Pet Mod Return to Orre - Slate 1: A Dire Situation

Ema Skye

:ho-oh: :espeon: Return to Orre :lugia: :umbreon:

This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. To bulk out the list a bit more, I have expanded the list to include Gen 4+ evolutions, branched evolutions as well as the Fairy-type. As part of the process, Shadow moves from XD will be turned into usable moves and distributed to Pokemon in the mod. Shadow-type is not part of the mod.

Our slates will also involve buffs/nerfs to Pokemon in the Pokemon here as there's a lot of variety (Ho-oh and Ledian in the same format...). We aren't going to have an Ubers tier so some obviously strong Pokemon will be getting nerfed.

This will be a Nat Dex mod so Megas are here too. Unlike Hoenn Gaiden, this is a Gen 8 mod so all existing moves, abilities and items are here. We are left with a micrometa with 158 Pokemon and a further 22 Mega Evolutions, for a total of 180 Pokemon.

Pokemon selection is:
  • The Shadow Pokemon List
  • The PokeSpot Encounters
  • The Beta Shadow Pokemon (Minun, Kecleon, Castform, Whiscash, Wobbuffet, Grumpig and Wailord)
  • Eeveelutions
  • Gift Plusle
  • Reward Ho-Oh
  • Regional Variants of Pokemon already included (Alolan Raticate, Sandslash, Ninetales, Dugtrio, Persian, Muk, Exeggutor and Marowak; Galarian Rapidash, Sirfetch'd, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, as well as Perrserker)
Pokemon Change Rules
  • BST changes by +/- 80
  • No Customs
  • No Type Changes
  • Changes should consider the Pokemon's (attempted) role
  • No limit on new moves (moves cannot be removed)
  • Abilities may be changed.
Pokemon Name:
Role: (e.g. sweeper that relies on x set-up move, special attacker for y type). Again, do not stray too far from the roles they were initially meant to occupy.
Stat Changes (If Any):
Ability Changes (If Any):
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: This is the most important part of any submission. I'm not expecting a thesis paper, but you need to provide some pretty compelling reasoning for why when building a team one would use this Pokemon over other options. For example, if you're trying to buff Blastoise, you need to explain to me what substantial niches your submission has over other Shell Smash sweepers and/or bulky Waters depending on which aspect you want to focus on. "Oh it has x coverage move which can hit y for a bit more damage than other mons" is not good enough.

Spreadsheet / - / Discord

Ema Skye
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:delibird: :smeargle: :farfetch'd: :sableye: :sableye-mega: :mawile: :mawile-mega: :ledian:

(yes, it's not an Ema Skye meta if Ledian doesn't get buffed right off the bat)

These 6 Pokemon have the lowest BST in the meta (all with BSTs of 390 or lower!), which suggests that they are most in need of buffs. Please use the template in the OP for submissions, keeping in mind the rules above.

On Megas:
Sableye and Mawile have their megas submitted with them as a pair. If you change the BST of the base form, the BST of the mega must change as a result (always equaling a gain of 100 points). Megas can have their second type changed. Everything else for rules is otherwise the same.

On Regional Forms:
Farfetch'd-Galar is in this meta, but as Sirfetch'd is as well, Sirfetch'd is not part of this slate. BST changes to Farfetch'd will apply to Farfetch'd-Galar as well.

On Delibird
Delibird may have an increase of up to 130 to reflect its lower BST (capping at 460 BST).
Not going to touch Mawile since I feel like their Mega is already viable as is.

Pokemon Name: Delibird
Role: Physical Sweeper / Offensive Pivot
Stat Changes: 60 HP (+15) / 115 Atk (+60) / 50 Def (+5) / 65 SpA / 50 SpD (+5) / 120 Speed (+45) [BST: 460]
Ability Changes: Insomnia replaced by Magic Guard
Movepool Changes: Added = Drain Punch, Hone Claws, U-Turn
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Delibird’s official base stats are horrid, making it the Luvdisc of Johto. Upon checking their movepool and Hustle, I figured out it was meant to be physical inclined, and Ice is meant to be a glass cannon by concept, so here we are.

