Number.

I promised in [redacted private room] that I'd include this in my interview.

8915 1318 1515 1369

It expired in November 2002 (whoops). And the 3 numbers on the back are 377

Anything u wanna say to the readers!!

Hi, uh, if you ever really feel burnt out, take a break from mons, same with any game. Only spend time with a game if you really enjoy it. Some good advice I wish I'd learned earlier.

Feel free to reach out to new people as well, like, try to make new friends, bc playing this game alone is boring.

Feel free to ask regirock more questions!
why did u pick regirock of all mons as ur name?

what kind of music do you like?

what are the best and worst things about mons compared to other games?

do you see yourself moving on from this site/game in the future? why?

if you magically got $20 but couldnt save it, what would you spend it on?

what are your thoughts on the current state of internet memes and their impact on society?

do you still play pokemon cartridge games? what other video games do you enjoy?

free ch?
how many dogs have you petted irl
probably at least 3

US Northeast - power and regirock :smogthink:
yeah i guess that happened, wasn't planning on it but i can't let sed down

why are u so cute and are u ready for these fall/winter fits
denim everything

why does this meme still exist

why did u pick regirock of all mons as ur name?
idk, someone said it was available so i just put in a request and got it

what kind of music do you like?
mostly rock and hip hop, kanye, mf doom, radiohead, etc
knxwledge is a rlly good producer y'all should give him a listen

what are the best and worst things about mons compared to other games?
misses and crits are pretty bad, some people generally being unknowledgable and thinking that if something succeeds at 1100 it'll succeed in tours
paraspam is pretty awful as well
lots of cliques, people instantly discrediting ideas that are actually good because the players aren't known (not talking about just straight up bad ideas, but unique stuff that COULD work but just needs to be developed further
on the other hand, i love teambuilding + bouncing ideas off of friends, and not being super fast paced (i can't keep up with fps games anymore)

do you see yourself moving on from this site/game in the future? why?
unfortunately yes, but not any time in the close future. i'm enjoying mons a lot right now and hope i can keep that enthusiasm for a long time
in the future, i think i'll just quietly fade out again and move on to other, bigger things. i don't really have my eyes on any long-term games though, since the only other game i'm playing rn is bloons td6

if you magically got $20 but couldnt save it, what would you spend it on?
ebay vintage clothes

what are your thoughts on the current state of internet memes and their impact on society?
new age doge memes are underexplored
the "man that sucks" meme is awful and it needs to die
somehow people use snapchat pages for memes and that's disappointing

do you still play pokemon cartridge games? what other video games do you enjoy?
i have a switch and i'm planning on buying shield, so yes. i replayed HGSS a couple months ago as well and i had a ton of fun with that
as for other games, the only other game i'm playing rn is bloons td6, i've been busy with school and social and i don't want to just sit in my room anymore

oras ph is the best metagame in the history of pokemon, usum ph is disappointing because of cfzs unfortunately
What are your thoughts on pandas?

Do you see yourself get married within the next 10 years?

R u left or right handed?

What sport u like the most?

What is ur social insurance number?

What are your thoughts on pandas?
pretty cool, don't let them go extinct :(

Do you see yourself get married within the next 10 years?
depends on how things go irl over the next couple years, most likely not though

R u left or right handed?
right handed

What sport u like the most?
swimming + soccer are fun af

What is ur social insurance number?
same as my credit card number

Who do u fucking hate
people who challenge me to non-randbats games out of the blue

Whose the shittest user u met
it was probably a pazza alt

Who would u ban
myself in 2014