Project Player Interview V3 #1: Magnum


Amazing art by Magnum
Approved by UU moderation & inspired by Feliburn's project
OP & Art ripped from Moutemoute's

Welcome to the first of many "UU Player Interviews", a project where you'll be able to discover or re-discover some well-known players in the UU community. Those people may be known thanks to their high-skilled level, their achievements on the strategic scene, or thanks to their dedication to the tier or within the community.


To start off, how are you?


I’m pretty good thank you! Just woke up from a solid good nights rest and a good breakfast, how about you?


Great! What did you have for breakfast?


Just some cereal, nothing too fancy haha


Cereal is good! So Magnum, tell me a little bit about yourself.


My name is Magnum and I’m an avid UU contributor, participating in a wide range of projects and threads as well as hosting my own like the Team Bazaar and Matchmaking! I'm also a member of the VR team and a voice in the ps room, so either people are making mistakes with their decisions or I’m somewhat capable. As for myself in real life, I’m a 16 year old Australian male who’s planning to dive into the film industry once I leave school!


That's interesting. What inspired you to go into film?


It’s something I’ve wanted to do as long as I can remember, which realistically is probably when I was 5 or 6 years old. I just found it incredibly fascinating as a child and I still enjoy doing it! Also just being able to entertain people and make people smile, that’s something that’s important to me.


That's a noble reason for wanting to choose a career. Now, you're a member of the teambuilding lab as well, correct? Would you care to share some of your tips for teambuilding?


Sure thing! In all honesty, my biggest reference for teambuilding comes from analysis. While they normally go underlooked by the majority of users, they give you some really solid information to base your team around, even just looking up what a particular Pokémon works well with for reference can be helpful! aside from that, you shouldn’t be afraid of optimizing EV spreads or playing around with different coverage moves to suit your teams needs, these minor things can make a huge difference!


That's interesting advice, I may apply it! Before we end, is there anybody you want to give a quick shoutout to?


Okay, well, I’d like to start with two of the people I’m very close to on the site, Bandkrook and ausma. You two have helped me incredibly on my journey and area one of the kindest, caring, supportive people I know and I love you both very much. Next would be Lilburr for giving me so many opportunities to be where I am today and also being an incredibly encouraging person, so thank you! I also want to say thank you to all my friends and family (ily Juno) who’ve talked and helped me over the last 8 months, I value you all greatly. That should be everyone! I had to group a lot of people together in that last point otherwise this would have gone on for a long time.


Thanks for taking the time to do this interview with me!


No problem! Have a good night!


Feel free to ask Magnum any questions you want!
If you have some recommendations for an interview, feel free to DM me!
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Hello Magnum which is no longer ur Codename, I have some questions for you.
1. What inspired you to get into UU and Smogon in general?
2. Do you play smash and who is your main if you do so?
3. Is Conkeldurr the most viable mon ever???????
4. Least favorite food?

Thanks in advance :blobuwu:
Time to answer some of the questions! Keep them coming as well!

magnum why are you so good at the game

you lie, I am not actually really that good at the game I just know how to team build somewhat effectively, but I appreciate your compliment!

can you name all of your grandparents in one round

I don’t think I can but I can try!

Accel, Askov, you, Lyss, Lily, Chloe, probably like 6 other women I am forgetting, IP? I don’t know I know some of them though

Hello Magnum which is no longer ur Codename, I have some questions for you.
1. What inspired you to get into UU and Smogon in general?
2. Do you play smash and who is your main if you do so?
3. Is Conkeldurr the most viable mon ever???????
4. Least favorite food?

Thanks in advance :blobuwu:

1) I genuinely don’t know, it’s more than likely a mix of reasons. Wanting to be a part of a community and get close friends is a major one, but also my love for Pokémon brought me here. I used to battle with one of my sisters every weekend in DPP to prove who was the better trainer, and that’s probably what sparked my competitiveness in Pokémon

2) I do play Smash! I main Bowser with a Pit and Mario pocket for when matchups get dire

3) No.

4) I despise tomatoes, not because of how they taste, but because if the weird mix of texture that’s oddly slimy yet solid. That’s a weird reason since I like avocado though, so maybe it’s the seeds

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Where does the name Magnum come from?

While most people think it’s the ice-cream, it actually has a much..stranger reasoning. I’ve been a tf2 fan for a long time and I also happen to be Australian (wow!). Most people know about Sniper, the Australian mercernary, but his theme is called “Magnum Force” so I kinda just stole it from there, but I do have some friends in real life who call me Magnum for other reasons, like the gun.

1. would you date me?
2. do you think you could defeat tangrowth in a 1v1 irl?
3. is Lolito good???

