Gen 5 Milotic (QC 2/2) (GP 2/2)


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Milotic finds a good niche in the tier through its good defensive stats, pure-Water typing, and reliable recovery. Milotic is also not overly passive due to Scald threatening a burn on switch-ins such as Ferrothorn and Tentacruel, allowing it to blanket check various threats such as Tyranitar, Gliscor, Landorus-T, Heatran, Scizor, Mamoswine, and Keldeo. However, Milotic is heavily susceptible to all forms of residual damage, often forcing it into using Recover and becoming relatively passive. The likes of Alakazam and Jirachi can easily wear it down and overwhelm it, as can threats it is supposed to check such as Mamoswine and Keldeo, with Heatran and Keldeo even possibly using Toxic to cripple Milotic. Its power is somewhat lacking against bulkier threats like Reuniclus and Jellicent. Additionally, it faces competition from other bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon, as Jellicent performs a similar niche with the added benefit of blocking Rapid Spin, Rotom-W acts as a stronger check against the likes of Excadrill and Mamoswine while keeping momentum with Volt Switch, Seismitoad is immune to Electric and Water while having more utility options such as Stealth Rock and Knock Off, and Gastrodon acts as a stronger check against Water-types such as Politoed and Keldeo while also boasting an Electric immunity.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Toxic / Refresh
item: Leftovers
ability: Marvel Scale
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA


Ice Beam is the ideal coverage move for this set, nailing Dragon-types such as Garchomp, Dragonite, and Salamence, as well as hitting Breloom, Gliscor, and Landorus-T. Toxic is great for preventing bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Gastrodon, Rotom-W, and Politoed variants that lack Refresh from switching in for free. Refresh is a great option to alleviate Milotic's vulnerability to status at the cost of losing momentum when still at low health, becoming more vulnerable to the likes of Calm Mind Latios and Quiver Dance Volcarona and making it difficult to achieve progress against bulky Water-types.

Set Details

This set fully invests in Defense to better fend off threats such as Mamoswine and Tyranitar. The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to guarantee an OHKO on Salamence with Ice Beam.

Team Options

Milotic is mostly featured on sand teams, where it acts as a defensive pivot that can easily keep itself healthy while spreading status. Milotic has great defensive synergy with Tyranitar, as Milotic retains good longevity in sand while checking Keldeo and Gliscor. In return, Tyranitar can Pursuit trap threats that can overload Milotic such as Latios, Alakazam, and Reuniclus and can set Stealth Rock and sand, bringing more residual damage to work in tandem with the status Milotic spreads. Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory appreciate Milotic switching into Fire-type moves from Pokemon such as Heatran and Tyranitar. Both of these Steel-types can bring even more residual damage to the table with Spikes, and they also check Latios and Excadrill, respectively. In a similar manner, Dragon-types such as Latios, Garchomp, and Substitute + Dragon Dance Dragonite appreciate Milotic taking Ice-type moves from the likes of Mamoswine, Heatran, and Keldeo. Latios in particular works very well with Milotic, as Choice Scarf sets can revenge kill Pokemon Milotic is unable to handle such as Volcarona and Alakazam. Breloom is able to absorb status for Milotic due to Poison Heal and check the likes of Rotom-W. Gliscor heavily appreciates Milotic taking Ice- and Water-type attacks, and in return, it provides practical status immunity with Poison Heal, an Electric immunity, Stealth Rock, and Knock Off to remove foes' Leftovers, further accentuating Milotic's chip damage. Landorus-T can set Stealth Rock and brings an Electric immunity while checking Terrakion and Excadrill. It can also use U-turn to allow Milotic to switch in with more ease more easily. Rapid Spin support from Excadrill is crucial, as entry hazards are one of the most consistent ways to chip Milotic and make its job difficult. Heatran can also set Stealth Rock and spread more status in Toxic and burn in tandem with Milotic, and it can check Thundurus-T, Jirachi, and Latios while also being a better check to Volcarona. In return, Milotic is able to stomach a solid amount of the Ground- and Water-type coverage within the tier. Magnezone can trap and remove Steel-type Pokemon such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, and Excadrill if it runs Air Balloon, preventing the former two from setting up entry hazards—further helping Milotic’s longevity—and heavily appreciating Milotic switching in on Ground- and Fire-type attacks from Pokemon such as Mamoswine, Gliscor, Landorus-T, and Heatran. Celebi appreciates Milotic coming in on Fire- and Ice-type attacks and can perform as a more consistent Keldeo check and Water-resistant Pokemon.

Other Options

Haze is an option to thwart setup sweepers such as Volcarona and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Dragon Tail acts similarly while accumulating chip damage when combined with entry hazard support.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types and Electric-type Coverage**: Rotom-W takes very little from anything Milotic can throw at it and can either cripple it with Will-O-Wisp or get free momentum with Volt Switch. Thundurus-T can easily outspeed and OHKO Milotic with its STAB Thunder, while Electric-type moves from the likes of Magnezone, Reuniclus, Starmie, and Jirachi can 2HKO Milotic after minor chip damage. However, these Pokemon need to exercise caution while switching in, as most don't appreciate either burn or Toxic.

**Status**: Burn and poison force Milotic into using Recover more often and prevent it from properly checking what it is supposed to. Paralysis makes Milotic easier to exploit for offensive Pokemon such as Breloom. However This being said, Refresh variants of Milotic are capable of handling status.

