OU OU Zeraora


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Zeraora @ Magnet / Expert Belt / Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Knock Off / Play Rough

Zeraora makes for a very threatening wallbreaker thanks to its extremely colorful coverage and incredibly high Speed tier, outspeeding nearly the entire metagame. This set in particular allows it to lure in bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon and Seismitoad and lower their effectiveness with Grass Knot, paving the way for its teammates to clean late-game. Opting for Knock Off means Zeraora will be able to cripple Rotom-H and reliably damage Dragapult; on the other hand, Play Rough improves its matchup against Kommo-o and maintains coverage for Dragapult. Pivots such as Corviknight and Teleport Clefable help to get Zeraora safely onto the field, especially against Hippowdon and Seismitoad, since it's still vulnerable to their moves. Speaking of Hippowdon and Seismitoad, teammates that appreciate them being pressured, such as Rotom-H and Terrakion, enjoy Zeraora's presence. Also, Rotom-H can still be too problematic for Zeraora; therefore, defensive switch-ins like Seismitoad and Gastrodon prove to be useful teammates.
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Zeraora @ Leftovers / Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Knock Off / Play Rough

Unlike last generation, Zeraora definitely is a big threat to watch out for in SS OU. This set in particular utilizes it as a late-game cleaner, able to snag KOs against weakened Pokemon like Clefable and Ferrothorn. I realize that this is still a leftover from the previous spotlight, but this is not accurate. All-out Attacker Zeraora focuses on breaking down teams, not cleaning up late-game, though that is definitely a possibility in some games of course. Additionally, it can take care of two of the most prominent defensive threats in Corviknight and Toxapex. Zeraora isn't a good consistent way to take care of Toxapex at all. Close Combat puts a dent in Ferrothorn and helps it clean up versus Excadrill, Tyranitar, and Hydreigon. Why necessarily clean up? Close Combat takes care of them so I don't really see the need to make that division. Grass Knot puts pressure on Hippowdon and Seismitoad, which would otherwise wall Zeraora. You have a choice of moves for its last slot; Knock Off grants it reliable damage against Ghost-types like Aegislash and Dragapult, while Play Rough improves the matchup against Kommo-o. That's not really why you use Knock Off. You use Knock Off primarily to cripple Rotom-H. Pivots such as Corviknight and Teleport Clefable help get Zeraora safely onto the field, since it's rather frail. Even with Grass Knot, Zeraora can't OHKO most defensive Ground-types and may get hurt or KOed in return; special wallbreakers like Kyurem and Keldeo can ease some of that tension. I'd much rather have you speak about reliable pivots against Hippowdon and Seismitoad. Realistically, pressuring them with Kyurem and Keldeo for Zeraora won't do that much.
I'd like to take another look once this is implemented.
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Zeraora @ Leftovers / Magnet
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Knock Off / Play Rough

Unlike last generation, Zeraora definitely is a big threat to watch out for in SS OU. This set in particular utilizes it as an all-out attacker, wearing down overwhelming Pokemon like Corviknight Hippowdon and Seismitoad for its teammates to clean late-game. You aren't wearing down Corviknight with Zeraora. Close Combat puts a dent in Ferrothorn and helps get rid of other Steel- and Dark-types such as Excadrill, Tyranitar, and Hydreigon. Grass Knot puts pressure on Hippowdon and Seismitoad, which would otherwise wall Zeraora. If you opt for Knock Off, Zeraora will be able to cripple Rotom-H as well as reliably hit Dragapult; on the other hand, Play Rough will improve its matchup against Kommo-o. Pivots such as Corviknight and Teleport Clefable help to get Zeraora safely onto the field, especially against Hippowdon and Seismitoad, since Zeraora is still prone to their Ground-type moves. Rotom-H can also still be a problem for Zeraora, overwhelming it with Nasty Plot and Overheat; as such, defensive switch-ins like Seismitoad and Gastrodon prove to be useful teammates. If there's enough room left, I'd like to have a sentence about teammates that appreciate Zeraora's ability to pressure Hippowdon and Seismitoad with Grass Knot added. Terrakion and Rotom-H are some pretty good examples you could use here.
Good job, 1/1.

Zeraora @ Magnet / Expert Belt / Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Plasma Fists
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot
- Knock Off / Play Rough

Zeraora makes for a very threatening all-out attacker wallbreaker (meh optional, I feel this is an easier term to understand) thanks to its extremely colorful coverage and incredibly high Speed tier, outspeeding nearly the entire metagame. This set in particular allows it to lure in bulky Ground-types like Hippowdon and Seismitoad and lower their effectiveness with Grass Knot, paving the way for its teammates to clean late-game. Opting for Knock Off means Zeraora will be able to cripple Rotom-H and reliably damage Dragapult; on the other hand, Play Rough improves its matchup against Kommo-o and maintains coverage for Dragapult. Pivots such as Corviknight and Teleport Clefable help to get Zeraora safely onto the field, especially against Hippowdon and Seismitoad, since it's still prone vulnerable to their moves. Speaking of Hippowdon and Seismitoad, teammates that appreciate them being pressured, such as Rotom-H and Terrakion, enjoy Zeraora's presence. Also, Rotom-H can still be too overwhelming problematic for Zeraora; therefore, defensive switch-ins like Seismitoad and Gastrodon prove to be useful teammates.
gp 1/1 when done
QC agrees the nature of the set should be Hasty, not Jolly, and the 4 SpD EVs should go to SpA instead. Apologies for not spotting this sooner.
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