Pokémon Dracozolt

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Base Stats: 90 HP | 100 Atk | 90 Def | 80 SpA | 70 SpD | 75 Spe (BST: 505)

Abilities: Volt Absorb (1) | Hustle (2) | Sand Rush (H)

-Bolt Beak
-Draco Meteor
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Fire Blast
-Low Kick
-Stone Edge
-Thunder Punch
-Wild Charge
-Thunder Wave

Level Up Moves:
-[01] Tackle
-[01] Thunder Shock
-[07] Charge
-[14] Aerial Ace
-[21] Ancient Power
-[28] Pluck
-[35] Dragon Tail
-[42] Stomp
-[49] Slam
-[56] Discharge
-[63] Bolt Beak
-[70] Dragon Pulse
-[77] Dragon Rush

-[TM00] Mega Punch
-[TM01] Mega Kick
-[TM05] Thunder Punch
-[TM08] Hyper Beam
-[TM09] Giga Impact
-[TM13] Fire Spin
-[TM14] Thunder Wave
-[TM21] Rest
-[TM22] Rock Slide
-[TM24] Snore
-[TM25] Protect
-[TM33] Rain Dance
-[TM34] Sunny Day
-[TM39] Facade
-[TM48] Rock Tomb
-[TM54] Rock Blast
-[TM66] Thunder Fang
-[TM68] Fire Fang
-[TM76] Round
-[TM81] Bulldoze
-[TM97] Brutal Swing
-[TM98] Stomping Tantrum
-[TM99] Breaking Swipe

-[TR01] Body Slam
-[TR02] Flamethrower
-[TR07] Low Kick
-[TR08] Thunderbolt
-[TR09] Thunder
-[TR10] Earthquake
-[TR15] Fire Blast
-[TR20] Substitute
-[TR24] Outrage
-[TR26] Endure
-[TR27] Sleep Talk
-[TR31] Iron Tail
-[TR37] Taunt
-[TR47] Dragon Claw
-[TR62] Dragon Pulse
-[TR67] Earth Power
-[TR75] Stone Edge
-[TR80] Electro Ball
-[TR86] Wild Charge
-[TR94] High Horsepower

Description of new moves:

Bolt Beak:
| Power - 85 | Accuracy - 100% | PP - 16 | Description - Power doubles if the user moves first.

General Overview:


- Hustle boosts Dracozolt's attacks to extreme levels; When paired with Bolt Beak which doubles in power when Dracozolt moves first, it is incredibly powerful considering most defensive mons will be slower.
- Its typing is great offensively, with the only Pokemon resisting its STABs being Ferrothorn and Excadrill.
- Its decent bulk is complemented by a good defensive typing that resists important types such as electric, water, fire, and steel. It can also check Gyarados not running Earthquake
- It has a great movepool consisting of fire, ground, and fighting type coverage.
- When its hidden ability Sand Rush is released, Dracozolt can potentially be ran as a secondary sweeper on sand teams

- A base speed of 75 is very mediocre and can make the matchup against more offensive builds tough. It also makes it harder to abuse Bolt Beak if it are slower than the opponent.
- Hustle is a double edged sword. While boosting Dracozolt's attack to high levels, it also makes its moves very inaccurate, which can often lead to some very inopportune misses.
- While its typing has a few good resists, it has some common weaknesses in ground, ice, and fairy.

- Dynamax moves are 100% accurate but are still boosted by Hustle.
- Max Lightning will be weaker than a full power Bolt Beak, although it can set up electric terrain to boost its attacks later as well as for setting up an electric seed Hawlucha partner.
- Max Wyrmwind based on Outrage can make it easier to break through bulky ground types.
- Dracozolt can potentially boosts its attack with a Max Knuckle Low Kick.