**Passive Damage**: Passive damage from entry hazards and sand can eventually overwhelm Milotic and force it into using Recover, somewhat compromising its defensive utility and making it relatively passive. Faster offensive threats such as Terrakion, Alakazam, Latios, and Volcarona can take advantage of Milotic after it has been worn down.

**Water-types**: Bulkier Water-types such as Jellicent, Politoed, Tentacruel, and Gastrodon can easily take Milotic’s hits and punish it with status. Jellicent in particular can also use Taunt to completely shut down Milotic. However, none of these options like being inflicted with status from Scald or Toxic.

**Setup Sweepers**: Powerful setup sweepers such as Agility Thundurus, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic as setup fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail and eventually overwhelm it.

**Grass-types**: Ferrothorn can switch into anything Milotic can throw at it and remove its Leftovers with Knock Off, heavily hindering its longevity, freely set entry hazards on it, or 2HKO it with Power Whip. However, despite its Toxic immunity, Ferrothorn dislikes burn, meaning it has to switch in carefully. Celebi can handle any attack Milotic throws at it and can force it out with Giga Drain. It can also heal off Milotic’s status thanks to Natural Cure. Breloom can set up on Milotic and overwhelm it with its STAB moves while only truly fearing Ice Beam.

- Written by: [[BT89, 487308]]
- Quality checked by: [[Ophion, 433215], [BluBirD252, 347088]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [dex, 277988]]
Last edited by a moderator:
Through its stupendous defensive stats and access to reliable recovery,
Stupendous is too strong, say good. Also add its pure Water typing to this list.

Milotic finds a strong niche in the tier
Make this the beginning of the sentence. Also instead of strong niche, say good niche. Milotic isn't one of the forefronts of the metagame.

Alongside this amazing bulk, Milotic is no slouch offensively either, sporting a solid base 100 Special Attack, which lets it dish out its own damage.
First of all, amazing bulk is too strong. Secondly, don't mention stats like 100 Special Attack, that's redundant dex info. Thirdly, why is this at the very beginning of the elaboration? This should be moved to later on, like the last point right before the negatives. I'd say instead of no slouch offensively, say "Milotic is also not overly passive thanks to Scald being able to threaten a burn on switch-ins like x, y, and z"

Its pure Water-typing gives Milotic good resistances to Ice- and Fire-type attacks. Access to Marvel Scale allows Milotic to at least somewhat compensate for its major weakness to status. These traits allow Milotic to act as a check against various threats such as Tyranitar, Excadrill, Gliscor, Alakazam, Reuniclus, and Mamoswine in a pinch.
How does Marvel Scale and Water typing let it check Alakazam, Gliscor, Tyranitar, or Excadrill? I prefer that you combine the thing about its bulk and this part to say it can act as a decent blanket check for attackers like Tyranitar, Landorus-T, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Heatran, Scizor, and Keldeo (removed in a pinch since you can only get 2HKO'd by Specs and then Toxic variants are bad but you'll mention that later). It doesn't do a great job checking Excadrill or Alakazam since the former flat 2HKOs and the latter's Psychic just barely doesn't 2HKO so you're forced to Recover spam, which is exploitable.
252 SpA Alakazam Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 126-148 (31.9 - 37.5%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock, 1 layer of Spikes, sandstorm damage, and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Alakazam Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 186-220 (47.2 - 55.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock, sandstorm damage, and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Sand Force Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Milotic in Sand: 201-237 (51 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery

However, Milotic is heavily susceptible to entry hazards like Spikes and Stealth Rock, in addition to status.
Change this to say residual damage as a whole since Milotic also doesn't heal in sand and lead it into how it forces Milotic to Recover often, sometimes making it passive in spite of what you say earlier. Also how it can be worn down super easily and lets the better hazard setters get layers on it and it can be easily overwhelmed by what it's supposed to check as a result of this vulnerability. Also how Pokemon it should check like Heatran and Keldeo can often run Toxic and cripple Milotic with it.

Additionally, it faces competition from bulky Water-types such as Jellicent and Seismitoad, as the former performs a similar niche to it with the added benefit of blocking Rapid Spin, and the latter has access to a wider array of supporting options and boasts an Electric-type immunity.
Also Rotom-W.

I'd also add how while it's not entirely passive, it can struggle to handle bulkier threats like Reuniclus.

Milotic is a great defensive pick, sporting great defensive stats while still having somewhat of an offensive presence.
Why is this in the moveset section? Cut this.

Scald can help Milotic in matchups versus physically oriented Pokemon such as Mamoswine with its great 30% chance to burn
We don't need to explain STABs anymore, cut this.

Ice Beam is the ideal coverage move for this set, nailing Dragon-types such as Dragonite and Salamence, as well as hitting Gliscor and Landorus-Therian exceptionally harder.
Add Garchomp to the point about Dragon-types and add a part of how it also stops Breloom from walling it.

Toxic is great for preventing bulky Water-types such as Jellicent from switching in for free and allows Milotic to stall out with Recover.
Add more Waters, namely Rotom-W, Gastrodon, and Politoed lacking Refresh. Also mention how it can punish offensive pivots like Latios. Remove this "Milotic to stall out with Recover", it isn't necessary and these Pokemon can status back so it's not even entirely true.

However, Refresh is a great option to alleviate its vulnerability to status, as well as to shrug off burns from Scald users.
Firstly, remove "as well as to shrug off Scald burns" since this implies Scald burns are a different category from status. Instead talk about the opportunity cost of no Toxic.

Add a section for Recover and say how it should attempt to stay healthy as often as possible through common use of it so it can check what it's supposed to.

