Tournament UU Snake Draft I - Week 4

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this wonderful banner was drawn by lydian, thank you so much!

Scheduling Sheet (thanks Eyan!)

Tournament Rules and General Guidelines
- Assist and Copycat are banned in BW UU.
- Baton Pass is banned from BW UU, DPP UU, and ADV UU.
- All standard tournament rules apply.

Dreamyard Diancies (3) vs (5) Union Cave Dunsparce
SS: Juno vs CBU
SS: Accelgor vs basaninho
SS: Cynde vs Moutemoute
SM: Xiri vs Santu
ORAS: Killintime vs Kink
BW: Finchinator vs watashi
DPP: Heysup vs atomicllamas
ADV: Expulso vs Finding True Love


Lake of Outrage Sandacondas (5) vs (3) TDK Today at 22:01 lily my team has decided we will not have a team name
SS: odr vs SoulWind
SS: Highways vs umbry
SS: mncmt vs KSt3ve
SM: avarice vs suapah
ORAS: Kreme vs obii
BW: Amukamara vs choolio
DPP: MrAldo vs Eternal Spirit
ADV: Gilbert arenas vs Star

Bebo Brand Barboaches (5) vs (3) Brave Mew World
SS: Bushtush vs Camarade Papadov
SS: Gondra vs Chuerk
SS: Alpha Rabbit vs Estarossa
SM: vivalospride vs Adaam
ORAS: Pearl vs Wanka
BW: EviGaro vs r0ady
DPP: TSR vs esche
ADV: Plas vs xJoelituh

Los Cherno Bouffalants (4) vs (4) Dragon's Den Dragonairs
SS: Nat vs Kushalos
SS: High Impulse vs TPP
SS: Askov vs LNumbers
SM: robjr vs PinkDragonTamer
ORAS: Garay oak vs Pak
BW: Punny vs Chill Shadow
DPP: Tomahawk vs Leru
ADV: BKC vs brewfasa

Week 4 deadline is Sunday, December 20th @ 11:59PM EST

Good luck and have fun!

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Frust kommt auf, denn der Bus kommt nicht
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnus

"Hm… So, you did get two UU Snake wins. Fine, as I promised, we will have a Pokémon battle. TSR... I'm so happy that I can have a real battle
with my own child. But, a battle is a battle! I will do everything in my power as a Gym Leader to win. You'd better give it your best shot, too!"​


is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Past SPL Champion
Dreamyard Diancies (2) vs (1) Union Cave Dunsparce

SS: Juno vs CBU - both are competent but had some weird/tough games
SS: Accelgor vs basaninho - there's no way accel goes 0-4
SS: Cynde vs Moutemoute - moute did have some luck but he's still 3-0 so bolding him because he's on a streak, cynde is competent too so should be close

Lake of Outrage Sandacondas (1) vs (2) TDK Today at 22:01 lily my team has decided we will not have a team name

SS: odr vs SoulWind - fire game, but it's sw so kinda hard to bold against
SS: Highways vs umbry - umbry cant let freitas win more games because i still wanna keep meming him '-'
SS: mncmt vs KSt3ve - dont know much about KSt3ve but seems like he's a good builder, bolding mence because i haven't rly watched kst games

Bebo Brand Barboaches (3) vs (0) Brave Mew World

SS: Bushtush vs Camarade Papadov - idk much about papadov but bush is good
SS: Gondra vs Chuerk - would like to bold chuerk but gondra has been on fire
SS: Alpha Rabbit vs Estarossa - esta hasn't been bad tho, should be close
SS: Juno vs CBU - normally id hl juno but her game last week kinda ended in a not great way when she was about to win, nerves and all. cbu's game last week was weird but im just gonna hl him here
SS: Accelgor vs basaninho - 0-3 accel is rly depressing and im not sure how hes feeling about this tour but i still view him as one of the best and his ceiling is a lot higher than basa's, who got donked by rng last week but that game was awk as a whole.
SS: Cynde vs Moutemoute - moute kinda stomped last week with vincune screens in a brutal game, finally netting a hax free game i think. brought the lagging tail rachi too. cyndes techs were cooler last week tho, big fan of the eject button amoonguss. big 2017 vibes which i can appreciate cause early sm is one of my fav metas. based off that ill pick him here
SM: Xiri vs Santu - mentally flipped a coin here sorta, i think santus just a bit better i guess
ORAS: Killintime vs Kink - kt's tricks are more obnoxious than kink's by a considerable margin assuming both put their mind to it so that'll be what makes me favor him. kink also got lucky and then called wanka his homie :) which is bad juju LOL omg, he lost anyhow so i guess maybe its gone. interesting that kink used a team that was built like a year ago as a ted ct or something
BW: Finchinator vs watashi - idk flcls 0-3 and i probably shouldnt predict against finch again
DPP: Heysup vs atomicllamas - both are 0-3 i think which is worse for heysup considering how early he went. his comments in other games are real bad karma LOL but ill bold him anyway evne tho he got whomped by the missy tech real bad. sucks to see both 0-4 x_x e: llamas won week 1 which i completely forgot about, my bad about that. was hoping my shit memory wouldnt play into effect too much...
ADV: Expulso vs Finding True Love - last week's team from ftl was actually one of his best so far. i appreciate the focus punch spam even if it is a bit ambitious. however ill still pick expulso just cause i trust his play a bit more

