Nidoqueen (NU Mini) [GP 1/1]

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Nidoqueen finds use on specific hyper offense builds alongside Nidoking. Both of them wield impeccable coverage, being completely unresisted and featuring a vast array of options. This coverage makes them incredibly hard Pokemon to switch into, applying vast offensive pressure. In addition to this, their Ground typing make them a defensive check to Electric-types, most notably Electrode. Their Poison typing let them block Toxic, which various Pokemon like Blastoise and Rapidash use to check wrappers and Poliwhirl. Nidoqueen's decent bulk also lets it take less punishment from foes like Seadra than other Ground-types such as Nidoking and Golem.

However, Nidoqueen struggles to find a spot on most competitive teams. Its primary issue is its competition with Nidoking, a faster Pokemon that has the same typing, identical coverage, and greater Attack. While Nidoqueen has greater bulk, this typically isn't enough to justify it over Nidoking, as it fails to decisively improve its matchups against any viable NU Pokemon. In addition to this, while Nidoqueen's typing gives it unique defensive utility, it also causes it to struggle against the wide array of notable Water- and Ground-types in the tier, such as Nidoking, Blastoise, and Seadra. The lack of justification to be used over Nidoking forces it to be used alongside it, however these teams are often very defensively unstable due to the exacerbated weakness to Pokemon like Mr. Mime. Its middling Speed enhances these weaknesses, being outsped by Blastoise and Seadra, whereas even Nidoking isn't. Nidoqueen's Speed stat forces it to rely on paralysis support, which can make it cumbersome to include on teams, especially since Nidoking itself already often needs said support.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Blizzard / Fire Blast
move 4: Rock Slide / Body Slam / Substitute


Earthquake is Nidoqueen's most powerful attack, threatening a 2HKO on many notable Pokemon like Nidoking, Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, and Mr. Mime. Thunderbolt is Nidoqueen's strongest consistent option versus Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra, 3HKOing both. Blizzard 2HKOes Exeggcute and Dragonair. Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples wrappers and physical attackers such as Fearow and Golem. Rock Slide nails Charizard and Moltres, 2HKOing both of them. As a different option, Body Slam can mitigate Nidoqueen's mediocre Speed by spreading paralysis, making it more self-sufficient. Substitute can be used over either of these to ease prediction on switches and allow it to take less punishment from moves like Surf.

Nidoqueen's massive movepool makes it very customizable. Thunder does the most damage versus Blastoise and Seadra, wielding chances to 2HKO both, though its accuracy leaves much to be desired, and its targets often deal significant damage on misses. Toxic is the most consistent check to wrappers such as Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales, Moltres, and Dragonair. Counter can potentially deal high damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on a predicted Hyper Beam from common users such as Pinsir, Charizard, and Clefable and threaten a KO. Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest option versus Clefable, with a chance to 3HKO. Surf is a guaranteed KO versus Golem, but its utility compared to Blizzard and Rock Slide is inferior otherwise.

Nidoqueen is a more effective user of Substitute than Nidoking, as its increased bulk can let it reuse the move even after taking a hit from the likes of Seadra. Their combined weakness to Psychic makes dedicated Mr. Mime checks a necessity, usually consisting of your own Mr. Mime as well as Clefable, Exeggcute, or Drowzee. Nidoqueen and Nidoking can struggle versus Fire- and Water-types too, especially Charizard, so Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra are highly appreciated.

- Written by: [[pac, 520967]]
- Quality checked by: [[May, 236353], [Enigami, 233818]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:
Giving this a look.
(AA) = Add Apostrophe
(AH) = Dehyphenate
(RC) = Remove Comma


Nidoqueen's coverage is impeccable, being completely unresisted and featuring a vast array of options. This coverage makes Nidoqueen an incredibly hard Pokemon to switch into, applying vast offensive pressure. In addition to this, its Ground-typing (RH) (type references only get hyphenated when it's specifically "Ground-type", etc. "typing" is tense, iirc) grants it a niche as a defensive check to Electric-types, most notably Electrode. Its Poison-typing (RH) allows it to block Toxic, which various Pokemon like Blastoise and Rapidash use to check Wrappers and Poliwhirl.