Because of Milotic's already amazing natural special bulk,
Remove this, it's not needed.

this set fully invests in physical defensive to better fend off threats such as Mamoswine and Tyranitar.
Say "Defense" instead of "physical defensive" since that'll make it grammatically correct and is more consistent with other analyses.

4 EVs in Special Attack will guarantee an OHKO on uninvested Salamence variants.
Say it as "The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to guarentee an OHKO on Salamence with Ice Beam."

Milotic is mostly featured on bulky offense, where it acts as a defensive pivot that can strike back with decent power.
Why do you keep focusing on its power? It's an uninvested 100 Special Attack stat, it isn't that great. Say it acts a defensive pivot that can easily keep itself healthy while threatening to status switch-ins.

Milotic has great defensive synergy with Tyranitar, as it provides a check to threats that can overwhelm Tyranitar such as Alakazam, Reuniclus, and Keldeo in a pinch.
This is poorly written in both ways. I had to reread it multiple times to realize you didn't mistype Tyranitar in the "overwhelm Tyranitar such as..." section. Plus, Milotic, as I said before, isn't a good Alakazam check and it certainly doesn't handle Reuniclus (the other way around as a matter of fact). Retool this to say how Tyranitar Pursuit trap threats that Milotic can be overwhelmed by then keep your current list but replace Keldeo with Latios. I also want you to mention how TTar with a Chople Berry set sets up Stealth Rock to bring more residual damage that works in tandem with Milotic's Scald burns to suffocate the oppoent in passive damage.

Milotic can also use its good sustainability under Sandstorm for further chip damage.
What does Milotic check for Tyranitar? Also, uncapitalize sand and sandstorm. For residual (not chip) damage, say how Milotic appreciates sand wearing down its switch ins in tandem with burn, like x, y, and z.

Tyranitar can function as a check to Latios and Thundurus-T for Milotic.
Not really for Thund. Focus Blast pressures it a ton. Refer to the above of how you'd do this section.

Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor appreciate Milotic's ability to switch into Fire-type moves from Pokemon such as Heatran.
Mention Skarmory instead of Scizor. You're not seeing Scizor on sand much. Then talk about how Milotic benefits from each of them, saying the advantages of using one Steel over another.

In a similar manner, Dragon-types such as Latios, Garchomp, and Dragonite appreciate Milotic's ability to tank Ice-type moves from the likes of Mamoswine and Kyurem-B.
Frankly, I want Latios to have its own entry in some area of team options since it's the best mon in the tier can fit well on sand and does what Latios does. As for the rest, Specify Substitute + Dragon Dance Dragonite. Also, how is Milotic "tanking"? Tanking is usually associated with just barely holding on. Change that to "take" and replace Kyurem-B with Heatran and Keldeo, since it's only running Ice Beam out of not having a better move and is only gonna ever use it on the bulky Grounds of the tier.

These Pokemon can help Milotic avoid "stall war" scenarios.
What does this even mean? I have no clue what you're talking about. Change this to what they can do defensively or offensively (in an actually specific way, not "avoid a stall war") for Milotic.

Breloom and Gliscor are able to absorb status for Milotic due to their access to Poison Heal.
You can easily give each of these a more descriptive seperate entry than this. Make Breloom a whole sentence for itself and Gliscor can get the same. I know you mention Gliscor a sentence later but it's as part of a whole bunch, which isn't giving it enough spotlight since it and Milotic work really well together.

Ground-types such as the aforementioned Gliscor, Garchomp, and Landorus-T also appreciate Milotic's ability to tank Ice-type moves and in return, they can provide a crucial Electric-type immunity.
As I said above, Gliscor should have its own entry. Also give Landorus-T its own entry honestly since you mention Garchomp earlier on anyway.

Entry hazard supported from the likes of Ferrothorn, Landorus-T, and Excadrill is also beneficial due to them helping wear down a foe for Milotic to wear down with more ease.
Excadrill's a pretty fringe rocker in all honesty. I want you to give Excadrill its own seperate partner sentence since it's so important that it spins given Milotic's entry hazard vulnerability and the fact it's a fixture on sand anyway. As for Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, you're going to give those seperate entries as I said earlier on in this post so yea this section can be dropped.

I want you to add an entry about Heatran, it's a good partner and can do a lot such as setting Stealth Rock, spreading Toxic and burn in tandem with Milotic, and checking attackers like Thundurus-T, Alakazam, Jirachi, Latios, and being a better answer to Volcarona while Milotic can take on some of the Ground and Water-types of the tier. Also you didn't even have a point about Magnezone, which is baffling. Can also add entry for Celebi if you want since it's a better check to Keldeo and Water resist in general that can absorb status while enjoying Milotic pivoting in on Fires and Ice moves.

Haze is an option for Milotic to thwart set-up sweepers and perform as an even better check against the likes of Reuniclus.
I'd say it lets Milotic act as a better check to Volcarona and stop Calm Mind Reuniclus from getting out of hand.

Dragon Tail is an option for Milotic to act as an offensive phazer that can continuously chip foes over the course of a game with hazard support.
Offensive phazer is way overselling it. Say how it lets Milotic stop the aforementioned setup sweepers and do a bit of chip damage while also forcing more residual damage with entry hazards.

Thundurus-T and Magnezone are naturally strong Electric-types that can easily 2HKO Milotic with their STABs.
Thundurus-T very much does not just 2HKO Milotic. Mention how these Electric-types also outspeed Milotic.

