
the year is 2060. You are sitting in a holiday-themed table in a holiday-themed chatroom hosted in the in the North Atlantic Treaty Metaverse. Your grandchild's avatar hands you a rendered non-fungible token greeting card which itself incorporates Bored Ape Yacht Club non-fungible tokens into its greeting. It shows the other apes owned by other family members playing the song "Despacito." Your grandchild is excited to show you the inside of the card, which depicts them as Daddy Yankee. "It's crazy to think these apes used to be worth more than 3 yearly Muskorade fluid rations," they say, "but I saw it and thought it would be cool to give you something new that would remind you of when you were my age."

The room is suddenly filled with several avatars, each wearing orange turbans and waving orange flags. The new arrivals begin screaming racial slurs and calling you and your family infidels. You hear a voice cry out in song at maximum volume:
Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume

After the accidental nuclear-self annihilation ordered by Russian President Alexey Rogozin, the world recognised the costs of war became too difficult for humanity to bear. Following the collapse of agricultural output worldwide, the current generation of warfare instead simulates conflict in the metaverse, assailing their enemies' capabilities to retreat from the misery of contemporary life. The world is now geopolitically bipolar and divided between the Eternal Hindu Republic of India and the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance and suffers due to the hybrid conflict imposed by the EHRI and responses by NATO. Religiously-oriented chatroom raids have become commonplace during holiday seasons as they fall below the threshold for a kinetic response.

Your family continues to sit in their seats, eating their simulated food in silence. Twenty minutes pass before the turbaned avatars simultaneously disappear. The sweet angelic voice of Luis Fonsi returns to the stream. You feel the need to relieve yourself. You excuse yourself from the room, removing your metagoggles and shuffle through your fishtin apartment. You open the back flap of your VRsuit and sit on your toilet. You open a magazine on meta-interior decorating, showing you the options you can have for your very own meta-property. You clench in an attempt to shit, but are constipated from eating insect protein rations so it takes 20 more minutes before you can return to your family.

You re-enter the chatroom as the children are opening their presents: for the eldest, a new Wrangler pair of jeans non-fungible token for use in the North Atlantic Treaty Metaverse and a pass key for a meta-arcade owned by Valve-Chuck E Cheese LTD, the exclusive means to play the newly released Half-Life 3; for the youngest (who just started kindergarten), a cigar sneer non-fungible token, a ticket to the Metales concert, and a new textbook on quadratic functions. The breaking news chyron flashes on the walls: former Kushner administration ambassador Dennis Rodman has died at the age of 99, the last surviving member of the administration. Your family falls quiet in mourning. Your child says "He was a relic from a time when leadership was serious, not like the clowns we have today."

Your family say their goodbyes and log out. You take off your metagoggles again and get up from your chair, looking out the window to the smog-filled desert of America below, reflecting on how you spent the better years of your life on a Pokemon forum.
i think you wanted to describe a desolate hellscape but you also describe
- half life 3 being released by the two greatest companies ever
- insect protein rations so i can bulk
- an elon musk gatorade collab
- dennis rodman the true GOAT living till 99

so really the future sounds pretty epic. if linux is more popular than windows/macos in that reality then im sold
are people finally starting to feel nostalgic for the Wii U
now hold on what if it was never truly a bad console, just entirely misunderstood? Or, on another level, what if its intention was to be misunderstood so that it could bring ruin upon nintendo due to it having gained a conscience and, with malevolent intent, tried to destroy the company?
This is possibly one of the best dystopian short stories ever.

dystopian short story? this is the future. McDonalds bought out McAfee and became a cybersecurity company because Hindutva cyber-brigades kept raiding meta-restaurants in protest of McDonalds serving hamburger NFTs. Elon Musk owns Gatorade and piped it into every home after buying the entirety of America's infrastructure, simply because he thought it would be funny to live in a Mike Judge film.
Don't say I didn't warn you

brand personalities nft.jpg
You are sitting in a holiday-themed table in a holiday-themed chatroom hosted in the in the North Atlantic Treaty Metaverse. Your grandchild's avatar hands you a rendered non-fungible token greeting card which itself incorporates Bored Ape Yacht Club non-fungible tokens into its greeting.

can we talk about how metal this is though


Wait so does goku become the next democratic president?

being a Democrat was made illegal immediately following the 2022 elections, with support from Manchin and Sinema

i want elon musk to collaborate with mcdonalds to create the elon musk meal

this happened, but as less of a partnership and more like a hostile takeover, and less of a created meal and more like an inexplicable rebranding of the Happy Meal
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