However, Nidoqueen struggles to find a spot on most competitive teams because of a few key issues. Its primary issue is its competition with Nidoking, a faster Pokemon that has the same typing, identical coverage, and greater physical attack. While Nidoqueen has greater physical (attack categories are not capitalised) bulk, it's (AA) not by a great enough margin to typically justify it over Nidoking, as it fails to improve its matchups against any viable NU Pokemon. In addition to this, while Nidoqueen's typing gives it unique defensive utility, it also causes it to struggle against the wide array of notable Water- and Ground-types in the tier, such as Nidoking, Blastoise, and Seadra. This is made profound by its middling Speed, being outsped by Blastoise and Seadra, whereas Nidoking isn't. Nidoqueen's Speed stat forces it to rely on paralysis (status isn't capitalised either) support, which can make it cumbersome to include on teams. For these reasons, Nidoqueen is restricted to use on specific hyper offensive builds that want the offensive might and coverage of both Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

It may be worth noting that Nidoqueen is a better user of Substitute compared to Nidoking. The reduced damage tends to let it just barely use Substitute again. It's not a massive difference, but as an example of how this can come into play;
Seadra Surf vs. Nidoking: 239-282 (65.4 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Seadra Surf vs. Nidoqueen: 239-282 (62.4 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Seadra can sometimes just stop Nidoking from using Substitute entirely off of one hit, while Nidoqueen always gets to. This means that if you're fishing for a Substitute against paralysed+chipped Seadra, Nidoqueen is more consistent and it can proceed to win out from there. There are a few other Pokemon like this, so I recommend checking the calcs and seeing how much of an impact there is. It doesn't help against any XHKOs, but maintaining the HP for Substitute seems to be the name of the game here. Definitely not enough to justify it over Nidoking, though.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Blizzard / Fire Blast
move 4: Rock Slide / Body Slam / Substitute


Earthquake is Nidoqueen's most powerful attack, threatening a 2HKO on many notable Pokemon like Nidoking, Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, and Mr. Mime. Thunderbolt is Nidoqueen's strongest consistent option versus Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra, 3HKOing both. Blizzard 2HKOes Exeggcute and Dragonair, while also threatening freeze. (dex info, elaborate or remove) Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples Wrappers and physical attackers such as Charizard and Golem. Rock Slide nails Charizard and Moltres, 2HKOing both of them. As a different option, Body Slam helps to mitigate Nidoqueen's mediocre Speed by spreading paralysis, making it more self-sufficient. Substitute can be used over either of these, (RC) in order to ease prediction on switches and allow it to take less punishment from moves like Surf.

Nidoqueen's massive movepool makes it very customizable. Thunder does the most damage versus Blastoise and Seadra, wielding chances to 2HKO both, although its poor accuracy leaves much to be desired, as the Pokemon that it aims to use it against often deal significant damage. in terms of consistency. Toxic is the most consistent check to Wrappers such as Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales, Moltres, and Dragonair. Counter allows Nidoqueen to potentially deal large damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on Raticate or Pinsir and threaten a potential KO after a Super Fang or Hyper Beam respectively. Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest option versus Clefable and Wigglytuff, with chances to 3HKO both. Surf is a guaranteed KO versus Golem, but its utility compared to Blizzard and Rock Slide it inferior otherwise.

Due to its competition with Nidoking, the vast majority of Nidoqueen teams feature both. Their combined weakness to Psychic makes dedicated Mr. Mime checks a necessity, usually consisting of your own Mr. Mime as well as Clefable, Exeggcute, or Drowzee. They can struggle versus Fire- and Water-types too, especially Charizard, so Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra are highly appreciated.

Should the Substitute point be significant enough, bring it up here. Definitely something for the usage tips which are just quite bare right now. Maybe bring up that Nidoqueen is otherwise quite straightforward.