Electric-type coverage from the likes of Dragonite and Jirachi can 2HKO Milotic after minor chip damage.
Dragonite doesn't run Electric coverage. Reuniclus does though. Change the sentence to say "Pokemon like Jirachi and Reunuclus" rather than "from the likes of". You also need to mention how these Pokemon (besides Reuniclus) need to be careful when coming in due to them not liking burn or Toxic.

As previously stated, Milotic thoroughly dislikes status, as it heavily limits its longevity, the most crucial thing that makes it stand out amongst its competition.
Cut all of this. It's all unnecessary fluff that doesn't belong.

Will-O-Wisp users such as Jellicent and Gengar can overwhelm Milotic with their status and impede its ability to check teammates later in the game.
Just keep it to how the statuses themselves cripple Milotic than entries like this. Think something like "Burn forces Milotic to Recover a lot more often and less able to check what it's supposed to". In this case, you can merge burn and poison into this.

Pokemon that it is supposed to check, such as Heatran and Keldeo, can also pack Toxic for it.
Same thing as above. Stuff about how Heatran and Keldeo can hit it with Toxic should be a point in the overview about how what it's supposed to check can cripple it with status. You also lack a paralysis section.

and Marvel Scale means that Milotic gets a defense boost upon being inflicted with status.
Yeah, and so what? You just pointing it out isn't give the reader an idea of how it's a good or even how it makes getting status'd slightly less bad.

Keldeo can overwhelm Milotic, landing a 2HKO on it with Secret Sword.
Only Specs does this. I prefer you focus more on the bulky Waters.

Bulkier Water-types such as Jellicent, Tentacruel, and Gastrodon can stomach Milotic’s hits and punish it back with Toxic, or in Jellicent's case, Taunt.
Add Politoed to this list. Jellicent doesn't run Toxic. Change this to punishing it back with status. Then say as a seperate sentence how Jellicent can Taunt to stop Milotic cold.

However, none of these options besides Tentacruel particularly like switching in on Toxic.
None of them like taking status at all really. Even Tentacruel doesn't exactly love taking burn.

**Set-Up Sweepers**: Powerful set up sweepers such as Agility Thundurus and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail as fodder and eventually overwhelm it with repeated hits.
You need to add Calm Mind Reuniclus here. This section is basically made for it. Also, restructure this sentence to be "Setup sweepers such as Agility Thundurus, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic as setup fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail and eventually overwhelm it with repeated hits." Also, if you're gonna mention Volcarona below, maybe add it to this list too.

**Faster Threats**: Milotic’s vulnerability to hazard damage can compromise its defensive utility. This means that faster offensive threats such as Terrakion and Volcarona can take advantage of Milotic after it has been worn down.
Just say Milotic's vulnerability to passive damage can make faster Pokemon like Terrakion, Alakazam, Latios, and Keldeo more able to overwhelm it.

I want you to add a Grass-type section and a passive damage section to this area of the analysis.

Lmk when you implement and I'll take another look before I 1/2. This needs a lot of work.
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Stupendous is too strong, say good. Also add its pure Water typing to this list.

Make this the beginning of the sentence. Also instead of strong niche, say good niche. Milotic isn't one of the forefronts of the metagame.

First of all, amazing bulk is too strong. Secondly, don't mention stats like 100 Special Attack, that's redundant dex info. Thirdly, why is this at the very beginning of the elaboration? This should be moved to later on, like the last point right before the negatives. I'd say instead of no slouch offensively, say "Milotic is also not overly passive thanks to Scald being able to threaten a burn on switch-ins like x, y, and z"

How does Marvel Scale and Water typing let it check Alakazam, Gliscor, Tyranitar, or Excadrill? I prefer that you combine the thing about its bulk and this part to say it can act as a decent blanket check for attackers like Tyranitar, Landorus-T, Gliscor, Mamoswine, Heatran, Scizor, and Keldeo (removed in a pinch since you can only get 2HKO'd by Specs and then Toxic variants are bad but you'll mention that later). It doesn't do a great job checking Excadrill or Alakazam since the former flat 2HKOs and the latter's Psychic just barely doesn't 2HKO so you're forced to Recover spam, which is exploitable.
252 SpA Alakazam Psychic vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 126-148 (31.9 - 37.5%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock, 1 layer of Spikes, sandstorm damage, and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Alakazam Grass Knot (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 186-220 (47.2 - 55.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock, sandstorm damage, and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Sand Force Excadrill Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Milotic in Sand: 201-237 (51 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery

Change this to say residual damage as a whole since Milotic also doesn't heal in sand and lead it into how it forces Milotic to Recover often, sometimes making it passive in spite of what you say earlier. Also how it can be worn down super easily and lets the better hazard setters get layers on it and it can be easily overwhelmed by what it's supposed to check as a result of this vulnerability. Also how Pokemon it should check like Heatran and Keldeo can often run Toxic and cripple Milotic with it.

Also Rotom-W.

I'd also add how while it's not entirely passive, it can struggle to handle bulkier threats like Reuniclus.

Why is this in the moveset section? Cut this.

We don't need to explain STABs anymore, cut this.

Add Garchomp to the point about Dragon-types and add a part of how it also stops Breloom from walling it.

Add more Waters, namely Rotom-W, Gastrodon, and Politoed lacking Refresh. Also mention how it can punish offensive pivots like Latios. Remove this "Milotic to stall out with Recover", it isn't necessary and these Pokemon can status back so it's not even entirely true.

Firstly, remove "as well as to shrug off Scald burns" since this implies Scald burns are a different category from status. Instead talk about the opportunity cost of no Toxic.

Add a section for Recover and say how it should attempt to stay healthy as often as possible through common use of it so it can check what it's supposed to.