Magic Guard refers Santa Claus as a magical elder, with the “Christmas magic” and all that too. It also allows Delibird to soak up Toxic and even better, completely ignoring Stealth Rock, balancing the horrid defensive typing and frailness still present. Delibird can thus use Defog or Rapid Spin without needing of wearing Heavy Duty Boot, and can freely run Choice Scarf or Life Orb. Seed Bomb, Drill Run, Drain Punch / Brick Break / Focus Punch and Gunk Shot gives a surprisingly impressive coverage, but it can’t run all that in one moveset. Alternativrly, it can also serve as a pivot with setting up Spikes, inflicting Memento on the opponent, or pressure with Destiny Bond.

Pokemon Name: Smeargle
Role: Disruptor / Hazard Setter / Cleric / Support
Stat Changes: 65 HP (+10) / 20 Atk / 85 Def (+50) / 20 SpA / 85 SpD (+40) / 55 Speed (-20) [BST: 330]
Ability Changes: None
Movepool Changes: None
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Smeargle does Smeargle things, but with little bit better bulk and slower Speed most likely because of Spore. There isn’t any Normal-type Pokémon that can use Spore, setting up Sticky Web, Stealth Rock or Toxic Spikes, or setting up Reflect or Light Screen.

Pokemon Name: Farfetch’d
Role: Physical wallbreaker / Physical sweeper
Stat Changes: 62 HP (+10) / 100 Atk (+10) / 55 Def / 58 SpA / 62 SpD / 90 Speed (+30) [BST: 427]
Ability Changes: Keen Eye replaced by Super Luck
Movepool Changes: None
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Keeping true to it’s crit-centered gimmick with Leek, Super Luck is an option for much more consistent critting. It already have moves like Leaf Blade and Close Combat as coverage moves, which is already league ahead of pre-Gen 4 Normal / Flying Pokémon like Fearow. It compete with Dodrio who have higher Speed and slightly higher base Attack.

Pokemon Name: Ledian
Role: Cleric / Iron Fist Physical Attacker
Stat Changes: 55 HP / 105 Atk (+70) / 50 Def / 40 SpA (-15) / 110 SpD / 110 Speed (+25) [BST: 470]
Ability Changes: Swarm replaced by Unburden
Movepool Changes: Fire Punch, Heal Bell and Close Combat added
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Obligatory viable Iron Fist Ledian, but if you want to risk with the dismal defensive typing and Rock weakness, then Unburden will help out with boosting it’s already buffed speed to insane level. It can also use U-Turn to get out of unfavorable match-ups as well.

Pokemon Name: Sableye
Role: Special Wall / Disruptor
Stat Changes: 70 HP (+20) / 55 Atk (-20) / 55 Def (-20) / 85 SpA (+20) / 105 SpD (+40) / 50 Speed [BST: 420]
Ability Changes: Keen Eye replaced by Contrary
Movepool Changes: Mirror Coat added
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Usual Sableye stuff, but physical and special stats are swapped to be more distinct from standard Mawile.

Pokemon Name: Mega Sableye
Role: Physical Wall / Disruptor
Stat Changes: 70 HP (+20) / 95 Atk (+10) / 135 Def (+10) / 85 SpA / 85 SpD (-40) / 50 Speed (+30) [BST: 520]
Ability Changes: Unchanged
Movepool Changes: Mirror Coat
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Nerfed Special Defense means it won’t be able to rely on Calm Mind as it’s Special Attack wasn‘t rised either, leaving it’s physical bulk as the primary usage of this Mega wall.
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Pokemon Name: Mawile
Role: wall, Sheer Force breaker
Stat Changes (If Any): +10 HP / +20 SpD / +15 Spe (60/85/85/55/75/65)
Ability Changes (If Any):
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:
As our only Steel/Fairy in the format, Mawile combines two rare types (one of 10 Steels; one of 6 Fairies) into one package. Base Mawile can be a decent wall with its typing and Intimidate, with access to SR, KOff and Super Fang to chip Pokemon. Offensive sets again appreciate its typing, with both dual STAB options getting the Sheer Force boost.