- Written by: [[pacattacc, 520967]]
- Quality checked by: [[name, id], [name, id]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name, id]]
Giving this a look.
(AA) = Add Apostrophe
(AH) = Dehyphenate
(RC) = Remove Comma


Nidoqueen's coverage is impeccable, being completely unresisted and featuring a vast array of options. This coverage makes Nidoqueen an incredibly hard Pokemon to switch into, applying vast offensive pressure. In addition to this, its Ground-typing (RH) (type references only get hyphenated when it's specifically "Ground-type", etc. "typing" is tense, iirc) grants it a niche as a defensive check to Electric-types, most notably Electrode. Its Poison-typing (RH) allows it to block Toxic, which various Pokemon like Blastoise and Rapidash use to check Wrappers and Poliwhirl.

However, Nidoqueen struggles to find a spot on most competitive teams because of a few key issues. Its primary issue is its competition with Nidoking, a faster Pokemon that has the same typing, identical coverage, and greater physical attack. While Nidoqueen has greater physical (attack categories are not capitalised) bulk, it's (AA) not by a great enough margin to typically justify it over Nidoking, as it fails to improve its matchups against any viable NU Pokemon. In addition to this, while Nidoqueen's typing gives it unique defensive utility, it also causes it to struggle against the wide array of notable Water- and Ground-types in the tier, such as Nidoking, Blastoise, and Seadra. This is made profound by its middling Speed, being outsped by Blastoise and Seadra, whereas Nidoking isn't. Nidoqueen's Speed stat forces it to rely on paralysis (status isn't capitalised either) support, which can make it cumbersome to include on teams. For these reasons, Nidoqueen is restricted to use on specific hyper offensive builds that want the offensive might and coverage of both Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

It may be worth noting that Nidoqueen is a better user of Substitute compared to Nidoking. The reduced damage tends to let it just barely use Substitute again. It's not a massive difference, but as an example of how this can come into play;
Seadra Surf vs. Nidoking: 239-282 (65.4 - 77.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Seadra Surf vs. Nidoqueen: 239-282 (62.4 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Seadra can sometimes just stop Nidoking from using Substitute entirely off of one hit, while Nidoqueen always gets to. This means that if you're fishing for a Substitute against paralysed+chipped Seadra, Nidoqueen is more consistent and it can proceed to win out from there. There are a few other Pokemon like this, so I recommend checking the calcs and seeing how much of an impact there is. It doesn't help against any XHKOs, but maintaining the HP for Substitute seems to be the name of the game here. Definitely not enough to justify it over Nidoking, though.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Blizzard / Fire Blast
move 4: Rock Slide / Body Slam / Substitute


Earthquake is Nidoqueen's most powerful attack, threatening a 2HKO on many notable Pokemon like Nidoking, Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, and Mr. Mime. Thunderbolt is Nidoqueen's strongest consistent option versus Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra, 3HKOing both. Blizzard 2HKOes Exeggcute and Dragonair, while also threatening freeze. (dex info, elaborate or remove) Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples Wrappers and physical attackers such as Charizard and Golem. Rock Slide nails Charizard and Moltres, 2HKOing both of them. As a different option, Body Slam helps to mitigate Nidoqueen's mediocre Speed by spreading paralysis, making it more self-sufficient. Substitute can be used over either of these, (RC) in order to ease prediction on switches and allow it to take less punishment from moves like Surf.

Nidoqueen's massive movepool makes it very customizable. Thunder does the most damage versus Blastoise and Seadra, wielding chances to 2HKO both, although its poor accuracy leaves much to be desired, as the Pokemon that it aims to use it against often deal significant damage. in terms of consistency. Toxic is the most consistent check to Wrappers such as Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales, Moltres, and Dragonair. Counter allows Nidoqueen to potentially deal large damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on Raticate or Pinsir and threaten a potential KO after a Super Fang or Hyper Beam respectively. Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest option versus Clefable and Wigglytuff, with chances to 3HKO both. Surf is a guaranteed KO versus Golem, but its utility compared to Blizzard and Rock Slide it inferior otherwise.

