Monotype Gastrodon (Ground) [GP 1/1]

name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Earth Power / Earthquake
move 4: Toxic / Clear Smog
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Recover gives Gastrodon reliable recovery and lets it fulfill the role of a wall. Scald's potential burn specifically threatens physical sweepers such as Dragonite and Excadrill. Earth Power makes Gastrodon able to take on Steel-types, such as Excadrill and Heatran, and Toxapex after a Storm Drain boost. Earthquake is an option that OHKOes Alolan Raichu and breaks the Substitutes of Keldeo and Mega Gallade, making it more difficult for them to setup. Toxic lets Gastrodon spread status and cripple opposing walls that brush off or are unaffected by its STAB moves, such as Rotom-W, Staraptor, and Porygon2. Clear Smog prevents threatening setup sweepers from setting up, such as Azumarill, Kommo-o, and Latias. Storm Drain in conjunction with Gastrodon's typing gives Ground teams a valuable Water immunity and Ice neutrality. The EV spread and Bold nature give Gastrodon as much physical bulk as possible; a Relaxed nature is preferred if you opt for Earthquake.

Gastrodon fits on both sand and non-sand Ground teams, as all Ground-types appreciate its immunity to Water and Ice neutrality. On sand teams, Hippowdon is a good physical wall and sand setter to pair with Gastrodon because it can set entry hazards and phaze with Whirlwind. Excadrill can spin away entry hazards such as Toxic Spikes that are a detriment to Gastrodon's longevity and break through foes that have been worn down from Gastrodon's Toxic or Scald burn. Landorus makes a great teammate on both sand and non-sand teams to wallbreak and take on Grass- and Steel-types that Gastrodon is unable to, such as Mega Venusaur and Celesteela, thanks to its Gravity support and Sheer Force and Life Orb-boosted Earth Power. Mamoswine gives Ground teams another Ice switch-in due to Thick Fat, can take on Dragon- and Flying-types that wear Gastrodon down such as Latios and Zapdos, and has access to priority in Ice Shard that can break Dragonite's Multiscale. Mega Garchomp is another great teammate that survives an Aqua Jet from Azumarill after a Belly Drum and OHKOes it with Earthquake. Mega Steelix is a viable option that helps Gastrodon specifically in the Fairy and Ice matchups, since it can take on Tapu Bulu and Galarian Darmanitan with relative ease.

Other Options

Heavy-Duty Boots can be used over Leftovers so Gastrodon doesn't have to worry about being worn down from Spikes or Toxic Spikes. You can also opt for a specially defensive spread that helps in walling Hydreigon and Tapu Lele, but Gastrodon would no longer wall physical threats such as Urshifu-S and Excadrill.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-type Pokemon and Attacks**: Rillaboom, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur brush off all of Gastrodon's attacks and OHKO it back with a STAB move. Additionally, Mega Charizard Y and Alolan Raichu often carry Grass-type coverage in Solar Beam and Grass Knot that either OHKOes or does serious damage to Gastrodon.

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Mega Latios, Mega Medicham, and Tapu Lele can power through Gastrodon with their STAB attacks, outputting more damage than Gastrodon can recover.

**Toxic**: Being badly poisoned wears Gastrodon down very quickly and hinders its performance as a wall.

**Taunt and Trick**: Gastrodon relies on its recovery to act as a wall, but Taunt users such as Tornadus-T and Kommo-o can shut it down and force it to switch; the latter can set up and sweep with Clangorous Soulblaze. Pokemon like Latios and Gengar can utilize Trick to give Gastrodon unwanted Choice items, making it difficult for it to do much.

- Written by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Ground analysis by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Quality checked by: [[Maple, 473171], [maroon, 305839]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:
- Mention how Earthquake can OHKO Raichu-A from full
- Mention that Relaxed nature is preferable if Earthquake is selected over Earth Power
- Add Z-Kommo-o as a threat that Clear Smog helps against

Other Options
- Mention examples of what specially defensive Gastrodon helps against

Checks and Counters
- Add Ferrothorn as an example under Grass-type attacks
- Add Toxic as a category under checks and counters

Approved, QC 1/2!
Last edited:
- mega medicham is a weird example, since gastrodon 100% loses if its 1v1 and it hjks unless there is a miss, only time scald burns medi is if it switches in, but nobody switches in medi vs potential scalds, change that example
- after a wow gastrodon cant break spectriers sub with eq and becomes setup bait, remove spectrier as an example
- move the line about relaxed to after the first part abt evs/nature
- urshifu is a weird example cuz they always run bulk up or band, meaning gastros evs arent necessarily for it (just to maximize its physical bulk).
- when taking abt landorus support (ground attacks always equal Earth Power)
- would add dragonite to ice shard targets