Pokemon Name: Mawile-Mega
Role: physical breaker
Stat Changes (If Any): 60/105/125/75/95/65
Ability Changes (If Any): Sheer Force
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:
Huge Power seems a bit crazy here, especially with the stat boosts from its base form. Sheer Force is still going to hit hard, and the boost to its SpA gives it the opportunity to use its vast special movepool.

Pokemon Name: Ledian
Role: supportive pivot, special breaker
Stat Changes (If Any): 95 (+40) / 25 (-10) / 70 (+20) / 85 (+30) / 110 / 85 [460 BST]
Ability Changes (If Any): Swarm / Early Bird / Magic Guard
Movepool Changes (If Any): Tail Glow
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: We don't have any Magic Guard mons in this format, and a mon that is normally 4x weak to SR presents a good option to have it. Offensive sets have LO + Tail Glow for damage, but I went for a bulky pivot route instead to take advantage of Knock Off, U-Turn and Defog support.

Pokemon Name: Delibird
Role: HO lead, Hazard control, Spinner
Stat Changes (If Any): 55 / 65 / 65 / 90 / 65 / 100 [460 BST]
Ability Changes (If Any): Insomnia / Snow Warning / Refrigerate
Movepool Changes (If Any): Lovely Kiss, Taunt, Hyper Voice
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Competition to Alolatales as a Veil setter, with a more reliable sleep move as well as Spikes to push the HO forward. Ice-type Spin is also cool in ensuring nothing can stop it from spinning, with Hyper Voice being a good counterpart to Blizzard on sets lacking Snow Warning.

Pokemon Name: Farfetch'd
Role: Crit machine
Stat Changes (If Any): 72 / 90 / 75 / 58 / 82 / 80
Ability Changes (If Any): Defiant / Super Luck / Sniper
Movepool Changes (If Any): Psycho Cut, Cross Chop
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Super Luck + Stick = you pretty much always crit. Compensates for the duck's lack of everything else.

Pokemon Name: Sableye
Role: Defensive tank, status spread, spinblocker, Prankster
Stat Changes (If Any): 50 / 75 / 75 / 65 / 85 / 50 (410 BST)
Ability Changes (If Any): Prankster / Keen Eye / Stall
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: As our only Prankster mon outside of Murkrow and Mega Banette, Sableye will always have a niche in Prankster shenanigans. A buff to its SpD should improve its consistency.

Pokemon Name: Sableye-Mega
Role: Fatass stall mon
Stat Changes (If Any): 50 / 85 / 125 / 85 / 115 / 50 (510 BST)
Ability Changes (If Any): Magic Bounce
Movepool Changes (If Any): none
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Honestly doesn't need much of anything. Going to be a stall cornerstone in this mod.

Pokemon Name: Smeargle
Role: Suicide lead
Stat Changes (If Any): 65 (+10) / 10 (-10) / 55 (+20) / 70 (+50) / 55 (+10) / 75
Ability Changes (If Any): Oblivious / Sturdy / Contrary
Movepool Changes (If Any): uhhh
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Oblivious/Sturdy makes lead sets more consistent without needing to worry about faster Taunts/KOs. Sets looking to go wild have Contrary which could be really fun.
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here we go
Pokemon Name: Mawile
Role: Hazard Setter, Trick Room Abuser(?), Sheer Force Breaker
Stat Changes (If Any): +10 HP, -10 Attack, +50 Sp. Atk, (60 / 85 / 85 / 95 / 55 / 50)
Ability Changes (If Any): none! (still Hyper Cutter / Intimidate / Sheer Force (HA))
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Slack Off, +Moonblast
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: recovery, good defensive typing.

and now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
Pokemon Name: Mega Mawile
Role: Swords Dance Sweeper, Mixed Breaker
Stat Changes (If Any): +10 HP, -10 attack (+20 from mega), +40 defense (from mega), +50 Sp. Atk +40 sp. def (from mega) (60 / 95 / 125 / 95 / 95 / 50)
Ability Changes (If Any): Huge Power
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Slack Off, +Moonblast
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: bulky, good typing, recovery. but is hella slow

if M-Maw having too much attack's the problem, just lower it instead of changing the gimmick that makes it good.

