what do you do solely out of spite

At work I'll tell a customer we don't have a certain coupon if they're being rude, even when we do have that coupon.

i work at a pizza place btw
don't know if old out of spite actions count but i used to spam "big chungus", "how to convince your parents to get a dog", and random pewdiepie youtube videos on google search at the age of 12 to hide weird search history, which ended up working while i was bouncing in and out of weird meme videos

had no idea that clear browser history was a thing
don't know if old out of spite actions count but i used to spam "big chungus", "how to convince your parents to get a dog", and random pewdiepie youtube videos on google search at the age of 12 to hide weird search history, which ended up working while i was bouncing in and out of weird meme videos

had no idea that clear browser history was a thing
This is actually genius, you worked with what was in your knowledge and that is a great skill to have.
don't know if old out of spite actions count but i used to spam "big chungus", "how to convince your parents to get a dog", and random pewdiepie youtube videos on google search at the age of 12 to hide weird search history, which ended up working while i was bouncing in and out of weird meme videos

had no idea that clear browser history was a thing

tell me what "out of spite" means
tell me what "out of spite" means
So you know Spite, right? Like every other move, it has a limited amount of PP. People will often use "out of" to denote that they have used up all of their available PP for a given move. Given Spite's limited usage, using all of it without managing to deplete your opponent's meaningful PP is a sign you've done pretty poorly. So I would guess "out of Spite" is equivalent to "hoist by one's own petard:" becoming victim to the problem one attempts to force on another. Hope this helps.

Yes, I know spite is a real word that actually means something, but that would ruin the joke.
Something I do out of spite, ay? In ye olden days, I spited people by impaling them on large spikes.

Back in the good old times, you could impale someone if you wanted to! These days they have all these petty complaints that have to do with me hurting them. That's the whole point, and it makes sad what this new generation has come to.
download nintendo games for their older systems off the internet, specifically because of their anti-preservation policies

too bad the homebrew community defends this shitty policy willingly without a sense of optics, they need to go big or go home
piss outside. I'm tired of society oppressing me and making me put the toilet seat up everytime I wanna empty the main vein.

unrelated to the thread but "empty the main vein" is a new one for me

the worst euphemism I've ever heard for taking a piss came from a substitute teacher at my high school. he was an old dude, vietnam vet (loved reminding people of that) and generally really didn't have much of a filter. one day he was subbing for my physics class and announced he was stepping out of the room to "drain the dragon." this has really stuck with me and some of my friends ever since because by god why would you say the words "drain the dragon" in front of a bunch of 15 year olds.

so anyway I think I'll start referring to taking a piss as "draining the dragon" solely out of spite