Remove this, it's not needed.

Say "Defense" instead of "physical defensive" since that'll make it grammatically correct and is more consistent with other analyses.

Say it as "The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to guarentee an OHKO on Salamence with Ice Beam."

Why do you keep focusing on its power? It's an uninvested 100 Special Attack stat, it isn't that great. Say it acts a defensive pivot that can easily keep itself healthy while threatening to status switch-ins.

This is poorly written in both ways. I had to reread it multiple times to realize you didn't mistype Tyranitar in the "overwhelm Tyranitar such as..." section. Plus, Milotic, as I said before, isn't a good Alakazam check and it certainly doesn't handle Reuniclus (the other way around as a matter of fact). Retool this to say how Tyranitar Pursuit trap threats that Milotic can be overwhelmed by then keep your current list but replace Keldeo with Latios. I also want you to mention how TTar with a Chople Berry set sets up Stealth Rock to bring more residual damage that works in tandem with Milotic's Scald burns to suffocate the oppoent in passive damage.

What does Milotic check for Tyranitar? Also, uncapitalize sand and sandstorm. For residual (not chip) damage, say how Milotic appreciates sand wearing down its switch ins in tandem with burn, like x, y, and z.

Not really for Thund. Focus Blast pressures it a ton. Refer to the above of how you'd do this section.

Mention Skarmory instead of Scizor. You're not seeing Scizor on sand much. Then talk about how Milotic benefits from each of them, saying the advantages of using one Steel over another.

Frankly, I want Latios to have its own entry in some area of team options since it's the best mon in the tier can fit well on sand and does what Latios does. As for the rest, Specify Substitute + Dragon Dance Dragonite. Also, how is Milotic "tanking"? Tanking is usually associated with just barely holding on. Change that to "take" and replace Kyurem-B with Heatran and Keldeo, since it's only running Ice Beam out of not having a better move and is only gonna ever use it on the bulky Grounds of the tier.

What does this even mean? I have no clue what you're talking about. Change this to what they can do defensively or offensively (in an actually specific way, not "avoid a stall war") for Milotic.

You can easily give each of these a more descriptive seperate entry than this. Make Breloom a whole sentence for itself and Gliscor can get the same. I know you mention Gliscor a sentence later but it's as part of a whole bunch, which isn't giving it enough spotlight since it and Milotic work really well together.

As I said above, Gliscor should have its own entry. Also give Landorus-T its own entry honestly since you mention Garchomp earlier on anyway.

Excadrill's a pretty fringe rocker in all honesty. I want you to give Excadrill its own seperate partner sentence since it's so important that it spins given Milotic's entry hazard vulnerability and the fact it's a fixture on sand anyway. As for Ferrothorn and Landorus-T, you're going to give those seperate entries as I said earlier on in this post so yea this section can be dropped.

I want you to add an entry about Heatran, it's a good partner and can do a lot such as setting Stealth Rock, spreading Toxic and burn in tandem with Milotic, and checking attackers like Thundurus-T, Alakazam, Jirachi, Latios, and being a better answer to Volcarona while Milotic can take on some of the Ground and Water-types of the tier. Also you didn't even have a point about Magnezone, which is baffling. Can also add entry for Celebi if you want since it's a better check to Keldeo and Water resist in general that can absorb status while enjoying Milotic pivoting in on Fires and Ice moves.

I'd say it lets Milotic act as a better check to Volcarona and stop Calm Mind Reuniclus from getting out of hand.

Offensive phazer is way overselling it. Say how it lets Milotic stop the aforementioned setup sweepers and do a bit of chip damage while also forcing more residual damage with entry hazards.

Thundurus-T very much does not just 2HKO Milotic. Mention how these Electric-types also outspeed Milotic.

Dragonite doesn't run Electric coverage. Reuniclus does though. Change the sentence to say "Pokemon like Jirachi and Reunuclus" rather than "from the likes of". You also need to mention how these Pokemon (besides Reuniclus) need to be careful when coming in due to them not liking burn or Toxic.

Cut all of this. It's all unnecessary fluff that doesn't belong.

Just keep it to how the statuses themselves cripple Milotic than entries like this. Think something like "Burn forces Milotic to Recover a lot more often and less able to check what it's supposed to". In this case, you can merge burn and poison into this.

Same thing as above. Stuff about how Heatran and Keldeo can hit it with Toxic should be a point in the overview about how what it's supposed to check can cripple it with status. You also lack a paralysis section.

Yeah, and so what? You just pointing it out isn't give the reader an idea of how it's a good or even how it makes getting status'd slightly less bad.

Only Specs does this. I prefer you focus more on the bulky Waters.

Add Politoed to this list. Jellicent doesn't run Toxic. Change this to punishing it back with status. Then say as a seperate sentence how Jellicent can Taunt to stop Milotic cold.

None of them like taking status at all really. Even Tentacruel doesn't exactly love taking burn.

You need to add Calm Mind Reuniclus here. This section is basically made for it. Also, restructure this sentence to be "Setup sweepers such as Agility Thundurus, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic as setup fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail and eventually overwhelm it with repeated hits." Also, if you're gonna mention Volcarona below, maybe add it to this list too.

Just say Milotic's vulnerability to passive damage can make faster Pokemon like Terrakion, Alakazam, Latios, and Keldeo more able to overwhelm it.

I want you to add a Grass-type section and a passive damage section to this area of the analysis.

Lmk when you implement and I'll take another look before I 1/2. This needs a lot of work.