SS: odr vs SoulWind - i came in writing this like "i have no idea when odr even played last week", as it turns out he didnt. strong player as always but sw is comin off stronger
SS: Highways vs umbry - tuononda is one of the few ss 3-0s alongside moute and gondra and she's looked powerful here. can't rly say anything about highways that i haven't already said atm, i wont count him out entirely but well hard not to go with the 3-0
SS: mncmt vs KSt3ve - i only rly know kst3ve as a builder on tdk's team, not really sure about his prowess on the field. mncmt is good enough here since i dont have any real data otherwise
SM: avarice vs suapah - eventually i probably have to bold him, i still think suapahs a better player but avarice whomped pdt last week so
ORAS: Kreme vs obii - obii nabbed his first win last week in a weird game. kreme has the same foundation in oras as our fellow boomers do, he's still pretty alright imo but hasn't gotten enough time to actually start. however now that rodris awol - who could possibly have seen that coming - that changes now at least, but its prob safer to pick obii.
BW: Amukamara vs choolio - liam has been crushing it, ill probably start predicting him to win more freuqently if he keeps up the same pace. choolio finally brought rain last week and ran into tspike + protect spam. funny thing is he still almost won which makes me reconsider my thoughts on how healthy it is LOL jesus christ
DPP: MrAldo vs Eternal Spirit - im ngl i have no clue what aldos game yesterday was like other than that he got lucky. gama brought a demon mismagius so now that hes winning im confident he'll take it here
ADV: Gilbert arenas vs Star - i kinda have the same thing to say here that i have before, star has a better record sooo ya. i dont like wishing bad luck on people but i love commentary like the one in marcops game last week so maybe i kind of want to see it happen again here

SS: Bushtush vs Camarade Papadov - tbh this game could go either way just kinda based off how volatile bush's game have been. hes better tho and im done fawning over papadov's name, for now at least
SS: Gondra vs Chuerk - i should not root against chuerk, ever, and i dont like doing this. but gondra's 3-0....ugh! chuerk finally won last week which is both a positive in that he finally won and a negative in that i've been exposed to his profile picture which scares the fuck out of me. go chuerk tho!
SS: Alpha Rabbit vs Estarossa - esta finally slowed down a bit last week, albeit through the unfortunate face of vincune screens. by usual metrics i should bold him but, assuming rabbit puts in effort here which i think he will, the result will sway a bit towards rabbit here cause i think hes a better player.
SM: vivalospride vs Adaam - i rly want viv to win cause i think its unfair that he's 0-3 and i hate seeing it ;__; but adaams really tough competition. viv has the mind to win in both the builder and the actual game here and i have confidence he can turn it around, if he wins here i wont be that surprised. one of my fav games of the week.
ORAS: Pearl vs Wanka - pearls really showing up every week and i can tell he has the mind he's had before which is nice to see. all 3 games have been solid showings on his end. wanka on the flipside has been p fire too, though last week's game was a bit messy thanks in part to some luck. this is actually one of my fav games too wtf
BW: EviGaro vs r0ady - evi has had....some games....this season. last week aside i think while shes a slightly better player than r0ady overall, the latter seems to have a lot more fire especially with the turnaround the mews have had.
DPP: TSR vs esche - i promise this is the last time im saying this'll be one of my fav games. tsr had some nice gameplay last week, can always respect the scyther lead and teched our dug usage nicely. seeing things like that from the opposing end hurts. however tomahawk is a big chad and played his best anyway. shoutouts tomahawk. esche won in a super close game last week, fan of his team unsurprisingly. obviously could go either way but in the father son dynamic im going to pick the father
ADV: Plas vs xJoelituh - glad to see joel get his first win last week though i wish he brought a flying resist. thts one of my big pet peeves,,, anyhow im not going to say much about the plas game from last week because im trying not to think about it for my own health. it gave me the kyle vibes in a lot of regards. that's all im going to say about it.

let's get this fuckin comeback chuerk, our time is now
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can’t rest in peace cause they diggin me
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ORAS: Pearl vs Wanka - It's a miracle that crustboy pearl is 3-0, he's being carried by oras mastermind vivalospride in the builder so I guess it makes sense but there's no feasible way he makes it past the behemoth that is the christopher wanka show. Chris wanka was a better mono tier leader than pearl was as uu tier leader because wanka got locked once while pearl didn't get locked a single time, the stats are in wanka's favor and honestly just talking to both of them... Pearl is kinda a huge dickwad while wanka is at least half as cool as mitchel musso (pretty fuckin cool).
ORAS: Pearl vs Wanka - It's a miracle that crustboy pearl is 3-0, he's being carried by oras mastermind vivalospride in the builder so I guess it makes sense but there's no feasible way he makes it past the behemoth that is the christopher wanka show. Chris wanka was a better mono tier leader than pearl was as uu tier leader because wanka got locked once while pearl didn't get locked a single time, the stats are in wanka's favor and honestly just talking to both of them... Pearl is kinda a huge dickwad while wanka is at least half as cool as mitchel musso (pretty fuckin cool).
stop lying we all know im the one building pearl's teams
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