[Announcement] I’m retiring my gimmick


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I’ve been thinking about it a bit recently and the joy has kinda gone out of gamerposting for me. It’s tired and unfunny, and I feel like I’ve exhausted too many of the spammable angles to warrant it being a gimmick anymore. You may have already noticed a shift in posting style over the past week or two, but I’m just posting this to formalise it.

I’ll probably still gamerpost every now and then, but I think it’s time for me to go back to sincereposting. I have one high-effort gamerpost lined up in my head for the time being (just need time/drive to sit down and draft it), and it’s a goodie too! However, don’t expect the volume of incoherent gamerposts that you used to get.

My interests lie more in watching anime, practicing Japanese on Twitter, listening to music, and playing multiplayer versus games than they do in posting endless one-liners outside of Twitter nowadays, and I feel like I’m busier now than I’ve ever been despite being out of work and not currently job-hunting. I’d much rather unwind with those things than by writing masses of posts here, as much as I still enjoy posting.

I’d also appreciate if people refrained calling me gamer boy from now on, not that I’ve had to deal with it much since Firebot got shut down. I never liked other people using it after I changed my name in 2016 (even though I tolerated it and often played off of it/used it in my (now-extinct) walrus’ name), and it’s really not as funny as people say it is—it’s just a dumb name I came up with when I was 14 that I’ve grown to hate over time. I mostly stuck to it just because it reinforced my gimmick, but it’s outlived its usefulness.

Thank you for understanding, and I wish you a pleasant rest-of-week.
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I support you, and trust you to do what's best for yourself. It always feels good to turn to a new chapter in life, even if that's through developing your online persona! I wish you nothing but the best, because you're more than a gamer - you're my friend. Cheers!
I’ve been thinking about it a bit recently and the joy has kinda gone out of gamerposting for me. It’s tired and unfunny, and I feel like I’ve exhausted too many of the spammable angles to warrant it being a gimmick anymore. You may have already noticed a shift in posting style over the past week or two, but I’m just posting this to formalise it.

I’ll probably still gamerpost every now and then, but I think it’s time for me to go back to sincereposting. I have one high-effort gamerpost lined up in my head for the time being (just need time/drive to sit down and draft it), and it’s a goodie too! However, don’t expect the volume of incoherent gamerposts that you used to get.

My interests lie more in watching anime, practicing Japanese on Twitter, listening to music, and playing multiplayer versus games than they do in posting endless one-liners outside of Twitter nowadays, and I feel like I’m busier now than I’ve ever been despite being out of work and not currently job-hunting. I’d much rather unwind with those things than by writing masses of posts here, as much as I still enjoy posting.

I’d also appreciate if people refrained from using my deadname (gamer boy) from now on, not that I’ve had to deal with it much since Firebot got shut down. I never liked people using it after I changed my name in 2016 (even though I tolerated it and often played off of it/used it in my (now-extinct) walrus’ name), and it’s really not as funny as people say it is—it’s just a dumb name I came up with when I was 14 that I’ve grown to hate over time. I mostly stuck to it just because it reinforced my gimmick, but it’s outlived its usefulness.

Thank you for understanding, and I wish you a pleasant rest-of-week.
but I still haven't told you my 5 favorite games of all time :blobsad:
Sorry, I was court-ordered to stop being a gamer after my trial and conviction for 14 counts of gaming without a license, 5 counts of playing forbidden games, not renewing my Switch Online membership (which is false), 7 counts of saying Sword and Shield were good games, assault, threatening to game, "super gaming", 58 counts of game-related petty theft, arson (because my opinions were "too fire"), possession of game-related paraphernalia, intention to game, thinking about downloading a Wii mod, wishing I could mod Smash Ultimate, complaining about Smash Ultimate characters, arson (burning down the houses of people I don't like), 3 counts of "super assault", and gaming.
Sorry, I was court-ordered to stop being a gamer after my trial and conviction for 14 counts of gaming without a license, 5 counts of playing forbidden games, not renewing my Switch Online membership (which is false), 7 counts of saying Sword and Shield were good games, assault, threatening to game, "super gaming", 58 counts of game-related petty theft, arson (because my opinions were "too fire"), possession of game-related paraphernalia, intention to game, thinking about downloading a Wii mod, wishing I could mod Smash Ultimate, complaining about Smash Ultimate characters, arson (burning down the houses of people I don't like), 3 counts of "super assault", and gaming.
That DeepLeffen tweet will probably never be topped tbh. It’s just too perfect.
It has been brought to my attention that there was a negative response to part of my OP. I didn’t mean to cause offence when I referred to gamer boy as “my deadname,” and the intent was not to mock, make light of, or undermine trans people or to take the piss out of coming-out posts, so I apologise that it came across as such. I was ignorant of how closely-tied the word is to the struggles of trans people and will work to better educate myself about it.

I have edited the word out of the OP and replaced it with a flatter statement. I only found out after DMing someone who’d mentioned it almost as an aside, so I’ll just say this here. Please tell me if you see me say anything that you think is disrespectful, insensitive, or otherwise comes across as casual bigotry. I’m not the type of person to argue back or troll—the last thing I’d want is to offend someone or make them feel uncomfortable—and I really appreciate receiving feedback, as I’m socially awkward/often a little unaware of parts of my behaviour and don’t really know the best way to check myself and improve.