Hey, this looks fine for the most part.
Here's what i would change.
can use Milotic as set up fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail as fodder
Rephrase this sentence since you're using the word fodder twice.

I'd also like you to mention the downsides of using Refresh, like how it costs you momentum while still keeping you low on health or how you're utterly helpless vs pokemon like CM Latios and Volcarona that will be able to set up on you as well as how it deprives milotic of any chance at making meaningful progress vs defensive waters.

Lastly you should put Excadrill on the "Team Options" list and expand a bit on it since Milotic borderline mandates spin support since it tends to invite spikes which will result in Milotic not performing it's niche as it should.

That would be all, let me know when you implement these and you'll be good to go for the 2/2!
Last edited:
Hey, this looks fine for the most part.
Here's what i would change.

Rephrase this sentence since you're using the word fodder twice.

I'd also like you to mention the downsides of using Refresh, like how it costs you momentum while still keeping you low on health or how you're utterly helpless vs pokemon like CM Latios and Volcarona that will be able to set up on you as well as how it deprives milotic of any chance at making meaningful progress vs defensive waters.

Lastly you should put Excadrill on the "Team Options" list and expand a bit on it since Milotic borderline mandates spin support since it tends to invite spikes which will result in Milotic not performing it's niche as it should.

That would be all, let me know when you implement these and you'll be good to go for the 2/2!

implemented, thanks!
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(AC)/(RC): Add/Remove Comma

[OVERVIEW] (removed extra line other)
Milotic finds a good niche in the tier through its good defensive stats, pure-Water typing, and access to reliable recovery. Milotic is also not overly passive due to Scald threatening a burn on switch-ins such as Ferrothorn and Tentacruel, allowing Milotic to act as a blanket check against it to blanket check various threats such as Tyranitar, Gliscor, Landorus-T, Heatran, Scizor, Mamoswine, and Keldeo. However, Milotic is heavily susceptible to all forms of residual damage, often forcing it into using Recover and becoming relatively passive. This susceptibility means that it is easily worn down and overwhelmed by The likes of Alakazam and Jirachi, as well as Jirachi can easily wear it down and overwhelm it, as can threats it is supposed to check such as Mamoswine and Keldeo, with Heatran and Keldeo even being able to use possibly using Toxic to overwhelm Milotic. While it is not entirely passive, its power can be Its power is somewhat lacking against bulkier threats like Reuniclus and Jellicent. Additionally, it faces competition from bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon, as Jellicent performs a similar niche to it with the added benefit of blocking Rapid Spin, Rotom-W acts as a stronger check against the likes of Excadrill and Mamoswine while keeping momentum with Volt Switch, Seismitoad boasts an Electric- and Water-type immunity, and has a wider array of Electric and Water immunities while having more utility options such as Stealth Rock and Knock Off, and Gastrodon acts as a stronger check towards Water-types such as Politoed and Keldeo while also boasting an Electric-type immunity.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Toxic / Refresh
item: Leftovers
ability: Marvel Scale
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA


Ice Beam is the ideal coverage move for this set, nailing Dragon-types such as Garchomp, Dragonite, and Salamence, as well as hitting Breloom, Gliscor, and Landorus-T. Toxic is great for preventing bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Gastrodon, Rotom-W, and Politoed variants that lack Refresh from switching in for free. Refresh is a great option to alleviate its Milotic's vulnerability to status at the cost of losing momentum while still being when still at low health, becoming more vulnerable to the likes of Calm Mind Latios and Quiver Dance Volcarona, and making it difficult to achieve progress against bulky Water-types.

Set Details

This set fully invests in Defense to better fend off threats such as Mamoswine and Tyranitar. The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to guarantee an OHKO on Salamence with Ice Beam.

Team Options

Milotic is mostly featured on sand teams, where it acts as a defensive pivot that can easily keep itself healthy while spreading status. Milotic has great defensive synergy with Tyranitar, as Milotic can also use its good sustainability under sandstorm to spread status with more ease while acting as a check to retains good longevity in sand while checking Keldeo and Gliscor. In return, Tyranitar can Pursuit trap threats that can overload Milotic such as Latios, Alakazam, and Reuniclus and can set Stealth Rock and Sandstorm, sand, bringing more residual damage to work in tandem with the status Milotic spreads. Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory appreciate Milotic's ability to switch Milotic switching into Fire-type moves from Pokemon such as Heatran and Fire Blast variants of Tyranitar. Both of the aforementioned Pokemon Steel-types can bring even more residual damage to the table in access to with Spikes, and can also provide a check to they also check Latios and Excadrill, (AC) respectively. In a similar manner, Dragon-types such as Latios, Garchomp, and Substitute + Dragon Dance variants of Dragonite appreciate Milotic's ability to take Milotic taking Ice-type moves from the likes of Mamoswine, Heatran, and Keldeo. Latios in particular works very well with Milotic, as Choice Scarf sets are able to can revenge kill Pokemon Milotic is unable to handle such as Volcarona and Alakazam. Breloom is able to absorb status for Milotic due to its access to Poison Heal and can provide a check to check the likes of Rotom-W. Gliscor heavily appreciates Milotic's ability to take Milotic taking Ice- and Water-type attacks, and in return, can provide what is essentially a status immunity in the form of it provides practical status immunity with Poison Heal, an Electric-type immunity, access to Stealth Rock, and the ability to remove opponent's Leftovers in Knock Off, Knock Off to remove foes' Leftovers, further accentuating Milotic's chip damage. Landorus-T can set Stealth Rock and act as an Electric-type immunity while acting as a check to brings an Electric immunity while checking Terrakion and Excadrill. It can also use U-turn to allow Milotic to switch in with more ease. Rapid Spin support from Excadrill is crucial, as it allows Milotic to do its job more consistently through the removal of hazards, entry hazards are one of the most consistent ways to chip Milotic and make its job difficult. Heatran can also set Stealth Rock and spread more status in Toxic and burn in tandem with Milotic, (AC) and perform as a check to it can check Thundurus-T, Jirachi, and Latios while also performing as being a better check to Volcarona. In return, Milotic is able to stomach a solid amount of the Ground- and Water-type coverage within the tier. Magnezone can trap and remove Steel-type Pokemon such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, (AC) and Excadrill if it runs Air Balloon, preventing the former two from setting up entry hazards—further helping Milotic’s longevity—and heavily appreciates Milotic’s ability to switch Milotic switching in on Ground- and Fire-type attacks from Pokemon such as Mamoswine, Gliscor, Landorus-T, and Heatran. Celebi appreciates Milotic's ability to come Milotic coming in on Fire- and Ice-type attacks and can perform as a better Keldeo check and a more consistent Water-type resistant more consistent Keldeo check and Water-resistant (I imagine this still makes sense?) Pokemon.

