The Well #57 nominations

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I did it again
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It's been about 4 years and today is a Tuesday so I think it's about time we finally rescue Acklow from the well.

Here's how it works: tag someone you would like to see in "the well" in this thread. After a few days we'll have a poll. Winner of the poll gets thrown into the well for a week. When you're in the well, think of it like your very own AMA. It'll be a grand old time. Try not to nominate someone who's been in the well before, but I guess it's been so many years since the previous ones that it doesn't really matter. See the index post for a list of previous wells that people have nominated, voted on, and done. If you get nominated and don't want to be in the well, just post here/let us know somehow.

For now though I'll start off the nominations with tennisace
nominating Perry :o

(also isnt a week a bit too long for this project? i'd think maybe one or a few days would be more than enough to get some questions and have more people drop down the well, but i dunno)
(also isnt a week a bit too long for this project? i'd think maybe one or a few days would be more than enough to get some questions and have more people drop down the well, but i dunno)

traditionally it was one person a week and it seemed to work so I was just sticking with that. Like some of the wells had over 100 replies so they were poppin' threads. If we do a few and they all die after like three days though we could do bi-weekly wells I guess
traditionally it was one person a week and it seemed to work so I was just sticking with that. Like some of the wells had over 100 replies so they were poppin' threads. If we do a few and they all die after like three days though we could do bi-weekly wells I guess
that's reasonable, ty for the response!
It's been about 4 years and today is a Tuesday so I think it's about time we finally rescue Acklow from the well.

Here's how it works: tag someone you would like to see in "the well" in this thread. After a few days we'll have a poll. Winner of the poll gets thrown into the well for a week. When you're in the well, think of it like your very own AMA. It'll be a grand old time. Try not to nominate someone who's been in the well before, but I guess it's been so many years since the previous ones that it doesn't really matter. See the index post for a list of previous wells that people have nominated, voted on, and done. If you get nominated and don't want to be in the well, just post here/let us know somehow.

For now though I'll start off the nominations with tennisace

It’s been so long I totally forgot I was the last one in there.
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