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Banned deucer.
s/o TMM u da best. thanks for being a good fren even if our timezones kinda shit on us talking more. u da best manager and its always fun being your teammate, if u put ur mind to it theres no way u dont own these uu kids in the future. c u in uupl.

CBU absol enthusiast. shits been real, in an already amazing team enviroment u were probably the highlight for me. am glad to be friends again, and also lovers :blobpex: want to say more but its cringe, might pm u in 3 years

ojr the carry, malamars arent malamars without you winning games from impossible situations. i thought you were a lil bitch when we teamed for moola tour, but you kinda good when youre not losing to bulu. was fun playing with u and watching u win, maybe one day you can carry a team to a finals win lolll

you are very cool and very good and very sexy too, kinda expect u to blow up along with ojr and bb skarm. so funny and real and cool and good and sexy, cant rly think of what to say toyou other than stop being abitch and qual for uult or it will curse you and you wont makeolt after getinng snubbed from wcop (metagame solver)

bb skarm caballero. 5-0 in my heart, lost to avacheese but what can u do. goated sub tbh you took the chances you got and made sure to show you deserved them. might have to blame mindnight for ever saying sanjiL when we had you. also stop saying u beat the tl when u were 2 years old, say you won ru open from now on :)

to our ghost manager, u also da best, u might be a hard head but it is what it is sorry for dissapointing with my losses but it was fun anway def one of my fav ppl on here no cap on a stack on pdts momma

FU SHUN HA thanks for lending me the lambo so that i could go to the hospital to have my third baby, shit was tiring so i lost the keys in the couch :/ bwfu bwfu bwfu

basaninho ngl sometimes i forgot u were there, u kinda did your own thing until mind and cbu talked with u ever so often. goat?

Mindnight alo, u r french and cool and good and apparently a superstar?? dunno why u mix with us trash

Ewin u know i had fun in the first week when i beat u in gsc and the tests were fun even if the tier is asscheeks. BUt u got good 2 quick... (the real team carry) you lose 1 game and we lose the week wtf :l u shoulda won too u fucking suck now dnb is undefeated and you are 7-1. trash. stay banned. teach me ou tho... :3

lucqq you should play more, but then again when you did you were trash. playing less makes u better??????/ bitg days were good mane.

pacattacc idk how u ended up with a record worse than mine but i can only blame chessprime for that, was fun.

SanJl fuck u lmao

all in all, couldnt ask for better teammates (cuz 467 11 11p cant win), was fun love u all and thanks to bigtrashmantis for making it all possible.
dont let this post distract you from the fact that i went 3-0 last 3 weeks and that rinnegan couldnt clutch up.
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is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion

For the 19th straight year, the UUFPL Anniversary Game between the Tough Luck Liepards and the Persevering Pidgeottos will end in a 3-3 Tie. The games between Luirromen and Draphirion , and between Estarossa and Diophantine , will be considered dead games.

:bw/Liepard: :bw/Pidgeotto:

We'd like to thank everyone for your donations to the cause of No Pokemon Left Behind for this anniversary game once again. May fame and fortune shine bright upon you, your friends, and your loved ones.

(oh also the actual UUFPL Finals is going to a 3-game TieBreak - more information to follow soon)


is a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
LCPL Champion
To get it out of the way now since I left the tour towards semis due to family emergency past few weeks. Want to give a big shoutout to ramolost for drafting me and being understanding of my leave, even allowing me back into the discord if I wanted to, it means a lot. I know it was a gamble to try and pick someone that wasn't part of the usual 6 RBY UU people that play the format in the hopes we somehow manage results no one expected me to get a win out of if played. We figured early on it was a slot we might have to forfeit looking at the pool and I know SBPC hated playing it after first week thus my encouragement to ramolost to slot SBPC in other formats to in an attempt to have as much coverage as possible to make playoffs and win tour. Thankfully I went 3-1 in a tier I never played before and learned from my loss from phoopes never to bother prepping for games for RBY UU cause playing good, fishing for those crits, spamming busted Dug/Tenta, clicking Wrap > building for RBY UU lmao.

Thanks to the team for having me around even if I didn't feel like I was super active admittedly it was during a time period where I wasn't enjoying mons too much even during my games. It was a really rocky start and us being put last in the power rankings was w/e and not really a surprise since most of the team was a question mark besides viva and pif. Our mascot is a bug and power rankings is just something for people to talk about when they're bored no one should ever take those seriously they're conceptually stupid in pokemon lmao. You guys made it to finals which further proves the point power rankings are just for the memes.