Due to its competition with Nidoking, the vast majority of Nidoqueen teams feature both. Their combined weakness to Psychic makes dedicated Mr. Mime checks a necessity, usually consisting of your own Mr. Mime as well as Clefable, Exeggcute, or Drowzee. They can struggle versus Fire- and Water-types too, especially Charizard, so Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra are highly appreciated.

Should the Substitute point be significant enough, bring it up here. Definitely something for the usage tips which are just quite bare right now. Maybe bring up that Nidoqueen is otherwise quite straightforward.

- Written by: [[pacattacc, 520967]]
- Quality checked by: [[name, id], [name, id]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name, id]]

While Nidoqueen has greater physical (attack categories are not capitalised) bulk
Remove this remnant comment.

I think that it's worth noting in the positives section that Nidoqueen's added bulk does inherently mean that it takes less punishment, even if it doesn't help with KO ranges. As the Substitute comment demonstrated, it does directly help. It's not much but it's honest work, yeah? You could make the "fails to improve matchups" part of the second paragraph specifically refer to flat one-on-one KO ranges, or in easier to grasp terms, "simplified situations".

QC 1/2
Remove this remnant comment.

I think that it's worth noting in the positives section that Nidoqueen's added bulk does inherently mean that it takes less punishment, even if it doesn't help with KO ranges. As the Substitute comment demonstrated, it does directly help. It's not much but it's honest work, yeah? You could make the "fails to improve matchups" part of the second paragraph specifically refer to flat one-on-one KO ranges, or in easier to grasp terms, "simplified situations".

QC 1/2

Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples Wrappers and physical attackers such as Charizard and Golem.
That's one heck of a Fire Blast if it can burn a Fire-type! Charizard should be replaced with another Pokemon like Fearow, which Nidoqueen can actually burn.

Counter allows Nidoqueen to potentially deal large damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on Raticate or Pinsir and threaten a potential KO after a Super Fang or Hyper Beam respectively.
I don't think Raticate particularly cares about Counter Nidoqueen switching into Super Fang unless the Raticate user really wants to preserve it. Raticate is 3HKO'd by Nidoqueen, and if Nidoqueen switched into Super Fang, then Blizzard will easily 2HKO. Raticate/Super Fang shouldn't be mentioned here, the only practical utility of Counter on Nidoqueen is punishing predicted Hyper Beams.

Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest option versus Clefable and Wigglytuff, with chances to 3HKO both.
Nidoqueen Earthquake vs. Wigglytuff: 150-177 (31 - 36.6%) -- 70% chance to 3HKO
Nidoqueen Submission vs. Wigglytuff: 159-188 (32.9 - 38.9%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO

Submission isn't really notable against Wigglytuff, especially considering Submission's 20% miss chance and the recoil against a Pokemon with 140 Base HP. I'd only mention Clefable here.

QC 2/2 once these issues are addressed.
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That's one heck of a Fire Blast if it can burn a Fire-type! Charizard should be replaced with another Pokemon like Fearow, which Nidoqueen can actually burn.

I don't think Raticate particularly cares about Counter Nidoqueen switching into Super Fang unless the Raticate user really wants to preserve it. Raticate is 3HKO'd by Nidoqueen, and if Nidoqueen switched into Super Fang, then Blizzard will easily 2HKO. Raticate/Super Fang shouldn't be mentioned here, the only practical utility of Counter on Nidoqueen is punishing predicted Hyper Beams.

Nidoqueen Earthquake vs. Wigglytuff: 150-177 (31 - 36.6%) -- 70% chance to 3HKO
Nidoqueen Submission vs. Wigglytuff: 159-188 (32.9 - 38.9%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO

Submission isn't really notable against Wigglytuff, especially considering Submission's 20% miss chance and the recoil against a Pokemon with 140 Base HP. I'd only mention Clefable here.

QC 2/2 once these issues are addressed.

Implemented! Shipping off to GP!

...notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on Pinsir and threaten a potential KO after a Hyper Beam.
One more problem. This right here suggests that Counter Nidoqueen is specifically for switching in to Pinsir's Hyper Beam, when it should be more general, and possibly include a mention of it being able to survive a +4 Charizard Hyper Beam which could be pretty important in late game scenarios.

