Tournament BLT VIII: Week 3

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Keep It Simple
is a Tiering Contributor
LCPL Champion

S/o lei for the beautiful logo! .
Approved by Aethernum

Welcome to the second week of BLT VIII! For this year's format, teams will be fighting in a round robin where every team will play every other team. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams will move on to the playoffs where the first seed will play the fourth seed and the second seed will play the third seed to determine who will be this year’s finalists. A win will be worth 2 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0. Obviously, play on PS! (preferably main or smogtours server). Series are played in a best-of-one.

Basic Tournament Rules - you absolutely should read this, especially if you're new to forum tournaments

Sportsmanship: Don't be an ass. Not to your opponents, not to your team, not on PS, not on Smogon, not to me. A bit of friendly banter is ok, but please know where to draw the line. Think before you type, pleas

Scheduling and Activity Wins: Contact your opponent as quickly as possible on their Smogon wall, and look out for them on PS. You will have one week from the posting of the week's matches to get it done, and I will not be granting any extensions for any reasons. If your opponent is not responding to your post on their wall, cannot be found on PS, or miss multiple scheduled times, make a detailed activity post in the thread letting me know why you deserve the win. No activity post means no activity call. As long as you have visible attempts at scheduling (such as wall posts), you will be f

Disconnections and Timer: A timer loss is a loss. No if's, and's, or but's about it. If your opponent is nice enough to replay that's fine, but they are by no means obligated

Ghosting and Identity: Don't take or give battle advice or make moves based solely on the suggestions of others, and don't pretend to be someone else in order to play as them. You will be caught, and you will be disqualified from this season as well as future PS! tournaments (BLT, PSPL, etc.

Substitutions: Managers are free to substitute out inactive players at any point during the week with any subs they chose during the draft. Be sure to post in the thread when making a substitut



Lavender Laprases (8) vs Celestic Town Celesteelas (2)

Ubers: velvet vs LTG
OU: Not Miyan vs Stareal
OU: halaman95 vs avarice
UU: TMM vs saba1111
RU: Mac3 vs TheFranklin
NU: tlenit vs Fille
PU: Xiri vs Splash
LC: Surfy vs Crow Music
DOU: Zoaw vs Crunchman
Monotype: ChessRobot vs giove97


Sunyshore Snorlax (3) vs Petalburg Poochyenas (7)

Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Ainzcrad
OU: Failures vs Perish Song
OU: TectonicDestroyer vs lotiasite
UU: Mygrein vs Axelsior
RU: TheGreenRoman vs e~t~h~e~y
NU: daniYSB vs PokeArt2004♥
PU:] Z Strats vs MalMoonsault Hoopa590
LC: BigBoy038 vs shadowrouge07
DOU: LightScreener vs TTT444
Monotype: Hys vs RichardPepper


Bayern Munchlax (5) vs Turffield Turtwigs (5)

Ubers: 7u9i2 vs Blimax
OU: Lugia_numair vs myjava
OU: ToastedBunzzz02 vs Harshal_08
UU: Expulso vs TeamCharm
RU: yovan33321 vs Demykunst
NU: roxiee vs 100%GXE
PU: gum Raj 00 vs udongirl
LC: p4P1//0n vs Serene Grace
DOU: Shadowmonstr7 vs Maki
Monotype: Meta vs Decem


Anistar Articunos (1) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (9)

Ubers: Trade vs Reje
OU: iNoLife vs Hockey1
OU: lvl100Blaziken vs Baloor
UU: RoyalReloaded vs mets3569
RU: moesi vs Kyotoshi
NU: Plas vs Ninja
PU: sirmrwhale vs Let's Rumble Shall We
LC: Mikaav vs kythr
DOU: RKD vs Mishimono
Monotype: PrinceOfAllTacos vs Kaguya Lys

This week ends 13th June at 11:59PM EST. Good luck everyone!