Pokemon Name: Farfetch'd
Role: Crit Machine, Hazard Removal Deterrent(?), Long Reach User(?), Swords Dance Sweeper
Stat Changes (If Any): +23 HP, +15 Attack, +30 Defense, +23 Sp. Def, +37 Speed (75 / 105 / 85 / 58 / 85 / 97)
Ability Changes (If Any): Super Luck / Long Reach / Defiant (HA)
Movepool Changes (If Any): Sacred Sword, Psycho Cut, Cross Poison, High Horsepower
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: no other mon in the meta is really a "crit machine". sure Zapdos-G is in the meta, but that mon is alot stronger, but it doesn't have Swords Dance to set-up + get the Defiant boost. and it'll never use bulk up like, ever. there is no other long reach user in the meta, the other sd sweepers are uh, there. are probably better, but this one has tools to also be good. like Leek + Super LucK

Pokemon Name: Ledian
Role: Swords Dance Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Iron Fist Physical Attacker
Stat Changes (If Any): 80 / 105 / 65 / 55 / 110 / 110 (+25 HP, +70 Attack, +15 Defense, +25 Speed)
Ability Changes (If Any): Swarm / Aerilate / Iron Fist
Movepool Changes (If Any): Leech Life, Fire Punch, Close Combat, First Impression
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: WIP
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Hello, my name is: Sableye
I am a: bulky entry hazard setter
Stat Changes (if any): 60/85/100/65/100/50 (+35 SpDef, +25 Def, +10 HP, +10 Atk)
Movepool Changes (if any): +Taunt/Dazzling Gleam/Toxic Spikes/Toxic
Ability Changes (if any): Prankster / Merciless / Keen Eye (HA)
What sets this Pokemon apart? Prankster Toxic/Disable/Toxic Spikes is very useful to cripple offensive teams.

Hello, my name is: Mega Sableye
I am a: insanely bulky Toxic staller
Stat changes: 90/105/120/65/120/60 (+20 Def/SpD/Atk, +30 HP, +10 Spe)
Movepool changes (if any): +Venom Drench
Ability changes: Prankster
What sets this Pokemon apart? We've got good defenses, decent Attack, and priority with Prankster.
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Pokemon Name: Smeargle
Role: Imposter
Stat Changes (If Any): 135 / 20 / 35 / 20 / 45 / 75
Ability Changes (If Any):
Movepool Changes (If Any):
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Higher HP than Ditto. Also fixes Smeargle.

all i’ve got for rn, might think of something better later
Pokemon Name: Sableye
Role: Hazard Setter, Prankster User
Stat Changes: 50/80/95/80/95/50 (460)
Ability Changes: Keen Eye / Stall / Prankster (HA)
Movepool Changes: Stealth Rock
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:

Pokemon Name: Sableye-Mega
Role: Stallbreaker
Stat Changes: 50/110/95/110/95/90 (560)
Ability Changes: Magic Bounce
Movepool Changes: Stealth Rock
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:

Pokemon Name: Mawile
Role: Bulky Wallbreaker
Stat Changes: 50/105/90/55/90/70 (460)
Ability Changes: Hyper Cutter / Intimidate / Sheer Force (HA)
Movepool Changes: Recover
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:

Pokemon Name: Mawile-Mega
Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Swords Dance Sweeper
Stat Changes: 50/125/105/75/105/100 (560)
Ability Changes: Strong Jaw
Movepool Changes: Recover
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:

Pokemon Name: Ledian
Role: Special Wallbreaker
Stat Changes: 75/45/70/95/110/75 (470)
Ability Changes: Swarm / Early Bird / Tinted Lens (HA)
Movepool Changes: Quiver Dance
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?:

Descs will come later
Also, how could I not pitch in for the cute ladybug?