A special shoutout to SBPC who supplied me the teams and gave me a crash course on the format. I could've figured stuff out from the replays I watched but having the teams with a solid foundation allowed me to figure stuff out quickly cause honestly most of the games besides the last one I played I was still figuring it all out freestyling (I swear I wasn't just clicking ramo lmfao).

A final shoutout to BigFatMantis for being a great host and handling communication across all the teams where needed. You did a fantastic job and doing so shows there is a place for farm league type tournaments especially with such a large community of people who just want to engage in team tournaments without the emphasis on the usual tour cliques and communities. It'll be tough for a lot to get those opportunities due to not falling in the right social circle or not proven or accepted among specific circles or specific people. Having these kind of tours is a good change of pace from the usual tour stigmas so again great job running the show.

Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Flapple Bottom Jeans v. Blipbug City Battlegirls
SS UU: Maki v. pokemonisfun
ORAS UU: Expulso v. vivalospride
BW UU: Splash v. DnB
Rooting for Flapple Bottem Jeans but Idt they got this

Thanks again to BigFatMantis for hosting this and keeping it hype as hell


friendly fire
is a Tiering Contributor
Flapple Bottom Jeans v. Blipbug City Battlegirls
SS UU: Maki (30) v. pokemonisfun (70) - poor Maki LOL. Sending a non Mainer into SS to face off against pif is like sending in a suit-less Tony Stark against Thanos with two (potentially up to four if pif gets up on the right side of bed that morning) infinity stones in hand to hand combat. I expect this to be an easy win for the Battlegirls.

ORAS UU: Expulso (65) v. vivalospride (35) - viv has not been in form this entire tour even in his home ground of SM, whereas Expulso has been very hot and consistently so throughout the entire tour, displaying a level of comfort with the metagame that very few others in the pool have even sniffed at.

BW UU: Splash (45) v. DnB (55) - Splash is good but hasn’t flashed any ability to play this, and DnB has been good throughout the entire tour with the aid of some good matchups. DnB may be 8-0, but it’s been on the back of some serendipitous winds at some points. I don’t think it’s as clear cut as it seems. With just enough luck in the game and the acquisition of a team that isn’t actually terrible like the ones the others have brought into this slot for the preceding nine weeks, Splash may just have an outside shot of pulling off the upset and taking home the trophy for the worst named team in tournament history.
Doing predicts.

I know being on one of the teams you are making predictions for defeats the purpose, but I have some time to kill since I'm working from home and no one at my job wants to be productive past 3pm apparently.

I'll try and give actual reasoning despite my predictions obviously being biased.

Flapple Bottom Jeans (0) vs. Blipbug City Battlegirls (3)

SS UU: Maki (25) v. pokemonisfun (75)

Pif has both an excellent mind and aptitude for playing the game, and has went above and beyond for supporting our team. I've laddered on competitive Pokémon websites since 2012 and I've fought him on the ladder countless times over the years. Over all of those years, he ranks in the top 5 toughest opponents to beat. Pif's comfort with every team style, consistency, and motivation to win combined with his obvious skill and mind for the game make me strongly favour him.

I am not trying to knock on Maki's skills as a player though. Despite picking up this tier in a relatively short time period, they have proven themselves to be a fast learner, as evident by their positive record. They are a skilled player and with this week's undoubtedly heavy team support they still have a shot. Luck is also unfortunately still a significant factor in this game -- whether that be matchups, damage rolls, critical hits, status, flinches, etc. A combination of Maki being a good player and the inevitable luck with Pokémon make me feel that >75% win probability for Pif is inappropriate.

ORAS UU: Expulso (40) vs. vivalospride (60)

This is going to be a great match. After that unfortunate SM UU game last week, Viv is out for a vengeance. Despite playing mostly SM UU this tournament, Viv has very strong fundamentals as a player and is experienced in ORAS UU. His motivation for a runback, heavy team support, and natural talents as a player will help him pull through in my eyes.

That said, Expulso has proven himself to be extremely dominant in ORAS UU this tournament, which is clear from their excellent record. He also obviously inspires confidence in his team given that the FBJ's picked ORAS UU for their tiebreaker tier of choice. I expect this to be a close game.

BW UU: Splash (15) vs. DnB (85)

This match is fairly straightforward. The FBJ's have not performed well in BW UU most weeks, and DnB currently has the most wins out of any player in the tour while simultaneously being undefeated. DnB is both extremely competent and confident in his ability to build and play for this tier.

I have not seen Splash play BW UU once. He is obviously a skilled player and has good fundamentals, but those can only carry you so far when you do not play a tier regularly. However, as mentioned before, Pokémon is a heavily luck based game with many factors out of your control. Competent play from Splash plus a lot of luck may allow him to pull it off. We'll see.

Looking forward to watching some great games. I hope everyone has fun!
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