Potential Movesets


Dracozolt @ Life Orb / Wide Lens
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Outrage
- Fire Fang
- Substitute / Dragon Claw

This is set is meant to shred common defensive cores. Bolt Beak is an obvious move of choice on this set and is the one it will be spamming the most once ground types are out of the way. Its sheer power lets you OHKO most Pokemon that don't resist it, such as physically defensive Clefable and Rotom-Wash. Outrage is its secondary STAB and allows it to beat potential answers in bulky grounds such as Hippowdon and Seismitoad, as well as opposing dragon types. Fire Fang hits Ferrothorn and Excadrill, the only 2 relevant mons that resist its STABs. Substitute is the preferred option in the last as Dracozolt can safely set it up on defensive mons like Toxapex and Ferrothorn. It lets it avoid status from mons such as Galarian Corsola and Rotom-Wash. It also eases prediction and can potentially let it get a second kill before being forced out. However, Dragon Claw is an option too if being locked into Outrage is undesirable; though its low base power means it misses the 2HKO on Hippowdon. Low kick is also an option for hitting Ferrothorn inside of rain.

Life Orb is the preferred item on this set, allowing for certain 1 and 2 hit KOs such as the OHKO on phys def Clefable and Excadrill with Bolt Beak and Fire Fang respectively, as well as the 2HKO on physically defensive Hippowdon. Wide Lens is often a choice for reducing the accuracy debuffed induced by Hustle. An adamant nature with 252 EVs in attack and speed allows Dracozolt to hit as hard as possible while outspeeding most walls and bulkier Pokemon. An alternative spread of 112 HP / 248 Atk / 148 Spe can be used to help ensure Ferrothorn's Gyro Ball doesn't break your substitute, while still outspeed defensive Rotom.

Sand Sweeper
Dracozolt @ Life Orb
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Dragon Claw
- Fire Fang / Fire Blast
- Outrage / Low Kick

When its hidden ability is released, Dracozolt can be a deadly sand sweeper. Bolt Beak works well with the fact that Dracozolt will outspeed most mons when sand is up. Dragon Claw hits opposing dragon types like Dragapult and Hydreigon super-effectively. Fire Fang hits Ferrothorn and Excadrill. Fire Blast with a Naughty Nature is an option as it can OHKO physically defensive Ferrothorn after some chip, as well as avoid taking Iron Barbs damage which can limit Dracozolt's lifespan in conjunction with Life Orb recoil. Outrage is a stronger STAB against bulky ground types such as Seismitoad and Hippowdon. Low kick is another option in the last slot for hitting Ferrothorn inside of rain as well for the fact that in dynamax form, Low Kick turns into Max Knuckle which gives Dracozolt an attack boost. Stone Edge can be used to turn into Max Rockfall which will get up sand for Dracozolt. This option is not recommended however for the little coverage it provides; it is better to pair this set up with a real sand setter such as Tyranitar or Hippowdon.

Choice Scarf
Dracozolt @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bolt Beak
- Outrage / Dragon Claw
- Fire Fang
- Low Kick / Dragon Claw

Dracozolt can patch up its mediocre speed with a Choice Scarf. This pairs nicely to ensure Bolt Beak is at full power against faster foes such as Mew and speedier variants of Rotom. Unfortunately Dracozolt's speed tier is awkward for a scarfer, failing to outspeed positive nature Dragapult and most sweepers at +1 such as Gyarados. However, the boost in speed can potentially score a surprise KO.

Other Options
A Choice Band set is an option, but is generally inferior to the offensive breaking set as it forces mind-games when the opponent has a ground type or a Ferrothorn with Protect. The extra power is not needed in most scenarios, but noticeable feats of a banded set include OHKOing max phys def Galarian Corsola and Ferrothorn after rocks (although the set with substitute can set up on these mons anyway).