Edit: Perfect, looks ready to me.
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View attachment 390037
One more problem. This right here suggests that Counter Nidoqueen is specifically for switching in to Pinsir's Hyper Beam, when it should be more general, and possibly include a mention of it being able to survive a +4 Charizard Hyper Beam which could be pretty important in late game scenarios.

okei, implemented this too

View attachment 368894


Nidoqueen's coverage is impeccable, being completely unresisted and featuring a vast array of options. This coverage makes Nidoqueen an incredibly hard Pokemon to switch into, applying vast offensive pressure. In addition to this, its Ground typing grants it a niche as a defensive check to Electric-types, most notably Electrode. Its Poison typing allows it to block Toxic, which various Pokemon like Blastoise and Rapidash use to check Wrappers and Poliwhirl. Its Nidoqueen’s decent bulk also lets it take less punishment from foes like Seadra than other Ground-types such as Nidoking and Golem.

However, Nidoqueen struggles to find a spot on most competitive teams because of a few key issues. Its primary issue is its competition with Nidoking, a faster Pokemon that has the same typing, identical coverage, and a greater physical attack Attack stat. While Nidoqueen has greater bulk, it's not by a great enough margin to typically justify it over Nidoking, as it fails to improve its matchups against any viable NU Pokemon. In addition to this, while Nidoqueen's typing gives it unique defensive utility, it also causes it to struggle against the wide array of notable Water- and Ground-types in the tier, such as Nidoking, Blastoise, and Seadra. This is made profound by its Nidoqueen’s middling Speed, being outsped by Blastoise and Seadra, whereas Nidoking isn't. Nidoqueen's Speed stat forces it to rely on paralysis support, which can make it cumbersome to include on teams. For these reasons, Nidoqueen is restricted to use on specific hyper offensive builds that want the offensive might and coverage of both Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Blizzard / Fire Blast
move 4: Rock Slide / Body Slam / Substitute


Earthquake is Nidoqueen's most powerful attack, threatening a 2HKO on many notable Pokemon like Nidoking, Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, and Mr. Mime. Thunderbolt is Nidoqueen's strongest consistent option versus Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra, 3HKOing both. Blizzard 2HKOes Exeggcute and Dragonair. Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples Wrappers and physical attackers such as Fearow and Golem. Rock Slide nails Charizard and Moltres, 2HKOing both of them. As a different option, Body Slam helps to mitigate Nidoqueen's mediocre Speed by spreading paralysis, making it more self-sufficient. Substitute can be used over either of these in order to ease prediction on switches and allow it to take less punishment from moves like Surf.

Nidoqueen's massive movepool makes it very customizable. Thunder does the most damage versus Blastoise and Seadra, wielding(might change ‘wielding’ to ‘having’, but you don’t have to) chances to 2HKO both, though its poor accuracy leaves much to be desired, as the Pokemon that it Nidoqueen aims to use it against often deal significant damage. Toxic is the most consistent check to Wrappers such as Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales, Moltres, and Dragonair. Counter allows Nidoqueen to potentially deal large damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on a predicted Hyper Beam from common users such as Pinsir, Charizard, and Clefable and threaten a potential KO. Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest best option versus Clefable, with a chance to 3HKO it. Surf is a guaranteed KO versus Golem, but its utility compared to Blizzard and Rock Slide is inferior otherwise.

Due to its competition with Nidoking, the vast majority of Nidoqueen teams feature both. Nidoqueen is a more effective user of Substitute than Nidoking, as its increased bulk allows it to potentially use the move again even after taking a hit from the likes of Seadra. Their combined weakness to Psychic makes dedicated Mr. Mime checks a necessity, usually consisting of your own Mr. Mime as well as Clefable, Exeggcute, or Drowzee. They can struggle versus Fire- and Water-types too, especially Charizard, so Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra are highly appreciated.

