Media Most Memorable Gaming Moments

What are some of your favorite gaming moments? I'm interested in stuff that people will never forget. I will start us off:blobthumbsup:

My friends and I played Halo Reach all the time, we would "no life" almost every day. We clocked in like 600 hours playing the exact same custom game mode on the same map. We called it "hot pursuit" and even though we did the same thing every single time, we always found a way to make it incredibly fun. We would try to win playing blind or only looking at the ground, or without using vehicles. It was such an awesome time. We played custom games so much that I went from a recruit all the way to a LT Colonel grade 2 rank which requires 510,00 credits. To put in perspective we would get like 50-100 credits per custom game session, so that tells you how much we would play. I'm hoping that the boys can get back together now that Halo reach is on PC.
The first time I ever beat Tabuu in Super Smash Bros Brawl, it was by turning him into a trophy. He was a tough cookie but I managed to pull in the win and finalize it.

Also when I was playing Pokemon Rumble World and trying to complete the Pokedex, I wanted to collect some Audino to go into my list of Pokemon. I already had one but I just wanted more. I ended up beating some and got an Epic trait version of it with six incredible abilities. This was an incredibly rare variant of this Pokemon. I gave it a Mega Stone and the Audino ended up being better than all other Pokemon I had, including Mewtwo, Arceus, Mega Rayquaza, Primal Groudon, and so on. I had the full dex and this was truly my best Pokemon in the game.
First playing through Pokemon XD and catching Shadow Lugia was kinda nuts to little ol me.

And while it's very new, the Ultra Ruin in USUM stuck in my head for the past...3 years now, is it? The whole lore behind it and everything is really unique, you don't see that stuff in the franchise often.

Outside of Pokemon, I'd say the first time fighting Metal Mario and Luigi in Super Smash Bros. Melee. The way they alter the cutscene is so smooth and it left much more of an impact on me than Giga Bowser.
as far as my childhood goes it's no contest, the entirety of the dusknoir/grovyle story in PMD Explorers of Sky absolutely blew my mind as a kid and just took me on an absolutely insane ride. the directions everything constantly shifted through were just crazy compared to the story-light main series pokémon games, and both characters really hold up as super compelling and well-written. the last scene before the credits rolled with the player and partner also had me nearly in tears, it's pretty standard but still executed well enough to just hit really hard. every pokémon fan should play this game.

in terms of adulthood, it's another easy win going to this scene right here. the curtain being pulled away right then and there that this wasn't a normal story, and that it was just a brief preview of the absolutely insane things that were soon to come, made for one of the most impactful moments to me of already one of the most personally impactful games i've played.

Exploring the City of Tears in Hollow knight was so amazing. The place is so huge and mystifying with secrets everywhere, I loved just sitting at the fountain listening to the beautiful music as it kept eternally raining.

Another thing that I love about Hollow Knight is how connected it all is and how their are nooks and crannies everywhere in a metroidvania-ish way.

Another great memory I had is from playing SSBB with my neighbor, he quickly realized how broken Meta Knight was and would spam the tornado lmao. I almost never beat him without my own Meta Knight. Eventually I would bait him into the trap on the wind waker ship map and it would launch him.

Not sure if anyone has played Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together here, but if you are into more open style games like Minecraft and Terraria then you should give it a try. Battling through the seasons, fighting bosses and building up a base is just so rewarding. The combat is pretty funny as well
Prior to late 2013, I had been completing core series Pokemon games all the time without a full team of six. I decided that was gonna have to change, so I started trying to fill in six Pokemon in runs after.

The first game I've done this in was a worn out Pokemon Emerald cartridge and during the run, I've encountered two Shiny Poochyena less than 24 hours apart from each other. My first full ingame core series team ended up being this:


The other shiny Poochyena was in my PC box.

It took me about a week to beat the game. Made it through all eight gym leaders and the Elite Four. After beating the Elite Four, I fought the Champion and won, I turned the game off for the night after becoming Hoenn's latest Champion.

My Pokemon Emerald cartridge never worked again.
The first video game I've ever played was Some Thomas the Tank Engine children's game Kirby Super Stars Ultra. I remember struggling to get past the first boss, then amazed when my dad beat it one day. I enjoyed how much gamemodes there were available, with different settings for all of them. I remember getting 100% completions on all three of my save files, and I still think I have that game and can still run it. The only missed opportunity was not being able to play full multiplayer.