The substitute set can take on a much bulkier spread of 252 HP / 88 Atk / 20 SpD / 148 Spe. This allows Ferrothorn's Gyro Ball and Rotom-W's Hydro Pump to never break your sub, while still outspeeding most defensive Rotom. Leftovers is the recommended item for such a set. Even with the reduced power, this set can still KO Rotom after rocks and does 73% min to Clefable.
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Choice Band is absolutely nasty on this mon, too, although I hadn't though about Substitute Life Orb before. Banded ensures that if the Grounds are dead, you're basically free to just click Bolt Beak to your leisure, which has a good chance to 2HKO physdef Ferrothorn after rocks, has a solid chance to OHKO max-max Galarian-Corsola after rocks, 2HKOes physdef Eldegoss, and as a fun meme calc, this can kill two bold Pexs in one shot. Here's a couple replays to show how dummy strong this mon is with Band. Running this mon with para-Spam via Prankser T-wave Grimmsnarl and Glare Sandaconda:

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8oubeta-1012259184 (turn 3, Fire Fang OHKOes Male Indeedee)
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8oubeta-1012272876 (last turn of the match, Bolt Beak OHKOes Galarian Corsola)

Edit: Another thing I'd like to say about Choice Band is that it makes for an excellent Dynamax candidate since it can actually switch between its max moves despite holding a Choice Band. Keep in mind, however, that if you locked yourself into a move before Dynamaxing, you're locked back into that move once Dynamax is over. You can see this happen in the first replay, and here's another demonstrating this, starting at turn 20:

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Is the new item, Blunder Policy, worth using with this dude? Hustle makes it miss, so then it raises speed, making Bolt Beak stronger... anyone see the potential of Hustle with Blunder Policy? Or is it just a meme?
The power boost of Choice Band or the reliable speed of Choice Scarf is usually more appealing than a one-time speed boost you can’t really plan around
The power boost of Choice Band or the reliable speed of Choice Scarf is usually more appealing than a one-time speed boost you can’t really plan around
On the subject of Choice Scarf, I don't think it's very good on Dracozolt considering it's painfully slow for a Scarfer when faster Scarfers like Galarian Darmanitan, Hydreigon, and Indeedee outspeed and revenge it. Plus, it can't stop most Max Airstream sweepers after they've received the speed boost. Until Sand Rush releases, Dracozolt's defnintely better used as a wallbreaker.
Did some EV fiddling for a more defensive Dracozolt set that still aims to punch a lot of holes while checking and setting up on stuff like Corviknight, Rotom-Wash, Ferrothorn, and Pex. Also, I think Rillaboom would be a good partner for this set, but I'll have to try it out later.

Dracozolt @ Leftovers
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Atk / 20 SpD / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Bolt Beak
- Fire Fang
- Dragon Claw / Outrage

The HP and SpDef EVs mean that standard Ferrothorn's Power Whip and Gyro Ball, along with Rotom-Wash's Hydro Pump, never break your sub barring a crit (Pex needs 2+ Scalds). Non-EQ Gyarados is also countered by this set (EQ Gyara is countered assuming that you can both Dynamax, or Gyara can't). Fly and Waterfall don't even break your Sub, while at +1, they're still only doing ~35%. Even a +1 Supersonic Skystrike and +1 Hydro Vortex are doing under 70%, and +1 Earthquake only has a ~43% chance to OHKO. Corviknight's unboosted Brave Bird isn't breaking your Sub either.

148 Speed EVs hits 223 speed, which outspeeds the now-standard 60 speed Rotom-Wash by 1 point, which means you also outspeed stuff like Ferrothorn, Galarian Corsola, Toxapex, and most Corviknight. And since you outspeed all of them, Bolt Beak becomes base 170 power. Rest of the EVs go into Attack, which lets you do things like using Bolt Beak to KO Rotom-Wash after Rocks and casually 2HKO +2 Corviknight, and Fire Fang does 75% minimum to the standard Ferrothorn. Dragon Claw is strong neutral STAB, and with Hydreigon and Dragapult everywhere, it's solid. Outrage is okay too, but it's better on a more offensive spread since even with Outrage, you're still not 2HKOing Hippowdon with this spread, and being locked into Outrage on a relatively slow Pokemon like Dracozolt can be very dangerous, especially in the age of Dynamax.