QC 2/2
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name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Earth Power / Earthquake
move 4: Toxic / Clear Smog
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Recover gives Gastrodon reliable recovery and lets it fulfill the role of a wall. Scald is Gastrodon's main STAB attack, and can potentially burn opponents, Scald's potential burn specifically threatening threatens physical sweepers such as Dragonite and Excadrill. Earth Power makes Gastrodon is able to take on Steel-types with Earth Power (AC) such as Excadrill and Heatran (RP) Additionally, Earth Power lets Gastrodon take on (AC) and Toxapex after a Storm Drain boost. Earthquake is an option that OHKOes Alolan Raichu and breaks the Substitutes of Keldeo and Mega Gallade, making it more difficult for them to setup. Toxic lets Gastrodon spread status across foes and cripple opposing walls that brush off or are unaffected by its STABs STAB moves, such as Rotom-W, Staraptor (AC) and Porygon2. Gastrodon is able to Clear Smog prevents threatening setup sweepers from setting up (AC) such as Azumarill, Kommo-o (AC) and Latias with Clear Smog. Storm Drain in conjunction with Gastrodon's typing gives Ground teams a valuable Water immunity and Ice neutrality. The EV spread and Bold nature gives Gastrodon as much physical bulk as possible (RC) additionally (RC) (AS) a Relaxed nature is preferred if you opt for Earthquake.

Gastrodon fits on both sand and non-sand Ground teams, and as all Ground-types appreciate its immunity to Water and Ice neutrality. On sand variants teams, Hippowdon is a good physical wall and sandstorm setter to put in tandem pair with Gastrodon (RC) because it can set entry hazards and phaze with Whirlwind. Excadrill can spin away entry hazards such as Toxic Spikes that are a detriment to Gastrodon's longevity and also break through foes that have been worn down from Gastrodon's Toxic or Scald burn. Landorus makes a great teammate on both sand and non-sand teams for its wallbreaking ability and specifically to wallbreak and take on Grass- and Steel-types that Gastrodon is unable to (AC) such as Mega Venusaur and Celesteela (AC) thanks to its Gravity support and Sheer Force + and Life Orb-boosted (added hyphen) Earth Power. Mamoswine gives Ground teams another Ice switch-in due to Thick Fat and also pairs well with Gastrodon because it (AC) can take on Dragon- and Flying-types that wear Gastrodon down such as Latios and Zapdos, and also has access to priority in Ice Shard that can break Dragonite's Multiscale. Mega Garchomp is another great teammate that survives an Aqua Jet from Azumarill after a Belly Drum (RC) and OHKOes it with Earthquake. Mega Steelix is a viable option that helps Gastrodon specifically in the Fairy and Ice matchups, since it can take on Tapu Bulu and Galarian Darmanitan with relative ease.

Other Options

Heavy-Duty Boots can be used over Leftovers so Gastrodon doesn't have to worry about being worn down from Spikes or Toxic Spikes. You can also opt for a specially defensive spread that helps in walling Hydreigon and Tapu Lele, but Gastrodon can would no longer wall physical threats such as Urshifu-S (I assume?) and Excadrill.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-type Pokemon and Attacks**: Rillaboom, Ferrothorn (AC) and Mega Venusaur brush off all of Gastrodon's attacks and OHKO it back with Grassy Glide and Giga Drain a STAB move. (my first guess is that ferrothorn doesn't use either of those moves) Additionally, Mega Charizard Y and Alolan Raichu often carry Grass-type coverage in Solar Beam and Grass Knot that either OHKOes or does serious damage to Gastrodon.

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Mega Latios, Mega Medicham (AC) and Tapu Lele can power through Gastrodon with their STAB attacks and (AC) outputting more damage than Gastrodon can recover.

**Toxic**: Being badly poisoned wears Gastrodon down really very quickly and hinders its performance as a wall.

**Taunt + and Trick users**: Gastrodon relies on its recovery to act as a wall, but Taunt users such as Tornadus-T and Kommo-o can shut it down and force it to switch; (changed comma to semicolon) the latter can set up (added space in "setup") and sweep with Clangorous Soulblaze. (what about Trick users?)