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Alcoholic predicts, don't drink and play kids
wrote this while really sick so correct me for any mistakes pls

Lavender Laprases (2) vs Celestic Town Celesteela (8)

Ubers: velvet (35) vs LTG (65): I think LTG has more knowledge in SS Ubers generally, also has better team support
OU: Not Miyan (35) vs Stareal (65): Better player in general, I can see an upset happening but not really likely
OU: halaman95 (30) vs avarice (70): Same as above but the odds of an upset is less likely
UU: TMM (45) vs saba1111 (55): Saba doesn't lose in UU
RU: Mac3 (49) vs TheFranklin (51): Very highlight match, slightly leaning for arce9 because I have rarely seen him lose at all
NU: tlenit (55) vs Fille (45): Idk lol
PU: Xiri (45) vs Splash (55): Quite close but I think Splash has a bit more chance of taking this
LC: Surfy (55) vs Crow Music (45): Surfy is having a rough start but I think he's the better player here
DOU: Zoaw (40) vs Crunchman (60): Never seen Zoaw play at all, let alone DOU
Monotype: ChessRobot (40) vs giove97 (60): Same as above

Sunyshore Snorlax (7) vs Petalburg Poochyenas (3)

Ubers: FatFighter2 (55) vs Ainzcrad (45): Looking tough for boyn
OU: Failures (49) vs Perish Song (51): looks quite even to me but I don't leave predicts 50-50. Also !pick always went the opposite direction to me

OU: TectonicDestroyer (60) vs lotiasite (40): More OU knowledge
UU: Mygrein (35) vs Axelsior (65): Considering axel lost to near-last turn air slash crit last week I think his plays are clearly in shape
RU: TheGreenRoman">TheGreenRoman (60) vs e~t~h~e~y (40): lol, in all seriousness TGR has better team support
NU: daniYSB (60) vs PokeArt2004♥ (40): More knowledge in nu but upset is clearly possible here
PU: Z Strats (70) vs MalMoonsault (30): How can I bold against the Z..
LC: BigBoy038 (60) vs shadowrouge07 (40): Although last week's win wasn't really that clean I think he's on a roll rn
DOU: LightScreener (40) vs TTT444 (60): I think TTT is favoured here
Monotype: Hys (55) vs RichardPepper (45): Better player in general I guess

Anistar Articunos (4) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (6)

Ubers: Trade (100) vs Reje (0): Trade is going undefeated for two years straight and Reje probs won't play anyway and kythr will probably place a sub
OU: iNoLife (70) vs Hockey1 (30): inolife seems to be in more shape rn
OU: lvl100Blaziken (70) vs Baloor (30): Same as above and this ou core looks really strong together now
UU: RoyalReloaded (60) vs mets3569 (40): This man ended axel's undefeated streak from last year with a crit so I expect the same for the new blood
RU: moesi (30) vs Kyotoshi (70): Kyo is very good
NU: Plas (40) vs Ninja (60): Both coming off of wins but the level of the opponent they faced last week was very different skillwise
PU: sirmrwhale (40) vs Let's Rumble Shall We (60): Hr1 is doing very good so far, I can see it happening for a few more weeks
LC: Mikaav (49) vs kythr (51): Very highlight match but leaning slightly close to kythr
DOU: RKD (40) vs Mishimono (60): mish
Monotype: PrinceOfAllTacos (40) vs Kaguya Lys (60): More experienced in mono
While most people do predicts for all matches except their own team, I on the other hand will only be doing predicts for my own team, as I am simply built different

Ubers: Trade vs Reje - would someone please tell Reje this is not a game of hide & seek and his opponent is actually supposed to find him
OU: iNoLife vs Hockey1 - Hockey1 actually asked for this matchup...can someone check up on him, make sure he's doing okay?
OU: lvl100Blaziken vs Baloor - both of these guys suck so I'm just going with the one I'm more familiar with
UU: RoyalReloaded vs mets3569 - Royal usurped my gimmick of "ohno he lost SIKE HE WON GG", please give it back
RU: moesi vs Kyotoshi - check out moesi's pokefusions they're actually fire, I was gonna post the one he made for me then I remembered idk how to use Smogon
NU: Plas vs Ninja - Plas beat me 2 years ago in TLT playoffs while I have never lost to Ninja (the fact that I've never played him is irrelevant)
PU: sirmrwhale vs Let's Rumble Shall We - spell Rumble's PS name rn without looking it up oh that's right you CAN'T
LC: Mikaav vs kythr - idk how to pronounce kythr tbh, in my head I say it like "kisser" with a lisp
DOU: RKD vs Mishimono - occasionally I look at our DOU channel and understand nothing which is how I know good work is being done there
Monotype: PrinceOfAllTacos vs Kaguya Lys - POAT has never lost a BLT match in his life don't fact check me on that

Final score: 9-1 for the birbs, LET'S EAT SOME ROSES!
Was 20/40 last week on the dot.

