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  • We're playing for snake, when are you usually on and what time zone?
    ya im available. I also dont really have a sleep schedule rn so we can play whatever time u want
    Chopin Alkaninoff
    I have time today, tell me when you’re in PS
    Im on right now, and I can also be on 7-12pm my time
    i love chopin scherzo #3 and i want to learn it sometime

    ive only played the first 2 scherzos but haven't had as much time lately

    I'm actually working on the F# minor polonaise rn just for fun bc its not that hard but i love the piece
    Chopin Alkaninoff
    Yeah, Scherzo 3 is really good but it's a technical piece, harder than Scherzo 2 and some of the Ballades imo. The coda (final part) is awesome and it is very fun to play but requires a lot of practice as it's also the hardest part of the piece. If you wanna start, practice the coda first imo.
    yeah i love chopin codas, the ballades (particularly #2 and #3 both of which i've played) and even the first scherzo have so much to show off the work you put into it.

    i love the middle part of the 3rd scherzo too its so pretty
    Thanks for the suggestion for a the double suspect. We were going to vote on Mega Sableye ourselves (most likely banning it) but we really wanted people to have their input on it. This way it's better for both sides.
    Fully invested Alowak is actually the equivalent of max invest base 209, not 208
    Lol I can post Psychic Spam team if u want since I was the main inspiration for the Abra + Lele + Goth core no ;)
    Chopin Alkaninoff
    Late reply but. Idk how to make lele in psychic spam not being dead weight aside of just set up terrain. It's been crap so far.
    How is early bird useless? Switching into Shroomish and Foongus is pretty big, especially since Doduo resists grass and can OHKO them.
    Bp is illegal alongside swords dance; use hone claws, or better yet shadow sneak.
    Chopin Alkaninoff
    Why is it illegal? BP clause forbids you to pass any other stats AND Speed. Idk if this has changed yet but I believe it hasn't.
    Chopin Alkaninoff
    Oh wait yeah. I misunderstood...
    came here to post this ._.
    You had no way of knowing this, but Niadev already asked for a sub in the council thread.No response as of yet, though.
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