This set is running Leftovers because of the bulk investment. While Life Orb turns some 2HKOs into OHKOs (Rotom doesn't need Rocks to be gone, Ferro is OHKO'd), and some 3HKOs into 2HKOs (Hippowdon with Outrage), IMO that's better suited for a set with less defensive investment. This set is more for longevity and checking things like Gyarados/BU Corviknight and setting up on common stuff like Ferro/Rotom/Corviknight and punching big holes in things to let your sweepers clean up. It's not uncommon to not lose any health from subbing on Rotom or Pex or Corviknight, and do a lot of damage in return.
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Did some EV fiddling for a more defensive Dracozolt set that still aims to punch a lot of holes while checking and setting up on stuff like Corviknight, Rotom-Wash, Ferrothorn, and Pex. Also, I think Rillaboom would be a good partner for this set, but I'll have to try it out later.

Dracozolt @ Leftovers
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Atk / 20 SpD / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Bolt Beak
- Fire Fang
- Outrage

The HP and SpDef EVs mean that standard Ferrothorn's Power Whip and Gyro Ball, along with Rotom-Wash's Hydro Pump, never break your sub barring a crit (Pex needs 2+ Scalds). Non-EQ Gyarados is also countered by this set (EQ Gyara is countered assuming that you can both Dynamax, or Gyara can't). Fly and Waterfall don't even break your Sub, while at +1, they're still only doing ~35%. Even a +1 Supersonic Skystrike and +1 Hydro Vortex are doing under 70%, and +1 Earthquake only has a ~43% chance to OHKO. Corviknight's unboosted Brave Bird isn't breaking your Sub either.

148 Speed EVs hits 223 speed, which outspeeds the now-standard 60 speed Rotom-Wash by 1 point, which means you also outspeed stuff like Ferrothorn, Galarian Corsola, Toxapex, and most Corviknight. And since you outspeed all of them, Bolt Beak becomes base 170 power. Rest of the EVs go into Attack, which lets you do things like using Bolt Beak to KO Rotom-Wash after Rocks and casually 2HKO +2 Corviknight, and Fire Fang does 75% minimum to the standard Ferrothorn. Outrage is strong neutral STAB, and with Hydreigon and Dragapult everywhere, it's a fine option.

This set is running Leftovers because of the bulk investment. While Life Orb turns some 2HKOs into OHKOs (Rotom doesn't need Rocks to be gone, Ferro is OHKO'd), and some 3HKOs into 2HKOs (Hippowdon with Outrage), IMO that's better suited for a set with less defensive investment. This set is more for longevity and checking things like Gyarados/BU Corviknight and setting up on common stuff like Ferro/Rotom/Corviknight and punching big holes in things to let your sweepers clean up. It's not uncommon to not lose any health from subbing on Rotom or Pex or Corviknight, and do a lot of damage in return.
I definitely need to try this set out. Been loving Dracozolt in general as it’s one of my favorite mons from this gen, and I can see this being really good against most of the common defensive cores right now. You mentioned Rillaboom as a potential partner, and I can see it being a phenomenal duo once Grassy Surge releases for it.
So is adamant the best nature, or could jolly be fine on that first set? I got a Dracozolt woth perfect IVs in everything but its special stats, but a neutral nature right now. Wondering what mint to use. Adamant hits harder but jolly will let you outspeed more for that bolt break damage.

Also as others said max aerial ace speeds you up too, to let you bolt break even more, so that last move could be that and you'll be fine.

Also question, what are you guys Naming it? Trying to think of some fusion characters in video games but not sure which to use atm
So is adamant the best nature, or could jolly be fine on that first set? I got a Dracozolt woth perfect IVs in everything but its special stats, but a neutral nature right now. Wondering what mint to use. Adamant hits harder but jolly will let you outspeed more for that bolt break damage.

Also as others said max aerial ace speeds you up too, to let you bolt break even more, so that last move could be that and you'll be fine.