Lavender Laprases (-1) vs Celestic Town Celesteela (11)

Ubers: velvet vs LTG - I am actually not familiar with him. Never really wondered what LTG stood for. "LolTrollGame." lol troll game.
OU: Not Miyan vs Stareal - Get real. Get Sta real.
OU: halaman95 vs avarice - Avarice is happier AND prettier.
UU: TMM vs saba1111 - Now what does TMM stand for. Probs T-losing M-to M-saba.
RU: Mac3 vs TheFranklin - Goated. I mean look at that owl wearing glasses. That is actually a goat wearing crocs.
NU: tlenit vs Fille - Also goated. This team is stacked and as soon as they get some beast boosts, they will be unstoppable. All I am is an impartial bystander telling yall this.
PU: Xiri vs Splash - Is literately derrick rose. Try icing your way past that xiri.
LC: Surfy vs Crow Music - Crows cant surf but surfboards cant sing.
DOU: Zoaw vs Crunchman - He will crunch you man. Lol apparently zoaw's real name is a symbol.
Monotype: ChessRobot vs giove97 - This is pokemon. It is not chess. Chess is a lot simpler. Like it seriously is from a game theory perspective.

Sunyshore Snorlax (3) vs Petalburg Poochyenas (7)

Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Ainzcrad - Bro literately can bring a 100% mu against fat 109% of the time. Like Fat is gonna try to flank and spank but the only good thing he can do is to stfu and gtfo.
OU: Failures vs Perish Song - The Laxes did not fail enough last week. SMH they have now lost all momentum they had from going 0 - 5 earlier and might not win another round. You have to fail to win kids. And if you are listening to a perish song pls switch out in three arbitrary turns.
OU: TectonicDestroyer vs lotiasite - Would you rather have an absolute monster; that can destroy the tectonic plates and lay waste to you mortals' feebile lands, plunging you into 1000 years of darkness and hellfire; or a little cute clapping sea doggo. Meh. Flip a coin. K TD's got it.
UU: Mygrein vs Axelsior - His grain. His beautiful grain. All ruined, thanks to the beat down Acselsior13 is gonna do here. Grain is grass type acselsior is bug. Bug beats grass.
RU: TheGreenRoman vs e~t~h~e~y - You arent facing theRedRoman or just an ordinary green roman. You are about to step into the ring with the legendary The Green Roman. Probably made of copper or sumthang. I would give the ocean guy a chance , but nah.
NU: daniYSB vs PokeArt2004♥ - Dani is sporting the classic pyukumuku preforming spite. While Poke has a swinub using charm. Both are... uhm... stubby (idk what the right word is) looking pokemans. I think swinub just eats the dang sea cucumber.
PU: Z Strats vs MalMoonsault - Z strats is good for you, while Mal is most definitly not. From what I have observed When people have to choose something good for them vs something really bad for them, they somehow find something even worse and choose that. That choice is Mal ig. Sorry Mal.
LC: BigBoy038 vs shadowrouge07 - So the shadow rouge thinks he has the upperhand here bc big boy's cast large shadows, buuuut he underestimates the sheer power of bigboy038. Plus they are fighting in a really bright well lit room with no shadows.
DOU: LightScreener vs TTT444 - So light screener's super power is that they only need to apply a light amount of sunscreen when the situation calls for it. Tetris Tango T-orange 444's power is that he can like shoot lasers or something. Must be better than LightScreener's.
Monotype: Hys vs RichardPepper - REALLY!! Do we need to have this conversation. I get it. We all had that emo phase and MCR does rock ig. Kay so, You cannot compare them to the beetles obviously. Timeless. And I really shouldn't have to say anything more about it.

Bayern Munchlax (6) vs Turffield Turtwigs (4)

Ubers: 7u9i2 vs Blimax - 7up. I was like "surely if blimax was a soda he would be better than 7up." Then I searched "Blimax soda" ended up with a brand called "climax soda" then the word climax took me to a place not safe for you kiddos. Thus I conclude 7up wins this soda war somehow.
OU: Lugia_numair vs myjava - lol. Just lol.
OU: ToastedBunzzz02 vs Harshal_08 - So, one may think the chandlure is gonna torch the earth someday. I think that 8 > 2 so Harshal will win.
UU: Expulso vs TeamCharm - I dont wanna talk about it.
RU: yovan33321 vs Demykunst - "Yo Van over here man. I need a van. three three three two one." "Dem. Y? Kunst." oooooo!!!! Demy won that exchange.
NU: roxiee vs 100%GXE - He has like 91 years of life experience over roxiee. Life experience directly turns into gen 8 nu skill I think.
PU: gum vs udongirl - Some would say girl chews gum. This gum however chews girl.
LC: p4P1//0n vs Serene Grace - papillon or good ol pap as people like to call him. He has been coming through clutch lately with the scheduling and clutch is what is needed to not flinch against sg.
DOU: Shadowmonstr7 vs Maki - Maki fades to black. But within the blackness lies a monstr... a shadowmonstr... A shadowmonstr7.
Monotype: Meta vs Decem - Well kpop cant stand up to the power that is Philadelphia. Scary place trust me.