- Written by: [[pac, 520967]]
- Quality checked by: [[May, 236353], [Enigami, 233818]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name, id]]
good job! :blobthumbsup:
Add/Fix Remove

Nidoqueen's coverage is impeccable, being completely unresisted and featuring a vast array of options. This coverage makes Nidoqueen an incredibly hard Pokemon to switch into, applying vast offensive pressure. In addition to this, its Ground typing grants it a niche as makes it a defensive check to Electric-types, most notably Electrode. Its Poison typing allows it to block Toxic, which various Pokemon like Blastoise and Rapidash use to check wrappers and Poliwhirl. Its decent bulk also lets it take less punishment from foes like Seadra than other Ground-types such as Nidoking and Golem.

However, Nidoqueen struggles to find a spot on most competitive teams because of a few key issues. Its primary issue is its competition with Nidoking, a faster Pokemon that has the same typing, identical coverage, and greater physical attack. Attack. While Nidoqueen has greater bulk, it's not by a great enough margin to typically this typically isn't enough to justify it over Nidoking, as it fails to decisively improve its matchups against any viable NU Pokemon. In addition to this, while Nidoqueen's typing gives it unique defensive utility, it also causes it to struggle against the wide array of notable Water- and Ground-types in the tier, such as Nidoking, Blastoise, and Seadra. This is made profound by its middling Speed, Its middling Speed exacerbates these weaknesses, being outsped by Blastoise and Seadra, whereas Nidoking isn't. Nidoqueen's Speed stat forces it to rely on paralysis support, which can make it cumbersome to include on teams. For these reasons, Nidoqueen is restricted to use on specific hyper offensive builds that want the offensive might and coverage of both Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Blizzard / Fire Blast
move 4: Rock Slide / Body Slam / Substitute


Earthquake is Nidoqueen's most powerful attack, threatening a 2HKO on many notable Pokemon like Nidoking, Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine, and Mr. Mime. Thunderbolt is Nidoqueen's strongest consistent option versus Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra, 3HKOing both. Blizzard 2HKOes Exeggcute and Dragonair. Alternatively, Fire Blast 2HKOes Pinsir and spreads burn, which cripples wrappers and physical attackers such as Fearow and Golem. Rock Slide nails Charizard and Moltres, 2HKOing both of them. As a different option, Body Slam helps to can mitigate Nidoqueen's mediocre Speed by spreading paralysis, making it more self-sufficient. Substitute can be used over either of these in order to ease prediction on switches and allow it to take less punishment from moves like Surf.

Nidoqueen's massive movepool makes it very customizable. Thunder does the most damage versus Blastoise and Seadra, wielding chances to 2HKO both, though its poor accuracy leaves much to be desired, as the Pokemon that it aims to use it and its targets against often deal significant damage on misses. Toxic is the most consistent check to wrappers such as Rapidash, Charizard, Ninetales, Moltres, and Dragonair. Counter allows Nidoqueen to can potentially deal large high damage to physical attackers, notably allowing Nidoqueen to switch in on a predicted Hyper Beam from common users such as Pinsir, Charizard, and Clefable and threaten a potential KO. Submission is Nidoqueen's deadliest option versus Clefable, with a chance to 3HKO. Surf is a guaranteed KO versus Golem, but its utility compared to Blizzard and Rock Slide is inferior otherwise.

Due to its competition with it being outcompeted by Nidoking, the vast majority of Nidoqueen teams feature both. Nidoqueen is a more effective user of Substitute than Nidoking, as its increased bulk allows it to potentially use the move again can let it reuse the move even after taking a hit from the likes of Seadra. Their combined weakness to Psychic makes dedicated Mr. Mime checks a necessity, usually consisting of your own Mr. Mime as well as Clefable, Exeggcute, or Drowzee. They Nidoqueen and Nidoking can struggle versus Fire- and Water-types too, especially Charizard, so Water-types like Blastoise and Seadra are highly appreciated.

- Written by: [[pac, 520967]]
- Quality checked by: [[May, 236353], [Enigami, 233818]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
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This is UU Fearow's overview problem again. Nidoking outclasses it, make that immediately clear, don't make a whole paragraph about things that are also true for Nidoking.
I implemented the GP check and CryoGyro's concerns, unless I implemented anything wrong this should be okay for upload?
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