1) You have like 17 other boyfriends so I feel like I would be cheated on instantly, but sure why not

2) considering all of my assets and Tangrowth’s sheer size and weight I would probably lose but I think it’s fair to call it a 50/50

3) Can be when they want to, they need to become a [BIG SHOT] and beat the secret boss of deltarune first

can you do a tier list of every pokemon you can beat up in a fight and if so why would you lose to every single one

I will come back to this as well as all the other questions later, so stay tuned for that!

also, tough talk for someone who go rickrolled earlier today

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now to some actual questions

1. what is the best deltarune ost and why is it cyber world
2. who is the worst deltarune character and why is it the bird guy
3. do you talk to the kangaroos daily
4. how does it feel having a wack timezone that makes it kinda hard to schedule
5. hi
round two!

can you do a tier list of every pokemon you can beat up in a fight and if so why would you lose to every single one

I only did the original 151 since doing everymon would take me forever, and then i'd have to fact check everything but this is how i feel against them. (imagine that onix is in "im gone" i forgot he was a literal titan

why are u so sexy

okay serious questions:
1: do you have any pets?
2: what's your favorite anime?
3: how do you not get k-worded by spiders in Australia?

1(?) ) stop
2) I do have a few pets! some aren't exactly "legal" pets but i do have them. I have a little pupper names Isabelle and she's very sweet, i love her very much and I have all the kangaroos outside of my house! i'll get some photos when i can
3) I haven't watched much anime so i'll say BNHA because it's the only one i've watched, though i'm a big fan of most ghibli films!
4) This is quite simple, by digesting numerous red back spiders at birth. Once you turn 4 you should have a full immunity to poison! As a real answer, they're more afraid of you than you are of them so just by letting them groove and do their own thing

explain this.

Zephyri is a catboy and i will support him regardless of whether he makes those noises are not, also he won a match and so i'm happy for him

why are you australian

Please refer to the post below yours, my accent is great stop being racist


1: what inspired you to play uu in particular?
2: what brought you to smogon and what's made it stick for you?
3: best tf2 unlockable and why?

hello top 1 user on!

1) I think one of the best parts about UU is how close the community is and how well most people get on. Something that's always been important for me was having a strong sense of community and togetherness and UU made me really feel at home, so I decided to stick around!

also i liked a lot of the pokemon in the tier heh

2) I've been on PS! since i was about 11 or 12, hanging out in some of the public rooms and modding a private one (small flex) so it was a matter of time for me to delve into competitive tiers. As for what's made it stick, there's two major reasons. I'm able to help out whoever it may be with whatever it may be and that gives me a major sense of fulfillment, and all the friends that i've made along the way and am so close to would make it very hard to leave

3) You know i play scout and that i like bonking people, so the Atomizer is probably my favorite. Also you get a triple jump which is super fucking cool and enables so much more movement than you already have with Scout. Also also!

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 9.39.44 am.png

this debuff doesn't matter a whole lot because I CAN ONLY PLAY BOTS WHYYYY

What is your favorite thing about being Australian?
What do you think is the most fun mon after shifts?
What question do you hope someone asks you in this thread?

1) my accent and the fact that people think i'm a muscular 6'4 male with chest hair in the shape of the country
2) I like Swampert a lot because of it's niche on Bulky Offense builds, being a rocker with the ability to grab momentum is super nice and lets you keep up the pressure, but Hydreigon is also super silly
3) probably more stuff about my hobbies and other interests!

now to some actual questions

1. what is the best deltarune ost and why is it cyber world
2. who is the worst deltarune character and why is it the bird guy
3. do you talk to the kangaroos daily
4. how does it feel having a wack timezone that makes it kinda hard to schedule
5. hi

1) A Cyber World is a jam but with the amount of Spamton shit posting i do in the discord you should know
2) I am a berdly fan, shh. I don't particularly have a "least favourite" since i like all of them but it'd go to the four characters in chapter one who spell out [REDACTED]
3) Yes I do. Sadly we lost one of my good pals Roger 3 years ago and i'm still trying to help out the other kangaroos get over his death but it’s valid, he was a top notch bloke

RIP ROGER - 2006-2018 :<

4) I don't play tournaments often and this is the sole reason why, i don't want to inconvenience my opponents because i live in the middle of woop woop.


Have you ever stood on a stonefish?
Have you ever boxed with a kangaroo?
Have you ever been stung by a gympie gympie plant?
Are you a [Big Shot?]

1) I have not, I have stood on a stingray though!
2) Despite numerous rumors, i have not boxed a kangaroo - i only box people or beats
3) I haven't and i am so glad i haven't, gympie gympie plants are incredibly annoying, i do not understand why they were put onto this planet and their stings are so painful and long it's terrible
4) IF YOU'VE [[Lost Control Of Your Life]], THEN YOU JUST GOTTA GRAB IT BY THE [[Silly Strings]]. WHY BE THE [[Little Sponge]] WHO HATES ITS [[$4.99]] LIFE WHEN YOU CAN BE A...

[[BIG SHOT!!!]]

[[BIG SHOT!!!!]]

[[BIG SHOT!!!!!]]

Some may say i am quite the big shot

What is love?

Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time. It is associated with a range of positive emotions, including happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, and euphoria, but it can also result in negative emotions such as jealousy and stress.

i hope this helps!
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