- Written by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Ground analysis by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Quality checked by: [[Maple, 473171], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]

i'll stamp after you address the part about Trick users
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma
: Add Semicolon
: Remove Period
name: Defensive Wall (Ground)
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Earth Power / Earthquake
move 4: Toxic / Clear Smog
item: Leftovers
ability: Storm Drain
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Recover gives Gastrodon reliable recovery and lets it fulfill the role of a wall. Scald is Gastrodon's main STAB attack, and can potentially burn opponents, Scald's potential burn specifically threatening threatens physical sweepers such as Dragonite and Excadrill. Earth Power makes Gastrodon is able to take on Steel-types with Earth Power (AC) such as Excadrill and Heatran (RP) Additionally, Earth Power lets Gastrodon take on (AC) and Toxapex after a Storm Drain boost. Earthquake is an option that OHKOes Alolan Raichu and breaks the Substitutes of Keldeo and Mega Gallade, making it more difficult for them to setup. Toxic lets Gastrodon spread status across foes and cripple opposing walls that brush off or are unaffected by its STABs STAB moves, such as Rotom-W, Staraptor (AC) and Porygon2. Gastrodon is able to Clear Smog prevents threatening setup sweepers from setting up (AC) such as Azumarill, Kommo-o (AC) and Latias with Clear Smog. Storm Drain in conjunction with Gastrodon's typing gives Ground teams a valuable Water immunity and Ice neutrality. The EV spread and Bold nature gives Gastrodon as much physical bulk as possible (RC) additionally (RC) (AS) a Relaxed nature is preferred if you opt for Earthquake.

Gastrodon fits on both sand and non-sand Ground teams, and as all Ground-types appreciate its immunity to Water and Ice neutrality. On sand variants teams, Hippowdon is a good physical wall and sandstorm setter to put in tandem pair with Gastrodon (RC) because it can set entry hazards and phaze with Whirlwind. Excadrill can spin away entry hazards such as Toxic Spikes that are a detriment to Gastrodon's longevity and also break through foes that have been worn down from Gastrodon's Toxic or Scald burn. Landorus makes a great teammate on both sand and non-sand teams for its wallbreaking ability and specifically to wallbreak and take on Grass- and Steel-types that Gastrodon is unable to (AC) such as Mega Venusaur and Celesteela (AC) thanks to its Gravity support and Sheer Force + and Life Orb-boosted (added hyphen) Earth Power. Mamoswine gives Ground teams another Ice switch-in due to Thick Fat and also pairs well with Gastrodon because it (AC) can take on Dragon- and Flying-types that wear Gastrodon down such as Latios and Zapdos, and also has access to priority in Ice Shard that can break Dragonite's Multiscale. Mega Garchomp is another great teammate that survives an Aqua Jet from Azumarill after a Belly Drum (RC) and OHKOes it with Earthquake. Mega Steelix is a viable option that helps Gastrodon specifically in the Fairy and Ice matchups, since it can take on Tapu Bulu and Galarian Darmanitan with relative ease.

Other Options

Heavy-Duty Boots can be used over Leftovers so Gastrodon doesn't have to worry about being worn down from Spikes or Toxic Spikes. You can also opt for a specially defensive spread that helps in walling Hydreigon and Tapu Lele, but Gastrodon can would no longer wall physical threats such as Urshifu-S (I assume?) and Excadrill.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-type Pokemon and Attacks**: Rillaboom, Ferrothorn (AC) and Mega Venusaur brush off all of Gastrodon's attacks and OHKO it back with Grassy Glide and Giga Drain a STAB move. (my first guess is that ferrothorn doesn't use either of those moves) Additionally, Mega Charizard Y and Alolan Raichu often carry Grass-type coverage in Solar Beam and Grass Knot that either OHKOes or does serious damage to Gastrodon.

**Wallbreakers**: Powerful wallbreakers such as Mega Latios, Mega Medicham (AC) and Tapu Lele can power through Gastrodon with their STAB attacks and (AC) outputting more damage than Gastrodon can recover.

**Toxic**: Being badly poisoned wears Gastrodon down really very quickly and hinders its performance as a wall.

**Taunt + and Trick users**: Gastrodon relies on its recovery to act as a wall, but Taunt users such as Tornadus-T and Kommo-o can shut it down and force it to switch; (changed comma to semicolon) the latter can set up (added space in "setup") and sweep with Clangorous Soulblaze. (what about Trick users?)

- Written by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Ground analysis by: [[adjustments, 340084]]
- Quality checked by: [[Maple, 473171], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]

i'll stamp after you address the part about Trick users
alright implemented, mb for forgetting to address that part
**Taunt and Trick users**: Gastrodon relies on its recovery to act as a wall, but Taunt users such as Tornadus-T and Kommo-o can shut it down and force it to switch; the latter can set up and sweep with Clangorous Soulblaze. Pokemon like Latios and Gengar are examples of Pokemon that can utilize Trick to give Gastrodon unwanted Choice items, locking it into one move and making it difficult for it to do more past that much.

GP 1/1