Other Options

Haze is an option for Milotic to thwart set-up to thwart setup sweepers such as Volcarona and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Dragon Tail is an option for Milotic to stop the aforementioned setup sweepers Dragon Tail acts similarly while accumulating chip damage when combined with entry hazard support.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types and Electric-type Moves**: Rotom-Wash takes very little from anything Milotic can throw at it and can either cripple it with Will-O-Wisp or get free momentum with Volt Switch. Thundurus-T can easily outspeed and OHKO Milotic with its STAB Thunder, (AC) while Electric-type moves from the likes of Magnezone, Reuniclus, Starmie, and Jirachi can 2HKO Milotic after minor chip damage. However, these Pokemon need to exercise caution while switching in, as they most don't appreciate either burn or Toxic.

**Status**: Burn and poison force Milotic into using Recover more often and prevent it from being able to properly check properly checking what it is supposed to. Paralysis makes Milotic easier to exploit for offensive Pokemon such as Breloom. However, Refresh variants of Milotic are capable of handling status.

**Passive Damage**: Passive damage from entry hazards and sand can eventually overwhelm Milotic and force it into using Recover, somewhat compromising its defensive utility and forcing it into a relatively passive state. This means that making it relatively passive. Faster offensive threats such as Terrakion, Alakazam, Latios, and Volcarona can take advantage of Milotic after it has been worn down.

**Water-types**: Bulkier Water-types such as Jellicent, Politoed, Tentacruel, and Gastrodon can easily take Milotic’s hits and punish it back with status. Jellicent in particular can also use Taunt to completely shut down Milotic. However, none of these options like being inflicted with status from Scald or Toxic.

**Set-Up Setup Sweepers**: Powerful setup sweepers such as Agility Thundurus, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic as set up setup fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail and eventually overwhelm it with repeated hits.

**Grass-types**: Ferrothorn can switch into anything Milotic can throw at it (RC) and can either remove its Leftovers with Knock Off, heavily hindering its longevity, use it as set up fodder with freely set entry hazards, or 2HKO it with Power Whip. However, despite its Toxic immunity, Ferrothorn dislikes burn, meaning it has to exercise caution while switching in. switch in carefully. Celebi can handle any attack Milotic throws at it and can threaten force it out with Giga Drain. It can also heal off Milotic’s status thanks to Natural Cure. Breloom can set up on Milotic and overwhelm it with its STAB moves while only truly fearing Ice Beam from Milotic.

- Written by: [[BT89, 487308]]
- Quality checked by: [[Ophion, 433215], [BluBirD252, 347088]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [ , ]]
1/2. however please be mindful w wordiness; continual use of "acting as a check to" "its access to" "ability to", etc. combined to make particularly team options longer than it needed to be
GP Check
blue = add
red = delete
green = comments

Milotic finds a good niche in the tier through its good defensive stats, pure-Water typing, and reliable recovery. Milotic is also not overly passive due to Scald threatening a burn on switch-ins such as Ferrothorn and Tentacruel, allowing it to blanket check various threats such as Tyranitar, Gliscor, Landorus-T, Heatran, Scizor, Mamoswine, and Keldeo. However, Milotic is heavily susceptible to all forms of residual damage, often forcing it into using Recover and becoming relatively passive. The likes of Alakazam and Jirachi can easily wear it down and overwhelm it, as can threats it is supposed to check such as Mamoswine and Keldeo, with Heatran and Keldeo even possibly using Toxic to overwhelm cripple Milotic. Its power is somewhat lacking against bulkier threats like Reuniclus and Jellicent. Additionally, it faces competition from other bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon, as Jellicent performs a similar niche with the added benefit of blocking Rapid Spin, Rotom-W acts as a stronger check against the likes of Excadrill and Mamoswine while keeping momentum with Volt Switch, Seismitoad boasts Electric and Water immunities is immune to Electric and Water while having more utility options such as Stealth Rock and Knock Off, and Gastrodon acts as a stronger check towards against Water-types such as Politoed and Keldeo while also boasting an Electric immunity.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Recover
move 2: Scald
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Toxic / Refresh
item: Leftovers
ability: Marvel Scale
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA


Ice Beam is the ideal coverage move for this set, nailing Dragon-types such as Garchomp, Dragonite, and Salamence, as well as hitting Breloom, Gliscor, and Landorus-T. Toxic is great for preventing bulky Water-types such as Jellicent, Gastrodon, Rotom-W, and Politoed variants that lack Refresh from switching in for free. Refresh is a great option to alleviate Milotic's vulnerability to status at the cost of losing momentum when still at low health, becoming more vulnerable to the likes of Calm Mind Latios and Quiver Dance Volcarona (remove comma) and making it difficult to achieve progress against bulky Water-types.