Oh yeah Kirby is my favorite game character
The first video game I've ever played was Some Thomas the Tank Engine children's game Kirby Super Stars Ultra. I remember struggling to get past the first boss, then amazed when my dad beat it one day. I enjoyed how much gamemodes there were available, with different settings for all of them. I remember getting 100% completions on all three of my save files, and I still think I have that game and can still run it. The only missed opportunity was not being able to play full multiplayer.

Oh yeah Kirby is my favorite game character
I agree!!!! That was a great game and I also enjoyed the many game modes. I especially loved being able to play as the helpers in helper to hero, that was especially cool. I also loved the great cave offensive, that computer boss with the dragon and wizard elements was so funny to me back then.
In most recent times getting all the trophies in FF7 Remaster. Hard mode was such a pain especially the Simulator Bahamut fight and Sephiroth fight (which you can manipulate to make it easier but found out after :facepalm:).

Back in the original game beating Trema in FFX-2 in the original version, getting all 180 emblems in Sonic Adventure 2, and getting all the trophies in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix are some others.
Getting Sonic 06 day of release. I had tons of fun on it as a kid, but could only beat shadows story. Thought I was stupid or something cause of how hard it was. Later found out that game is straight broken lmao

One of my favorite things about that game, is that the npc’s make like one single weird noise when you talk to them (I think they say hey or ay?) but their arms just keep moving in a weird motion
Baby SnorkleDove was a gamer. Okay, I actually watched my older brother play the games. Memorable games like that were Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess or Super Paper Mario. Now I'm not kidding when I say in order to get past the early parts of the game, it probably took him like 1 to 2 years respectively.

I'm not kidding when I say this guy who was having a staring contest with the creek was the reason my brother could never get past the beginning. And if you remember the Super Paper Mario Chapter 2-3 (Prison chapter) let me tell you something. For 2 whole years we didn't know you could just use the slim to get the million rubies and so he continued working for them. So eventually I decided to explore the games myself and pretty much just did the 2 things. Pretty much consisted of trial and error but I'm still proud of it and what makes it memorable is the confusion I gave him, fun stuff.
Baby SnorkleDove was a gamer. Okay, I actually watched my older brother play the games. Memorable games like that were Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess or Super Paper Mario. Now I'm not kidding when I say in order to get past the early parts of the game, it probably took him like 1 to 2 years respectively.
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I'm not kidding when I say this guy who was having a staring contest with the creek was the reason my brother could never get past the beginning. And if you remember the Super Paper Mario Chapter 2-3 (Prison chapter) let me tell you something. For 2 whole years we didn't know you could just use the slim to get the million rubies and so he continued working for them. So eventually I decided to explore the games myself and pretty much just did the 2 things. Pretty much consisted of trial and error but I'm still proud of it and what makes it memorable is the confusion I gave him, fun stuff.
Super Paper Mario is an amazing game!!
So a Pokémon fanatic when I was about 10 and that’s all I wanted to do. Collect cards, read the manga in my public library, and play the spinoff games. For some reason I had never dipped my toe into the main series games on the DS and such. So for one Christmas, I asked for, and I quote, “Pokemon DS game” and boy did I get one. The very first main series Pokémon game I owned was Pokémon White Version 2 for the Nintendo DS. I played this game for about 2 days until I abandoned it. It wasn’t what I imagined the fabled Pokémon DS game to be at all. Not to mention I got stuck at the mareep farm about 1-2 hours into the game. So I sold the game, that’s right, sold my Christmas present a few months later to Gamestop and I wouldn’t picked up a main series game until about 1-2 years later. That game was Pokémon Omega Ruby for the Nintendo 3DS. For some reason as a dumb 11 year old I thought that this game would work completely different than my previous game. Alas, I was wrong. But I did build up enough strength to try it anyway. Until I got stuck at Briney’s house. For some odd reason, I couldn’t walk into a god damn cottage and talk to an old dude. I was completely stuck and couldn’t progress the story in any way, shape, or form. So I put the game down for a little leas than a year and decided to pick it back up again. That was a good choice. I gained a couple more brain cells and learned how to walk through a door. I then spent the next month or two beating the game. Skip to current me, I’ve played every main series game other than Crystal. Gen 3 is still in my opinion the best generation. Well, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
Beating Pokemon diamond’s champion after failing to beat Sapphire’s champion countless times lol

