Crisis in CK9++ City [Serial Killer Wins]

You want me to offer a greeting, but I have no such thing with me.

Rain confirmed makes me a bit less enthusiastic. It's great to have a leader but I wanted for him to act differently.
hello, i'm here to vote mafia and engage in rvs and i'm all out of votes to make
also, innocent child is a good role, now I can scumhunt without worrying about defending myself
and post a bunch of funny images without worrying about that either
both are upsides

unfortunately I can't bring myself to be as annoying as I could be and thus can't really benefit from that second part, but hey, scumhunting!
heury's self-vote, voting Panic and getting back to self-voting feels sophisticated but also muddy because I'm not sure what to make of it, it's deffo not pro-town, but it could also be him as town trying to bait mafiosi

more clearness in intention is required
Fenrir Aesir is town

Well, it's been nine months since I last played so let's see how this goes. Mr. Account is the only player I'm super familiar with in this bunch, I've seen nothing unusual about him thus far. Clarinet seems a bit suspect

heury's self-vote, voting Panic and getting back to self-voting feels sophisticated but also muddy because I'm not sure what to make of it, it's deffo not pro-town, but it could also be him as town trying to bait mafiosi

more clearness in intention is required

I mean, this is just wishywashy and noncommittal, and their other posts aren't much better. Everyone else needs to speak more.