NU The NeverUsed League - Cycle 2 - Round 9 (Losers Bracket) - (Replays Mandatory)


art by Albi

Welcome to the second cycle of the NeverUsed League! We have decided to make the NeverUsed League count towards the 2021 NU Tournament Circuit.
This means that points earned in the NeverUsed League, together with all other NU Tournaments that count towards this Tournament Circuit, will determine who will fight in the eventual NU Tournament Circuit Playoffs. More on that can be found here.
All you really need to know is that if you do well here, you have a shot at getting a cool and highly unique ribbon.​

Here is this years format and general rules:
  • There will be 2 cycles - all of which will be standard Double Elimination SS NU Tournaments
  • All sets played will be Best of Three series
  • All points gained in the NeverUsed League will count towards the NU Tournament Circuit, and is by far the best shot you have to score lots of points to guarantee a Playoffs spot
  • Don't be toxic or show bad sportsmanship, you'll get infracted.
  • Please take your time to read the general scheduling guidelines below
  • Please schedule for your games asap and give a reasonable window of times and availability

Losers Bracket

mushamu vs. zS
vs. Wingless (GoldCat won R8)
TeamCharm vs. Elias PSY

Replays are Mandatory for this round!
If your match outcome doesn't include replays by the deadline, your match result will be determined by a coinflip.

Players are encouraged to play matches on the Smogtours server and link their games in the NeverUsed Discord so that people can spectate.

Deadline for extensions is Wednesday, November 3rd at 11:59 GMT -4
Deadline for this round is Sunday, Novemeber 7th at 11:59pm GMT-4

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