Also question, what are you guys Naming it? Trying to think of some fusion characters in video games but not sure which to use atm
The issue with Jolly is that other than, say, Bisharp, it doesn’t really outspeed anything notable since 75 is an awkward speed tier to sit in for this meta. At that point, you’re just gimping Dracozolt’s damage output for no reason if you decide to run Jolly. I see Jolly being worth it when it gets Sand Rush since Adamant will be too slow on it then, but for the time being with Hustle sets, it’s best used as a breaker against slower walls like the Ferro-Pex-Sola core.
The issue with Jolly is that other than, say, Bisharp, it doesn’t really outspeed anything notable since 75 is an awkward speed tier to sit in for this meta. At that point, you’re just gimping Dracozolt’s damage output for no reason if you decide to run Jolly. I see Jolly being worth it when it gets Sand Rush since Adamant will be too slow on it then, but for the time being with Hustle sets, it’s best used as a breaker against slower walls like the Ferro-Pex-Sola core.

Gotcha, adamant it is. Thanks
Worth noting that Dynamax moves don’t miss but still get the Hustle boost. You could use Max Airstream via Aerial Ace and then spam Bolt Beak since you’ll be faster.

Low Kick becomes Max Knuckle and gives an attack boost you could use as well.
Gotcha covered! :blobthumbsup:

Dyna Dino Bird
Ability: Hustle
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Jolly
EV's: (HP 4) (Attack 252) (Speed 252)
Beak Bolt (Dyna Elec.Terrain)
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Low Kick (Dyna +Attack)
Aerial Ace (Dyna +Speed)

Dynamax like a boss and boost speed with Aerial Ace->Max Airstream. Incidentally Aerial Ace is a guaranteed hit even out of Dynamax with Hustle's accuracy drop, so it's a good general coverage move when you NEED to make sure your next attack hits. Low Kick->Max Knuckle boosts attack further making Dracozolt hit like a truck, not to mention Low Kick in general is good for heavy mons like Copperajah and other troublesome Rock or Steel types that resist or are immune to Beak Bolt. Dynamax Beak Bolt->Max Lightning is weaker than an outspeed Beak Bolt, but it has the added bonus of laying down Electric Terrain which will make your subsequent Beak Bolts hit harder anyways. So I guess the Dynamax attack order is Flying->Fighting->Electric. Seems like a lot of set-up now that I mention it, but feel free to drop one of the last two steps depending on your preference.
Love this mon.
I think it’s important to note that Bolt Beak doubles in damage if the opponent switches out that turn. Whatever switches in is getting destroyed by boosted Bolt Beak
Is this correctly working on Showdown? I remember using both Bolt Beak and Fishious Rend (when I used Dracovish) recently and it did half damage when the opponent switched out, then the correct damage roll when I used those moves again (yes, the targets were slower).
Is this correctly working on Showdown? I remember using both Bolt Beak and Fishious Rend (when I used Dracovish) recently and it did half damage when the opponent switched out, then the correct damage roll when I used those moves again (yes, the targets were slower).

At least yesterday it wasn't, but this is a huge change assuming it's 100% confirmed to be true.

This is also a big boost to the Substitute set since that thing forces switches and stuff like Ferrothorn can't come in on boosted Bolt Beak into Fire Fang even with the comparatively little Attack investment. And anything that's slower and not resisting all your STAB is going to get chunked no matter what.
I would like to mention pluck as an other option for dynamax dracozolt.

Gives you the +1 speed from the max flying move during dynamax, and can be used to foil berry reliant sets before or after, especially on mons where they recover health or secure a stat boost, such as Leichi or Salac berries. it also covers many grass pokemon that resist bolt beak as well as offering better accuracy than fire fang.

If it hasn't been mentioned, a set consisting of

Bolt Beak
Dragon Claw/Outrage

Could be made to work.
I would like to mention pluck as an other option for dynamax dracozolt.