Set Details

This set fully invests in Defense to better fend off threats such as Mamoswine and Tyranitar. The remaining EVs are put into Special Attack to guarantee an OHKO on Salamence with Ice Beam.

Team Options

Milotic is mostly featured on sand teams, where it acts as a defensive pivot that can easily keep itself healthy while spreading status. Milotic has great defensive synergy with Tyranitar, as Milotic retains good longevity in sand while checking Keldeo and Gliscor. In return, Tyranitar can Pursuit trap threats that can overload Milotic such as Latios, Alakazam, and Reuniclus and can set Stealth Rock and sand, bringing more residual damage to work in tandem with the status Milotic spreads. Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory appreciate Milotic switching into Fire-type moves from Pokemon such as Heatran and Tyranitar. Both (add space) of these Steel-types can bring even more residual damage to the table with Spikes, and they also check Latios and Excadrill, respectively. In a similar manner, Dragon-types such as Latios, Garchomp, and Substitute + Dragon Dance Dragonite appreciate Milotic taking Ice-type moves from the likes of Mamoswine, Heatran, and Keldeo. Latios in particular works very well with Milotic, as Choice Scarf sets can revenge kill Pokemon Milotic is unable to handle such as Volcarona and Alakazam. Breloom is able to absorb status for Milotic due to Poison Heal and check the likes of Rotom-W. Gliscor heavily appreciates Milotic taking Ice- and Water-type attacks, and in return, it provides practical status immunity with Poison Heal, an Electric immunity, Stealth Rock, and Knock Off to remove foes' Leftovers, further accentuating Milotic's chip damage. Landorus-T can set Stealth Rock and brings an Electric immunity while checking Terrakion and Excadrill. It can also use U-turn to allow Milotic to switch in with more ease more easily. Rapid Spin support from Excadrill is crucial, as entry hazards are one of the most consistent ways to chip Milotic and make its job difficult. Heatran can also set Stealth Rock and spread more status in Toxic and burn in tandem with Milotic, and it can check Thundurus-T, Jirachi, and Latios while also being a better check to Volcarona. In return, Milotic is able to stomach a solid amount of the Ground- and Water-type coverage within the tier. Magnezone can trap and remove Steel-type Pokemon such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, and Excadrill if it runs Air Balloon, preventing the former two from setting up entry hazards—further helping Milotic’s longevity—and heavily appreciates appreciating Milotic switching in on Ground- and Fire-type attacks from Pokemon such as Mamoswine, Gliscor, Landorus-T, and Heatran. Celebi appreciates Milotic coming in on Fire- and Ice-type attacks and can perform as a more consistent Keldeo check and Water-resistant Pokemon.

Other Options

Haze is an option to thwart setup sweepers such as Volcarona and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Dragon Tail acts similarly while accumulating chip damage when combined with entry hazard support.

Checks and Counters

**Electric-types and Electric-type Moves Coverage**: Rotom-W takes very little from anything Milotic can throw at it and can either cripple it with Will-O-Wisp or get free momentum with Volt Switch. Thundurus-T can easily outspeed and OHKO Milotic with its STAB Thunder, while Electric-type moves from the likes of Magnezone, Reuniclus, Starmie, and Jirachi can 2HKO Milotic after minor chip damage. However, these Pokemon need to exercise caution while switching in, as most don't appreciate either burn or Toxic.

**Status**: Burn and poison force Milotic into using Recover more often and prevent it from properly checking what it is supposed to. Paralysis makes Milotic easier to exploit for offensive Pokemon such as Breloom. However This being said, Refresh variants of Milotic are capable of handling status.

**Passive Damage**: Passive damage from entry hazards and sand can eventually overwhelm Milotic and force it into using Recover, somewhat compromising its defensive utility and making it relatively passive. Faster offensive threats such as Terrakion, Alakazam, Latios, and Volcarona can take advantage of Milotic after it has been worn down.

**Water-types**: Bulkier Water-types such as Jellicent, Politoed, Tentacruel, and Gastrodon can easily take Milotic’s hits and punish it with status. Jellicent in particular can also use Taunt to completely shut down Milotic. However, none of these options like being inflicted with status from Scald or Toxic.

**Setup Sweepers**: Powerful setup sweepers such as Agility Thundurus, Calm Mind Reuniclus, and Calm Mind Jirachi can use Milotic as setup fodder if it lacks the rare Haze or Dragon Tail and eventually overwhelm it.

**Grass-types**: Ferrothorn can switch into anything Milotic can throw at it and remove its Leftovers with Knock Off, heavily hindering its longevity, freely set entry hazards on it, or 2HKO it with Power Whip. However, despite its Toxic immunity, Ferrothorn dislikes burn, meaning it has to switch in carefully. Celebi can handle any attack Milotic throws at it and can force it out with Giga Drain. It can also heal off Milotic’s status thanks to Natural Cure. Breloom can set up on Milotic and overwhelm it with its STAB moves while only truly fearing Ice Beam.

- Written by: [[BT89, 487308]]
- Quality checked by: [[Ophion, 433215], [BluBirD252, 347088]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [dex, 277988]]