Anistar Articunos (1) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (9)

Ubers: Trade vs Reje - He is gonna show up sunday. Be like "sup everbody" Win. And then somehow not play the next two weeks.
OU: iNoLife vs Hockey1 - I think hockey actually has a life. Good for him. Hopefully it gives him more perspective and stuff to beat ino.
OU: lvl100Blaziken vs Baloor - Look, like he says he is a lvl100 blaziken, but his profile pic is a torchic, and everyone calls him fragments. These numbers do not add and all the math confuses baloor bc he is Canadian.
UU: RoyalReloaded vs mets3569 - The mets are first in the NL east rn. RIp to the guy w/ over 100% gxe.
RU: moesi vs Kyotoshi - Kyotoshi is a better player.
NU: Plas vs Ninja - This guy. Plas is good dont get me wrong but how can a magby beat a friggin ninja.
PU: sirmrwhale vs Let's Rumble Shall We - Somehow a fire cat couldn't suplex a whale, but maybe a legendary air dragon from hell can.
LC: Mikaav vs kythr - To clear the air here "Kythr" is pronounced like "I am gonna beat mikaav in week 3 of blt 8."
DOU: RKD vs Mishimono

Monotype: PrinceOfAllTacos vs Kaguya Lys - Poat better buy a boat bc he um... can't float? Kaguya is gonna drown him. GG. Bye Boat Poat.

I went to a dog show the other day. A Yorkie took Best in Show, a Jack Russell took second, and a Scotty took third.

I’m starting to think the judges had some sort of All-Terrier motive.
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:Venusaur-Gmax: ~ The value of a player is not measured by the number of wins but his ability to give the best of himself. ~ :Venusaur-Gmax:


~ :Darkrai: Do I Really Need to Introduce Myself ? Let's do it just in case ! My name is Mellow. I have won many competitions and won many battles in almost all existing formats. My goal is to understand all the techniques possible and to be the N ° 1 in all tier possible to play even if this dream seems impossible I would never know the disappointment and the rangaine. I am also an artist and by passion for beautiful things I have to embellish and highlight the things that are close to my heart and what better to show the whole world the power of my friends in passionate fights as I saw the day in the world of art and replays ! :darkrai: ~

:Machamp: Before we start let me warn you of what we expect ... This tournament is probably one of the most difficult that it can exist and moreover you will be as a team so the failures of one could lead to the defeat others but remember that those who break the rules are considered less than nothing ... However, those who abandon their teammates are worse than less than nothing ! If you do not help yourself and that you do not believe in your friends you will succumb very quickly to the adversary and even if one of your friends were to fall you should not under any circumstances abandon it in the hands of the enemies. You will lift the cup together or succumb together ! Beat you ! Help you ! Believe in yourself ! and crush your enemies ! Take the trophy from them and cry for joy together because it is their friendship ! :Machamp:

:bw/Gengar: Welcome To Week 3 Of BLT ! :bw/Gengar:


:Lapras: Lavender Laprases :Lapras: (8) vs (2) :Celesteela: Celestic Town Celesteela :Celesteela:


:Snorlax: Sunyshore Snorlax :Snorlax: (3) vs (7) :Poochyena: Petalburg Poochyenas :Poochyena:


:Munchlax: Bayern Munchlax :Munchlax: (5) vs (5) :Turtwig: Turffield Turtwigs :Turtwig:


:Articuno-Galar: Anistar Articunos :Articuno-Galar: (1) vs (9) :Roserade: Ruin Valley Roserades :Roserade:


:Dragonite: Thank you very much really thank you for all posting your match replays - This will leave an eternal mark on all future players who one day discover this relic and your names will be forever marked in Pokémon history ! Together ! let us write down our eternal youth and show them our power ! :Dragonite:

:xy/Beedrill-Mega: Matches Played: 100% - Thanks for participating and watching ! :xy/Beedrill-Mega:

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Lavender Laprases (2) vs Celestic Town Celesteela (7)

Ubers: velvet(40) vs LTG(60): More knowledge on the tier + better teambuilding support
OU: Not Miyan(30) vs Stareal(70): Better + the two above
OU: halaman95(30) vs avarice(70): Same as above
UU: TMM(40) vs saba1111(60): As stitch(like my poster)uu said saba doesnt lose in uu
RU: Mac3(50) vs TheFranklin(50): Most defo a highlight game, this can go either way to be honest but rooting for arce9 sorry macandcheese3
NU: tlenit(45) vs Fille(55): Giving slight edge to fille since iirc tlenit is a pu main, can go either way though especially with xiri support
PU: Xiri(60) vs Splash(40): Giving the edge to xiri, both are solid players but xiri mains lower tiers + has tlenit team support
LC: Surfy(65) vs Crow Music(35): Surfy had a rough start but imo he has more knowledge on the tier + is a better player so giving the edge to them
DOU: Zoaw(35) vs Crunchman(65): I literally do not know what the fuck zoaw plays
Monotype: ChessRobot(35) vs giove97(65): Better player + more knowledge and experience on the tier

Sunyshore Snorlax (6) vs Petalburg Poochyenas (2)
Ubers: FatFighter2(50) vs Ainzcrad(50): both are solid players def a hl game but that being said go ainzchad
OU: Failures(40) vs Perish Song(60): Idk failures and psong is a solid player
OU: TectonicDestroyer(60) vs lotiasite(40): Ignoring funny relevant tour thing tect plays OU while for lotiasite theyre a ubers/ag main so
UU: Mygrein(35) vs Axelsior(65): Axcel's plays have been on point and i think hes gonna atleast go positive this blt
RU: TheGreenRoman(60) vs e~t~h~e~y(40): Better team building support but with that being said im being hunted by the church of ethey now
NU: daniYSB(60) vs PokeArt2004♥(40): Better teambuilding support but it can go either way
PU: Z Strats(65) vs MalMoonsault(35): Better player + better support
LC: BigBoy038 (60) vs shadowrouge07(40): Better player
DOU: LightScreener(50) vs TTT444(50): Can go either way
Monotype: Hys (60) vs RichardPepper(40): better player

Bayern Munchlax (6) vs Turffield Turtwigs (2)
Ubers: 7u9i2(40) vs Blimax(60): If scheduling doesnt go to shit again then blimax should take this
OU: Lugia_numair(60) vs myjava(40): Wcup starter lugia numair aint losing
OU: ToastedBunzzz02(60) vs Harshal_08(40): Toasted had a rough start but is mad underrated + good team support
UU: Expulso(60) vs TeamCharm(40): Better player but i can see it going either way especially with tc having gxe team support
RU: yovan33321 vs Demykunst
NU: roxiee(60) vs 100%GXE(40): More experience in the tier + ive never seen gxe play nu lol
PU: gum vs udongirl: I do not know either of them
LC: p4P1//0n(30) vs Serene Grace(70): Serene aint losing in lc
DOU: Shadowmonstr7(60) vs Maki(40): Better player + better teambuilding aka shadow aint losing
Monotype: Meta(55) vs Decem(45): Never bolding a kpop stand

Anistar Articunos (3) vs Ruin Valley Roserades (6)
Ubers: Trade(65) vs Reje(35): Honestly its more likely a sub is gonna happen but even if reje plays it comes down to if he cares or not, if he does care and does play then i'd say its 65-35 in reje's favor and thats ignoring the fact trade is also a goat
OU: iNoLife(60) vs Hockey1(40): As stitch said more in shape + better teambuilding support
OU: lvl100Blaziken(65) vs Baloor(35): Same as above
UU: RoyalReloaded vs mets3569: I dont know either of them
RU: moesi(30) vs Kyotoshi(70): I would make it 75 in kyo favor but he got rid of his omni man avatar so
NU: Plas(40) vs Ninja(60): maybe he'll bring that rng against plas aswell

PU: sirmrwhale(40) vs Let's Rumble Shall We(60): better player
LC: Mikaav(40) vs kythr(60): Queenthr doesnt lose but i wouldnt be surprised if mikaav wins, highlight match
DOU: RKD(40) vs Mishimono(60): mished
Monotype: PrinceOfAllTacos vs Kaguya Lys(60): More experience in mono + more tier knowledge
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