Gives you the +1 speed from the max flying move during dynamax, and can be used to foil berry reliant sets before or after.
Maybe in doubles where berries are more common, but I don't see why you would use it over Aerial Ace in singles. It's pretty much the same move, but instead of eating berries, you ignore Hustle's accuracy drop.
It should be noted that Sandaconda and Dracozolt have a unique synergy. Due to the nature of Sand Spit, it activates after Max moves set up weather/terrain. When Sand Rush is released, an Adament Scarf set in the sand outspends a +3 speed Gyarados. You basically guaranteed a turn if sand , and unless the opponent has a Ground type, switching out against a bolt beak will hit like a train.
Facade is a nice option on the CB set too. Dracozolt can switch on a lot of threats with status-inducing moves (Like Toxapex and Rotom, for example) and Facade could be a win condition in situations where you're forced to switch into this mons.
Did some EV fiddling for a more defensive Dracozolt set that still aims to punch a lot of holes while checking and setting up on stuff like Corviknight, Rotom-Wash, Ferrothorn, and Pex. Also, I think Rillaboom would be a good partner for this set, but I'll have to try it out later.

Dracozolt @ Leftovers
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Atk / 20 SpD / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Bolt Beak
- Fire Fang
- Dragon Claw / Outrage

The HP and SpDef EVs mean that standard Ferrothorn's Power Whip and Gyro Ball, along with Rotom-Wash's Hydro Pump, never break your sub barring a crit (Pex needs 2+ Scalds). Non-EQ Gyarados is also countered by this set (EQ Gyara is countered assuming that you can both Dynamax, or Gyara can't). Fly and Waterfall don't even break your Sub, while at +1, they're still only doing ~35%. Even a +1 Supersonic Skystrike and +1 Hydro Vortex are doing under 70%, and +1 Earthquake only has a ~43% chance to OHKO. Corviknight's unboosted Brave Bird isn't breaking your Sub either.

148 Speed EVs hits 223 speed, which outspeeds the now-standard 60 speed Rotom-Wash by 1 point, which means you also outspeed stuff like Ferrothorn, Galarian Corsola, Toxapex, and most Corviknight. And since you outspeed all of them, Bolt Beak becomes base 170 power. Rest of the EVs go into Attack, which lets you do things like using Bolt Beak to KO Rotom-Wash after Rocks and casually 2HKO +2 Corviknight, and Fire Fang does 75% minimum to the standard Ferrothorn. Dragon Claw is strong neutral STAB, and with Hydreigon and Dragapult everywhere, it's solid. Outrage is okay too, but it's better on a more offensive spread since even with Outrage, you're still not 2HKOing Hippowdon with this spread, and being locked into Outrage on a relatively slow Pokemon like Dracozolt can be very dangerous, especially in the age of Dynamax.

This set is running Leftovers because of the bulk investment. While Life Orb turns some 2HKOs into OHKOs (Rotom doesn't need Rocks to be gone, Ferro is OHKO'd), and some 3HKOs into 2HKOs (Hippowdon with Outrage), IMO that's better suited for a set with less defensive investment. This set is more for longevity and checking things like Gyarados/BU Corviknight and setting up on common stuff like Ferro/Rotom/Corviknight and punching big holes in things to let your sweepers clean up. It's not uncommon to not lose any health from subbing on Rotom or Pex or Corviknight, and do a lot of damage in return.

This definitely looks to be the most optimal set. It makes good use of Dracozolt’s typing and accomplishes something besides spamming a 170 BP move (which Dracovish does better due to less viable immunities and synergy with rain).

I think this would pair very well with Toxic Spikes since fat grounds like Gastrodon/Seismitoad/Hippowdon will no longer be an answer, especially since Dracozolt prevents Corviknight from using Defog and scares Pex away from switching in to absorb them. No more pivoting around against this unholy abomination. Dragon Claw over Outrage since the extra power is no longer necessary.

Really excited to try this mon out.
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