i even posted in gamefaqs asking how to beat the cunt (and made a wonderful short-lived friendship, wonder how she’s doing now) and they gave me all sorts of tips but I couldn’t ever do it, i must’ve been 9 tops at that time

i bought the sapphire remake just to fight that son of a bitch but or whatever reasonI put my 3ds on sleep mode after beating the 2nd elite 4 and hadn’t touched it for months before opening it again LOL

Still haven’t bothered to beat him yet
This is moreso a story than a particular moment.

Prior to May 20th 2014 players were allowed to freely play Super Smash Bros Brawl against random opponents across the world online using the Nintendo Wii's Wi-Fi Connection service. I was actively playing Smash online prior to this, especially throughout 2013. I could have been 12 or 13 when this story took place but I cannot pinpoint exactly when it happen.

One day I was casually playing, I came across a match where Player 1 was Mario and Player 2 was Peach. I was Player 3 and using random characters, while Player 4 was also using random characters.

Mario kicked everyone else's butts. Player 4 and I were absolutely getting demolished by him again and again.
Peach would intentionally go near Mario waiting for him to hit her, then jump off the map once he did. She was deliberately giving Mario EVEN MORE points as if he needed them.

Mario kept curbstomping everyone for several games. I've kept trying and trying to beat him, even while using my main character, which was Lucario at the time. There was no use. Peach was still giving Mario free points and Mario was still outplaying everyone.

Player 4 left and was replaced by another player. I ignored them.

After what felt like 7 to 8 games, I had enough. I decided to choose Bowser to see what I could accomplish.

I beat the living daylights out of both Mario and Peach with Bowser, ultimately winning the game by a landslide. I was focused on doing as much as I could to beat Mario while going out of my way to sure I got Peach away from him. When Peach came near I managed to tear both players DOWN and constantly knock them off screen. I gladly took that W and disconnected.
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Watching the giant Hag 1 tank in Banjo Tooie explode and beating my first game ever felt like a right of passage. Somehow, beating your first game as a kid feels like such an immense feat.

Back in elementary school, I’d sometimes wake up too early and just kill time watching PBS and playing my gameboy. I remember finally beating Pokémon Silver after so many flubbed Elite 4 attempts at like 5:30 in the morning, then being ecstatic the rest of the day.

Finally pulling off RNG manipulation almost 12 years ago now and seeing a shiny combee hatch from my egg in platinum felt like such a rush. Getting it right in BW with a Landorus’s IVs nearly 10 years ago now felt crazy too!

I love my local Pokemon League and miss it dearly now that all sanctioned play is suspended. I went to it basically every Friday I was close enough to it. My favorite memory there is playing a 4 player battle royal with some of the kids that would go there back in 2017; a very casual sort of match just for fun. I brought a Mamoswine with Peck and a Flynium-Z. The look on those kid’s faces and how hard they laughed when Mamoswine started flying is something I’ll always cherish.
Having hung onto my childhood Leaf Green cartridge since 2004, it had always been a dream of mine to catch a Chansey in the safari zone holding the fabled lucky egg. I tried on and off for years on end. Over the Summer, one day the urge returned. This was prompted by reasons twofold. Firstly because I was looking to complete a living dex in gen 3 and a lucky egg would help massively with that, and secondly because I wanted to make training for an eventual gold symbol run of the Emerald battle frontier easier. Anyway, I had buckets of free time on my hands over the summer because I was off of university, and I told myself this time I was going to sit down and grind it out no matter how long it took. And honestly, it didn't take anywhere near as long as I expected. I believe it ended up taking me around four days of solid playing, bearing in mind I was expecting weeks if not months. I know there's far easier methods to get a lucky egg in newer games but for some reason I've always craved the satisfaction of getting a lucky egg in 3rd gen the proper way. After 16 long years I finally did it, and boy did it feel good.