Name: Ledian
Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Stat Changes: 70/90/70/45/55/130 = 470 BST (+80)
Ability Changes: Swarm / Hustle / Iron Fist (HA)
Movepool Changes: +Leech Life, -all Flying-type moves
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles? Hustle is a great ability for a physical wallbreaker, while a fast and frail physical attacker could be a massive asset on defensively focused teams.
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Pokemon Name: Delibird
Role: Offensive spiker
Stat Changes (If Any): 70/100/50/70/65/105 (+20, +45, +5, +5, +20, +30)
Ability Changes (If Any): Hustle, Vital Spirit | Magic Guard
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Taunt, Icicle Crash, +Swords Dance, +Roost

Delibird has a role of being an offensive spiker/spinner that can come in often throughout the game with magic guard.
Gonna put out a 24 hour notice because I forgot to post it here even though I posted it on Discord.


Hello, my name is: Sableye
I am a: bulky entry hazard setter
Stat Changes (if any): 50/60/110/50/105/30 (-15 Attack/Special Attack, -20 Speed/+40 Defense/Special Defense)
Movepool Changes (if any): +Taunt/Dazzling Gleam/Toxic Spikes/Toxic, -Power Gem/Zen Headbutt
Ability Changes (if any): Prankster / Merciless / Keen Eye (HA)
What sets this Pokemon apart? Prankster Toxic/Disable/Toxic Spikes is very useful to cripple offensive teams.

Hello, my name is: Mega Sableye
I am a: insanely bulky Toxic staller
Stat changes: 50/60/190/25/170/10 (+80 Defense/+65 SpDef (+145 BST), -25 SpAtk/-20 Speed (-45 BST) = +100 BST)
Movepool changes (if any): +Venom Drench
Ability changes: Prankster
What sets this Pokemon apart? Massive Defenses combines with a good defensive typing and Prankster Venom Drench to create a Toxic-stalling warlord.

name: Sableye-Mega
item: Sablenite
type: Ghost/Poison
move 1: Toxic/Toxic Spikes
move 2: Venom Drench
move 3: Foul Play
move 4: Poison Jab/Taunt
Both of these are substantially too bulky given what they can do. Sableye probably needs bulk around the 80s and Mega Sableye shouldn't have bulk changed much.

Also, how could I not pitch in for the cute ladybug?

Name: Ledian
Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Type Changes: Bug/Flying -----> Bug/Fighting
Stat Changes:
70/115/60/45/30/130 = 470 BST (+80)
Ability Changes: Swarm / Hustle / Iron Fist (HA)
Movepool Changes: +all physical Fighting-type moves/Leech Life, -all Flying-type moves
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles? Hustle is a great ability for a physical wallbreaker, while a fast and frail physical attacker could be a massive asset on defensively focused teams.

Weaknesses/Resists: (bold for 4x)

Fighting, Ground, Bug, Grass, Dark
Weaknesses: Flying, Fairy, Psychic, Fire

Possible sets:
Ledian :ledian:
ability: Iron Fist/Hustle
item: Muscle Band/Life Orb
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Leech Life
move 3: U-turn/Swords Dance
move 4: Mach Punch

bold = STAB,
italics = no damage
This is broken given the minmax stat spread. 115 Atk + Hustle is impossible to wall given how insane you made its moveset.

Time to try my hand!


Pokemon Name: Mawile
Role: Strong Jaw spammer
Stat Changes (if any): 55/115/100/35/30/50 (+30 Attack, +15 Defense, -20 Sp. Atk, -25 Sp. Def)
Ability Changes (if any): Strong Jaw / Sheer Force / Defiant (HA)
Movepool Changes (if any): +Psychic Fangs/Moonlight/Swords Dance
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles? Great defensive typing, decently reliable recovery, and Strong Jaw-boosted Psychic Fangs and Crunch offering good coverage

And now...


