Done Add option to unban Pokemon with 0 EVs

I find adding EVs to Pokemon which should not have them (typically FEAR Pokemon) to be annoying. In addition to that I do not need PS to babysit me and force me to "let them know" that I have not forgotten EVs.

So I request that for people like me —i.e. people who both like using FEAR and are too smart to forget EVs— there be an option added which, when selected, disables the EV babysitter.
I find adding EVs to Pokemon which should not have them (typically FEAR Pokemon) to be annoying. In addition to that I do not need PS to babysit me and force me to "let them know" that I have not forgotten EVs.

So I request that for people like me —i.e. people who both like using FEAR and are too smart to forget EVs— there be an option added which, when selected, disables the EV babysitter.
firstly, FEAR is a shit-tier strat
second, you can put 1 ev. id does not change anything, its just to prove that you didnt forgot
Thanks! This is even better than what I suggested. Instead of having to toggle an option people now get sane behaviour by default.

second, you can put 1 ev. id does not change anything, its just to prove that you didnt forgot
Stopping people in their tracks to demand that they prove that they did not forget to make their Pokemon stronger with EVs right after they went out of their way to make their Pokemon extremely weak by setting it's level to 1 is just brain dead and annoying. Normally the pop-up makes sense because normally one would want his Pokemon to be as strong as possible, but clearly that's not the case if one just went out of his way to set the level to 1. If a Pokemon's level is 1 then that should suffice as evidence that no EVs were forgotten.

Besides, EVs are not important for Lv1 Pokemon anyway. E.g. it rarely matters whether your QA comes from an Atk of 6 or 7. So this is hardly worth bothering people for anyway.
I find adding EVs to Pokemon which should not have them (typically FEAR Pokemon) to be annoying. In addition to that I do not need PS to babysit me and force me to "let them know" that I have not forgotten EVs.

So I request that for people like me —i.e. people who both like using FEAR and are too smart to forget EVs— there be an option added which, when selected, disables the EV babysitter.
run max speed fear so u outspeed other fears