Pokemon Name: Mega Mawile
Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Stat Changes (if any): 55/150/135/35/30/80 (+35 Atk, +35 Def, +30 Spe from Mega = +100 BST)
Ability Changes (if any): Sheer Force (honestly, I would have gone for Huge Power, but 300 Attack was just too much)
Movepool Changes (if any): +Iron Head
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles? Huge Attack stat, Sheer Force-boosted Iron Head

name: Mawile-Mega
item: Mawilite
ability: Sheer Force
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Iron Head (156 BP with STAB + Sheer Force)
move 3: Play Rough (175.5 BP with STAB + Sheer Force)
move 4: Moonlight/Crunch (90 BP with Sheer Force)
Mega Mawile is much too strong for anything in the tier to deal with given its defensive typing and every Sheer Force move it needs. I am willing to accept your base Mawile, but you will likely need to change its stats due to needing to change the Mega's stats.

In general, minmaxed subs are frowned upon as it creates hyper specialized Pokemon, which is the opposite of what people look for in a good sub.
:farfetch'd: :farfetch'd-galar:
Pokemon Name: Farfetch'd
Role: Swords Dance sweeper/Eviolite User
Stat Changes (If Any): 52/100/75/58/82/80 ( +10 atk ,20 def, +30 spdef, +20 speed)
Ability Changes (If Any): Unburden
Movepool Changes (If Any): Fake Out, Sacred Sword, Drill Peck, Roost (Galar farfetch'd only because normal farfec) U-Turn (Galar farfetch'd only)
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Farfetch'd has 2 different roles depending on its form. :farfetch'd: is a Swords dance sweeper with sufficient bulk to live a turn and the utility of unburden to make Farfetch'd's (is that how you do it lmfao) already decent speed much better to the point that it can outspeed a lot of scarfers. You can activate this ability by using a normal gem (and possibly fake out) or a sitrus berry depending on if you think the opponent will attack or not and its decent coverage will definitely leave a mark after swords dance.

On the other side of the spectrum, :farfetch'd-galar: takes advantage of the buffed defences, utilising Eviolite as well as tailwind and u-turn to set up a teammate as well as knock off to disrupt an opponent while also being an all-around great tank.

wWhile in theory their roles are interchangeable, the roles work best with who they are assigned to.
Gonna put out a 24 hour notice because I forgot to post it here even though I posted it on Discord.

Both of these are substantially too bulky given what they can do. Sableye probably needs bulk around the 80s and Mega Sableye shouldn't have bulk changed much.

This is broken given the minmax stat spread. 115 Atk + Hustle is impossible to wall given how insane you made its moveset.

Mega Mawile is much too strong for anything in the tier to deal with given its defensive typing and every Sheer Force move it needs. I am willing to accept your base Mawile, but you will likely need to change its stats due to needing to change the Mega's stats.

In general, minmaxed subs are frowned upon as it creates hyper specialized Pokemon, which is the opposite of what people look for in a good sub.
I'm sorry. I changed them and deleted the Mega Mawile.
Time to vote!

Vote for your top 3 for each mon. Votes aren't ranked. Remember that Pokemon with megas are voted as a pair! You can have a number of self votes equal to half the amount of subs you made (max of 3).

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:Sableye: Ema Skye, Samtendo09, ViZar
:Mawile: Ema Skye, Regic Boat, ViZar
:Delibird: Samtendo09, Ema Skye
:Farfetch'd: Samtendo09, Ema Skye, Regic Boat
:Ledian: Ema Skye, Regic Boat, Samtendo09
:Smeargle: Samtendo09, Ema Skye, Beaf Cultist
:Sableye: Samtendo09, Ema Skye, ViZar
:Mawile: Ema Skye, Regic Boat, ViZar
:Delibird: Samtendo09, Ema Skye
:Farfetch'd: Ema Skye, Samtendo09, Regic Boat
:Ledian: Ema Skye, Regic Boat, Samtendo09
:Smeargle: Samtendo09, Ema Skye, Beaf Cultist
:Sableye: Ema Skye, Samtendo09, ViZar
:Mawile: Ema Skye, Regic Boat, ViZar
:Delibird: Samtendo09, Ema Skye
:Farfetchd: Ema Skye, Samtendo09, Regic Boat
:ledian: Ema Skye, Regic Boat
:smeargle: Samtendo09, Ema Skye, Beaf Cultist